BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson Plan Lesson Plan #3Lab ACampingDate:Tuesday, March 29, 2016Supervisor:Nicole McDanelLead Teacher:Lindsey DeAngeloChildren and Learning/Development Goals: Katelynn is still very resistant to instruction. She often ignores the directions given to her by the teacher and runs away from them. During my lesson I would like to focus on talking to Katelyn throughout the day and giving her specific attention and instruction. This will be possible at each of the self-selected activities. She will have the opportunity to follow instructions as she practices cutting wood, and working with the manipulatives. Ava has been improving immensely when it comes to participation in the classroom. She has begun to make multiple comments during gathering time, and engages in longer conversation when addressed by the teacher. She still needs to have meaningful interactions with the other children as they play. She is often by herself throughout the day. Ava will have the opportunity to play with the other children in the dramatic play area. Because so many fun props and activities will be available it will entice and encourage her to play with the other children. I also expect the teachers and myself to invite her to engage in group activities. Natalia is the queen of dramatic play and group involvement. She is remarkable at interacting with the other children and inviting them to join in her play. However, she is still struggling to share and wait her turn. In my last lesson I was really impressed by her ability to wait her turn and encourage the other children during the relay race. I would like to recreate the situation where she can do this again. As the teachers interact with Natalia during self-selected activities they will remind her how important teamwork and taking turns is, and they will encourage her to cheer on her classmates in all of the activities. Benson continues to grow in his social interactions with the other children. He still clings to the teachers throughout the day however, especially in new circumstances/situations. I would like to see him turn to the other children at these times and gain confidence in himself. Benson will have the opportunity to work with the other children in the block area, and dramatic play area. (Both familiar areas that have been adapted to form a new setting.) He will also have the opportunity to sit with the other children around the campfire and learn new songs. In doing these activities he will find comfort in familiar areas of the classroom with being challenged to adapt to new settings while interacting with the other children.Ben has been exploring a lot of different areas of the classroom recently. He has begun to enter the dramatic play area with frequency and he has also participated in the outdoor activities. During the home visit with Ben and his parents, his parents expressed their desire for Ben to grow socially and interact with the other children. This is still a challenge for Ben so we continue to work on this goal. Ben plays with his friend James every day. They are almost inseparable! During the lesson Ben will be invited and encouraged by the teachers to join dramatic play with the other children. He will also have the opportunity to sit with the other children and learn new songs during the campfire activity. Sierra is one of the youngest children in our class and has one of the greatest needs to grow in language and literacy. Sierra will have the opportunity to learn new vocabulary concerning camping at self-selected activities (ex: trunk, saw, axe at the science activity). She will also learn new words as she learns the lyrics to new songs at the campfire singing time. BYU-Idaho Preschool Lesson PlanLesson Plan #3Lab ACampingDate:Tuesday, March 29, 2016Supervisor:Nicole McDanelLead Teacher:Lindsey DeAngeloPreassessment and Findings:Andrew: A couple of weeks ago when we were playing outside with the wheelbarrows Andrew and Natalia began to move large piles of straw and grass up onto the wooden play set. They built up the straw and said that they were building a fire. I asked Andrew why he needed to build a fire, and he said that it was so he could warm up his hands. After building the pile of straw Andrew began to bring wheelbarrows full of snow. He took the snow and packed a ring around the fire. He explained that it would keep the fire from spreading. I asked him how the snow could do this to which he replied that water puts out fire. Andrew and I were talking about how much he loves camping! He wanted to go camping with his dad on their last boy’s weekend. He has had various experiences camping that he told me about. One time they when they went they forgot to pack their tent so his mom had to bring it up to then. Another time they planned to go they were unable to because there had been several mountain lion sightings. Natalia: As Natalia was building her “fire” outside with Andrew I also began to talk to Natalia about her purpose in