
Name: ______________________________ Date: __________________ Per: _____________ Foreign PolicyConducting Foreign RelationsGoals of U.S. Foreign Policy____________ ____________ is the overall plan for dealing with other nations (whereas, ____________ ____________ is our plan for dealing with the issues/needs within our borders.)Forming U.S. foreign policy is very complex. There are _____ main goals of U.S. foreign policy:The number one goal of foreign policy is maintaining ____________________, or the ability to keep the country safe from attack or harm.Supporting ______________________Promoting world ______________________Providing______________ to other countries in need.Foreign aid comes in many forms____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Promote _____________ around the worldThe President’s PowersArticle II Section 2 of the Constitution gives the President authority to conduct the nation’s _________________________________The President’s powers include: Utilizing the Military, Treaty-making, Diplomatic powerAs Commander in Chief, the President can order the military into action. The ____________________________________________states that the President has the authority to send troops anywhere in the world for 60 days, without Congressional approval. Only ____________ can officially declare war.The President can sign treaties with other nations (which must then be approved by the Senate). A ___________ is a written agreement between two nations. They can be signed to end wars, assist other nations, or establish trade agreements.The Foreign Policy Bureaucracy The President has help with foreign policy from his departments (appointed by the President, approved by the Senate): Secretary of ________________ - (State Department) advises the President on foreign affairs and carries out U.S. foreign policy through the help of ambassadors and consulsSecretary of _________________- (Defense Department) advises the President on troop movement, weapon development, etc.____________________________________________ (CIA)____________________________________________ (NSC)Congress Provides a BalanceThe ______________________ must approve all treaties between the U.S. and other countries by a two-thirds (2/3) voteOnly ______________________ has the power to declare warForeign Policy Tools___________ (formal agreements between nations) are vital tools to keep foreign policy.While the Senate must approve all treaties, the President can issue an ______________________ with other leaders in the world. Does not require Senate approval.____________________ are official representatives of a country’s government that assist in foreign policy at U.S. embassies across the world. The U.S. currently has ____________ ambassadors in nations it _______________ (or accepts as legitimate).____________________ to nations in need of money, food, supplies, or military assistance is a very important foreign policy tool that we use. _____________________________ allows the President to make agreements with other nations concerning trade and trade rules.The U.S. can place __________________________ (or efforts to punish another nation by imposing trade barriers) on nations if necessary.Nations can also set up an _______________, or agreement among a group of nations that prohibit them all from trading with a target nation.If all else fails, the President can use _________________ to carry out some foreign policy decisions. Military Force can be used to _________ nations or __________ other nations.This option has been used numerous times, but military force is always the ___________________.Working for PeaceDiplomacy and AlliancesThe process of conducting relations between countries is called ______________________- A Diplomat is an official ______________________ a country abroadDiplomacy is used to prevent war, negotiate an end to conflicts, solve problems, and establish ______________________ between countries________________________________is the study of relationships among different countries ______________________ are the highest ranking officials representing a government in a foreign country - An ______________________ is the official residence of an ambassador in a foreign country An ______________________ is an agreement in which two or more countries commit to helping each other for defense, economic, scientific, or other reasons- two countries that have friendly relations are ______________________Presidents use diplomacy to improve relationships with other countries. A ____________ is a meeting between the leaders of two or more countries to discuss issues concerning those countriesOne of the main goals of U.S. foreign policy is to promote _______________________________. The U.S. forms alliances for defense as a way to promote peace.In 1948, the U.S. and most countries in Latin America formed the Organization of American States (OAS). The goal is ______________________and the peaceful settlement disputes among member countries. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is perhaps the most important ______________________formed by the U.S. and its allies. In 1949, they wanted to establish a united front against aggression by the Soviet Union and its communist allies. Now countries aid the organization in military expenses and______________________operationsForms of Foreign Aid______________________is any government program that provides economic or military assistance to another country.Many international organizations and individual countries provide foreign aid.The U.S. first gave large amounts of foreign aid during and after ______________________.After WWII, the US helped rebuild Europe using about $13 billionThis was an act known as the _________________. Helped build create better relations with rival countries after the war ................

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