
AGENDATuesday, September 10, 20136:30pm Campbell Dining Room, SLTCCall to OrderNeelam Vyas – presentAnnie Slattery – presentGraham Senor – presentAnthony Nail – presentAdelia Shiffraw – presentAnvesh Kompelli – presentJacob Hartmeier – presentMiMi Spjut – presentLauren Wallis – presentAvery Drongowski – presentSean Alexander – presentMitch Harle – presentCheyenne Ford – presentClaire Comeaux – presentShannon Abbott – presentRachel Parmer – presentTy Spradley – presentAnnie Vogt – presentJoseph Stepina – presentCarrie Yang – presentCeCe Collins – presentJesse Gavin – presentElisa Rivera – presentPeter Hanneman – presentRane Peerson – presentEmily Deer – presentJake Leffert – presentWelcome Guests<3!<3!<3!Special BusinessAnnouncements Departmental Liaison ReportsFood ReportStructural ChangesBurrow hours won’t change, but if you want food from the Burrow during late night hours, you can request all but the chicken strips. The small dining hall next to Bates is always open. We’ll put a sign up saying it’s a quiet area during late night hours. NOTE: “Burrow Bucks” are actually “Dining Dollars” and always have been. This means your semester allowance of $100 can be used upstairs as well to pay for a friend or parent’s meal if need be. Peanut area: it’s a separate space because of students with severe peanut allergies. Located next to the self-serve sandwich area. There’s also a peanut-free dining area. As of right now, it has a small sign, but we’ll get a larger one soon. If you have peanut anything, you shouldn’t sit there so there’s an uncontaminated area for severe allergy students. SuggestionsCake balls! Still working on getting them, but it’ll happenSoups during late night? Great idea! We’re trying to work out the logistics to make it happen.Lactose-free ice cream for sundae Thursday? There’s no brand that serves in bulk (we looked at the end of last semester). We do have sherbet, as the best option we could think of. AdditionsOn the right side drink area (where the tea and decaf coffee are) there is a new machine with zero calorie, flavored water! Check it out.Be on the lookout!new salad options and vegan/vegetarian recipes will be added to the cafeteria in the next few weeks!We’re trying to get a new brand of coffee…caribou!We’re looking into different coffee/espresso/latte machines that can be added to the cafeteria with a server for late night hoursTwitter account to post all suggestions/additions/themed days/etc. (@HendrixDining) go follow them!Committee ReportsCommittee on Everything Awesome with Dean Wiltgen and Dean BaouaWater at the football gamesThey are setting up hydration stations to refill water within the student section. Sticky drinks aren’t allowed because if spilled on the turf and track, it’s tough to clean upThey’re working with ECC to have better recycling in the student section as wellStudent section will stay in the end zone for now, will be under constant evaluationRemember, we are a tobacco free campusBike PolicyRegister your bike! You can do it at public safety in person or online at the same place where you do vehicle registration.October 1 is going to be the deadline. After this point, bikes without stickers will be removed from bike racksFinancial Committee with Jacob Hartmeier and Anvesh KompelliArcade Machine FundingBrent and Student Activities approached us about helping pay for the arcade machine. Paying half of it will be ~$1200. We will wait until the end of the semester to see what the discretionary is and if we can pay half or even more.VAC Heifer Funding RequestFinCom recommends $1783.40 for 2-night trip to the Heifer RanchLearning about Heifer, team building activities, global village project (staying in houses like houses around the world and trading with other groups in order to have a comfortable night of sleep), doing service projects at the ranchAsking students to pay $60 to help with the costMovement to ask students to pay $50 which makes total paid by FinCom $1993.40Motion passes (3 opposed, 0 abstentions)Profile Discretionary Request$218 to join the Associated Collegiate Press (largest national organization for newspapers)This will give them the chance to gain more recognition and receive critique on The Profile to make it even betterFinCom recommended to fund in fullMotion to fundMotion passes (0 opposed, 0 absentions)Campus Kitty with Jesse GavinFun Run long sleeve shirts and tanks are available for preorder for $15. ?The price includes registration for the 5K on Saturday, September 28th. ?If anyone is interested in these shirts, they can email Jesse at GavinJL@Hendrix.edu!Social Committee with Jake LeffertFaux Rush week is this week, we should be getting some posters out showing when/where all the events will beTomorrow – lip sync off in WorshamThursday – inflatables from 2-6 pmFriday – relay 4:30Saturday – foam party 9 pm-12am in Brick PitWill be canceled if it rains (but it isn’t supposed to)We will also be selling tanks and giving out wristbands for foam party all week through Saturday at lunchMedia Committee with Emily DeerOur first meeting was last night and every publication had great, focused goals for the year! The Profile, the Troubadour, and the Aonian are all currently interviewing and will decide on staff by the end of this week. The first issue of the Profile is set to release October 7th.Environmental Concerns Committee with Elisa RiveraThis Saturday the 14th, ECC will be volunteering at Conway Ecofest in Laurel Park. Join us for the whole or half a day to help out with this great event! Also, ECC Positions of Responsibility applications are out and due September 20th. Email obrochtawj@hendrix.edu for your copy and for any questions!Starting to do a collection for electronic recycling at the free store. If you have any gadgets that don’t work anymore, bring them to ECC and they will take them to Best Buy for youMulticultural Development Committee with hmmmmNo ReportVolunteer Action Committee with Peter HannemanBest Buddy applications are available!. Work with Ida Burns elementary school, Independent Living Services, or Adopt a