VPG FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training …

Victorian Purchasing GuideforFBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package Release 1.1May 2018? State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2018.Copyright of this material is reserved to the Crown in the right of the State of Victoria. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia licence (more information is available here). You are free use, copy and distribute to anyone in its original form as long as you attribute Skills Victoria, Department of Education and Training (DET) as the author, and you license any derivative work you make available under the same licence.DisclaimerIn compiling the information contained in and accessed through this resource, the Department of Education and Training has used its best endeavours to ensure that the information is correct and current at the time of publication but takes no responsibility for any error, omission or defect therein.To the extent permitted by law, DET, its employees, agents and consultants exclude all liability for any loss or damage (including indirect, special or consequential loss or damage) arising from the use of, or reliance on the information contained herein, whether caused or not by any negligent act or omission. If any law prohibits the exclusion of such liability, DET limits its liability to the extent permitted by law, for the resupply of the information.Third party sitesThis resource may contain links to third party websites and resources. DET is not responsible for the condition or content of these sites or resources as they are not under its control.Third party material linked from this resource is subject to the copyright conditions of the third party. Users will need to consult the copyright notice of the third party sites for conditions of usage.Victorian Purchasing Guide Version HistoryTraining Package Version Date VPGApprovedCommentsFBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training PackageRelease 1.117May2018In Release1.1 of this Victorian Purchasing Guide, corrections have been made to the Minimum and Maximum Payable Hours allocated to the following FBP qualifications:FBP20117 Certificate II in Food ProcessingFBP30117 Certificate III in Food ProcessingFBP20317 Certificate II in Food Processing (Sales)FBP30617 Certificate III in Food Processing (Sales)FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training PackageRelease 1.016 March2018The FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package Release 1.0 reflects the part transitioning of the FDF10 Food Processing Industry Training Package to the new Standards for Training Packages, in addition to two new qualifications:FBP10217 Certificate II in BakingFBP30817 Certificate III in Rice ProcessingFor FDF10 qualifications not yet transitioned, refer to FDF10 Victorian Purchasing Guide via the Training Products Unit website here.This Victorian Purchasing Guide also reflects the changes made from Maximum Nominal Hours to Maximum and Minimum Payable Hours.For detailed mapping of qualifications and units between FBP Release 1.0 and FDF10 please refer to the FBP Release 1.0 Training Package Implementation and Companion Guides refer to the VETNET website here.FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package Release 1.0Victorian Purchasing GuideCONTENTS TOC \h \z \t "T1,1,T2,2" INTRODUCTION PAGEREF _Toc508197933 \h 5What is a Victorian Purchasing Guide? PAGEREF _Toc508197934 \h 5Registration PAGEREF _Toc508197935 \h 5QUALIFICATIONS PAGEREF _Toc508197936 \h 6UNITS OF COMPETENCY AND NOMINAL HOURS PAGEREF _Toc508197937 \h 7SAMPLE TRAINING PROGRAMS PAGEREF _Toc508197938 \h 13CONTACTS AND LINKS PAGEREF _Toc508197939 \h 27GLOSSARY PAGEREF _Toc508197940 \h 29INTRODUCTIONWhat is a Victorian Purchasing Guide?The Victorian Purchasing Guide provides information for use by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in the provision of Victorian government subsidised training.Specifically the Victorian Purchasing Guide provides the following information related to the delivery of nationally endorsed Training Packages in Victoria:The maximum and minimum payable hours available for each qualification.Nominal hours for each unit of competency within the Training Package.RegistrationRTOs must be registered by either the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) or