West Virginia University PETE Unit Plan Name: Tommy HasenstabDate: 3/19/15Unit ActivityStrength and Conditioning Unit ContextLearner Characteristics:There can be up to 60 students participating in the class. Since there are two teachers , one teacher will take half the students (strength) and other teacher will take rest of students (conditioning). After half way through the semester, we will switch groups. The developmental level of the students taking the class are college level students. Their skill level may be little or none too very experienced range. It is possible that the students lack motivation because they view the class as an easy A and expect to just show up and play. All they really want is the credit and do not take it seriously. Physical Environment: indoor facility with wood flooring located at the Stansbury Hall. There will be about 3 full side basketball courts in which the classroom will be held. At Stansbury Hall there will also be a weight room in which classes will be held during our strength portion of class. Both of these places at Stansbury is where we will conduct our class. Equipment Access: Students will have access to all the weight equipment in the weight room. These include, dumbbells, squat racks, bench machine, free weights, medicine balls. Any additional equipment will be available for the students to use during the class. Special Concerns: Keeping physical contact to a minimum. This is a safety measure when assisting the students in the classroom for examples and demonstrations. Make sure area is checked and safe. Making sure every student gets a turn during all activities . Making accommodations that is needed for students with specific needs. Make sure students are not using equipment to hurt or injury other students. Make sure students understand importance of having spotters. Make sure students are fully stretch before beginning any activities during class. Standards AddressedNASPE Standards for PE_x_ Motor Skills & Movement Forms x Movement Concepts x Physical Activity x Health-Related Fitness x Personal & Social Behavior Values Physical ActivityWV Standards for PE_x_ Movement Forms_x_ Motor Skills_x_ Physical Activity_x_ Physical Fitness_x_ Personal & Social BehaviorUnit GoalTo develop the necessary skills and knowledge in order for students to work on strength and conditioning techniques. Unit ObjectivesPsychomotor: The student will be able to (TSWBAT) learn how to properly stretch, lift, use equipment, spotting, and conditioning workouts by the end of the semester. The students will be assessed on the application tasks and are expected to achieve 70% of the points. Cognitive: TSWBAT answer 80% of the quizzes correctly based off of lifting techniques, conditioning workouts, and safety.Affective: TSWBAT work together 75% of the time by changing weights, spotting, and helping others during the activities. How are you measuring this?Health-Related Fitness: TSWBAT be active 60% of the time doing lifting and conditioning workouts, which is directly correlated to health fitness. The students will take part in a fitness challenge at the end of the semester. Content OutlineMotor Skills:Push upsSit upsSquatRunningJumping Critical Elements:Lay flat on the ground, face down.Hands directly under shoulder.Lift up, fully extending your arms. Back straight.Bend arms returning to starting position.Lay on your back, legs at a 45 degree angle.Hands overlap behind the head.Bend at the waist bringing your head to your knees.Bend back to returning position.Athletic stance, feet shoulder width apart.Hands overlap behind the head.Bend your knees, sticking your butt out until you are at a 90 degree angle.Back straight.Strand back up to starting position.Push off from the balls of your feet.Oppositional movement of arms and legs.Transfer weight from one leg to the other, with a flight path in between.Bend elbows and swing arms.Athletic stance, feet shoulder width apart.Get in a squat position, bending your knees to a 90 degree angle. Explode upward, swinging your arms above your head.Land softly with knees bent.Instructional Cues:Back straightPush from chestExtend your armsUse your coreDont swing your arms upwardStick your butt outBend your kneesPump your armsExplode with your legsExplode with your legsThrow your arms upwardsScope and Sequence of ContentInforming Tasks:We are going to do pushups. Pushups are a workout that mostly uses the chest and triceps muscles. Pushups are done by laying face first, flat on the ground. You want to place your hands directly under your shoulders. By “pushing up” with your chest until you get arms fully extended. Hold that position for a second. Keep your back straight throughout the whole process. Bend your arms to return to the starting position. We are going to do situps. Situps are done by laying on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle. Place your hands behind your head either overlapping your hands or touching your fingers together. Bend from the