Coach & Grow R.I.C.H.

“Done-For-You” BEST YEAR EVER Client-Attraction Teleseminar Package Follow-Up Email Campaign Use this follow-up email campaign to invite the people who registered for your Best Year Ever Teleseminar to have a “Start The New Year Right” Strategy Session with you……And then sign up a bunch of ideal new coaching clients from those sessions!Campaign OverviewSend out this follow-up email campaign to the people who registered for your Best Year Ever Teleseminar. Email #2 and #3 focus specifically on inviting people to have a free “Start The New Year Right” Strategy Session with you.Email #PurposeWhen to SendWho to Send toEmail #1Training Follow Up & Announce OfferDay after trainingFree Training Opt-InsEmail #2Promote Offer3-5 Days after trainingFree Training Opt-ins MINUS New CustomersEmail #3Promote OfferDay Offer expiresFree Training Opt-ins MINUS New CustomersIMPORTANT: Read through the sample emails and customize them based on who you coach, what you coach on and your own personal style of communication. Items that need customization are identified by <BRACKETS AND CAPS>.Items that are underlined in blue should be made a clickable link to the appropriate webpage. IMPORTANT: Be sure to check and update any references to the YEAR. These pre-written emails reference 2014 and 2015.Email #1 –Training Follow Up and Announce OfferSubject: Your Success Plan for 2015Hi <Name>,I keep getting emails from people thanking me and telling me how valuable my “Best Year Ever” teleseminar was. If you missed it, the recording will be available for 72 hours here.In this powerful training I revealed how you can…Get inspired and motivated to make 2015 your Best Year Ever… and create a plan to make it happen!Understand how to identify the goals you really want AND are most likely to achieve.Develop the #1 skill you need to be successful. It’s not the same as what most people THINK is holding them back.Use the 3 secrets to map out your year and truly design your success, your way.Put procrastination to bed, once and for all, and live on purpose.Implement 4 easy strategies to overcome any obstacle that gets between you and your best life.And much, much more!I also shared details about <ADD THE DETAILS ABOUT YOUR OFFER/CALL-TO-ACTION / IF YOU ARE OFFERING A FREE STRATEGY SESSION SEE THE NEXT EMAIL AND INSERT THE RELEVANT INFORMATION HERE.>I look forward to connecting and supporting you in making 2015 Your Best Year Ever!All the best,<YOUR NAME><YOUR CONTACT INFO>P.S. The special offer expires <ADD DATE>, so don’t wait! Click here to <ADD YOUR CALL-TO-ACTION>. Email #2 – Promote OfferSubject: Let me help you start your new year off right!Hi <NAME>,<YOUR NAME> here… checking in to see how things are going for you with regard to taking action and implementing the strategies from my “Best Year Ever” teleseminar.I’ve been getting emails with questions, updates on actions taken and quick wins people are enjoying. Those emails totally makes my day!Anyway, I’m curious what actions you’ve taken towards making 2015 your Best Year Ever.It’s SO important to take inspired action and gain momentum… and I’d like to help you do that! I’m offering you a free “Start Your New Year Right” Strategy Session for a limited time.In this private, 40-minute session, you and I will…Get super clear on your BIG vision for 2015Gain a fresh perspective on your current situation that reveals the #1 hidden challenge that’s been keeping you stuckIdentify at least one next step you can easily take to get into action fastI only have a limited number of spots available and I don’t know when or if I’ll be able to offer this for free again...+++++++++++++++HERE’S HOW TO APPLY:+++++++++++++++Reply to this email and answer the following questions:1. What’s your name?2. What would make 2015 your Best Year Ever?3. When you think about what you want for yourself to make 2015 your Best Year Ever, are you aware of any obstacles or challenges? And if so, what are they?4. Why is now the “right time” to make THIS YEAR your best year?5. Since I only have a limited number of spots available, why should I pick you?6. What‘s your best phone number and email address?Again, space is limited! I only have <INSERT NUMBER> “Start Your New Year Right” Strategy Sessions available and I’m sending this special offer as a “Thank You” to all of the people who registered for my Best Year Ever training…… So the sooner you apply, more likely you are to receive one of these sessions.Don’t wait... click reply and send me your answers before you do anything else.If you’re one of the first <INSERT NUMBER> people accepted, someone will contact you to schedule your session.Here’s a perfect opportunity for you to take some inspired action right now!I hope to connect with you personally very soon so that we can make 2015 your Best Year Ever.All the best,<YOUR NAME><YOUR CONTACT INFO>P.S. I only have <INSERT #> “Start Your New Year Right” Strategy Sessions available so don’t wait! Click reply and answer the questions above to apply for your session today. Email #3 – Promote Offer, Last ChanceSubject: Don’t Miss Out, <NAME>!Hi <NAME>,Did you see my email earlier this week?I just opened up a few spots for a free “Start Your New Year Right” Strategy Sessions and I’m almost completely booked!In fact, TODAY is the LAST day I can accept applications.I don’t want you to miss out if you are truly ready to make some major changes this here are the details on how you can claim this session TODAY...In this private, 40-minute session, you and I will…Get super clear on your BIG vision for 2015Gain a fresh perspective on your current situation that reveals the #1 hidden challenge that’s been keeping you stuckIdentify at least one next step you can easily take to get into action fastThere are only a few spots available, so today’s the last day to apply.+++++++++++++++HERE’S HOW TO APPLY:+++++++++++++++Reply to this email and answer the following questions:1. What’s your name?2. What would make 2015 your Best Year Ever?3. When you think about what you want for yourself to make 2015 your Best Year Ever, are you aware of any obstacles or challenges? And if so, what are they?4. Why is now the “right time” to make THIS YEAR your best year?5. Since I only have a limited number of spots available, why should I pick you?6. What‘s your best phone number and email address?Again, I’m almost fully booked! There are only <INSERT #> sessions left as of the time I sent this email.If you’re one of the last <INSERT NUMBER> people accepted, someone will contact you soon to schedule your session.Don’t reply and send in your application today.Let’s make this happen, <NAME>!All the best,<YOUR NAME><YOUR CONTACT INFO>P.S. You must apply TODAY in order to be eligible to grab one of the few remaining spots. You’ll kick yourself if you bypass this offer and find yourself in the exact same situation in 6 or even 12 months from now.Don’t let that happen! Click reply and apply today. ................

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