the Australian Skills Qualification Authority (ASQA) regulatory body to be eligible to issue qualifications and statements of attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).The VRQA is the regulatory authority in Victoria responsible for the registration of education and training providers in VET who provide courses to domestic students only and who offer training in Victoria only or Victoria and Western Australia only.To register to provide training to international students and in other Australian states and territories you will need to apply with ASQA. QUALIFICATIONSCodeTitleMinimum Payable HoursMaximum Payable HoursFBP10117Certificate I in Food Processing228240FBP10217Certificate I in Baking261275FBP20117Certificate II in Food Processing532560FBP20217Certificate II in Baking466490FBP20317Certificate II in Food Processing (Sales)470495FBP30117Certificate III in Food Processing760800FBP30217Certificate III in Plant Baking770810FBP30317Certificate III in Cake and Pastry9981050FBP30417Certificate III in Bread Baking941990FBP30517Certificate III in Baking13871460FBP30617Certificate III in Food Processing (Sales)580610FBP30717Certificate III in Rice Processing646680FBP40117Certificate IV in Flour Milling10641120FBP40217Certificate IV in Baking888935UNITS OF COMPETENCY AND NOMINAL HOURSRTOs are advised that there is a mapping inside the Training Package (Companion Volume) that describes the relationship between new units and any superseded or replaced units from the previous version of FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package (FDF10 Food Processing Industry Training Package Version 4.) Information regarding transition arrangements can be obtained from the state or national VET Regulating Authority (see Contacts and Links section).You must be sure that all training and assessment leading to qualifications or Statements of Attainment from the FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package is conducted against the Training Package units of competency and complies with the assessment requirements.List of the Units of Competency and Nominal HoursUnit CodeUnit TitleNominal HoursBeveragesFBPBEV2001Operate a deaeration, mixing and carbonation process50FBPBEV2002Manufacture roast and ground coffee100FBPBEV2003Operate an ice manufacturing process40Cheese MakingFBPCHE3001Conduct cheese making operations60FBPCHE3002Carry out processes for a range of artisan cheeses60ConfectionaryFBPCON2001Examine raw ingredients used in confectionery30FBPCON2002Operate a boiled confectionery process50FBPCON2003Operate a chocolate conching process30FBPCON2004Operate a chocolate depositing or moulding process40FBPCON2005Operate a confectionery depositing process40FBPCON2006Operate a granulation and compression process50FBPCON2007Operate a panning process40FBPCON2008Operate a chocolate refining process30FBPCON2009Operate a starch moulding process50Dairy ProcessingFBPDPR2001Operate a butter churning process50FBPDPR2002Operate a butter oil process60FBPDPR2003Operate a curd production and cutting process50FBPDPR2004Operate a cooling and hardening process25FBPDPR2005Operate a cheese pressing and moulding process40FBPDPR2006Operate a fermentation process50Eggs (Poultry)FBPEGG2001Work on an egg grading floor30FBPEGG2002Operate egg grading and packing floor equipment40Fruit and VegetablesFBPFAV2001Apply hydro-cooling processes to fresh produce30FBPFAV3001Conduct chemical wash for fresh produce40FBPFAV3002Program fresh produce grading equipment30Food SafetyFBPFSY1001Follow work procedures to maintain food safety20Grocery Products and SuppliesFBPGPS2001Operate a bleaching process50FBPGPS2002Operate a complecting process50FBPGPS2003Operate a deodorising process50FBPGPS2004Operate a flake preparation process40FBPGPS2005Operate a fractionation process40FBPGPS2006Operate a hydrogenation process50FBPGPS2007Operate an interesterification process50FBPGPS2008Operate a neutralisation process50FBPGPS2009Operate a soap splitting process50FBPGPS2010Operate a winterisation process30FBPGPS2011Operate a creamed honey manufacture process30Grain ProcessingFBPGRA2001Operate a liquid, mash or block stockfeed process30FBPGRA2002Recognise mill operations and technologies30FBPGRA2003Operate a grain conditioning process20FBPGRA2004Operate a grain cleaning process40FBPGRA2005Operate a purification