waist, using your core to bring your head to your knees. Almost like pushing your belly button to the floor. We are gong to squats. Squats are done by getting in an athletic position with your feet shoulder width apart. Place your hands behind your head. Bend your knees until your legs are at a 90 degree angle. Keep your back straight by sticking your butt out when bending. We are going to be running. Running is done by exploding off the balls of your feet. Alternate each leg, having a flight path in between each step. Arms and legs should be working in opposition. Bend your elbows and swing your arms.We are going to be jumping. Jumping is done by getting in an athletic stance with your feet shoulder width apart. Get in a squat position by bending your knees. Have your arms at your side. At the same time explode from the legs and swing your arms up above your headExtension Tasks:How many pushups can you do without stoppingHow many pushups can you do in a minutePushups with weights on youWide armed pushupsTriangle pushupsHow many situps can you do without stoppingHow many situps can you do in a minuteSitups with medicine ballsTwisted situpsHow many squats can you do without stoppingHow many squats can you do in a minuteSquats with weights How fast can you sprintHow long can you run forHow fast can you run a mileHow far can you jump standing stillHow far can you jump when runningHow high can you jumpApplying Tasks:Students will be assessed on their form and performanceStudents will be assessed on their form and performanceStudents will be assessed on their form and performanceStudents will be assessed on their form and performanceStudents will be assessed on their form and performanceBlock Time PlanLesson 1: -Class Introduction-Go over Syllabus-Intro Fitness-Skills CombineLesson 2:-Quiz 1-Warm-Up-Biceps/Back-App Task #1Lesson 3:-Quiz 2-Warm-Up-Chest/Triceps-App Task #2Lesson 4: -Quiz 3-Warm-Up-Shoulders/Abs-App Task #3Lesson 5:-Quiz 4-Warm-Up-Legs/Abs-App Task #4Lesson 6:-Quiz 5-Warm-Up-Upper Body-App Task #5Lesson 7:-Warm-Up-Lower Body -App Task #6Lesson 8:-Intro to Culminating -Events-Warm-Up-Culminating EventsLesson 9:-Quiz 6-Warm-Up-P90X-App Task #7Lesson 10:-Quiz 7-Warm-up-P90X #2-App Task #8Lesson 11:Quiz 8Warm-UpInsanityApp Task #9Lesson 12:-Quiz 9-Warm-up-Insanity #2 -App Task #10Lesson 13:-Quiz 10 -Warm-up-Cross-Fit-App Task #11Lesson 14:-Final Quiz (10 Points)-Warm-Up-Cross-Fit #2-Fitness Challenge(app task#12)Lesson 15: -Intro to Culminating EventsWarm-up-Culminating Events Instructional StrategyI will explain and demonstrate each lift before the students perform the activity. I will show them how to properly spot each lift to make sure each student is safe during the workouts. I will explain and demonstrate each p90, Insanity, and Cross-Fit workouts before the students preform the activities. I will go over each safety consideration for each lift and drill before every class. I will be overseeing all activity to make sure the students are performing the workouts correctly. The main instructional strategy used will be the Sports Education Model, Utilizing SCARFF.SCARFF stands for Seasons, Culminating Event, Affiliation, Roles, Record Keeping, Formal Competition, and FestivitiesSeasons: The season instructional strategy involves the students being separated into two groups. First half of the groups block will focus on strengthening the body and the other group will be focusing on conditioning of the body. Once that block period is over, students will switch places and proceed with other block for remainder of semester. This season includes an introduction, quizzes, fitness session, application task. At the end of the season, students will compete in a culminating event involving both strength and conditioning components.Culminating Event- There will be two culminating events for both strength and conditioning components to this class. Both groups will participate in these culminating events (one at first half of semester & end of semester). The culminating event for strength portion is a full body workout for the students. The conditioning workout for the 2nd culminating event will be a conditioning circuit.This event is necessary to have in order for the students to showcase their skills that have improved over the course of the season. The event gives the students something to look forward to and have a common goal. Affiliation- Throughout the season, the student will do many team-related activities. Students will be fully immersed in the team, making sure to follow their roles assigned to them on a given week. All of students will wear the same color shirt, show up on time, participate fully, be respectful to the members of their team as well as the other teams, and respect the equipment being used. This is important because students should learn how to work well within a team setting rather than focusing on individual skills and tactics. It is also important to be The students will learn and practice good