A Gadsden County Applicant/ Organization can only qualify and receive funding through one program under the Gadsden County American Rescue Plan Programs. No Applicant/ Organization is eligible to receive funding assistance through more than one program under the Gadsden County American Rescue Plan Programs.NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM APPLICATION: The “Gadsden County American Rescue Plan” (GCARP) Non-Profit Organization Assistance Program will assist non-profit organizations located in Gadsden County that have been impacted by COVID-19. As a “super non-profit organization,” the Gadsden Community Health Council (GCHC) will serve as a “clearing house” for this program to identify county non-profits who would be considered for and receive the assistance funds. The GCHC is a partner with the Gadsden County Health Department (GCHD) and assists with various functions and logistics for the GCHD and donates to over 60-70 organizations within Gadsden County. Non-profit organizations that may apply would have to have been providing the following services within the community: medical, food, educational, or childcare services prior to March 1, 2020. All grants will be provided on a “First qualified, first served” basis. NOTE: Non-profit organizations who are registered/ operate as a non-profit “healthcare” provider or organization would apply for funding through the NON-PROFIT HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM APPLICATION, not this program application. Non-Profit Organization Company was in operation prior to March 1, 2020; and, is CURRENTLY in operation. Non-Profit Organization Company experienced negative reduction/ loss in revenue, increased expenditures, increased expenses due to additional eligible service(s) to the community due to COVID-19.APPLICATION SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION/ CHECKLIST: (ALL ITEMS #1-#8 ARE REQUIRED TO QUALIFY) 1.Non-Profit Organization Executive Director/ Administrative Head MUST submit copy of Florida Driver’s License, State ID, or other documentation validating that the business is located in Gadsden County. 2.Non-Profit Organization Executive Director/ Administrative Head MUST submit tax returns or other business records reflecting loss of revenue in 2020 compared to 2019, or increased expenditures/ costs due to operating in a COVID-19 environment. 3.Non-Profit Organization Company MUST submit documentation showing the lost donations/ revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic with a description of how this loss negatively impacted the community. 4.Have a copy of 501c3 determination letter (Non-profit organization certificate) or, State of Florida Tax Exemption Certification. 5.Have a copy of most recent 2021 utility bill for Gadsden County address verification. 6.Non-Profit Organization Executive Director/ Administrative Head MUST submit a completed IRS W-9 Form prior to receipt of funding. 7.Did the business receive any Payroll Protection Program (PPP) funding or other COVID-19 related grant funding in 2020 or 2021? (If YES, then LOSS CALCULATION will be reduced by the amount received through other assistance programs. Other grant award documentation will need to be submitted for Gadsden County American Rescue Plan (GCARP) Program staff review). 8.Non-Profit Organization Company/ Applicant provided one of the following services: medical, food, educational and/ or childcare services to residents in Gadsden County during the COVID-19 pandemic. The service(s) that our organization provides is the following: __________________________________________ service(s). ................

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