Hillsboro Town Hall ★ 37098 Historic Charles Town Pike ★ Hillsboro, Virginia 20132Town Council MinutesOctober 15, 20197 p.m. REGULAR TOWN COUNCIL MEETINGAttendance:Call to Order – 7:07 p.m.Approval of Minutes – Sept and Oct Minutes to be available next month.Presentation - NonePetitions/Public Comments - NoneMayor’s Report – NonePlanning Commission ReportDiscussed Oxman application for home modification. Chairman presented designs and Certificate of Appropriateness was included in application as approved by Planning Commission with recommendation to approve both. Michael Oxman presented proposed application and reasons for change. Marasco noted the project team must ensure Matt Weaver knows about the wall change on west side of Oxman property. Council noted the worthy investment the Oxman’s are making into the Town for future of the Town. Moskal noted a list of resources (i.e. painters, etc.) would be a nice offering to Town residents for the future maintenance of homes.Marasco noted the positive investments that are being made in Town by its citizens.MOTION: Marasco moved to accept Planning Commission recommendations of approval of Certificate of Appropriateness and Zoning Permit application.SECOND: ForbesDISCUSSION: NoneVOTE:AYES: Vance, Marasco, Moskal, Forbes, JohnstonNAY: NoneABSTENTION: OxmanABSENT: NoneChairman Report – NoneComprehensive Plan update – Open House on Thurs 6:30 p.m. open, 7 p.m. presentation. Citizens emailed, marquee updated. Reminder to be sent tonight/tomorrow. One copy in a notebook. No feedback yet. If someone from outside of town comes, Planning Commission would entertain comments because it is informal. Next Step: Public Hearing as early as November. Town attorney advised to do two separate hearings (not joint council/commission).Contacted Andy Ghuzlan. Meeting on Oct 26 regarding moving operations inside the house. May require change of Zoning or special use permit. Marasco mentioned need for a Zoning Public Hearing to be clear on the process.Discussion of properties brought into Town boundaries/conservation easement: Marasco mentioned it is necessary to identify requirements and re-zoning process as well as establish zoning requirements based on prescribed frontage. Chairman mentioned possibility to speak to land trust attorney. Consider on a case-by-case basis.Treasurer’s Report Monthly update – moved to next monthWater Operations ReportForbes: the system will switch to temporary storage tank on Thursday. Bacteria sample from yesterday came back good. Crew worked over the weekend. SERPAC to provide service to identify fees/water rates; Forbes to manage the process. Request from property owner to identify if people can disconnect from the system as it is not clear in the Ordinance. Future real estate tax should include all properties with monthly minimum fee that goes into utility fund for future; water customer pays for water. Committee/Advisory Group ReportsDiscussion: How to and the process to set up a trail committee. Update on Janney’s Mill and Gaver Mill trails.Business Advisory Group could research Economic Development Authority process.Infrastructure Projects update Drinking Water Project UpdateTeam to identify parking needs for business ownersDiscssued Zurschmeide’s property as satellite parking with signage and mowing required.Wastewater Project Update - NoneTraffic Calming Project UpdateNew IFB released on Thursday. Mandatory pre-bid workshop this Thursday. Revised MOT available. Public Information Session held on Oct. 8. Conducted additional meetings with businesses and property owners. Project team is dealing with a considerable amount of opposition from citizens and organized groups yet it continues to receive constructive input. Nov. 7 bid opening is next step.Election day is upcoming. Request Town Council and Planning Commission take shifts to discuss with the public the latest project news. Work session for Town Council scheduled for Monday, Oct. 21 at 9-10:30 a.m. to understand MOT, false criticisms and inaccuracies.Discussed attendance at Town resident meeting and Nov. 12 Public Information Session.Forbes mentioned a recent conversation with Hillsborough Vineyard owner and their concern about visitor exits from their property causing incidents due to the constant flow from roundabouts. Vance noted the Loudoun County Route 9 corridor safety study will be the place to consider safety and access impact.Old Stone School Upcoming eventsFarm to Table dinner on FridayTag sale on Saturday Boo in the Gap next FridayElection day bake saleOld Business - NoneNew Business Hill Tom and Desai family working collaboratively with the Town. They ask the Town Council to consider during construction relief of the $0.05 cigarette tax Vance noted Town is part of the Northern Virginia Cigarette Tax Board and may not be able to rescind but may consider reimbursement. Vance to send a letter to NVCTB officials to see what is required in order to make this happen.Vance noted he and Vice Mayor attended a Virginia Municipal League conference workshop recently with positive feedback for the Town Council: 1) discussion about public engagement/drop in engagement. Other Commonwealth towns have implemented a routine system prior to meetings (i.e., post agenda on Thursday before Town Council meeting). 2) Council meetings are too long and other Commonwealth municipalities have procedures in place so the meeting cannot run long. Generally it is the role of Town Manager to monthly meet with each council member to review topics and therefore Town Council meeting is shorter and mainly decision-making. 3) Other councils are meeting twice per month.Town has had to answer two FOIA requests and must tighten up procedures. For FOIA compliance, Marasco nominates Town Recorder Christi Maple to manage the process.MOTION: MarascoSECOND: Moskal Discussion: Fee schedule may be implemented as necessary.VOTE:AYES: Vance, Johnston, Oxman, Forbes, Moskal, MarascoNAYS: NoneABSTENTION: NoneABSENT: NoneClosed SessionTown Council motioned into EXECUTIVE SESSION:MOTION:?Moskal??I move that the Hillsboro Town Council convene in closed session pursuant to Va. Code section 2.2-3711 A 7 for consultation with legal counsel and/or briefings by staff members or consultants pertaining to actual or probable litigation, where such consultation or briefing in open meeting would adversely affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body;?section 2.2-3711 A?3?for discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public?body; and section 2.2-3711 A?29 for discussion of the award of a public contract involving the expenditure of public funds, including interviews of bidders or offerors, and discussion of the terms or scope of such contract, where discussion in an open session would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body, with regard to?(i) formulating a negotiating strategy for mitigation of damage claims that can be anticipated as a result of impacts?related to the construction of the upcoming Route 9 improvements, to include?various options for managing traffic during the duration of upcoming Route 9 construction;?(ii) reviewing the process, schedule, issues and challenges with regard to options available in structuring the bids for and construction processes, including management of traffic, during the Route 9 construction, including alternatives for reducing potential bid costs and accelerating the construction process; and potential acquisitions that would enhance the planned pedestrian trail improvements within the Town,??and thereafter reconvene in open session for action as appropriate.?SECOND: OxmanVOTE:AYES: Vance, Johnston, Oxman, Forbes, Moskal, MarascoNAYS: NoneABSTENTION: NoneABSENT: None?CERTIFICATION OF THE CLOSED SESSION:Do you certify that to the best of your knowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements under this chapter and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion by which the closed meeting was convened were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting?VOTE:AYES: Johnston, Oxman, Forbes, Marasco, Vance, MoskalNAYS: NoneABSTENTION: NoneABSENT: NoneCertified: ?___________________________ ??????Date/Time: October 15, 2019, at 10:05 p.m.Council CommentsAdjournmentMotion: Forbes at 10:05 p.m. ................

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