Sql format currency with commas and decimal


Sql format currency with commas and decimal

Ecco alcuni utili esempi: Formato Codice Risultato Formato numerico SELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'N', 'en-us') AS 'Number' 5,634.63 Formato numerico ?????? 1 decimal SELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'N1', 'en-us') AS 'Number' 5,634.6 Exponential, Scientific notation SELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'E', 'en-us') AS 'Number' 5.6 34633E+003

esponenziale, notazione scientifica, 2 decimali SELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'E2', 'en-us') AS 'Number' 5.63E+003 Decimal SELECT FORMAT(5634, 'D', 'en-us') AS 'Number' 5634 Decimal-6 cifre SELECT FORMAT(5634, 'D6', 'en-us') AS 'Currency Format' 005 634 General Format SELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'G', 'en-us') AS 'Number' 5634.6334

General format, 6 cifre SELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'G6', 'en-us') AS 'Number' 5634.63 Currency-England SELECT FORMAT(200.36, 'C', 'en-GB') AS 'Number' ????5.634.66 Currency-China SELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'C', 'zh-CN') AS 'Number' ?? YEN 5.634.63 Percentage SELECT FORMAT(0.5, 'P', 'en-us') AS 'number' 50.00% Percentuale 4

decimali SELECT FORMAT(0.5, 'P4', 'en-us') AS 'number' 50.0000% Hexadecimal SELECT FORMAT(5634, 'X', 'en-us') AS 'number' DC18 Phone number SELECT FORMAT(123456789,'+###-##-##-###') AS 'number' +123-45-6789 Fixed point SELECT FORMAT(5634.6334, 'F', 'en-us') AS 'Number' 5634.63 Fixed point ?????? 8 cifre SELECT

FORMAT(5634.6334, 'F 8', 'en-us') AS 'Number' 5634.63340000 Conclusione - Numeri di formattazione di SQL Server In questo tutorial, abbiamo visto diversi esempi di funzioni utilizzate per modificare i formati numerici. Come ?¡§ possibile utilizzare e modificare il formato dei numeri quando si utilizza Microsoft SQL Server? Passaggi successivi Per

ulteriori informazioni, fare riferimento ai seguenti collegamenti: Interessato alle funzioni stringa MSSQL??? Dai un'occhiata a questi articoli: Interessato alle funzioni data di SQL Server??? Dai un'occhiata a questi articoli: Daniel Calbimonte ?¡§ un MVP di Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Certified Trainer e Microsoft Certified IT ¡§? ¡§? enoiznuf atseuQ

.TSAC rep itazzilitu illeuq emoc ipmese inucla itatropir onos etneuges allebat alleN In the free version and works in every version of SQL Server starting with SQL Server 2005: Select SQL # .STRING_TRYPARSETSODECIMAL ('7,000.45', 'EL-GR'); Returns: 7000.45000000000000000000 I'm not sure this will help you , but here's a script I wrote,

followed by a set of examples: drop function DBO.FormatDeCoCoCreate Function DBO.FormatDec (? ¢Ü num decimal (38,4), @ @ @ @ DECIMAL int) returns Varchar (20) Asbegin Declare @cnum varchar (50), @len int, @pos int, @fraction varchar (50) ?? Declare @numcommas int?? set @cnum = Convert (Varchar (50), @num) ?? Set @fraction = '''?

Set @pos = charindex ('.', @Cnum , 1) ?? IF @POS> 0 AND @ Operation @Fraction = substring (@cnum, @Po + 1, 50) Set @cnum = left (@cnum, @pos-1) ?? set?? @len = len (@cnum) ?? Set @numcommas = (@ Len-1) / 3?? While @Len> 3 Avvio @cnum = Stuff (@cnum, @ len-2, 0, ',') Set @len = @len - 3 termina if @Decplaces> 0 Begin?? ??

fraction = left (@fraction + replica ('0' , @DecPlaces), @DecPlaces) ?? End. ENSE '?? @fraction =' '?? if @fraction ' '?? ?? ?? @cnum = @cnum +'. ' + @ Fraction?? Returns @CnumendGoprint DBO.FormatDec (0,2) Print DBO.FormatDEC (1,2) Print DBO.FormatDec (12,2) Print DBO.FormatDec (123,2) Print DBO.FormatDec (1234,2) Print

DBO.FormatDec (1233 25,2) