Some type of interview with authors about a general ...

You can set yourself up to be sick, or you can choose to stay well.

Wayne Dyer American psychotherapist, author and lecturer.

Special Announcement: Our office will be open these Saturdays: Jan 10th, Jan 24th, and Feb 7th and 21st from 10-2 pm. Call now to schedule a massage if you want one, because Saturdays book fast! Call 626-338-3600 before the rest are gone…

Fat Loss Breakthrough!

Just In Time For New Year’s Resolutions!

Non-surgical, non-invasive, non-drug,

FDA approved Laser Liposuction!


est Covina-

Now that the holidays are over, and the evidence of the fun we had with whatever tasty goodies we ‘treated’ ourselves to can be seen in the extra ‘fluffiness’ we now have on our bodies, our thoughts usually turn to finding a quick fix for getting rid of that extra baggage.

Ads run constantly on TV in January for health clubs, creams, drugs like Alli that make you leak from your butt (seriously, anal leakage is a reported side effect), machines that promise to get you ripped in no time with no effort, etc.

The problem with most of these is that they only work if you make a lasting commitment, while some are just an outright scam or a huge exaggeration.

Promises like “just 3 times per week of a few minutes will create rock hard abs” are usually exaggerations and create unrealistic expectations.

Many people stop going to the gym or sticking to their diets by the end of January because the promised results don’t seem to appear.

To get abs or get rid of love handles, you usually would have to eat a very rigid diet and do serious cardio work to ‘carve ‘em up.’

And for many people, even that doesn’t get them the coveted ‘six pack’ or ‘hourglass.’

That’s why more and more people turn to costly and risky surgeries.

Now Here Is The Good News!

Erchonia Medical has made a laser that makes fat cells simply dump out their fat contents…without surgery!

This is a HUGE breakthrough! What many people don’t realize is that surgical liposuction is risky and painful to recover from, and that you can actually die from the procedure.

Death from liposuction has even happened to celebrities or their family members, even while in the hands of the ‘top surgeons.’

Another problem is that because they scrape away fat cells, you can get an uneven appearance. And, if you continue to have bad eating habits after the surgery, you will continue to add fat, but this fat can appear lumpy and unnatural because the fat will now deposit in other areas where you still have fat cells.

This can result in a strange appearance where there is a flat tummy but abnormally fatty upper arms or legs, etc. Many patients have regrets about the surgery when this happens.

So here is where the Erchonia Lipolaser is different: no surgery, no scraping, no anesthesia, no side effects, no uneven appearance, no painful recovery.

The Erchonia Lipolaser also has earned FDA approval for non-surgical fat removal.

FDA approval means 2 things: 1) it does what it claims to do, 2) it is safe.

Their study was published in the American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery. The Lipolaser was shown to cause abdominal fat cells to release their fat stores after treatment with the laser.

The fat stays in a liquid state outside the fat cells for the next 48 hours, and is removed from the body through the lymphatic system.

Patients can help flushing off of the fat cells by exercising, massage, having the Erchonia percussor applied to the area, or using an Intracell roller over the area at home each night.

Additionally, taking a supplement called “Lyso Lyph” from Nutriwest or doing the EBPro ionic detox can also help flush out the fat.

In the study, patients were treated 3 times per week for 2 weeks. Here are the results:

The average amount of inches lost was 5 inches from the waist, hips, and thighs combined.

And, this was with NO CHANGES in DIET or EXERCISE!

Again, these are not undocumented claims. This was published in a peer-reviewed journal.

I suggest that you go to to view the study. (We also have a copy in our office)

You can also do a Google search on ‘Zerona laser.’ It has even been featured on TV news.

I was fortunate enough to get a Lipolaser on loan from Erchonia for a month.

Using the laser for 2 weeks made a noticeable difference around the belly and on the love handles, which have been my problem areas.

Even after seeing the results first hand, I am still

amazed and can’t believe its real.

Unlike surgery, the Lipolaser will never cause an uneven or lumpy appearance because the fat cells remain intact after they have released their


Even cosmetic surgeons now use the Lipolaser before traditional liposuction because it helps them get a better result with less scraping.

Erchonia makes 2 lipolasers, one that is actually a combination of several lasers that treat large areas at once. This is called the Zerona laser.

The other version is handheld and treats target or

‘spot’ areas, like the tummy, love handles, or

‘saddlebags,’ or the arms, neck, etc.

