* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 2-4 )

page 2:

1. After I got out of my father's car, I saw Mr. Al-Ali on Khaled Street.

2. In February, I met Doctor Al- Nasser. He was at his brother's hospital.

3. She said she wanted to learn German.

page 3:

- add s, ed and ing to the verbs :

2. stops stopped stopping

3. adds added adding

- Write the plurals :

1. knives 2. boxes 3. tomatoes

4. stars 5. apples 6. parties

page 4:

- join these sentences using and, but or or and shorten them if you can :

1. I will read a short story or a play but I do not have a time for both.

2. Dr. Smith is a literature teacher and the reporter interviewed him about literature.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 5 )

- Exercise A:

1. When did Dickens write "Great Expectations" ?

2. Why did Majeed ask Jamal about the library ?

3. How were the stories rewritten ?

4. Where did the interview with John Lim take place ?

5. Which countries did they get help from ?

6. When did Shakespeare write a play called "The Merchant of Venice" ?

- Exercise B:

1. That play was wrote by Shakespeare.

2. That novel was written by Dickens.

3. That story was made up by the author.

4. Were those plays written by Shakespeare.

5. When was " The Merchant of Venice".

6. Those poems were written by Shakespeare, weren't they ?

- Exercise C:

1. If Earth did not have an atmosphere, there would not de any life on it.

2. If Earth's surface were not solid, we would not be able to life.

3. If Earth's axis were vertical, we would not have any seasons.

4. Saleem would see the new books if he went to the library.

5. If I were you, I would read as much as possible.

6. Dickens's books would be different if he were alive today.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 8)

put T( true ) or F ( false ) and write out the correct statement if you put F :

|correction |"T" or "F" |No. |

|ـــــــ |True |1 |

|Pip was child at the beginning of the story. |False |2 |

|he loved Pip as he were his son. |False |3 |

|ـــــــ |True |4 |

|Before he could be hanged, he died in prison. |False |5 |

|ـــــــ |True |6 |


( pupils' books page 9 – 10 )

- kind :

e.g. , emptiness, heaviness, sleepiness, friendliness and readliness.

- lonely : loneliness

- play : have individuals read aloud the definitions of actor, stage and theatre.

- poem : the sound are regularly stressed and unstressed ( see below ), and the sounds art the end of lines 1 and 2 of lines 3 and 4 rhyme:

Twinkle, Twinkle, little star.

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 11- 12)

word study:

|Word |No. |Word |No. |

|lonely |11 |author |1 |

|fiction |12 |sentenced |2 |

|fortune |13 |strict |3 |

|brought up |14 |novel |4 |

|childhood |15 |allowance |5 |

|wanted |16 |attempted |6 |

|made up / Fictional |17 |part |7 |

|firm |18 |flat |8 |

|literature |19 |insurance |9 |

| |fictional / made up |10 |

* ANSWES TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 15)

- Exercise A:

1. After Pip had been brought up by his sister, he went to London.

2. After Pip had given some food to the prisoner, he was re captured.

3. After the man had gone to Australia, he became wealthy.

4. Before he died, he had been sentenced to death.

5. Pip had to find a job because the government had taken all the man's money.

6. Pip did not expect to work because he had been promised a large fortune.

- Exercise B:

2. He asked if the stories had been rewritten in easy English.

3. She said ( that ) she had not been to the school library recently.

4. He said that Shakespeare had lived in the sixteenth century.

5. They asked if Shakespeare written novels.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 6 )

|Correction |Mistake |Line |

|Merchant |merchant |1 |

| The |The |2 |

|Shakespeare. They |Shakespeare, they |3 |

|and |But |4 |

|and |or |5 |

|money. |money, |6 |

|judge. |judge |7 |

| Antonio |Antonio |8 |

|Antonio |antonio |9 |

|Shylock |shylock |10 |

|Portia |portia |11 |

|but |or |12 |

|Antonio's |Antonios' |13 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 7 )


Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare. The story takes placed in Scotland many centuries ago. The main characters are Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth. Macbeth was ambitious but weak. Lady Macbeth was also ambitious but she was stronger. Other characters include Duncan, the King of Scotland and Macduff, a supporter of Duncan.

