Episode 72: Baking Magick With Helena GarciaWed, 2/10 10:53AM ? 1:25:10SUMMARY KEYWORDSmagick, baking, helena, bake, witches, house, thought, witch, called, book, love, day, based, spiders, buy, people, started, crystal ball, offers, yearSPEAKERSKanani, Intro music, Courtney , Hilary, All Three, Courtney and Kanani, Courtney and Hilary, Screaming Goat, Helena GarciaIntro music 00:2920 years ago, three young friends realized they were witches. They scattered to different parts of the world following Magick and Spirit. Now, they're back in their hometown to share what they've learned. Welcome to That Witch Life Podcast. Your home for living as a Witch in today's world.Courtney 00:48Hey, everybody, welcome to That Witch Life podcast. I'm Courtney.Hilary 00:52I'm Hilary.Kanani 00:53I'm Kanani.Courtney 00:55And we have like my big fan girling episode, we interviewed Helena Garcia, from the Great British baking show for those of you who know this show finally landed on the shores of United States last year during 2020. And so many of us binged it. So if you have been binging this show, Helena was in I believe it was season seven. You'll know her because she was the out witch who made all kinds of spooky treats and she had a cameo in What We Do In the Shadows. And she spoke to us and so that interview is coming up. And it was super fucking fun.Hilary 01:11Fuck Yas! Kanani 01:35She's super nice.Courtney 01:44Yeah, it was it was really, really great. So you'll hear her talk with us about baking magick. So before we dive in, let's check in with our team Hillary, you've had nothing exciting going on and nothing to tell our listeners at all. Hilary 01:58Yeah, I don't have anything exciting going on. Except that I HAVE A FUCKING HOUSE!! Courtney 02:03Yes, it finally happened.Kanani 02:05That's so cool.Courtney 02:06And it's haunted, but it currently it's not too haunted.Hilary 02:09Yeah, it's haunted. But it's like appropriately haunted. Courtney has been telling me this. She's mad because I'm not moving to McMinnville.Courtney 02:15It's alright. They all know the story, but I am genuinely happy for you in your haunted house.Hilary 02:22It's alright, I'm gonna make you work for free to clear that haunted house out for me. So....Courtney 02:27It's gonna be super fun. So you've got to tell them the story. Because this is actually just goes to show that our loved ones work with us. They continue to work with us Hillary story is like, so go for it.Hilary 02:40So I've been looking at as you guys know, I've been like, wanting to buy and then looking to buy and then like I was making tons of offers, and I was like struggling to get it's a very competitive market. For those of you in the Pacific Northwest, you know, the market here is insane right now; so, it's very competitive. And I was just struggling. I was like, you know, trying to beat out offers every time and it was really disappointing. And umm frustrating. And a house popped up in Vancouver, Washington, which is just across the river from Portland, so closer to downtown Portland than I actually am right now. And I ca.. it popped up. I saw it listed on the second of February. And I reached out to my agent and I said I want to see this house. And they were like, Can you see it today? And I was like I actually had meetings. So I said no. And I said, they said can you see it tomorrow? And I was like oh man, well, I have a very long dental procedure. And my mom, it's my mom, it was my mom's birthday, it would have been my mom's 73rd birthday. So here I come to see the house like snot pouring out of my face because I just had a dental procedure that made my nose like run like my face was still numb. I was like oh my god, I get up there and I walked in and the house was like magick!! and I was like this?!? and I had done a ton of spell work around finding the right house for me and also really leaned on my mom because I was like I was like I really like I you know you're there I work with her a lot and I was like really called her and like come on guide me on this and so it's her birthday I like literally fall in love with this house. I'm like oh my god this house is everything I could want in a house. And so I'm like.. wouldn't it be amazing if I ended up in the house that I saw my mom's birthday so I like leave we put my offer in, I write this letter to the seller that talks about you know about a little bit about my mom and like why I really wanted to establish roots and and then you know and then said like I saw this on my mom's birthday like it was such a beautiful house I just whatever and so my offer was accepted and I was like holy crap if there was a 14 offers It was super I didn't think I was gonna get it.Kanani 04:45Literally 14 offers!Hilary 04:47LITERALLY 14 offersKanani 04:48I'm saying at high number Oh no, literally 14 or 14 other offers.Courtney 04:53Not like I told my husband 14 times to take out the trash and he didn't no, literally there wereHilary 04:58literally, 14 offers, including one at the same price I offered in cash. And I was like, oh man, my agents were like, this is gonna be tough. And I was like, Okay, well, so we go in. And anyway, it was accepted. And I was like, Are you fucking kidding me? Oh my god, this is so amazing. I actually found out while I was at acupuncture with needles in my face and my hands and I'm like, on the table, and I was like, k, what do you got for me? And they're like, a house. And I was like, WAIT, what? And so today, we had the inspection. What I mean, it's an old house, there's a few odds and ends, but like, it went very went pretty well. And like, I was like, you know, felt good. It passed inspection, we can move forward. Well, I walked into the kitchen, and I didn't see it when I worked first walkthrough cuz I don't want to like look at people's things. And I saw a note on the counter, and I like just, I was looking at the countertops. And there was like, Oh, this note has my name on it. And it was from the seller. And her saying that like, she also bought this home as a single woman as her first home on her own. And she now has a family and they've outgrown the home. So they're moving to a bigger place. And her birthday is the same day as my mom's. And I was like, I read the letter, and I started crying, my agent started crying. And she's like, I when I just know, it was meant to be that you're taking this home. And it just shows you that like, here is an ancestor. Here's my mom, who knew I mean, who like guided me to the right property, even though I was frustrated. I was like, man, I keep losing these offers and like, Fuck, I'm never gonna find these two heard me like, I'm never gonna find a home like just like total total freak outs. And then I just kind of went You know, there were two things that there were three things I did one I leaned into working with my mom, I did some magick around drawing the right home to me. And then I also like, really focused on getting myself in a place where I was like, what the energy I was putting out there was that was like, open to receiving a house. Like not worried like, do I going to deserve a house? I have to fight I'm not going to get it but like I am ready to receive this house. And I put that into all the spell work I did. And here's the house that came to me on my mom's birthday owned by a person that has the same birthday is wild.Courtney 07:14Well, so great. It I kept thinking about the story of Vasilisa the brave. Have you ever heard that story? No. Yeah, so it's it's one of the Ukrainian folk tales about the Baba Yaga. And it's about a young girl essentially, whose mother had passed away and she ends up lost in the woods and she ends up at the end which she has this little doll with her. And I can't remember if her mother gave her the doll or if it was somehow otherwise enchanted. But it was that she ended up with the Baba Yaga's house and the Baba Yaga was like, do all these crazy things like clean my house, top to bottom and make me a six course meal and count all the corners kernels of corn and this giant bag? Like just some stuff that just is impossible. And the little doll helps her and then when Baba Yaga's like how in the world did you do this? She said well by the help of my mother's love, because her mother's love was in this doll and was able to help her be safe. And I just kept thinking about Vasilisa the brave today when, after you told me that story about like, I think the spirits do talk with us through those moments of synchronicity, just say just in case you wondered, if Cinda, Hilary's mom was there, that seals it by say the owner's birthday was also this day. Hilary 08:30Yeah. What's interesting, too, is like, you know, when you're going through, I mean, this is a house was built in 1920. So like, when you're going through 100 year old house, like it's overwhelming, they're like, Well, you know, like, you might want to replace this electrical panel. At some point, you might want to do this. And I was like, going, it's my first home. So like, hearing any information is like very overwhelming. Anyway, like, you know, I think that I was like, I was starting to feel better. And I but I, you know, there's always this doubt where you're like, Am I doing the right thing? Is this the right thing? Like, this is my last chance to back out? Is it the right Am I doing the right thing, you know, and I felt really good. It's like, I kept like, really centering myself and going like, you know, this feels right. But then you know, always self doubt pops in like, right, what if down the line, there's a foundation problem? What if there's something that happens with this with that, like, whatever the shit is, you like start to panic, right? Because you're thinking of all the what ifs and like, worst case scenarios. And, you know, I was like, had finally gotten to a place where I was like, Okay, I'm feeling really good about this. I asked all the, all the right questions to make sure that I wasn't purchasing a money pit, you know, like, all of the things and then I like stopped in the kitchen to talk to the agent. And I like was I was just like, I put my hand on the counter. I was like, you know, I actually like this counter color, which is fucking rare in an old house and, and then I was like, Oh, this is the seller left me a note. And then I read it and it was like my mom going fucking buy it! like, sign immediately, like This is the one it was just like another message of you're making the right choice. I