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Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board

Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Report

William McDonald, Chair

Tony Bainbridge, First Vice Chair

Heather Sims, Second Vice Chair

Executive Summary

The Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board is one of the original ten executive boards established by a presidential memorandum of November 10, 1961, by President John F. Kennedy.

In the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 5, Section 960.104, Membership, the presidential directive states—the president has directed the heads of agencies to arrange for the leading official of their respective agencies’ field activities to participate personally in the work for the Federal Executive Board. The head of every executive agency shall designate, by name and title of office, the special representative, if any, who shall represent the head of the agency on each Federal Executive Board

Today, the board has 88 member agencies which meet quarterly during the months of October, January, April and July.

The mission of the Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board is to:

• Advance the administration’s goals and initiatives,

• Create and advance local initiatives, and

• Provide information, referrals, and guidance for intergovernmental and community outreach.

The guiding principles of the Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board are to:

• Provide a communication forum

• Share best practices

• Outreach to communities

• Promote professionalism and diversity

• Promote quality of work life

• Support mission accomplishment in a crisis environment

The Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board executive council consists of three elected officers (chair, first vice chair and second vice chair), five ex-officio members (past chair, GSA regional administrator, OPM service center director, sponsoring agency representative, and senior military officer), and 12 elected members (serve a term of three years). During fiscal year 2012, the executive council members met during the months of November, January and May.

The Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board councils and committees include:

• Emergency Response, which includes the COOP Working Group

• Excellence in Government Awards Program

• Executive Forum Planning Committee (shared bi-annually with the Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board)

• Gateway Combined Federal Campaign

• Public Affairs

• Workforce Diversity Council, which includes three committees—Community Outreach, Education and Awareness and Strategic Planning.

The board has guidance for planning, budgeting and managing all of the board’s initiatives. The guidance has been expanded over the years to cover all committees and councils and includes an event planning document that is used to track expenditures, revenue and in-kind contributions. The first vice chair is the chief financial officer.

The board welcomed new representatives from 32 member agencies during fiscal year 2012 which included two new member agencies—Coast Guard, Sector Upper Mississippi River, and Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.

A BRAC at Scott Air Force Base occurred during fiscal year 2012 where we lost the Air Force Global Logistics Center.

Because of the high number of military/defense agencies in the area, the turnover of agency representatives is a challenge to the board. The average attendance at the board’s quarterly meetings was 50 agencies. The second vice chair is the new member orientation chair.

The Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board fiscal year 2012 officers evaluated the three lines of business and determined goals accordingly. The three lines of business, which are determined by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, are:

• Emergency Preparedness, Security and Employee Safety

• Workforce Development and Support

• Intergovernmental and Interagency Collaboration and Community Outreach

Five of the most-valued accomplishments during fiscal year 2012 include the following events which represent the three lines of business—emergency preparedness, security, and employee safety; and workforce development and support; and intergovernmental and interagency collaboration and community outreach:

• SLICE 2012—The COOP working group conducted two exercises during fiscal year 2012: a full-scale continuity exercise where participating agencies activated their continuity plan in response to a severe weather event that could affect the St. Louis metropolitan area and a tabletop exercise. Agencies had a chance to validate their plans, processes and procedures in accordance with Federal Continuity Directive (FCD 1). An after action report is still being worked.

• Executive Forum—management training was provided to 170 federal leaders from both sides of the state: St. Louis (140) and Kansas City (30). The two-day event was planned by the Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board with input from the Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board. Because of the Executive Order of November 2011, the forum was conducted in the St. Louis area at a federal government agency facility.

• Workforce Diversity Council—within the council, three committees—Community Outreach, Education and Awareness, and Strategic Planning—have worked on initiatives. The Strategic Planning committee reviewed the overall plan for the council and participated in many initiatives of the committees to ensure the charter was followed. The Education and Awareness committee hosted Gateway to Diversity: Do We Really Understand One Another? training with 197 attendees. The Community Outreach committee participated in the Congressmen Clay job fair, participated in a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce job fair, participated in the Northside job fair, and participated in the International Institute Festival of Nations by servicing a booth with 13 agencies represented during the two-day event. Approximately 125,000 attended the festival.

• Gateway Combined Federal Campaign – Total pledges for the 2011 campaign were $3,045,003, which was 93.7 percent of the goal.

• Feds Feed Family Food Drive—three food drives were conducted during the last weeks of May, June and July. 9,035 pounds of food were collected.

Accomplishments of the

Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board

Line of Business: Emergency Preparedness, Security and Employee Safety

• The Gateway COOP working group conducted meetings featuring a topic related to emergency planning. The following topics were presented during the meetings: “What You Need to Know,” a FEMA film; Presidential Policy Directive 8 National Preparedness; Map Your Neighborhood: Developing Local Disaster Preparedness—Earthquakes, Floods, Power Outages, Severe Weather and Tornadoes—Is Your Neighborhood Ready?”

• SLICE 2012—The COOP working group conducted two exercises during fiscal year 2012: a full-scale continuity exercise where participating agencies activated their continuity plan in response to a severe weather event that could affect the St. Louis metropolitan area and a tabletop exercise. Agencies had a chance to validate their plans, processes and procedures in accordance with Federal Continuity Directive (FCD 1). An after action report is still being worked.

• The Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board staff office participated in the Eagle Horizon 12 Emergency Exercise with successful results.

• Hosted FEMA course, Building Design for Homeland Security, with 26 in attendance.

• Conducted Resilient Accord with 36 in attendance.

• Collaborated with various cities and counties throughout the year on emergency preparedness programs and training.

• The board supported the local Field Federal Safety and Health Council by encouraging agencies to participate in the council membership and programs. Approximately 25 federal government employees attended the 8th Annual Greater St. Louis Safety and Health Conference.