Macbeth wanted to become King of Scotland. He killed the real King, Duncan. He did not want to but Lady Macbeth made him. He thought Macduff might try to stop him so he sent men to kill him. Macduff escaped but the men killed Macduff's wife and children. Macduff brought the English army. It attacked Macbeth and Macduff killed him.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 10)

- Word division:

|correctly divided |Incorrectly divided |

|veterinary |huma-nities |

|soci-ety |pharmacy-ology |

|econom-ies |surg-enos |

|socity |schien-ces |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 20-21)

- Exercise A:

1. The grass was eaten by a camel.

2. Fahad paused.

3. Dates are grown in Madinah and Al-Ahsa.

4. The teacher kept on talking.

5. All the people in the village came to meet the visitor.

6. They go to school at 7:30 every morning.

7. The sun was seen rising on the horizon.

8. Water boils at 100 centigrade.

9. Their children were brought up abroad.

10. Abridge was constructed over the river.

- Exercise B:


a- Ali's brother visited us last week.

b- Ali's brother, who lives in Bisha, visited us last week.


a- People who drive badly cause accidents.


a- Youssef is bigger than me.

b- Youssef, who met me at the airport, is bigger than me.


a- There is no animal which has three legs.


a- Faisal wants to stop.

b- Faisal, who has been working all day, wants to stop.


a- All dates that fall to the ground are dirty.



a- His house was very expensive.

b- His house which he bought last year, was very expensive.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 23)

|correction |"T" or "F" |No. |

|ـــــــ |True |1 |

|ــــــ |True |2 |

|KFUPM has around 2,000 male students. |False |3 |

|ـــــــ |True |4 |

|Umm Al-Qura is Saudi Arabia's newest university. |False |5 |

|KSU, KAAU, KFU, Imam Mohammad bin Saud, Islamic university, Umm Al-Qura you can study to become a |False |6 |

|teacher at five universities in Saudi Arabia. | | |

|ــــــ |True |7 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 25)

word study:

|Word |No. |Word |No. |

|humanities |9 |grade |1 |

|economics |10 |engineering |2 |

|at present |11 |management |3 |

|intelligent |12 |veterinary surgeon |4 |

|keep on |13 |degree |5 |

|about to |14 |Pity |6 |

|keen on |15 |campus |7 |

| |branch |8 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 27)

- Exercise A:

1. KFUPM, founded in 1963, is one of the smallest universities.

2. The student sent to England learned to speak excellent English.

3. The quantity of mail handled by the postal service has increased.

4. KSU, new campus, opened in 1984, is very beautiful.

5. KFUPM, considered the leading centre for energy sciences, offers degree in most sciences.

- Exercise B:

1. She considered buying a new dress.

2. Faisal is about to drive to work or to crash.

3. That plane is about to crash or to try to land.

4. The pilot is thinking about trying to land or to crashing.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 12 )

|Correction |Mistake |Line |

|in |In |1 |

|Universities |universities |2 |

|Types. First |types, first |3 |

|offer |offers |4 |

|scien-ces |sci- |5 |

|sciences. Then |sciences then |6 |

|universities |Universities |7 |

|subjects. |subjects |8 |

|two |three |9 |

|cam-pus |camp- |10 |

|and |but |11 |

| Jeddah | jeddah |12 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 14 )

Airports in Saudi Arabia

Airports in Saudi Arabia can be divided into two main types. First,

there are international airports which offer flights to and from Europe,

Africa , Asia , and North America. Then there are domestic airports which

domestic airports which serve most of the Kingdom’s cities.

There are three international airports. One is King Khalid International

Khalid International Airport in Riyadh. The second is King Abdul Aziz

International Airport in Jeddah. The other is Dhahran International Airport

in the Eastern Province.

There are twenty-two domestic airports altogether. They can be divided

into major and minor ones. The major domestic airports include Turaif,

Tabuk , Madinah , Hofuf , Taif , Abha , Jizan and Najran . The minor ones

are Hafr- Al-Batin and Wadi Al-Dawasse.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 28)


- Exercise B:

* display = show.

* generous = ready to give freely.

* be fond of = like.

* grandchildren = the children of your children.

*schedule = timetable.

*subjects = citizens.

* meeting = a group of people talking.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 18 )

*add ing :

1. doing 2. rising 3. getting

4. running 5. desiring 6. begging

7. promising 8. forcing 9. falling

* add S :

1. does 2. babies 3. hits

4. boils 5. pauses 6. tomatoes

7. considers 8. cities 9. sentences

* add ed :

1. prayed 2. tied 3. enjoyed

4. controlled 5. travelled 6. visited

7. tried 8. operated 9. preferred

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 32)

- Exercise A:

2- While they were driving, along the street, they saw an accident.

3- While you were sleeping, a man called at the door.

4- While it was raining, my clothes became wet.

5- While we watching television, our father came home.

6- While I was doing my homework last night, I broke my pen.

