
Secondary Education, English Education (M.A.T.)Program Admission DeadlineSummer: March 1Fall: June 1Spring: October 15Degree Type:M.A.T.CIP Code13.1305Major CodeTSEDepartment CodeEDRMinimum Total Hours36Degree WebsitePlease be advised that program and/or course requirements are subject to change, per state legislative mandates, Florida State Department of Education program approval standards, and/or accreditation criteria.Program InformationThe M.A.T. secondary English education program is designed to prepare outstanding secondary teachers. Students enter this program after completing baccalaureate degrees in fields related to English and language arts. The cross-disciplinary sequence of courses and the required fieldwork explore the content areas, classroom technologies, researched skills, and strategies to improve instruction.a.) Level – Masters of Arts in Teachingb.) Emphases – The emphasis is in secondary education with a specialization in English education with fieldwork and professional development.c.) Credit Hours – The program is a total of 36 or 37 credit hours.d.) Purpose – The primary objective of the proposed programs is to produce, on an annual basis, up to 20 program graduates eligible for teaching certification in Florida in secondary teaching. The students will already possess undergraduate degrees in the appropriate certification. Students will submit applications to the program which include all of the elements necessary for admission to a teacher certification program (a personal statement, evidence of experience working with children and young people, letters of reference, etc.). At the completion of the program, students are expected to be seeking teaching positions in in middle and high schools throughout the region and state.Intended Learning OutcomesContent Knowledge English Education candidates demonstrate depth and breadth of content knowledge and content pedagogical knowledge across subject areas.Reflective and Ethical Practice English Education candidates demonstrate self-reflection, professional growth, and ethical practice.Evaluation and Decision Making English Education candidates use research-based practices and data to make instructional decisions.Educational Design English Education candidates design educational experiences that result in positive impact on student academic achievement.English Education candidates are proficient in integrating technology to enhance academic achievement.Learner as an Individual in the Community English Education candidates enhance learning environments to meet needs of the diverse experiences, perspectives, and cultures of their students.English Education candidates communicate in ways that demonstrate fairness, respect, and sensitivity to diversity, setting high academic expectation for all students.Admission RequirementsApplicants must meet USFSM’s university admissions requirements as well as the requirements listed below:Earned a bachelor’s degree in English or related field from a regionally accredited university, and have earned a GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) or higher in all work cumulatively or as an upper division student OR,A graduate degree from a regionally accredited institution with a 3.50 GPA for the graduate degree.Passing scores in all sections of the General Knowledge Test (GKT) of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam (must be within ten (10) years of graduation and application to FLDOE for certification)Personal statement (500 words) explaining why a career in English education is being pursued, , any prior educational, volunteer, or professional experience working with children or young people, and goals for this degree.Three (3) academic references attesting to readiness for graduate study.Current resume.Writing sampleInterview, if applicable.International ApplicantsAll applicants whose native language is other than English or who have earned a degree from an institution outside the United States must meet the University requirements relative to international graduate admission, (e.g. TOEFL scores, etc.). In addition to these university requirements, applicants to the School?of Education must provide the following:An external, course by course evaluation of the foreign degree by an approved external agency, and based on official transcripts;A social security number in degree programs requiring practica or internships;Other information as required by the program of interest, (e.g. Graduate Record Exam scores, etc.).Comprehensive ExaminationAll candidates must take and successfully pass a Master’s Comprehensive Examination in English Education the last semester of their program. Note: This exam is not offered during the summer term.TaskstreamUSF Sarasota-Manatee School of Education degree-seeking students enrolled in a course with a Formative Task, Summative Critical Task, Transition Point Project, Dispositions Assessment, Field-work, or Portfolio, are required to have a subscription to Taskstream; please visit the Taskstream homepage to create an account – HYPERLINK "" is a web-based electronic portfolio required of candidates in School of Education (SOE) programs.? It provides a way to submit documents, including Formative Tasks, Summative Critical Tasks, Transition Point Projects, Disposition Self-Assessments, and