(Draft Proceedings, not approved by Board)



1. Call to Order and Roll Call

County Board Chair, Leland T. Rymer called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. in the County Board Room #3041, located at the Oconto County Courthouse, 301 Washington St., Oconto, WI by stating “This is an open meeting of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors. Notice of this meeting was given to the public at least 24 hours prior to the meeting by forwarding the complete agenda to the newspapers and to all news media who have requested the same, as well as by posting. Copies of the complete agenda were available for inspection at the office of the County Clerk.” County Clerk, Kim Pytleski, recorded the attendance, with 29 members present: Supervisors Augustine, Ballestad, Bartels, Jr., Bednarik, Beekman, Buhrandt, Christianson, Frank, Girardi, Grady, Kamke, Kroll, Lemmen, Linzmeyer, McMahon, Nelson, Nichols, Pagel, Pott, Ragen, Reinhart, Rymer, Sekela, Sleeter, Stellmacher, Stranz, Wellens, Wendt, Zoeller; 2 absent: Korzeniewski and Lacourciere

2. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

3. The Invocation was given by Supervisor Stranz

4. Presentation of Awards and Recognition

Chair Rymer presented certificates of appreciation for outstanding service to the residents of Oconto County to Betty Cain, 30 years; Timothy Flynn, 38 years; Alan Krings, 18 years; Delbert Gardebrecht, 38 years; Kraig Sellen, 37 years; and a certificate of recognition to Whispering Pines Tree Farm for having their tree selected as the White House Christmas tree. A round of applause followed each recognition.

5. Presentation of Communications and Petition

The clerk read 1 communication:

-a letter dated February 1, 2017 from Jim Lamers, President of the Pickerel Chain Lake Association, to Chair Rymer and Supervisor Kroll expressing thanks for the Land Conservation Committee’s support in obtaining a $9,220.00 grant for the installation of an aeration system in Little Pickerel Lake, treated as information to the board.

6. Approval of Agenda

A. Change in Sequence

Motion by Ragen/Sleeter to move Item #28 to proceed Item #27. The motion was voted on and carried.

Motion by Kroll/Wellens to move Item # 29 J to follow Item #7. The motion was voted on and carried.

B. Removal of Items – None.

Motion by Nichols/Stellmacher to approve agenda as amended. The motion was voted on and carried.

7. Approval of Previous Meeting Proceedings

Motion by Lemmen/Sleeter to approve the proceedings from the 01/19/17 meeting. The motion was voted on and carried.

29J. Report – Oconto County Lakes & Waterways Association Presentation – Land Conservation Com

County Conservationist, Ken Dolata, and Steve Heimerman, Oconto County Lakes & Waterways Association Citizens Advisory Committee Chairman, presented the Oconto County Lakes & Waterways Association Presentation. Discussion followed. Also present were Jim Lamers, Bob Moeri, Dwight Ziegler, Steve DuPuis, Bob Rodeck, Nancy Patrick, and Marlene Steinmetz of the Oconto County Lakes & Waterways Association.

8. A2017-02-01 Zoning Change - Town of Lena (Hallada) – Planning/Zoning Solid Waste Com


The Oconto County Board of Supervisors do ordain the following zoning amendment:

PROPERTY INFORMATION: Tax Parcel #020-040401133

Part of Section 4, T29N, R20E, Town of Lena

Existing Zoning: Agricultural

Proposed Zoning: Rural Residential


FILE NO. RZ-20160003


Area to be rezoned Rural Residential District


Planning & Zoning/Solid Waste Committee

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

Ron Korzeniewski, Chairperson, Darrel Pagel, Ken Linzmeyer, David Christianson, Ryan Wendt

Adopted by Vote:

Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent: 2

Motion by Linzmeyer/Bednarik to adopt A2017-02-01 for property owned by Terry and Milton Hallada in Town of Lena to change from Agricultural District to Rural Residential District. Following an explanation by Zoning Administrator, Patrick Virtues, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

9. A2017-02-02 Zoning Change - Town of Stiles (Lahner) – Planning/Zoning Solid Waste Com


The Oconto County Board of Supervisors do ordain the following zoning amendment:

PROPERTY INFORMATION: Tax Parcel #040-32321297

Part of Section 32, T28N, R20E, Town of Stiles

Existing Zoning: Forest

Proposed Zoning: Residential Single Family


FILE NO. RZ-20170004


Area to be rezoned Residential Single Family District


Planning & Zoning/Solid Waste Committee

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

Ron Korzeniewski, Chairperson, Darrel Pagel, Ken Linzmeyer, David Christianson, Ryan Wendt

Adopted by Vote:

Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent: 2

Motion by Wellens/Kamke to adopt A2017-02-02 for property owned by David Lahner in Town of Stiles to change from Forest District to Residential Single Family District. Following an explanation by Zoning Administrator, Patrick Virtues, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

10. R2017-02-01 Approval of Intruder Alert Exercise on May 19, 2017 – County Board Chairperson

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-01

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, the County adopted an Active Intruder Policy in 2013, which was recently revised (attached), and an active intruder exercise was held on October 29, 2013, and

WHEREAS, it is recommend that an exercise be conducted again as both a refresher and to train new employees on the policy as well as demonstrate the need for any necessary changes as a result of the exercise, and

WHEREAS, this will require participation of all employees during normal business hours, thus resulting in the need to close the Courthouse for business from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, and

WHEREAS, the original exercise date was to be Thursday, December 1, 2016, but due to the federal election recount, was postponed, and

WHEREAS, the new exercise date is recommended to be Friday, May 19, 2017,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby agree to close the Courthouse for business on Friday, May 19, 2017 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm for the purpose of conducting a full scale intruder alert exercise.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

By: Leland T. Rymer, County Board Chairperson

Adopted by Vote:

Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 absent: 2

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel:

CAM 02-15-17

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Bednarik/Kamke to adopt R2017-02-01. Following an explanation by Kevin Hamann, Administrative Coordinator, and discussion, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

11. R2017-02-02 Approval of Depository Bank for Oconto County – Finance & Insurance Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-02

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, the Finance/Insurance Committee solicited proposals from the two banks located in the City of Oconto: Huntington and Stephenson National; and

WHEREAS, both financial institutions presented their proposals at the January 9, 2017 Finance/Insurance meeting; and

WHEREAS, based on the recommendation of Tanya Peterson, County Treasurer, the Finance/Insurance Committee recommends Stephenson National Bank as the Depository Bank for Oconto County effective April 1, 2017.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby designated the Stephenson National Bank as the Depository Bank of Oconto County effective April 1, 2017.

Submitted this 23rd day of February. 2017.


Leland T. Rymer, Chairperson, Paul Bednarik, Gregory Sekela, Doug McMahon, Gary Frank

Adopted by Vote:

Ayes:29 Nays:0 Absent:2

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel:

CAM 02-15-17

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Sekela/Frank to adopt R2017-02-02. Following an explanation by Tanya Peterson, County Treasurer, and discussion, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

12. R2017-02-03 Chute Pond Field House – Forest, Parks, & Recreation/LIS Subcommittee

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-03

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, Oconto County has received funds from American Transmission Co., LLC (ATC) impact fee for reimbursement for construction of North Appleton-Morgan Transmission Line Project, and

WHEREAS, Wisconsin State Statute 16.969(4) states a county that receives a distribution under sub. (3)(b) may use the distribution only for park, conservancy, wetland or other similar environmental programs, unless the commission approves a different use under the subsection, and

WHEREAS, the Forest, Parks & Recreation/Land Information Systems Sub-Committee met on January 4, 2017 to discuss Field House Renovations with UPEA after their evaluation, and

WHEREAS, the Forest, Parks & Recreation/Land Information Systems Sub-Committee recommend UPEA put together a bid proposal for repairs to the bathrooms using option #2 in their evaluation packet, and

WHEREAS, the Finance and Insurance Committee met on February 13, 2017 to discuss projects to use ATC funds from Land Conservation Sub-Committee and Forest, Parks & Recreation/Land Information Systems Sub-Committee, and

WHEREAS, the Finance and Insurance Committee approved $105,230 of ATC impact fee reimbursement funding to complete renovations on Chute Pond Field House, and

WHEREAS, the Forest, Parks & Recreation/Land Information Systems Sub-Committee received the following quote from UPEA to develop construction bid documents:

UPEA will provide project plans, specifications, bid documents and manage the project for a fee not to exceed $25,000.

WHEREAS, the Forest, Parks & Recreation/Land Information Systems Sub-Committee is recommending Hiring UPEA to develop the Chute Pond Field House Bid Documents and to manage the bidding and construction of project

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oconto County hire UPEA for developing the Chute Pond Field House renovations bid documents

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk make payment from Account #1000-36-57620-8402 upon approval by the Forest, Parks & Recreation/Land Information Systems Sub-Committee.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Forest, Parks, & Recreation/Land Information Systems Subcommittee

Gregory Sekela, Chairperson, Robert Pott, Al Stranz, Judy Buhrandt, Vernon Zoeller

Adopted by Vote:

Ayes: 29 Nays:0 Absent:2

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel:

CAM 2-15-17

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Stranz/Sekela to adopt R2017-02-03. Following an explanation by Monty Brink, Forest & Park Administrator, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