7- While she was eating her soup, an insect fell into it.

8- While he was travelling, he became ill.

9- While they were talking, a policeman drove up in a car.

10-While we were waiting, we saw Faisal.

- Exercise B:

2- While he was having a shower , the phone rang .

3- While we were sitting in the garden , a very loud plane flew over .

4- While you were watching television , your TV broke dawn .

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 37)

|Answer |Line |No. |

|b |1-2 |1. |

|c |8 |2. |

|b |11-13 |3. |

|a |15-18 |4. |

|d |22-25 |5. |

|a |32-34 |6. |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 39)

word study:

|Word |No. |Word |No. |

|form |6 |fair |1 |

|entire |7 |pass by |2 |

|chief |8 |faith |3 |

|force |9 |desire |4 |

|promise |10 |tribal |5 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 42)

- Exercise A:

1. She lost her watch while she was playing.

2. While I was writing the answers, I broke my pencil.

3. The phone rang while I was watching TV.

4. While Mr. Al-Nasser was eating a sandwich, he broke a tooth.

5. While we were standing at the bus stop, we saw Youssef.

6. The explorer collected water in a tin while it was raining.

- Exercise B:

1. Because the door was locked , the policeman broke it down.

2. While he was working in the library, he found a very good book.

3. By walking on the eggs , he broke them.

4. Using a tin-opener, he opened the tin.

5. Doing my home work, I broke my pen.

6. Having a car, he often drive into the desert.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 20 )

|Correction |Mistake |Line |

|Abdul |abdul |1 |

|adventures |adventur-es |2 |

|Aziz's |Azizs' |3 |

|Riyadh |riyadh |4 |

|Turks. He |Turks, he |5 |

|1921, and |1921. And |6 |

|1926. He |1926. he |7 |

|Saudi |Saudia |8 |

| oil. | oil, |9 |

|beginning |begining |10 |

|country |Country |11 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 21 )

King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz

King Faisal bin Abdul Aziz was born in Riyadh in 1905. In 1919, when he was only fourteen years old , he was sent to the Paris Peace Conference at the end of world war1. On the same trip , he visited the U.K.

There were many important events in Faisal's life . In 1925 , he became viceroy of the Hejaz and Foreign Minster. During the 1930's , he made many trips abroad to present the Arabs' views on Palestine . Then in 1945, he took the Kingdom into United Nations . He became Prim Minster in 1962 and King in 1964 .

King Faisal is remembered for his piety ,his intellectual Powers and his

quick mind . He died in 1975 at the age of 70.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 43)

- Exercise A:

1. He does research into the environment.

2. The aims were to explorer the continent and expand scientific knowledge of it

3. We must take care of the environment.

4. We will endanger the future of all life on this planet.

- Exercise B:


|making someone work hard to succeed |challenge (n) |

|change to match the environment |adapt (v) |

|help |benefit |

|people |human beings |

|best wishes |all the best |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 24 )

1. $ 20 2. 10 C

3. prep 4. 68th

5. Makkah St. 6. V

7. U.K. 8. University Rd.

9. 5 l 10. E.g.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 47)

- Exercise A:

1. No, I did not see any body.

2. No, we did not go anywhere at the weekend.

3. No, they cannot tell us anything about the accident.

4. No, we did not go anywhere at the weekend.

5. No, they did not leave anything from dinner.

- Exercise B:

1. Did you see anybody?

2. Did ( could ) you find him anywhere?

3. Was he able to say anything?

4. Does she know anyone here?

5. Did you go anywhere on Thursday ?

- Exercise C:

1. Did you meet someone?

2. Will someone open the window?

3. Was he able to say something?

4. Does she know someone?

5. Did you go somewhere on Thursday?

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 51)

|Answer |Line (s) |No. |

|c |1-3 |1. |

|d |5-7 |2. |

|e |19 |3. |

|a |22-28 |4. |

|b |31-32 |5. |

|b |38-40 |6. |

|d |42-43 |7. |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 53)

|Word |No. |Word |No. |

|benefit |6 |voyage |1 |

|cooperation |7 |adapt |2 |

|ration |8 |expedition |3 |

|moisture |9 |challenging |4 |

|memory |10 |sub-zero |5 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 55-56)