led you here because like, what are the fucking chances that of all the fucking houses I saw, I saw it on my mom's birthday.. and it's the sellers birthday.Courtney 10:16And also, just aesthetically speaking, when you showed me the pictures of the house. I was like, if Cinda were with us in the flesh, and she had the means to buy you a house. Literally, that would have been the house she would have hand picked for you. I could just... Hilary 10:31she would have been like, this is perfect for you. Courtney 10:34I know, because it's just it's pretty. It's delicate. It's functional. I could just I could almost hear her going: Hilary, look!Hilary 10:40The garden is beautiful. Yeah, the garden is beautiful. There's a giantCourtney 10:43But not too big for one person to care for.Hilary 10:45Exactly. There's a giant magnolia tree out front. Like it's just when I walked into this house, I was like, I felt truly like I was walking the same energy that I felt when I walked into my own space. Like, this feels so right. And then to have all of those things fall into place. I was like, well, Thanks, Mom.Courtney 11:05Kanani, what's going on? How are you? You hanging in there?Kanani 11:09Probably I don't know. Hilary 11:10Like a long pause. She's like, ahhh...Kanani 11:12I know! I guess I'm okay. And now we're supposed to have a fucking icestorm shit show that's supposed to happen and hit the town! Courtney 11:19I can't wait. I'm so excited!Hilary 11:20Oh, yeah, right? traveling down south for work this week.. so....Kanani 11:24Oh my gosh. So, now I'm just like, well, the kids were supposed to go. But though those kids were supposed to be back in school. So they'll go in for two days. And then the last few days are probably gonna end up being snow days. And it's like, oh my god, because there can't be any routine for anyone. Yeah, but on the plus side, I have my monthly flower delivery. And she should have been here on Thursday. But because everyone knows that it's gonna be the world's gonna be an ice rink on Thursday. She came and she delivered them today. And so I got my gorgeous, beautiful monthly flower delivery two days early. So that was good.Courtney 11:54Amazing.Hilary 11:55What about what about you? Courtney 11:57Oh, there's literally nothing going on with me except for your house.Kanani 12:03That's what she's living for right now.Hilary 12:07I am on the acupuncture table. And Courtney is texting me every five minutes being like, how can they do this to me? Why haven't they told you yet I can't take it. When I called and told her. She screamed and scared the shit out of the dog. Courtney 12:24The dog was really mad at me. He was like, don't do that, mom. Yeah, I umm. This is the second time this year. Hil, it just goes to show what pandemics are doing to me is I'm starting to live vicariously through you. So first of all, like you got your pig and I couldn't handle the fact that you had a pig. And so when people asked how I was doing I'm like Hilary got a pig. And they're like, how are YOU? I just told you what's going on with me! Hilary got a pig. And now the same thing like Courtney, how are you? I'm like Hilary got a house? Yeah, what's going on with you? I just told you Hilary got a house. That's literally all that's going on with me right now.Hilary 12:52I love that you're like pigs and my houseCourtney 12:55pigs and your house.Kanani 12:56Nothing else about your life is interesting. But you have a pig. And you buy a house. You're good to go.Courtney 13:03Yeah, anything else did a deep, deep spiritual clean on the house. Had some helpful dreams. Some spirit guides came through. And that's about it. Yeah, so the magick's been happening. And oh, I actually been taking Orlagh Minxie Costilla, who we talked to a few weeks ago, I've been taking her class on Brigid, and Brigid has been my Yeah, my main Goddess for most of my journey. She and I were on the outs since last summer when I had some personal stuff go down and I was pretty upset. And so this is actually a journey coming back to that. And, so doing a class on zoom, and doing a meditation through zoom. I completely got my spiritual ass handed to me, and was my poor husband. So I had my the fuckin' modern day witchcraft, I got the laptop on my altar. And I'm sitting there at the altar with my eyes closed in my head, like headphones listening to Orlagh's meditation, and I'm just crying and I can also hear my husband tiptoe around because he's like do I comfort her? I think she's doing a meditation. What do I do?Hilary 14:13He's like, I don't want to fuck this up right now. Oh, yeah. Tread. Gently!Courtney 14:18Oh, the Shadow Work of the winter time. No wonder I've been so obsessed with Hilary's house. It's a great way to hide from myself. So thanks, Hilary Hilary 14:27Yeah! escapism in my house. Courtney 14:29Yeah. Escapism in your house. Anyway, the other escapism and we do need to talk about this WandaVision. Holy..Fuckin..Shit!Kanani 14:38I'm shocked. I'm caught up now.Courtney 14:40I am caught up now. Kanani 14:41Holy Balls! Courtney 14:42So, first of all, we need to address something because we got called out two episodes ago when Kanani was like, Hey, I just watched WandaVision and it's like a spin on Bewitched. We had people say, clearly you're not caught up. Well, here's the thing. First of all, weKanani 14:58No, I'm not caught up I'm not going to be caught up. And for the love of God, don't expect me to stay caught up with Marvel because they're gonna have twists and turns every week!Courtney 15:06Oh my god, it's like, Lord of the Rings anymore. It's like you need a symbol really to figure this all out, but the truth is, is that we record these episodes in advance. So by the time we recorded this episode about where we talk about WandaVision, the only one episode had come out the fact that Kanani even watched it is a fucking miracle because it takes her 10 years to see anything. But we are up to Episode Five at this point. So by the time this comes out, we will already be behind. So spoilers ahead, y'all if you're not caught up on WandaVision. So...Hilary 15:37Wait, I, okay.Courtney 15:40Do you wanna take your headphones off?Hilary 15:41I'm like, Okay, I'm taking my headphones off. Courtney 15:43Okay, Hillary's gonna check out for a minute off we'll wave when it's time to bring her back. So we're five episodes, in now; we have moved from the 50s through the 80s. And then I guess somewhat into the future as well. We are learning and figuring out that Wanda is likely creating her own reality, because of her trauma. And so that she has kept she has captured the town of was it Westerville was what it's called? I think so. Okay, so we've something like that, something like that. So we've captured a town and is making it into her own reality. And now there is a sense of which the others, the other Marvel heroes or, perhaps the government are going to have to come in and they can't fight the Scarlet Witch because she is just so powerful. And so far, it has been from starting out, which looks like a spin on Bewitched. And talking about witchcraft has turned into a statement on what grief does to people. It's really powerful and really beautiful. And I'm completely hooked, and I don't usually get hooked on Marvel. I will normally just be the good wife and watch what my husband wants to watch. I'm in I'm all the way in.Kanani 16:58I'm trying to show Hilary she can come back.Courtney 17:01And then the pigs came in and saved the day. Oh, no, Hilary, there was a spoiler.Hilary 17:05Oh, no. I found out that the pig saved the day, Fuck! why are you ruining everything?Kanani 17:13There's there's a new one that's coming out too. It was Falcon and the something soldier. I don't remember people. People are gonna get mad. I don't care. I'm not gonna remember these things. But there's a new movie, a new Marvel movie that's coming out and it's getting straight to Disney plus, and I love that. I love this because I've always hated movie theaters. I cannot stand movie theaters. And so the fact that now it is just on my TV thrills me to absolutely no end. Courtney 17:41I would love to go to a movie theater again. Honestly,Kanani 17:43I know I have a lot of friends who that was literally like a weekly routine or an every other week that was that was something that they did. And but yeah, I'm honestly I'm in no rush for...for theaters to come back. I we haven't hit the drive-in yet, which I need to do. Because there's a drive-in in Tigard that I have lots of friends that have gone and I went to the drive-in a couple times as a kid.Courtney 18:08I saw that when I saw Dick Tracy there as a kid. Yeah. Dick Tracy with my parents.Kanani 18:14I don't recall what I watched at the drive-in. I just remember we went and I remember when I went It was fun.Hilary 18:19Yeah, we I, my roommate and I tried to go. We were like, all excited. We're like, okay, we're gonna do a pandemic movie. And the thing was, is like, they just happened to close for that day. But they like it wasn't clear on their website. So we like drove all the way down and we got there and we were like, Are you fucking kidding me?!Courtney and Kanani 18:39Oh, no. Bad!Hilary 18:41Then some, like, white dude came up and man that was in front of us also trying to get it and mansplained to us that like about the situation. I was like, well, it's clearly locked. Like their lights are off. And he's like, well, I called the box office and I was like, and you got a voicemail and he's like, yeah, and then he's like, Well, let me tell you what's going on here. I'm like it's clear what's going on here.Kanani 19:03Yeah, you're like they're not open it's not. It doesn't take 007, himself to figure this outHilary 19:08A fucking James Bond investigation going on.Courtney 19:11Also, a drive-in movie is when you drive in and watch the movie from your car. And if you call the phone if you call the box office and they don't answer you'll likely get a voicemailHilary 19:20but thank you for explaining to us poor women that don't understand life at all that you know what was really going on? We would have just sat there we could have been there for days and starve! Kanani 19:32You might still be there Hilary 19:33we might be dead having starved and the dogs would be dead if it wasn't for this this savior white dude that made sure to letCourtney 19:42the mansplaining that that was made me so terribly close to being homicidal and it always pisses me off, but the time I like literally