Minutes of the Pennington Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 18th June 2018 at 7 p.m. in the Pennington Parish Rooms.

Present: Mr. Bertram (Chairperson) Mrs. Thompson (Vice-chairperson)

Mrs. Scrogham Mr. Peter Fockema

County Councillor Mrs. Willis District Councillor Mrs. Airey

Mr. Morrison, Mr. Douglas & Mr. Metcalfe

1. Apologies

Mr. Stretch Mr. Nicolaas Fockema

PCSO Helen Madden District Councillor Mr. Butcher

District Councillor Mr. Airey

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

The minutes were approved and signed.

3. Declaration of Councillor Interests

There were no declarations of interest.

4. Public Participation by Question & Comment

County Councillor Mrs. Willis reported that improvements had been made to the HIMS system which currently held 60,000 requests for work with funding for 20,000 items. District Councillor Mrs. Airey reported that the pothole on the Park Road/A590 junction had been filled. Mrs. Airey also warned of a current scam where a person posing as a BT engineer has rung a victim with convincing details and persuaded the victim to pass control of their laptop to the caller.

PCSO Helen Madden reported via email that the incidents of note in the parish consisted of two failure to stop road traffic collisions involving two cars with minor damage. There was one road traffic collision involving two vehicles with minor injury and minor damage. There were two ongoing cases of harassment with the complainant and offender known to each other. There was one concern for welfare and one attempted theft from a vehicle resulting in no damage or theft. PCSO Madden informed the council that parking and access problems were being monitored at the school with further patrols planned for June. Joint patrols were planned with SLDC enforcement to monitor dog fouling, littering, fly tipping and abandoned vehicles. A defibrillator had been presented to Pennington School with school staff receiving training from the police and an NWAS volunteer.


5. Parish Council

The allocation of councillor duties for 2018/2019 was decided as follows:-

Highway duties Mr. Bertram

Local Area Partnership Mrs. Scrogham

CALC Mrs. Scrogham

Footpaths Mrs. Thompson

Allotments Mr. Stretch

Sunnyside/Parish Rooms Mr. Stretch/Mrs. Thompson

Bus shelters & grass cutting Mr. Nicolaas Fockema

Swarthmoor Playground & Youth Area Mr. Stretch

Loppergarth Playground Mrs. Scrogham/Mrs. Thompson

Website Mr. Peter Fockema

It was decided to ask the website designer if training could be provided for Mr. Peter Fockema to enable him to maintain the parish council website.

b)The issue of the bus shelters is ongoing with complaints being received through the community led plan questionnaires.

c)A quotation for £1,017.84 was obtained from Electricity Northwest to disconnect the electricity supply from the Loppergarth telephone box. It was decided to engage another electrician to repair the telephone box light. Clerk to contact electrician.

6. Swarthmoor

a)The Swarthmoor playground report had been received.

b)Mr. Morrison reported that he was unable to obtain a quotation for the renovation of the Rufus Lane Bridleway but had been given details of someone else who could give him a price. Mr. Metcalfe reported that he had obtained a quotation for £1518 plus £303 VAT to scrape the path and add new a stone topping. Mr. Metcalfe also informed the council that Baywind could possibly provide a grant towards cost. It was decided that Cumbria County Council should be informed of the parish council’s initiative to renovate the access and forward the quotations obtained. Clerk to forward quotations to CCC.

7. Loppergarth

a)The Loppergarth playground report had been received.

b)The parish council has organised a duck race and picnic in the park in Loppergarth on 15th July 2018. A letter was read from a resident detailing the loose tarmac on the


Loppergarth Car Park. It was decided that quotations should be obtained to repair the car park. Clerk to obtain quotations from tarmac contractors.

8. Community Led Plan

Mrs. Scrogham reported that the Community Led Plan questionnaires were opened following the last parish council meeting. Work was continuing to apply the information obtained to a global spreadsheet. ACTion with Communities in Cumbria is to aid in the formulation of the resulting action plan. This would then be presented to the parish council prior to publication within the community.

9. Highways

a)The parish council, at the request of Highways England for a suggested location for a drop-in event to discuss the proposed Cross-a-Moor roundabout design, had put forward the use of Pennington Memorial Hall. The clerk is due to meet the Highways England representative to gain access to the building to perform a risk assessment for the event. It had been noted that vehicle data equipment had been installed on three tall poles at the Cross-a-Moor junction.

b)A request had been received for suggestions regarding the refreshing of white lines in the parish. Mrs. Scrogham very kindly offered to collate the data from the community led questionnaire responses. Mrs. Scrogham to send white line refreshing information to County Councillor Mrs. Willis.

10. Sunnyside & Parish Rooms

The builder, during his investigations in the Parish Rooms, found that the water

at the right of the front door behind the railing was caused by a blocked

overflow pipe from the toilets which ran under the floor. The builder is to re-route the

overflow to go directly outside the building. The peeling paint was removed from the

first floor office and there were no problems found underneath. A protective layer had

been added to the gate stopper.

11. Invoices for Payment/Receipts

Invoices Paid

Swarthmoor Playground petrol

& maintenance £43.74

Invoices Due for Payment



Sunnyside rent £430.00



Bank statement (Lloyds statement no. 93 issue date 8th June 2018) balance on 8th June 2018: £11,988.94.

12. Planning Applications


The following pre-planning application was approved:-

Erection of a building(replacing existing structures); 30.5m x 15.2m for the recycling

business and formalising parking arrangements with a replacement bund for

screening, Tony Brown Aggregates, Diamond Yard, Lindal-in-Furness.

However, there were concerns regarding the slippage of soil from the current site onto

the adjoining road. Mrs. Scrogham kindly offered to take a photograph of the situation

for both the clerk and County Councillor Mrs. Willis to pass onto the authorities.

Mrs. Scrogham to forward photograph to Mrs. Willis and the clerk.

13. Correspondence

There was no correspondence.

14. Date of Next Meeting & Items for the Agenda

The next meeting was arranged for 16th July 2018.

Christine Braithwaite, Clerk to the Council 19th June 2018


Signed as accurate and correct:

Date..................... …………………………………………

Chairperson, Pennington Parish Council


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