
HL7 Electronic Health Record Work GroupWeekly Conference CallTime: 1500 - 1600 PM ET US2018-07-31 AgendaPresiding Co-chair: John RitterScribe: Steve HufnagelTo join the HL7 EHR WG Meeting:Audio: Dial:?+1-224-501-3412,?Access Code: 798-931-918?#Video: Use GoToMeeting, Meeting ID:?798-931-918: The video is password protected; join by phone and then ask the co-chairs for the video password.(When connected via GoToMeeting, you might want to then dial-in using the Access Code and then Audio Code so that you will show up on the Control Panel).Materials:Minutes of 2018-07-24.Reducing Clinician Burden Analysis Worksheet-20180727b.xlsxFor the latest WGM Agenda, visit: Attending:Constantina PapoutsakisDawn Paulson John Ritter (presenter) Michael Brody Regrets:Anneke GoossenGary DickinsonPele YuAgenda:Welcome and approval of EHR WG Minutes.MOTION: [Tina Papoutsakis; Steve Hufnagel; 3-0-0] Approve the minutes of 20180724.Project UpdatesPHR System Functional Model Release 2 (John Ritter). Meets Wednesdays at 1200 ET US. Preparing materials for the September 2018 ballot. Aligning the PHR-S FM’s Information Infrastructure section with the Records Infrastructure and Trust Infrastructure sections of the EHR-S FM. Finished first pass of RI and TIEHR?System Usability Functional Profile (John Ritter) – Performing ballot reconciliation. Preparing materials for the September 2018 ballot. Meets Wednesdays at 1300 ET US. Reference DAM: CIMI, FHIM/CLIM and EHR-S FM, Tooling Support effort (Dr. Steve Hufnagel). Split into two PSSs (per TSC). The TSC and TSG are in possession of the two PSS documents; awaiting final approval.FHIR Record Lifecycle Event Implementation Guide (RLE IG – FHIR Preliminary R4 Ballot) (Gary Dickinson) – In the current FHIR R4 ballot Completed the May 2018 ballot cycle; nothing to resolve. Targeting September 2018 ballot cycle as part of the FHIR ballot.Records Management/Evidentiary Support, EHR as Legal Record (Dr. Reed Gelzer) – Weekly meetings planned to resume. No updates (per Reed Gelzer). September 2018 WGM face-to-face meetings are being constructed by Reed.Interoperability Summit to be held in WashDC in August 2018; Gary will attend.STATUS (Reed Gelzer): Record Lock or Legal Hold VA Legal Health proponent may stand up a WG. Immunization Functional Profile (Gary Dickinson, Mark Janczewski) – Ballot reconciled. See item 2 above. Resolving 6 Negatives. Preparing materials for the September 2018 ballot. .Work and Health FP (Christina Socias-Morales) – After any Negatives have been communicated to the balloter, and if that Negative is found to be sound (and voted as so by the EHR WG), then the FP is ready to submit a request-for-publication.Podiatry FP (Michael Brody) – Continuing to work on the FP. Completed Domain Analysis “Consent Management” and now will start reviewing CCs related to that. Also will be re-visiting the Wound-Care cases. Meets each Thursday at 12:00 pm ET US Next week the team will begin to write Conformance Criteria that will be based on the Wound Care Use Case data sets.Status (Michael Brody): Moved to Fri at 12:15. Tooling (Anneke & William Goossen) – Possible PSS for the Framework discussion. STATUS: Anneke sent regrets, she cannot attend. The cloud-based version of the Sparx System Enterprise Architect is now available. The EHR WG co-chairs are working with HL7 Staff to begin using the cloud-based version. We need this in place for our ballot.HL7 EA Cloud – Michael is working on this for capture of the FM’s and profiles into this tool. There should be a checkout system where a user can check out the profiles and models for work. This is a repository where the FM’s, FP’s, and work products will be published and maintained. We need this in place for our ballot.Web EA – Michael is currently evaluating the functionality of the Web tool to determine if it will support all of the features we need. This may be a view / review tool and may not support editing and custom capabilities that have been developed for the WG. We need this in place for our ballot.Lorraine has been working with Michael van der Zel on the