Sears and Dewey Activity 1 (Rules for Dewey numbers)

For the following titles, give 1-2 Sears headings, based on rules covered in class. Give a Dewey number for each title with a full explanation of why you assigned the number. Each title is worth 8 points: 3 for Sears heading(s), 5 for Dewey number assignment. Be sure to explain your answers in order to receive full credit.

When assigning Dewey numbers, recall the following rules for some of these titles:

First of Two Rule

Rule of Three

|Title |Sears heading(s) – Explain or give page number|Dewey number - Explain |

| | | |

|1. Book of number theory |Number theory p. 523 |512.7 is listed for number theory in Dewey and is noted in |

| | |Sears |

|2. Catching fireflies |Fireflies---Collection and preservation |595.77 used for standard subdivisions for flies and fleas or |

| |Sears says types of flies [to be added as |for flies alone |

| |needed]; collection and preservation can be | |

| |used with animal specimens; | |

|3. My cute kitty and my darling|Pets---juvenile literature |636.7 Use first of two rule. Dog is 636.7 and cat is 636.8. |

|dog |Domestic Animals---juvenile literature | |

| | | |

| |Both can be used to classify common pets like | |

| |cats and dogs; the title suggests that it | |

| |would be in the juvenile section | |

|4. The Vet’s look at grizzlies,|Bears p.445 |599.78 |

|polars, and giant pandas |Used as a narrower term for mammals. |Use the rule of three and use the common numbers that all |

| |Bears---behavior Used if the vet is looking|three subjects have. |

| |at each bear’s behavior. | |

|5. Folk songs about trains in |Locomotives---United States---songs |782.421 6200973 addresses folk songs in the United States |

|America |-locomotives can be subdivided geographically | |

| | |625.260973 addresses locomotives in the United States |

| |Folk songs---United States---transportation | |

Sears and Dewey Activity 2 (Rules / Citation vs. Preference Order)

Assign Sears headings and Dewey numbers for the following titles. Each title is worth 8 points: 3 points Sears, 5 points Dewey. Explain your answers in order to receive credit.

When assigning Dewey numbers, recall the following rules for some of these titles:

First of Two Rule

Rule of Three

Preference Order (Table of Preference)

|Title |Sears heading(s) – Explain |Dewey number – Explain |

|1. Stars, comets, and planets |Outer Space---Exploration |523 is given according to the rule of three; all subjects are|

| | |addressed equally and they have 523 in common. |

| |Solar System---Exploration | |

| | | |

| |Both used as broader terms to fit the three | |

| |subjects of the book | |

|2. Behavior of poisonous |Poisonous animals---Behavior |591.5 should be used according to the table of preference |

|animals | |given on p. 590 |

| |Behavior can be used as a subdivision with | |

| |types of animals | |

|3. Rhyming games and riddles |Riddles---Juvenile literature |793.735 used instead of 398.8 and T3—8 because it seems to be|

| | |geared more toward and indoor type of activity than folk |

| |Rhyming games---Juvenile literature |literature or interdisciplinary work; |

| |Under the heading games, it says types of |398.8 could be used for rhyming games if the book is geared |

| |games and names of individual games [to be |toward jump rope rhymes, lullabies, tongue twisters, etc. |

| |added as needed] | |

|4. Teaching the gifted, |Gifted children---Education |155.45071 would be given for gifted children according to the |

|delinquent student | |table of preference and –071 added from T1 for teaching and |

| |Juvenile delinquency---Education |education |

| | | |

| |Education can be used as a subdivision with |364.36071 could be used for juvenile delinquency and |

| |classes of persons |education |

|5. How to hunt reptiles in the |Reptiles---Florida |799.29759 The relative index classifies sports hunting of |

|open areas of Florida (See RI)| |reptiles under 799.2; a geographic region can be added from |

| |Hunting---Florida |T2 under .29. –759 was added for Florida |

| | | |

| |Both the headings, reptiles and hunting, | |

| |denote that they can be subdivided | |

| |geographically; | |

Sears and Dewey Activity 3 (T1)

Assign Sears headings and Dewey numbers for the following titles. Each title is worth 8 points: 3 points Sears, 5 points Dewey. Explain your answers in order to receive credit.