was almost homicidal was when I was in New York and I had just come back from IKEA. Now, you must understand something about going to IKEA when you live in New York; it requires a bus trip to New Jersey. Okay, there's a specific IKEA bus and I bought components for shelves that I literally had to care like, like a standing bookcase that I had to carry on the bus and then carry on the subway. And they didn't tie it up for me very well. So when I got off at my subway platform, which I then would have to walk up stairs before I walk up more stairs. Then everything fell apart at the base of the stairs. So there my IKEA bookcase is falling apart at the base of the subway stairs after getting off the subway. And this man walks by and doesn't stop and just keeps walking up the stairs and he points and he goes, Yeah, yeah, you need to tie that tighter.Kanani 20:39Did you tell him to suck a fat D?? Cuz I'm pretty sure I would've gone to jail that day!Courtney 20:43I don't remember what I said, but it was not nice to Hilary 20:45Is today the day that you want to die like, I'm gonna fuckin kill you!Kanani 20:49I don't evenCourtney 20:50Yeah,Kanani 20:51I can't I can't even with that. Like, REALLY dumbass??Courtney 20:56That was...Hilary 20:56Did you have murder him with actual lasers that came out of your eye because you were so mad?Courtney 21:00Every night in my dreams every night in my dreams. You know, where like in Game of Thrones, when Aria says the name of everyone she wants to kill. And she's like Cersei and Joffrey and I lay in bed and go... IKEA guy. IKEA guy alsoKanani 21:15Yep! Exactly.Hilary 21:17You need to tie that better. Oh, well, thank you.Courtney 21:20Thank you, guy. I go to bed. IKEA guy, also the guy at the Newark Airport. Also my boyfriend from college, not the Scorpio because he probably listens. Different one.Kanani 21:31That's hilarious! (laughing) that's so funny. No, I can't I I am shocked. I'm honestly shocked that I have actually never gone to jail. Because my I have no filter and you set me off. It's coming. It's coming out of my mouth. It's it's gonna happen. And and there. I mean, it's just there's nothing gonna stop it. So the fact that I don't know I think I think my tongue might be biting enough that people tend to I I remember I remember accosting a group of young boys. They were I was grown ass woman. And I was with some friends. And we had Oh, we'd all gotten dressed up to go watch a movie. And we're all moms, we never get to leave. We never get to leave the goddamn house. And so if we want to skank up to go watch a rom com at the local cinema. That's what we're gonna do. And I didn't, I don't even think I heard what he said. But some of there was like six or seven of us. One of one of the my friends had heard one of these like 17 year olds pop off and say something really rude about the fact that we were like dressed up and going to a movie. And everyone just kind of like looks down and starts to look kind of embarrassed and keeps walking. And I'm like, I don't understand what happened. Someone told me and I just flipped my ass around and I walked right up to those boys. And it was hilarious, because there were three of them. And I walked right up to em and I go "Which one of you opened your fucking mouths"? And two of the boys pointed to one of the boys like just totally called him out like that one. That's the one that said something. And I just ripped him a new asshole right there in front of him. And his friends were just like kicking their feet looking down like laughing like holy ass. And I'm like, and I just I just ripped him a new one. And and he's like, sorry, and I'm like, Uh huh. Go tell your mother what you did. And they scurried off. And, and then it was hilarious, because all my friends were like laughing and all excited. And I'm like, Don't you dare feel embarrassed or bad about what a fucking stupid 17 year old kid has to say? He doesn't know shit about shit. And he's, he's young. He's stupid. You know, he's just gonna say stupid things, Courtney 23:38and he's not gonna do it againKanani 23:40NO! and he's not gonna do it again! And I just remember it was funny, because when I asked which one of you opened your fucking mouth. Immediately, just outed his ass they're like, not me, lady. It was this guy. It was this guy. And I've had multiple, I've had multiple moments where I just like I said, I don't think about it. It just, it's happening. And now you're going to take it.Courtney 24:03So moving into our next one of these days, I'll learn how to do a proper segue until then, hey, Kanani, tell us again about this badass giveaway we have going on?Kanani 24:16Yes, so we actually added to the giveaway I had talked about last week that we were going to be raffling off a screaming goat. But we are actually we decided we're like you know what, that's fun, but that's not big enough. So we are actually raffling off a copy of the Wicked Baker by Helena Garcia, who we are talking to later today, as well as Embody Your Magick, A Guided Journal written by last week's guest, Gabriela Herstik, one of our fabulous Love Spell kits as well as a screaming goat. So in order to win the package, it's a fabulous fucking awesome. All you have to do for those of you who have either purchased a sticker or purchase something else that came with one of our our That Witch Life stickers, show us where you have put your sticker, so you go to Instagram. Courtney 25:13(lauging maniacally)It could get awkward. Kanani 25:15It could get very, I hope it gets awkward. So post a photo of where you have put our sticker and tag us in the photo @thatwitchlifepodcast and hashtag #thatwitchlove and we're using that hashtag for the month of February. I know and for this raffle, so for the entire month of February we are celebrating hashtag #thatwitchloveCourtney 25:41is this is great. Don't forget to do that and giving a thanks out to all of our supporters. Last week we released kind of a dear diary deep dive that we did with Gabriela; as soon as she got on we all started spilling about our our misspent youth to Gabriela, so that is released on Patreon. So for as little as $1 a month you can get that and other fantastic witchcraft content. Higher levels gets you access to our private Facebook page, virtual special events, early release extended episodes, boxes of goodies and more. And if you join us at the Kanani girlfriend/boyfriend/NBfriend level, not only do you get extended ad free episodes, but I pull a tarot card for you on the air. This week I am pulling for Sabrina and Sabrina is getting the Hierophant I really like getting that card it's a card about putting your things in order. It's about mastery over your and feel like that's that's that old Seinfeld episode which has different connotations master of your domain. That's not what I meant. Although, it could be.. it could be, which is fine, but that's not what I meant. But the Hierophant is about about owning your power and getting the shit done that needs to get done and fuck all anybody who stands in your way. So thank you Sabrina for joining us at the Kanani Girlfriend/boyfriend/NBfriend level. Other ways to support the show. If you can't do a monthly donation, totally get it you can always buy us a coffee or buy that witch life merchandise on Etsy. Consider becoming an episode sponsor and promote your business to thousands of witches or purchase a shout out which will let people know about your virtual event. It can also just send love to your favorite witch you can find out more on our website at and I think we are ready to hear from our sponsors.Hilary 27:35In November we had the amazing Dawn Hunt of Cucina Aurora on the show to talk all about food magick, and since then, we've all been obsessed with Cucina Aurora and their line of magical and delicious products.Courtney 27:47Seriously, I dressed my holiday dinner with a savory sage oil charged for wisdom and knowledge and I bought my food-loving In-laws Cucina Aurora gift sets, which include infused olive oils, a garlic infused olive oil for protection, and a Rosemary oregano infused olive oil charged for peaceful energy. I was delighted when Kanani bought me the same set for my Yule present.Kanani 29:09Now that I've done buying for other people, I am all about getting a bunch of this for myself because I am so excited! Cucina Aurora's oils are all made by hand and they do visualization and meditation over all of them as they're made. So they are infused with not just the flavors but also the energies of the herbs and spices. Hilary 29:09Whether you're interested in "A Kitchen Witch’s Guide to Recipes for Love & Romance" or any of the other amazing oils or magickal foods products that Cucina Aurora offers. They have a special rate for our listeners, go to and enter "witchlife2021" at checkout to get 10% off. The offer is good all year. Thank you so much to Cucina Aurora for being an episode sponsor. And what's super awesome is that Dawn now has a new cookbook available: "A Kitchen Witch’s Guide to Recipes for Love & Romance". There are just so many good recipes in this book that are both delicious and will also help you focus in on the areas of love you'd like to enhance. Courtney 29:09I am someone who cooks a lot so it's a great tool for me to plan meals that complement the magical work I'm doing. For example, She has a kale chickpea and quinoa salad designed for both health and opening the heart chakra. But this is a great book for witches who don't cook too. You can use it to think about which foods you might want to eat that will support your magickal work as she lists the magickal properties in many common foods. So I made a huge mistake the other day, we got a box of teas from the Jasmine Pearl Tea Company and I thought I was being nice by sharing them with Hilary. But now I wish I'd kept the whole thing to myself because y'all This tea is incredible. It is so good, that I told my husband not to make me coffee because I would rather have a cup of Lapsang Souchong tea for myself. Hilary 30:00I mean, I'm an opera singer who used to live in England. So basically tea is life in my mind. And let me tell you these teas are so good the Burnside Chai really gets me going in the morning and that Aria blend soothes my throat after long days of singing and recording the podcast with this maniac.Courtney 30:17So one of the things I love about the Jasmine Pearl Tea Company is that they are a family owned business. They were started by