13. R2017-02-04 Approval for Community Services Manager – Health & Human Services Board

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-04

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, the Community Services Manager position and revised job description were approved by the Health and Human Services Board on November 16, 2016, and;

WHEREAS, the Community Services Manager position and revised job description were approved by the Personnel and Wages Committee on December 6, 2016, and;

WHEREAS, the Community Services Manager position Grade increase from N to O was approved by the Personnel and Wages Committee on December 6, 2016, and;

WHEREAS, the Community Services Manager position was advertised and 5 applications received, of which 3 applicants received an initial interview in person and 2 of those received second and third interviews conducted in person, and;

WHEREAS, the Health and Human Services Board recommended the hiring of Christopher Hanke to fill this position at a Grade O Step 5 with a salary of $70,531.50 and 4 weeks of vacation and other benefits, as set by County policy, and;

WHEREAS, the Personnel & Wages Committee concurs with this recommendation, and;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby offers Christopher Hanke the position of Community Services Manager contingent upon successful background check, as recommended above by the Health and Human Services Board.

Submitted this 23rd of February 2017.

By: Health and Human Services Board

Alan Sleeter, Chairperson, Ron Korzeniewski, Mary Lemmen, Jim Lacourciere, Judy Buhrandt,

Diane C. Nichols, Loretta Shellman, Carolyn Barke, Kathy Gohr

Adopted by Vote:

Ayes: 28 Nays: 1 Absent: 2

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel:

CAM 02-15-2015

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Nichols/Sleeter to adopt R2017-02-04. Following an explanation by Mike Reimer, Health & Human Services Director, and discussion, the motion to adopt carried by an electronic vote 28 ayes, 1 nay (Augustine), 2 absent (Korzeniewski, Lacourciere).

14. R2017-02-05 Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with Brown County for Medical Examiner Services – Law Enforcement/Judiciary Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-05

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, Oconto County currently contracts with Brown County for administrative medical examiner services at a cost of $42,120 per year; and

WHEREAS, Oconto County is unable to attract or retain Medicolegal Investigators; and

WHEREAS, Brown County has proposed an agreement to Oconto County to also provide Medicolegal Investigation services to Oconto County at a cost of $56,205 per year, for a total cost of $98,325 per year; and

WHEREAS, the Law Enforcement/Judiciary Committee has reviewed and recommends approval of the attached agreement; and

WHEREAS, Door County was also offered this same agreement and are scheduled to approve the agreement at their February 21, 2017 meeting.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby approve the Second Addendum to the Intergovernmental Agreement – Brown County and Oconto County Medical Examiner Services.

Submitted this 23rd day of February. 2017.


Gerald Beekman, Chairperson, Lowell “Buzz” Kamke, Dennis Kroll, Melissa Wellens, Paul Bednarik

Adopted by Vote:

Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent:2

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel:

CAM 02-15-17

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Beekman/Wellens to adopt R2017-02-05. Following an explanation by Kevin Hamann, Administrative Coordinator, and Medical Examiner Barry Irmen, and discussion, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

15. R2017-02-06 Approve Purchase of Drone for Law Enforcement, Forestry & Parks, and Land Information Utilization – Law Enforcement/Judiciary & Forest, Parks & Recreation/LIS Subcommittee

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-06

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, the County receives funds through the Federal Forest Title III program for various activities, including search & rescue and emergency services; and

WHEREAS, the County submitted a request to purchase a drone for the rapid search of vast areas which are sometimes inaccessible and for surveillance of criminal activity such as drug operations; and

WHEREAS, a quote (attached) from Darley Defense for a military grade drone at a cost of $9,649 was received; and

WHEREAS, the Law Enforcement/Judiciary Committee is recommending approval of purchasing of drone from Darley Defense at a cost of $9,649 from the funds received through the Federal Forest Title III funds.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby approve purchasing drone from Darley Defense at a cost of $9,649 from the funds received through the Federal Forest Title III funds.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Law Enforcement/Judiciary Committee Forest, Parks, & Recreation/Land Information Systems Subcommittee

Gerald Beekman, Chairperson Gregory Sekela, Chairperson

Lowell “Buzz” Kamke Robert Pott

Dennis Kroll Al Stranz

Melissa Wellens Judy Buhrandt

Paul Bednarik Vernon Zoeller

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-15-17 Ayes: 28 Nays: 1 Absent: 2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Beekman/Sekela to adopt R2017-02-06. Following an explanation by Sheriff Mike Jansen, and discussion, the motion to adopt carried by an electronic vote 28 ayes, 1 nay (Bartels, Jr.), 2 absent (Korzeniewski, Lacourciere).

