Saturday – January 25, 2014

Daytona Beach, Fl


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by President Dale Haas. The Committee said the Pledge of Allegiance and Ron Ribaric gave the invocation. Secretary Althea Parrish called the roll.

President Dale Haas Present

President-Elect Russell Ketchem Present

Vice President Robert Garland Present

Secretary Althea Parrish Present

Treasurer Rick Keeney Present

House Delegate Doug Layton Present

Immediate Past President Chris Evers Excused Absence

(Proxy to Paul Moore)

District Rep. 1 – Al Green Excused Absence

(Proxy to Mark Juliano)

District Rep. 2 – Alisha Wetherell Present

District Rep. 3 – Thomas Frisbie Present

District Rep. 4 – Joey Duncan Present

District Rep. 5 – Amy Blaida Present

District Rep. 6 – Robert Nowak Present

District Rep. 7 – John Dunton Present

District Rep. 8 – Thomas Wilcox Present

District Rep. 9 – Nicole Monahan Present

District Rep. 10 – Jamie Brown Present

District Rep. 11 – Cheech DeCelles Excused Absence

(Proxy to Sam May)


1. Secretary – Althea Parrish

MOTION: Treasurer Rick Keeney made a motion to approve the November 2, 2013 minutes. District Representative Joey Duncan seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

2. Treasurer - Rick Keeney

Treasure’s Report – Rick Keeney went over his treasurers report and explained the existing budget and asked for sponsors to off set our executive meeting expenses. He also stated about the rsvp’s for dinner and if you are not going to be in attendance, please let Arnesa with Plan Ahead Events know. We have to pay for what we confirm. (See attached report)

MOTION: District Representative Tom Wilcox made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report as submitted. District Representative Bob Nowak seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

3. President - Dale Haas

President Haas spoke of the APWA International Affairs Committee (IAC) offered its congratulations to Amanda Millirons as she was selected as a recipient for the 2014 Jennings Randolph International Fellowship Award. She was chosen to do a study tour in New Zealand.

President Haas went over the Plan Ahead Events, formerly known as Corporate Events had a contract with the APWA Florida Chapter through 2016. The proposed contract had been reviewed and approved by APWA National. Discussion

MOTION: Alternate House Delegate Mark Juliano (proxy from Al Green) made a motion to accept the Plan Ahead Contract as amended and authorize President Dale Haas to execute. President Elect Russell Ketchem seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

Three copies are needed: 1) National, 1) Secretary and 1) for Plan Ahead Events. Discussion

President Haas spoke of the Nominating Committee and the upcoming nomination of the slate of officers for the upcoming year 2014/2015. Due to the scheduling of the EXPO in July of 2014 and in keeping with our by-laws we will have to have an electronic election prior to our May meeting in Ft. Lauderdale. The “Survey Monkey” was chosen and on the committee are: Althea Parrish, Amy Blaida, Paul Moore, Bob Nowak and Joey Duncan.

Regional Director Tommy Brown will be here in May for our Executive Committee Meeting to install new officers.

MOTION: Vice President Robert Garland made a motion to comp Regional Director Tommy Brown’s room. President – Elect Russell Ketchem seconded motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

(See Written Report)

4. & 25. President-Elect - Russell Ketchem

President Elect Russell Ketchem went over his report. He spoke of the December 12th Steering Committee meeting and their accomplishments. He spoke of the upcoming 2016 and the 2017 Expo shows.

MOTION: President-Elect Russell Ketchem made a motion for the 2016 show to go to Tampa and the 2017 show to go to Orlando, based on the West Coast Branch acceptance. Secretary Althea Parrish seconded. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

President Elect Russell Ketchem talked about the new marketing logo for the upcoming Expos.

MOTION: District Representative Joey Duncan made a motion to accept the Florida Works Expo. House Delegate Doug Layton seconded motion. Called vote and was declined. 10 no’s - Motion did not pass.

MOTION: Secretary Althea Parrish made a motion to accept the “Florida Public Works Expo” as the official marketing logo. District Representative Nichole Monahan seconded motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

Russell also reported on the Strategic Plan in an attempt to keep the documents on everyone’s mind.

