
6572252038350BROWARD COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLSMission StatementWe, the School Board of Broward County, Florida, are committed to ensure that all students receive a quality education, within a safe and secure learning environment.The School Board of Broward County.Florida Heather P. Brinkworth, ChairDonna P. Korn, Vice ChairLori AlhadeffRobin BartlemanPatricia GoodLaurie Rich LevinsonAnn MurrayDr. Rosalind OsgoodNora RupertRobert W. Runcie Superintendent of SchoolsThe School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation. The School Board also provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination and/or harassment complaint may call the Director, Equal Educational Opportunities/ADA Compliance Department & District’s Equity Coordinator/Title IX Coordinator at 734-321-2150 or Teletype Machine (TTY) 754-321-2158Individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the ADA of 2008 may call 754-321-2150 or TTY at 754-321-2158.Parents/Guardians,Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe we are halfway through the school year. The students and staff at Peters Elementary have been working very hard in all academic areas. Our English Language Arts (ELA) block consists of whole group Interactive Read Alouds, and then small group Guided Reading, Independent reading and center work. Writing is incorporated into the reading block in order to enhance the students’ ability to elaborate and expand upon ideas in written form. Social studies and science are also taught throughout the curriculum, providing the students with a thorough understanding of all subject areas. Students are being reassessed on the Benchmark Assessment System (BAS) at this time. This assessment provides us with data regarding your child’s current reading level. We encourage you to speak to your child’s teacher about his/her BAS score and find out ways you can assist in helping your child become a more proficient reader. The math block consists of whole group instruction and includes time for students to answer questions, solve problems, and practice their computation skills. The students also work in small groups and receive additional small group support to increase proficiency on the standards. As we progress through the school year, I encourage you to work with your child/children at home on their reading, math, science, and writing skills to ensure they maintain grade level proficiency. Please have your child read every night and ask them detailed questions about what they have read. Please have your child explain his/her answers by supporting what he/she says by referencing the text. Also, it is important that you have your child write daily; this can be in the form of a summary of what was read. Practicing math facts is key to success in school. Please have your child/children practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Flashcards work very well as do computer games that enable students to increase math fluency. We are an i-Ready school. When used on a consistent basis, this computer program helps your child improve in reading and math. Please go onto i-Ready at home and have your child work on reading (for 30 minutes) and math (30 minutes) every night. If you have any trouble logging on, please ask your child’s teacher for assistance in getting on the program. It is an EXCELLENT tool to help your child improve his/her academic skills. As a reminder, Peters is a uniform school. ALL students must wear school uniforms. This includes – khaki pants or khaki shorts or skorts with white, blue, or red polo shirts. Your child must be in a school uniform every day. Please remember to get your child to school on time. Late arrivals disrupt the learning environment for all of our students. The gate at 70th Avenue opens at 7:25 a.m. and the walking gate is open at 7:30 a.m. ALL gatesare locked when school begins at 8:10 a.m. and remain locked until 2:10 p.m. Please note that any car riders or walkers arriving after the 8:10 a.m. bell will be marked tardy in the attendance system. Parents must walk their child/children into the front office if they are late (arrive after 8:10 a.m.). When dropping off your children in the morning, please pull your vehicle up as far as you can and then let them out along the sidewalk. Do not wait until you get near the office to drop them off. This delays our arrival procedures and causes a lot of congestion. The 70th Avenue gate opens at 2:05 p.m. and the walking gate opens at 2:10 p.m. Please be on time when picking up your child from school. No children should be at school after 2:40 p.m. We appreciate your cooperation with our dismissal procedures. Anyone needing to come onto campus during the school day must go to the 68th Avenue gate and call the front office, explain your reason for being there and wait for someone to come out to the gate. You must show your ID and state your reason for wanting to come onto campus. Once on campus, you must park in an available space and go in the front office. You will be screened through the STAR System at that time. If you are entering our campus, ALL VISITORS MUST WEAR ID BADGES WHILE ON CAMPUS. All victors must exit through the front office when leaving campus and check out. Please follow us on Facebook - and on the school’s website peters. to keep informed of all of the wonderful activities we have at Peters. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to Peters Elementary.PRE-K CORNER PANDASYour Peters Elementary Pre-Kindergarten team recommends you do these fun language activities with your child several times each day… NARRATE what you do throughout the day.TELL your child about your day – have them describe their day to you.REVIEW experiences later in the day:“Let’s tell ___________ about our day…” or “Remember when…”EXPAND on what your child says using complete sentences & proper English.READ stories with your child:EXPLAIN unknown words or ideas. COMMENT on rhyming patterns: “Oh, ‘cat’ & ‘hat’ rhyme” or “Wocket – pocket, those rhyme”After reading a book with rhyming words a few times (ex. Dr. Suess), PAUSE before a rhyming word to see if your child will supply it.PRODUCE additional rhyming words & see if your child wants to try.EXPLAIN the meaning of compound words that come up in stories such as Mooncake by Frank Asch or Pancakes Pancakes by Eric Carle (“Why do you think a pancake is called a pancake? It’s a cake you make in a pan”!COMMENT on the first sound in words, such as “Michael, your name starts with ‘mmmmm’, just like ‘mmmilk’. Stretch out the beginning sound.MOST IMPORTANT, MAKE THESE WORD PLAY & OTHER LANGUAGE ACTIVITIES PLAYFUL & FUN, AND ENJOY WATCHINGYOUR CHILD DEVELOP LANGUAGE!!!!!Your Proud Pre-K TeamDHH CREWDHH CrewKindergarten, Mrs. Woodsen’s class is working on how to subtract. In reading, we are learning about how to ask and answer questions about familiar words in the text. In social studies, we are learning what firefighters do. 1st/2nd Grade, Ms. Thibert’s class is working double digit subtraction with regrouping. In science, we are learning the different states of matter and how they change. Congrats to all the students! They improved their reading test scores! 2nd grade is going to Flamino Gardens. Please remember to pay online by the due date. 3rd Grade, Ms. Compton’s class is working on fractions for math. In writing, we are working on sentences structure. We are beginning to create and read different kinds of graphs for science. We are excited for our field trip to watch a play about Rosie Revere!4th/5th Grade, Mrs. Kelly’s class just finished long division and is moving onto Order of Operations. In reading, we are working on our comprehension skills related to the text. On Fridays, we do FSAA practice. 5th grade has many events coming up! Please be on the look out for different 5th grade events!#DeafSquadKINDERGARTEN NEWSKicking off a new year here in kindergarten!?We are currently working on breaking apart words by their sounds as well as blending them back together. We have been practicing our rhyming sounds to create word families. Our big focus this quarter is sight words. We encourage parents to read books with rhyming patterns containing sight words (i.e. I play with blocks. I play with markers). To challenge your student, have your student compare their experiences to experiences in the books they read. This is a great way to create connections to the stories they read. In math,?we are now beginning to work on adding and?subtracting within numbers up to 10.FIRST GRADE NEWS ?First Grade is chillin’ as we work and learn. We have completed the second round of BAS testing and so many children are showing progress! We will continue to reinforce the First Grade Standards with rigor.In Language Arts/Reading we are concentrating on phonemic awareness, fluency and comprehension skills, which are worked on daily. You should see major strides in these areas. Please encourage your child to read daily at homeIn Math, we are comparing 2 digit numbers and soon will be adding and subtracting them. Practice counting tens and ones and recognizing numbers up to 120.Our next Science Unit will deal with Living and Nonliving things. Students will be expected to make observations of living things and their environments using their five senses. They should also be able to differentiate between living and nonliving things. February is Black History Month and your child should have chosen a famous Black American to research a report. We will also continue with our Unit in Economics.SECOND GRADE NEWS2nd grade hopes everyone had a fabulous Winter Break! We are looking forward to the amazing things 2019 will bring.?In ELA, we are?reading a variety of?literature?text, and acknowledging the differences in point of view between characters. We are also?digging deep into comparing and contrasting two or more versions of the same story, such as?The Three Little Pigs. We are on?Unit 5 in Fundations, and?we have been working on breaking apart and understanding various?multisyllabic?words. We have learned new prefixes and suffixes, which has helped us understand word meaning.??In science, we continue to learn all about matter and its significance. In math, we?are working on different strategies to?subtract 2 digit numbers. We have also been?working hard with regrouping as the numbers continue to get bigger.?We are?working on??learning how to break down word problems in order to solve them. Quick reminder, don't forget to sign the form and pay online?for our upcoming field trip to Flamingo Gardens on February 11th. Also, please provide your child with a bagged lunch that day. Thank you in advance???We hope you have an awesome month!?See you later!?"Be the change you wish to see in the world"-Gandhi?THIRD GRADE NEWSHello 2019…we are beyond excited to start the New Year with our fantastic Peters’ students. As we begin this New Year, please remember that your child should engage in text every night for at least 30 minutes. Logging into Broward SSO is an easy way for your child to have access to several materials for both reading and math. We know with your continued efforts at home that we will build a platform of success. May this New Year bring great health and much happiness to all of you and your families.Your 3rd grade team Ms. Buchanan, Ms. Harper, Ms. Jackson, Ms. Luersen, and Ms. SiegelThanks for ALL that you do. FOURTH GRADE NEWSWe can’t believe it is already the second semester. The fourth-grade students have worked very hard the first half of the year and are learning all the skills they need for