16. R2017-02-07 Approval of Law Enforcement Center Evidence Shelving - LE/Judiciary & Public Property Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-07

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, part of the Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment (FFE) Budget include purchasing shelving units for the evidence room; and

WHEREAS, three quotes (attached) were received for custom shelving for the evidence area as follows:

Vendor Price

FSS Business Systems, Wausau (option 1) $22,796.05 (delivery & install included)

Environments, Wausau $27,802.00 (delivery & install included)

FSS Business System, Wausau (option 2) $28,884.03 (delivery & Install included)

WHEREAS, the Law Enforcement/Judiciary and Public Property Committees reviewed and are recommending acceptance of the quote from FSS Business Systems of Wausau (option 2) a cost of $28,884.03 to be paid out of the Law Enforcement Center Budget account 4001-45-57210-8135.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the quote of $28,884.03 from FSS Business Systems of Wausau for evidence room shelving units.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Law Enforcement/Judiciary Committee Public Property Committee

Gerald Beekman, Chairperson Bill Grady, Chairperson

Lowell “Buzz” Kamke Jim Lacourciere

Dennis Kroll Robert Reinhart

Melissa Wellens Doug McMahon

Paul Bednarik Karl Ballestad

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-15-17 Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent: 0

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Beekman/Grady to adopt R2017-02-07. Following an explanation by Sheriff Mike Jansen, and Kevin Hamann, Administrative Coordinator, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

17. R2017-02-08 Approval of Law Enforcement Center Project Change Orders – LE/J & Public Property Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-08

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors

RE: APPROVAL OF LAw enforcement CENTER project change orders

WHEREAS, during construction of the Law Enforcement Center, it was determined that changes were necessary as follows and described in the attachments:

Change Authorization Request 175 $ 14,522.00 Install 50 Ceiling Access Panels

Change Authorization Request 176 $ 18,267.40 Add Camera Wiring to Non-Wired Cells

Total $32,789.40

WHEREAS, the Law Enforcement/Judiciary Committee and the Public Property Committee have reviewed these requested change orders and recommend approval.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby approve Law Enforcement Center Project Change Orders as listed above at a cost of $32,789.40 from account 4001-45-57210-8306.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Law Enforcement/Judiciary Committee Public Property Committee

Gerald Beekman, Chairperson Bill Grady, Chairperson

Lowell “Buzz” Kamke Jim Lacourciere

Dennis Kroll Robert Reinhart

Melissa Wellens Doug McMahon

Paul Bednarik Karl Ballestad

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-15-17 Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent: 2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Beekman/Grady to adopt R2017-02-08. Following an explanation by Kurt Berner, Samuels Group, and discussion, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

18. R2017-02-09 Approve Purchase of Security Camera Workstations – LE/Judiciary & Technology Services Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-09

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, with the recent purchase of 37 replacement security cameras for the Courthouse Complex, a need exists to replace the 5 old computer workstations (Courtroom A, Courtroom B, Hearing Room, Maintenance Office, and Court Security Officers Office); and

WHEREAS, each HP Z240 workstation is $1,440.14 from CDWG under the WCA contract, for a total of $7,200.70 for 5 workstations; and

WHEREAS, funding for these will come from remainder of the $123,000 allocated in January for the Courthouse Security project.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby approve purchase of 5 HP Z240 workstation at a cost of $7,200.70 from the 2017 Capital Budget.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Law Enforcement/Judiciary Committee Technology Services Committee

Gerald Beekman, Chairperson Gregory Sekela, Chairperson

Lowell “Buzz” Kamke Paul Bednarik

Dennis Kroll Doug McMahon

Melissa Wellens Leland T. Rymer

Paul Bednarik Gary Frank

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-15-17 Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent: 2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Beekman/Grady to adopt R2017-02-09. Following an explanation by Kevin Hamann, Administrative Coordinator, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

19. R2017-02-10 Approval to Improve Courtroom Video Conferencing Serviceability – LE/J & Technology Services Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-10

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, Oconto County first purchased video conferencing in 2004 and updated the system in 2014 in courtrooms A & B,

WHEREAS, reliability and the necessity for a backup system has become increasingly important to ensure the court hearings take place as planned, and

WHEREAS, Judge Judge and Judge Conley request immediate consideration of this project to avoid delays and interruptions in courtroom proceedings and to avoid costly transportation of defendants, and

WHEREAS, Administrative Coordinator, Technology Services Director and Maintenance Engineer put plans together to improve the reliability of the video conferencing systems and came up with the following recommendations from our normal vendors Camera Corner Connecting Point (CCCP) and Energy Control & Design (EC&D):

1) $15,635.48 – CCCP - Move the Courtroom A & B closet equipment to 2118 TS tech room.

2) $24,260.00 – EC&D - Install AC unit in the 2118 tech room for technology and video conferencing Equipment.

3) $7,427.00 – CCCP - Install a border manager for video conferencing called Edgewater to bypass our network firewall which eliminates the issue of firewall filtering and routing.

