
English I Honors Syllabus: 2016-2017Doral Academy Charter High SchoolTeacher: Ms. MorcosSchool Phone: (305) 597-9950Classroom: 209AEmail: mmorcos@*Parent conference can be scheduled with the school’s counselor(s).Course Description:The English I honors course continues to develop skills and instruction in the Language Arts Core Content Standards: reading, writing, listening, viewing, and speaking. An integration of these standards will be presented through a rigorous focus on the writing process, literary analysis and text-based vocabulary. This year we will be focusing on Empathy, Leadership, Dreams and Aspirations, and the Power of Love through StudySync. Homework:Homework will be assigned on a DAILY BASIS. Below, you will find three different ways to ensure you ALWAYS know your home learning. Homework is due on the next class day unless otherwise stated on the class website.1) Check The School’s Website: . The website will be updated on a weekly basis for homework.3940810850902) Classroom Board:a. Students are required to write their homework inside agendas before leavingclass.3) Verbal Explanation:a. Homework will be explained before class is complete.* This is a GREAT time to ask questions regarding home learning.Failure to do complete homework will result in the following:- “Pink Slip”- a zero for that assignment.- Parent Contact- Parent ConferenceDaily Rules and Procedures1. BE PROMPT:- Be on time to class!- Students who are tardy must have a pass. If you do NOT have a pass you will receivean unexcused tardy. 3 tardies equal a detention.- Upon arrival begin working IMMEDIATELY on English Warm-up. ALL warm-ups must be under the “Bell ringers” tab in your binder and only for bell ringers/warm-ups. Each quarter a grade will be assigned according to the numbers of bell ringers/warm-ups completed.2. While in Class:- Sit in your assigned seats correctly.- Raise your hand and wait to be recognized, DO NOT CALL OUT!- NO PROFANITY!!! There is no justification for using profanity in the classroom setting.Any profanity (whether on purpose or by accident) will result in an immediate detention!Consider this the warning.- BE RESPECTFUL: Show the same respect to others, students, adults, and their property that you would expect for yourself.3. Absences:- If you are absent, be sure to ask a peer or the teacher for make-up work ON THE FOLLOWING CLASS DAY.- REMEMBER: Make-up work will NOT be accepted for unexcused ABSENCES.- LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!4. NO CELL PHONES OR IPODS.- The use of electronic devices (Cell phones, Ipods, tablets…etc.) is NEVER allowed. If they are seen or heard they will be taken until the end of class, the end of the school day or until a parent/teacher conference is scheduled. If there is an emergency, you may ask to use the school’s office phone.5. Bathroom Procedure:- Each student will receive three passes at the beginning of each grading period. They may ask to use the restroom during my class and only use the given passes per grading period, unless there is an emergency.* Please speak to me beforehand if there is a medical issue that needs to be addressed.Class Consequences:1. Verbal Warning2. Student/Teacher conference 3. Call or E-mail home4. Parent/Teacher conference 5. ReferralRequired Materials:Due by August 28/29th (for a grade!)StudySync Workbook 3 Ring Binder (1 inch is recommended) Do not share binder with anotherclass5 Pocket Dividers (Please keep a copy of your syllabus in here)1. Bell ringers 2. Annotating/ Class Notes 3. Grammar4. Writing5. HandoutsSheet Protectors (to insert in binder)2 Red Pens; 2 Blue Pens; 2 Pencils; Eraser; 1 Box of Color Pencils1 composition notebook for journal entries.College Rule PaperIndex cardsHighlighters (2 different colors)Dictionary and Thesaurus, preferably Roger’s 21st Century or Merriam WebsterDEPARTMENT FEESAll students will pay an English Department fee of five dollars ($5.00). The fee can be paid online at the school website: . WORKBOOKSAll students will be assigned a Studysync workbook. Students who lose or misplace their workbooks will pay a ten dollar ($10.00) workbook replacement fee, and receive a new workbook.Items to be submitted to the teacher (for volunteer hours):Box of highlightersBox of pencils (#2)Box of blue pensBox of red pensBox of crayonsLined sticky notesBox of tissueHand sanitizer (12oz.)Clorox WipesBox of paper clipsASSESSMENTSDistrict Assessments: As designated by any MDCPS requirements, district assessments will be administered through Language Arts/English classes throughout the course of the year. Teachers are expected to print out class score reports and utilize the data to modify classroom instruction. Given any MDCPS demands, all teachers will be required to administer district writing assessments a minimum of three times throughout the year (generally end of August, October/November, and mid-January). Teachers must score these assessments utilizing the FSA Writing Rubric, conduct writing data chats with students. Florida Standard Assessments: Each student in grade levels from 6-10 is