
Dear Scholarship Applicant: Thank you for your interest in a GBTA South Florida Chapter Scholarship.The scholarship grants are awarded to members on a merit basis. If you are selected, you willreceive a grant, which will be allocated to the program of your choice. Grants must be used within one year of acceptance.Please review all materials in the enclosed Scholarship Grant Application Kit. Deadline forapplications are April 30, 2020The forms and information to be completed and returned to the GBTA South Florida Education &Scholarship Committee are as follows:1. Application2. EssayIf you have any questions, please contact the GBTA South Florida Education & ScholarshipCommittee via email at gbtasf@.Again, thank you for applying for a Scholarship Grant. We look forward to receiving your application.Sincerely,GBTA South Florida Education & Scholarship CommitteeGENERAL SCHOLARSHIP TERMS:1. Scholarship grants will be awarded in various amounts based on need.2. Grants cannot be applied to courses already completed.3. Grants must be used within one year of acceptance.4. Grants are given to the individual and are not transferable.5. Individuals may apply for more than one grant but must submit a separate application for each grant.6. Only one grant will be awarded to an individual per year.ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS:1. Unless otherwise noted, applicants must be a current member of GBTA South Florida in good standingat the time the application is submitted to the Education & Scholarship Committee.2. Applicant must comply with all schedules and requirements pertaining to the scholarship applicationprocess.3. Applicants are eligible to receive no more than two scholarships in any consecutive 5-year period.APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCESS:Each applicant must:1. Complete and submit application by deadline, April 30, 2020.2. Applications must be complete to be considered.Application Review:1. Applications are treated as privileged communication and are restricted to GBTA South Florida Board of Directors and Committee members.2. The decision of GBTA South Florida to grant or not to grant a scholarship rests within the sole andunfettered discretion of GBTA South Florida, shall be final and binding, and shall not be subject tochallenge in any court for any reason.3. The GBTA South Florida Education & Scholarship committee will notify recipients directly.SELECTION OF SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS:The Education & Scholarship Committee will select scholarship grant recipients based on standard recipient selection procedures. Applications are reviewed by a randomly selected group of GBTA South Florida Board of Directors or active Members, applicants remain anonymous during the application review process. Scholarship grants will be awarded using the following criteria:1. Industry involvement2. Industry Awards and honors3. Leadership and participation in GBTA South Florida and/or GBTA activities4. Statement of career objectivesGBTA South Florida Scholarship Grant Application1. I am applying for: (please check one): ? GBTA Community Access Membership – Allied (value up to $175.00) ? GBTA Community Access Membership – Direct (value up to $175.00) ? GBTA Convention Scholarship (value up to $1500.00)2. Position Level (check most appropriate)? Coordinator ? Supervisor ? Manager ? Director ? Vice President or higher ? Other __________________________3. Responsibilities: Describe your responsibilities as they relate to staff supervision, budget, policy, negotiations, and other areas (you may attach a separate sheet if needed).Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.Click or tap here to enter text.4. Years in Industry _____ 5. Years GBTA South Florida chapter member _____ Years GBTA Member _____6. Industry, GBTA and Chapter Activities (Officer, Committees, Speaker, Instructor, etc.)a. Click or tap here to enter text. d. Click or tap here to enter text.b Click or tap here to enter text.e. Click or tap here to enter text.c. Click or tap here to enter text.f. Click or tap here to enter text.7. Number of GBTA conferences attended ____ 8. Number of GBTA South Florida meetings attended per year ______9. Education: _____High School _____Some College ____AA _____BA/BS _____MA/MBA _____ Ph.D.Affidavit: I certify that all information provided is true and if requested, proof of same will be submitted.Failure to provide documentation shall invalidate this application and result in termination of any aid granted.________________________________________________ ________________________Signature DateGBTA SCHOLARSHIP GRANT ESSAYINSTRUCTIONSRequirements: Each scholarship applicant prepares and submits an essay to the GBTA Scholarship Committee for evaluation as part of the selection process. “Essay” must be submitted with the application and received by GBTA South Florida no later than the deadline, April 30, 2020.Purpose: The essay will provide necessary information to understand the merits, accomplishments, and other reasons as to why the applicant should be selected for an GBTA south Florida Scholarship. It will be scored based on organization, clarity, completeness, and persuasiveness. The essay should outline the applicant’s experience, continuing education, personal accomplishments, career goals and objectives, GBTA and GBTA South Florida participation, industry activities, job accomplishments and civic activities as described below depending on which grant you are applying for. GBTA Community Access Membership – Allied and DirectWhy do you have an interest in joining GBTA – South Florida Chapter?What do you hope to achieve by becoming an active member?Would you be willing to volunteer for a committee? And if so, which committee would be of interest to you?GBTA ConventionHow many GBTA conventions have you attended in the past? In what ways will this grant help?What do you hope to achieve by attending GBTA convention? ................

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