

1. The area that eventually became this city was inhabited by the Lenape people. John Peter Zenger’s weekly journal named after this city prompted a landmark freedom of the press court case. One Irish-American gang from this city was named the Dead Rabbits and feuded with other gangs at the Five Points. A group of merchants from this city made the Buttonwood Agreement that began its namesake stock exchange. George Washington was inaugurated as the first President of the United States in this city.  Fernando Wood was the first mayor from this city’s political machine, Tammany Hall. For the point, name this one-time capital of and most populous city in the United States.  

ANSWER: New York City

(History 1)

2. A story by this author describes people “who like to stay late at the cafe” before declaring that all is “nada.” This author wrote a novel in which Pablo steals detonators, forcing the protagonist to use grenades to blow up a bridge. In a novel that includes the bullfighter Pedro Romero and the boxing champion Robert Cohn, this author included a character who says “Isn’t it pretty to think so?” after denying a character left impotent from a WWI injury. That character, Jake Barnes, appears with lady Brett Ashley in this author’s The Sun Also Rises. In addition to “A Clean, Well Lighted Place,” this author wrote a novel centering the soldier Frederic Henry and his relationship with Catherine Barkley. For the point, name this author of For Whom the Bell Tolls and A Farewell to Arms.

ANSWER: Ernest Hemingway

(Literature 1)

3. Scientists record the geological history of this object using two distinct timescales, one using observations of its composition and another using the density of its basins. An uplifted continent the size of North America on this body is called its Tharsis Bulge. This object’s Hesperian period saw the formation of a notable shield volcano on its surface, and its current period, the Amazonian, is marked by glacial and periglacial activity. In the Siderikan period, the composition of this planet’s surface shifted from sulphates to iron oxide, which gives it its distinct red color. This planet is home to the satellites Deimos and Phobos and to the large volcano Olympus Mons. For the point, give this planet, the fourth furthest from the sun.


(Science 1)

4. This city is home to an art museum whose East Building was designed by I.M. Pei and the Three Servicemen Memorial sits next to a black memorial inscribed with over 58,000 names that was designed by Maya Lin for this city. A Constantine Brumidi fresco can be found in a building designed by James Hoban for this city, which is home to a granite and marble obelisk that was once the tallest structure in the world. Pierre L’Enfant designed the layout of this city, which includes the National Mall. The majority of the Smithsonian Institution’s museums are located in this city, which is home to the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials. For the point, name this city home to the U.S. Capitol Building.

ANSWER: Washington, D.C. [accept either underlined portion]

(Fine Arts 1)

5. (NP) Shiprock is a prominent feature within one of this state’s parks which includes parks dedicated to Aztec ruins and Chaco Culture. Those parks can be found along the Trails of the Ancients Byway which runs by the cities of Farmington and Gallup. The source of the Pecos River is located in this state within the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Georgia O'Keeffe depicted bones found near her studio of Ghost Ranch which can be found near the city of Abiquiu. Spaceport America calls this state its home and lies adjacent to the site of the Trinity Bomb test, White Sands Missile Range. For the point, name this Southwestern state with its capital at Santa Fe.

ANSWER: New Mexico

(Geography 1)

6. This figure’s herdsman Menoetes once lost a wrestling match to Heracles. This figure pursued the naiad Minthe, and another of his lovers, Leuce, was turned into a white poplar after her death. This deity keeps Pirithous in a chair forever as punishment for attempting to steal his wife, and he owns a helmet that made its wearer invisible. This deity, who is occasionally referred to as “The Rich One,” devised punishments for Ixion and Sisyphus. This god’s wife was tricked into eating pomegranate seeds, and Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Cerberus can all be found in this deity’s domain. This god is one of the three sons of Cronus and Rhea, along with Zeus and Poseidon. For the point, name this Greek god who married Persephone and rules the underworld.


(Mythology 1)

7. (NP) After leaving this company in 2011, radio host Glenn Beck founded Texas based conservative media company “The Blaze”. The Live Desk is one of the many programs produced by this company which -despite the older age of its viewer base- is the most watched cable news network. One story produced by this cable news company revolved around the supposed collusion between the murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich with Wikileaks. While President Donald Trump has favored this news station over others during his presidency, President Obama notably snubbed this network for claims made on its programs. For the point, name this American news network grappling with sexual harassment allegations against executives like recently deceased Roger Ailes.

ANSWER: Fox News (prompt on “Fox”)

(Current Events 1)

8. Mutations in the EMD and LMNA genes causes the exterior portion of this organelle to be absent, resulting in Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy. This organelle, which can be visualized using a DAPI stain, may appear to be studded with disparate dots called PML bodies. It is home to snRNP-containing coiled bodies, which play a role in the production of telomerase and are also named for Santiago y Cajal. The import of proteins into this structure is moderated using the Ran-GTP cycle, and it is surrounded by a namesake double layer envelope. Not found in red blood cells, these organelles are the site of transcription and contain the site of ribosome production. For ten points, give this organelle which is only found in eukaryotes that contains the cell’s DNA.

ANSWER: Nucleus

(Science 2)

9. The Counting of the Omer begins on this holiday, during which songs such as Dayenu and Chad Gadya are sung. The youngest child of the family sings the “Ma Nishtana” and is asked the Four Questions during it, and children can also steal the Afikomen on this holiday. Feathers and spoons are used to clear out all chametz from houses, since only matzah is to be eaten during this holiday. Lamb and bitter herbs are eaten during its seder meal. This holiday, which lasts for seven days, begins on the fifteenth of Nisan. For the point, name this Jewish holiday during which adherents eat unleavened bread to commemorate the Jewish exodus from Egypt.

ANSWER: Passover

(Religion 1)

10. This ruler sent Jean Victor Moreau to fight the Battle of Hohenlinden, which led to the Treaty of Luneville and peace between Austria and this ruler’s country. Though his navy was defeated by Horatio Nelson at the Battle of the Nile, he used the Continental System to restrict trade with Britain. Though he defeated Tsar Alexander I at Austerlitz and Borodino, he was eventually forced to retreat from Russia after being unprepared for the harsh winter. He escaped from Elba for 100 days before losing to Gebhard von Blucher and the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo, and finally being imprisoned on St. Helena. For the point, name this French general who was made emperor in 1804.

ANSWER: Napoleon I Bonaparte (prompt on Bonaparte)

(History 2)

11. In this novel, one character's work in the Orkneys causes another character to promise that he will move to South America and tend a garden. To improve his French, that character reads Plutarch’s Lives and Paradise Lost, the latter of which he thinks is a work of history. The main character of this novel attends school at Ingolstadt after his mother dies of scarlet fever, and that character’s brother, William, is strangled in the woods, a crime that is blamed on Justine Moritz. In the beginning of this novel, Robert Walton discovers the title character nearly frozen in the Arctic, and that title character was married to Elizabeth Lavenza before she died on their wedding night. For ten points, what novel, subtitled The Modern Prometheus, sees the creation of a monster from dead body parts and was written by Mary Shelley?

ANSWER: Frankenstein

(Literature 2)

12. One process induced by these events is initiated by cyclic loading and is characterized by a sudden loss of effective stress and shear strength. That process is called liquefaction. Classified using Flinn-Engdahl regions, these events can be explained through elastic rebound theory, and their frequency can be determined using the Gutenberg-Richter law. The focus of these events, which occur around Wadati-Benioff zones, can be determined using the gap between the initial S and P waves, and these events, which become difficult to detect in a certain shadow zone, led Inge Lehmann to discover the distinction between the inner and outer core.  For ten points, give these events that result from the shaking of the earth.

ANSWER: Earthquakes

(Science 3)

13. This novel includes a passage describing how the central community went into lockdown after an off-course jet flew overhead. The sister of the protagonist of this novel, Lily, wants nothing more than to receive a bike for her birthday. Late in the novel, it is revealed that a girl named Rosemary injected herself with poison. The protagonist is estranged from his friends, Asher and Fiona, after the “Ceremony of Twelve” assigns that protagonist to a job which teaches him what color is. The protagonist of this novel escapes his community with the infant Gabe, who is in danger of being “released,” and the novel ends with those two sledding towards a house with a christmas tree in the window. For ten points, name this dystopian novel centering on Jonah, written by Lois Lowry.

ANSWER: The Giver

(Literature 3)

14. A number of string quartets by this composer were dedicated to his patron Count Razumovsky. The sixth symphony of this man instructs the violins to play staccato notes to represent rainfall while the woodwind instruments depict a nightingale, quail, and cuckoo. One of this composer’s thirty-two piano sonatas was originally titled “Sonata quasi una fantasia” and is commonly associated with a nocturnal scene over Lake Lucerne. This man’s third symphony was originally dedicated to Napoleon, and his Symphony No. 5 opens with a notorious short-short-short-long motif that is often described as “fate knocking at the door.” For ten points, name this German composer of the “Moonlight Sonata” and nine symphonies including the “Pastoral” and “Eroica,” who went deaf in his old age.

ANSWER: Ludwig van Beethoven

(Fine Arts 2)

15. After rescuing Hesione, a princess of this city, from a sea monster and receiving no compensation, Heracles massacred this city’s royal family, leaving alive only young Podarces, who would become king of this city. Various prophecies predicting the fall of this city require the bow of Heracles, and the theft of the Palladium. This city, the birthplace of Aeneas, is infiltrated after the warnings of Laocoon are ignored. The king of this city in its most famous literary appearance is Priam. Paris abducted Helen and took her to this city, beginning this city’s namesake war, and Hector was dragged behind a chariot around this city after being killed by Achilles. For ten points, name this city that was besieged in the Iliad, and which was eventually penetrated by a namesake wooden horse.

ANSWER: Troy (or Ilios; or Ilium)

(Mythology 2)

16. The Boot Monument honors this man without naming him, and he was victorious at the Battle of Groton Heights. This man’s wife, Peggy Shippen, was banished from one city after the “millinery letter” was discovered, and he successfully broke the Siege of Fort Stanwix by spreading rumors that his force was much larger than it was. This military leader was wounded at the Battle of Saratoga after being relieved of command by Horatio Gates, and he was able to evade capture by boarding the HMS Vulture after his contact, John André, was captured with exposing documents. Benjamin Franklin said “Judas sold only one man,” while this man sold “three millions.” For the point, name this Revolutionary War traitor who was caught attempting to turn West Point over to the British.

