Algebra I - Kenwood Academy

Kenwood Academy Mathematics Department

Geometry Syllabus

Instructor: Ms. Pentangelo

E-mail: Phone Number: (773) 535-1350

Course Description/Objective

Geometry provides students with an introduction to formal mathematical reasoning, logic, and proof. Through geometry, you will be introduced to the tools needed to study space and spatial relationships. The study of Geometry includes math vocabulary, organization of proofs, points, lines, planes and angles, parallel lines and planes, transformations and congruence, congruent triangles, similar polygons, right triangles, circles, areas of plane and solid figures, volumes and surface areas of solids, using formulas in solving problems, visualizing geometric situations, and using geometric ideas in real situations.

The objective of this course is to provide the student with the requisite foundation for the study of advanced algebra and trigonometry. In this course, we will use an online service called Agile Mind to help explore geometric topics. Each student will have their own account and can use Agile Mind anywhere there is internet access. It will provide an interactive approach using animations and other tools to help students explore geometric topics.

Textbook and Resources

Glencoe Mathematics: Geometry Agile Mind Course Support Service -- Geometry

Publisher: Glencoe

Date: 2005 Publisher: Charles A. Dana, University of Texas at Austin; Agile Mind


This class addresses the following standards as mandated by the Illinois Board of Education. We use the College Readiness Standards produced by the ACT as well as the Illinois Learning standards. A full list is available at . A detailed breakdown of the Illinois standards is available at .

|College Readiness Standards |Illinois Learning Standards |

|Graphical Presentations |State standard 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and sense of numbers, including numeration and operations, |

|Properties of Plane Figures |patterns, ratios and proportions |

|Measurements |State standard 7: Estimate, make and use measurements of objects, quantities and relationships and determine |

|Meaning of Words |acceptable levels of accuracy |

| |State standard 9: Use geometric methods to analyze, categorize and draw conclusions about points, lines, planes |

| |and space |

Materials (needed daily)

Pencils Textbook

Pencil sharpener Lose-leaf paper

Scientific or graphing calculator 3 ring binder

Fee: Students are required to pay a $10 mathematics fee. Students who do not return a textbook will be charged a fee of $80.


Assignments will be posted in class daily both from the textbook and/or from Agile Mind. Assignments are essential to the study and mastery of this course. Assignments are viewed as a reinforcement of the concepts discussed in class daily and will be factored into the final grade. Students are responsible for having all assignments completed on time. Refer to the Kenwood website for updated assignments.

Format for Assignments

✓ Complete all assignments on the back or on the page following your Cornell Notes for that section

✓ The heading should look as follows:

Name Period Date

Assignment#, page#, and problems

✓ To receive full credit

o Write problem number

o Show all necessary work for each problem

o Draw any diagrams that go with the problem

Failure to follow proper procedure will result in a reduction of points on the assignments. No late work will be accepted.


Tests are generally given at the end of a topic and at the teacher’s discretion. Quizzes are given regularly in various forms including in-class projects, collected homework assignment and in standard quiz forms. Formative exams are given quarterly and a Summative Exam will be given in May. There will also be a comprehensive final exam at the end of each semester. If there is an exam scheduled on the day that you have a field trip, you should make arrangements ahead of time to take the exam. Make-up exams are only given if you have a legitimate absence. It is the student’s responsibility to make arrangements upon returning from an absence to make up a quiz or test. If arrangements are not made within 1 day, students will not be allowed to make up the exam and will receive a zero.


Students are expected to come to class every day and on time. They are expected to enter the class quietly, be seated and get out homework and proper materials for taking notes. Students will not be allowed to enter class after the tardy bell without a pass. It is the students responsibility to get the assignments and notes missed when absent.


Students will be graded on

Assignments 5%

Classroom Activities/Attendance 15%

Tests/Quizzes/Projects 80%

The grades will be calculated using the following scale:


90-100 = A

80-89 = B

70-79 = C

60-69 = D

below 60 = F

Students are expected to take responsibility for their grade. It is important to spend time on this class daily. Feel free to confide in your instructor if you are having difficulty and need extra help or tutoring. You are probably not alone, so do not feel embarrassed. Students should keep an organized binder, stay aware of assignment and project due dates and calculate their overall average regularly.

Office Hours in room 311: Monday 7 AM – 8 AM, Wednesday & Thursday 3 PM – 4 PM

Classroom Policies and Procedures

Respect for one another and classroom decorum will be maintained at all times. Students are expected to adhere to the Chicago Public Schools Uniform Discipline Code and Kenwood Policy of conduct regarding academics, behavior and dress. The following policies will be consistently enforced to ensure that every student receives the instructional time and atmosphere that he/she deserves.

1. Be in your assigned seat when the tardy bell rings.

2. Pick up classroom materials in the front of the room.

3. Wear ID at all times.

4. Get to work on the Bell Ringer immediately.

5. Postpone questions for the instructor until after the Bell Ringer activity.

6. Students will not be allowed to wear coats, hats, or other items that are on the Kenwood list of prohibited dress.

7. Students who come late to class are very disruptive to the rest of the class. If you are unavoidably late, please enter the room quietly and with a pass. You may not enter class without a pass.

8. Come to class prepared to learn. (sharpened pencil, colored pen, paper, calculator, notes, book)

9. Take notes daily.

10. Do not get out of your seat without permission.

11. Do not blurt out questions or answers. Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

12. Ask questions if you do not understand what is on the board.

13. Respect all property. (School property, personal property, and other’s property)

14. Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody’s ideas or thoughts.

15. There will be no restroom breaks. Students should go to the restroom before class and return before the bell rings. If students are late they have to get a tardy pass. (This is not a suggestion it is a rule.)

16. Students leaving and returning to class during class is also very disruptive. Please take care of any personal business before or after class. Students may not leave the classroom during class time unless there is a true emergency. If such an emergency occurs, raise your hand, present a pass from your agenda book, collect your belongings and leave the room quietly.

17. All exams have a time limit. Students must turn in assignments and exams within the allotted time. Keep all graded work. If questions arise, it is your responsibility to produce the original document for verification.

18. Cheating and/or plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. Evidence of such will result in a grade of 0 on the assignment or exam.

19. Cell phones and other electronic devises must be turned off or silenced during class. Phones may not be visible during exams and can not be used as a calculator. Cell phones that are visible or heard will be confiscated and can only be retrieved by a parent or guardian.

17. Eating and drinking is not permitted in the classroom at any time

This form is considered the first homework assignment and will be collected. Please read and sign your names below.

I understand cell phones are not to be used in the classroom.

I have read the syllabus and understand it and I will honor it.

__________________________________________ _____________

Students Signature Date


Print Name of Student

I have read and discussed this syllabus with my child. I understand it and will support it.

________________________________________ ______________

Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Print Name of Parent/Guardian

Parent email: ______________________________________Parent phone number: _______________

Is there a computer with internet access available for your child to use for assignments on a daily basis?

Circle one: YES NO


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