For Immediate Release

|[pic] | |

| |Make Half Your Grains Whole |

| |Whole Grains Store Tour |

Community Notices / PR

We’re very excited that your store will be offering the Whole Grains Store Tour program to your shoppers.

To help get the word out to your customers about the great taste and many health benefits of whole grains, we’ve created the enclosed ready-to-use press release for distribution to your local media.

This release was made to help you contact food, health, lifestyle and/or general reporters at your local daily/weekly newspapers, radio and TV stations. You can customize it with your store’s information.

If you have questions about next steps in contacting reporters with a press release, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Media Outreach Tips

• Invite a TV reporter to do the Whole Grains Store Tour to show viewers how to recognize legitimate whole grain products, and to help them understand what a surprisingly large variety of whole grain products are available in local stores. Whole grains have gone way beyond breads and cereals. There’s something for every taste.

• Your store’s staff nutritionist/dietitian (if you have one) would be a very credible spokesperson for the store tour.

• Include “man (or woman!) on the street” style interviews with customers, asking them about the whole grains they and their families like best. You’ll find that real-life examples send a strong message to others in your area.

Thank you again for your support. Please do not hesitate to call me, or have a colleague do so, to go over these ideas (and others) in more detail.


Cynthia Harriman

Oldways and the Whole Grains Council

266 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02116

Direct: 617-896-4820


Whole Grains Month version, for use in September

For Immediate Release


(Name of grocery chain)’s Now Offers Helpful Whole Grains Store Tour In (name of city/town) Stores

|[pic] |(Name of city/town) Date – 71% of Americans are trying to consume more whole grains, |

| |according to a recent survey from the International Food Information Council (IFIC). All too|

| |often, however, shoppers are unsure just which foods contain significant amounts of healthy |

| |whole grains. |

| | |

| |That’s why (Name of grocery chain) is celebrating Whole Grains Month in September, by |

| |offering a free Whole Grains Store Tour to help its customers better understand how to |

| |recognize the surprisingly wide range of whole grain foods currently available. |

Whole grains help us maintain a healthy weight, and reduce our risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Recent research even shows that eating more whole grains can dramatically improve acne, and decrease kids’ incidence of asthma and wheezing. No wonder people are increasingly realizing it makes sense to switch from refined grains to whole grains! And no wonder experts recommend we all make half (or more) of our grains whole.

(Grocery Chain’s Name)’s free program includes:

• Whole Grains 101, a quick introduction to whole grains

• An aisle-by-aisle guided store tour – a scavenger hunt for whole grains

• Cooking demos and food samplings featuring delicious whole grains

• Whole Grain Recipe Pack, featuring a dozen easy family whole grain ideas

The Whole Grains Store tour was created by the Whole Grains Council, a non-profit coalition of health professionals, chefs, food manufacturers, restaurants, and food retailers. The Whole Grains Council’s many initiatives – including the Whole Grain Stamp, now found on over 2,300 products – help consumers to find whole grain foods and understand their health benefits. The Whole Grains Council is part of Oldways, the food issues think tank well known for its creation of the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid.

For more information, contact grocery chain contact or

Cynthia Harriman, at cynthia@ or 617-896-4820.

“Everyday” version – great anytime!

For Immediate Release


(Name of grocery chain)’s Now Offers Helpful Whole Grains Store Tour In (name of city/town) Stores

|[pic] | |

| |(Name of city/town) Date – 71% of Americans are trying to consume more whole grains, |

| |according to a recent survey from the International Food Information Council (IFIC). All too|

| |often, however, shoppers are unsure just which foods contain significant amounts of healthy |

| |whole grains. |

| | |

| |That’s why (Name of grocery chain) is now offering a free Whole Grains Store Tour to help |

| |its customers better understand how to recognize the surprisingly wide range of whole grain |

| |foods currently available. |

Whole grains help us maintain a healthy weight, and reduce our risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Recent research even shows that eating more whole grains can dramatically improve acne, and decrease kids’ incidence of asthma and wheezing. No wonder people are increasingly realizing it makes sense to switch from refined grains to whole grains! And no wonder experts recommend we all make half (or more) of our grains whole.

(Grocery Chain’s Name)’s free program includes:

• Whole Grains 101, a quick introduction to whole grains

• An aisle-by-aisle guided store tour – a scavenger hunt for whole grains

• Cooking demos and food samplings featuring delicious whole grains

• Whole Grain Recipe Pack, featuring a dozen easy family whole grain ideas

The Whole Grains Store tour was created by the Whole Grains Council, a non-profit coalition of health professionals, chefs, food manufacturers, restaurants, and food retailers. The Whole Grains Council’s many initiatives – including the Whole Grain Stamp, now found on over 2,300 products – help consumers to find whole grain foods and understand their health benefits. The Whole Grains Council is part of Oldways, the food issues think tank well known for its creation of the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid.

For more information, contact grocery chain contact or

Cynthia Harriman, at cynthia@ or 617-896-4820.


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