process30FBPGRA2006Operate a scalping and grading process40FBPGRA2007Operate a scratch and sizing process30FBPGRA2008Operate a break roll process30FBPGRA2009Operate a pelleting process40FBPGRA2010Handle grain in a storage area30FBPGRA2011Receive grain for malting40FBPGRA2012Prepare malted grain40FBPGRA2013Blend and dispatch malt30FBPGRA2014Operate a rice vitamin enrichment process20FBPGRA3001Work with micronutrients or additions in stockfeed manufacturing processes40FBPGRA3002Apply knowledge of animal nutrition principles to stockfeed product40FBPGRA3003Lead flour milling shift operations60FBPGRA3004Control mill processes and performance60FBPGRA3005Conduct rice harvest receivals40FBPGRA3006Implement a paddy receival and grain cleaning process40FBPGRA3007Implement a rice blending and cleaning process40FBPGRA3008Implement a rice colour sorting process80FBPGRA3009Implement a rice flour break process40FBPGRA3010Implement a rice flour grading process40FBPGRA3011Implement a rice grading process40FBPGRA3012Implement a rice hulling and separation process40FBPGRA3013Implement a rice product manufacturing process80FBPGRA3014preparation and storage system60FBPGRA3015Implement a rice whitening process40FBPGRA3016Implement a rice flour blending process40FBPGRA4001Control power and automation for milling processes50FBPGRA4002Supervise testing processes for wheat and flour50FBPGRA4003Manage mill logistics and support services50FBPGRA4004Establish and supervise dust control procedures in a grain processing enterprise40Operational UnitsFBPOPR1001Pack or unpack product manually20FBPOPR1002Operate automated washing equipment20FBPOPR1003Communicate workplace information20FBPOPR1004Prepare basic mixes20FBPOPR1005Operate basic equipment30FBPOPR1006Monitor process operation30FBPOPR1007Participate effectively in a workplace environment30FBPOPR1008Take and record basic measurements30FBPOPR1009Follow work procedures to maintain quality20FBPOPR2001Work effectively in the food processing industry30FBPOPR2002Inspect and sort materials and product30FBPOPR2003Prepare and monitor beer yeast50FBPOPR2004Operate a beer packaging process40FBPOPR2005Operate a beer filling process40FBPOPR2006Operate a bulk dry goods transfer process30FBPOPR2007Work in a freezer storage area20FBPOPR2008Operate a bulk liquid transfer process30FBPOPR2009Load and unload tankers30FBPOPR2010Work with temperature controlled stock30FBPOPR2011Identify key stages and beer production equipment in a brewery30FBPOPR2012Maintain food safety when loading, unloading and transporting food40FBPOPR2013Operate a bright beer tank process30FBPOPR2014Participate in sensory analyses40FBPOPR2015Operate a beer filtration process40FBPOPR2016Operate a beer maturation process40FBPOPR2017Operate a blending, sieving and bagging process50FBPOPR2018Operate a case packing process40FBPOPR2019Fill and close product in cans50FBPOPR2020Operate a form, fill and seal process50FBPOPR2021Operate a fill and seal process50FBPOPR2022Operate a high speed wrapping process40FBPOPR2023Operate a packaging process40FBPOPR2024Operate a cooling, slicing and wrapping process50FBPOPR2025Manufacture extruded and toasted products50FBPOPR2026Operate a forming or shaping process50FBPOPR2027Dispense non-bulk ingredients30FBPOPR2028Operate a mixing or blending process40FBPOPR2029Operate a baking process50FBPOPR2030Operate a brewery fermentation process50FBPOPR2031Operate a coating application process40FBPOPR2032Apply work procedures to maintain integrity of product30FBPOPR2033Operate a depositing process50FBPOPR2034Operate an evaporation process50FBPOPR2035Operate an enrobing process40FBPOPR2036Operate an extrusion process50FBPOPR2037Operate a filtration process50FBPOPR2038Operate a grinding process30FBPOPR2039Operate a frying process50FBPOPR2040Operate a heat treatment process50FBPOPR2041Operate a mixing or blending and cooking process50FBPOPR2042Operate a drying process50FBPOPR2043Operate an homogenising process30FBPOPR2044Operate a retort process50FBPOPR2045Operate pumping equipment30FBPOPR2046Operate a production process50FBPOPR2047Operate a portion saw40FBPOPR2048Pre-process raw materials40FBPOPR2049Operate a reduction process30FBPOPR2050Operate a separation process50FBPOPR2051Operate a spreads production process50FBPOPR2052Operate a chocolate tempering process40FBPOPR2053Operate a washing and drying process30FBPOPR2054Operate