proprietor Heather Acosta and her husband Chuck. Everything is hand blended by their small team in northeast Portland.Hilary 30:31Jasmine Pearl Tea blending philosophy is based on them using excellent quality ingredients. Most of them organic, and building blends around good teas versus using mediocre ingredients and dumping a bunch of flavoring in them.Courtney 30:43I was always someone who liked tea well enough, but I wouldn't ever call myself a tea drinker. But, Jasmine Pearl Tea Company has totally made me into a tea drinker, I have been waking up to their black teas in the morning, especially when we're doing our super early recordings. And I've been enjoying their herbal teas in the afternoon while I'm trying to edit this thing. Their Vanilla Rose tea is like silk in a cup. Oh my god, it is so good.Hilary 31:08To be honest, Kanani and Courtney are probably sick of hearing me talk about these teas. But honestly, there are so many incredible tea options that there really is something there for everyone including the tea snobs among us like myself.Courtney 31:18They offer free shipping on orders of $25 or more!Hilary 31:22Check them out at and let them know you heard Courtney and Hilary gush all about them on That Witch Life Podcast.Courtney 31:29Thank you to the Jasmine Pearl for being an episode sponsor. I cannot count how many times I've recommended using lemon and rosemary and magical work for the home. Therefore, I am so excited to check out Llewelyns' The Scent of Lemon and Rosemary by Rachel Henderson. It is a fabulous book of magickal spells, crafts, and recipes for your house and home based on the powerful energy and mythos of The Goddess Hestia. The magickal activities and workings in this book can be practiced by anyone regardless of spiritual orientation. It is packed with magick themes and techniques abound for each room of your home, love and transformation in the kitchen, communication and friendship in the living room, prosperity and sleep in the bedroom and protection in the threshold. Rachel has also included recipes for food magick, as well as tips for creating your own green cleaning supplies and tying your cleaning tasks to the lunar phase. The Scent of Lemon and Rosemary also includes hands on exercises for connecting with Hestia as a deity of bodily autonomy, racial equity and social justice. With tools like visualization, centering, grounding and raising power, this book guides you in balancing the energy of each room and turning your entire home into a sacred space. And this is so exciting. You can preorder your copy today at and save 20% with coupon code Lemon20, that's lemon 2-0. This coupon is only valid through March 31 2021. So you don't want to put this off. It's not valid in conjunction with any other discounts or previously placed orders. Note that you do need to be logged into your account for coupon to apply. Again, you can pre-order The Scent of Lemon and Rosemary with 20% off @ with coupon code Lemon20 that's lemon 2-0. Thank you so much to Llewellyn for being an episode sponsor. Alright, so Hilary better have that screaming goat ready because I'm about to fan girl. Hilary 33:32Oh, let me grab it.Courtney 33:35She forgot it so because we have with us Helena Garcia, who was one of the 2019 contestants in The Great British Bakeoff and won the hearts of the nation with her eccentric style, spooky approach and fun-loving personality. Obsessed with anything witchy, Helena has written a book for crafty witches covering a bit of history of witchcraft in Britain, a guide to magical plants and plenty of craft projects and recipes to help you live like every day is Halloween. Her second book, The Wicked Baker is out now. Helena, my husband thinks that we're dating because he keeps calling you my girlfriend. Helena Garcia 34:17Well, you clearly have excellent taste.Courtney 34:23So what happened was over Christmas, okay, so the Great British baking show landed in the United States just last year in 2020. And since then, we've all gone nuts. You all have had it in Great Britain for a long time. But we, Yankees, yeah, we have just caught on. Now over Christmas. I had to have a benign procedure. Don't worry listeners. It was not a big deal. But it did mean I couldn't get off the couch for three days and I binge watched Great British baking show and absolutely fell in love with Elena Garcia at everything you made. I was like, yass!! Screaming Goat 34:58Courtney 34:58Exactly. And then when you were let go, there was great wailing and gnashing of teeth in our house. Just like rendering, rendering the garments and pulling out the hair and yelling at Paul and being like, you're wrong, you're totally wrong.Helena Garcia 35:14He was wrong. They just didn't get it. There's so I mean, they couldn't get more British. So they genuinely thought I was insane to me, I'm like, completely normal. But today, we thought this woman is absolutely of the world. They just couldn't quite get on board. But, I didn't care, I was having a great time!Courtney 35:36You told as we'd say, over here, you leaned in you went for it. Now. So for those who have not watched the Great British baking show, it starts out at each season with 12 contestants, and they give you there's a theme for each week, and you get to practice two of the recipes at home. And then they give you what is called a technical challenge in the middle where they give you Hey, you're gonna make this thing no one has heard of, and here are some very scant directions on how to do it. But for the recipes in which Helena brought in her own, they were all super witchy super fantastic. super magickal. And yeah, Paul and Prue, the host the judges did not know what the fuck to make of it, by the way, Helena we can we speak We swear a lot on the show. SoHelena Garcia 36:20Oh thank god, because I learned English from students, from like University students, so I already have their vocabulary.Courtney 36:29Yes, that's right. So So profanity is certainly I would say encouraged. Yes, actually that's the language of us around here. So let's just go talk for a second about some of the badass stuff that you made. So you made a chocolate cake that looked like a faery paradise.Helena Garcia 36:47Oh, that was actually based on my real faery garden from when I was a child.Hilary 36:54I love that.Helena Garcia 36:55Yeah. I still carried on making it once I bought my first home. And I am now on my third house and I still have a faery garden outside. It's not for my for my child it's mine. But of course there was a bit of a mishap because faery garden is also a euphemism for your vagina. Also, I said that and the papers went crazy in the UK It was really funny.Hilary 37:25Oh my God.Courtney 37:27That is amazing. I'm okay with either one. In fact, both are magickal. Vagina cake or faery garden cake. Also, on biscuit week, which over here we would call cookies. You made green witches fingers.Helena Garcia 37:44Well, that's to me a 70's classic and again, the judges had no idea what that was about. I was just so proud of my finger. Green, disgusting finger cookies with blood coming out of their nails and they were absolutely horrified.Courtney 38:01They were awesome. They had like little almonds for the fingernails.Helena Garcia 38:05Yeah, I mean, they're very American is like one of those stereotypical Halloween recipes from the 1970'sKanani 38:12I was gonna say, there's a place, there's a bakery up the street that actually makes those at Halloween that my kids love them. They get so excited. They're always like, Can we get some witches fingers? With little almonds. Helena Garcia 38:24Yeah, we get sun up at Sonoma Sonoma when they make them. So yeah, yeah. So you know,Kanani 38:33They need to get with the program here, witches fingers are very in.Helena Garcia 38:37They had no idea. I only after the program realized that it was the Americans that really got on board. I mean, oh, yeah. Now, the the UK is like moving more towards the whole Halloween vibe, because it is actually a European tradition that the Irish Immigrants went to New York. And they used to carve a turnip, which is actually a horrible vegetable it is really difficult to carve. So when the Irish immigrants went to New York, they realized that they are local fruit was a much better option, which was what happened there so that now starting to realize that no, we're just not taking on an American tradition- it was actually ours in the first place. But it's taken a long time, and it's still nowhere near as big as it is in the states.Courtney 39:23Yeah, it's it is a sacred rite. And it's getting bigger. I mean, like, even in our lifetime, it has gotten to be a much more. Oh, yeah, I would say so. We were kids, you know, they were like, Oh, it's it's fun and stuff like that. But I don't recall adults getting as into it. Maybe it's because we didn't have the internet we couldn't see and maybe just our parents weren't doing it. ButKanani 39:43I think part of it is the commercialization of costumes.Courtney 39:47Yeah. Kanani 39:48Right?! Like, kids costumes used to be like little plastic bags with a little plastic mask and that was kind of it; you know, then they'd dress up with whatever was in their closet. Well, now they realize like, well, Mom and dad'll buy costumes too and so now there's just like, costumes for the whole family. And so now Yeah, it's I mean, everyone gets into it, it's a huge festivity.Helena Garcia 40:08 It's so much more special to make your own costume. Maybe even if it's out of a beanbag or garbage bag, as you guys call it. It is just, it has another minute to it, but then you can take you can take it as a commercial holiday fuck it, am I allowed to say that? Who cares? But, also, you can go to the roots and take the spiritual side of it. You can make it whatever you want. Courtney and Hilary 40:33Yep. Yeah.Kanani 40:34It's just fun for everyone. It's just fun for everyone all the time. It's the best day of the year.Hilary 40:38I don't remember my parents, like, my mom loved decorating. And she put on like a witch's hat to answer the door. But like, I don't remember my parents going out to Halloween costume parties, which is like what we all do as adults now. SoHelena Garcia 40:51yeah, yeah. But maybe it's because you're like, you know, the yet the victim is the perfect victim to this holiday because they are really into it. So maybe, you know that, that that is what what it's all about. But probably the Internet has a lot to