required documentation for Field-work and Diversity tracking to instructors for feedback and evaluation.? Formative Tasks (FT) are assessments used to demonstrate progress toward mastery of required knowledge, skills, or dispositions. Summative Critical Tasks (SCT) and Transition Point Projects are assessments used to demonstrate mastery of required knowledge, skills, or dispositions. Candidates must add SCTs and FTs to their electronic portfolio on Taskstream in accordance to their instructor’s directions before the course ends.? Once a FT or SCT is in the portfolio on Taskstream, it will be evaluated by the instructor using a rubric that has a 5-point scale. To show mastery on a SCT, candidates must earn a mean score of 3.0 or above.? If the candidates does not, the candidate is not allowed to pass the course.? The FTs provide feedback on progress and identify areas in need of growth; there is no required minimum mean score for FTs.?These assessments and documents are used to evaluate candidate progress toward meeting standards set by the faculty, Florida Department of Education where applicable and pertinent progression organizations.? The SOE faculty analyze data from the assessments and uses the data for program planning in order to ensure continuous improvement.TaskStream is a web-based electronic portfolio required of students in the School of Education (SOE) programs.? It provides a way to submit documents, including Critical Tasks, Transition Point Projects, Disposition Self-Assessments, and forms such as the Filed-work and Diversity Tracking Forms to instructors for feedback and assessment.? These assessments are used to evaluate candidate progress toward meeting standards set by the faculty, Florida Department of Education where applicable and pertinent professional organizations.? The SOE faculty analyzes data from the assessments and uses the data for program planning in order to ensure continuous improvement.USF Sarasota-Manatee School of Education degree-seeking students enrolled in a course with a Critical Task, Transition Point Project, Dispositions Assessment, Field-work, or Portfolio, are required to have a subscription to Taskstream; please visit the Taskstream homepage to create an account – HYPERLINK "" RequirementsThe completion following the following requirements are the responsibility of the student:Have a planned Program of Study on file with Program Advisor during first term of study.Maintained a 3.00 GPA in all graduate coursework, even outside your program.Grades below “C” are not acceptable toward degree requirements.Satisfactory performance on the Comprehensive Exam in secondary English education during the last semester of your program.Submitted the Application to Graduate to your advisor during the first week of the semester you plan to graduate.No coursework used to fulfill the requirements of the program are more than five (5) years old.Passing score on all sections of the required Florida Teacher Certification Exams (FTCE):??the General Knowledge test (GKT – required for admission), the?Professional Education Exam, and the Subject Area Exam in?English (English 6-12). Submit an original copy of the results to the college prior to the final?clinical semester.? Only passing exam scores earned no more than ten (10) years prior to the date of application to FLDOE are acceptableEnrolled in at least two (2) hours in the semester of graduation.Student must apply for graduation in the term the student wishes to graduate.All required assignments in Taskstream are satisfactorily completedCoursework Requirements (36-37 credit hours)Required Core (27-28?credit hours)Course NumberTitleCredit HoursRequisites (KEY)Notes (KEY)EDF 6432Foundations of Measurement3NoneESE 5344Classroom Management for a Diverse School and Society3NoneESE 5342EDF 6130Teaching the Adolescent LearnerChild and Adolescent Development and Learning3NoneTSL 5085ESOL I – Theory and Practice of Teaching English Language Learners3NoneTSL 5241Applied Linguistics in Teaching Diverse Students3NoneTSL 5086ESOL II – Secondary Language & Literacy Acquisition in Children & Adolescents3PR: TSL 5085LAE 6637Current Trends in Secondary English Education3PR:? LAE 4335 or LAE 4642Must be completed prior to clinicalLAE 5362Methods of Teaching English Language Arts3NoneMust be completed prior to clinicalORLAE 6339Methods of Teaching Secondary English Language Arts4NoneRED 6544Cognition, Comprehension, and Content Area Reading: Remediation of Reading3NonePracticum, Clinical, Field Work?(6?credit hours)Course NumberTitleCredit HoursRequisites (KEY)Notes (KEY)LAE 6947Internship in Secondary Education for English6NoneCI; Passing scores on FTCEApproved Electives (3?credit hours)Students will choose three (3) credit hours of electives (AML, ENL, ENG, LAE or LIT) at the 5000 level or above in addition to the coursework shown prehensive ExaminationAll candidates must take and successfully pass a Master’s Comprehensive Examination in English Education the last spring semester of their program.*Program and/or course requirements are subject to change, per state legislative mandates, and Florida State Department of Education program approval standards. Please contact Program for more information. ................

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