a water purification process40FBPOPR2055Freeze dough20FBPOPR2056Operate a freezing process50FBPOPR2057Operate a membrane process50FBPOPR2058Operate a holding and storage process25FBPOPR2059Operate a continuous freezing process50FBPOPR2060Operate an automated cutting process30FBPOPR2061Operate a wort production process50FBPOPR3001Control contaminants and allergens in the workplace70FBPOPR3002Prepare food products using basic cooking methods50FBPOPR3003Identify cultural, religious and dietary considerations for food production40BakingFBPPBK2001Operate a cooling and slicing process40FBPPBK2002Operate a pastry forming and filling process40FBPPBK2003Manufacture rye crisp breads40FBPPBK2004Manufacture wafer products40FBPPBK2005Operate a doughnut making process40FBPPBK2006Operate a griddle production process40FBPPBK2007Operate a pastry production process50FBPPBK3001Operate a dough mixing process60FBPPBK3002Operate a final prove and baking process50FBPPBK3003Operate a dough make up process60People Management, Planning, LogisticsFBPPPL3001Support and mentor individuals and groups30FBPPPL3002Establish compliance requirements for work area50FBPPPL4001Manage people in the work area50FBPPPL4002Plan and coordinate production equipment maintenance50FBPPPL4003Schedule and manage production50FBPPPL4004Optimise a work process50FBPPPL4005Manage supplier agreements and contracts50FBPPPL4006Manage a work area within budget50Retail Baking (Advanced Baking)FBPRBK1001Finish products20FBPRBK2001Assist non laminated pastry production70FBPRBK2002Use food preparation equipment to prepare filings40FBPRBK2003Assist sponge cake production80FBPRBK2004Assist basic bread production60FBPRBK2005Maintain ingredient stores40FBPRBK3001Produce laminated pastry products100FBPRBK3002Produce non laminated pastry products80FBPRBK3003Produce specialist pastry products100FBPRBK3004Produce meringue products60FBPRBK3005Produce basic bread products120FBPRBK3006Produce savoury bread products100FBPRBK3007Produce specialty flour bread products100FBPRBK3008Produce sponge cake products80FBPRBK3009Produce biscuit and cookie products80FBPRBK3010Produce cake and pudding products120FBPRBK3011Produce frozen dough products80FBPRBK3012Schedule and produce bread production100FBPRBK3013Schedule and produce cake and pastry production100FBPRBK3014Produce sweet yeast products100FBPRBK3015Schedule and produce bakery production120FBPRBK3016Control and order bakery stock40FBPRBK3017Operate plant baking processes100FBPRBK3018Produce basic artisan products100FBPRBK4001Produce artisan bread products120FBPRBK4002Develop advanced artisan bread methods100FBPRBK4003Produce gateaux, tortes and entremets120FBPRBK4004Develop baked products80FBPRBK4005Apply advanced finishing techniques for specialty cakes80FBPRBK4006Coordinate baking operations60FBPRBK4007Assess and evaluate bread products80FBPRBK4008Apply bread baking science100Occupational Health and SafetyFBPWHS1001Identify safe work practices30FBPWHS4001Identify, assess and control work health and safety risk in own work50FBPWHS5001Manage work health and safety processes60SAMPLE TRAINING PROGRAMSA range of Sample Training Plans have been provided to demonstrate the flexibility of qualifications contained in the FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package, but are by no means mandatory.OccupationProduction Worker?Qualification Title Certificate I in Food Processing?Qualification CodeFBP10117?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a trainee or base level production worker in a food processing plant.?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCore?FBPOPR1003Communicate workplace information20FBPOPR1009Follow work procedures to maintain quality20FBPWHS1001Identify safe work practices30MSMENV272Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices30ElectivesFDFOP1003ACarry out manual handling tasks30FBPOPR1005Operate basic equipment30FBPOPR1006Monitor process operation30FBPOPR1007Participate effectively in a workplace environment30FBPFSY1001Follow work procedures to maintain food safety20Total Hours?240OccupationTrainee Baker?Qualification Title Certificate I in Baking?Qualification CodeFBP10217?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a trainee or base level production worker in a commercial baking environment?