Dallas has required email address for several years. However; there is a possibility of an older still active user not having an email on file.Query:select count(*) from pfoliousers@dprodwhere client_id = 7580 and email is null and trunc(last_access) > to_date('20111231','YYYYMMDD');Result:"COUNT(*)"519I already have a portfolio user.Query:select name, username, pin, email from pfoliouserswhere client_id = 7580 and username = 'DOUG7580';Result:"NAME""USERNAME""PIN""EMAIL""doug rasor""DOUG7580""PORTFOLIO""doug.rasor@" In order to test the prompting of a portfolio user with an email I will edit my own account.Update Query:update pfoliousers set email = nullwhere client_id = 7580 and username = 'DOUG7580';Verify Query:select name, username, pin, email from pfoliouserswhere client_id = 7580 and username = 'DOUG7580';Result:"NAME""USERNAME""PIN""EMAIL""doug rasor""DOUG7580""PORTFOLIO"""Since I have no email, I am sent to the email entry page.Supply the data and click on “Save Email” button.Verify Query:select name, username, pin, email from pfoliouserswhere client_id = 7580 and username = 'DOUG7580';Result:"NAME""USERNAME""PIN""EMAIL""doug rasor""DOUG7580""PORTFOLIO"DOUG.RASOR@Clicking on “Continue” button takes me to my account list page.Now try the “Forgot My Password”.Supply the required information and click on “Request Password Reset” button.Receive email:Click on the link in the email.Supply information and click “Reset Password” button.Verify change.Query:select name, username, pin, email from pfoliouserswhere client_id = 7580 and username = 'DOUG7580';Result:"NAME""USERNAME""PIN""EMAIL""doug rasor""DOUG7580""JACKSON"DOUG.RASOR@After resetting the password, visit the link again to make sure it is a “one time only” link.Supply information and click on “Reset Password”.Change My EmailQuery:select name, username, pin, email from pfoliouserswhere client_id = 7580 and username = 'DOUG7580';Result:"NAME""USERNAME""PIN""EMAIL""doug rasor""DOUG7580""JACKSON"DOUG.RASOR@Supply information and click on “Change My Email” link.Supply information and click on “Save Email” button.Click on “Continue” button.Verify data is changed.Query:select name, username, pin, email from pfoliouserswhere client_id = 7580 and username = 'DOUG7580';Result:"NAME""USERNAME""PIN""EMAIL""doug rasor""DOUG7580""JACKSON"DOUG.RASOR@ ................

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