required by the State to take the English Language Arts Standard Assessment, which consists of both a reading and writing test. Teachers are expected to prepare students to succeed on these tests.VOLUNTEER HOURSI will be awarding hours for things donated to the class. This could include Gift cards. Please make sure you attach a receipt to everything that is being donated in order to receive hours.Every $3.33 will be awarded 1 volunteer hour. Remember that 30 hours must be completed by the end of the year. YOU MUST BRING ALL YOUR MATERIALS EVERY SINGLE DAY TO CLASS.Novels Required:1) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee- ISBN-10: 0446310786 (Read in 1st Quarter)2) The Odyssey by Homer (translation by Robert Fagles 1996) - ISBN-10: 0140268863(Read in 2nd Quarter)3) Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck- ISBN-10: 0140177396 (Read in 3rd Quarter)4) Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare- ISBN-10: 0743477111(Read in 4thQuarter) PLEASE DO NOT GET THE “NO FEAR” VERSION!!! WE ARE READING THE REGULAR TRANSLATION.Honors Novel: Oedipus Rex* Please purchase the novels as soon as possible. Plan with ample time to have them delivered via OR pick them up in any available book store (i.e. Barnes and Nobles, Books and Books). Also, please use the ISBN numbers as these are the only versions I will expect.Reading PlusThe English Department will be in collaboration with the Reading Department in incorporatingReading Plus into the weekly homework component. Every week the students will have to complete a designated section in Reading Plus. These weekly assignments will count as a QUIZ grade in the gradebook. Reading Plus is a web-based program that transforms how, what, and why students read. It is the only Common Core aligned reading intervention that prepares students to engage with complex text by developing all threedimensions of successful readers—capacity, efficiency, and motivation— which are the foundation of success”- Grade BreakdownYour grade will be an average of the following:Tests=40%Quizzes=20%Projects/Reports=30%Class work/Homework=10%- Student’s grades are accessible on the student’s portal at all times. To access the website go to .*** Students will be responsible for keeping up with their grades via the Student Portal. If students have any questions or concerns about a particular grade, or their overall performance, they may speak to the teacher before or after school. There will be various extra credit opportunities provided throughout each nine weeks. Thus, “extra” extra credit will not be given in a desperate attempt to save/raise your grade. (Take advantage of the E.C. when it comes around!)Grading Scale:SCORE GPA GRADE100%-90% 4.0-3.5 A89%-80% 3.4-2.5 B79%-70% 2.4-1.5 C69%-60% 1.4-1.0 D59% or Below Below 1.0 F***Reminder: “X” = Excused (Does not affect GPA) & “Z” = Zero/Incomplete****Parents please contact me via e-mail for the fastest response, I will bemore than happy to assist you with any information regarding our class, orstudent. Please reference my e-mail address above.Remember that LEARNING is our goal. Let’s work together to make this anenjoyable, interesting, and fun school year. I am here for you! Please LET MEKNOW if you need extra help, or just some encouragement. I wish you muchsuccess in this class and on the 9th grade English FSA exam. GOOD LUCK!“Continuous effort- not strength or intelligence- is thekey to unlocking our potential.”-C.S. LewisEnglish IAgreement to Course Requirements, Policies, and RulesStudent Name: ______________________________ Period: _____________Student Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________Parent/ Guardian Name: _______________________ Date: ______________Parent/ Guardian Signature: _____________________Parent Email: _________________________________ (mandatory; please do not give me your child’s email)Parent Phone Number: _________________________Instructional Film Consent FormDear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),During the course of the 2015-2016 school year I plan to show PG/ PG-13 or RATED R rated movies in full or as excerpts to enhance our class curriculum. Our school requires parental permission for your son/daughter to view movies that are used in our curriculum which are rated PG or PG-13.This is a permission slip to allow your child to view all of the films/clips assigned via Studysync and the teacher’s discretion in reference to curriculum correlation.Sincerely,Ms. Morcos*****************************************************************____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full-lengthmovies/excerpts rated PG or PG-13.____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full lengthmovies/excerpts of the types mentioned in this letter. I understand alternate learningexperiences will be provided for my child while the movie is being watched.Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________Date: ______________________*Syllabus is meant as a guide and subject to change* ................

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