Soul ~ Food

NEN ~ Winter Solstice ~ Odwiraman Communal Gathering

December 17, 13017 (2016) ~ 1901 Mississippi Ave, SE, Washington, DC ~ 7:00pm

Raw Vegan and Cooked Vegan Food Vendors ~ Organic Coffee and Organic Tea

Our first annual KA~KAIT, Soul~Food, gathering around Nen ~ Winter Solstice. This rooting and germination time of our AFE ~ Akan yearly cycle ~ is sacred to Awusi, Adwoa and Yaw [Ausar, Auset and Heru]. The terms Ka and Kait mean `Soul' in our Ancestral language of Khanit and Kamit (Nubia and Egypt). Yet, they also mean `Food' and `Food offerings'. Partake of the physical and Soular food from our vendors and from our presenters on the subject: KAMITI FEKUW: Proper Contextualizing of Kamit as the Ancestral and Ritual Component of Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religious Expressions

FEKUW is defined in the Twi language of the Akan as an organization, association. Our Ancestresses and Ancestors of ancient Khanit and Kamit (Nubia and Egypt) comprise an Ancestral Fekuw, an Ancestral Association, governed by spiri-genetic blood-circles, who guide us, their Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) descendants, throughout our lives. It is a component part of the function of this class of Ancestresses and Ancestors to redirect us to our Ancestral Clans (Akan, Yoruba, Igbo, Ewe, Fon, Fang, Bassa, Gola, Kissi, Bakongo, Mbundu, Ovambo, Mande, etc. from whom we were disaligned during the Mmusuo Kese (Great Perversity/Enslavement Era).

As we engage the process of AKYISAN ? Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religious Reversion, Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) especially in the Western Hemisphere have been directed by our Ancestresses and Ancestors of ancient Khanit and Kamit to reconstitute our culture from and upon a pure and firm foundation. We must therefore fully understand the central role of this class of Spiritually Cultivated Ancestresses and Ancestors of our direct blood-circles, this Kamiti Fekuw, in relation to our restored practices of Akan (Hoodoo), Yoruba (Juju) Fon and Ewe (Voodoo), Bambara (Gris Gris), Gola and Kissi (Gullah Geechee), Ovambo (Wanga), Fang (Ngengan) and various other expressions of Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religion in North america in the Caribbean and South america (Obeah, Kumina, Vodoun, Lukumi, Winti, Candomble, etc.) as well as our West, Central, South, East and North Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African) Ancestral Religious expressions on the continent.

Odwirafo Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan of Aakhuamuman Amaruka Atifi Mu, Akwamu Nation in North America, will present on his publication KAMIT HENA NTORO ? The Black Nation and Divinity from the frame of reference of this proper contextualization. It is imperative that we fully wrest the contextualization of our Ancestral Religious expressions of Khanit and Kamit from pseudo-scholars and pseudo-spiritualists in our community who are infected with the false doctrines of the whites and their offspring. It has been such individuals who have falsely framed the expression of our Ancestral Religion to date. We now correct the record.

This private event is FREE and open to Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) Only Registration is Free and Required. Register via our social network: odwiraman.

All attendees of our event will receive a free copy of our book KAMIT HENA NTORO. This is part of our larger movement. We provide free workshops and distribute free soft-cover versions of one of our 24 books to Afurakani/Afuraitkaitnit (African~Black) people wherever we travel in the country. We have already given away over 1100 copies of our soft-cover books to Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans) at our various free workshops around the country. See our publications page to download the free e-book versions of our 24 books and to order the soft-cover versions:

NHOMA ? Publications nhoma.html

ODWIRAMAN Purified Nation of Afurakanu/Afuraitkaitnut (Africans~Black People) in the Western Hemisphere


Assist us in our institutional effort by contributing to our AKONGUASUA DAN ? Institution of Learning, Healing, Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship. Any donation of $15 or more gives you the option of receiving one or more of our books in return for your donation. Contribute via our fundrazr campaign:


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