Rose and Thelma with Plan Ahead Events talked about the new officer’s badge and also getting ones for the past presidents. Discussion

They also spoke of the Florida Chapter APWA banner and that the old one is full and has no room for new patches. Discussion

MOTION: President Elect Russell Ketchem made a motion to expend the money to buy a seconded banner not to exceed $1500. Money will come from reserves. District Representative Joey Duncan seconded motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

(See Written Report)

5. Vice President - Robert Garland

Vice President Robert Garland spoke about an abstract that was submitted on behalf of the Florida Chapter of APWA to participate in the 28th Annual Governor’s Hurricane Conference in Orlando on May 11-16, 2014. The abstract, titled “Florida Public Works – First to Respond, Last to Leave” was accepted and is tentatively scheduled to be presented in the format of a workshop. Rick Keeney, Mark Juliano, Sam May and Jeff Wilson are in attendance.

MOTION: District Representative Amy Blaida made a motion for the Florida Chapter to pay for rooms for the 4 attendees at the Hurricane Conference. Not to exceed $600 and the money will come from reserves. Paul Moore (proxy from Immediate Past President Chris Evers) seconded motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

6. House Delegates Report - Doug Layton

House Delegate Doug Layton spoke about the House of Delegates and their upcoming meetings and the upcoming trip with Alternate House Delegate Mark Juliano.

Immediate Past President – Chris Evers – Absent - (See written report)


8. District 1 - Al Green - Excused absence –

(Proxy to Mark Juliano) (See Written Report)

9. District 2 - Alisha Wetherall - She spoke of her branch activities.

(See Written Report)

10. District 3 - Thomas Frisbie - Thomas spoke of his branch activities and their upcoming events. (See Written Report)

11. District 4 - Joey Duncan – Joey went over his Branch activities and their past and upcoming events. The Northeast Florida Branch held its 1st Annual Public Works Employee Recognition Luncheon. (See Written Report)

12. District 5 - Amy Blaida - She went over the Central Florida’s Branch past activities and upcoming events. (See Written Report)

13. District 6 - Bob Nowak - He spoke of the West Coast Branch activities. (See Written Report)

14. District 7 - John Dunton - He talked about the Treasure Coast Branch activities. (See Written Report)

15. District 8 - Tom Wilcox - He spoke of the branch activities for the Suncoast Branch. (See Written Report)

16. District 9 - Nicole Monahan - She went over the branch activities for the Southwest Branch. (See Written Report)

17. District 10 - Jamie Brown - He talked about the branch activities. (See Written Report)

18. District 11 - Cheech DeCelles – Excused absence – Sam May talked about their branch activities and the Branch getting ready for the upcoming 2014 Expo. (No Written Report)


19. Annual Chapter Dinner (Congress) Tim Mooney – Absent – Discussion on the cost of Annual Chapter Dinners at Congress. (See written report)

20. Association Alliance Jim Myers – Talked about partnerships with other organizations. (See Written Report)

21. Auditing Paul Moore – Will have report at the next meeting. The auditing committee is due to meet in March.

22. Awards Don Jacobovitz - Don talked about the upcoming deadline for the Chapter to meet the criteria because of the time frame to meet National’s criteria. (See Written Report)

MOTION: House Delegate Doug Layton made a motion to authorize President Dale Haas to offer Chapter support for APWA National Awards submittals recommended by the Awards Committee. Treasurer Rick Keeney seconded motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

23. By-Laws Tom Pugh gave his report. The Florida Chapter By-Laws are current (last revised 4/2012). No action required until next update 2015. (See written report)

24. Chapter Annual Meeting – Included in President-Elect’s Report #4.

25. Diversity Maria Fernandez-Poratta – absent – No Written Report

26. Education and Training Rohland Bryant is absent. Ray Gorman was in attendance for Rohland. He spoke of Rohland retiring and that a notification is required to President Haas. Victoria Stalls talked about the Public Works Institute.

(See Written Report)

27. Expo Task Force Chris Evers – Absent – Went over his report at the Friday afternoon meeting. “Expo” is the new word for show. He discussed the NACE/APWA Expo in Daytona Beach.

28. Finance Chad Shoultz – Absent - Chad and Brian will be back at the May meeting with their proposed modifications to the Chapter’s Investment Policy Statement. (See Written Report)

29. Government Affairs George Recktenwald talked about going to Tallahassee for Legislative meetings. His lodging for this is already in the budget, he needs to turn in his receipts to Treasurer Rick Keeney.