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCore?FBPFSY1001Follow work procedures to maintain food safety20FBPOPR1004Prepare basic mixes20FBPOPR1005Operate basic equipment30FBPRBK1001Finish products20FBPWHS1001Identify safe work practices30FSKNUM09Identify, measure and estimate familiar quantities for work15ElectivesFBPRBK2003Assist sponge cake production80FBPRBK2004Assist basic bread production60Total Hours?275OccupationProduction Operator?Qualification Title Certificate II in Food Processing?Qualification CodeFBP20117?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a production worker in a food processing plant?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFDFOHS2001AParticipate in OHS processes40FDFOP2063AApply quality systems and procedures30FDFOP2064AProvide and apply workplace information30MSMENV272Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices30ElectivesFDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FBPOPR2021Operate a fill and seal process50FBPOPR2024Operate a cooling, slicing and wrapping process50FBPOPR2026Operate a forming or shaping process50FBPOPR2029Operate a baking process50FBPOPR2039Operate a frying process50FBPOPR2041Operate a mixing or blending and cooking process50FBPOPR2046Operate a production process50FBPPBK2007Operate a pastry production process50Total Hours?560OccupationBaker's AssistantQualification TitleCertificate II in BakingQualification CodeFBP20217DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a baker's assistant in a commercial baking environmentUnit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFBPRBK2002Use food preparation equipment to prepare filings40FBPRBK2005Maintain ingredient stores40FBPRBK3005Produce basic bread products120FDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FDFOHS2001AParticipate in OHS processes40FDFOP2061AUse numerical applications in the workplace30FDFOP2064AProvide and apply workplace information30ElectivesFBPRBK3008Produce sponge cake products80FDFOP2005AWork in a socially diverse environment30SIRXPDK001Advise on products and services30SIRXSLS001Sell to the retail customer20Total Hours490OccupationSales Assistant (Food)?Qualification Title Certificate II in Food Processing (Sales)?Qualification CodeFBP20317?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a sales assistant in a retail franchise or in-store situation.?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFDFOHS2001AParticipate in OHS processes40FDFOP2061AUse numerical applications in the workplace30FDFOP2063AApply quality systems and procedures30FDFOP2064AProvide and apply workplace information30MSMENV272Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices30ElectivesFDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FBPCON2007Operate a panning process40FBPOPR2024Operate a cooling, slicing and wrapping process50FBPOPR2029Operate a baking process50FBPOPR2041Operate a mixing or blending and cooking process50FBPOPR2046Operate a production process50SIRRMER001Produce visual merchandise displays35SIRXPDK001Advise on products and services30Total Hours?495OccupationAdvanced OperatorQualification TitleCertificate III in Food ProcessingQualification CodeFBP30117DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as an advanced operator in a medium to large enterprise.Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FDFFS3001AMonitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs70FDFOHS3001AContribute to OHS processes40FDFOP2064AProvide and apply workplace information30MSMENV272Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices30ElectivesFDFOP3003AOperate interrelated processes in a production system60FBPCON2002Operate a boiled confectionery process50FBPCON2005Operate a confectionery depositing process40FBPOPR3001Control contaminants and allergens in the workplace70FBPOPR3003Identify cultural, religious and dietary considerations for food production40FBPPPL3002Establish compliance requirements for work area50FDFPPL3001AParticipate in improvement processes40FDFPPL3005AParticipate in an audit process50FDFTEC3001AParticipate in a HACCP team50FDFTEC3003AApply raw materials, ingredient and process knowledge to production problems60MSS402040Apply 5S procedures40MSS402080Undertake root cause analysis50Total Hours?800OccupationAdvanced Operator / Team Leader?Qualification Title Certificate III in Plant Baking?Qualification CodeFBP30217?