do with it.Courtney 41:06Instagram, Hilary 41:08yeah, absolutely!Courtney 41:09Your things, and yeah, it's just, I feel also, our generation, at least United States we were raised with this, like, don't grow up, don't grow up, don't grow up. And for some of us actually never did. But a lot of us that grew up in some ways, continue to and a lot of Psychologists say this is really healthy is to have like, an ad avenue for play. You know, yeah, you need to pay your bills, you need to, you know, employ yourself somehow you need to do your thing, and contribute to your household. And then you need a couple times a year where you dress up in faery wings and run around and like act like a fool because you just need that space. And I think that's, I think I mean, I think it's healthy. I think, you know..Helena Garcia 41:45That makes complete sense. You think that's why American culture teaches you I'm interested in that, that it teaches you not to grow up because I find that fascinating!Courtney 41:55They did for us because there was this sense of like, stay, you know, well, you need to grow up but you also it was a sense of like, Don't lose your childlike sense of wonder don't do you know, do you know that's Yeah, that's kind of what it was. It was like, and we did it and it's actually very funny because remember my, my Okay, so actually, Helena, if you like mermaids, you've got to..when this pandemic is over, go to New York for the mermaid parade at Coney Island, which is the most fantastical Helena Garcia 42:22I have seen it! I've seen itCourtney 42:24Yeah, I did that when I was lived in New York. I did it year after year. And a couple of years ago. My dad got like, really annoyed with me for no reason. And he turned to me and he said, When are you gonna grow up and stop doing that? And I turned to him and I said, Dad, you were older than me, when you rented a gorilla costume and had mom drive you around the neighborhood. So you could scare joggers. (laughing) and he just looked at me, and he said, fair enough. And that wasHilary 42:52That was it, it was over. I was never had that convo again.Courtney 42:57So um, another thing that you made, which actually my husband did, and that was the second message he has is that he really appreciated the things you made with bats. He really did not appreciate the things you made with spiders because he's afraid of spiders.Helena Garcia 43:09Noel. But we all know that. No, no, the uh..self acclaimed gothCourtney 43:15He was one of the hosts as well on the show.Helena Garcia 43:18Yeah, he's the one that gave me the goth reputation because it genuinely I have never called myself a goth in my life. So when he said, Oh my God, we goths together. I was like, I'm not a goth. And he's like, Yeah, right. yeah, no, seriously, I'm not a goth, he's like... I am, but it's not something that I ever called myself. But funnily enough, he could not cope with that spider. Paul did pick it up. I gave it gave it to him, like, you know, you're the Goth and he was actually genuinely terrified. He's got a real issue with spiders.Courtney 43:51It was it was gorgeous. So it was a it was a spider cookie coming out of a cookie spider egg with a sponge sugar web. It was absolutely gorgeous.Hilary 44:00Wow.Courtney 44:02Yeah, my husband actually had to leave the room. He couldn't watch it. He couldn't. He's like, No, I can't watch what your girlfriend's doing right now. So that was specifically he said, tell your girlfriend I love the bat stuff couldn't deal with the spider stuff. Like for real!!Kanani 44:14That's so funny!Helena Garcia 44:14Advice to your husband, I was a kid on spiders many, many years ago. I guess he's thinking about us because they ones in the UK are useless. They come by you. They don't have any better. They all have that they are useless spiders. Yeah, they really are. So I really learned to love them. And I learned to pick them up in my hands and put them outside when they're in the house and they you know, they really don't do anything. So they're harmless. Surely, they're much more terrified of us than we are of them, surely! Courtney 44:44absolutely and Hilary 44:45They definitely are. Even though I'm scared of them. Courtney 44:48Speaking of things that have helped a lot with with spiders is to think that like Charlotte's Web for at least our generation was a big way people stopped being so afraid of spiders, but you also made a loaf of bread that looked like a green pumpkin.Helena Garcia 45:03I got a stink for that saying they look moldyCourtney 45:09people might not be familiar with different colored gourds. Is that is that something people aren't familiar with over there? Because over here, we're used to green gourds.Helena Garcia 45:16Yes, we do have them here, but the orange pumpkins start green. They only get orange later on. So yeah, I'll just say they're just being ignored.Kanani 45:28Absolutely.Courtney 45:30You also made the cutest little ghost cake in the whole world. That was the cutest cake I've ever seen. I think it was lemon curd was filled with that, wasn't it?Helena Garcia 45:37It was orange curd. But yeah, this sponge was almond, the filling was orange curd and that Yeah, I had no idea that that cake was gonna be so successful that everybody loved it. Literally just because I put flowers on the on the head of the ghostCourtney 45:54sweetest little ghost. Helena Garcia 45:56But that, that is the side that I'm really to the whimsical the feminine. Do you know you think witches and you think black cauldrons why not. Why can't they couldn't be made out of pig ceramic. You know? When people say Goth, I interpret that as people who see beauty where others see darkness, I don't interpret it as miserable, constantly dressed in black. I mean, I love black but, I love pink. I love purple. I love yellow. I love all the colors. And I guess that that ghost really represented me, that touch of spooky we with a really feminine side to it.Courtney 46:36Essentially KananiKanani 46:37Yes, Hilary 46:38yeah, Kanani 46:38No, I have all of my I have like these. I guess they would be considered like spooky, like skeleton skeleton type things. But they're like, black and pink, and cream. And like, have roses and flowers and all these things. And it's like, you know, it's like, not everything has to be you know, you know, bloody and, you know, all this kind of stuff. It's like, I like some of that stuff, too. But it's like, you know, I love kind of the darker stuff with that feminine touch to it. Like that's, that's my absolute that's my favorite. Yeah, I think that's true. People think it's kind of like, you know, I think it's, it's the people think you're either you know, hardcore, kind of into like, the hippie stuff where everything is lavender. And you know, everything is natural, or everything is black and red and, and I'm kind of what I'm like a combination of both like, if you look in my bathroom it looks black and red and Goth. You look in my bedroom? It looks you know, natural and lavender.Courtney 47:39Very girly! vagina?Helena Garcia 47:44It's a known euphamism in the US?Courtney 47:46I don't think so. Has anybody ever heard that a faery garden being a euphemism for vagina in the ya know what? I've never heard of that.Kanani 47:52I mean, I've heard of a garden bein' referred to as thatHelena Garcia 47:57I've just not explained it properly is not a fairy garden, it's that he thought I had said a furry gardenHilary 48:04Oh, furry! AmazingCourtney 48:17Cuz we were just like...Hilary 48:18that's weird, okay.....Kanani 48:19fabulous.Helena Garcia 48:22Yes of course, I forgot it was my accent that threw him.Kanani 48:25That's one of those times where you look at someone and you say, that speaks more about you than it does about me.Helena Garcia 48:32Oh, absolutely. I don't say what's his bloody accent from Liverpool? That's what it was. No, my accent isHilary 48:39Ya, a better accent, not you. That's so funny. That's so funny because I'm sure he was like, Wow, that's a bold choice likeHelena Garcia 48:47If I could go back, I will I would do a bloody giant faery garden just to shut him up.Courtney 48:55Yeah. and say hey, you said magickal spaces. So well. We have to also talk about your final showstopper, which was unbelievable. It was. Oh, yeah. Red Velvet sponge cake inspired by the vampires kiss cocktail with your own raspberry And above the bat for a cork, which I think yeah, it was gorgeous. I think you have something similar in your cookbook, The Wicked Baker that is aligned with that, but that was unreal. Well, yeah. I have like a vampire. You know, vampire. a vampire. a vampire. Something similar to it. It was a vampire, some kind of vampire. Oh, theyHelena Garcia 49:39Alright because you guys haven't obviously comes a year later right? I umm in the bake it's called the Bake Off in the UK at the baking show in America. I don't know why that is. But they always bring past contestants every Christmas. For a Christmas special and A New Year special. So this year I was called back to do the New Year's is already aired here but then you guys will get it on Netflix next December. You get the holiday specials there. Then I went witchy. I baked my first witch cake and I made them made them do a spell.Courtney 50:25This is worth getting an illegal download somewhere. I'm gonna figure out a way.Helena Garcia 50:30Many people figured it's not even that illegal i don't think I think you can get it somehow I've just a little I couldn't even figure out how to get the headphones on. So I don't know how to tell you how to do that. But Paul couldn't have been more uncomfortable. Because it was New Years it was about New Year's resolutions. And I had baked a divination bowl with a candle cake. And I made him write intentions to in for the following years. Oh, my God Paul couldn't have been more uncomfortable, which made it perfect. Courtney 51:04I love the fact that you were not afraid to argue with him on the show. Because a lot of times when he would give people feedback or criticism, they would be really upset and then when the camera would go to you, you'd say, Well, he's wrong.Helena Garcia 51:18That's the difference between being British and being Spanish.Courtney 51:22You're like no, incorrect. Like he just clearly has no taste. I think you had said at one point like he doesn't know though. He's clearly just not familiar with this taste. He's wrong. Like,Helena Garcia 51:32it's just so hard. Because sometimes when it