|Title |Sears heading(s) – Explain |Dewey number – Explain |

|1. A History of cats |Cats---History |636.800 8 |

| | |Cats is listed under 636.8 and says that standard subdivisions|

| | |should be .800 1 - .800 9 |

|2. An Encyclopedia of animals |Animals---Encyclopedias |590.03 |

| | |Animals is classified under 590. Adding -03 from table 1 |

| | |classifies it as an encyclopedia. |

|3. A Workbook on animal |Zoology |590.076 |

|physiology | |590 covers zoology and -076 denotes that it is a workbook. |

| |Under Animal physiology, it says to use | |

| |zoology. | |

|4. A Serial on natural |Landscape protection |719.05 |

|landscapes | | |

| |Used this heading because it is used for |719 is the classification of natural landscapes; -05 |

| |natural beauty conservation |classifies it as a serial publication |

|5. Ice hockey official rules |Hockey |796.962 023 |

| | | |

| |Sears says that the heading Hockey should be |Ice Hockey is classified under 796.962. It is noted to have a|

| |used for Ice hockey. |standard subdivision of 962 01 – 962 09. -23 was added from |

| | |T-1 for the subject as a profession, occupation, hobby because|

| | |Ice Hockey would fit in the category as a hobby or profession.|

Sears and Dewey Activity 4 (T2)

Assign Sears headings and Dewey numbers for the following titles. Each title is worth 5 points: 2 points Sears, 3 points Dewey. Explain your answers in order to receive credit. ALL of these titles use T2, where there is a base number and you add on from T2 to build the correct number.

|Title |Sears heading(s) – Explain |Dewey number – Explain |

|1. Public libraries in |Public libraries—Italy |027.445 |

|Italy | |027.4 classifies the title under public libraries; 45 is added from |

| |This heading can be subdivided |T-2 to indicate Italy; |

| |geographically. | |

|2. Geography of Georgia |Georgia—Geography |917.58 |

| | |913-919 says to add to the base number 91 from T-2. 758 was added to|

| |Under Geography in Sears, it says that |denote Georgia. |

| |materials limited to a particular place | |

| |should be entered under the name of the | |

| |place with the subdivision Geography. | |

|3. Natural history in |Natural history—Moldova |508.476 |

|Moldova | |508 classifies it as natural history. .4-.9 on p. 498 says to add to|

| |May subdivide geographically |base number 508 notation 4-9 from T-2. 476 denotes that it is |

| | |natural history in Moldova. |

|4. Cajun cookin’ from the |Cajun cooking---Louisiana |641.597 63 |

|Louisiana Delta | | |

| |The heading cooking can be subdivided |Cooking characteristics of specific continents, countries, localities|

| |geographically. It also says to use a |is classified under 641.59. It says to add to base number 641.59 |

| |phrase heading for distinctive national or |notation 3-9 from T-2. 763 was added to denote the cooking from |

| |regional styles of cooking, so Cajun was |Louisiana. |

| |added to the cooking heading. | |

|5. A Map of the state of |Texas---Maps |912.764 |

|Texas | | |

| |Maps are to be used as a subdivision with |912 is for road maps for specific continents, countries, localities; |

| |names of countries, cities, and names of |It says to add to base number 912 notation 3-9 from T-2. 764 was |

| |wars. |added for Texas. |

The following titles must have the interposition of 09 from T1 before you can use T2 since there is no note telling us to add to a base number from T2. We must add “indirectly.”

|Title |Sears heading(s) - Explain |Dewey number (Explain) |

|6. Backgammon in Korea |Backgammon—Korea |795.109 519 |

| |Under games on p. 317, it says that types |795.1 classifies backgammon as a recreational game with dice. 09 has|

| |of games and names of individual games can |to be added since there is no note that you can add from T-2. 519 is|

| |be added as needed and can be subdivided |added from T-2 after 09 to classify it as being in Korea. |

| |geographically. | |

|7. Death customs of |Death—Argentina |393.0982 |

|Argentina |Death can be subdivided geographically. I |393 classifies death customs; 09 has to be added to be able to add |

| |did not use customs and practices because a|from T-2; 82 was added from T-2 to classify the death customs being |

| |religion or denomination was not being |in Argentina; |

| |used. | |

|8. Cathedrals of Europe |Cathedrals—Europe |726.609 4 |

| |Cathedrals can be subdivided |726.6 classifies cathedrals; 09 is added so that a geographic region |

| |geographically. |can be added from T-2; 4 is added from T-2 for Europe; |

Sears and Dewey Activity 5 (Review)

Assign Sears headings and Dewey numbers for the following titles. Each title is worth 4 points: 2 points Sears, 2 points Dewey. Explain your answers in order to receive credit.

