TO: FCHPS Members and Affiliates

FROM: FCHPS Nominating Committee

RE: Election of FCHPS Officers and Executive Council Member

Enclosed are the following:

1. Official Ballot

2. Biographical Information Booklet

Please return the ballot to the Treasurer no later than April 5, 2013. The ballot shall be closed at the Executive Council meeting preceding the annual meeting.

Candidates will be informed of the results at the annual spring meeting.

Official Ballot

2013 Annual Election of Officers and Council Members

Directions: Place an “X” in the appropriate box. No votes will be counted for a given office unless so marked. Space is provided for a “write-in” candidate to be counted. Names already on the ballot represent those proposed by the Nominating Committee. You must be a current member in good standing to vote.

Seal completed ballot in an envelope. Write ballot on the outside of the envelope. Seal the first envelope in a second envelope and address the envelope to Florida Chapter, Health Physics Society, P.O. Box 358534 Gainesville, FL 32635-8534. Put your name and return address in the upper left corner and sign your name under the return address (your legible signature must appear on the return envelope for your vote to be counted). All ballots must be submitted by mail and postmarked by April 5th.




(vote for one)

Howard Dickson



(vote for one)

Kathy Thomas


Executive Council Member

(vote for one)

Kurt Geber

John Williamson



For President-Elect: Howard Dickson


Mr. Howard Dickson currently is President of Dickson Consulting, LLC, and Web Operations Editor-in-Chief for Burk & Associates, Inc. He holds a B.S. in Education from Slippery Rock State College in 1964, and an M.S. in Physics from the University of Tennessee (UT) in 1967. He completed graduate studies in Radiation Biology also at UT and is board certified by the American Board of Health Physics (ABHP), the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, and the American Board of Industrial Hygiene.

Howard spent the majority of his career in Oak Ridge, TN, working first at Oak Ridge Associated Universities, then at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in both radiation dosimetry research and operational health physics, and finally with Bechtel Construction where he became Vice President (VP) of Health Services. Subsequently he joined EG&G/REECo at the Nevada Test Site where he was Deputy General Manager and Sr. VP. After a brief stint at Livermore National Lab, Mr. Dickson completed his fulltime professional career as VP with EG&G supporting their homeland security business line.

Howard has served the Health Physics Society (HPS), the ABHP, and the American Academy of Health Physics (AAHP) in many leadership roles, including President of HPS, President of AAHP, and Vice Chair of ABHP. He served on many Boards, Committees and Chapters and has been recognized with the Elda Anderson Award (1981); HPS Fellow (2000); and Joyce Davis Award (2008).

For Secretary: Kathy Thomas

Kathy Thomas attended Pennsylvania State University and graduated in 1980 with a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science and Mechanics. She then attended the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida and earned a Master’s degree in the Medical Physics option of the Nuclear Engineering Sciences program in 1983. Kathy worked as the Radiation Safety Officer and nuclear medicine physicist at the VA hospital in Gainesville for three years and then spent a year working as the Assistant Radiation Safety Officer at the University of Florida. She then returned to the VA hospital

and became a Diplomat of the American Board of Radiology in Medical Nuclear Physics in 1986 and in Diagnostic Radiological Physics in 1992.

Kathy is a full member of both the national AAPM and HPS and is also a member of the Florida chapters of both societies. Kathy enjoys the challenges of applied clinical physics and finds working in a hospital environment stimulating and educational. Kathy and her husband, Ray, have one daughter, Sarah. Kathy is a member of a local Methodist Church and enjoys reading, swimming, and walking their miniature dachshund, Tony, in her spare time.

For Executive Council Member: Kurt Geber


Kurt Geber is the Agency Health Physicist providing expertise to the NASA Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer since 2003. Prior to that he was the Radiation Safety Officer for the NASA Plum Brook Reactor Facility Decommissioning Project and before that a Radiological Engineer for many years at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Kurt earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology in 1987 and a Master of Science Degree in Radiological Health from the University of Florida in 1989. He is a Certified Health Physicist and a member of the American Academy of Health Physics since 1998

For Executive Council Member: John Williamson

John Williamson graduated with an M.S. University of South Carolina, Chemistry (biochemistry)

Environmental Administrator, Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Radiation Control

John is the administrator of the Bureau of Radiation Control’s Environmental Radiation Programs, including emergency response and training. He is a member of the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors, serving on the Homeland Security Emerging Issues and the Homeland Security Emergency Response Committees and he is the Co-chair of Florida’s Preventative Radiological/Nuclear Detection Committee.


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