Innovation: The Market of the FutureCollin CostelloCollege Composition TwoProfessor WhitneyPeriod 6AMarch 30th, 2013Introduction:What do Google, Apple, IBM, and IDEO have in common? They are all innovative companies working towards revolutionizing technology in the future. As the markets regain from sluggish economic turmoil, it is clear that technological companies are dominating market shares and capital. Some of the world’s largest companies, Apple, Google, and Facebook, have reached the highest trading value, per capita, that has ever been seen. The technological market is experiencing exponential growth due to the innovative companies, like Apple and Google, it encompasses. Contextual Synopsis:Big companies, such as IBM and Apple have steadily introduced themselves into the markets since the early 1900’s. IBM, now one of the world’s most valuable companies, was discovered and incorporated in the year 1911, and was first the producer of time card punchers, a revolutionary device for employers. Growing in the technological market, IBM began to build calculators and by 1944 they had created a machine known as the “Mark 1”, the first machine to compute extensive calculations of its own accord.1 IBM, going into the 50’s then expanded their creativity by entering the computer business. They were the first successful developers of processing equipment and innovative machines that could compute and process large quantities of by its self. These innovations caused a growth in the monetary value IMB consisted of. Later, IBM created the first successful memory card and personal computer. This long term innovation has evolved into the ample amount of the technology seen today.2 On April 1st, 1976, as IBM was successfully building faster, and stronger computers, a small company grew in the garage of Steve Jobs, who partnered with Steve Wozniak. Apple was recognized as a company on this day due to their release of the Apple I, its first single circuit board computer. Apple has continued to cultivate the technology market with innovative products that start new trends, improve user experience, and result in a massive capital gain. In August of 2012, according to , an analytical investing website, Apple became the most profitable, and valuable company in history.3 With gains above a billion dollars, Apple has continuously reported large capital investments, revenues, and income each year, growing successively larger as the technology market expands.4 As computers successively got more advanced, many scientist who used large machines (computers) to compute data, needed a way to send great amounts of data to other scientist. This need inquired professors at the University of California to form an interconnected system which they called the ARPNANET. This interconnection between scientist let them communicate throughout the United States and later over the world. The Advanced Research Project Agency Network was established in 1969 and was superseded in 1990 by the National Science Foundation Network. As neither ARPNANET, nor NSFNET are still in commission, they had substantial impact in the internet of the world today.5Succinct with the development of persona l computers, cellphones have also made vast development and enhancements in the last two centuries. Mobile phones first existed in the early ages of the army and navy. Having to carry a backpack with it, they were bulky, not user-friendly, and consisted many flaws. Having to be connected to a satellite to be used they sometimes didn’t work, and were not economical to have. Through much innovation, cell phones have become one of the largest markets in the world. The cell phone industry has grown exponentially since the release of the iPhone and Android devices. Apple and Android (now owned by Google) have gone neck in neck in cell phone productions. Using Google software, many companies produce Android devices. Apple has maintained one of the largest market shares of the smart phone industry since it was introduced. Last year however, Samsung, partnered with Google outsold Apple with Galaxy S III. This flagship phone introduced a new version of Android (Android 4.1.1), and had a much larger display and userface then the iPhone. As Apple felt the recession of iPhone sales, Google and Samsung used the funds gained to develop larger, stronger, and more user-friendly phones and even began making a large phone, or what they called a “phablet” which interconnected a cell phone with a tablet device.6 These devices have grown to be up to 6 inches in screen size and have developed a new market place. These advancements have resulted in new products being announced each quarter. These large companies rely on new and improved products to generate a continuously growing profit gain. These gains have attracted investors to now, what is one of the most profitable sectors in the market today. The technological markets have grown exponentially in the past years do the innovation and competition companies such as Apple and Google have demonstrated.7Growth:The chart above displays the growth of Apple sales through December of 2007, until Jun of 2011. The quantity of iPhone sales is evident in this graph, and is nearly 50% of Apple’s revenue. Each quarter start, one can see the spikes of sales when Apple releases a new iPhone. After September when apple introduced their new lines iPhone, sales shot through the roof. The quantity of sales continues this day to grow exponentially. The growth in all companies attributes to the large quantity of sales and revenue injected into many nations’ economies. As the economic downturn occurred, when the housing bubble collapsed, technology sales, while slowed, still showed excessive growth in the billions of dollars. Companies such as GE, Ideo, Apple, Google, Motorola and Samsung helped the United States and many other nations out of their sluggish economic declines. The amount of innovation these companies produce each year promotes profits for their shareholders in the millions of dollars. Some technology companies help design cars of the future, cell phones, computers, and even space rocks. The companies that portray ingenuity and innovation have seen rapid growth in investors and profit in the past few centuries due to the expected gains from their stock.8 All in all, it is clear that, where innovation is present, large profits and many investors lay. Technological companies use their innovation to expand into new markets, creating new technology that is easier, faster, and stronger than before. Having one of the largest profit basis’s in the worlds, the technology market has nearly unlimited funds to innovate new technology ready for the masses. As the world progresses to a technologically advanced age, investors foresee a future where technology (programming, hardware, devices) will be the number one traded commodity. It is clearly shown through the past decade that profits in technological companies will continue to expand.9 New technology is created each and every day and is constantly being updated, expanded, improved and marketed so that profits continue to grow. Companies such as Apple, Google and IBM will continue to grow due to their innovation and will become the world’s largest, most valuable companies, due solely on their innovative qualities. End Notes: Mary Bellis, IBM – Jeb Terry, A.I.M. John Sinstra, Forbes Magazine Marry Bellis, Apple – John Sinstra, Forbes Magazine Jeb Terry, A.I.M. Internet Society. Jeb Terry. A.I.M. John Sinstra, Forbes Magazine.Resource List:Bellis, Mary. IBM – Investors. Web. Accessed: March 24, 2013, Mary. Apple – Investors. Web. Accessed: March 24, 2013 Society. Web. Accessed: March 24, 2013, John. Forbes Magazine. Accessed: March 24. 2013, Jeb. Aberdeen Investment Management, LLC. WEB Accessed: March 24, 2013 ................

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