Cloud version of the EHR System Designer Functional Profile Tool. The preferred method is to use a client version for the desktop, and update the data files that are intended to reside on the Cloud.ResultsForCare has submitted a proposal that has been accepted by HQ. There is a schedule for completion of the project. Michael has provided a template for import any Functional Profiles into the Tool. Dental FP team is ready to receive the “EHR Profile Designer Tool Import-Spreadsheet-Template”. PHR-S FM may use the same template.Importing the PHR-S FM into the tool. If the timing of the tool availability is such that we can get it in prior to the September ballot that would be idea. Can we import PHR-S v 1 into the tool? Then we can import the R2 version which will go to ballot in September.EHR-S FM R.2.1 (Gary Dickinson) – Working on the September 2018 ballot draft. Working on the RI and Glossary. John will post the latest draft of the new Conformance Clause piece. Anneke has proposed and offered initial draft of a new TI function regarding detailed clinical model services. Preparing materials for the September 2018 ballot. Nutrition FP (Tina Papoutsakis).Lorraine Constable and Tina weekly conference calls – each Thursday 4-5 pm ET US. Working on the Care Provision section of the FP.Preparing materials for the September 2018 ballot. Lorraine desires to meet with the EHR WG in August 2018 to review the proposed Nutrition Functional Profile ballot materials.STATUS (Tina): Meet on Thursday. should be done in 2 weeks. Dental FP (Paul Bralower, Andrew Casertano) - PSS is moving through the TSC review process.Date/time for weekly calls are yet to be determined.The ADA’s 1087 standard is being used as input into the HL7 Dental FP; the new FP will be joint-copyrighted.Awaiting further word from ADA on plans to move forward.Updates to the Conformance Clause (designed for inclusion in all Functional Models and then to be tailored for each Functional Profile). John will post the latest draft of the new Conformance Clause piece. It will be included in the EHR-S FM R2.1 and PHR-S FM R2 ballot release in September.Discussion on the topic of Provider Burden the spreadsheet that Gary has been working on.Reducing Provider Burden – This topic of high interest to the Federal Government. Gary is drafting an agenda for the Baltimore WGM. Gary has received some topic-suggestions (but welcomes more!), reference materials, requested outcomes, suggestions for inviting key personnel to the meeting, suggestions for possible Functional Profile(s) that can help reduce the Clinician Burden, possible calls-to-action to other HL7 WGs (e.g., FHIR, CDA). Analysis worksheet and reference materials are posted to the HL7 Interoperability Wiki ( ) Gary has distributed the spreadsheet regarding the Provider Burden, depicting the arenas where HL7 standards might apply. He has received feedback and will be posting an update.Gary will host a face-to-face discussion on Thursday Q2 at the 2018 WGM in Baltimore. We do have a commitment from ONC to join that session (Robert Anthony).Other BusinessPlanning for the Baltimore WGM: The EHR WG’s Agenda can be found at: Training approaches for the EHR Profile Designer Tool. Steep learning curve is problematic. Modular learning via YouTube video creation might be a good approach. Separate UML, Sparx EA, and creating profiles.Need to update the previous EHR WG training video on how to use the EHR Profile Designer Tool.Need to post a hyperlink to Sparx’ video on how to use the new Cloud-Based version.Proposed online training videos for: Release 2.0 to 2.1 updates vs. Release 1 to 2.x. Matching and merging profiles.How to merge FHIR transport mechanism.Planning possible future EHR WG education sessions. What types of education could the EHR WG offer?Should we create a Users Group?Put wiki on EHR workgroup site and main HL7 site not linking properly – Michael to research with HL7 HQ and report backNext EHR WG meeting: Tuesday, 7 August 2018 at 1500 ET US< End of document > ................

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