comes to texture, and how well something's baked, you can argue with that is a fact. But when you come to aesthetic... I mean, I'm sorry, Paul, but have you seen the way you dress like things like that did happen behind the camera, but he seems like we go on really, really well. It was it was more banter that yes, real, real argument because I genuinely many, many people, my group was very young. And they all got very, very upset. I will just bounce it. I was I just thought this is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever done. I didn't think it through I was still breastfeeding my child. So I was running in and out of the pump , so it was it was months of auditions, cuz like thousands and thousands of people apply for that and I don't think at any point I actually sat down and thought, what if I make it, I can't I'm breastfeeding my child. He's not even a year old yet. Basically, it's just typically me do something without thinking it through. But then if I if I didn't think it through, I wouldn't have done it. So.Courtney 52:41So then good, Hilary 52:42we're so glad you did itKanani 52:43I think you're right. Like when it comes when it comes to us and certain things, you know, when it comes to cooking, I mean, clearly burnt something or you haven't you know, there's kind of right and wrong ways of doing certain things. But you know, when it comes to aesthetics, yeah, I mean, that's purely a person's taste. And just because one person thinks aesthetically, it doesn't work, you know, 100 other people could think it does. So that's very, uhhHelena Garcia 53:06Yeah. I don't suppose, even how do you how do you judge something based on taste? So Prue loves coconut? I'm not keen on it. Paul! Prue hates peanut butter and chocolate. Oh my god, I love peanut butter and chocolate. I know. But Prue's taste is based in the 70s he likes you know, we'll see sponges, which I hate putting alcohol in sponge, I think it dries it out. So it's just such a difficulty to judge. I guess they do what they can. But it is umm... My analogy of the problem is that if you make it into the 10's out of 1000s, and 1000s anybody's capable to make it all the way to the title, but then also it gets in the way but mainly they just choose people that are not competitive. And that's what makes the show so wholesome. And so lovely. Because if you're like the hottest Baker in the UK, but you're competitive, they won't let you in.Hilary 53:32Oh yeah, cuz you're gonna be a jerk on the show. No one wants to watch that I mean the wholesomeness is like a huge appeal. That's it's like you're watching Yeah, you're not stressed out. You're just like, Oh, this is so nice. Like, these people are so nice. Like, you know, it's just it's it's what makes it so lovely to watch.Courtney 54:21And you're not competing for a cash prize, which it seems like exactly,Helena Garcia 54:24you get Yeah. cakes that that now David has as a play as a planned part. Basically, he he has a plan to top of he couldn't care less. You just do it for the experience. And I I never experienced going into a competition and literally crying every time so one got eliminated. I just couldn't cope.Courtney 54:44I know and I think it's here in the United States we've had such like 2020 was such a painful year, so many levels. And so to tune in to watch a bunch of British people, make a cake and then be really happy for each other when it goes well and cry when someone left we're like, oh wow it was like oh my goodness that's the thing, Kanani, you and Soleil should watch the show together because it was totally up her alley ifKanani 55:11Actually, yeah, she loves any my daughter loves anything cooking shows, we watch Food Network and cooking shows all the time. But I actually have some friends who got super into the Great British Bake Off and all that stuff. And like every week, there was like a group of four different people. And they would bake or try and make whatever they'd made that week. Yeah, yeah. And then they would you know, do little Facebook Lives of their of what, you know how it turned out. And you know, it was actually really fun. I mean, people here have really gotten into it, because it is in a world full of chaos, it's something sweet and fun and nice to kind of, you know, just make you feel connected.Helena Garcia 55:54Yeah, it's ahh, I mean, Netflix did something right by taking the show on because it was originally on BBC too, which is one of the the least watched channels and after World Series, it went to BBC 1 and then eventually, Channel Four, which is a private network bought it and now it's huge. It was, it was so different in the first few years that they did it they they used to cut down to a little bit of history about the bake. And I really, really liked that. But I think as time went on, people realized that they were more interested in who the bakers were, so they had to cut the history bake out but I really used to like that, because that's part of my baking now I tend to relate bakes to, to folklore and legends and stories like that. That's where I get most of the ideas fromKanani 56:42one of one of my favorite things about one of the British Antiques Roadshow. Oh, yeah, it was one of the first British shows I ever watched umm.. this was decades ago. But I remember watching because here because we're such a baby country, right? You see something from 1875. And you're like, I'm watching the British anti, you know, anti grad show. And they're like, well, this is from 345 ad. And you're just like, what the shit?? that was a thing, you know, like, everything there is like, it has history it has. It has stories, it has all of this stuff that like we just don't we don't have here we're a baby nation.Helena Garcia 57:29I took a friend, an American friend to York. So York is a I live in York here, which isKanani 57:35Ahhh beautiful countryHelena Garcia 57:39that York is half an hour for from Leeds, which is the city that I lived in and uhh is, is a very medieval with an amazing medieval city with like cobbled streets and amazing uhh art, like the most amazing Cathedral. But they call these original streets from medieval times where the houses are kind of like falling on themselves. So is where they Diagon Alley was based on for the movie Harry Potter. Is a real thing. So I took my American friend, and we're walking through it and he's going like that to finish and he's all, how tacky because he thought it was a it was a setup.All Three 58:15Like a movie prop?Helena Garcia 58:19This is this is a real thing, it was built in the 1200s that the houses are like in Brea in Lord of the Rings, they all like kind of life sinking unto themselves in black and white. And it's just that is fascinating. I just saw, I went to school in Las Vegas. It was one of the best years of my life, and I love the grandiosity of the US. But there's something about Europe that I always come back to is the history and the architecture could be as old as you know, as this amazing Street.Courtney 58:55So yeah, I wanted to this a pull we...uh, we normally ask this question at the top of the interview, but we had to talk baking first. You were uh, you and I had some really great back and forth over email, and I'd love for you to share with that with our listeners. So how did you come to identify as a witch or as a as a magickal person, Helena? Helena Garcia 59:17Well, as a child, I was always, you know, building faery gardens following feathers. Yeah, and I think that Yeah, very good. Very good. He was right. Actually, just quickly to tell you about that, then obviously a lot of DM's of men asking me to show them my furry garden. All Three 59:41Eww Ughhhhh Helena Garcia 59:41Oh, don't worry. I took a very close shot of my wolf dogs fur and sent them those pictures.Kanani 59:51That's hilarious, amazing.Hilary 59:53Honestly why are men?? like come on.Helena Garcia 59:58Anyway, back to the.. my childhood. Yeah, I was always that kind of child that picked rye flowers. I used to pick mushrooms with my dad. While in the UK everybody's really terrified of wild mushrooms in Europe it's very much accepted to come pick your own mushrooms from the woods. So I think the Brits are terrified because of, you know, storybooks and legends of people dying, taking the wrong mushrooms. So, you know, it's not that common that that happens. So I've always been like that as well as being very sociable. I would love to tell you that I was the introverted child in a corner. Are we at you know, away with the faeries, but I will say I was very sociable. And I've always been, you know, a party animal as my, my husband calls me but I had this whole other side. Then as I grew older, I looked into my my ancestors and my mom's family. They all come from the Celtic area of Spain and normally people understand that in the northwest, west of Spain, they celebrate Hallo, the samhain, which is the original Halloween, they played the pipes like in Scotland, they wear kilts. So this is Spain because the Celts, you know, conquer, conquered Northern Europe. So the more I looked into it, the more I was interested in the past, but I guess, when you look at history, and you look, witches were witches where you see, please, independent women with knowledge of wild plants, knowledge of medicine, they acted as midwives, when women were escaping, you know, persecution for getting pregnant before marriage, and so on. So what really is a wage is, that's exactly what like, if you look a while, which was, I will always say that, yeah, well, just a woman. Yeah, because you just were accused people accused, all the women or men of witchery, when they were simply jealous, or if you go, if you couldn't get pregnant, you will be accused of being a witch. And obviously, the persecutions that happened all over Europe in the Middle Ages, were just atrocious. So that IKanani 1:02:15confidence was not rewarded back then.Helena Garcia 1:02:18Nothing or knowledge, it was just purely on odds. Yeah, it was brought out of pure ignorance. And that is a part of witchery that I'm really into is like learning about what's out there how to use medicines, for medicine or for cooking. And it's all based in nature for me, everybody has their own alignments to it; for me is very much based in in science, like mushrooms are magickal. There's mushrooms out there that can hold fire for a whole week that actually they are Yeah, I noticed they can hold the ice that they were key elements for our ancestors