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as an advanced operator / team leader in a medium to large plant baking enterprise.?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFBPPBK3001Operate a dough mixing process60FBPPBK3002Operate a final prove and baking process50FBPPBK3003Operate a dough make up process60FDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FDFFS3001AMonitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs70FDFOHS3001AContribute to OHS processes40FDFOP2064AProvide and apply workplace information30MSMENV272Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices30Electives?FBPPPL3002Establish compliance requirements for work area50FDFOP3002ASet up a production or packaging line for operation50FDFOP3003AOperate interrelated processes in a production system60FDFPPL3001AParticipate in improvement processes40FDFPPL3004ALead work teams and groups40FDFTEC3001AParticipate in a HACCP team50FDFTEC3003AApply raw materials, ingredient and process knowledge to production problems60MSMSUP303Identify equipment faults40MSS403040Facilitate and improve implementation of 5S50Total Hours?810OccupationPastry Cook?Qualification Title Certificate III in Cake and Pastry?Qualification CodeFBP30317?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a pastry cook in a commercial baking environment.?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFBPRBK2002Use food preparation equipment to prepare filings40FBPRBK3001Produce laminated pastry products100FBPRBK3002Produce non laminated pastry products80FBPRBK3008Produce sponge cake products80FBPRBK3009Produce biscuit and cookie products80FBPRBK3010Produce cake and pudding products120FBPRBK3013Schedule and produce cake and pastry production100FBPRBK3018Produce basic artisan products100FDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FDFOHS2001AParticipate in OHS processes40FDFOP2061AUse numerical applications in the workplace30Electives?FBPOPR3003Identify cultural, religious and dietary considerations for food production40FBPRBK3003Produce specialist pastry products100FBPRBK3004Produce meringue products60FDFTEC3001AParticipate in a HACCP team50Total Hours?1050OccupationBaker (Bread)?Qualification Title Certificate III in Bread Baking?Qualification CodeFBP30417 ?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a baker (bread) in a commercial baking environment.?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFBPRBK3005Produce basic bread products120FBPRBK3006Produce savoury bread products100FBPRBK3007Produce specialty flour bread products100FBPRBK3012Schedule and produce bread production100FBPRBK3014Produce sweet yeast products100FBPRBK3018Produce basic artisan products100FDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FDFOHS2001AParticipate in OHS processes40FDFOP2061AUse numerical applications in the workplace30Electives?FBPOPR3003Identify cultural, religious and dietary considerations for food production40FBPRBK2002Use food preparation equipment to prepare filings40FBPRBK3016Control and order bakery stock40FBPRBK4001Produce artisan bread products120SIRXPDK001Advise on products and services30Total Hours?990OccupationBaker (Combined)?Qualification Title Certificate III in Baking?Qualification CodeFBP30517 ?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a baker (combined bread, cake, pastry and biscuits) in a commercial baking environment.?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFBPRBK2002Use food preparation equipment to prepare filings40FBPRBK3001Produce laminated pastry products100FBPRBK3002Produce non laminated pastry products80FBPRBK3005Produce basic bread products120FBPRBK3006Produce savoury bread products100FBPRBK3007Produce specialty flour bread products100FBPRBK3008Produce sponge cake products80FBPRBK3009Produce biscuit and cookie products80FBPRBK3010Produce cake and pudding products120FBPRBK3014Produce sweet yeast products100FBPRBK3015Schedule and produce bakery production120FBPRBK3018Produce basic artisan products100FDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FDFOHS2001AParticipate in OHS processes40FDFOP2061AUse numerical applications in the workplace30Electives?FBPRBK3004Produce meringue products60FBPRBK3011Produce frozen dough products80FBPRBK3016Control and order bakery stock40FBPOPR3003Identify cultural, religious and dietary considerations for food production40Total Hours?1460OccupationSalesperson (Food)?Qualification Title Certificate III in Food Processing (Sales)?Qualification CodeFBP30617 ?