ANSWER: Benedict Arnold

(History 3)

17. (NP) During a product demonstration of this company’s rival during the Consumer Electronic Show 2017, the FF 91 failed to perform its advertised autonomous features because of poor lighting on stage. Another competitor of this company, formerly branded as Atieva, recently unveiled a new model named the “Air”.  Despite its current brand image, this company still faces lackluster reliability in its vehicles and has been accused of encouraging owners to not report issues to the NTSB by having customers sign non-disclosure agreements for lowered repair fees. After this company’s acquisition of SolarCity, this company released a line of solar panel tiles resembling residential roof tiles. For 10 points, name this car manufacturer of the Model S that is currently lead by SpaceX and Paypal founder Elon Musk.

ANSWER: Tesla Motors

(Current Events 2)

18. This man wrote about meeting the love of his life in a book of autobiographical poems titled La Vita Nuova. That love of his life also makes an appearance in the second and third sections of his most famous work; in the second, she appears at the summit of a mountain with 7 terraces named for the Deadly Sins, and in the third, she guides the narrator through the spheres of heaven. Those sections are Purgatorio and Paradiso, and the aforementioned woman is Beatrice. Purgatory and Paradise follow a more famous section by this author which sees adulterers buffeted by constant wind, sowers of discord are hacked at by demons, and the traitors Judas, Brutus, and Cassius are constantly eaten by Satan himself. Name this Medieval Italian author who wrote about the punishments sinners undergo in hell in Inferno, the first section of his Divine Comedy.

ANSWER: Dante Alighieri (Accept either)

(Literature 4)

19. One condition that can result from infection by this organism can be diagnosed through the examination of the IgH gene in the afflicted cells. That condition is Burkitt’s lymphoma. This organism releases the Vif protein, which prevents the action of APOBEC3G, and the Rev protein, which is able to shuttle RNA by binding to its RRE element. It possesses an env gene which codes for the glycoproteins on the surface of its envelope, and this organism, which uses Nef to down-regulate CD4 and MHC I and II, binds to the CXCR4 receptors of its host cells. Its infection of helper T-cells can lead to Kaposi sarcoma, and because of the way it uses reverse transcriptase, it is considered a retrovirus. For ten points, give this virus which is the causative agent of AIDS.

ANSWER: HIV [prompt on “AIDS” before mention]

(Science 4)

20. (NP) Despite its size, Orumieh Lake, a lake found within this country, is at risk of drying up. One province of this country located along the Caspian Sea is the home of the port city of Bandar-e Anzali along with this country’s rainforest that is shared with Azerbaijan. The largest volcano in Asia, Mount Damavand, is part of the Alborz Mountains that are found to the north of this country. Another major mountain range of this country is the Zagros Range which can be found to its west. This country’s birthplace is commonly attributed to its province of Khuzestan. For 10 points name this middle eastern country with its capital at Tehran.


(Geography 2)

21. This man has been accused of being involved in the kidnapping and torture of Orlando Yorio and Franz Jalics, and this man wrote a piece subtitled: “On Care For Our Common Home.” This man demanded that Matthew Festing resign as the Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta after the firing of Baron Albrecht von Boeselager, and this man opts to live in the Domus Sanctae Marthae instead of the usually housing for holders of his position. This man stated “I appeal not to create walls, but to build bridges” in a criticism of Donald Trump, and this Argentinian succeeded the the first man to resign his position in 500 years. For the point, name this former Jesuit, and current pope of the Catholic Church.

ANSWER: Pope Francis (accepted Jorge Bergoglio; prompt on “the pope” before mentioned)

(Current Events 3)

22. During this event Dong Fuxing led a group known as the “10,000 Islamic rabble,” and the Taiyuan Massacre occurred during this event. This Gaselee Expedition was able to successful end the Siege of Peking during this event, and Empress Dowager Cixi supported the losing side of this conflict. The Seymour Expedition was defeated during this conflict, and Calvin Titus won the Medal of Honor for his actions during the British, American, and Russian assault on the Tartar Wall during it. For the point, name this Chinese anti-foreigner uprising that resulted in the Eight-Nation Alliance made up of the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Japan, Germany, the United States, Austria-Hungary, and Italy defeating a group known as the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists.

ANSWER: Boxer Rebellion (accept Boxer Uprising, Yihetuan Movement, or any answer about the Boxers or the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists rebelling)

(History 4)

23. One of the four versions of this painting, a pastel, was bought from Sotheby’s by Leon Black for almost $120 million. On the first day of the 1994 Olympics, two thieves stole a version of this painting, leaving a note that read “Thanks for the poor security.” This painting, which is part of its artist’s Frieze of Life, depicts two boats floating on the water in the background. The background of this painting likely depicts the eruption of Krakatoa, and this work’s title comes from the reaction of a bald man who holds his hands to his head. Two figures in black can be seen walking behind the central figure, who stands on a bridge. For ten points, name this painting depicting a terrified man performing the title action, a work of Edvard Munch.

ANSWER: The Scream [or The Scream of Nature; or Skrik; or Der Schrei der Natur]

(Fine Arts 3)

24. (NP) The Metropolis Building is a major building located in this city and lies at the intersection of Gran Via and Calle de Alcala. The Fountain of Neptune and the Fountain of Cibeles are two fountains that lie along the another major street of this city that serves as the home of major art institutions like the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. This city’s Crystal Palace can be found in its Retiro Park while this city’s Zoo can be found in its Casa de Campo. A bear supporting a strawberry tree can be found in the emblem of one of this city’s football clubs which rivals another club that plays in this city’s Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. For 10 points, name this Spanish capital city that is home to the Museo Prado.

ANSWER: Madrid

(Geography 3)

25. In this film, a man derails an undercover plot by getting drunk and throwing up in a pool at a club called the Huntley. The hero of this film works at Sprint for a time, and this movie’s plot revolves around the smuggling of a drug known as Flaca. It sees Dave, played by Hannibal Burress, work as a hacker for the main antagonist. Sergeant Ellerbee is always trying to keep the main hero in his place by making fun of his profession throughout the film. For 10 points, name this film that sees Dwayne Johnson play Mitch Buchanan and Zac Efron play Matt Brody, based on a television series of the same name.

ANSWER: Baywatch

(Trash 1)

Shamrock Quiz Bowl Camp Round 2

1. In this novel, Maurice destroys a sand castle and kicks the sand into the eyes of Percival. A epileptic character’s body in this novel is surrounded by golden fish and floats out to sea after he is mistaken for a creature who turns out to be a dead parachutist. One character’s broken glasses are used to start fires and are deemed more important than the item that allows people to talk at group meetings, the conch shell. Two twins become known together as “Samneric” in this novel that sees the choir boy Jack Merridew create his own tribe that worships the “beast,” a pig’s head on a stick. Schoolboys, including Ralph and Piggy, resort to savagery in, for ten points, what novel by William Golding?  

ANSWER: Lord of the Flies

(Literature 1)

2. This quantity, which is found with h-bar in the denominator of the formula for the fine structure constant, is found cubed in the denominator of the Larmor formula for power. Equal to one over the square root of the product of the vacuum permeability and permittivity, this quantity is also equal to the ratio of the Poynting vector to the radiation pressure. The spatial invariance of this quantity was used to disprove the existence of the luminiferous aether in the Michelson-Morley experiment. The ratio of this quantity in one medium to that in a vacuum gives that medium’s index of refraction, and this quantity is thought of as the speed limit for the universe. For the point, give this constant, symbolized c, which is equal to about 300,000,000 meters per second.

ANSWER: Speed of light

(Science 3)

3. According to this religion’s teachings, the soul is made of two parts, the “gros bon ange” and the “ti bon ange,” translated as the “big good angel” and the “little good angel.” The supreme deity of this faith is named Bondye and its initiation ceremonies are called kanzo. Bokors are members of this faith that use black magic to conjure zombies. This faith builds temples called hounfours, where male and female priests known as houngans and mambos preach. Derived from Catholic and Yoruba beliefs, this religion is practiced heavily in New Orleans. Papa Legba and Baron Samedi are two important spirits of this religion, referred to as loa. For the point, name this religion that was founded in Haiti and is famous for its namesake “dolls.”

ANSWER: Voodoo

(Religion 2)

4. (NP) Section 44 of this country’s constitution which prohibits dual-citizenship individuals sitting in parliament has led to the resignation of Green Party member Larissa Waters who famously breastfed her child during a session of Parliament, and this nation’s One Nation party leader Pauline Hanson once called Halal certification a “money-making racket” and has repeatedly called for a ban in Muslim immigration. Both Waters and Hanson served as senators for this nation’s state of Queensland, and this country’s current Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, held a famous call with Donald Trump that ended in a disagreement over an Obama-era deal to let in 1,250 refugees from its immigration centers in Nauru and Manus Island. For the point, name this “Down Under” country whose capital city is Canberra.

ANSWER: Australia

(Current Events 2)

5. A man with a broken leg blinds a villain with a camera flash in one of this man’s films, and in another of his movies, the protagonist believes he is haunted by the ghost of Carlotta Valdes. Roger Thornhill runs from a crop-duster plane in one of his films, and, in another of his movies, Annie is killed by the title avians. This director of films like Notorious and Strangers on a Train is more famous for movies such as Rear Window, Vertigo, and North by Northwest. In his most famous film, Marion Crane is murdered in a shower by Norman Bates. For the point, name this director behind numerous horror movies, including The Birds and Psycho.

ANSWER: Alfred Hitchcock

(Fine Arts 3)

6. The “midnight massacre” of 1977 saw one of this team’s greatest pitchers traded, and until 2012, not one pitcher for this team was ever able to throw a no-hitter. The first pitcher to pitch a no-hitter for this franchise was Johan Santana. This franchise star player Darryl Strawberry in 1980, and won its second World Series in 1986 against the Boston Red Sox, and the “miracle” moniker was given to this team that won the 1969 World Series against the Orioles. Other stars for this franchise include Tom Seaver. This franchise is currently managed by Terry Collins. For the point, name this New York based baseball club that plays at Citi Field.

