Macular Degeneration TestInstructions on using the Amsler Grid:While wearing glasses hold Amsler grid at a reading distance.Cover one eye.Stare at center dot.Check to see if all the lines are straight and that all squares are the same size.If any distortion, blur, discoloration or abnormality consistently occurs, see your ophthalmologist right away. Note: remember to test both eyes.Do this test for each eye separately.Reason:The grid gets wavy as in the picture on next page. The field of vision gets a black spot/space as in the pictures as well.This happens because fluid or "debris" collects behind the central area of the retina. This detaches the retina and the light does not get passed on to the brain.Glaucoma Test / Cataracts Test / Retinal Detachments / FloatersReasons for:Glaucoma: See picture. Increased pressure in the eye cuts off blood flow to the optic nerve and slowly the field of vision fades away.Cataracts: See picture. This is the clouding of the lens making it more opaque (less transparent) and it causes the light to blur - think of stain glassed windows in a church.Retinal Detachments: See picture. The fluid in front of the retina enters through a tear or hole in the retina. Once it enters, it separates the retina from the nerve causing blind spots.Floaters: If wormlike, but see-through (we all have seen this) - this is usually a small blood vessel passing between the light source entering the eye and the retina. Floaters that appear as dark lines (like the picture (see picture) - caused by proteins that fall apart in the eye and totally block light from reaching the retina. This is not normal for you all, but fairly common with age.Color Blindness Test (testing for most common kind of CB)Reasons: The cones (color detecting receptors in your eye) don't work. Usually, color blind people only have a couple defective cone cells (like red/green).Astigmatism Test:Stare at the center of the object: If one set of the lines appears darker than the other you may have astigmatism. Contact your eye care specialist to have a comprehensive evaluation.Reason: This is because the eye/cornea is irregularly shaped and causes the light to scatter as it enters the eye. Because of this, the light does not meet at a nice, clear spot on the retina. One of these bars may appear darker because of this scattering of light.With Macular DegenerationWith cataractsRetinal Detachmentswith Floaters (callogen - protein)with Glaucoma+·Cover one eye and hold this page out in front of you so there would be a straight line to the plus sign. Your covered eye should be on the outer edge of the paper. Move the paper slowly toward your eye and away from your eye. There should be a point where the dot will disappear (as long as you stay focused on the plus sign. Do this with both eyes.Macular Degeneration - Fluid or "debris" accumulate behind the retina and in front of the back of the eye. This causes the retina to detach and, thus, no light image sent to the brain. ................

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