the FSA assessments. Don’t forget that the students are working toward earning a bike. They need 1,500 points on the second and third report cards combined. Ask your child or their teacher for details. This is an amazing program sponsored by the Plantation Police Department. The students are all putting forth a lot of effort to be the best they can be.Please remember this time of year to make sure your child has all the necessary school supplies. It is during this time that many of the students run out of supplies and don’t make their parents aware of it. If all the children come to school ready to learn with proper supplies, it makes the day run much smoother. Please check with your child to make sure they are arriving to school on time daily with their school supplies.We are having a great year of learning and we appreciate your continued support!FIFTH GRADE NEWSThe fifth-grade students are gearing up for the FSA! We have been busy at work preparing and practicing our skills. We are learning everything we need to be successful this year. Please check your child’s planner nightly and look over any homework. We will be in contact with any concerns, or to communicate any successes with you as well.Much of our work is done on the computer. For this reason, please ensure your child comes to school with their charged laptop daily. Additionally, please check to make sure your child comes daily with earbuds or headphones. This makes our school day much more efficient and run much smoother.We have many exciting events coming up soon. Please check your email, and be on the lookout for field trip forms, informational flyers, and other communication about these events. Specifically, the Kennedy Space Center deposit information will be going home shortly. We are very excited to have so many fun and educational opportunities for our students!JANUARY MEDIA NEWSPrekindergarten read “Quit Calling Me a Monster” By Jory John and then we made monsters.First and Second Grades read books about Mittens and then compared and contrasted characters.Third Grade is working on researching biographies.Fourth Grade is creating a Board Maker by Discovery Education on Florida’s Resources.Fifth Grade is working on a PowerPoint on Forms of Energy.Mrs. PaytonNEWS FROM MUSICHello! We have been very busy in music class so far in 2019! Primary grades have?been focusing on moving and singing to a steady beat, as well as maintaining pitch. In addition,?1st graders are even able to recognize correct and incorrect iconic notation, and 2nd grade has been?focusing on their percussion technique. Intermediate grades are wrapping up their unit on instrument families of the orchestra. They can recognize instruments by sight and characteristics. 5th grade is even focusing on recognizing instruments by sound!Chorus club continues to meet before school?on Monday mornings and Percussion club on Wednesday mornings.Angelica SaintelusMusic Teacher*****************************************************Noticias de Enero en Espa?olSpanish Club: Forty-two children from Pre-K to 5th grades have been practicing on Tuesdays and Thursdays early mornings for the Alice and Wonderland play, that we will be performing on Thursday, March 21 at the Academic Fair that will be held at the Peters Elementary Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. PK-2nd - We are working on basic time and scheduling concepts using songs and games.3rd-5th – We are working on scheduling vocabulary and higher time concepts through calendar and writing activities.Please practice Spanish by logging into Canvas.Lisette Bolona, Spanish Teacher SCHOOL PROCEDURES TO KNOW AND REVIEWWelcome to Peters Elementary! Whether you are a new parent or a returning parent, please review and know these important school procedures. This will help ensure a safe and effective learning environment for your child(ren.Any medication (both over-the-counter and prescription) needs to have a Medication Authorization form on file in the front office in order to be administered at school. Children are not allowed to transport any medication to school.If your child arrives at school after 8:10 am, your child will be marked tardy. Prior to 8:20 a.m., the child should walk directly to the classroom where the teacher will mark the student tardy. As per School Board Policy, there will be no early dismissal thirty-minutes before dismissal.Send any phone number changes in writing to the classroom teacher. In the event of an emergency, it is very important that we have current numbers to reach a parent or guardian. We also regularly send out Parent Link phone calls with important school information to keep our parents informed. This information is sent to the current phone number on record.Phone in any absences to the Attendance Line at 754-322-7902 within 48 hours. Any absence not phoned in or called in after the 48 hours timeline will be marked unexcused. Please make sure you have reviewed the Student Code of Conduct booklet for excusable absences.Please notify the teacher in advance of any early release dismissal by sending a note with your child to the teacher. This will allow the child to have the backpack and necessary items should the class be at lunch, recess, or special during the early dismissal. Without advance notice, your pick up time may be greatly delayed while we locate the class and allow the child access to the classroom to gather belongings.Any changes in dismissal procedures must be in writing and emailed to Rebeca.Scroggin@ before 1 pm. Be sure to enclose your child’s first and last name, teacher’s name and what grade they are in. After 1 pm, we cannot accept any dismissal changes for that day, even if they are in writing.Late lunches, homework assignments, and books will be placed on the counter in the front