to have evolved in society to be able to create fire to be able to put a piece of coal in this particular mushroom and be able to burn it for a whole week. Those things are real. So that that's that's where I am now. Still still learning foraging all throughout the year and just getting creative in the kitchen.Courtney 1:03:24Oh, well that brings us well first of all, we definitely want to talk about your book The Wicked Baker, which has just flipping through to see just you know you've got new moon to the moon witch blackberry pie. In then there's Victoria sand witches with a haunted yule log. Yes, Red Red Riding wolf pumpkin spice cakes. And just oh, this is my this is my favorite. I was reading this to Kanani before you came on. Monster fortune cookies. You say at the top. I had never felt the need to make fortune cookies until I saw them as gruesome monsters desperate to deliver a macabre messageHelena Garcia 1:04:11Yes, I did write the messages but it turns out you can't put any writing on a photo on a book in case someone from Italy wants to buy the rights of the book, so you have to copy it in English, but I will leave that to the reader to deliver their own disgusting message on their fortune cookie.Kanani 1:04:31That's fantastic.Courtney 1:04:33So So tell me a bit like how baking informs your magick, or how.. what.. how you.. what do you see about baking that is is magickal or witchy?Helena Garcia 1:04:44Well, there's to me, there's nothing more magickal than to grab a bunch of ingredients and turn them into a wholesome meal. Nice magick is best surely. And if then, you introduce things like growing your own ingredients or picking your own ingredient, or mixing what you think you know that you can't pick these days and so on that one experience I used to feel the house with nice smells. So I guess for me cooking came first. And then baking is simply cooking with added creative possibilities where where I can I will make up a bake that is inspired by something that has happened in history or by Norse legend or, you know, something to do with that Roman or Greek mythology. Those are the things I'm really interested in is the mythical in history, rather than rather than weak and we don't really understand wiccan it's no...I mean, that's something you guys need to explain to me I still don't understand why magick now gets spelled with a K. What's that about? Tell meCourtney 1:05:52well, that happened I think in the early 20th century and I don't want to I cannot remember who started doing it but they they started calling it with a K to differentiate it from like parlor magic because at the time from what I understand, you know, the magician doing tricks in the living room was a very popular pastime day. Okay, so to add a K, it's like no we're not doing like pulling rabbits out of hats. We're actually create you know, so putting so put that that put that on there. I I feel like I come to use it as because there's so because it's part of the vernacular, at least in witchcraft around here. But I don't really see it as an issue when somebody doesn't use it. Yeah, totally.Helena Garcia 1:06:34I was just I just couldn't understand I keep seeing magick bein put in with a K what's that, what's that about? what's that about? I don't understand it, what is that. I, I understand your explanation if he's to the distinguish from magic and magic tricks, I think he's read the context, you will understand that if we're talking about nature's magick, certainly is nothing to do with a magic trick.Kanani 1:06:59And I think that you see a lot of it with a K for things that are kind of written or you know, an articles or whatnot that kind of go out to mass population, because they're trying to cause that differentiation. But if it's like written by a magickal person, two people in the magickal community kind of where it's all intertwined, because you already know; like you said.Helena Garcia 1:07:23Yeah, yeah yeah Kanani 1:07:23sometimes then you don't see the K because they know that the people that are gonna read this know exactly what they're talking about. Yeah, I think but when you see a lot of that more mass population type stuff, you you see the K for people trying to be like, No, no, this isn't you know, card tricks, this is...Helena Garcia 1:07:39This is definitely an American thing. Because I like what people talk about witchery like, shamanism and stuff is always magic with a see always Yeah, always all these books are amazing book it's not too big either called A Real Middle Earth and it's all about their reality because obviously the whole Lord of The Rings was all based in Britain. And these fantastic places where you can find you know, swim out about you trees are like 6000 years old here in the UK. The first umm settlements, it's just, it is all real is not these are all places where you can go and visit and it explains the you know, why people were terrified of crows and what they signified and all these throughout that whole book, everything spelled with a C, so I never quite understood where that K came from. Kick that K out. (laughing)Hilary 1:08:42Get rid of that.Courtney 1:08:45So it was so you mentioned how you a lot of times mythology inspires your baking is do you have a favorite myth that you like to lean into when you bake? Helena Garcia 1:08:54You know, I I. Well, anything that relates to witches, I will always favor things like in medieval times in Europe they thought elder trees were actually witches disguised as trees and Rowan trees were Yeah, so the whole touching wood for good luck comes from actually from touching certain books like oak oak was magickal, so then if you touch an oak tree then you will have good luck for the day obviously that that small meaning got lost and now we'll see touch wood in general. As a good luck omen. But it's just fascinating to learn the things that we still believe now, were based on superstitons of the Middle Ages. Isn't that fascinating?Courtney 1:09:42That is fascinating!Hilary 1:09:44Super fascinating.Kanani 1:09:45I've never heard someone I mean I, I love I love baking. I've taken cake making classes and things like that. I love to do that kind of stuff. I love to watch cooking. I have never heard someone put it in a historical and folkloric perspective before, and I have to tell you, it's fabulous and fascinating, it adds a a depth to something that I never would have, I never would have put together myself, you know, you just think of kind of cooking is cooking and to think that you actually kind of do the historical perspective of it is, that's amazing.Helena Garcia 1:09:47I mean, I don't do it all the time. But if you're reading something that interests you like that, anything to do with it, witches perpetrating history, in art, in books in popular culture, if that's something that I'm really into, in general, that's always gonna give me ideas for baking and cooking, and I'm always gonna relate it. So it is, as I said, baking is just cooking with more creative possibilities, because you get to decorate your bakes.Hilary 1:10:59I love that. I mean, I love that you pull historic references like that to inspire your artistic expression through baking. Like, it's so interesting, because I think sometimes people are like, Oh, it's this aesthetic, I like or, you know, oh, it's this image I like but to go like, actually, where I'm pulling this from is from a place of history and a place of, you know, both a history of witches, but also just medieval culture in general.Helena Garcia 1:11:22Yeah. But the medieval culture was really based on being absolutely terrified of the devil and witches were worshipers of the devil. I mean, I cannot believe that still happens today is absolutely incredible.Hilary 1:11:40Yeah, I agree it does still happen today legitimately, and it's ridiculous. Yeah.Kanani 1:11:46We try. I mean, I don't I don't know if there are I mean, I would love for there to be a time where we're not trying to break that bond of people thinking devil equals witches, witches equals devil like, it would be great if someday we're not, you know, constantly trying to disassemble that. But yeah, no, it's, that's something that has lasted for a long time, unfortunately! Helena Garcia 1:12:07I know! But, I guess it's just human nature to become super superstitious. I mean, my mom is like the most superstitious person in the world. And I tried to explain to you, you know, that this was born out of pure coincidence, someone walked underneath a ladder and something happened. And then they say, Rosette, they're bad luck. And now everybody thinks that walking underneath, but she always gospels, just in case, there's no walking under a ladder.Hilary 1:12:30I've gotta be extra cautious.Courtney 1:12:33Just incase!Helena Garcia 1:12:33Yeah yeah yeah, but you're an intelligent person.Courtney 1:12:40So one of the things I love about just turning back to your book for a second, one of the things I love is that these recipes are actually quite simple. You know, it is I think that there's a lot of people will say things like, I'm a cook, but not a baker, what would you say to them? If somebody said to you, I can cook but I don't bake?Hilary 1:12:59And you can totally say that to me too. Because that's what I say.Helena Garcia 1:13:02Hilary, Hilary! That's crazy talk, how can you cook? How can you cook and not being able to bake when baking is an exact science is. So when you cook you you get stare off the recipe, and you can, you know, you can alter alter it and still get away with it. But baking, you simply just have to do it, as they tell you is if he says 100 gram, well, you don't do grams do cups, which I prefer, by the way, so much more is much easier to do cups. Yeah, one cup of sugar is one cup of sugar. Like, seriously, start if you want to get into baking, start by simply following the recipes and the rest will follow is like with everything is practice.Hilary 1:13:45Yeah, I think that's totally it for me, like I think I I have cooked for so long without baking. And I've gotten very creative with cooking. And so I think that it's like my instinct. I mean, I can like literally open my fridge and be like, I don't know what I have, I can make something great out of this. Yeah, and that's not how baking works.Helena Garcia 1:14:05But I'm that kind of cook yet I can stick to a recipe because obviously, when you write a book on when we had to write our own recipes for bakeoff. You can base it on