30. Historical Bob Nowak – Bob is looking for past PACE awards. If someone has these please get with Bob. (See Written Report)

31. International Affairs Committee - Herb Raybourn - absent. District Representative Amy Blaida spoke of Amanda Millirons being chosen as a recipient of the 2014 Jennings Randolph International Fellowship Award. Amy asked the Chapter for $500, as the Chapter has done before, to go towards Amanda’s travels.

MOTION: President Elect Russell Ketchem made a motion for the Chapter to give $500 to come from reserves to Amanda with a presentation from Amanda to follow from her travel. MOTION PASSED WITH HOUSE DELEGATE DOUG LAYTON VOTED NO.

32. Marketing & Social Media - Chas Jordan – absent and gave his presentation at the Friday meeting. He spoke of the Marketing Plan, the Expo Marketing, the Website and the Goals for the Year. (see attached report)

33. Member of the Year Cheech DeCelles – Absent – Deadline is approaching, get your applications in.

34. Membership Amy Blaida gave the Southwest Branch the plaque for the most members contest. The Branch also received $200 for the branch as a prize. Dave Derrick’s name was drawn for the gift card. Amy went over her Membership committee and Subcommittee reports. (See Written Report)

35. Newsletter Brandi Allegood stated the Fall Newsletter was completed on October 28, 2013. (See written report)

36. Nominating Ron Ribaric - gave his report. The following is the slate of officers for the Florida Chapter for 2014/2015.

President - Russell Ketchem

President Elect - Robert Garland

Vice President - Charles Jordan

Secretary - Althea Parrish

Treasurer - Rick Keeney

House Delegate - Doug Layton

Alt House Delegate - Mark Juliano

Immediate Past Pres. - Dale Haas

MOTION: District Representative Amy Blaida made a motion to accept the slate of officers as stated above for 2014/2515. District Representative Nicole Monahan seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

The new slate of officers will become effective in May 2014 at our next Executive Committee Meeting.

Past President’s Council – Ron Ribaric - No Report – Please send any new updates to Ron.

38. Public Works Week - Carsey Patrick talked about the upcoming trade show and the proclamation that will be needed. He’ll also need all the district representatives to man the table at the trade show.

39. Scholarship Russell Ketchem spoke of the scholarship application and his committee.

40. Scholarship Trust - Chris Evers – Absent at this meeting. He gave his presentation yesterday at the Friday meeting.

MOTION: Treasurer Rick Keeney made a motion that $8000 be drawn out for disbursement for the Scholarship Awards in accordance with Article 3- #12: “The annual yield, “not to exceed 4%,” from the Foundation invested funds shall be used for scholarships and/or educational programs for the Florida Chapter APWA. The amount, how many, and to whom the funds will be disbursed will be a majority vote of the Florida Chapter APWA Executive Committee. Vice President Robert Garland seconded motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

41. Strategic Plan Jeff Wilson absent – No Report -

42. Sustainability Jon Mills – absent – (See Written Report)

Technical Committee Task Force – Sam May – He explained the sessions are being sent to National APWA for approval for the 2014 Expo. CEU’s are being approved as well.

Meeting adjourned 11:10 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted by

Althea Parrish, Secretary



Florida Chapter – APWA 2013-2014


Dale Haas


4731 Capri Avenue

Sarasota, Fl 34235-4315

(H) 941-351-1642

(C) 941-914-6228

Email: daleh@


Russell Ketchem

City of Pompano Beach

11900 NE 3 Ave

Pompano Beach, Fl 33437

(O) 954-545-7011

(F) 954-786-4011

Email: RussellK@


Robert Garland

McKim & Creed

378 Interstate Court

Sarasota, Fl 34240


Email: rgarland@


Althea Parrish (Retired)

City of Sanford

P.O. Box 1788

Sanford, FL 32772

(O) 407-688-5107

(F) 407-688-5091

E-mail: parrisha@


Rick Keeney

City of Punta Gorda Public Works

326 W. Marion Avenue

Punta Gorda, FL 33950

(O) 941-575-5050

(F) 941-575-5044

E-mail: rkeeney@ci.punta-gorda.fl.us

Past President

Christopher Evers

Evers Infrastructure Group LLC

210 26th Avenue N

St. Pete, Fl 37704

(C) 727-638-1699

E-mail: cevers@

House Delegate

Doug Layton

12535 Mission Hills Circle North

Jacksonville, FL 32225

(C) 904-646-9068

E-mail: douglaytonathome@

(Atl. House Delegate – Mark Juliano)


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