Tel. No. (860) 713-6145

June 6, 2006

State of Connecticut

Department of Consumer Protection

Occupational & Professional Licensing Division

165 Capitol Avenue

Hartford, Connecticut 06106

The six hundred and sixth meeting of the Architectural Licensing Board, held on May 19, 2006, was called to order by Chairman Mr. S. Edward Jeter at 8:45 a.m. in Room No. 121 of the State Office Building, 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.

Present: Paul H. Bartlett Board Member

Carole W. Briggs Board Member

(participated by

telephone conference)

Robert B. Hurd Board Member

Edward Jeter Chairman/Board Member

Christopher Mazza Board Member

Robert M. Kuzmich License and Applications


of Consumer Protection

Steven J. Schwane Administrative Hearings

Attorney/Department of

Consumer Protection

Peter R. Huntsman Attorney General’s Office

Bruce Spiewak AIA/Connecticut

Steven C. Hine Applicant for licensing

Note: The administrative functions of this Board are carried out by the Department of Consumer Protection, Occupational and Professional Licensing Division. For information, call Richard M. Hurlburt, Director, at (860) 713-6135.

1. Old Business

1A. Submission of the minutes of the March 17, 2006; for review and approval. After a thorough review, the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the minutes of the March 17, 2006 meeting as submitted. (Hurd/Bartlett)

1B. Letter from Mr. Craig C. Chasse’, dated January 18, 2006, concerning his eligibility for a Connecticut architect license. Mr. Hurd suggested that this applicant should provide the Board with a portfolio and resume along with the appropriate NCARB forms and a copy of his State of Vermont application package. The Board agreed with this directive. Mr. Hurd noted that this individual has passed the majority of the A.R.E but is not licensed yet. The Board will require that Mr. Chasse get an Unbound Council Record from NCARB which may have already been started as a part of the Vermont application process. It was noted that all his work experience shall be documented in NCARB’s IDP format and his education shall be reviewed by NCARB’s evaluation service. When this documentation is received by the Department, Mr. Kuzmich will forward it to Mr. Hurd who volunteered to step down and review this application.

1C. Discussion concerning adoption of NCARB’s “Rolling Clock” requirement for the Architect Registration Examination. Mr. Jeter noted that the Rolling Clock resolution was passed at NCARB’s last Annual Meeting. Mr. Hurd questioned the need for a possible change to the Board’s regulation in order to adapt this NCARB policy. In response, Mr. Kuzmich noted that the regulation as written may accommodate this directive. Mr. Bartlett stated that this policy needs to be promulgated in a very clear way to candidates so they have a true understanding of what the requirement is. In addition, he noted the Board should consider a “safety valve” to accommodate individuals with extenuating circumstances. Mr. Jeter noted that the current policy, as written, does address, in part, Mr. Bartlett’s concern. It was noted that this Board has the final decision as to the enforcement of this policy. Mr. Hurd noted that current regulation Section 289-2a(b) under Board Procedures may accommodate this new NCARB policy. Ms. Briggs noted that she has no problem with this resolution because it appears to have a transition process and can accommodate individuals with special needs. As such she motioned to adapt NCARB’s Rolling Clock Requirement for the Architect Registration Examination. The motioned was seconded by Mr. Bartlett and passed unanimously.

2. New Business

2A. Appearance before the Board by Mr. Steven C. Hine concerning his qualifications for an architect license in the State of Connecticut. Mr. Hine addressed the Board concerning his education and work experience and distributed a copy of his resume for the Board to review. Among the correspondence is documentation showing the completion of NCARB’s IDP requirement. Mr. Hurd had questions concerning the extent of Mr. Hine’s educational background. He also noted that Mr. Hine is a licensed architect in New York State.

Mr. Jeter stated that the Board’s usual procedure in applications such as Mr. Hine’s is to have a Board member step down to review the candidate’s credentials in which are in the form of an Unbound Council Record from the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB). Mr. Hurd volunteered to assist the Board with this application. Mr. Kuzmich will authorize the NCARB to release Mr. Hine’s updated Council Record to the Department and then this document will be given to Mr. Hurd for his review.

2B. Letter from Ms. Cristina A. Circiumarescu, dated April 17, 2006, and related correspondence concerning her eligibility to sit for the Architect Registration Examination as a Connecticut candidate. Mr. Kuzmich noted that this applicant has completed NCARB’s IDP requirements and had a formal evaluation of her education done through NCARB which shows a deficiency in General Education. She is asking the Board to consider an alternate path in lieu of her completion of the general studies requirement because of time constraints placed upon her by the expiration of her VISA.

The Board has directed Mr. Kuzmich to instruct NCARB to release a copy her file to the Department which will then be forwarded to Mr. Hurd who has volunteered to review Ms. Circiumarescu’s application. In addition, Mr. Hurd has requested that she forward a copy of her resume for his review also.

2C. Resolutions To Be Acted Upon at the 2006 NCARB Annual Meeting and Conference; for review and action. The Board voted, as indicated below, on the following proposed resolutions to be acted upon at the 2006 NCARB Annual Meeting and Conference:

Resolution 06-1 – Bylaw Amendment – Assuring Confidentiality of ARE Related Matters; supported.