sportsmanship and will take turns doing different roles such as fitness trainer, equipment manager, and coach. Roles- Every week, students will be given a specific role to fulfill. Fulfilling the specific roles is important so that students see every aspect of team sport. During the season, the four roles will be the coach, fitness trainer, scorekeeper, and equipment manager. The coach is responsible for leading his/her team through the daily practice and getting them ready for the application task. It is also the coach’s responsibility to motivate the team and make sure everybody is participating. The fitness trainer will be responsible for leading his/her team through a fitness warm-up (stretching, running, strength exercises, etc.). This is so the team is physically fit and capable of playing the game. The scorekeeper is responsible for keeping records of their team’s points. The points are made up of wearing the right shirts, and showing up on time, as well as their performance in competition. The final role is the equipment manager. Making sure that the equipment is present, and ready to go before the class begins fulfills this role. At the end of the class, the students will gather the equipment and return it to the cage or where ever the equipment is originally stored. Record Keeping- There will be a record (daily team points) of student performance, as well as wearing the designated color shirt, showing up on time, and being present for class. If the students follow the directions given to them, their daily team points are perfect. However, if the students do not wear the right color shirt or are tardy, their daily team points will be affected. Record keeping will also affect a portion of the grade. It is also important to have record keepers so you can understand team points, and keep track of the way teachers are scoring students. Formal Competition: At the end of every class period, students will participate in an application task. The application task is a competition in which students will partake in skills that they learned that day during practice. The winners of these tasks will receive daily team points. Formal competition is important because it gives students a chance to show what skills they have acquired or improved during the lesson. Festivity: Like the culminating event, the festivity is the last day of class in which students will participate in two of the following events. These events are the ending of a block or semester. Both a full body workout and a conditioning circuit. The students should see this event as enjoyable and fun, but also competitive for daily team points. We use this to determine the “champion” of the season.Instruction:Tasks and skills will be instructed through teacher and student demonstrations. This will be very important as we need to explain what we will be doing and the safety measure along with it. Extension tasks increase/decrease in distance and in difficulty when proficiency has been met. Application tasks occur daily to reinforce lesson focus for the day. Daily Culminating event is a game where teams will use all skills learned in class. Assessment ProceduresPsycho-motor: The students will receive points from the individual application tasks. Each individual task will be worth 5 points. The person who comes in first place will receive 5/5 points, 2nd place will 4/5 points and last place will receive the minimum of 3 points. There will be 12 application tasks. Team who finishes with most points will win their daily team points. Cognitive: The students will receive points based off of 10 reading quizzes, as well as a final exam on the second to last day of class. Each quiz is worth 1 point for a total of ten points and a final quiz worth 10 points. Goal is for students to achieve at lest 70% on the quizzes, the final exam will be worth 10 total points. Affective: The students will work together as a part of the team to earn as many daily team points as possible. This will consist of being on time, having the right roles, team color, safety considerations, application task etc. They are to achieve great success with daily team points so they can earn the extra five bonus points. Team with the most daily team points by the end of the semester will be awarded these points. Health-Related Fitness: During the course, students will be using all of the components learned from both blocks ( strengthening and conditioning) to prepare for the fitness challenge which will be held at the end of the semester. This will include a variety of the activities that were done during the semester. This challenge will be our 12th application task. They will compete in this app task like they have for the other 11 application task prior to this. Team who wins the most competitions within the challenge will receive daily team points.Resources UsedBooks: NoneJournal Articles: NoneElectronic Sources: Youtube Videos and Music ................

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