Introduction: Arthririn is an ideal herbal preparation for rapidly progressing arthritic exacerbation, refractory to conventional drugs. it is a safe & effective medicine and a new approach for better cure of arthritis.


Commiphora mukul (Gum resin) .

Vitex negundo (Leaves)

Allium sativum (Bulb) .

Cyperus rotundus (root)

Innula cappa (Leaves)

Piper longum (Fruit)

Piper nigrum (Fruit)

Zingiber officinalis (Rhizome)

P. scrofulariflora

Antiarthritic activity: Arthririn contains herbs with anti inflammatory, properties which helps to restore the mobility of the joints.

Indication: Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism & Musculoskeletal disorders.

Adverse effect: Over dosages may cause nausea & palpitation.

Treatment of adverse effect: Withdraw the medicine & give milk.

Doses & administration: Adult: 2 tablets three times a day or as directed by physician.

To be taken orally on empty stomach with milk.

Presentation: Bottle of 60 tablets.


Introduction: Aswagandha is a herbal rejuvenating tonic . It has sedative properties and is also useful for nervous weakness, general debility, insomnia and stress.


Withania somniferra (root) powder

Indication: General and old age debility, insomnia, nervous weakness, and stress problems.

Doses & administration: Adult :2 teaspoonful twice day or as directed by physician.

Children: 1 teaspoonful twice a day.

To be taken orally with milk.

Presentation: Bottle of 75 grams.



Asthmarin is an excellent herbal combination effective in respiratory disorders, especially in asthma, and bronchitis. It is also effective in cold, cough, sore throat, and harshness of voice.


Solanum xanthocarpum (fruit

Tinospora cordifolia (stem)..... ..................

Adhatoda vasica............................ ......

Albigia lebec (bark).............................

Glycerrhiza glabra (stem.

Hedychium spicatum...............................

Abies spectabilis

Curcuma. longa


Asthma of various etiology, cough, cold, sore throat, and other respiratory disorders.

Adverse effect: None.

Contra indication: None.

Doses & administration: Adult : 2 tablets three times a day or as directed by physician.

Children: Half of the adult dose.

To be taken orally in an empty stomach.

Presentation. Bottle of 60 tablets.


Introduction: Avipattikar is a well known classical preparation used for hyperacidity, upper gastro-intestinal tract upsets and constipation.


Piper longum (Fruit )

Zingiber officinalis .

Embelia ribes

Phyllanthus emblica

Terminalia belerica

Terminalia chebula.

Cyperus rotundus

Cinnamomum zeylanicum.

Black Salt.

Elettaria cardamomum

Sygigium aromaticum

Operculina turpathum.

Sugar candy

Action: Ingredients in this medicine are laxative, anodyne, digestive and acid balancing. The combined effect is to wash out the fecal material along with excessive accumulation of acid in the alimentary canal.

Indication: Hyperacidity, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and constipation.

Adverse effect: None.

Contra indication: Diabetes.

Doses & administration: Adult : 2 teaspoonful three times a day.

Children: Half of the adult dose. or as directed by the physician. To be taken orally in an empty stomach preferably with milk.

Presentation: Bottle of 60 grams.


Introduction: Chyavanprash awaleha is the unique and one of the oldest traditional recipe trusted by ayurvedic physicians. It is a proven rejuvenator that slows down aging process. It is useful in general debility of old age, improves growth in young, body resistance to diseases and respiratory tract infections.


Emblica officinalis (Amala)

Sugar candy


Dasamula (ten roots)


Prakshep dravyas (Aromatic herbs) .

Astavarga (Eight vital roots)

Indication: General and old age debility, asthma, chronic cough and urinary troubles.

Adverse effect: None.

Contra indication: Diabetes.

Doses & administration:

Adult : 2 teaspoonful twice day or as directed by physician.

Children: half of the adult dose.

To be taken orally with milk.

Presentation: Bottle of 300, 500 and 1000 gm.


Introduction: It is a classical medicine in Ayurveda for gastric disorders, which can be given to any age group. It is widely used since ancient time specially for constipation, dyspepsia, and general gastro-intestinal disorders.


Terminalia chebula powder

Purgative activity: It is a mild purgative when taken with hot water & absorbent when taken with cold water. The purgative principle in the pericarp of the fruit of T. chebula has been found to be a glycoside similar to sennoside.

Action: The activity of T. chebula is possible by rendering the irregular peristalsis movement uniformly progressive. It is also anodyne, anti-inflammatory.

Indication: Habitual constipation & digestive disorders.

Doses & administration: Adult : 1- 2 teaspoonful.

Children : 1 teaspoonful.

To be given before meal at bed time with hot water orally.