ANSWER: New York Mets

(Trash 1)

7. Gaia gave a producer of these things to Zeus and Hera for their wedding. As a bribe for Gerda, Skirnir offered her eleven of these things. The Norse guardian of these things was once transformed into a nut. That guardian, Idunn, was rescued from the giant Thiazzi, who was attempting to steal these things. In a journey to retrieve some of these things, a hero offered to take the weight of the heavens before tricking Atlas into retaking his burden. Those objects were guarded by the dragon Ladon. A set of these things were used by Melanion to win a race against Atalanta by distracting her. Paris picked up one of these things thrown into the wedding of Peleus and Thetis by Eris, and was forced to choose who to give it to. For ten points, what kind of objects were guarded in Greek myth by the Hesperides, and were closely associated with immortality?

ANSWER: golden apples

8. This man’s wars against the Saxons ended with the surrender of their leader: Widukind, and this ruler used the missi dominici as a part of his administration. This ruler initially co-ruled with his brother Carloman I, and Alcuin of York was a leading scholar at this man’s court. This man made Aachen his capital city, and the Treaty of Verdun divided his empire amongst his three grandsons. This member of the Carolingian Dynasty was the son of Pepin the Short and the grandson of Charles Martel, and his defeat at the Battle of Roncevaux Pass was immortalized in The Song of Roland. For the point, name this “Father of Europe” who was crowned Emperor of the Romans on Christmas Day by Pope Leo III.

ANSWER: Charlemagne (accept Charles the Great, Karl der Grosse, or Carolus Magnus)

(History 4)

9. The first scene of this play sees an incident that is sparked by Sampson biting his thumb at Abram, which turns into a riot that is eventually broken up by Prince Escalus. Escalus is a kinsman to Count Paris, who courts one of the title characters of this play. In this play, Friar Lawrence reminds a title character that only a few days ago he was in love with Rosaline, and comes up with a plot involving a potion which emulates death. Mercutio and Tybalt are killed in this play, which is set in “fair Verona” where an ages old feud between the Montagues and the Capulets is finally ended by the deaths of two young sweethearts. For the point, name this William Shakespeare play about two “star-cross’d lovers”.

ANSWER: Romeo and Juliet

(Literature 3)

10. One type of these structures functions as a sort of rotary engine, making use of the Mot complex to produce a “biased random walk.” That complex employs the FliG protein in order to instantaneously switch directions. In bacteria, these structures can be disengaged using the clutch-like epsE protein and are stained using the iodine-containing Lugol’s solution. They are anchored on one side by the M/S and L/P ring complexes, and they possess basal body, hook, and rod regions. In eukaryotes, these structures are driven by the protein Dynein, and they possess a nine-plus-two arrangement of microtubules. They are contrasted with cilia. For the point, give these structures which are used for locomotion in sperm cells.

ANSWER: Flagella

(Science 4)

11. This man assumed the title of Prince of Wales at ten years old after the sudden death of his brother Arthur.  This king lost an impromptu wrestling match to Francis I when the two met for a summit at the Field of the Cloth of Gold. He had Robert Aske executed after Aske led a mass protest against him known as the “Pilgrimage of Grace”. That revolt was partly in response to the policies of this king’s minister, Thomas Cromwell, who assisted in this man’s dissolution of the monasteries in England. For the point, name this Tudor King of England, notable for separating the Church of England from papal authority and his six wives, among them Anne Boleyn and Catherine of Aragon.

ANSWER: Henry VIII Tudor (Prompt on “Henry”)

(History 1)

12. (NP) This leader’s chiefs of staff, Fiona Hill and Nick Timothy recently resigned for reportedly tyrannical control of the office. Earlier in her career, this politician succeeded Alan Johnson to enact the “Big Society” proposal of the Conservative Party as Home Secretary. More recently, this leader faced the resignation of her Director of Strategy Chris Wilkins. News of his resignation followed a disastrous election for this leader’s party that forced this leader to forge a coalition with a party lead by Arlene Foster. This leader contentiously appointed former Mayor of London Boris Johnson Secretary of State following her successful leadership bid in July of 2016 following the resignation of David Cameron. For the point, name the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

ANSWER: Theresa May

(Current Events 1)

13. This location was named after a man known as the “Carolina Gamecock,” and Major-General Quincy Adams Gillmore commanded a failed assault on it. The supposed inventor of baseball, Abner Doubleday, fired the first shot from this site, and the Star of the West was prevented from resupplying this location. Brigadier General P. G. T. Beauregard commanded the most famous attack on this location while Major Robert Anderson commanded its defense. Civilians watched the attack on this location from an area now known as The Battery, and it was held by the Confederates until Sherman’s march to the sea in 1865. For the point, name this sea fort located in Charleston, South Carolina that was bombarded in the first battle of the American Civil War.                                                   

ANSWER: Fort Sumter

(History 2)

14. Prior to a 1984 conference concerning the origins of this object, scientists Bill Hartmann, Roger Phillips, and Jeff Taylor issued a challenge to narrow down three existing theories of its formation. That conference favored a theory centered around the collision of a mars-sized planet named Theia, the idea of which is supported by the oceans of igneous rock featured on this object’s surface. Examples of those so-called “maria” include the Mare Nectaris and Mare Tranquillitatis. Other components of its surface include potassium, rare earth metals, and phosphorus–abbreviated KREEP. This object, home to the Aitken impact basin, was explored by the Ranger and Surveyor spacecrafts, and its far side is being mapped by the spacecraft LRO. For the point, give this satellite of the earth, the only extraterrestrial body on which man has set foot.

ANSWER: The Moon [or Luna]

(Science 1)

15. This painter is known for his works set in the town of Argenteuil including a notable depiction of Poppies in a field. A more urban scene by this painter is set in Paris’ bustling Gare Saint Lazare, which was praised by his contemporary Gustave Caillebotte. This man created over thirty depictions of Rouen Cathedral, and his painting Woman with a Parasol depicts his son Jean and his wife Camille. In pioneering a new style of painting, this artist created several series of paintings on subjects like haystacks and water lilies. For the point, name this French painter who started the Impressionist art movement with his depiction of Le Havre: Impression, Sunrise.

ANSWER: Claude Monet

(Fine Arts 2)

16. This country attempted to assassinate a certain leader with actions such as the Blue House Raid and the Rangoon bombing. One of this country’s neighbors attempted to soften relations with the Sunshine Policy, and this country agreed to change its nuclear policy after signing the Agreed Framework with the US. This country’s policy of Songun or “military first” has led it to have the highest number of military personnel of any country. This country precipitated the axe murder incident in the DMZ after claiming a tree was planted by this country’s first leader, Kim Il-Sung. For the point, name this country currently lead by Kim Jong-un that often fights with a southern neighbor.

Answer: North Korea (prompt on Korea) (Geography 2)

17. One of these animals has the ability to separate water from milk, and Aoife’s magic turns the Children of Lir into these animals for nine hundred years. In German Arthurian myth, Lohengrin rides in a boat pulled by these animals, and the Kalevala relates how Lemminkäinen is shot by The Shepherd of the North while trying to kill one of them in Tuonela. Saraswati’s mount is one of these animals, and the mother of Castor and Pollux is attracted to a god in the form of this animal. Zeus seduces Leda in the form of one of these animals, and after Achilles crushes Cycnus, he is turned into one of them. For the point, name this elegant white bird.

ANSWER: swans [prompt on “bird” until read]

(Mythology 2)

18. “Just Before the World Ends” and “Where Love is a Scream of Anguish” are major sections of a collection by this author of a poem beginning “A Rock, A River, A Tree.” That poem says the reader may “say simply / very simply / with hope / Good morning.” This author of Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ‘Fore I Die” used a line from Paul Laurence Dunbar’s poem, “We Wear the Mask” to title her autobiography which tells of the protagonist befriending Bertha Flowers, moving to San Francisco, and becoming the first black female streetcar driver after leaving Stamps, Arkansas. For the point, name this author of “On the Pulse of Morning” and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.

ANSWER: Maya Angelou

(Literature 2)

19. Edouard Laboulaye proposed the idea for this work, part of which was designed by Richard Morris Hunt. Broken chains appear at the bottom of this work, which also includes a tabula ansata inscribed with Roman numerals. Gustave Eiffel designed the internal structure of this sculpture, which is home to a bronze plaque inscribed with Emma Lazarus’s poem “The New Colossus.” A patina that formed on this sculpture caused its color to change from copper to green, and its right hand holds a torch that welcomed visitors to Ellis Island. For the point, name this Frédéric Bartholdi designed sculpture that was a gift from the French and now sits in New York Harbor.

ANSWER: the Statue of Liberty [or Liberty Enlightening the World]

(Fine Arts 1)

20. This deity snuck into the lair of Sittung in the form of a snake. This deity was tortured by Geirröth, and in return, caused Geirröth to fall on his own sword. His death is avenged by Vidar, who uses a shoe as his weapon. This god sits atop Hlidskjalf and gives all his food to two wolves, since he does not need to eat. In one story, he sacrifices an eye to drink from the well of Mimir, and his possessions include the multiplying ring Draupnir and the spear Gungnir. This god hung himself from Yggdrasil for nine days to gain knowledge of the runes, and at Ragnarok, he will be eaten by Fenrir. The ravens Hugin and Munin belong to, for the point, what all-father of the Norse pantheon, the wife of Frigg, and the father of Thor?


(Mythology 1)

21. Male members enter either the Aaronic or Melchizedek priesthood in this religion, and endowment ceremonies are central to this faith. The Rigdonites and the Strangites are two sects of this faith. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is a governing body in this religion, and The Wentworth Letter and The Pearl of Great Price are two of its important texts. The Lamanites and Nephites are central groups in this faith’s most important text, which was written in “reformed Egyptian” and translated using a pair of seer stones called Urim and Thummim. Their headquarters were once located in Nauvoo, Illinois, but they later left and founded the unrecognized State of Deseret in Utah. For the point, name this Christian sect whose namesake book was revealed by Moroni to this religion’s founder, Joseph Smith.

