15 …

|O.O. |15-03724 (T52) |MISO No. |1-08007201 |File No. |240803 |

| |15-05655 (G82P) | |1-08330422 | | |

| |15-04938 (Balt-Rgby) | |1-07682236 | | |

| |15-05426 (907) | |1-07644826 | | |

| |15-05428 (F3M) | |n/a | | |

| |15-05799 (Run Caps) | |n/a | | |

| |15-05798 (Ros Caps) | |n/a | | |

| |15-06491 (Fbs 30K) | |1-08494185 | | |

|Name of Outage: |Dorsey 230-500 kV Bank 52 and, |

| |230 kV Line G82P (Glenboro – Peace Garden) and, |

| |230 kV Line Balta – Rugby and, |

| |230 kV 907 Line (Shannon-Running) and, |

| |115 kV Line F3M (Fort Francis – Running) and, |

| |230 kV Running Shunt Caps and, |

| |230 kV Roseau Shunt Caps and, |

| |500 kV Forbes MSC 30K |

|Effective Dates: |2015-06-22 from 0800 to 2015-06-25 at 2200 CDT |

| |(2015-06-22 from 0800 to 2015-06-25 at 2200 EST) |

|Standing Guide Reference: |MHEX – USA Special Study as per K. Long 2015-06-22 |

|Description of Work: |Dorsey 230-500 kV Bank 52 (MHEB) – Replace Kiosk and Controls, Bkr Mtce. |

| |G82P (MHEB) – System Posturing for Rugby Terminal work. |

| |Balta-Rugby (GRE/OTP) - Moving line to allow for 230-115 kV transformer at Rugby. |

| |907 Line (MP) – Civil Work for new GRE Ortman tap |

| |F3M (MP) – Posture Option 2 907 Line Outage |

| |Running Shunt Caps (MP) – Posture Option 2 907 Line Outage |

| |Roseau Shunt Caps (MP) – Posture Option 2 907 Line Outage |

| |Forbes 30K Shunt Cap(XCEL) – Forced-out |

| |


| MH-USA South (MH Export) |

| |

| |

|MH-USA North (MH Import) |


|TLR Triggers |South TLR 1 |South TLR 3 |North TLR 1 |North TLR 3 |  |

| |1436 |1450 |186 |190 | |

| | |

| | |

|MISO Webtool Postings | |

| |MISO Webtool Postings |

| |TTC |

| |TRM |

| |Coeff |

| | |

| |MHEX_S (Export) |

| |1900 |

| |525 |

| |1.000 |

| | |

| |MHEX_N (Import) |

| |600 |

| |600 |

| |0.750 |

| | |

| |

| |

|In addition to the TLAP table, the following Real Time (pre-contingent) transfer limits must also be maintained. |

|D603M (Remaining 500 kV Bank): |


|LIMITS: | |

| | |

|D603M _S |TTC  |

| |Transfer (SOL) |

| | |

| |1188 |

| |1188 |

| | |

|TLR Triggers |D603M_S TLR 1 |D603M_S TLR 3 |

| |1105 |1129 |

| |A) During this prior outage condition generation curtailment of the St. Joseph and St. Leon wind farms concurrent with TLR on|

|Special Notes to MISO |MHEX_N may be required when Manitoba to USA flows are north to prevent post contingent overloads on G37C |

|West RC |following a trip of B10T or M602F. |

| | |

| |B) The SOL for MHEX_S and MHEX_ N is the same if the MISO RTCA and MISO Flowgate Monitoring Tool is unavailable prior to or during|

| |this outage. |

|Special Instructions to |A) TOI Extentions - This TOI may be extended until 23:59 by performing the following steps: |

|MHEB Operator: |Verify system conditions to confirm there are no additional tie line facilities outages, or new internal MH outages. |

| |Review RTCA to confirm there are no new contingencies. |

| |Contact MISO to confirm there are no new outages, if there are no new outages provide notice to MISO that MH is extending the |

| |TOI. |

| |Extend the outage in COLA. |

| |Update TLAP outage table. |

| |Provide notice to affected balancing authorities |

| | |

| |B) When called upon by MISO for the supply of CRSG: |

| | |

| |If Real Time Contingency Analysis (RTCA) indicates a post contingent overload condition on Y51L for the contingent loss of D14S - |

| |redispatch MH generation to maintain CRSG delivery as per: |

| | |

| |Start Brandon Gas Generation and run up to 60 MW. |

| |Brandon generation must be re-dispatched from HVDC generation at Dorsey |

| | |

| |After 60 MW re-dispatch is complete, should RTCA continues to indicate a post contingent overload condition on Y51L due to the |

| |contingent loss of D14S, |

| |Continue to re-dispatch generation from Brandon gas in 10 MW increments until post contingent overload on Y51L has been mitigated.|

| | |

| |The mitigation must be completed within 30 minutes. |

| | |

| |C) For MHEX_N: |

| |The MHEX_N will at all times remain below 285 MW as measured at Dorsey, Letellier, and Glenboro Stations. |

| |Manitoba Hydro will self-supply part of the CRSG as follows: |

| |Self-Supply > (CRSG - NonFirm) - MHEX_S MW + MHEX_N MW. |

| |> (150– 150) - MHEX_S MW + MHEX_N MW. |

| |> 0 + MHEX_N MW |

|Special Instructions to |D) AGC Control – Treat as system intact. |

|MHEB Operator (cont): |- MISO RC will monitor R50M and adjust AGC as necessary. |

| |- Identify MHEX SOL with remaining MHEX Tie lines in-service excluding R50M. |

|Prepared By: |J. Cameron |Date: |2015 06 22 |

| |

Copies to:

SOSS, System Control Centre MISO

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