Resolution 06-02 - Bylaw Amendment - Clarifying the Timing for Ascertaining Qualifications of Regional Directors; supported.

Resolution 06-03 – Rules of Conduct Amendment– Clarifying the Resident Architect Office Requirement; the Board took no position on this resolution and will allow the Chairman to vote, as he sees appropriate, at the time this resolution is discussed on the meeting floor.

Resolution 06-04 – Bylaw Amendment – Reducing Terms of Office of Secretary and of Treasurer from Two Years to One Year; the Board took no position on this resolution and will allow the Chairman to vote, as he sees appropriate, at the time this resolution is discussed on the meeting floor.

Resolution 06-05 – Bylaw Amendment – Elimination of the Finance/Management Committee and Transfer of its Duties to the Executive Committee; Mr. Board does not support this amendment as written stating that they believe there is a potential for conflict if the Finance/Management Committee is not separate from the Executive Committee. If this amendment is changed on the meeting floor to maintain a separate division between the Finance/Management/Audit Committee and the Executive Committee, then the Board would support the amendment.

Resolution 06-06 – Bylaw Amendment – Elimination of the Requirement That Each Region Have a Representative on the Committee on Examination; supported.

Resolution 06-07 – Model Law Amendment – Conforming Change to Legislative Guideline IV (A): NCARB Certification Authorizing Reciprocal Registration; the Board took no position on this resolution and will allow the Chairman to vote, as he sees appropriate, at the time this resolution is discussed on the meeting floor.

Resolution 06-08 – Tri-National Agreement For Mutual Recognition; supported.

Resolution 06-09 – Architects Council of Europe Agreement Toward Mutual Recognition; supported.

Resolution 06-10 – Australia Agreement for Mutual Recognition; supported.

Resolution 06-11 – Revisions to NCARB Education Standard; supported.

Resolution 06-12 – Model Law Amendment – ARE Timing; for the record, the Board received four (4) letters from various members of the architectural community supporting this amendment. Mr. Hurd noted that in reality, it takes between four and five years to complete the three years of an internship and between three and four years to complete the Architect Registration Examination because it has become so easy to do that it is hard to schedule the time. The approximately seven years after graduation to become an architect has become a problem for people “in line waiting” and as a result, these individuals have been pressuring NCARB and other Boards to allow a parallel in these two tasks of completing their internship training and taking the examination.

Mr. Bartlett believes the process, as is, is very onerous to candidates and believes a change would be appropriate. He believes that the substantive issue is not the issue at hand with this resolution but, instead, the content of the examination itself. If the exam is properly written, it doesn’t make any difference when you allow people to take it because you have to have mastery of the subject.

For the record, Mr. Bruce Spiewak, representing AIA/CT, stated that AIA/CT supports this resolution as well as a change in Connecticut Law, if required, to facilitate the same.

The Board questioned the language NCARB has proposed in this resolution. Mr. Bartlett suggests that the Board take a position that states that the Board supports the concept of this resolution in principle but there needs to be much more specificity about what it means and that NCARB should not dodge the issue. How one interprets this language has an enormous impact on what it means. All Board members agreed.

Resolution 06-13 – Member Board Executive to Serve on the Board of Directors; not supported.

Resolution 06-14 – Revocation of Northern Mariana Islands Council membership for Failure to Pay Dues; supported.

2D. Delegate Credentials letter, dated March 25, 2006, from NCARB; for discussion by the Board. The Board voted, unanimously, to appoint Mr. S. Edward Jeter, Chairman of the Board, as their official delegate at the 2006 NCARB Annual Meeting and Conference. (Mazza/Bartlett)

2E. The following candidates have passed the Architect Registration Examination and are recommended by the Department of Consumer Protection for licensing as architects in the State of Connecticut; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following individuals for licensing as architects in Connecticut: (Bartlett/Hurd)

1. Robert D. Clemens 4. Seung H. Park

2. Michael F. Cusato 5. Mary L. Radych

3. Geoffrey S. Gaunt 6. Jason Travis

2F. Applications for reciprocal licensing; the following individuals are recommended by the Department of Consumer Protection for licensing as architects in the State of Connecticut on the basis of reciprocity with an NCARB Certificate Record or by Direct Reciprocity; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following individuals for licensing as architects in the State of Connecticut: (Briggs/Hurd)

|1. |Amoruso, Nicolas |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 112959) |

|2. |Beale, John C. |Waiver of Examination; Texas |(NCARB File No. 99448) |

|3. |Bell, Catherine M. |Waiver of Examination; Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 78974) |

|4. |Bitterman, Steven J. |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 101600) |

|5. |Black, Michael R. |Waiver of Examination; Texas |(NCARB File No. 48666) |

|6. |Brewer, Gary L. |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 110180) |

|7. |Cade, Nicholas K. |Waiver of Examination; Texas |(NCARB File No. 49604) |

|8. |Calcagni, Charles L. |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 62005) |

|9. |Ciarniello, Andrew |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 65312) |

|10. |Ciavarra, Lea |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 112057) |