ANSWER: Mormonism

(Religion 1)

22.  This property lends its name to a theorem that is used to find the moment of inertia of a rigid body through any axis related to its center of gravity. That theorem is alternatively named for Huygens and Steiner. This property names a three dimensional shape whose edges can be defined by three vectors and whose volume can be defined by their box product. Two vectors with this property have a cross product of zero, and this property can be defined using Playfair’s axiom, which is a modification of postulate named for Euclid. Two lines with this property possess congruent corresponding angles when crossed by a transversal, and one pair of opposite sides in a trapezoid possess this property. For the point, give this property of two lines with the same slope.

ANSWER: Parallel

(Science 2)

23.  The main character of this novel hangs out at the Chestnut Tree Cafe, where he remembers a song about a “spreading chestnut tree”. Characters in this novel rent a room in Mr. Charrington’s shop, where they read Emmanuel Goldstein’s book. The main character of this novel was once married to a woman named Katherine, but has an affair with Julia nonetheless. The main character of this novel works for the Ministry of Truth, where he edits old newspaper articles so that they don’t make the Inner Party look bad  In this novel, residents of Oceania are monitored by Thought Police to ensure that they love Big Brother. Identify this George Orwell novel about Winston Smith’s attempts to resist authoritarianism, titled for a certain year.

ANSWER: Nineteen Eighty-Four

(Literature 4)

24. A leader of this empire was named after the Syrian sun god Elagabal. That leader of this empire was part of a dynasty that rose out of the Year of the Five Emperors. Another leader of this empire taxed urine, and produced a son who sacked Jerusalem. This empire’s decline is thought to have started after the reign of the Five Good Emperors, but it started with a namesake peace. This empire started after its first leader’s victory at Actium, and it was split in two with the creation of Constantinople. For the point, name this empire led by such men as Vespasian, Marcus Aurelius, and Nero that was started by Augustus after Julius Caesar’s upheaval of a famous republic in the Italian Peninsula.

ANSWER: Roman Empire

(History 3)

25. Youth Day in this country commemorates the protesters killed during the Soweto Uprising. The Taung Child was found in this modern day country, which completely dismantled its nuclear arsenal. A Xhosa (pronounced co-sa) leader in this country was imprisoned on Robben Island after the Rivonia Trial, although in recent memory he is famous for having a fake sign language interpreter at his funeral. This country was the site of the Boer Wars, and it is currently ruled by the ANC, who were influential in ending apartheid here. For the point, name this country covering the bottom tip of Africa that was led for several years by Nelson Mandela.

Answer: South Africa

Shamrock Quiz Bowl Camp Round 3

1. This mountain range is home to an endangered species of leopard called the Barbary Leopard. This range comprises many sub-ranges which include the Tell and the Aures Ranges. The Rif region of these mountains was home to a conflict before the Spanish Civil War. The Berber people are the most famous and numerous peoples who call this mountain range home. Jebel Toubkal, the highest peak in this range, is visible from the city of Marrakesh. For the point, name this mountain range which began formation over 80 million years ago with a collision between the African and Eurasian plates, that runs through Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria.

ANSWER: Atlas Mountains

(Geography 1)

2. One process that occurs in these objects is facilitated by a mixture of  supercooled water and ice in areas where the ambient vapor pressure falls between the saturation vapor pressures of each of those components. That process named for Wegener, Bergeron, and Findeisen sees the nucleation of ice crystals due to an adiabatic updraft. That process can be induced by the introduction of dry ice or silver iodide, which is referred to as “seeding.” Examples of these objects include the rare “roll” or “arcus” type, which is nicknamed “Morning Glory,” and another type of these objects known as “Mare’s trials” can form from contrails. Darker ones that indicate precipitation are denoted by the suffix “nimbus.” For the point, give these formations of water vapor that come in stratus, cirrus, and cumulus types.

ANSWER: Clouds

(Science 1)

3. John Gardner wrote a novel that retells this poem from the perspective of its antagonist. This poem begins by describing the burial at sea of Scyld Scefing. The title character of this work is the king of the Geats, and describes a 7 day long swimming contest undertaken with his friend Breca, during which the title character slew several sea monsters. The title character of this epic poem dies after fighting a dragon, and declares Wiglaf to be the next king. The first antagonist of this work is a descendant of Cain who terrorizes Hrothgar’s mead hall Heorot until the title character rips his arm off. Name this Old English epic poem, in which the title hero slays a bunch of monsters, including Grendel, and acquires a lot of loot.

ANSWER: Beowulf

(Literature 3)

4. This work is often paired with its composer’s Marche slave, which was written for Serbs who were wounded while fighting the Ottomans. Because the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was not complete by the date set for this composition’s debut performance, its first performance was held in a tent just outside of the cathedral. The folk tune At the Gate, at my Gate slowly outplays the French tune La Marseillaise to symbolize the demise of the French in this work. Bells are played following a chase scene and a large rendition of God Save the Tsar! in this piece, which famously calls for 16 cannon shots. For the point, name this patriotic Russian piece by Pyotr Tchaikovsky which is titled for the year of the Battle of Borodino.

ANSWER: 1812 Overture

(Fine Arts 3)

5. The greatest common denominator between two elements in this set can be found using Lame’s theorem, and the fact that any positive integer can be represented as the sum of any two non-consecutive terms in this construction is given by Zeckendorf’s theorem. One formula using to find the nth term in this construction is named for de Moivre and Binet, and the shallow diagonals of the Pascal triangle add up to this construction. The repetition of this construction can be described using Pisano periods, named for this structure’s formulator who described it in his book Liber Abaci, applying it to the reproduction of rabbits. For the point give this sequence of numbers named for an Italian mathematician that begins 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, and so on.

ANSWER: Fibonacci numbers [or Fibonacci sequence]

(Science 2)

6. This man lost a senate election to a radio personality nicknamed “pappy,” but this man was victorious over Coke Stevenson thanks to a helicopter called his “City Windmill.” This president established the Kerner Commission to investigate and prevent race riots, and he appointed the first African-American Supreme Court Justice: Thurgood Marshall. This man established food stamps and social security as part of his “War on Poverty,” which was part of his domestic policy known as the “Great Society.” For the point, name this U.S. president who was able to escalate U.S involvement in the Vietnam War after the passing of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, and became president upon the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963.

ANSWER: Lyndon Baines Johnson (accept LBJ; prompt on “Johnson”)

(History 1)

7. King Leodegrance inherits this object after its first owner dies, and one object associated with it was empty for a long time and is called the Siege Perilous. According to a story by Robert de Boron, this object was created in imitation of a similar object used at the Last Supper. Men such as Bors, Pellinore, and Sir Kay would sit at this object, and it is where a group of men see a vision of the Holy Grail. Its most famous owner inherited this object after marrying its previous owner’s daughter, Guinevere. Galahad earns a spot at this object, which was designed by Merlin for Uther Pendragon. For the point, name this object around which King Arthur and his knights sit.

ANSWER: the Round Table

(Mythology 2)

8. Following this battle, command of one participant was passed to Julien Casmao, and John Lapenotière brought news of this battle’s result aboard the HMS Pickle. The winner of this battle used an unorthodox strategy of placing his ships in two columns perpendicular to the enemy, and one of those columns was led by Cuthbert Collingwood on the HMS Royal Sovereign. One leader of the losing side in this battle, Federico Gravina, died from wounds sustained at it, while the other losing commander, Pierre-Charles Villeneuve, was taken as a prisoner when his ship, Bucentaure, was captured. For the point, name this 1805 naval battle of the Napoleonic Wars where the British commander, Horatio Nelson, aboard the HMS Victory, signaled: “England expects that every man will do his duty.”

ANSWER: Battle of Trafalgar

(History 3)

9. This Deputy Attorney General to John Ashcroft threatened to resign after George W. Bush renewed domestic NSA surveillance without the consent of the Justice Department. This former General Counsel to Lockheed-Martin said that it made him “mildly nauseous” to consider the effects an October 28th letter this man sent to Congress may have had on the results of an election. That letter was sent after emails were found on Huma Abedin’s computer during an investigation into Anthony Weiner. This man who succeeded Robert Mueller in his most notable position said “Lordy, I hope there are tapes” in response to a Trump tweet, and in a Trump letter announcing this man’s firing, it is stated that this man informed Trump “on three separate occasions” that Trump was not under investigation. For the point, name this former FBI Director whose May 2017 firing precipitated accusations of obstruction of justice against the Trump administration.

ANSWER James “Jim” Comey

(Current Events 2)

10. Bouguereau and Cabanel depicted a number of cupids flying above the title figure in two separate works with the same title as this painting. This work shows one of the Horae at right holding a billowing cloak out for the title figure, and the right side of the canvas is dominated by an orange grove. Two figures on the left of this piece are surrounded by pink flowers. In this painting, Chloris clings to Zephyrus, who blows the title figure to shore. That title nude figure of this painting attempts to cover herself with her golden hair as she stands on top of a clamshell. For the point, name this painting by Sandro Botticelli depicting the Roman goddess of love rising from the sea.

ANSWER: The Birth of Venus

(Fine Arts 1)

11. This team’s head coach was asked “do you wish your daughter married a better defensive coordinator?” in response to this team having the worst defense in the league and this team’s Defensive Coordinator being the son-in-law of the head coach. This team went 4-0 during the preseason but this team was later accused by some of tanking when newly hired General Manager Martin Mayhew put Jon Kitna on injured reserve. Its quarterback Dan Orlovsky infamously accidentally ran out of the back of the end zone on a bootleg. What is this football team who didn’t manage to win a single game?

ANSWER: 2008 Detroit Lions (Or the 0-16 Lions)


12. This author wrote of “green alligators and long-neck geese” and of “humpy bumpy camels and chimpanzees” in his poem, “The Unicorn.” A more notable work by this author features lions named Lafcadio and Grmmff [GERMPH], the former of which uses his tail to shoot a gun at glass bottles in a circus. This author wrote that “Everything’s wrong, / Days are too long, / Sunshine’s too hot, / Wind is too strong.” in his poem “Mr. Grupledump’s Song.” In addition to writing “The Lion Who Shot Back,” this author provided the lyrics for the Johnny Cash song “A Boy Named Sue.” This author is best known for a story in which a “Boy” makes demands on the title structure which yields him apples, a boat, and a place to rest. For the point, name this author of The Giving Tree and Where the Sidewalk Ends.