building a fire. She responded that they needed to have a fire so that they could cook their food. She began searching around the playground for food and when she returned with her dirt and rocks (food) I asked her how she planned on cooking it. She looked a perplexed and said, “I don’t know! How can I cook my food over the fire?” I helped her to decide that she needed something to hold her food over the fire so she wouldn’t get burned. She then ran across the playground to retrieve a shovel that she could place her food on and hold over the fire. Ben: Ben and I were talking about summertime and going camping while sitting at the art table, at first Ben said he had never been camping before. As the other children joined our conversation and began talking about campfires and camping equipment Ben said, “Actually I have been camping before! We slept in an orange tent.” When I asked him what he liked to do when camping he was unable to respond. He understood that sleeping in a tent was a form of camping but he did not know that you can participate in various activities while camping. James: James has had various experiences camping with his family. He said that they’re favorite place to go camping is in the woods/mountains. When he goes camping he likes to go hiking and exploring with his brothers. I asked him what else he liked to do while camping. He wasn’t able to think of other activities. I asked him if he liked fishing, to which he replied that he had never been fishing before. Oscar: I asked Oscar what he likes to do with his family when they go camping. He said that they like to go hiking sometimes. I asked him if they ever go fishing. He said no and that he has never caught a fish before. I asked him where his family likes to go camping at to which he responded that they go in the mountains. Oscar understood that you can go camping in various locations, and that hiking is a fun activity that you can participate in when camping. Sariah: Sariah and I were talking about the warm weather and how it is almost springtime. I asked her what she likes to do when it gets warm outside. She began to tell me how her family likes to sleep outside and have campfires. She loves to roast marshmallows over the fire, but last year her marshmallow caught on fire and was yucky! I asked her if she liked camping in her yard or if she liked camping in the mountains more. She told me that her family just camps at their house. Sariah knew that having campfires and roasting marshmallows was a fun part of camping. Sierra: Sierra said that she likes to camp in her yard and the woods. She also enjoys looking at the stars. Sierra understands that you can camp in various locations. She also knows that star gazing is a camping activity. When I asked her about campfires she wasn’t sure why we have campfires. McKoy and I were painting with ice cubes. The ice cubes began to melt as they sat on the table for a while. I asked him why he thought they were melting. He responded that it was because they were getting warm. I asked him what he liked to do when it was warm outside. He said, “I like to set my pool up outside.” “What do you do in your pool McKoy?” I asked. “I like to go swimming and play.” “Do you catch fish in your pool?” “Noooooo! There’s no fish in pools, that’s in lakes!” “Do you like fishing?” He shrugged his shoulders and moved on to another self-selected activity. McKoy likes swimming during the summer (camping activity) but does not have experience fishing. Ideas to be Emphasized:There are many activities that you can take part in when camping. (Campfires, star-gazing, animal watching/tracking, fishing, exploring, hiking, and singing campfire songs.Campfires provide a way for us to cook, stay warm, sing songs, tell stories, and enjoy one another’s company.Assignments: ___________________ Self-Selected _______________ Floater/Runner/Snack___________________ Small/Focus Groups _________ /_________ Booth/ Photographer___________________ Outdoor play _______________ Greeter/Walkie (Lead Teacher)_________ /_________ Snack _______________ Data CollectorSpecial instructions for the day: The schedule will remain the same throughout the day. During gathering-time we will turn off the lights and gather around the campfire with flashlights. Please be extra aware of the children and help them to remain calm in the dark. We will go on a “hike” around the classroom in our small focus groups and point out different animals and activities we can participate in when camping. During clean up time I will need one of the teachers to place the different activities in specific areas of the classroom:Forest Animals by guinea pigsStars on snack table SELF-SELECTED ACTIVITIES 8:20 - 9:50 a.m. Literacy Activities/ Books: When We Go Camping by Margriet Ruurs W24What Camping Can Teach Us by Don Rubo H7Bugs by Rosie Dickens D19 Insects by Steve Parker P15Night Animals by Susan Meredith L10Activity NameDescription/Activity ObjectiveMaterials, Special Set-up*Creative Art: Animal Tracks (6 Children)Activity Description: The children will dip sponges that are cut into different animal track shapes (paws and hooves of various sizes) into paint and stamp them on paper however they see best. Child Objective: The children will have the opportunity to mix different colors of paint and different sizes and shapes to create a work of art. This will allow them to explore their creativity while getting exposure to different animal tracks. (D4; G46) The children will discuss which animals could leave each print and where the animals might be found (their habitats). Intentional Teaching: Teachers should engage in the art activity and create their own tracks to model different approaches to the activity. They should talk with the children and encourage conversation about the different animals that we can find and track when camping.Cut Sponges- IWPPaint – RR1 shelvesCardstock- RR2 Cupboards*Manipulatives: Nature Playdoh (4 Children)Activity Description: Brown playdoh will be placed on the table with various pieces of bark/stones/leaves. The children will knead the playdoh and add the different pieces of nature to create their own landscape. Child Objective: Children will develop their small motor skills as the work with the playdoh (flatten, roll, squeeze, smash, add objects, etc.) They will engage in conversation about the different plants and features that we see in the mountains when we are camping. (D1; G16)Intentional Teaching: Teachers will enhance conversation about the scenery of camping. They will encourage the children to make their own camping spot out of the playdoh and material. They will help the children make connections between the materials and the personal experiences that they have had with each one. Brown Playdoh- Classroom ClosetBark- RR2; SPebbles-Leaves- IWPPlastic trees- RR1;73*Math: Campfire Wood(3 Children)Activity Description: Wood of various shapes and sizes will be placed on the table. The children will sort the wood into their matching shapes/sizes and then place them from biggest to smallest. The children will also explore how wood can be staked and shaped to make a campfire. Child Objective: The children will learn how to organize the wood based on their similarities. (D4; G41). The will also begin to understand measurement as they arrange the wood from smallest to biggest. (D4; G40)Intentional Teaching: Teachers will observe and assure that the children are sorting the wood into appropriate piles as well as from smallest to largest. Teachers should teach and use the correct vocabulary when referring to the different sizes of wood (kindling, tinder, and chopped wood.) Wood: RR2; DP255*Science: Chopping wood@ (4 children)Activity Description: The children will have the opportunity to saw through a piece of wood with the assistance of a teacher to help prepare fire wood for the campfire.Child Objective: Children will show that they understand safety rules and precautions as they use the saw to cut the wood. (D2; G26) The will also develop large motor skills as they engage in the repetitive sawing motion. Intentional Teaching: Teacher involvement with this activity is vital for the children’s safety. Teachers should anxiously and actively engage in teaching the children the correct way to hold and use a saw. They should monitor the children around the table and assure that they are a safe distance from the saw. Teachers should engage in conversation with the children and explain that it is necessary to cut wood in order to have a campfire while camping. Wood:Saw:Safety Glasses:*Sensory Table: Woodchips and TreesActivity Description: Children will dig into the sensory table filled with wood chips, forest animals/insects/worms. They will hide/bury the forest animals. The children will also grab pinecones and plant plastic trees.Child Objective: Children will have the opportunity to become familiar with the texture of wood/trees. They will begin to identify different forest animals that are present when camping. Intentional Teaching: Teachers should lead the children in conversation regarding forest animals. They can help the children to explore where certain animals would be. Teachers should talk about the texture of wood, and the different uses of woodchips. Woodchips- RR2;S33Worms- RR2;M32Bugs- RR2;M31Animal Counters- RR2;M22Pinecones RR1; 77Plastic Trees- RR1; 77*Blocks: Forest VillageActivity Description: Balance beams will be placed in the block area along with forest animals. The children will build a forest village and place the animals in different locations. Child Objective: The children will use their imagination as they construct their own village. They will improve their large motor skills as they pick up and move the blocks. The children will be exposed to the different animals that live in the mountains/woods and are present when we go camping.Intentional Teaching: The teachers will engage with the children in building structures. They will talk about what types of buildings might be found in