
Mr. Stone’s 7th Grade CivicsStudent Name (printed): __________________Political Science in which civics is apart of is the study of the processes, principles, and structure of government and of political institutions. This year we will be learning about the foundations of the United States Government, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and Citizenship/Community Service. A large focus this year will be placed on critical thinking skills, reading, discussion, and most importantly writing. My goal this year is to show not only how the government works, but also how we as citizens fit into that government. Political Science by nature is also the study of people, thoughts, and opinions. This class will give the student an opportunity to form and discuss their own opinions from a wide variety of differing sources. There will also be an end of course exam (EOC) that students will be taking near the end of the year. This exam will be 30% of the students overall grade. GradingI grade on a strictly point based scale. I grade on the following:Class workTests/QuizzesProjectsParticipation/BehaviorYou will be able to figure out your classroom grade by adding up your points and divide them by the points possible to get your percentage. (Ex. 40/50 is an 80%) HomeworkI will rarely assign homework in the traditional sense. Now before you get too excited about not having homework, realize that this means I will not be assigning you work to do to take home at the end of class to turn in the next day. Homework for Civics will be the ongoing review and practice of the material we will be learning in class. The review site I will provide for you on my website will become your new best friend this year. I also consider homework to be completing assignments you started in class, working on projects, and studying for assessments. Just because you are not taking something home with you does not mean you shouldn’t be spending a little time with Civics every day. This class is a marathon with the EOC being the finish line and your goal should be to get the best time (score) you possibly can. Late WorkNO EXCUSES, JUST RESULTS. All work needs to be turned in on the day it is due. Every day late is points off your grade. You need to have your name, date, and hour in the upper right hand corner. Any paper that does not have a name on it will not be graded. No-name work will have two days from when they are passed back to be claimed or they will go in the grade book as a zero.Absent WorkIt is the student’s responsibility to gather all of the work they have missed if they are absent. My website will be the best place for them to find what we did in class that day and possibly a link to the assignment. If not the student needs to find an appropriate time during the class period to find out what they have missed. Students will have the number of days they missed plus two to turn in what they missed.TextbooksThis year each student will have access to a class set of hard cover textbooks and an online version through the student portal. We will also be doing a lot of lessons from the iCivics website as well as a number of other supplemental resources.Classroom RulesWe all need to take pride in what we do. This will be your best year and to ensure that these rules must be followed to provide everyone the best learning environment. Prepared and Prompt. Come to class with your book and all of your supplies you need. You will lose gator great and participation points if you do not come to class prepared. Supplies consist of a writing utensil and paper. If you do not have something to write with, be prepared to part with either your shoe or another valuable belonging for collateral.Respectful and Responsible of your fellow students and any adult in the classroom. Everyone has a different opinion and has the right to have that opinion. Keep your hands to yourself when it comes to another student and their belongings. You are not entitled to someone else’s stuff just because you think you are, you aren’t.Integrity and Inside voiceDon’t Disrupt/Don’t eat and drink We are in class for around 50 minutes. Those minutes will be focused on class work, work and only work. Once you walk through my door any problems that you have need to be left outside. If it is a major issue (i.e. need to go see a counselor or administration), you need to come and talk to me in private before class starts or after class.Engaged in learning. . If someone is talking in class, you are not. If you have a question Raise your hand and wait to be called upon. You do not just start talking because you think you can, this goes back to rule one: Be Respectful.*Failure to follow classroom rules will result in discipline depending on the severity of the action:1) Warning2) Parent Contact3) Detention4) ReferralWays to CommunicateRemind Communication ToolRemind is a way for you to receive text message or email notifications about your student’s upcoming assignments and tests. This is a safe, one-way communication that keeps your phone number and email address private. Each teacher will be sending home instructions on how to sign up for their class. This is a great tool to stay informed on your student’s upcoming homework, and we highly encourage you to use this service! We will be setting this up with the students later in the week.Focus Parent PortalIt is extremely important that you and your students have access to Focus. In the upcoming weeks we will be rolling out a lot of new features for Focus that includes enhanced communication as well as online assignments and assessments. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to get in touch with me. Email is the best way to get a hold of me. My email is cjstone@. You may also call, but return calls or messages will be later that afternoon or the following morning. If it is urgent, please use email.Sincerely,Mr. Stone ................

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