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a salesperson in a retail franchise or in-store situation.?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FDFFS3001AMonitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs70FDFOHS3001AContribute to OHS processes40FDFOP2061AUse numerical applications in the workplace30FDFOP2064AProvide and apply workplace information30MSMENV272Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices30Electives?BSBCUS301Deliver and monitor a service to customers35BSBSMB405Monitor and manage small business operations45BSBSMB407Manage a small team40FBPOPR3001Control contaminants and allergens in the workplace70FBPOPR3002Prepare food products using basic cooking methods50FBPOPR3003Identify cultural, religious and dietary considerations for food production40FDFPPL3001AParticipate in improvement processes40FDFTEC3003AApply raw materials, ingredient and process knowledge to production problems60Total Hours?610OccupationRice Production Worker?Qualification Title Certificate III in Rice Processing?Qualification CodeFBP30717?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a rice production worker in a rice processing plant.?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FDFFS3001AMonitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs70FDFOHS3001AContribute to OHS processes40FDFOP2063AApply quality systems and procedures30FDFPPL3004ALead work teams and groups40FDFSUG308AAnalyse and convey workplace information40FSKNUM31Apply a wide range of mathematical calculations for work20MSL973001Perform basic tests60Electives?FDFOP3002ASet up a production or packaging line for operation50FDFOP3003AOperate interrelated processes in a production system60FBPGRA3006Implement a paddy receival and grain cleaning process40FBPGRA3007Implement a rice blending and cleaning process40FBPGRA3008Implement a rice colour sorting process80FBPGRA3011Implement a rice grading process40FBPGRA3012Implement a rice hulling and separation process40Total Hours?680OccupationSenior SupervisorQualification TitleCertificate IV in Flour MillingQualification CodeFBP40117DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as a senior supervisor in a medium to large flour milling enterprise.Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCoreFBPGRA3003Lead flour milling shift operations60FBPGRA3004Control mill processes and performance60FBPGRA4001Control power and automation for milling processes50FBPGRA4002Supervise testing processes for wheat and flour50FBPGRA4003Manage mill logistics and support services50FBPGRA4004Establish and supervise dust control procedures in a grain processing enterprise40FDFFS2001AImplement the food safety program and procedures30FDFFS3001AMonitor the implementation of quality and food safety programs70FDFOHS4002AMaintain OHS processes60MSMENV472Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices40ElectivesBSBHRM405Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff50BSBMGT401Show leadership in the workplace50FBPPPL4001Manage people in the work area50FBPPPL4003Schedule and manage production50FDFFST4007AEstablish operational requirements for a food processing enterprise50FDFOP3004AOperate interrelated processes in a packaging system60FDFTEC3002AImplement the pest prevention program40MSMOPS400Optimise process/plant area60MSS403002Ensure process improvements are sustained50MSS403010Facilitate change in an organisation implementing competitive systems and practices50MSS404061Facilitate the use of SCADA systems in a team or work area50PMBTECH406Diagnose production equipment problems50Total Hours1120OccupationAdvanced Baker?Qualification Title Certificate IV in Baking?Qualification CodeFBP40217?DescriptionAppropriate for a person working as an advanced baker working in a commercial baking environment.?Unit CodeUnit TitleHoursCore?BSBSUS401Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices40FBPRBK3016Control and order bakery stock40FBPRBK4004Develop baked products80FBPRBK4006Coordinate baking operations60FDFFS4001ASupervise and maintain a food safety plan50FDFOHS4002AMaintain OHS processes60SITXHRM001Coach others in job skills20Electives?BSBSMB405Monitor and manage small business operations45BSBSMB407Manage a small team40FBPRBK3011Produce frozen dough products80FBPRBK4001Produce