ANSWER: Shel Silverstein

(Literature 2)

13. This man caused an intense love of mangos known as “Mango Fever” after he sent them as a gift to a group of workers, and he was succeeded by the ouster of the Gang of Four: Hua Guofeng.This man led the failed Autumn Harvest Uprising, and he took his forces on the “Long March” to escape the fifth encirclement campaign. This leader attempted to modernize his country with his Great Leap Forward, and he attempted to purge his country of non-communist ideals with the Cultural Revolution. For the point, name this first communist leader of China who defeated Chiang Kai-shek in the Chinese Civil War to assume power.

ANSWER: Mao Zedong (accept Mao Tse-tung or Chairman Mao)

(History 2)

14. This deity is not Xanthias, but he is the main character of Aristophanes’ The Frogs, in his role as the patron of Athens’ theater festival. This deity also appears in The Bacchae, in which he drives Agave insane so that she murders her son Pentheus alongside her fellow Maenads. This god spared the life of Acoetes, but turned a number of Acoetes’ fellow sailors into dolphins and murdered the rest. According to some myths, this deity wed Ariadne after Theseus abandoned her on Naxos. In one myth, this deity resurrected his mother with the help of Prosymnus; his mother, Semele, had died after requesting to see Zeus’s divine form.This deity gave Midas his golden touch after Midas treated the satyr Silenus well; satyrs were often associated with this deity given his domain over drunken revelry. For the point, name this Greek God of Wine

ANSWER: Dionysus

(Mythology 1)

15. During this man’s deposition, he repeatedly asked “is this a film?” after a video of one of a member of his staff was played. The video for one of this man’s songs features Drake clapping for him at a bowling alley. The video for one of this singer’s latest releases features Victoria’s Secret models lip synching. This man’s career was started after Scooter Braun watched a video of him by mistake. He won a Grammy in 2016 for his contributions to the track “Where Are U Now.” For the point, name this man featured alongside Quavo, Chance the Rapper, and Lil Wayne on DJ Khaled’s “I’m the One.”

ANSWER: Justin Bieber

(Trash 1)

16. This man wrote a poem which mentions a man who “did not wear his scarlet coat” at a trial because “blood and wine are red”; that poem, “The Ballad of Reading Gaol” states that “Each man kills the thing he loves/by each let this be heard/ The coward does it with a kiss,/ the brave man with a sword ”. This man was imprisoned for “gross indecency” after his affair with Lord Alfred Douglas was discovered. The only novel by this author features a painting which grows old and decrepit while its subject remains young, and this author’s most famous play is about Jack Worthing and Algernon Moncrief,  who each pretend to be a man named Ernest. For the point, name this british author of The Picture of Dorian Gray and The Importance of Being Earnest.

ANSWER: Oscar Wilde

(Literature 4)

17. (NP) A scandal regarding peacekeepers from Japan sent to this country has led to the resignation of Japan’s Defense Minister Tomomi Inada. Current clashes can be rooted in ethnic conflicts within its state of Jonglei and the oil drilling town of Bentiu. This country’s vice-president was chosen from the Nuer ethnic group but has since been accused of instigating its current civil war. That fighting has seen Ugandan forces assisting the Government of President Salva Kiir. Following his split with Vice President Riek Machar, Kiir has faced allegations from the UN of ethnic cleansing in this country. For the point, name this Central African country, often called the newest country with its capital at Juba.

ANSWER: South Sudan

(Current Events 1)

18. One phenomenon that occurs in this molecule causes a 1.1 Angstrom contraction between neighboring phosphate groups, and that so-called “sugar pucker” differentiations between this molecule’s two right handed conformations: A and B. The only left handed conformation of this molecule, which can be inactivated via methylation at its CpG sites, is its  Z form. The synthesis of this molecule, which is normally packaged around histones, utilizes a replication fork and is finalized by its namesake “ligase.” This molecule, which is broken apart when its hydrogen bonds are destroyed by helicase, is a polymer consisting of repeating nucleotides. Containing adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine, for ten points, name this molecule which provides the genetic makeup of living organisms.

ANSWER: DNA [or Deoxyribonucleic acid]

(Science 3)

19. Following this battle, command of one participant was passed to Julien Casmao, and John Lapenotière brought news of this battle’s result aboard the HMS Pickle. The winner of this battle used an unorthodox strategy of placing his ships in two columns perpendicular to the enemy, and one of those columns was led by Cuthbert Collingwood on the HMS Royal Sovereign. One leader of the losing side in this battle, Federico Gravina, died from wounds sustained at it, while the other losing commander, Pierre-Charles Villeneuve, was taken as a prisoner when his ship, Bucentaure, was captured. For the point, name this 1805 naval battle of the Napoleonic Wars where the British commander, Horatio Nelson, aboard the HMS Victory, signaled: “England expects that every man will do his duty.”

ANSWER: Battle of Trafalgar

(History 3)

20. The stylobate of this building was intentionally curved to prevent an optical illusion that made it look saggy. This building, which was referred to as “Hekatompedos,” or “the hundred-footer,” by its architects, was partially destroyed by Venetian cannonballs. It contains scenes from the Centauromachy, Amazonomachy and Gigantomachy, as well as ninety-two metopes. Designed by Iktinos and Kallikrates, this building once held a statue depicting the goddess of justice holding the goddess of victory in her right hand. This structure is located near the Erechtheum and Propylaea, and it once housed the Elgin marbles. For ten points, name this building once home to a statue of Athena by Phidias, located on the Athenian Acropolis.

ANSWER: the Parthenon

(Fine Arts 2)

21. These organisms were the focus of studies concerning embryonic induction by Hans Spemann and his student, Otto Mangold, and they were the first organisms to undergo somatic cell nuclear transfer. Two hearts of a member of this class were observed after the vagus nerve was stimulated in Otto Loewi’s studies of acetylcholine. These non-reptile animals, which use their tongues to catch insects, were the first tetrapods to evolve, and they possess a three-chambered heart. For ventilation, members of this class use buccal pumping, and they are able to facilitate gas exchange on their skin. These organisms possess larvae called tadpoles, and the salamander is an example. For the point, give this class to which frogs belong.

ANSWER: Amphibians

(Science 4)

22. The Council of Constance ended one of the major divides in this Christian denomination, and the Photian Schism was a four year schism between two important figures in this denomination whose successors would permanently split three hundred years later. This denomination has four Marian dogmas, and is one of only a few denominations that practises closed communion. This denomination was involved in the East-West Schism and the Western Schism, and it is one of the few Christian denominations to believe in sacred tradition. This denomination’s doctrines are summarized in the Nicene Creed, and it is the only denomination with seven sacraments. For the point, name this Christian denomination headed by the Bishop of Rome, more commonly known as the pope.

ANSWER: Catholicism

(Religion 2)

23. Literary critic Helen Bacon links images in this author’s early poem “Wild Grapes” with Euripides’ “Bacchae.” One poem by this author describes looking “down the saddest city lane” after outwalking “the furthest city light.” George R.R. Martin named a series of fantasy books based on a poem by this author. In another poem by this man, the speaker hears only his “little horse” shaking his “harness bells” and “the sweep of easy wind and downy flake” in a poem set on the “darkest evening of the year.” For the point, name this author of “Acquainted With the Night” and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” famous for depicting rural New England in the early 20th century.

ANSWER: Robert Frost

(Literature 1)

24. One man who negotiated this agreement called it “the noblest work of our whole lives,” that man was Robert Livingston. The area central to this agreement had been ceded three years earlier in the Treaty of San Ildefonso, and the Marquis de Barbe-Marbois was one leader of negotiations to this agreement. One party to this agreement was motivated by their failure to quell a revolt in Saint-Domingue, and this agreement was strongly opposed by Charles Maurice de Talleyrand. Partially negotiated by James Monroe, this agreement involved the payment of 15 million dollars and resulted in the Zebulon Pike Expedition. For the point, name this agreement between France and Thomas Jefferson that resulted in a large territory gain as well as the Lewis and Clark Expedition.

ANSWER: Louisiana Purchase

(History 4)

25. This man’s daughter, Tamar, was raped by his eldest son Amnon, a crime which was eventually avenged by their brother. That brother, Absalom, rose in rebellion against this man, his father, and was slain by Joab after he got his hair stuck in a tree. This man ordered the death of Uriah the Hittite in a plot to marry Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba. This man’s friend Jonathan sent this man a warning in the form of three arrows, and this man’s first wife was Jonathan’s sister Michal [mee-CHAL]. This son of Jesse was anointed by Samuel, defeated a Philistine giant, and became the second King of a unified Israel and Judah. Name this old testament King, father of Solomon and Slayer of Goliath.

ANSWER: King David

(Religion 1)

Shamrock Quiz Bowl Camp Round 4

1. One of the initial reports on this event was by Dr. Marc Edwards from Virginia Tech. Representative Brenda Lawrence formally requested congressional hearings on this crisis in January 2016.  In June 2017, Attorney General Bill Schuette charged five officials involved with this issue with involuntary manslaughter. A possible spike in  cases of and deaths caused by Legionnaires’ disease has been linked to this event. Filmmaker Michael Moore called for Governor Rick Snyder’s arrest in response to this event.  For the point, name this ongoing crisis that exposed residents in a namesake Michigan city to high levels of lead whose main cause was switching the drinking water source to the Flint River.  

ANSWER: Flint Water Crisis (Accept obvious equivalents; prompt on partial answers)

(Current Events 1)

2. (BDJ) This man argued for the complete expulsion of Jews from his home country in On the Jews and Their Lies.  He argued against the “Real Presence of Christ” in a debate at the Marburg Colloquy. A too-close-for-comfort lightning strike convinced this man to join the priesthood. The Papal Bull ex surge domine refuted roughly half of this man’s most famous work, which he mailed to the Archbishop of Mainz before nailing it to the doors of the Church of Wittenburg. For ten points, name this religious reformer whose 95 Theses attacked Catholic indulgences and sparked the Protestant Reformation.

