Integers for Dummies Writing Assignment

Integers for Dummies Writing Assignment


Now that we have finished learning the Integer Rules, your job is to put

the information you learned to good use. This assignment requires you to imagine yourself as a writer for one of the “Textbook for Dummies” manuals. You should preview some of these manuals to get an idea about formatting and graphics that you could include in your assignment. Your goal is for someone who doesn’t understand the workings of operations using integers, to be able to pick up your manual and begin solving equations and word problems. Ultimately your contribution will be packaged with other operations into a single manual for other middle school students to use.


The purpose of this assignment is to be informative. You are to write clearly, providing information that a middle school aged student could understand about the Integer Rules for Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.


1. Pick one card from your teacher to determine if you will be writing about addition, subtraction, multiplication or division rules.

2. Review your homework, class work, notes, reference sheets, and book to determine if you have enough information about your Rule to describe it and how it work with any combination of integers. Research some math websites for additional tips.

3. Look over some “Books for Dummies” to get ideas about what needs to be included and how pages are set up. Generally there is a bit of humor included.

4. You will create a multi-paragraph manual entry that fits on one page (150-250 words). Be sure to include a graphic, a cartoon character, and/or a table or chart to aid in understanding.

5. Your rough draft is due on FEB 8th. In class on that date, you will peer edit your essay, making corrections and changes. Your final draft will be due on FEB 13th.


1. Description of your Integer Rule is clear, focused and in

a logical order 2 pts

2. Explanation how each part work includes all combinations

(+,+ ; +,- ; -,+ ; -,-) 4 pts

3. Define at least two math vocabulary words in your explanation 2 pts

4. Explanation is 150-250 words. 1 pt

4. At least one table, chart, graphic, or cartoon is included 1 pt

Total points 10 points

Integers for Dummies: Checklist for Peer Editing


Capitalization □ I have capitalized the first word of each sentence

□ I have capitalized the names of people.

□ I have capitalized the titles of books, movies, etc.

Conventions □ My paragraphs are sound.

□ Each of my paragraphs has one main idea.

□ I use correct grammar.

□ I use commas, periods, questions marks, correctly.

□ I used quotation mark around dialogue.

□ I use apostrophes correctly.

□ My handwriting is legible.

` □ My printout contains no typos.

Ideas □ My ideas are logically related to one another.

□ Ideas are written in my own words.

□ I understand my topic.

□ My report is clear and focused. I stay on topic.

□ My details give the reader important information.

Word Choice □ Every words seems just right.

□ My words paint pictures in the reader’s mind.

□ I use strong words like “darted” and “exclaimed”.

Organization □ My report is sequenced in a logical order.

□ My introduction is exciting and inviting.

□ My ideas flow well and are clearly connected to one



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