Sessions usually last about from 12 to 45 minutes. The difference between the 2 lasers is the cost of treatment and the speed of results.

Sessions with the Zerona laser range from around $2500 to $5000 for the 2 week period.

With the Lipolaser, sessions are less expensive, but usually require more than 6 sessions to achieve the inches lost as described in the studies.

So where can you go to get Lipolaser treatments?

Well, I was so impressed by the results that I got on myself that I bought a lipolaser. So…you can try it at my office!

For January, we are offering a greatly reduced price to introduce it to my patients. A 30 minute session will be reduced to just $49 per session. We will also have packages and payment plans as well.

Also, if you really want to enhance your results, we also have fat burning supplements, Lyso Lyph, the EB Pro ionic detox, and custom exercise and nutrition programs.

Prior to getting the treatment, I will meet with you to make sure you are a candidate (the right type of fat, amount of it, and appropriate goals/expectations.)

This consult will be free and have no obligations. If you are a goo candidate, I will go over with you any recommendations.

To document your results, I will do a computerized body fat evaluation and take your measurements prior to your first treatment. At the end of the first 2 weeks, we will remeasure to see what your results are.

If you have done your 3 sessions per week for 2 weeks, and there are no changes or if you are not satisfied, I will refund your money. Good deal, huh?!

Because this newsletter is going out to over 800 people in my database, and because there is only room for 9 people per 2 weeks, I will have to limit this offer to only the first 18 callers for January. After those slots are filled, you can be added to the wait list in case of cancellations or if someone is not a good candidate.

So, if you want some incredible help with getting your body back for 2009, call us quickly before the slots are all filled.

Lance Armstrong’s Chiropractor, Dr Jeff Spencer,

Trains Dr Gair In The Methods He Uses on

Lance and Other World Famous Athletes!

Imagine having shoulder or knee pain that limits your ability to move. Now imagine that a laser is applied to a specific point on your body for just 2 seconds and the pain is now gone and the muscle is now strong. Does this sound like science fiction? Well, not only is it possible, it is something I now do everyday in my office since getting trained by Dr Spencer!

Imagine being scheduled for knee surgery next week, then getting 2 laser sessions and feeling so good and pain free that you actually cancel your surgery. In June, I helped one of my patients do just that.

How about having total knee replacement, then amazing your doctors when you walk out of the hospital in just a couple of days, and have as good of function after just one month as most people take 6 months to achieve. This summer, I helped one of my patients do just that.

What if you were a college football prospect and you hurt your shoulder so badly that the orthopedic doctor told you your season was over. Then imagine getting 3 laser treatments and being 95% of normal, not missing a game, and going on to catch for over 1000 yards. This fall, I helped a high school senior do that.

I’m not telling you this to brag. This is no doing of my own. This is all thanks to the pioneering methods of Dr Spencer, who in my opinion, is the best cold laser practitioner in the world. I fully believe that in the near future, his methods will be talked about as being as ground-breaking, and as revolutionary, as antibiotics and vaccines once were thought of, and, better yet, his methods do not have side effects!

In May 2008 Dr Spencer taught me the exact treatment methods he uses on Lance Armstrong, a World Series MVP, NFL players, pro golfers, NASCAR champions, and even Rock music legends.

After learning his methods, I felt like I had been using methods from the Dark Ages in comparison! In fact, most chiropractors, MDs, and physical therapists will tell you that the results his methods get are not even possible.

Then in December, I spent another weekend training with him in his advanced methods, and he amazed me even more!

While most doctors (myself included before May 2008) focus mostly on pain relief techniques, Dr Spencer showed me how you can actually reprogram the way the brain and the muscles are communicating to get incredible results. WOW! This was a completely different approach!

His combination of laser techniques to reprogram mind-muscle communication in the body, use of kinesiotape, use of specific Nutriwest supplements to help flush out cellular debris and speed tissue repair, and the use of the EBPro Ionic Detox unit, as well as other methods, has allowed me to achieve results like the ones listed above. I used to only dream of results like this!

Actually, the biggest problem of most of my patients who have experienced these new methods first hand is that their friends have a hard time believing that a muscle can be strengthened in just 2 seconds. Even though I see it everyday in my office, I am still amazed as well.

So here is what I am offering to you if you have not been in since May 2008, are a new patient, or if when you came in you did not get laser treatment.