ANSWER: Martin Luther

(History 3)

3. When the density of these phenomena rises, their latitude increases in such a way that they form strips on a latitude versus time diagram that resemble a series of butterflies. One quantity related to these phenomena is calculated by multiplying the personal reduction coefficient and, quantity, ten times the number of groups of them and the amount of individual ones. That is the Wolf number, which was used by Heinrich Schwabe to determine that these phenomena cycle every nine and a half to eleven years. Those cycles give rise to Spörer and Maunder minima. The presence of these phenomena, which feature umbral and penumbral regions, alters the composition of the ionosphere, and they are the origin of solar flares. For ten points, give these dark areas that appear on the photosphere.

ANSWER: Sunspots

(Science 1)

4. A character with this LAST name in a 2016 film is awoken by a dream that leaves him wondering if Liam Neeson is just a bad parent since there were three Taken movies. That character later faces a villain whose real name is Francis after being disfigured by the Weapon X project. Another character with this LAST name formerly worked for Australian Secret Intelligence and is known for his orange and black costume and his one eye. A character with this FIRST name is apprehended by the titular hero in the first season of Daredevil. This LAST name is shared between the villain Deathstroke and the anti-hero Deadpool. For ten points, give this shared LAST name of DC’s “Slade” and Marvel’s “Wade”, and the FIRST name of the bald Kingpin whose last name is “Fisk”.

ANSWER: Wilson (accept Slade Wilson, Wade Wilson, or Wilson Fisk)

(Trash 2)

5. “Die Bildnis” is a popular aria found in this composer’s most popular opera, which also features the aria “Der Holle Rache” in which the singer is required to reach several high Fs. This composer of the “Coronation” Piano Concerto wrote a total of forty-one symphonies, of which the last was named for the fifth planet from the sun. This composer had a feud with Antonio Salieri, and his most famous piece is a mass for the dead that was left unfinished at his death. This man was the composer behind operas titled The Magic Flute and Don Giovanni, as well as the “Jupiter” Symphony. For ten points, name this Austrian composer of a Requiem in D Minor and a serenade titled “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”.

ANSWER: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [accept The Magic Flute before “composer’s”]

(Fine Art 1)

6. These structures are blocked in one disease which features an absence of the vas deferens and results from the mutation of the CFTR protein. In addition to that cystic fibrosis, these structures are affected by both small cell and non-small cell carcinomas, and another disease that affects these structures, which are involved in the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, can cause them to develop a calcified lesion known as a Ghon’s complex. Possessing three right and two left lobes in order to accommodate the heart, these structures feature small capillary-covered sacs known as alveoli and are affected by consumption. This set of organs is used for gas exchange, and its function is facilitated by the diaphragm. For ten points, give this set of organs which allow us to breathe.


(Science 2)

7. The 14-Part Message was intended to proceed this event, but it was unable to be translated and delivered in time. Captain Homer Wallin commanded the salvage operation following this event, and Hickam Field was heavily bombed during it. The code words to begin this event were “climb Mount Niitaka,” and the success of this event was announced with the phrase “Tora! Tora! Tora!” This event occurred hours before the invasion of the Philippines, and Arizona and Oklahoma were sunk during this event. For the point, name this surprise attack by the Japanese military on a U.S. military base in Hawaii that led to the U.S.’s entry into World War II.

ANSWER: Attack on Pearl Harbor (accept clear equivalents)

(History 1)

8. The Native American word that names this mountain range was transcribed by Alvar Cabeza de Vaca near Tallahassee, Florida. This mountain range was created 480 million years ago in the Alleghenian orogeny. Baxter State Park is located at one end of this mountain range which can be traversed by Newfound pass. Mount Katahdin is located at the north of this mountain range, and the discovery of the Cumberland Gap through these mountains allowed large scale movement of settlers into the midwest of the United States. The Blue Ridge Mountains are a subrange of what mountains that run through states such as Kentucky and West Virginia, and are located in the eastern United States?

ANSWER: Appalachian Mountains

(Geography 1)

9. This artwork is located across from its artist’s other painting La Disputa, and this work depicts two large statues of Apollo and Athena. At the right of this work, two men hold globes, and at the left, many bearded men can be seen writing in books. Donato Bramante demonstrates the use of a compass in the bottom right corner of this piece, as Diogenes reclines on the stairs at its center. This painting, found in the Stanza della Signatura, depicts a man wearing red and blue clothes and pointing toward the sky as he walks with his student. Those two philosophers in this work hold copies of books titled Nicomachean Ethics and Timaeus. For ten points, name this fresco painted by Raphael depicting Plato and Aristotle in the title Greek city.

ANSWER: The School of Athens [or Scuola di Atene]

(Fine Art 2)

10. In this novel, Chief White Halfoat decides he will die of pneumonia after oil companies follow his family around like “human divining rods”. Doc Daneeka is not successful in his attempts to convince his assistants Gus and Wes that he is alive in this novel, and Milo Minderbinder starts M&M Enterprises, which attempts to sell chocolate covered cotton and steals CO2 cartridges out of life vests. The title of this novel refers to an impossible situation, for example, the fact that insane men aren’t allowed to fly in a bombing run, but only an insane man would be willing to risk his life in a bombing run. For ten points, name this comic novel about a WWII Air Force Captain named Yossarian, written by Joseph Heller

ANSWER: Catch-22

(Literature 3)

11. One story involving this object sees a stone become lodged in its wielder’s forehead after he uses this object to kill an enemy. The creation of this object ended with one deity’s mouth being sewn shut by two dwarves. King Thrym stole this object to bargain for Freya’s hand in marriage. It is used every day to revive two goats named Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder. This object was used to shatter the weapon of the giant Hrungnir, and the set of gloves called Jarngreipr were needed to wield this object. Forged on the third day of a bet between Sindri, Brokkr, and Loki, this object’s handle was shorter than planned, making it wieldable with one hand. For ten points, name this hammer belonging to the Norse god Thor.

ANSWER: Mjolnir

(Mythology 2)

12. In the Quran, this man suffers from a speech impediment after he grabs a hot coal and puts it into his mouth as a baby. After grinding up a statue and ordering people to drink water filled with the golden dust, this man ordered the Levites to kill 3,000 Israelites.  This man’s life was saved after his son Gershom was circumcised at an inn by this man’s wife. This man met that wife, Zipporah, while a shepherd in Midian, where he encountered a phenomenon which instructed him to “remove [his] sandals” and stated “I am that I am”. This man’s brother Aaron served as his spokesperson, and this man was responsible for an infestation of locusts, frogs and for turning water into blood while negotiating his people’s freedom with a stone-hearted Pharaoh. For the point, name this Israelite leader and prophet, who parted the Red Sea, received the ten commandments, and led the Israelites to the Promised Land.


(Religion 1)

13. (BDJ) This man silenced questions about his claim to power after the death of his father near the ruins of Troy at the Granicus River. This ruler tore apart one of his enemies with two recoiling trees after that man murdered Darius shortly after the Battle of Gaugamela. This rider of the horse Bucephalus allegedly ran his sword through the Gordian Knot before capturing Syria, Egypt, and other lands that would be divided after his death in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II at the age of 32. For ten points, name this ancient Macedonian ruler, the son of Philip II, whose namesake Egyptian city housed the Pharos and the Great Library.

ANSWER: Alexander the Great

(History 2)

14. This structure was modeled after the Leinster House, and it was renovated in 1902 by the firm of McKim, Mead, & White. Solar panels were installed on this building in 1979, taken down in 1981, and then re-installed in 2010. Its namesake Rose Garden was established by Ellen Wilson, and the Blair House can be found in the same complex as this building. This building, which was originally designed by James Hoban, features porticos designed by Benjamin Latrobe. This building had to be renovated in 1815 after the British burned it down during the War of 1812. It is home to the Map Room, the Blue Room, and the Oval Office. Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, this is, for ten points, what residence of the President of the United States?

ANSWER: the White House

(Fine Art 3)

15. In the 1960’s, this country committed a large scale Communist purge. Then, in the 1980’s the New Order Regime carried out the Petrus Killings, a series of executions of thousands of criminals.This country was home to a kingdom that was first ruled by Jayanasa and was called Srivijaya, and the Banda sea is off the coast of this country. A modern leader of this country established the doctrine of “guided democracy” and was succeeded by a man who carried out a genocidal invasion of East Timor. In 2002, terrorists bombed a nightclub in Bali. This country has the world’s largest population of Muslims. What is this country, led by Sukarno and Suharto, which is made up of islands including Java and Sumatra?

ANSWER: Indonesia

(History 4)

16. Seth Lloyd, professor of physics at MIT, proposed that the source of this concept is rooted in quantum uncertainty and the entanglement which results from it. That entanglement joins entropy as an “arrow” of this concept, which is discussed in the ninth chapter of a work titled for this concept by Stephen Hawking. The decay of mesons such as the kaon are considered invariant with respect to this concept because of their violation of CP symmetry. This quantity, which lies along the y-axis of the Minkowski diagram, can be measured with respect to fixed stars in its sidereal variety. Its unit, which is the inverse of the Hertz, was standardized using the electronic transition of a Cesium atom. For ten points, give this quantity which is measured in seconds.


(Science 3)

17. The title character of this work attended St. Olaf’s college, but dropped out because of the embarrassing janitor work he had to do to support himself. That character is cheated out of $25,000 willed to him by his mentor, Dan Cody. Dr. T.J. Eckleburg's eyes are posted on billboards throughout this novel that sees the narrator’s cousin sob over a pile of shirts and sees George Wilson take revenge on the title character for killing his wife by shooting him in his pool. At the title character’s funeral, which is attended by a man known as Owl Eyes, Klipspringer calls the narrator about tennis shoes he may have left at a party. Daisy Buchanan kills Myrtle Wilson and Nick Carraway narrates, for ten points, what novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

ANSWER: The Great Gatsby

(Literature 1)

18. A child of this deity was murdered by Ares, resulting in the first ever murder trial. One child of this god could not be killed if he was touching the ground, which Hercules solved by holding him in the air and strangling him. This god disguised himself as the river god Enipeus in order to seduce Enipeus’ wife Tyro, and in one story, he transforms Caenis into a man. The Erechtheion was a temple dedicated to this god and Athena. This god was raised by creatures called Telchines, and with Demeter, he fathered the talking horse Arion. This father of Polyphemus married Amphitrite and cursed Odysseus’ journey home. For ten points, name this Greek god, the brother of Zeus and Hades whose dominion is the sea.