Grandparent! Applications are available at the Miller Center, and email FrenchHM@hendrix.edu with any questions.Since funding is allowed, applications for the 2nd annual VAC Fall Break trip to the Heifer Global Village will be available by tonight (Tuesday, 9/10).React to film: _______________1 service events this weekendThe Dean is hosting a cardboard maze at Conway Eco-Fest at Laurel Park. He needs 6 volunteers total working these shifts 11:00-12:00, 12:00-1:30, 1:30-3:00. Email hannemanpj@hendrix.edu to sign up.SOMEC with Rane PeersonTailgating went fine Foam Party this SaturdaySOMEC Policies and Fees (attached)Communications Committee with Anthony NailSenate tailgateSpecial thank you to Rane and SOMECSenate tent usageStudent turnoutThe game itselfCOPS ReportReminder about Bcc-ing your listservsCommittee on Student and Academic Affairs (CSAA) with Graham Senor and Adelia ShiffrawConstituent ConcernsPARKING:1. It should be more known that parking in visitor’s spots are subject to multiple fines DINING HALL: 2. Can the Burrow be open longer? Maybe 5 pm??3. Can we leave the soups out for late night meals at the caf?FOOTBALL: 4. We need to have water made available for students at the football games.FACILITIES:5. Can we have portable generators available for check out for student organizations?Mitch is looking into it with facilities6. What happened with the animals/plants at the turtle pond when it was drained? And why was it drained?It was kind of falling apart, and they’re redoing it to make it cleaner and more aestheticWe don’t know what happened to the animals7. Slow computers in the librarySean is looking into it with ITCommittee on Committees with Annie SlatteryCoC restructuringWebsite that outlines CoC and sending out the process to people before the interviews beginNot a secret group, a private group. They deal with a lot of information that deal with people’s recommendations, and they keep things quiet to protect people’s privacyFiling forMDCCloses tonightCampus committeeBudgets & Finance CommitteeJudith BrownGrant ZerkerJoseph Korkames (alternate)Motion to approveMotion passes (0 opposed, 0 abstentions)Associate Editor of ProfileAcademic Policy with Adelia ShiffrawNo ReportExecutive Committee with Neelam VyasSenate Leadership WorkshopSitting down with student committee leaders to talk about their rights and responsibilities Contracts for these committee leaders to outline their responsibilities. If we’re paying them, it makes sense that they should have to sign a contract that says that they will do their jobsRes Life UpdateRAs aren’t the bad guys waiting to shut things down. They only come out when they are called, usually because student safety is at risk.Tips to keep parties from getting shut down:KEEP YOUR DRINKS IN CUPS | Hendrix has a pretty awesome “cups policy” to encourage students to drink responsibly.? If you have a drink, whatever it may be, keep it in an opaque cup.? Even if you’re of legal drinking age, beers and other alcoholic beverages need to be in a cup, otherwise Res Life will ask you to pour it out, in line with our school’s alcohol policies.? This is seriously as simple as pouring your beer into a solo cup.? Easy fix.2.?????? DON’T BREAK BOTTLES/DESTROY SCHOOL PROPERTY | This year, several parties have been shut down because students are throwing and smashing bottles—sometimes at people, sometimes at nobody in particular but off of second story stairwells.? Either way, don’t do it.? It has the potential to seriously injure people and it’s not considerate.? It’s also a bad idea to vandalize or destroy school property.? We all end up paying for destructive behavior.? Hendrix is our home, and we should care enough about it to keep it in good condition.3.?????? DON’T CLAIM NON-STUDENTS AS GUESTS | On a few occasions, students have claimed to know strangers to campus who were at risk of being removed from a party.? If you don’t know a person well, don’t claim them as a guest.? These strangers have stirred up trouble in the past, wandering through student apartments and stealing things.? P-Safe or Res Life removes these guests if they appear to be a threat to us.4.?????? KEEP DOORS CLOSED | If you’re hosting a party, be sure that doors to your room or apartment are closed.? If they aren’t, this invites disruptive non-Hendrix guests in.5.?????? DON’T OVERCROWD SPACES | As soon as overcrowding becomes a problem, a fire hazard is introduced.? For example, if you’re on the first floor of Martin, either enter a friend’s rooms or move outside, but don’t stand around in the halls.? When halls get congested, Res Life has to come clear things out.6.?????? TALK TO YOUR NEIGHBORS | If you’re planning a party, it’s always a good idea to give your neighbors a heads up so they can consider it when they’re planning out their weekend.?7.?????? BE RESPECTFUL | Residence Life is seriously around to look out for us.? Their responsibilities involve doing a lot of dirty work to keep our environment safe—things like hunting down sketchy non-Hendrix characters or occasionally taking a student to the hospital.? So next time you want to spit out sass at a member of Res Life (or anyone else with the school), bite that tongue.? Often times, being disrespectful will get you in a deeper hole than if you had just complied with directions.? Residence Life isn’t an enemy.8.?????? PRACTICE PEER ACCOUNTABILITY | We are a small community made up of some pretty incredible students, many of whom like to work hard, play hard.? But it just takes one person’s poor behavior to force a party to be shut down for everyone.? So next time you see someone acting disruptive, step up and say it’s not okay.? Hold yourself and our community to high standards.BONUS PRO TIP: Carry your ID with you to parties.? Occasionally Public Safety or Res Life may ask to see it to confirm that you’re a student.? You may even find it easier to just take a picture of your ID on your phone.ElectionsFiling closes today for freshman senator and all Soco repsNew BusinessAdjournment ................

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