1. If I had watched that TV programme, I would have enjoyed it.

2. If I had waited five minutes, the rain would have stopped.

3. If Khaled had studied harder, he would have passed the test.

4. If Layla's teacher had let her, she would have explained why she was late.

5. If the money had been better (or had not been bad ), he would have stayed.

6. If they had not been so busy, they would not have forgotten their taxi.

7. If the doctor had not stopped the bleeding, he would have died.

8. If he had had 50,000 riyals, he would have bought the car.

9. If she had not had a headache , she would have gone to school

10. If you had not gone to bed very late, you would not have been tired the next morning.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 24 )

|Correction |Mistake |Line |

|Antarctic |antarctic |1 |

|Norwegian . |Norwegian |2 |

|His |his |3 |

|Pole |pole |4 |

|Men, 95 days |men 95 days |5 |

|Rested, |rested |6 |

|On |on |7 |

|Journey. They |Journey. they |8 |

|planned |planed |9 |

|back.They |back, they |10 |

|Fast. They |fast, they |11 |

|Pole. They |Pole, they |12 |

|returned |Returned |13 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 27 )

Scott's Antarctic Expedition

Robert Scott was British. His aims were to spend winter in the Antarctic, to do scientific research and to go the South Pole. He had 65men, 33dogs, 19hourses and 3motre sledges. They planned to do research on the weather, rocks, sea water and fish. A small team planned to go the Pole. On 223 October 1911, they began the 750 – Kilometre journey. They planned to take the direct route to the Pole and back. They had terrible weather, were short of food, their dogs and horses died and their sledges broke down. they reached the pole but the all died on the return journey.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 57)


- Exercise A:

4. Calligraphy is the art of beautiful handwriting.

5. A calligraphy uses a pen and ink to form beautiful shapes with letters and words.

6. No. The Japanese and the Chinese and also the Europeans have their own forms of calligraphy.

- Exercise B:


|writing |script |

|kind |form |

|skill |art |

- Exercise C:

1. Yes, I can. The script in Arabic are Riq'ah, Kufie, Thuluth, etc.

2. Yes, it is. It is an important in the Qur'an and It is an important of art in Islam.

3. A calligraphy can be seen in books, on postcards, at the top of letters, on building, etc.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 27 )

# Write the British spelling for the following :

1. humour 2. dialled

3. travelling 4. kilometre

5. labour 6. refuelling

7. coloured 8. favourite

9. centimetre 10. centre

# Write the British words for the following :

1. rubber 2. curtains

3. flat 4. petrol

5. shop 6. lorry

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 62-63)

- Exercise A:

1. Khaled is the tallest student in the class.

2. That car is safer than other one.

3. This exercise is easier than the last one.

4. Which is the best football team in Saudi Arabia?

5. One English script is clearer than the other.

6. A propeller plane is normally slower than a jet plane.

7. This is the worst winter weather for ten years.

8. Many people say that English is simpler than Arabic to learn.

9. This summer is hotter than last.

10. That shop sells the coldest soft drinks in town.

- Exercise B:

1. KFUPM is older than Umm Al-Qura.

2. Which English script is the most beautiful of all.

3. King Saud University is the largest in Saudi Arabia.

4. My father's English is more fluent than mine.

5. Joe was more warm-heater than Pip's sister.

6. Who is the kindest person you know?

7. That restaurant make the best kapsa in town.

8. People say that Arabic is more difficult than English to learn.

9. In the world in general, tea is more popular than coffee.

10. Is learning grammar more important than learning new words?

|correction |Line (s) |"T"or"F" |No. |

|The Arabic calligrapher can use many different scripts. |1-3 |False |1 |

|ــــــ |4-5 |True |2 |

|Calligraphy declined the west. |16-18 |False |3 |

|ـــــــ |19-21 |True |4 |

|Gothic script developed in northern Europe. |30-32 |False |5 |

|ـــــــ |52-54 |True |6 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 66)

* ANSWERS TO WORD STUDY QUESTOINS : ( pupils' books page 67)

common : meaning 2

decline : meaning 2

emphasize : the word ten is emphasized.

in demand : e.g. , cold drink ,ice cream, etc.

native speaker : most pupils are native speakers of Arabic.

popular : perhaps PEPSI, COLA

slanted : an italic H

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 68)

|Word |No. |Word |No. |

|emphasize |7 | a card |1 |

|decorated |8 |a sample |2 |

|common |9 |a frame |3 |

|popular |10 |a native speaker |4 |

|framed |11 |declined |5 |

|slanted |12 |illustrated |6 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 71)

- Exercise A:

1. Raman script is more common than Gothic script.

2. Raman script is the easier of the three English script to read.

3. Which is the most popular soft drink in Saudi Arabia.

4. Youssef is younger than Khaled.

- Exercise B:

1. Mr. Al-Ahmad is more generous than his brother.

2. He is the most careful man in the world.

- Exercise C:

1. Bahrain is as not as big as Saudi Arabia.

2. He is as tall as his older brother.

|Correction |Mistake |Line |

|Gothic |gothic |1 |

|two |tow |2 |

|Com-mon |co- |3 |

|to |too |4 |

|read. because |read, because |5 |

|and |but |6 |

|Roman |roman |7 |

|decorative. |decorative |8 |

|Both |both |9 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 32 )

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 32 )

Comparing Italic Script with gothic Script

Italic and Gothic are two well-known English scripts . Italic

script is more common than Gothic because it is easier to read.