Presentation: Bottle of 100 gms


Introduction: It is an ideal herbo-mineral combination used in relieving various types of fever. Each ingredients contained in Jwaragna are independently being used to treat different types of fever and to allay associated symptoms with high success rate for thousands of years.


Godanti Bhasma

Swertia chirata

Ocimum sanctum

Piper nigrum

Subhra Bhasma

Ferula foetida.

Action: Godanti bhasma has analgesic & antipyretic. Chiraita is an antipyretic & is used generally in fever. Its bitter substance 'chiraitine' is one of the main active principle. Combination helps the body to induce defensive mechanism against systemic pyrogen.

Indication: Acute and chronic fever, cold, flue influenza and P.U.O. It is also useful for symptomatic relief of headache.

Adverse effect: None.

Contra indication: None.

Doses & administration: Adult : 2 tablets thrice a day.

Children : 2 tables thrice a day.

To be taken orally with hot water.

Presentation: Bottle of 60 tables.


Introduction: This is an ideal medicine for leucorrhoea and other gynecological problems. It is very effective in controlling vaginal discharge due to various causes.


Saraca indica

Symplocos racemosa

Rhododendron arboerium

Shorea robusta (Resin.

Shilajit (Purified)

Action: The active principles found in 'Saraca indica' is reported to sedate uterus and associated female genital organs, thereby reducing hyper secretion. Alkaloids, coturine and collutrin present in Symplocos racemosa have absorbent and astringent action and are useful in leucorrhoea.

Shilajit contains minerals and is considered as a nutritional tonic to improve general health and the function of genital organ and to correct urinary tract infection.

Indication: Leucorrhoea, vaginal discharges due to various etiology, uterine swelling and spasmodic pain.

Adverse effect: None.

Contra indication: None

Doses & administration: Adult: 2 tablets three times a day for 3 weeks or as directed by physician. To be taken orally on the empty stomach preferably with rice washed water.

Presentation: Bottle of 60 tablets.


Introduction: M.V. Liv. is classical Ayurvedic recipe containing herbo- mineral ingredients to correct liver dysfunction and to correct metabolic disorders. It has been commonly used in treating jaundice, anemia, and other hepato- biliary disorders.


Triphala (fruit)

Mandoor Bhasma

Picrorhiza kurroa (Rhizome)

Berberis aristata (Bark)

Phyllanthus nirruri (Fruit)

Zingiber officinalis (Rhizome)

Shilajit (Purified

A. Panniculta

E. Alba

Action: Combination has hepatoprotective properties and helps in regeneration and toning up of liver cells.

Indication: Various hepatitis including drug induced and alcoholic, cholecystitis, anemia and minor gastro intestinal tract upsets.

Adverse effect: None.

Contra indication: None.

Doses & administration: Adult : 2 tablets three times a day .

Children : Half of the adult dose.

To be taken orally on the empty stomach water.

Precaution: Avoid fatty, oily, fried, sour and hot foods.

Presentation: Bottle of 60 tablets.


Introduction: Pilarin is a unique formulation for the treatment of piles. It is an effective herbo-mineral preparation useful in bleeding piles. Ingredients contained in this preparation are effective in relieving the congestion of hemorrhoidal veins.


Aconitum heterophyllum (Rhizome)

Commiphora mukul(Gum resin)

Azadirachta indica (Leaves).

Berberis aristata (Bark

Picrorhiza kurroa (Rhizome)

Sapindus trifoliatus (Pulp)

Terminalia chebula(fruit


I. Turpethum.

Action: Pilarin contains herbs possessing anti hemorrhoidal, anti inflammatory and purgative properties, which corrects the piles.

Indication: Piles of both external and internal origin with or without bleeding character.

Doses & administration: Adult : 2 tablets three times a day .

Children: Half of the adult dose, or as directed by the physician. To be taken orally.

Presentation: Bottle of 60 tablets.


Introduction: Pipplydi is a herbal preparation famous for digestive, appetizer & carminative properties. It is used in correcting indigestion, abdominal pain, anorexia, flatulence and other minor gastro intestinal disturbances.


Piper longum (Fruit.

Piper chaba (Stem)

Piper chaba (root)

Cyperus rotondus (Rhizome

Plumbago zeylanicum(stem)

Action: Pippalydi contains the ingredients which stimulates the alimentary canal stimulating appetite & relieving colic pain due to gas.

Indication: Loss of appetite, flatulence, dyspepsia, indigestion, stomach pain, other minor GI tract upsets.

Adverse effect: None.

Contra indication: Peptic ulcer.

Doses & administration: Adult : 2 tablets twice a day.

Children : 1 tablet twice a day.

To be taken orally with water before meal.

Precaution: Avoid fried, fatty and oily food.

Presentation: Bottle of 60 tablets.


