Office of Educator Preparation

Institutional Program Evaluation Plan Training

Office of Educator Preparation

March 2015

? 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.

Section 1004.04, Florida Statutes,

Each...state-approved teacher preparation program must annually report ...

A list of candidates who are:

? admitted to ? including the status of candidates who were admitted under the 10 percent waiver provision,

? who are enrolled in, or ? who complete a teacher preparation program.

? 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.

Section 1004.04, Florida Statutes,

Each...state-approved teacher preparation program must annually report ...

? Evidence that each program candidate met the admission requirements

? Evidence that the program and each program completer have met the requirements regarding Uniform Core Curricula and Candidate Assessment

? Evidence of performance, using the six performance metrics ? Additional evidence necessary to document requirements

for continued approval

? 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.

Section 1004.04, Florida Statutes,

Each program must prepare and submit to the Department of Education an institutional program evaluation plan, describing

? How the institution addresses continuous program improvement

? Provisions for involving primary the evaluation process

? Annual progress data reported by the state (accessed within eIPEP)

? May include other information, and data, chosen by the institution or program

? 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.



? 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.

Institutional Program Evaluation Plan

? Describes and explains ? its review and analysis of candidate and completer data, and ? how the results have or will impact continuous program improvements as part of its continued approval process

? Provides data on candidates and/or completers for the previous academic year ? Summer term, Fall term and Spring term (essentially the middle of May through the middle of May the following year)

? 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.

Institutional Program Evaluation Plan

? Dynamic, current and comprehensive evidence of the strength and growth of program achievement and improvement ? Captures and examines data over time to identify trends ? Uses data for continuous program improvement ? Analyzes data to inform and reflect on changes to the program

? Report changes to any standard and/or indicator of the continued approval standards

? Changes include but are not limited to those revised by statute or rule, competencies and skills, educator standards, or any other programmatic changes

? 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.

Standard 1. Program Candidate and Completer Quality: The program ensures that candidates and completers are prepared to instruct prekindergarten through grade 12 (p-12) students to meet high standards for academic achievement.

Indicator 1.1: Each program consistently applies admission requirements...

1. The program describes any changes that were implemented to admission policies, processes, methods and procedures used to admit candidates in meeting the state-mandated admission requirements...

Describe any changes, such as the policy or process of reviewing and admitting candidates, the verification of qualifications, and other steps that ensure admissions compliance.

? 2014, Florida Department of Education. All Rights Reserved.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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