Because of this ,Italic script is more often used in printing and in everyday handwriting than Gothic . Italic script is not as heavy as

Gothic and less decorative . Italic is slanted but Gothic is vertical .

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 72)


- Exercise B:


|space |room |

|a person |worshipper |

|ordinary |normal |

|you are welcome |Not at all |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 36 )

# Write the British spelling or the British words :

1. cheque 2. chips

3. lift 4. tyre

5. tin 6. lorry

7. trousers 8. flat

9. programme 10. colour

# Write the abbreviations :

1. tel. 2. TV

3. N.B. 4. e.g.

5. 10th 6. O.K.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 76)

- Exercise A:

1. It is a ten-riyal note.

2. He is a 13-year old.

3. It is an eight-floor building.

4. It is a two-room apartment.

5. It is a ten metre-wide bridge.

6. It is a 45-minute lesson.

7. It is a three-car family.

8. It is a 24-houer watch.

9. It is a two-week holiday.

10. It is a three-man tent.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 78)

- Exercise B:

|Uncountable |No. |Countable |No. |

|drainage |1 |basement |1 |

|ــــــ |2 |clock |2 |

|ــــــ |3 |escalator |3 |

|ــــــ |4 |fan |4 |

|ــــــ |5 |foundation stone |5 |

|ــــــ |6 |loudspeaker |6 |

|ــــــ |7 |plaza |7 |

|ــــــ |8 |sprinkler |8 |

|ــــــ |9 |Ventilator |9 |

|ــــــ |10 |ــــــ |10 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 83)

|correction |Line (s) |"T"or"F" |No. |

|ـــــــ |ـــــــ |True |1 |

|The total area of the Mosque is now 361.000 m². |13-16 |False |2 |

|ـــــــ |20-23 |True |3 |

|The mosque has now twenty-seven secondary entrance. |24-27 |False |4 |

|The new escalator can handle 15.000 people per hour. |40-41 |False |5 |

|ـــــــ |46-47 |True |6 |

* ANSWERS TO WORD STUDY QUESTOINS : ( pupils' books page 84)

- escalator : e.g. Al-Faisaliah tower, Al-Mamlakah tower, etc.

- fan : meaning 2 ( line 45 )

- foundation stone : answer will vary.

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( pupils' books page 85)

|Word |No. |Word |No. |

|consisted of |8 |room |1 |

|accommodated |9 |escalator |2 |

|aided |10 |sprinkler |3 |

|square |11 |clock |4 |

|elderly |12 |loudspeaker |5 |

|main / secondary |13 |ventilated |6 |

|normal |14 |laid |7 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 38 )

|Correction |Mistake |Line |

| The Expansion | the Expansion |1 |

|Saudi |saudi |2 |

|Worshippers. There |worshippers, there |3 |

|and |Or |4 |

|escala-tors |escal.... |5 |

|air-conditioning. |air-conditioning |6 |

| |

| After | After |7 |

|and |or |8 |

|Worshippers. The |worshippers, the |9 |

|Metres. There |metres, there |10 |

|air-conditioning and |air-conditioning. and |11 |

|Added. |Added |12 |

* ANSWERS TO EXERCISES ( writing book page 39 )

The Expansion of the Holy Mosque

at Madinah

before the first Saudi expansion, the total area of the Holy Mosque at Madinah was 10.300m² and there was room for 17.000 worshippers. There were five 60-metre-high minarets but there were no escalator, no fixed staircases and no air-conditioning.

After the first Saudi expansion, the total area had grown to 16.500 m² and the mosque could accommodate 28.000 worshippers. The height of the seven minarets had increased to 72meters but there were only four of them. There were still no escalator, no fixed staircase and no air-conditioning.

Now after the second Saudi expansion, the total area has grown to 400.000m² and there is room for 650.000 worshippers. The number of minarets has increased to ten and the are now 105 meters high. There are now four escalators and eighteen fixed staircases. In addition, a 25.000-ton central air conditioning station has been built.









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