
Three-Day Food RecordThere are multiple ways to complete a three-day food record. Complete your food journal in the way that is most appealing to you. Should documenting on computer be the least appealing, try the various methods listed below. Methods of Food JournalingPhotography Method: Taking pictures of everything you eat. Remember BEFORE you eat to snap a photo. This method can be difficult for those who eat mindlessly. With the photography method, you need to amalgamate a few methods – I recommend keeping a ‘notes’ page each day on your phone to –record your hunger, symptoms and why you ate. You can also do this in your calendar. Nutrition Journalling Apps MyFitness Pal – a very popular diet tracking app. (we don’t love that this tracks macronutrients, but if this is not triggering for you, please feel free!) My Symptom Journal – great for IBS (cost)Cara – a food and symptom trackerPen and Paper – food journaling the old-fashioned way Email yourself after each mealSteps to Food JournalingBe prepared. I suggest a calendar reminder, cueing you to food journal. Decide on your method, or try a variety of bothBe honest with yourself – those who record a ‘regular, typical day’ will get the most out of their initial appointment.Write down everything – yes you made your daughter a PB and J sandwich and ate the leftover crusts. Write it down. Record not only WHAT you ate, but your level of hunger at the time (1 being starving, 10 being extremely full), and why you ate it. Don’t forget: Beverages, nibbles of food prep, etc. Write down everything!ExampleTimeFoodQuantityLevel of HungerWhy did I eat?Symptoms (if applicable)09:00 Bagel – whole wheatCream cheese - regularStrawberriesCoffee1 tsp sugar, 1 Tbsp cream1 cup water1 bagel2 Tbsp? cup1 cup3 - hungryI was hungry – wanted breakfast before workHad a bit of bloating this morning1 soft BM after breakfast11:00Doughnut – chocolate glazed (Tim’s)17 – not very hungryEveryone was eating doughnuts in the break room – I had a cravingFood JournalTimeFoodQuantityLevel of HungerWhy did I eat?Symptoms (if applicable) ................

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