artisan bread products120FBPRBK4002Develop advanced artisan bread methods100FBPRBK4003Produce gateaux, tortes and entremets120FBPRBK4005Apply advanced finishing techniques for specialty cakes80Total Hours?935CONTACTS AND LINKSCurriculum Maintenance Manager (CMM)General Manufacturing The CMM service is provided by Executive Officers located within Victorian TAFE institutes on behalf of the Higher Education and Skills Group. Paul Saunders: Address: Chisholm Institute, PO Box 684, Dandenong, Vic. 3175. Phone: 9238 8448 Email: paul.saunders@chisholm.edu.au Service Skills Organisation (SSO)Skills ImpactThis SSO is responsible for developing this FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package and can be contacted for further information. You can also source copies of the Training Package and support material.Address:559A Queensbury Street,(PO Box 466)North Melbourne 3051. Phone: 03 9321 3526Email: inquiry@.auSkills Impact website can be found here.National Register for VET in .au (TGA)TGA is the Australian governments’ official National Register of information on Training Packages, qualifications, courses, units of competency and RTOs.National Register website can be found here.Australian GovernmentDepartment of Education and Training The Commonwealth Department is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians access quality vocational education and training. The Commonwealth Department of Education and Training website can be found hereState GovernmentDepartment of Education and Training (DET) DET is responsible for funding and the implementation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Victoria, including Apprenticeships and Traineeships policy. (03) 9637 2000The Victorian Department of Education and Training website can be found hereNational VET Regulatory AuthorityAustralian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)ASQA is the national regulator for Australia’s VET sector. Info line: 1300 701 801 ASQA’s website can be found hereVictorian State VET Regulatory AuthorityVictorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA)The VRQA is a statutory authority responsible for the registration and regulation of Victorian RTOs and for the regulation of apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria.(03) 9637 2806 VRQA’s website can be found here Industry Regulatory BodiesWorkSafe VictoriaThe industry Regulatory body can provide advice on licensing, legislative or regulatory requirements which may impact on the delivery of training or the issuance of qualifications in this Training Package. WorkSafe needs to provide written verification before High Risk Work Units can be added to an RTO’s scope of registration.Address: 222 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, 3000. Phone: (03) 9641 1444 or 1800 136 089 (toll free)Email:info@worksafe..au Worksafe Victoria’s website can be found hereGLOSSARYCodeNationally endorsed Training Package qualification code.TitleNationally endorsed Training Package qualification title.Unit CodeNationally endorsed Training Package unit code.Unit TitleNationally endorsed Training Package unit title.Maximum Payable HoursThe maximum number of hours the Victorian Government will subsidise under the Victorian Training Guarantee for the achievement of the minimum realistic vocational outcome of the qualification, as determined by the qualification packaging rules.? The Maximum Payable Hours do not cover every possible combination of core and elective units available for a specific qualification.?? Minimum Payable HoursThe number of hours the Victorian government designates as the minimum required to deliver a qualification, taking into account contextualisation and integrated delivery efficiencies.Scope of RegistrationScope of registration specifies the AQF qualifications and/or units of competency the training organisation is registered to issue and the industry training and/or assessment services it is registered to provide.Nominal HoursThe anticipated hours of supervised learning or training deemed necessary to conduct training and assessment activities associated with the program of study. These hours are determined by the Victorian State Training Authority. Nominal hours may vary for a qualification depending on the units of competency selected. ................

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