You can receive a free laser demo session, during which time I will test the muscles of your upper and lower body to see if you have any weak or painful ones, and I will then strengthen one muscle with Dr Spencer’s methods. Again, this will only take about 2 seconds in most cases, one minute in others. You have no obligation for further treatment.

I just want you to see what he taught me, and see what my other patients have been enjoying. So, simply call my office before January 31, 2009, and ask for the “Free Laser Demo.” If you have a friend or family member who has never been in, you can extend this offer to them.

*Medicare beneficiaries cannot receive the free demo due to crazy federal insurance regulations.

Health Tips of the Month... Do you feel tired? Here is one thing you can do to increase your energy!

Nature’s Secret Viagra, Antidepressant/Mental Focus Enhancer, and Blood Pressure Reducers Revealed!

The amino acid L-arginine, a “nitric oxide booster,” has been shown to be a great natural “Viagra.” How? It works by greatly improving blood flow to muscles (reduced blood flow has been linked to erectile disorders, EDs). Bodybuilders go crazy for this supplement because of the pump that it gives their muscles after a workout, and studies have also shown a benefit in treating EDs. We have a supplement in the office called Nitrox that is very effective for improving blood flow.

Another amino acid, L-tyrosine, has been shown to help mental functioning and to have some mood enhancing benefits, especially in countering depression.

Lastly, if you want a natural way to lower your blood pressure, try eating pomegranates or drinking their juice. Pomegranates, in addition to having lots of antioxidants, contain substances that block angiotensin converting enzymes (ACE) in your body. The ACE enzyme your body makes causes blood vessels to constrict, which increases blood pressure. Pomegranates will block that enzyme, so your blood vessels remain more dilated and blood pressure drops.

The Fountain of Youth Revealed? America is a youth-obsessed culture, no matter how you look at it, and no one over 30 wants to look or feel their age. While there is no real fountain of youth, there are simple steps you can take to keep your youthful appearance, mental functioning, and outlook as you grow older.

If you feel good, you look good. So take care of your health by eating right and exercising. Every time you put food into your body, stop and really look at it and think about this…those ingredients that you eat now will be the building blocks of your entire body! In fact, in about one year from now, your body will have replaced almost all of the cells you are made of today with new ones made from the materials you eat for the next 12 months. The good news about that is that if you start making healthier choices today, you can rebuild your body from the inside out. Make sure you have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, and keep fatty, sugary foods to a minimum. Consider adding a dietary supplement to your diet to make up for nutrients you may not be getting from your food, especially a good Omega 3 fish oil supplement. Again, make sure it is a quality one and not one of those bargain tubs that you get at warehouse stores. Why? Drink plenty of liquids -- not only will it keep you hydrated throughout the day, but it's good for your skin.

Maintaining healthy skin is the first step to keeping a youthful appearance. Inside and out, replenishing moisture is key to healthy looking skin. So make sure you hydrate yourself with clean, fluoride free water on a daily basis. Also, those same Omega 3 supplements were recently shown to reduce wrinkles and reduce skin cancer, in addition to aiding weight loss!

Exercise is also important to looking and feeling your best. Try to exercise every day -- it's good for your body, and it helps relieve stress (which can take a toll on your health and your appearance). You don't have to run 10 miles to get the benefits of working out. Taking a brisk walk around the neighborhood after dinner is a great way to work exercise into your day. However, if you add in resistance (weight) training, you can greatly improve your overall health. Weight training has been shown to increase bone density (prevent osteoporosis), and can make it easier for you to remain active late in life. Look at Jack La Lane. At 93, he still lifts weight 1 hour per day! You’re never too old to get the benefits of exercise.

If you need help customizing a program for your needs and health conditions, we can help. We can customize an exercise and eating plan, and even recommend supplements, to help you get the most out of your activities.

Remember, we’re always here, using the miracle of Chiropractic to help your

body heal and maintain the health you deserve.

Patient of The Month…This month's patient of the month is Tricia Clark! Congratulations! As usual, the patient of the month will receive a FREE DINNER and will bring as our guests, a couple of their choice, for the dinner! Watch for your name here in a coming month!


[pic] VOLUME 8, ISSUE 1

Health Revolutions

A Free Monthly Newsletter For The Friends and Patients of: Dr Kirk Gair, DC, IDE


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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