
SOUTHEAST-DELCOPHYISCAL EDUCATIONName: ___________________Homeroom Teacher: _____________Hi Everyone!Welcome to our Physical Education class choice board activities. Students will choose any 3 of the activities that they would like to complete. When you are finished, take a picture of yourself completing the activity it and email the picture to Mr. Shell at dshell@. Please include your FULL NAME in the email subject. Lastly, you must complete ALL components of the activities that you choose and submit all work via email. You may complete assignments in a Word Document or on paper and take a picture. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have! Remember, we are all in this TOGETHER! I look forward to seeing your work!Mr. Shell 299085053340000GRADE 6Directions: Choose 3 activities of your choice from the choice board below. Submit all assignments to your physical education teacher. Assignments can be emailed to your teacher by either downloading the blank worksheet below and typing in your responses or by taking a picture of your work and sending it in.Activity #1Create a food log of all of your meals for 5 days. Indicate which foods you would consider healthy options and which you would consider unhealthy options. Include how you can replace unhealthy options with healthier options. Activity # 2Choose a school appropriate song and create a new unique dance to go along with the song you chose. Practice your dance and when you are ready you will need to record a video of your dance and email it to your teacher.Activity # 3Create a fitness journal and document your daily fitness routine for 5 days. The goal is at least 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Which type of activities did you choose? Why did you choose these activities? When you have completed this fitness journal you can email it to your teacher.??Activity #4Create a new game to play with your friends or family. List the object of the game and all of the rules. What materials are needed for this game? Play the game and write how the game went. What changes could be made to make the game better? What parts of the game did you like? Which parts of the game do you want to modify? Activity # 5Think about sportsmanship and why it’s important. What different ways can you show sportsmanship in different games and activities that you enjoy (at least 5). Write down the ways you came up with and why it’s important to display these traits. How does it make you feel when you display good sportsmanship? How do you feel when others display good sportsmanship to you?Activity # 6Create an obstacle course with at least 8 stations. Run the course 5 times and time how quickly you can complete the course each time. It should take 2-3 minutes to run the course. Be creative and safe with the items you choose. Check with an adult to make sure it’s ok to use items around the house.Activity #7Choose 10 activities/exercises and identify if they would be high, medium, or low intensity activities. Create your own 10 exercise workout. How was your heart rate during the different levels of intensity? How was your perceived exertion different? Which activities do you feel made you work the hardest? Which activities required the least amount of effort? Activity # 8Go to and research one food group. Write a summary of the food group including key components and concepts. Include how you feel you do with this particular food group and how you can better meet the dietary requirements of this particular group.Activity # 9Take part in at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (biking, jogging, rollerblading, ect.) for 3 times per week over a 2 week period. Log how long you were able to sustain the activity for and how you felt. What can you do to increase your endurance? Are you able to go for a longer period of time at the end of the 2 week period?PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENT ASSIGNMENT SHEETNAME: ________________________________HOMEROOM TEACHER:________________________ ................

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