Introduction: Rechak is a single natural ingredient made from crimson powder (pollen grain) of the flower 'Mallotus philipinensis' used in regulating irregular bowel movement. It is an ideal natural laxative to relieve constipation and bowel disorders.


Crimson powder of Mallotus philipinensis

Laxative action: It is highly useful in occasional and habitual constipation. The active principles are albuminous matter which has laxative action.

Indication: Occasional & habitual constipation.

Adverse effect: None.

Contra indication: None.

Doses & administration: 1-2 capsules at bed time. In habitual and chronic constipation case the treatment can be prolonged. To be taken at bed time with water.

Precaution: Avoid Refined flour.

Presentation: Bottle of 30 capsules.


Introduction: It is an ideal combination of herbs and minerals used in general debility and as a rejuvenator in old age. It is a restorative tonic made of natural herbs that increase vitality & provide energy in demanding situations.


Withania somniferra (Root)

Glycerhiza glabra (Stem

Mucuna prurita (Seed

Tinospora cordifolia (Stem)

Tribanga bhasma

Action: It increases the stamina of the body as well as vitality, vigour & strength offering and ideal metabolic restorative action. Most of ingredients are general tonic,' Withania Somniferra' is a micro nutrient which improves the cerebral function and relieves stress.' Tinospora cordifolia' helps to eliminate metabolic toxins thus by improves the vital functions. Tribanga Bhasma, Asparagus recemosus, Mucuna prurita are considered as ideal aphrodisiac and general tonic.

Indication: General debility, old age, spermatorrhoea and sexual debility.

Contra indication: None.

Doses & administration: 1-2 capsules twice a day with milk.

Presentation: Bottle of 40 Capsules.


Introduction: It is a complex mixture of organic compounds both of vegetable and animal origin along with mixed inorganic mineral components, which enhances the immunity and restores vitality. It is also used in urinary tract infection.


Each capsule contains:

Purified Shilajit

Processed in Triphala

Action: Inorganic and organic component of this compound has rejuvenating, restorative and immune enhancing properties. It has also been found useful in urinary tract infections.

Indication: General debility, weakness in old age, urinary tract infection, urinary calculus, enlargement of liver and spleen, anemia and diabetes.

Adverse effect: None.

Contra Indication: None.

Doses & administration: 2 capsule twice day with water or milk or as directed by physician. It can be given for a long time.

Presentation: Bottle of 40 Capsules.


Introduction: Sitopaladi is a recipe of traditional Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia well known and effective in relieving coughs associated with various respiratory disorders.


Bombusa arundinacia (Ext)

Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Elettaria cardamomum (Fruit).

Piper longum (Fruit)

Sugar candy

Action: Above combination has been found effective in cough associated with various other respiratory problems.


Cough associated with bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Relieves excessive thirst and burning sensation of extremities.

Adverse effect:


Contra indication:


Doses & administration:

2 teaspoonful twice daily and can be continued for months.

Before meal with water or honey.


Bottle of 30 grams

Bottle of 100 grams



Tensarin is an effective herbal remedy for anxiety, hypertension and insomnia. It is a safe and natural herbal combination.


Nardostachys jatamansi(Root)

Rauwolfia serpentia (Root)

Acorus calamus (Rhizome)

Elaeocarpus ganitrus (Seed)

Withania somnifera (Rhizome)

Tinospora cordifolia (Stem)


Combination has antihypertensive, sedative and anxiolytic properties which helps in lowering blood pressure and palpitation.


Anxiety, hypertension and insomnia.

Adverse effect:

Overdose may cause nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and


Treatment of adverse effect:

Withdraw the of medicine immediately.

Contra indication:

Cardiac and renal insufficiency.

Doses & administration:

Adult : 1 tablet twice a day to be adjusted according to patient condition.

Children : 1 tablets daily or as directed by physician.

To be taken orally with water.

Precaution: Avoid alcohol, smoking, oily & fried food.

Presentation: Bottle of 60 tablets.



It is a combination the three famous fruits of medicinal plants; Harro, Barro, and Amala (three myrabolans).

This is a well known & most commonly used preparation in Ayurvedic Medicine, since time immemorial to correct metabolic disorders and, irregular bowel movement.


Terminalia chebula (Harro) (Fruit)

Terminalia belerica (Barro) (Fruit)

Emblica officinalis (Amala) (Fruit)


All the three ingredient posses the laxative components which tone up the gastro-intestinal system and help to improve the power of digestion.


Vitiated humors, constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, and indigestion.

Adverse effect:


Contra indication:


Doses & administration:

1-2 teaspoonful for adults.

To be taken at bed time with a glass of lukewarm water.


Powder in bottle of 100 gms and 300 gms


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