the mountains. (Ex: Cabins, Forest ranger offices, and campgrounds) Balance Beams- GGForest Animals- RR2; B166Blocks- Classroom*Dramatic Play: Campout!Activity Description: The children will be going on a campout with their friends! The children will be able to read books and play games inside of a tent, while cozying up in their sleeping bags. The will be able to spot different animals in the forest as they explore. The children will climb the loft where they will use fishing poles to catch fish in the lake (Kiddie pool) below. Child Objective: The children will have a hands-on experience with camping as they use various camping supplies. They will use their imaginations to create different scenarios and explore the mountains around them. (D1; G14) The children will engage in different roles and activities that are available when camping. Intentional Teaching: Teachers should play with the children as they explore the different supplies. They should engage with the children and invite them to try different camping activities (fishing, playing games, exploring/hiking, animal watching, etc.) Camping supplies- RR2; DP54Camping Chairs- RR2; DP256Fishing- RR2: DP54Sleeping Bags- RR2; DP53Kiddie Pool- GG Animal Pictures- IWPFish pictures- IWP Fish Nets- RR2; S121Alternatives:*Creative Art: Tree branch ArtDescription: A branch will be placed on the table with feathers and glitter glue. The children will glue the feathers to the branch to create a beautiful walking stick.Feathers- RR1; 9Glitter Glue- RR1; 8Branch- Sister Olsen2nd: CabinsDescription: The children will become architects as they link Lincoln Logs together to build various structures. Lincoln Logs- RR2; B173ROTATING SNACK 9:00-9:50 a.m. Granola Bars and JuiceOUTDOOR PLAY 9:10-9:50 a.m. Location: South PlaygroundGross Motor: Teeter totter(2 children)Description: The teeter totter will be placed on the grass next to our lab door. The children will sit on the teeter totter in pairs and rock it back and forth. Objective: The children will combine their motor skills in order to balance on the teeter totter while using their legs and bodies to gain momentum and rock the teeter totter back and forth. (D.2; G.19) Teeter Totter- GG*2nd: Compass(4 children)Description: Compasses will be placed outside on the grass. The children will pick them up and explore how their direction changes as they walk around the playground. Objective: The children will begin to understand the concept of direction as they walk around. (D4; G42) They will engage in conversation about hiking and exploring. Compasses- RR1?*3rd: Binoculars(3 children)Description: Binoculars will be places around the playground. The children will look around the playground and into the distance to observe things in “nature”. The children will look through the binoculars at various animal pictures that are taped around the playground.Objective: The children will learn how binoculars work and help us to see far distances. They will begin to understand how binoculars are useful tools when animal tracking. (D4; G42)Binoculars- RR1; 73Animal Pictures- IWPCLEAN UP 9:50-9:55 a.m. “It’s clean up time in preschool, it’s time for girls and boys, to stop what they are doing,and put away their toys!”GATHERING TIME 9:55-10:10 a.m. Transition:Nature music will begin to play (crickets, leaves rustling, river) and the children will be told to grab a flashlight and sit around the campfire. The lights will then be turned off as the children sit down. Activity NameDescriptionMaterials1. Campfire Sing Along Welcome to our Campfire! Does everyone have their flashlights?? It’s pretty dark in here. One of my favorite things about camping is having campfires! There are so many different things that we can do with a campfire. I have some pictures of different things we can do around the campfire can you help me see what is happening in each picture? (Show pictures of people cooking, singing, telling stories, and warming up around a campfire.) We are going to sing some campfire songs together! Can you sing along with me? The first song is called the burrito song. I need all of you to listen to the words I sing and then repeat them. Repeat means to say the same words again after me. Are you ready? Great! “Hey Burrito! ………*Hey Burrito!Hey hey hey burrito!....*Hey hey hey burrito!Oooo yeah burrito yeah!....*Oooo yeah burrito yeah!Taco Bell taco bell…….*taco bell taco bellGuacamole cinnamon twist…*Guacamole cinnamon twist” Now we are going to sing it again, but this time we are going to sing it reeeeaaaallllly quietly. *repeat song*You were so quiet! Now we are going to see how loud we can sing it!*repeat song*We are going to sing one more campfire song now!This song is called the campfire hokey pokey. I need everyone to stand up. When we sing the song we are going to do what the words say! “You put your hand in,You put your hand out,You put your hand in,And you shake it all about! You do the Campfire hokey pokey,And you turn yourself around,That’s what it’s all about!”