|11. |Cowan, William K. |Waiver of Examination; Missouri |Direct |

|12. |Craighead, Larry D. |Waiver of Examination; Texas |(NCARB File No. 34377) |

|13. |Crowell, John E. |Waiver of Examination; Massachusetts |Direct |

|14. |Curtiss, Richard P. |Waiver of Examination; Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 97895) |

|15. |Dietz, Stephen M. |Waiver of Examination; |(NCARB File No. 101141) |

|16. |Foschi, Paul P. |Waiver of Examination; New York |Direct |

|17. |Gallin, Michael A. |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 66661) |

|18. |Hendersen, Randell E. |Waiver of Examination; Maryland |(NCARB File No. 60477) |

|19. |Herman, Norman L. |Waiver of Examination; Alabama |(NCARB File No. 27296) |

|20. |Howard, James W.P. |Waiver of Examination; Texas |(NCARB File No. 46636) |

|21. |Jones, Laurence G. |Waiver of Examination; New York |Direct |

|22. |Jorgensen, Hans J. |Waiver of Examination; Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 108667) |

|23. |Joseph, Wendy E. |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 11086) |

|24. |Kinlin, Bruce D. |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 91815) |

|25. |Kolasinski, Diane M. |Waiver of Examination; California |(NCARB File No. 116681) |

|26. |Mahaffey, Henry M. |Waiver of Examination; Florida |(NCARB File No. 10172) |

|27. |Manners, William A. |Waiver of Examination; Pennsylvania |Direct |

|28. |Mencarini, Robert G. |Waiver of Examination; New Jersey |(NCARB File No. 81021) |

|29. |Moody, Curtis J. |Waiver of Examination; Ohio |(NCARB File No. 32790) |

|30. |Moore, Larry |Waiver of Examination; Iowa |(NCARB File No. 25203) |

|31. |Mus, Jacek |Waiver of Examination; New Jersey |(NCARB File No. 92064) |

|32. |Newell, Maura |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 119018) |

|33. |Perrin, Andre J. |Waiver of Examination; New Jersey |(NCARB File No. 32867) |

|34. |Peterson, Dale E. |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 115607) |

|35. |Popowych, Nestor |Waiver of Examination; Illinois |(NCARB File No. 18518) |

|36. |Ruhl, William J. |Waiver of Examination; Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 50007) |

|37. |Solarz, Cynthia L. |Waiver of Examination; Massachusetts |Direct |

|38. |St. Amand, Daun P. |Waiver of Examination; Alabama |(NCARB File No. 78324) |

|39. |Struth, William J. |Waiver of Examination; New York |Direct |

|40. |Weinstein, Edward M. |Waiver of Examination; New York |Direct |

|41. |Wells, Jr., William M. |Waiver of Examination; Oklahoma |(NCARB File No. 89631) |

|42. |Wilhelmsen, Lois A. |Waiver of Examination; New York |Direct |

|43. |Winstead, Timothy F. |Waiver of Examination; New Jersey |(NCARB File No. 89677) |

|44. |Winters, III, William G. |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 110516) |

|45. |Wyszynski, Jeffrey D. |Waiver of Examination; Massachusetts |(NCARB File No. 86731) |

|46. |Zollinger, Alfred |Waiver of Examination; New York |(NCARB File No. 112655) |

2G. Applications for the Corporate Practice of Architecture; the Department has reviewed and recommends for approval the following applications; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following application for the corporate practice of architecture in Connecticut: (Bartlett/Mazza)

KSQ Architects, PC David W. Short, CEO

406 S. Boulder, Suite 500 Connecticut Lic. No. 10869

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103

2H. Application for Joint Corporate Practice of Architecture & Professional Engineering; the Department has reviewed and recommends for approval the following application; the Board voted, unanimously, to approve the following application for the joint corporate practice of Architecture and Professional Engineering in Connecticut: (Bartlett/Hurd)

Silver Petrucelli & Associates, Inc. William R. Silver, President

3190 Whitney Avenue Connecticut License No. 5802

Hamden, Connecticut 06518

2I. Update from Legal Department regarding any Board issues.

1. Mr. Schwane introduced Public Act No. 06-85 which has not been signed by the Governor yet but is expected to be shortly. This act permits the Board to access civil penalties up to $1000.00 against licensed architects and unlicensed individuals and will become effective October 1, 2006.

2. Mr. Schwane has a pending investigation against an architect and an engineer and is asking the assistance of a Board member. Mr. Bartlett volunteered.

2J. "CHRO Reviews" CHRO CRITERIA PER SECTION 46a-80; Mr. Jeter noted that there are none before the Board today.

2K. Any correspondence and/or business received in the interim.

1. Mr. Jeter is the new Region 1 Chairman. He noted that this may or may not mean more financial assistance towards his attendance at NCARB functions.

The meeting adjourned at 10:01 a.m. (Mazza/Hurd) The next regular meeting of the Architectural Licensing Board is scheduled for Friday, July 21, 2006 at 8:30 a.m.; State Office Building; Room 121; 165 Capitol Avenue, Hartford, Connecticut.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert M. Kuzmich, R.A.

Board Administrator

051906ab.doc rev. (06/21/06)


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