something, but the recipe has to have at least three major changes in terms of copyright, otherwise you won't be caught will be copying someone's recipe. And you genuinely need to be strict with with amounts, like things like yeast and bread and things like that. Just you just have to follow the rules.Courtney 1:14:35 So anyway, we have a listener question and it says, I have a question about crystal balls and scrying I attended a ritual where a crystal ball was set up and I found that I received a fairly clear interpretable images from it. I'd like to buy one of my own but everything I'm seeing online is trying to convince me I'm going to open a portal to evil if I use one, unless I'm super careful about grounding, cleansing, etc. Do you have less over the top guidance and suggestions? I'm happy to respect the tool. But I can't tell if what I'm reading is overwrought and fear mongering or accurate... suggestions on what materials to look for in a crystal ball would also be appreciated. So Helena, what do you have to say about that?Helena Garcia 1:15:17I don't know where she's located. I mean, what websites are you going to that giving you some sort of like?Hilary 1:15:25Yeah, where are you reading this?Kanani 1:15:. and looking at crystal ball readings?? Like, I don't understand where you're finding this stuff.Helena Garcia 1:15:35Do not let that nonsense even, like, you know, get into your brain at all that again, we've, we've spoken about superstitions, how we still carry them all today, which they're based on are not evidence whatsoever, and what you're reading is like, I would like to see if any of these people that are giving you that advice, have any scientific qualification to, you know, to back up what they're saying, I'm telling you, that's just people with fear of the unknown. The truth is, I don't think crystal balls work I don't think they show you anything I umm seem they just like amulets that they were using them in the past for people to calm other people. And it's the same the same reason why, if you look into a Ouija board and what a Ouija board is, it was actually a board game, it was a board game, probably Hollywood made a film making it something that contacts the spirits and is really scary. And everybody freaked out and things you know, even now even because, oh my god on the Bake Off, I presented my witches fingers inside a little cauldron on top of a hand carved Ouija board. They very quickly switched from from focusing that on camera, because it was a whole week of lawyers getting involved. Told me I couldn't do it. And I stuck to my guns saying, they thought I was gonna get like Christians abusing me on Twitter and stuff. I say, Well, if they do, I'm happy to take and I'm happy to tell them to go fuck themselves, because that is just like, they don't know what a Ouija board is. And this is these things are normally games. And the reason why the Ouija board works is because we have energy. And when we all put our energy together, we actually can move objects, but it doesn't mean that some spirits come in to talk to you. I just, again, we're talking about medieval superstitions here, get a little crystal ball and play with it all you want. But it's certainly not connected to some satanic. Say, you know, I've got crystal ball simply because I think is a beautiful object. Courtney 1:17:48They are really beautiful Hilary 1:17:49They're beautiful. Helena Garcia 1:17:51Yeah, yeah,Hilary 1:17:52I you know, I agree. Well, I agree in the sense that I think that crystal balls scrying mirrors, Tarot; these are all tools of divination. So really, like, there, I mean, any of those things, anything I mean, you can scrye in water, you can look at water, you can look at a wall, you can look at the floor, tea leaves.Kanani 1:18:14Because, ultimately it's coming from you. It's not coming in the message. Yeah, so notHilary 1:18:18your connection. So I would say like, you know, anything that any any tool that you get to help you use your own divination skills to get a message, that's just a tool, that item isn't going to open up a portal to hell, you know, like, it's not, I mean, anytime you're doing magickal work, I think it's good to protect yourself to be mindful of what you're doing to know what you're getting into. But an object is an object, right? candle is a candle until you're using it intentionally for a spell. An herb is an herb until you're using it intentionally for a spell.Helena Garcia 1:18:56Do you know what this spell really is? It's the power of pure intention. So if, if for example, when I was making everybody in the bake off do a little New year, new year's resolution spell, the fact that you've written down your resolution, the fact that you're doing the act of burning it and I use like flash paper so it burns really quickly and it stays in your mind. That power of intention makes you actually do what you've written down what you've made a ritual of actually doing stays in your mind these things. These things aren't connected to the table or nonsense. They can be backed up by science.Courtney 1:19:37Yeah, I think the only piece of technical advice I would give this person obviously crystal balls are working for you. You said you're getting messages so I think this is a great tool for you. Not a lot of people can use them. So this is a gift and I'd say go for it. The only practical thing and again, I don't even know if this is true, but you might as well do it because it won't cost you anything is it's I have heard people say you need to cover crystal ball. With a dark piece of fabric because if a light is hitting it, it can refract and eventually cause a fire. So, and again, I've never seen that happen, but,Hilary 1:20:11no, it can absolutely happen. I have a friend who has held a crystal ball outside and the sun it burned the grass below. Yeah. So you gotta be, it's 100% a thing.Helena Garcia 1:20:22Yeah it's not a thing in England. I haven't seen the sun in 3 months!Hilary 1:20:26Yeah, we're in the Pacific Northwest so like seven months out of the year, you're fine. But those but those few other months, you know,Helena Garcia 1:20:34make your own. Make your own, go to like thrift store secondhand shops and find things like copper kettle basis. They're all made of metal, they have the same or, like really old antique plant holders. Make your own crystal ball. That would be fantastic. You know, things like giant, you know, what witches bowls were that way like these? They look like Christmas ornaments. But they they do. Yeah, it makes them yeah, people thought that, you know, if you hang them off your door, if witches try to enter your house they will get trapped in the ball. So that's, that's Courtney 1:21:16Oh, that's why I kept getting trapped in the balls.Kanani 1:21:20She's calling me like, come get me out of the ball you made me!Helena Garcia 1:21:25I want to know where to find this...Kanani 1:21:27Yeah where are you reading this stuff??Hilary 1:21:29Yeah, I want to know Kanani 1:21:30I've never heard anything like that.Helena Garcia 1:21:31I'm joining joining this chat I'm causing some shit!Courtney 1:21:35Yes! all of a sudden, all four of us fly in.Kanani 1:21:43That's right. Love it.Courtney 1:21:44So Helena, where can people tell First of all, tell us what you have going on next? And then let us know where people can follow your work?Helena Garcia 1:21:52Sure. I have just finished my next book, which we will probably start I mean, it's difficult now because we lock down but it's, it's work. So you are allowed to do it. So next goes the photography. So the next book will come out in September, and is called A Guide to Witchcrafting, but it's not it's not witchcraft in us, you know, is witchcraft in us actually making crafts. So it obviously has recipes because that's like, I'm stuck with that now for life. I obviously love it. But this time, it's called baking and cooking. Now try to spookify cooking a lot more difficult than doing it on baking. And then it's called a section for how to make your own broomstick. But obviously is not a steak with bristles, is much more fun than that. And how to make decorations for your home and all that. So it's it's very much me is probably closer to Introduction to Witchery, my first book rather than The Wicked Baker. But I'm glad that the publishers have gone with something totally different and embracing, witch in the title, rather than basing it on baking just because I come from the Bake Off even though of course there is baking in as my is my passion. So that's what comes next.Courtney 1:23:18Well, thank you so much for coming on. This has been a highlight of my life. I am the happiest thing ever. Don't forget y'all check out The Wicked Baker and you're on Instagram, right Helena? is that the best place to follow you?Helena Garcia 1:23:31Yeah, I guess Instagram is where most people follow me. I only realized the other day the 60% 60% of my followers are American. Courtney 1:23:39Oh, yeah. Helena Garcia 1:23:39No, I didn't know!Courtney 1:23:42Crazy.Hilary 1:23:42That doesn't surprise me.Courtney 1:23:44They're crazy, like she's one of us. She is our queen. Helena Garcia 1:23:46Yes! Yeah, I'm happy. I'm happy with that I'll take it. Kanani 1:23:49I'm about to follow you on Insta right now. Courtney 1:23:52All right. Well, thank you again, so much, and everybody. Thank you all so much for listening! If you want to support the show, the best way is to subscribe and spread the word. Please also consider leaving us a rating and review us on Apple Podcasts. You can also buy us a coffee or check out our merch on our Etsy store. For bonus content, become a supporter on Patreon. We are on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For show notes, audio transcript, or to ask us a question to answer on a future episode, go to . Until then, keep moting that shit! BAKE SOMETHING! Talk to you next week! All Three 1:24:32So Mote It BeCourtney 1:24:38x but the thing is sometimes my frosting gets a little soft. And so I had these gingerbread men that looked like they had been through a lot of trauma. So, they were supposed to be cuteHelena Garcia 1:24:48They sound perfect, Courtney!Courtney 1:24:50That's why you and Soleil, Kanani's daughter would get along well because when I came over to her once and we were making cookies and she said I made a bloody snowman because his head got ripped off.(laughing) Precious! ................

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