391160195580MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT00MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENTWestview Centennial Secondary SchoolSeptember 2016Course Title:Principles of MathematicsGrade 10, AcademicStudent’s Name: ________________Course Code:MPM2DCredit Value: 1Textbook:Principles of Mathematics(McGraw-Hill Ryerson)Prerequisite:MPM1D, or MFM1P and MPM1HOverviewThis course enables students to broaden their understanding of relationships and extend their problem-solving and algebraic skills through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning. Students will explore quadratic relations and their applications; solve and apply linear systems; verify properties of geometric figures using analytic geometry; and investigate the trigonometry of right and acute triangles. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step problems.494157020320Don’t forget to do your HW everyday! Hard work is the key to success!00Don’t forget to do your HW everyday! Hard work is the key to success!Main Topics and ExpectationsThe following is a list of strands for the course, as well as the overall expectations for each strand: Quadratic Relations of the Form y = ax2 + bx + cDetermine the basic properties of quadratic relationsRelate transformations of the graph of y = x2 to the algebraic representation y = a(x – h)2 + kSolve quadratic equations and interpret the solutions with respect to the corresponding relationsSolve problems involving quadratic relationsAnalytic GeometryModel and solve problems involving the intersection of two straight linesSolve problems using analytic geometry involving properties of lines and line segmentsVerify geometric properties of triangles and quadrilaterals, using analytic geometryTrigonometryUse their knowledge of ratio and proportion to investigate similar triangles and solve problems related to similaritySolve problems involving right triangles, using the primary trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean theoremSolve problems involving acute triangles, using the sine law and the cosine law5436870-109220000AssessmentThe teacher will perform ongoing assessments to ensure that each student is learning to their full potential. Ongoing feedback will be provided to students regarding their progress in the course. Assessment information may be obtained through a variety of means, which may include formal and informal observations, discussions, learning conversations, questioning, conferences, homework, tasks done in groups, demonstrations, projects, portfolios, performances, peer and self-assessments, self-reflections, essays, and tests.54559206667500EvaluationEvaluation is based on the Ministry of Education document, Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools, First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12, 2010. Each student’s grade in this course will be generated as follows: 70% of the grade will be based on evaluations conducted throughout the course. Such evidence of student achievement can come from three sources: observations, conversations, and student products.30% of the grade will be based on a culminating activity and/or exam at the end of the semester.Throughout the course, all evaluations will be divided into categories as set out by the Achievement Chart. Please note that not all categories will be included in a particular evaluation. The categories and their approximate weighting are as follows:CategoryWeightingKnowledge and UnderstandingSubject-specific content acquired in each course, and the comprehension of its meaning and significance20-30%ThinkingThe use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes20-30%CommunicationThe conveying of meaning through various forms15-25%ApplicationThe use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts20-30%Learning SkillsA student’s learning skills will be assessed on an ongoing basis and will receive a rating of “Excellent”, “Good”, “Satisfactory”, or “Needs Improvement” on his/her report card. The learning skills assessed are:ResponsibilityCompletes and submits class work, homework and assignments according to agreed-upon timelines.Independent workUses class time appropriately to complete tasks and meet goals. Follows instructions with minimal supervision.CollaborationWorks willingly and cooperatively with others to resolve conflicts and build consensus to achieve group anizationManages and uses time effectively and creatively, demonstrates ability to organize and manage informationSelf-RegulationSets own individual goals and monitors progress toward achieving them. Seeks clarification or assistance when needed.InitiativeApproaches new learning situations with confidence and a positive attitude, seeks assistance when neededStudent Responsibilities (Homework, Missed/Late Assignment, Missed Test Policies)Students are to be reminded of the importance of consistency of effort and initiative in a successful outcome. Motivation, homework, teamwork, as well as daily practice and review are essential to achieving as excellent a grade as possible. All daily homework must be done. If a class is missed for any reason, the student is responsible to catch up on any missed work, and get the homework assigned from a classmate or teacher.Any presentation, assignment, quiz or test missed may be administered with an explanatory parental phone call, doctor’s note or parental note. Late assignments have the same policy.Students are expected to follow the standard rules of academic integrity with respect to plagiarism, handing in someone else’s work, using copyrighted material, etc.Student’s Signature: ___________________________Teacher’s Signature: ___________________________Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________(If student is under 18)Date: _______________________________________ ................

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