*repeat putting in legs, tongues, and bums*Flashlights RR1; 79 Camping Pictures- IWPCampfire- IWPBalance beams- GG2. Poor JoeThank you for singing with me! Campfires are also good for telling stories! Sometimes you can even tell ghost stories. But I always make sure they aren’t too scary. I am going to tell you the story of a boy named Joe but I need everyone to turn off their flashlights. As I tell the story I am going to pass things around the circle, make sure to pass it quickly because lots of things will be passed. (The children will learn comprehension of oral stories through this hands-on story (D5; G59)).Poor Joe. He should have stayed home on that Halloween night. But out he went in the dark, dark night. A goblin was watching Joe walk 'cross the land. He swooped down beside him, and snatched off his hand! Poor Joe. (The children will pass a cold stuffed, glove to person next to him. It continues being passed around until it returns to me.)He shivered and shook and grew oh so cold. He fell when he ran, 'cause he lost all his toes! Poor Joe. (The children will pass 10 small pieces of peeled carrots of different sizes)A black cat crossed his path giving Joe such a scare. He threw back his head and off came his hair! Poor Joe. (The children will pass a wig.)Hobbling along, one hand on a cane, Joe tried hard to think, but oops! -- No more brains! Poor Joe. (The children will pass cold, cooked spaghetti.)Oh no, I can't think, but at least I can hear, If witches or goblins should now reappear." So Joe kept on going -- laden with fear, but he shook as he walked, and off fell his ear! Poor Joe. (The children will pass a dried apricot.)And there in the distance his house he could spy, but just for a second...for out popped his eyes! Poor Joe. (The children will pass two peeled, green grapes.)He yelled and he screamed, and he screamed and he yelled, hoping that someone would be there to tell. So he took a deep breath: his patience was wrung, But no sound was uttered for out fell his tongue! Poor Joe. (The children will pass a piece of bologna.)Ah, what a shame! What a pity! What a fright! That Joe ventured out on that Halloween night.Stuffed Glove: KitchenCarrots-IWPWig-IWPSpaghetti-IWPApricot- IWP2 peeled graped- IWPBologna- IWP3. Camping Activities HikeWhen we go camping there are so many fun things to do other than having a campfire. Right here I have a scavenger hunt of different activities we can do while camping. Hiking is one of my very favorite things to do when I go camping! So you are all going to go on a hike around the classroom in your groups and you will try to find all of the different activities. (Children will walk around the classroom and find different activities. Fishing in Dramatic Play areaForest Animals by guinea pigsStars on snack tableCampfire in gathering time areaThe campfire will be the last location on the scavenger hunt so they will gather together again as they finish.) You got to find a lot of different activities that we can be a part of when we are camping! Scavenger Hunt- IWPStars- RR1;79SMALL FOCUS GROUPS 10:10-10:25 a.m. Transition: Bubble gum song- I will tell the children to go to their tables with their teachers when we sing about their color of bubble gum. “I can blow a bubble,It isn’t any trouble,Now I let it float up high,And watch it pop!Your Activity Description & Objective MaterialsGoing on a Bear Hunt!Description: The children will listen to the story Going on a Bear Hunt and will help determine the best way to get around the obstacles in the book. After the book has been read the children will create their own map that can be used to track the bear. The children may or may not include the different landmarks from the book.Objective: The children will understand that maps are a way to track a bear. They will become more familiar with specific landmarks and features present in the camping setting. They will be able to use their personal creativity to make a map of their own. The children will further understand that there are many activities that you can participate in while camping (ITBE).White paper- RR1 CupboardMarkers- RR1 Cabinet E Drawer 2Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael J. Rosen RR2; R23WORDS TO SONGS & FINGERPLAYS):Clean up Song:“It’s clean up time in preschool, it’s time for girls and boys, to stop what they are doing,and put away their toys!”Bubble Gum Song“I can blow a bubble,It isn’t any trouble,Now I let it float up high,And watch it pop!”The Burrito Song“Hey Burrito! ………*Hey Burrito!Hey hey hey burrito!....*Hey hey hey burrito!Oooo yeah burrito yeah!....*Oooo yeah burrito yeah!Taco Bell taco bell…….*taco bell taco bellGuacamole cinnamon twist…*Guacamole cinnamon twist” The Campfire Hokey Pokey“You put your hand in,You put your hand out,You put your hand in,And you shake it all about! You do the Campfire hokey pokey,And you turn yourself around,That’s what it’s all about!”RESOURCES: pre- ................

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