4) $5,415.00 – CCCP - Purchase a small backup system for video conferencing room 2120 and put procedures into place to use it as a backup should courtroom equipment fail.

WHEREAS, these steps will improve the reliability of the video conferencing systems but is not a 100% guarantee the system will be perfect as we are connecting to another entity over the internet;

WHEREAS, this is not a budgeted project, thus funds are being requested out of the sales tax fund balance, currently estimated at end of 2016 at $2,078,325, and

WHEREAS, the Finance/Insurance Committee has reviewed this request for funding and recommend approval, and

WHEREAS, the Technology Services (TS) and Public Property Committees have approved this resolution;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby approves the purchasing Equipment and services from Camera Corner for a quoted cost of $28,477.48 and from Energy Control & Design at a cost of $24,260 for a total cost of $52,737.48 from the Oconto County capital budget.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that $53,000 be allocated from the sales tax fund balance to the 2017 Capital Budget for this project.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Law Enforcement/Judiciary Committee Technology Services Committee

Gerald Beekman, Chairperson Gregory Sekela, Chairperson

Lowell “Buzz” Kamke Paul Bednarik

Dennis Kroll Doug McMahon

Melissa Wellens Lee Rymer

Paul Bednarik Gary Frank

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-15-17 Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent: 2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Sekela/McMahon to adopt R2017-02-10. Following an explanation by Wayne Sleeter, Technology Services Director, and Kevin Noack, Maintenance Engineer, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

20. R2017-02-11 Approval Courthouse Network Equipment – Technology Services Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-11

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, the county has purchased new network equipment for the Law Enforcement Center (LEC) and Data Center previously; and

WHEREAS, Technology Services is recommending upgrading the old equipment in the building C (2118) and old courthouse (2044) wiring closets to match what is being installed in the LEC and data centers; and

WHEREAS, all equipment will be purchased off the state contract; and

WHEREAS, we received the following quotes for (8) Cisco 3850 switches along with associated fiber modules and other necessary accessories:

CDWG: $46,998.40

Heartland: $45,988.80

Insight: $47,552.40

WHEREAS, the equipment above is for the building C and courthouse closets to connect computers, printers and other equipment to the county network; and

WHEREAS, the money for this project has been budgeted for in the 2017 capital budget and the equipment includes 1 year of maintenance; and

WHEREAS, the Technology Services Director recommends purchasing this equipment from Heartland Business Systems of Little Chute, WI at a cost of $45,988.80; and

WHEREAS, the TS Committee has approved this purchase of this equipment;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Oconto County Board of Supervisors hereby approves purchasing (8) switches and accessories for a total cost of $45,988.80 from the Technology Services 2017 Capital budget.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Technology Services Committee

Gregory Sekela, Chairperson, Paul Bednarik, Doug McMahon, Lee Rymer, Gary Frank

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-15-17 Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent: 2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Sekela/McMahon to adopt R2017-02-11. Following an explanation by Wayne Sleeter, Technology Services Director, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

21. R2017-02-12 North Bay Shore County Park Fish Cleaning Station – Forest, Parks, & Recreation/LIS Subcom

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-12

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, Oconto County currently maintains and operates the North Bay Shore County Park, and

WHEREAS, the North Bay Shore County Park boat landing usage has increased and the need for a fish cleaning station has increased, and

WHEREAS, this project is in the 2015 Oconto County Capital Improvement Plan.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors authorize the Forest & Parks Administrator on the behalf of Oconto County to submit an application for the Wisconsin Waterways Commission for financial assistance for the North Bay Shore County Park Fish Cleaning Station for $100,000.00, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Oconto County has sufficient funds in the Boat Landing Account #1000-36-55410-7515 to complete this project, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Oconto County will comply with state and federal rules for the programs; may perform force account work; will maintain the completed project in an attractive, inviting and safe manner; will keep the facilities open to the public during reasonable hours consistent with the type of facility; and will obtain in writing from the Wisconsin Waterways Commission before any change is made in the use of the project site.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Forest, Parks, & Recreation/Land Information Systems Subcommittee

Gregory Sekela, Chairperson, Robert Pott, Al Stranz, Judy Buhrandt, Vernon Zoeller

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-16-17 Ayes:28 Nays:1 Absent:2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Stranz/Pott to adopt R2017-02-12. Following an explanation by Monty Brink, Forest & Park Administrator, and discussion, the motion to adopt carried by an electronic vote 28 ayes, 1 nay (Frank), 2 absent (Korzeniewski, Lacourciere).