When assigning Dewey numbers, recall:

First of Two Rule

Table of Preference

Rule of Three

T1 (Standard subdivisions)

T2 (Geographical)

T3 (Literature format)

T4 (Language format)

|Title |Sears heading(s) – Explain |Dewey number – Explain |

|1. A Workbook on |Skin diving---Study and teaching |797.2076 |

|snorkeling | |Snorkeling is classified under 797.2. -076 is added from T-1 for a |

| |Skin diving is UF snorkeling. Study and |workbook. |

| |teaching is used since it is a workbook and| |

| |is related to teaching and school. | |

|2. McBeth, by William |Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 |822.3 |

|Shakespeare | |William Shakespeare is classified under 822.3. |

| |I used this heading because none of the | |

| |other Shakespeare headings were to be used | |

| |for actual works. | |

|3. Safety regulations: |Sports---Safety regulations |363.14 |

|hazards in sports and | |According to the table of preference on p. 422, hazards in sports and|

|recreation / domestic |Safety regulations can be added as a |recreation comes before domestic hazards. |

|hazards |subdivision if needed. | |

|4. Classical Greek |Greek languages |885 |

|speeches | | |

| |Sears says to classify classical Greek |Classical Greek speeches is classified under 885 on p. 759. |

| |under Greek languages. | |

|5. From peanuts to |Carter, James Earl---Biography |973.926 092 |

|presidency: James Earl | | |

|Carter |The book sounds like it would tell about |President Carter is classified under 973.926. –092 was added from |

| |President Carter’s life, so biography is |T-1 for biography. |

| |used as a subdivision. | |

|6. History of television |Television broadcasting---History |384.5509 |

|broadcasting | | |

| |p. 728 and p. 353 |384.55 classifies television broadcasting. 09 is added from T-1 |

| | |according to directions under 380 for the history of television |

| | |broadcasting. |

|7. Applied science: |Technology |612.2 classifies respiration under applied science |

|Respiration and digestion |Digestion | |

| |Respiration |612.3 classifies digestion under applied science |

| | | |

| |Technology is UF applied science. | |

| |Digestion and Respiration are headings that| |

| |could be placed on the book since each is | |

| |discussed equally. | |

|8. Recipes from China |Cooking---China |641.5931 |

| | | |

| |Cooking is UF recipes and it can be |641.9 classifies cooking; a note says to add from T-2 to the number |

| |subdivided geographically. |to show a certain location; --31 was added for China. |

|9. Spanish-English / |Bilingual books---English-Spanish |465 |

|English – Spanish bilingual| | |

|dictionary |p. 82 |Spanish notation used according to explanation on p. 174 in T-4. It |

| | |says that if in and English speaking region, to class under the other|

| | |language. So for English-Spanish, Spanish-English, it should be |

| | |classed under Spanish. |

|10. Guidebook to Bermuda |Bermuda---Guidebooks |917.2904 |

| | | |

| |Guidebooks is used as a subdivision with |--729 was added to a base number of 91 for Bermuda. 04 was added |

| |the name of a city, state, country, etc. |according to the list on 770 for guidebooks. |

|EXTRA CREDIT |Ball games---Handbooks, manuals, etc. |796.33 02 |

| | | |

|(Worth 10 points: 5 for |Football---Handbooks, manuals, etc |This classification would be used according to the rule of three. |

|Sears, 5 for Dewey) | |Each sport has an equal part in the books so the number that are in |

| |Soccer---Handbooks, manuals, etc. |common are 796.33. ---02 was added to classify the work in |

|How to play rugby, soccer, | |miscellany, which would include official rules, spectators’ guides, |

|and football |Rugby---Handbooks, manuals, etc. |etc. |

| | | |

| |Ball games was a BT that could be used for | |

| |all of these sports combined. Football, | |

| |Rugby, and Soccer were each used to give a | |

| |more specific subject to the book. Since | |

| |each of these sports is given equal | |

| |attention, they could each be used to find | |

| |this book. Rugby isn’t a Sears heading, | |

| |but under the heading Ball games it says | |

| |that specific names can be added as needed.| |

| |Handbooks, manuals, etc was used as a | |

| |subdivision to show that it was a how-to | |

| |book that gave information on maybe the | |

| |rules, equipment, etc. for each sport. | |


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