ANSWER: Poseidon

(Mythology 1)

19. These phenomena can be predicted by the observation of a pendant shaped cell which sometimes holds a debris ball at its tip. That formation, indicative of these phenomena, is called a “hook echo” and it can form at convergent boundaries. When these formations are short with a wide base, they are referred to as the “stovepipe” or “wedge” variety. Long thin varieties of these phenomena are called their “rope” type, and they can be classified using the TORRO scale. When they occur over bodies of water, they are called waterspouts, and the most common scale for measuring them is the Fujita scale. For ten points, give these rotating storms that occur in a namesake “Alley” in the United States.

ANSWER: Tornadoes

(Science 4)

20. This character owns a cat named Dinah whose black and white kittens play a role in a sequel to this character’s most famous appearance. This character reads a poem in mirrored text that begins “Twas brillig, and the slythy toves” and in later hears a recitation of “the Walrus and the Carpenter”. This girl who read about the Jabberwocky is crowned a queen for crossing a chess board in one work, and in a more famous work she is put on trial for stealing the Queen of Hearts’ tarts. After a terribly silly tea party with a Dormouse, a March Hare, and a Mad Hatter, this girl plays croquet with flamingos as mallets and hedgehogs as balls. For ten points, name this girl who travels “through the looking glass” and has “Adventures in Wonderland”, a creation of Lewis Carroll.


(Literature 4)

21. (NP) A delegation from the Oireachtas reported that politicians from this nation described the British as a “disgrace” during a meeting in this country’s Norman Foster renovated government building. A recent referendum called by President Recep Erdogan for broader power saw heightened tensions between this country and Turkey following Turkey’s failed coup. One politician from this country recently stated that “we have to fight for our own future” following a G7 summit held in Italy. The ‘open-door’ policy first implemented by this country and Austria has lead to growth of the right-wing leaders like Martin Schulz and Frauke Petry in this country’s 2017 federal election . For 10 points, name this European country currently led by Chancellor Angela Merkel.

ANSWER: Germany

(Current Events 2)

22. The Quiet Revolution led by the government of Jean Lesage in this province led to societal secularization and the creation of a welfare state. The highest point of this province is Mont d’Iberville, and the Chic-Choc mountains are located in this provinces Gaspe peninsula. One act named after this city allowed Catholics to worship freely in this province. The city of Three Rivers is located in between the two largest cities of this province, the smaller of which was captured after a battle on the nearby Plains of Abraham. Richard Montgomery was killed outside of this city. Containing a large population of French speakers, what is this second most-populous Canadian province whose largest city is Montreal?

ANSWER: Quebec

(Geography 2)

23. (BDJ) This man silenced questions about his claim to power after the death of his father near the ruins of Troy at the Granicus River. This ruler tore apart one of his enemies with two recoiling trees after that man murdered Darius shortly after the Battle of Gaugamela. This rider of the horse Bucephalus allegedly ran his sword through the Gordian Knot before capturing Syria, Egypt, and other lands that would be divided after his death in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II at the age of 32. For ten points, name this ancient Macedonian ruler, the son of Philip II, whose namesake Egyptian city housed the Pharos and the Great Library.

ANSWER: Alexander the Great

(History 2)

24. The Amphisbaena was a two headed lizard creature created from the blood of this figure. A child of this figure would go on to father Geryon, whose cattle would later be stolen by Hercules. Another child of this figure created the Hippocrene Fountain with a footstep and assisted the hero Bellerophon. Part of this figure was used to destroy the army of Agenor, and that same part was used to kill Polydectes. This daughter of Ceto and Phorcys was the sister of Stheno and Euryale. To kill this figure, a hero enlisted the help of the Graiae and used the Helm of Invisibility. This figure had sex with Poseidon in the temple of Athena, which resulted in the transformation of this figure. Mounted on the Aegis shield, this is, for ten points, what mythological gorgon, slain by Perseus, whose gaze could famously turn people into stone?

ANSWER: Medusa

(Mythology 3)

25. In this story, Old Man Warner takes part in the title event for the 77th time, and recites an old saying which insists that if a ritual is observed, then “corn be heavy soon”. Bobby Martin and Dicky Delacroix are among children gathering rocks at the beginning of this story. The title event of this story occurs every June 27th and requires an old, splintering black box. After drawing a slip of paper with a black mark on it, Tessie Hutchinson is presumed to die shortly after the conclusion of this story. For ten points, identify this Shirley Jackson short story, in which the title random drawing determines a single member of a town to be stoned to death.

ANSWER: “The Lottery”

(Literature 2)

Shamrock Quiz Bowl Camp Round 5

1. In one phenomenon in which electrons deccelerate as they strike a nickel target, the “continuous” form of this type of radiation is released. That effect, called bremsstrahlung, is described by Kramer’s law which uses the Duane-Hunt law to find the minimum wavelength of this type of radiation. Waves at the lower bound of this section of the spectrum are deemed “soft” while higher energy ones are called “hard.” The diffraction of these waves was described by Max von Laue and used in a certain technique by Rosalind Franklin to image DNA. That technique is their namesake “crystallography.” This section of the electromagnetic spectrum is higher in frequency than UV rays but lower than Gamma rays. For ten points, give this type of radiation used in medicine to image bones.


(Science 1)

2. This figure spent his formative years at Knob Creek before moving north. Early in his political career, this man asked James K Polk to show him “the particular spot of soil” where Mexican soldiers had shot Americans in his “Spot Resolution.” The death of his sons Willie and Tad allegedly drove this man’s wife to a mental health institution for a brief time. Upon his US Senate nomination in 1858, this man asserted, “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” foreshadowing the event this man endured for the duration of his presidency. For ten points, name this US president who extolled the virtue of a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” in his Gettysburg Address.

ANSWER: Abraham Lincoln

(History 1)

3. This man is reminded of  his only loving family member, his sister Fan, his kind former employer, Mr. Fezziwig, and his lovely former fiancee, Belle, by an “unearthly visitor” who wakes this man up at 12 o’clock. A figure who resembles the grim reaper shows this man a scenario where an undertaker steals from his body and former business associates don’t attend his funeral after both he and Tiny Tim perish prior to Christmas day, 1844. This greedy old man is visited by his former associate, Jacob Marley, as well as three ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet-to-Come. Name this miserly old protagonist of Charles Dicken’s A Christmas Carol, the employer of Bob Cratchit.  

ANSWER: Ebenezer Scrooge

(Literature 1)

4. One disease that affects this organelle results from the deletion of over half an individual’s mtDNA, resulting in ptosis and eventually blindness. That disease, which causes a “salt-and-pepper” discoloration of the retina, is called Kearns-Sayre syndrome. The permeability of these organelles, present in brown adipose tissue, is increased by the presence of thermogenin. Protein transport in these organelles, which are affected in Leber’s optic neuropathy, is moderated by the TIM/TOM complexes, and they export cytochrome c at the beginning of apoptosis. Containing ATPase, these organelles are the site of the creation of acetyl-CoA at the beginning of the Krebs cycle, and they contain an interior cristae membrane and a namesake “matrix.” For ten points, give this source of ATP, the “powerhouse” of the cell.

ANSWER: Mitochondria

(Science 3)

5. This architect included the “Great Workroom” in one of his corporate buildings for the S.C. Johnson Company. This architect’s Illinois Tower was meant to be a mile high, and he created numerous residential buildings, such as the Jacob House, Ennis House and Robie House. He was a student of Sullivan and Adler, and he was known for championing both the Prairie and Usonian styles. This architect created two personal studios named Taliesin and Taliesin West, and his Imperial Hotel survived the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. This man’s most well known building was commissioned by the Kauffmans and features cantilevered floors over a tributary of the Bear Run River in Pennsylvania. For 10 points, name this famous Midwestern architect of Fallingwater.

ANSWER: Frank Lloyd Wright

(Fine Art 1)

6. Jacob Roggeveen is considered the first Westerner to have visited this place. Norwegian adventurer Thor Heyerdahl theorized that the “long-eared” group arrived before the “short-eared” group of this island’s population. The Jared Diamond book Collapse discusses the extinction of this island’s palm trees and also claimed its inhabitants adopted cannibalism. This place’s highest point is Mount Terakava and its capital is Hanga Roa. Its traditional writing system is called Rongo-Rongo, which can be seen written on the remnants of this island’s most famous inhabitants. Controlled by the country of Chile, this is what island that is most famous for the large stone statues on it called Moai?

ANSWER: Easter Island

(Geography 1)

7. During a discussion about this condiment, one character notes, “You’re doing this bit while your brain is melting”. Later on in the episode in which this condiment is prominent, one character notes that this condiment is his “one-armed man” and his “series arc”, before declaring it will be “nine more seasons” until he gets this condiment. On July 30th, the creator of the aforementioned T.V. show received a jug of this condiment. One container of this condiment sold for $14,700 on eBay after the airing of the episode in which this condiment is featured. Fans petitioned McDonalds to bring back this condiment, which was released as a promotion for the 1998 film Mulan. For ten points, what McDonald’s teriyaki dipping sauce took the Internet by storm after featuring prominently in the season premiere of the third season of Rick and Morty?

ANSWER: Szechuan sauce (accept “the sauce from Rick and Morty” or anything about McDonald’s dipping sauce)

(Trash 1)

8. (BDJ) This man’s autobiography “The Story of My Experiments With Truth” chronicled the campaign this man waged that urged colonizers to “quit” his home country. Inspired by the writings of Leo Tolstoy, this man founded a cooperative farm in South Africa, where he fought as a lawter against British racism. The Purna Swaraj declaration began this man’s protest against a British tax on by-product of evaporated seawater, salt. Rural and urban peasants from Punjab to Bengal joined the satyagrahas of, for ten points, what Hindu advocate of civil disobedience, who sought an independent India?

