
World Geography Lesson Plans Teacher: Reiser

WEEK 1: 8/25-8/29

|Monday |TLW: |Objective: Getting to Know You and Policies and Procedures |

|8/25 | | |


| | |Activities: |

| | |Introduction: Getting to Know You |

| | |Student Information Sheet |

| | |Create the World |

| | |Materials: Student Information Sheet, |

| | |Follow Up/HW: |

| | |Parent Sheet and Supplies Due on Tuesday 9/2 |

| | |Please start getting your classroom supplies. |

|Tuesday |TLW: |Objective: Syllabus/ What is Geography/Mapping Skills |

|8/26 |1: Learn classroom rules and | |

| |procedures. | |

| | | |

| |2. Discuss why geography is | |

| |important and how it is involved in| |

| |our lives. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Class Syllabus: Procedures and Expectations |

| | |Why Teach Geography? |

| | |Intro to Geo PowerPoint/Activity |

| | |Materials: Handouts |

| | |Follow Up/HW: |

| | |Parent Sheet and Supplies Due on Tuesday 9/2 |

| | |Supplies |

|Wednesda|TLW: |Objective: Mapping Skills (TODALSIGS, Types of Maps) |

|y/Thursd|Identify the different parts of a | |

|ay8/27-2|map. | |

|8 |Identify the different types of | |

| |general purpose and thematic maps. | |

| |Identify and evaluate the different| |

| |types of map projections. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Warm-Up |

| | |Notes: TODALSIGS |

| | |Activity: Comparing Types of Maps/Mapping Lab Activity (Political and Physical) |

| | |Materials: Notebook, Handouts, |

| | |Follow Up/HW: |

| | |Parent Sheet and Supplies Due on Tuesday 9/2 |

| | |**Make sure you have your binder for binder set-up day next week. |

|Friday |TLW: |Objective: Finish Map Skills |

|8/29 | | |

| |Identify the different types of | |

| |charts and graphs and evaluate | |

| |their uses. | |

| |Construct different types of charts| |

| |and graphs. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Warm-Up |

| | |Assign Map Project (Due Fri 9/5) |

| | |Finish up Wed/Thurs. Activities (Mapping Lab) |

| | |Charts and Graphs: Notes and Activity |

| | |Materials: Handouts, Notebook |


| | |Parent Sheet and Supplies Due on Tuesday 9/2 |

| | | |

| | |Map Project Due Friday 9/5 |

Week 2: 9/1-9/5

|Monday|TLW: |Objective: RELAX |

| | | |

| |NO SCHOOL | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |LABOR DAY |

| | |Materials: |

| | |Follow Up/HW: Parent Sheet and Supplies Due on Tuesday 9/2 |

|Tuesda|TLW: |Objective: Notebook and Charts and Graphs |

|y | | |

| |Construct different types of charts| |

| |and graphs. | |

| | | |

| |Define and review ESPN concept and | |

| |approach to studying geography. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Turn in Parent Sheet |

| | |Finish Charts and Graphs Activity |

| | |Review ESPN |

| | |Assign Current Event Project Due Tuesday 9/23 |

| | |Materials: Handout, Textbook, Atlas |

| | |Follow Up/HW: |

| | |Article Check 1 will be Friday (no late work will be accepted for this assignment) |

| | |Map Project Due Friday 9/5 |

| | |Map Quiz Friday 9/5 |

|Wednes|TLW: |Objective: :Five Themes |

|day/Th| | |

|ursday|Describe and analyze the Five | |

| |Themes of Geography. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Warm-Up/Pre-Assessment |

| | |Set-Up Interactive Notebook—NEED BINDER AND SUPPLIES |

| | |Five Themes of Geography Notes/ Activity |

| | |Materials: Handouts, Notebook |

| | |Follow Up/HW: |

| | |Article Check 1 will be Friday (no late work will be accepted for this assignment) |

| | |Map Project Due Friday 9/5 |

| | |Map Quiz Friday 9/5 |

|Friday|TLW: |Objective: Five Themes: Location |

| | | |

| |Describe and analyze the Five | |

| |Themes of Geography. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Warm-Up/Article Check/Turn in Map Project |

| | |Map Quiz |

| | |Finish Five Themes Activity |

| | |Materials: Notebook, Handouts, Colored Pencils/Markers |

| | |Follow Up/HW: : Finish activities if incomplete |

| | |Current Event Article Check 2 on Friday 9/12 |

Week 3: 9/8 - 9/12

|Monday|TLW: |Objective: Regions |

| | | |

| |Explain what constitutes a region | |

| |and describe the different types of| |

| |regions. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Warm-Up |

| | |Regions Notes |

| | |Formal, Functional, and Perceptual Regions |

| | |Activity: Regions of WHS |

| | |Materials: |

| | |Follow Up/HW: |

| | |CE Article Check 2 due Friday (will not be taken late) |

|Tuesda|TLW: |Objective: Regions |

|y |Explain what constitutes a region | |

| |and describe the different types of| |

| |regions. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Warm-Up |

| | |Discussion: Culture Regions v. Physical Regions |

| | |Regions Group Activity |

| | |Materials: Handouts |

| | |Follow Up/HW: |

| | |CE Article Check 2 due Friday (will not be taken late) |

|Wednes|TLW: |Objective: Regions |

|day/Th|Identify, Describe, and compare and| |

|ursday|contrast the different regions of | |

| |the world. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Warm-Up |

| | |Regions Group Activity—Finish and Present |

| | |Materials: Notebook, Handouts, |

| | |Follow Up/HW: |

|Friday|TLW: |Objective: Regions |

| | | |

| |Identify, Describe, and compare and| |

| |contrast the different regions of | |

| |the world. | |

| | |Activities: |

| | |Warm Up/ Article Check |

| | |Wrap-Up Regions |

| | | |

| | |Materials: Notebook |

| | |Follow Up/HW: HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ! |


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