• The Emergency Readiness committee continues to update the severe weather plan which includes a method of handling announcements during inclement weather and/or emergencies. This plan is shared with member agencies each fall. The plan was put into place once during the 2011-2012 winter season.

• All federal government agencies, located in a GSA building (the FEB staff office is in the Robert A. Young federal building) or leased space, are required to participate in an annual evacuation practice. The FEB staff office retains a copy of the Occupant Emergency Plan Quick Reference Desk Guide for the Robert A. Young federal building and attended the GSA building meeting where GSA employees briefed on details of the plan.

• The executive director and the executive assistant are scheduled to attend the Communicator! NXT training in December 2012.

Line of Business: Workforce Development and Support

• Workforce Diversity Council—Twenty-three federal government agencies are represented on this council with 44 council members.

o Strategic Planning Committee

▪ Designed and implemented plan for council. Committee members continue to oversee the other two committees

o Community Outreach Committee

▪ International Institute Festival of Nations

• Hosted booths which were serviced by 13 member agencies to inform the public on government services and employment. 125,000 attended the festival.

▪ Congressman Clay Job Fair

• Hosted booth which was serviced by agency employees to inform the public on government services and employment.

▪ Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

• Hosted booth which was serviced by agency employees to inform the public on government services and employment.

▪ Northside Career Fair

• Hosted booth which was serviced by agency employees to inform the public on government services and employment.

o Education and Awareness Committee

▪ Conducted the 2012 Gateway to Diversity: Do We Really Understand One Another? The target audience was all federal employees from entry level to management, human resources specialists, equal employment opportunity and diversity specialists with 197 attending.

• Public Service Recognition Week—the annual Excellence in Government awards program generated 121 individual and team nominations and 29 awards were presented. We honored 21 Gateway CFC award winners and seven organizational winners at this program. There were 515 participants in attendance. President Ulysses S. and First Lady Julia Grant, were the keynote speakers.

• Executive Forum— management training was provided to 170 federal leaders from both sides of the state: St. Louis (140) and Kansas City (30). The two-day event was planned by the Greater St. Louis Federal Executive Board with input from the Greater Kansas City Federal Executive Board. Because of the Executive Order of November 2011, the forum was conducted in the St. Louis area at a federal government agency facility. Forum constituted 16 hours of leadership development training.

• Four full board meeting were conducted and presentations during the meeting included: an update by Office of Personnel Management; VA Medical Center, Jefferson Barracks with a tour of the local Fisher House; tour of National Personnel Record Center in St. Louis which is a brand new facility dedication in November 2011; and a tour of the cash management branch of the Federal Reserve Bank.

• The executive director attended several change of commands, hosted new member orientations and conducted “How are we doing?” visits with members. The board’s second vice chair holds periodic orientation lunches with incoming members, many of whom are new to the St. Louis area. The board continues to benefit from this effort.

• Hosted a Thrift Savings Plan overview with 215 in attendance.

• VA Welcome Home Celebration—the executive director was a member of the planning committee, invited agencies to attend and shared booth information with members. Many FEB members participated in the event by servicing booths.

• Shared OPM/OMB information through email communication and/or meetings and shared member agency information on programs and job announcements.

Line of Business: Intergovernmental and Interagency Collaboration

and Community Outreach

• Gateway Combined Federal Campaign – Total pledges for the 2011 campaign were $3,045,003, which was 93.7 percent of the goal.

• The Local Federal Coordinating Committee, the free-standing, totally representative group of federal government employees from all three branches of government, continues to oversee the CFC. The board’s first vice chair is the liaison between the board and the LFCC.

• The Gateway CFC continues to shine with a dedicated Principle Combined Fund Organization. Not only are the federal government volunteers concerned about the campaign’s financial success, the PCFO embraces the chance to reduce costs. The Gateway campaign continues to have a 6.5 percent in administrative costs.

• The PCFO conducted campaign representative training which included two charitable organization tours.

• The campaign conducted 11 large kickoffs and charity fairs.

• Twenty-one CFC individual awards and seven organizational winners were presented in appreciation for the contributions made during the campaign during the Excellence in Government awards program. There were 54 nominations for exemplary service to the campaign. 1,243 federal employees touched the CFC in some voluntary role.

• Hosted the annual Top 40 Gateway CFC breakfast which focused on the importance of all entities working together to achieve a successful campaign. More than 100 federal government employees attended this pre-campaign event.

• CFC Nexus and Employee Express were utilized during the 2011 campaign.

• The Gateway CFC had attendees at the national CFC workshop in San Antonio with the FEB executive director and one PCFO staff in attendance. The FEB executive director made a presentation on how the Gateway CFC continues its focus on transparency.

• The LFCC eligibility committee chair conducted two half-day training sessions for CFC charity agencies to provide guidance on the application process. The LFCC continues to encourage charity agencies to apply.

• Conducted three food drives during the last weeks of May, June and July. 9,035 pounds of food were collected.

• St. Louis is represented on the FEB Network Intergovernmental and Interagency Collaboration and Community Outreach Council.

• The board continued to support the annual Small Business Week by encouraging federal government agencies to participate in the full range of events held in celebration of small business. Federal and state government agencies provide information to small businesses during a trade show offered during Small Business Week which connects small businesses to agencies able to contract with them.

• Diversity Awareness Partnership—the executive director continues to serve as an active member of the partnership and is a member of the annual diversity dinner subcommittee. There were cultural performances and the St. Louis Science Center star show at the annual dinner.

• The executive director continues to be a member of the Society of Government Meeting Professionals, an organization that brings together federal, state, county and city government and military meeting planners with suppliers.

• The Greater St. Louis FEB web site continues to be updated. Software Engineering Center provides the web master.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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