RevenueU Home


Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Self-Assessments 1

Develop a Career Plan 2

Career Discussions 3

Values Self-Assessment 4

Work Preference Assessment 5

Job Interest Tracking Sheet 7

Career Priorities Assessment 8

Career Risks Assessment 9

career Planner 11

career Discussions Log 17

Department Website Resources and Links 18

Department of Management Services (DMS) Links 18

State of Florida Employment 18

State of Florida University System 18

Other Website Resources 19

References 19

■ Introduction

Career development is an investment in your future. By matching your personal work goals with the Department of Revenue’s (Department) business needs, you can achieve career success!

Effective career development can help you:

• Improve your current job performance.

• Set personal career goals – and work toward achieving them.

• Be ready for future job opportunities.

• Meet the Department's goal for a dynamic and effective workforce.

You are the driving force behind your career. By actively developing your career, you become better prepared to succeed within the Department. More importantly, when you take the initiative to develop a practical career plan and put it into action, you gain essential skills that can help you succeed throughout your entire career.

This workbook provides you with some tools and resources that will help you:

• Learn more about yourself, your interests and the work environment you like.

• Set priorities and understand risks for your career.

• Develop a career plan, identify goals and track conversations with your supervisor.

More than anyone else, you are responsible for your own career development. Although your manager/supervisor and others in the Department will provide support, you are ultimately responsible for your professional growth and for managing your career.

■ Self-Assessments

Assessments are important in career development. The self-assessments in this workbook (pages 4-7) can help you collect valuable information about what you like, and your values, needs and skills. As you learn more about yourself, the information may help you identify the best direction for your career. When all your personal traits match a career path, you can experience higher job satisfaction and performance.

RevenueU, our career development resource, has more self-assessment tools that you may find helpful: . By learning more about yourself, you get a better idea of how you can manage your career.

The self-assessments in this workbook and on RevenueU are for your personal use. You don’t have to submit them to anyone. The assessments will help you identify and write down what you know about yourself, and may help you discover new things.

■ Develop a Career Plan

Career plans are road maps that take you from choosing a career strategy to achieving your career goals. Career plans are important because they guide you in developing the abilities, skills and competencies needed so you can reach your professional goals.

As you develop your career plan, be ready to:

• Know what jobs are the best match for you.

• Identify your career goals (short- and long-term).

• Identify needed training.

• Identify possible career barriers.

• Ask for support.

Your career plan should reflect goals that are:

• Specific: Specifically and clearly stated.

• Achievable: Difficult, but still possible.

• Measurable: Identifies what, when, where or how to achieve the goal.

• Practical: Achievable, given your skills, knowledge and abilities.

• Timed: Time limits for goal completion.

• Organizational: Support the Department’s strategic goals and objectives.

Remember, career planning is an ongoing process. As time goes on, things may change about you or your preferences. You can change your career plan as needed. Remember to involve your manager/supervisor in your planning. Discussions about your career plan with your manager/supervisor, mentor or career coach are important.

■ Career Discussions

Your career development starts with a two-way conversation between you and your supervisor.

• Tell your supervisor you want to develop your career.

• Listen to your supervisor's feedback and advice.

• Get training or learn new skills that support your personal goals and benefit your Department team.

• At RevenueU, you can pursue the career you want – both now, and in the future.


• Complete the Career Tools Worksheets.

• Develop clear goals.

• Be ready to discuss your findings with your supervisor.

• Ask questions as needed.

• Set up a formal meeting with your supervisor, so you can talk without distractions.

Values Self-Assessment

To get a sense of your own values, place a check mark in the correct column to the right of the value. Trust your instincts, and don’t spend too much time thinking about your answers. Your results will be more accurate if you answer quickly.

|VALUE |Always Valued |Often |Sometimes |Seldom |Never |

| | |Valued |Valued |Valued |Valued |

|Authority/Power | | | | | |

|Change and Variety | | | | | |

|Competence | | | | | |

|Decision Making | | | | | |

|Group Affiliations | | | | | |

|Friendships | | | | | |

|Influencing People | | | | | |

|Knowledge | | | | | |

|Personal Security | | | | | |

|Recognition | | | | | |

|Salary Level | | | | | |

|Status | | | | | |

|Working Alone | | | | | |

|Working with People | | |

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Compendium of Questionnaires and Inventories Volume 2, Cook, Sarah, HRD Press, Inc., 2007

Step 2:

Now look back at the list and ask yourself the following questions:

|What are the common work elements I like? |

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|What are the common work elements I dislike? |

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|Does my current job let me do the work I like, |

|or the work I show an interest in? |

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|What changes can I make so I can do the work I like? |

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Job Interest Tracking Sheet

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|Job Title | |

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|Job Requirements |

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|Do I currently have the skills required? |Yes |No |

|Are there any job openings now? |Yes |No |

|Are there any job openings at my agency or department? |Yes |No |

|If there aren’t any job openings now, what can I do? | |

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Adapted from Developing Employee Capital, Kalamas, David and Joan Berry, HRD Press, 2004

Career Priorities Assessment

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|Rank the items in the list below, using the scale of 1 to 10 (1 is the most important to you and 10 is the least important to |

|you). Use each number only once. |

| |Salary |

| |(What you now earn) |

| |Potential |

| |(Your likelihood for advancement or increase in earnings) |

| |Hours |

| |(Scheduled number of hours you work) |

| |Kinds of Tasks |

| |(Doing what you like to do; task variety; using your skills) |

| |Working Conditions |

| |(Work setting, facilities, your work environment) |

| |Interpersonal Relations |

| |(The quality of your interaction with your superior, co-workers, subordinates) |

| |Degree of Responsibility |

| |(Decision making level; amount of supervision you receive and give to others) |

| |Benefits |

| |(Your benefits package) |

| |Location |

| |(Location, including distance from your home to the job) |

| |Flexibility |

| |(The flexibility you have in setting your own job hours and job tasks) |

Developing Employee Capital, Kalamas, David J and Kalamas, Joan Berry, HRD Press, 2004