ANSWER: Mohandas Gandhi (Accept Mahatma Gandhi)

(History 2)

9. One character in this work is constantly lighting and extinguishing a lamp because of the speed at which his asteroid rotates.  That lamplighter is visited by the title character, who also visits a king without subjects, a geographer who has never seen the places he is mapping, and a businessman who claims to own all of the stars. The title character lives on his own asteroid which has three volcanoes, pesky baobab trees, and a single rose, which he is in love with. The author of this novella, an aviator, incorporated his crash in the sahara desert into its plot. At the end of this work, the title character lets a snake bite him so that he can return home,. FTP, name this novella about a small ruler, written by Antoine de Saint Exupery.

ANSWER: The Little Prince (accept that in french)

(Literature 2)

10. Some of these creatures used fir trees to kill the warrior Caeneus. In one story, one of these creatures drops a poisoned weapon on his foot and dies, and in another story, two of them were killed by Meleager. Those two, Hylaeus and Rhoecus, were killed after assaulting Atalanta. The offspring of Ixion and Nephele, these creatures fought a war with the Lapiths that began after one named Eurytion attempted to abduct Hippodamia at her wedding. One of these creatures named Nessus gave a cloak to Deianira after the death of Pholus; that cloak would later be fatally worn by Hercules. Chiron, the tutor of Achilles and Jason, was, for ten points, what kind of creature from Greek mythology, a half-man, half-horse?   

ANSWER: centaurs

(Mythology 2)

11. At the end of one event in this city, the mayor said, “Today, we stand upon the ashes of our hopes.” That event was ended after Governor George Romney sent in the National Guard. This city controversially operated the STRESS unit which was ended by this city’s first black mayor, Coleman Young. The 12th Street Riots caused George Romney to send the National Guard to this city. One company headquartered in this city was founded by William C. Durant and operates out of the Renaissance Center. A suburb of this city, Dearborn, was the location Henry Ford built his world headquarters. Identify this largest city of Michigan and subject of a newly released namesake film.

Answer: Detroit

(History 3)

12. The elite infantry of the Dutch Republic wore shirts of this color, while many groups named after this color in the 20’s were fascist organization. The Ishtar Gate, covered in lapis lazuli was this color. The jazz songs “Freddie Freeloader”, and “So What” appear on a Miles Davis album titled Kind of _THIS COLOR_. Stars on the left side of the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram are this color. Toni Morrison wrote a novel named after an eye of this color, while the “Danube Waltz” of this color was written Johann Strauss. It is heavily scattered via Rayleigh scattering by Oxygen and Nitrogen. What is this color that has a longer wavelength than indigo but not yellow?


(Cross-link 1)

13. Daniele da Volterra was commissioned to paint loincloths over several figures in one fresco in this building. That fresco contains a self-portrait of its artist in the flayed skin of St. Bartholomew. Botticelli was commissioned to paint Scenes from the Life of Moses and the Temptations of Jesus for this building. Perugino’s The Delivery of the Keys can be found here, and numerous sibyls and prophets can be found between paintings in this structure. This building is home to a predominantly blue depiction of the Last Judgement, as well as a painting in which God reaches out his hand to the first man. For ten points, name this room within the Vatican, whose ceiling Michelangelo painted The Creation of Adam on.

ANSWER: the Sistine Chapel [prompt on Vatican; I suppose leniently accept Sistine Chapel ceiling, even though that’s not a building]

(Fine Art 2)

14. (G$) As mayor of Burlington, this politician released a folk album, We Shall Overcome. This man rose to national political prominence after his 8 hour“Tax Relief” filibuster in 2010.  This man raised nearly $73 million for his presidential campaign without funding from Super PAC’s.  During a rally in Portland, a bird landed on this man’s podium, which he said was symbolic of a “dove asking us for world peace.” Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned as Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee after emails indicated her alleged bias against this man’s campaign. For the point, name this Vermont Senator, a self-proclaimed socialist, who lost to Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

ANSWER: Bernard “Bernie” Sanders

(Current Events 1)

15. Many of this man’s works were published under pseudonyms like Diedrich Knickerbocker, Geoffrey Crayon, or Jonathan Oldstyle. A character created by this author finds that his dog Wolf doesn’t remember who he is, and discovers that New York is no longer under the dominion of George the III. That character fell asleep for 20 years after bowling ninepins with some ghostly strangers. A schoolmaster created by this author tries to court Katrina van Tassel until Brom Bones rides him out of town disguised as the ghost of a Hessian soldier killed during the revolutionary war. Name this american author of “Rip van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, which tells the story of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman.

ANSWER: Washington Irving

(Literature 3)

16. This element’s sulfate is used to test the presence of certain sugars by forming a brick-red precipitate, and in addition to that Benedict’s test, this element is used in Fehling’s solution to indicate the presence of aldehydes. The inability to metabolize this element causes the development of Kayser-Fleischer rings around the edge of the cornea, which is indicative of Wilson’s disease. Found with lithium in Gilman’s reagent, this element can react with carbonates, forming verdigris, a green patina that results from weathering. Found above silver and gold on the periodic table, this element forms alloys with tin and zinc, referred to as bronze and brass, respectively. For ten points, give this element which is used in wiring that has the atomic symbol Cu.

ANSWER: Copper

(Science 2)

17. This person sent an anonymous email to documentarian Laura Poitras. In 2014 this man won the Stuttgart Peace Prize for being involved “for peace, justice, and world solidarity.” This man used the code names Verax and ThetrueHOOHA when performing his most notorious actions, and Bolivian president Evo Morales’ airplane was denied airspace in multiple countries of Europe due to suspicions this person was on the plane. This man was charged with violating the Espionage Act when he released details about programs such as PRISM, which made up the NSA’s metadata analysis of U.S. citizens. For the point, name this government whistleblower who is currently residing in Russia after leaking documents from the NSA?

ANSWER: Edward Snowden

(Current Events 2)

18. Spanish conquistador Vicente Pinzon was the first European to sail up this river. Indigenous people in this river basin create a very fertile soil called “dark earth.” The state of Para contains the delta of this river, part of which is made up of the island Marajo. Vareza forests are created by the flooding of this river. Obidos is a city on this river, and its navigability changes at the city of Loreto in Peru. It receives the waters of rivers such as the Maranon and the Rio Negro. It eventually leads into the Atlantic Ocean and gives its name to a large rainforest. What is this large river that flows mainly though Brazil?

ANSWER: Amazon River

(Geography 2)

19. This deity appears as the “Lord of the Dance” surrounded by flames and atop a dwarf in his depiction as “Nataraja”. Since he caught a river goddess in her hair, this deity has had his hair constantly matted down by water, and since he ate the poison halahala he has had a blue throat. He beheaded his son Ganesha in a fit of rage, and replaced that head with one of an elephant. This deity’s attributes include the Trishula trident, the damaru drum, and a third eye on his forehead. This god is the consort of Parvati. For the point, name this destructive member of the Hindu Trimurti along with Brahma and Vishnu.


(Mythology 1)

20. The earliest known mention of this event is in the First Epistle to the Corinthians, and the Farewell Discourse is given immediately following this event in the Gospel of John. One figure at this event “began to cry bitterly” after a prediction at this event later comes true, and at this event Jesus tells his Apostles “to love one another as I have loved you.” That commandment is given after Jesus washes the feet of his Apostles during this event, and this event is commemorated on Maundy Thursday. For the point, name this Biblical event where Jesus states: “This is my body which is given up for you,” and has his last meal before his crucifixion.

ANSWER: the Last Supper

(Religion 1)

21. Gottfried Helnwein depicted Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and Humphrey Bogart in a parody of this painting titled Boulevard of Broken Dreams. A Banksy parody of it depicts a man with no shirt throwing plastic chairs at the title place. A woman in this painting with red hair was modeled on its artist’s wife, Jo, and the interior of the central building is painted light yellow. Two coffee dispensers sit next to the only door out of the title building, which is located on a street corner.  Phillies cigars are being sold for only five cents at the title establishment, where two men in hats and a woman in red are waited on by a man in a white hat and uniform. For ten points, name this painting by Edward Hopper.

ANSWER: Nighthawks

(Fine Art 3)

22. In one story, after seeing an eagle devour an ox, this figure hits the eagle with a pole and becomes stuck to it. At a feast this figure was invited to, he insults all of the other guests before slaying Fimafeng, the servant of Aegir. This figure is bound to a rock where poison drips onto his face and his screams create earthquakes. He once bet his head in a contest with two dwarves, and he fathered Fenrir, Jormungandr, and Hel. In one story, this god lost an eating contest to fire, and during the construction of Valhalla, he became pregnant with Odin’s horse, Sleipnir. This figure disguised himself as the goddess Thokk and refused to cry over the death of the Baldur. For ten points, name this Norse trickster god.


(Mythology 3)

23. Famous Greek playwright Aeschylus’ brother lost his arm to an axe wound at this event. This battle began when the winning commander simply shouted “at them,” to his troops, while the first modern event of this name was held in 1896. The modern event gained its name as a reference to an ancient event that saw Philippides run to Athens following a battle and supposedly dying after announcing the victory of this battle. The battle with this name ended the first Persian invasion of Greece. What is this name shared by the battle that brought the Persian invasion of Greece to an end and a race that runs 26.2 miles?

ANSWER: Battle of Marathon

(History 4)

24. In one work, this man explains his theories about evolutionary psychology as it relates differences between the sexes, claiming that females retain a dominant role in the choice of a partner. The ideas of this author of The Descent of Man were defended in a debate against Bishop Wilberforce by this man’s namesake “bulldog,” Thomas Henry Huxley. This man was inspired by Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology, and his ideas were simultaneously discovered by Alfred Wallace. This man wrote a study on the formation of vegetable mold is the author of The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs, a work which he thought of during his travels with Captain Fitzroy on the HMS Beagle. For ten points, name this man who theorized about natural selection and evolution.

ANSWER: Charles Darwin

(Science 4)

25. After the death of his wife, the main character of this play performs a soliloquy which declares “life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more”. In this play, Banquo is told in a prophecy that his heirs would be king, while the title character is told that he will be the Thane of Cawdor, and later the King, and that no man born of a woman can kill him. Those prophecies are given by three witches that chant “double, double, toil and trouble”. The title character is urged by his wife to murder King Duncan, and that title character is eventually slain by MacDuff. Name this William Shakespeare play about the rise and fall of a Scottish king.

ANSWER: Macbeth

(Literature 4)


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