22. R2017-02-13 Oconto County Conservation Aids Program - Forest, Parks, & Recreation/LIS Subcom

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-13

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, Oconto County desires to participate in county fish and game projects pursuant to provision of s. 23.09 (12), Wis. Stats.;

WHEREAS, financial aid is desirable to install the project(s); and

WHEREAS the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) has grant funding available through the County Conservation Aids program specifically for the installation of fish and game projects under s. 23.09(12), Wis. Stats;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Oconto County has budgeted an amount in its budget equal to the local share of project costs or land acquisition and

HEREBY AUTHORIZES Forest and Parks Administrator to act on behalf of Oconto County to:

Sign and submit an application to the WDNR for any financial aid that may be available;

Submit to the WDNR reimbursement claims along with necessary supporting documentation within one (1) year of project end date; and Take necessary action to undertake, direct, and complete the approved project.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Oconto County will comply with all state and federal laws related to the County Conservation Aids programs and will obtain approval in writing from the WDNR before any change is made in the use of the project site.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Forest, Parks, & Recreation/Land Information Systems Subcommittee

Gregory Sekela, Chairperson, Robert Pott, Al Stranz, Judy Buhrandt, Vernon Zoeller

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-16-17 Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent:2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Zoeller/Pott to adopt R2017-02-13. Following an explanation by Monty Brink, Forest & Park Administrator, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

23. R2017-02-14 Outdoor Recreation Aids - Forest, Parks, & Recreation/Land Information Systems Subcom

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-14

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, Oconto County is interested in acquiring or developing lands for public outdoor recreation purposes as described in the application; and

WHEREAS, financial aid is required to carry out the project;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Oconto County has budgeted a sum sufficient to complete the project or acquisition and

HEREBY AUTHORIZES, Forest and Parks Administrator to act on behalf of Oconto County to:

Submit an application to the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for any financial aid that may be available;

Submit reimbursement claims along with necessary supporting documentation within 6 months of project completion date;

Submit signed documents; and

Take necessary action to undertake, direct and complete the approved project.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Oconto County will comply with state or federal rules for the programs; may perform force account work; will maintain the completed project in an attractive, inviting and safe manner; will keep the facilities open to the general public during reasonable hours consistent with the type of facility; and will obtain from the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources or the National Park Service approval in writing before any change is made in the use of the project site.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Forest, Parks, & Recreation/Land Information Systems Subcommittee

Gregory Sekela, Chairperson, Robert Pott, Al Stranz, Judy Buhrandt, Vernon Zoeller

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-16-17 Ayes:29 Nays: 0 Absent: 2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Buhrandt/Stranz to adopt R2017-02-14. Following an explanation by Monty Brink, Forest & Park Administrator, and discussion, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

24. R2017-02-15 Support for Restoring Funding for County Forest Administration Grant Program - FP&R/LIS Subcom

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-15

TO: The Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, Oconto County has land entered into the Wisconsin County Forest Law (State Statutes 28.10 and 28.11) and is a member of the Wisconsin County Forest Association (WCFA), and

WHEREAS, the WCFA is a nonprofit organization that represents the forestry interests of 29 counties with 2.4 million acres of forest lands entered into the Wisconsin County Forest Law, and

WHEREAS, the WCFA also provides leadership and counsel to each county’s forest administrator and functions as an organizational liaison to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (department); and

WHEREAS, State Statute 28.11 (5m)(am) authorizes the department to make grants, from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5)(bw), Stats., to counties having lands entered under the County Forest Law in order to fund up to 50 percent of the costs of a count’s annual dues to the WCFA, and

WHEREAS, historically, the total amount that the department could award in grants under this provision in any fiscal year could not exceed $50,000; and

WHEREAS, Oconto County depends on the funds from the County Forest Administration Grant to assist in the operations and funding of the Oconto County Forest for the public’s benefit; and

WHEREAS, the Wisconsin forestry mil tax (segregated funds) provides the funding for the County Forest Administrator Grant.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Oconto County Board of Supervisors does hereby resolve that the County requests that the legislature restore the County Forest Administration Grant Program to its previous funding level in the next State Biennial Budget, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper County officials, including the Forest Administrator, are authorized to contact the State legislators for Oconto County requesting their support for restoration of this grant, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is directed to send copies of this resolution to Governor Scott Walker; the Joint Finance Committee of the Wisconsin Legislature; the state legislators for Oconto County, the Wisconsin Counties Association and WDNR Secretary Cathy Stepp.

Submitted this 23rd day of February, 2017.

BY: Forest, Parks, & Recreation/Land Information Systems Subcommittee

Gregory Sekela, Chairperson, Robert Pott, Al Stranz, Judy Buhrandt, Vernon Zoeller

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-16-17 Ayes:28 Nays:1 Absent:2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Review

Motion by Buhrandt/Stranz to adopt R2017-02-15. Following an explanation by Monty Brink, Forest & Park Administrator, the motion to adopt carried by an electronic vote 28 ayes, 1 nay (Frank), 2 absent (Korzeniewski, Lacourciere).