Career Risks Assessment

|1. Check the following situations or issues which may be a risk for you within the next 12 months. By evaluating your career |

|risks, you may face change better. |

| |Layoffs. |

| |Rumored layoffs. |

| |Some of your skills will become outdated. |

| |Personality conflicts with supervisors, those you supervise or co-workers. |

| |Conflict between your values and the organization’s values. |

| |Your age (opinions about being too young, too old, or having been with the organization too long). |

| |Health risks. |

| |Unmanaged stress/burnout. |

|2. Check the statements that best describe your career and work life. |

| |My current job runs my life. I often feel overwhelmed. My time for building my career potential is limited. |

| |I have another income source I can fall back on if my current career doesn’t go as planned. |

| |I can find fulfillment by doing volunteer work. |

| |I regularly take time for self-development through training, self-directed study, and continuing education. |

| |I have skills, knowledge and abilities that I don’t use in my current career. |

(continued on next page)

|Give a brief description on the following topics: |

|My career strengths: |

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|My career opportunities: |

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|My career threats: |

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Developing Employee Capital, Kalamas, David J and Kalamas, Joan Berry, HRD Press, 2004


career Planner

Date: ________________

Short-Term Goals (1 – 5 years):

|Goal #1: |

|Challenges: |Solutions: |

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|Current Resources and Personal Strengths (to help achieve goal) |Needed Resources and Personal Strengths |

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|Action Steps: |

|Developmental Assignments: |

|Career Strategies (look at pages 6-9) |Cross Training |

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|Training and Education |Conferences |

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|Organizational Memberships |Other (include projects and other assignments) |

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|Target Date for Completion: __________ |Reason goal was not completed: |

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|Completed Not Completed | |

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(continued on next page)

|Goal #2: |

|Challenges: |Solutions: |

| | |

|Current Resources and Personal Strengths (to help achieve goal) |Needed Resources and Personal Strengths |

| | |

|Action Steps: |

|Developmental Assignments: |

|Career Strategies (look at pages 6-9) |Cross Training |

| | |

|Training and Education |Conferences |

| | |

|Organizational Memberships |Other (include projects and other assignments) |

| | |

|Target Date for Completion: ________ |Reason goal was not completed: |

| | |

|Completed Not Completed | |

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(continued on next page)

|Goal #3: |

|Challenges: |Solutions: |

|Current Resources and Personal Strengths (to help achieve goal) |Needed Resources and Personal Strengths |

|Action Steps: |

|Developmental Assignments: |

|Career Strategies (look at pages 6-9) |Cross Training |

| | |

|Training and Education |Conferences |

| | |

|Organizational Memberships |Other (include projects and other assignments) |

| | |

|Target Date for Completion: ________ |Reason goal was not completed: |

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|Completed Not Completed | |

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(continued on next page)

Long-Term Goals (5 – 10 years):

|Goal #1: |

|Challenges: |Solutions: |

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|Current Resources and Personal Strengths (to help achieve goal) |Needed Resources and Personal Strengths |

| | |

|Action Steps: |

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|Developmental Assignments: |

|Career Strategies (look at pages 6-9) |Cross Training |

| | |

|Training and Education |Conferences |

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|Organizational Memberships |Other (include projects and other assignments) |

|Target Date for Completion: ________ |Reason goal was not completed: |

| | |

|Completed Not Completed | |

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(continued on next page)

|Goal #2: |

|Challenges: |Solutions: |

| | |

|Current Resources and Personal Strengths (to help achieve goal) |Needed Resources and Personal Strengths |

| | |

|Action Steps: |

| |

|Developmental Assignments: |

|Career Strategies (look at pages 6-9) |Cross Training |

|Training and Education |Conferences |

|Organizational Memberships |Other (include projects and other assignments) |

|Target Date for Completion: ________ |Reason goal was not completed: |

| | |

|Completed Not Completed | |

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(continued on next page)

|Goal #3: |

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|Challenges: |Solutions: |

| | |

|Current Resources and Personal Strengths (to help achieve goal) |Needed Resources and Personal Strengths |

| | |

|Action Steps: |

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|Developmental Assignments: |

|Career Strategies (look at pages 6-9) |Cross Training |

|Training and Education |Conferences |

|Organizational Memberships |Other (include projects and other assignments) |

|Target Date for Completion: ________ |Reason goal was not completed: |

| | |

|Completed Not Completed | |

career Discussions Log

|Person I Met With: |Position or Title: |

|Career Goal or Strategy Discussed: |

|Contact Date |Activity Code |Discussion Points (next steps, etc.) |Next Meeting Date |

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■ Department Website Resources and Links


Department Human Resources Website

Department Job Opportunities

Department’s List of Pay Plans

■ Department of Management Services (DMS) Links

DMS Broadband Classification and Compensation Program

■ State of Florida Employment

State of Florida Employment Guide

People First Job Search

■ State of Florida University System

Florida Colleges and Universities

Florida Tuition-Free Program Information

Facts about Florida’s Tuition-Free Program for State Employees

■ Other Website Resources

Resume Writing Help

U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Outlook

U.S. Department of Labor CareerOneStop

■ References

Compendium of Questionnaires and Inventories Volume 2, Cook, Sarah, HRD Press, Inc., 2007.

Developing Employee Capital, Kalamas, David J and Kalamas, Joan Berry, HRD Press, 2004.

Up is Not the Only Way, Kaye, Beverly and Farren, Caela, Training and Development, ASTD, 1996.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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