IDSA Emerging Infections Network

Report for Healthcare Worker Influenza Vaccination Query

Overall response rate: 478/991 (48.2%) physicians responded from 5/23/06 through 8/1/06.

60 physicians responded by indicating they were not involved with the flu vaccine program at their respective institutions and were unable to answer

The following results are provided for the 418 physicians who answered the survey. Numbers for some questions may add to less than 418 because not all respondents answered all questions.


Question 1: Does your hospital provide: Yes No

a. Influenza vaccine free of charge to all HCWs with direct patient care? 407 (98) 10 (2)*

b. Influenza vaccine free of charge to all HCWs? 375 (91) 36 (9)

c. Influenza vaccine free of charge to all volunteers? 341 (86) 54 (14)

d. Adequate staff and resources for influenza vaccine campaigns? 352 (85) 62 (15)

e. Vaccination in wards, clinics and/or common areas (outside cafeteria)? 362 (87) 56 (13)

f. Off-hours vaccination clinics? 236 (57) 175 (43)

g. Vaccination at any staff and departmental meetings? 192 (47) 216 (53)

h. Visible vaccination of any key personnel? 207 (51) 196 (49)

i. Tracking of unit-based vaccine compliance for at least some units? 236 (59) 162 (41)

j. Feedback of vaccination rates to HCWs and administration? 283 (72) 110 (28)

*Of the 10 respondents who answered ‘No’ to Q1a, one wrote that ‘now only nurses get the vaccine free,’ and two indicated that residents get the vaccine free but staff attendings do not.

The total number of ‘Yes’ answers were added together to create a score for each respondent:

10 ‘Yes’ answers: 50 (12%) respondents

9 ‘Yes’ answers: 77 (18%) respondents

8 ‘Yes’ answers: 77 (18%) respondents

7 ‘Yes’ answers: 72 (17%) respondents

6 ‘Yes’ answers: 59 (14%) respondents

5 ‘Yes’ answers: 36 (9%) respondents

4 ‘Yes’ answers: 22 (5%) respondents

3 ‘Yes’ answers: 14 (3%) respondents

2 ‘Yes’ answers: 5 (1%) respondents

1 ‘Yes’ answers: 4 (1%) respondents

0 ‘Yes’ answers: 2 ( ................

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