25. R2017-02-16 Purchase of 6800 GVW Pickup Truck – Highway Com

RESOLUTION - R2017-02-16

TO: Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, The Oconto County Highway Committee after advertising, received bids for one (1) 6,800 GVW pickup truck from the following organization;

1. Koehne Chevrolet – Oconto

2017 Chevrolet Crew Cab Silverado

Without trade: $35,400

With trade (Unit 2-2014 Ford F150): $20,900

2. Peterson Ford – Oconto Falls

2017 Ford F150 Crew Cab

Without trade: $31,635

With trade (Unit 2-2014 Ford F150): $17,935

WHEREAS, the Oconto County Highway Committee has made a sincere and thorough study of the bids and after due consideration of all available information with regard to the purchase of one (1) 6,800 GVW pickup truck and;

WHEREAS, the Highway Committee is recommending the County Board of Supervisors approve the purchase of one (1) 6,800 GVW pickup truck from Koehne Chevrolet with trade of unit #2, a 2014 Ford F150 pickup truck for a bid amount of $20,900 and;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid from Koehne Chevrolet be accepted and that upon satisfactory delivery, the County Clerk is authorized to make payment for the same out of Highway acquisition of Capital Assets account: 7002-70-53281-3150 for budget year 2017.

Submitted this 23rd day of February 2017.


Elmer Ragen, Chairperson, Ron Korzeniewski, Al Sleeter, Al Stranz, David Christianson

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-17-17 Ayes:29 Nays:0 Absent: 2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Ragen/Sleeter to adopt R2017-02-16. Following an explanation by Pat Scanlan, Highway Commissioner, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

26. R2017-02-17 Purchase of 11000 GVW Pickup Truck – Highway Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-17

TO: Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, The Oconto County Highway Committee after advertising, received bids for one (1) 11,000 GVW pickup truck from the following organization;

1. Koehne Chevrolet – Oconto

2017 Chevrolet Crew Cab Silverado

Without trade: $46,130

With trade (Unit 17-2006 Ford 350): $43,630

2. Peterson Ford – Oconto Falls

2017 Ford F350 Crew Cab

Without trade: $39,900

With trade (Unit 17-2006 Ford 350): $36,900

WHEREAS, the Oconto County Highway Committee has made a sincere and thorough study of the bids and after due consideration of all available information with regard to the purchase of one (1) 11,000 GVW pickup truck and;

WHEREAS, the Highway Committee is recommending the County Board of Supervisors approve the purchase of one (1) 11,000 GVW pickup truck from Peterson Ford with trade of unit 17, a 2006 Ford F350 pickup truck for a bid amount of $36,900 and;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid from Peterson Ford be accepted and that upon satisfactory delivery, the County Clerk is authorized to make payment for the same out of Highway Acquisition of Capital Assets account: 7002-70-53281-3150 for budget year 2017.

Submitted this 23rd day of February 2017.


Elmer Ragen, Chairperson, Ron Korzeniewski, Al Sleeter, Al Stranz, David Christianson

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-17-17 Ayes: 29 Nays: 0 Absent: 2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Ragen/Sleeter to adopt R2017-02-17. Following an explanation by Pat Scanlan, Highway Commissioner, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

28. R2017-02-19 Purchase of Triaxle Truck – Highway Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-19

TO: Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors


WHEREAS, The Oconto County Highway Committee after advertising for the above mentioned purchase and;

WHEREAS, bid specifications were distributed to the following organizations:

1. PackerCity International

2. JX Peterbilt

3. Quality Truck

WHEREAS, the Oconto County Highway Committee received base bids from the following:

1. PackerCity International

A. Model Navistar 7600 SFA

Without trade of unit 108 (1997 IHC 2554) $118,895

With trade of unit 108: $115,895

B. Model Navistar HX515

Without trade of unit 108: $124,335

With trade of unit 108: $121,335

2. JX Peterbilt

Model 367

Without trade of unit 108: $133,159

With trade of unit 108: $131,159

3. Quality Truck

Model 4700 SF

Without trade of unit 108: $125,944

With trade of unit 108: $119,944

WHEREAS, the Oconto County Highway Committee has made a sincere and thorough study of the bids and after due consideration of all available information with regard to the purchase of triaxle truck, feel the following purchase would be the most advantageous to Oconto County: One (1) Triaxle Truck from Quality Truck with trade of unit 108 in the amount of $119,944; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid from Quality Truck be accepted and that upon satisfactory delivery of said triaxle truck as per specifications, the County Clerk is authorized to make payment for the same out of Highway Acquisition of Capital Assets account: 7002-70-53281-3150 for budget year 2017.