office. We will call all the classrooms with items dropped off at 10 am for pick up. This keeps class interruptions to a minimum and helps students learn the responsibility of being properly prepared each morning. Please provide your child with the tools to prepare each night for the next morning so they can learn this important lesson for life-long success.As always, we appreciate your cooperation in making this a safe learning environment for all students at Peters Elementary.ASP is Peters’ after school program. ASP’S mission is to enhance and enrich the lives of children while meeting the needs of children, families, schools, and communities they serve. ASP strives to provide innovative programs that meet the developmental needs of the growing child. For more information, please contact the front office at 754-322-7900. DRESS CODEPeters Elementary has adopted a school wide mandatory unified dress program. As specified in School Board Policy #5309, violations of the uniform policy shall be subject to the same consequences as violations of the dress code of the Code of Student Conduct. The school uniform will consist of the following:Bottoms: Navy or khaki pants, capris, shorts, skirts, shorts, or jumpers. No jeans or oversized s: White, red or blue short and long sleeve collared (polo-style) shirts. No emblems or designer labels, except the Peters Elementary logo. Peters t-shirts, which can be purchased from the PTA, are also allowed.Shoes: Sneakers, athletic shoes, leather shoes, boat shoes with enclosed toes or backs. No sling-backs, clogsor open toed shoes.Jackets/sweaters worn indoors should be red, white or blue in color without emblems, designer labels or words. Peters’ sweaters are available for purchase from the PTA. Coats worn outdoors are not governed by our uniform policy.Parents may request an exemption for their children not to wear uniforms within the first ten days of a student's enrollment. Parents must contact the school office to receive an Application of Exemption in such cases. Exemptions will only be granted if they conform to the requirements of School Board Policy #5309.ID Badges – ALL students and staff are required to wear ID Badges at all times while on campus. Every student and staff member will be issued an ID badge for the 2018-2019 school year. TITLE ONE PARENT INFORMATION School Improvement Plan: School staff and parents jointly develop the plan. It includes yearly objectives and activities that will be implemented at the school level. You can access this plan at peters.. If you would like to review a hard copy of this plan or translation is needed, please contact Linda Trimble at 754-322-7900. School Parent Involvement Plan: School staff and parents jointly develop the plan as part of the School Improvement Plan. The plan includes the parent activities to be implemented through the school year and an evaluation of last year’s parent program. You can access this plan at peters. . If you would like to review a hard copy of this plan or translation is needed, please contact Linda Trimble at 754-322-7900.District Parent Involvement Plan: District staff and parents jointly develop the plan. The plan includes the parent activities to be implemented through the school year and an evaluation of last year’s district parent program. You can access this plan at: you would like to review a hard copy of this plan or translation is needed, please contact Linda Howard, Title I Program Specialist at 754-321-1410. School Public Accountability Report (SPAR), school grades, state assessment reports: The School Public Accountability Report contains several types of data (indicators) designed to inform parents and the general public about the progress of Florida’s public schools. This report meets the public reporting requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act and certain additional information of interest on the status of Florida’s schools. In addition, the Florida Department of Education publishes school grades, the results of the state assessment of Florida schools. You can access these reports at . If you would like to review a hard copy or if translation is needed, please contact the front office 754-322-7900.Principal Attestation Letter: Indicates the percentage of teachers and paraprofessionals that are highly qualified. You can access this information at peters..JANUARY AND FEBRUARY DATES01/07/19 – Employee Planning01/08/19 – Start of 3rd Quarter (51 days)01/08/19 - SAC/SAF Meeting – 8:30 AM Old Teacher’s Lounge01/7/19 thru 01/21/19 – Domino’s Pizza Fundraiser01/21/19 – Holiday No School – Martin Luther King Jr.01/22/19 – Class Pictures01/26/19 – Debate Tournament – 8:00 AM – 1:00 PM – Floranada Elementary01/28/19 – Parent University – 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM01/30/19 – 100th Day of School01/30/19 – Report Cards Issued02/01/19 – Take Your Child to Work Day02/05/19 – SAC/SAF Meeting – 8:30 AM – Old Teacher’s Lounge02/06/19 – Merit & Honor Roll Assembly3rd Grade – 8:30 AM- 9:00 AM – Cafeteria4th Grade – 9:05 AM – 9:30 AM – Cafeteria5th Grade – 9:35 AM – 10:00 AM – Cafeteria02/07/19 – ESOL Game Night – 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM – Cafeteria02/08/19 – 5th Grade Winter Formal 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Cafeteria02/12/19 – Interim Reports Issued02/12/19 – Panda Pride Assembly – Cafeteria8:20 AM – Kindergarten and 1st Grade8:55 AM – 2nd and 3rd Grade9:30 AM – 4th and 5th Grade02/11/19 thru 02/19/19 – Smart Bond Voting02/14/19 – Valentine’s Day02/14/19 – Moment of Silence – MSD High School02/18/19 – Holiday No School – Veteran’s Day02/21/19 – Early Release Day – Dismissal 12:10 PM02/23/19 5th Grade Showcase – Jim Ward Community Center ................

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