Submitted this 23rd day of February 2017.


Elmer Ragen, Chairperson, Ron Korzeniewski, Al Sleeter, Al Stranz, David Christianson

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-17-17 Ayes: 29 Nays:0 Absent:2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Stranz/Ragen to adopt R2017-02-19. Following an explanation by Pat Scanlan, Highway Commissioner, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote

27. R2017-02-18 Purchase of Dump Bodies and Hydraulics – Highway Com

RESOLUTION – R2017-02-18

TO: Honorable Chairperson and Members of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors.


WHEREAS, The Oconto County Highway Committee after advertising and receiving bids for the above mentioned purchase; and

WHEREAS, The Oconto County Highway Committee received bids from the following:

a. Olson Trailer & Body $69,675

b. Monroe Truck Equipment $63,895

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Oconto County Highway Committee after receiving these bids made a thorough study of all bids and is recommending the purchase of dump bodies and hydraulics for one (1) triaxle truck from Monroe Truck Equipment in the amount of $63,895; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the bid from Monroe Truck Equipment be accepted by the County Board of Supervisors and that upon satisfactory delivery, the County Clerk is authorized to make payment for the same out of the Highway Acquisition of Capital Assets account 7002-70-53281-3150 for budget year 2017.

Submitted this 23rd day of February 2017.


Elmer Ragen, Chairperson, Ron Korzeniewski, Al Sleeter, Al Stranz, David Christianson

Reviewed by Corporation Counsel: Adopted by Vote:

CAM 02-17-17 Ayes:29 Nays: 0 Absent:2

Initials of Date

Corp. Counsel Reviewed

Motion by Ragen/Sleeter to adopt R2017-02-18. Following an explanation by Pat Scanlan, Highway Commissioner, the motion to adopt carried by a unanimous electronic vote.

29. Committee and Departmental Reports:

Supervisor Nelson out of attendance for the remainder of meeting at 11:35 a.m.

A. Report – Closed Session Procedure – Cheryl Mick, Corporation Counsel

Corporation Counsel, Cheryl Mick, presented the Closed Session Procedure. Discussion followed.

B. Report – Update on Law Enforcement Center – Law Enforcement/Judiciary Com

Administrative Coordinator, Kevin Hamann, presented the Update on New Law Enforcement Center.

C. Report – Jail Population Report - Law Enforcement/Judiciary Com

Administrative Coordinator, Kevin Hamann, presented the Jail Population Report.

D. Report – Oconto County Economic Development Corporation (OCEDC) Update – OCEDC Com

Paul Ehrfurth, OCEDC Director, presented the Oconto County Economic Development Corporation Update.

E. Report – 2016 Hours Report – Personnel & Wages Com

Administrative Coordinator, Kevin Hamann, presented the 2016 Hours Report.

F. Report – 2016 Position Cost Report - Personnel & Wages Com

Administrative Coordinator, Kevin Hamann, presented the 2016 Position Cost Report. Discussion followed.

G. Report – Employee Update – January 2017 – Personnel & Wages Com

Administrative Coordinator, Kevin Hamann presented the Employee Update for January 2017.

H. Report – Re-Appointment – Airport Commission – County Board Chair

Motion by Kamke/Beekman to accept the re-appointment of Stephen Witt, Oconto Falls, to the Airport Commission for a term that will expire12/31/2020. The motion was voted on and carried.

I. Report – Re-Appointment – Oconto County Library Services Board – County Board Chair

Motion by Stellmacher/Ballestad to accept the appointment of Aaron Malczewski, Oconto, to the Oconto County Library Service Board as the School Superintendent Representative for an indefinite term. The motion was voted on and carried.

30. Announcements/General Information (No Action to be taken)

- Happy Birthday to Supervisors McMahon!

- Two Health & Human Services Board positions are up for election. Supervisors interested in running should submit a letter to the county clerk’s office by April 1st for ballot access. For more information contact the County Clerk’s office.

- Help the Homeless Hygiene Drive is February 28, 2017 – March 3, 2017. Donations can be brought to the County Clerk’s office.

- Thank you to all election workers and Kathy Goldschmidt, Deputy Clerk for a successful election day on February 21, 2017.

- Anyone interested in ordering a county board picture from Mortell Studio, Oconto Falls, can submit their order in the County Clerk’s office.

31. Adjournment

Motion by Bednarik/Pott to adjourn. The motion was voted on and carried at 12:26 p.m.

The next meeting of the Oconto County Board of Supervisors will be on March 23, 2017.

Proceedings of County Board meeting may be viewed in its entirety at

Kim Pytleski, Oconto County Clerk

kp/Date Posted: 03/01/17


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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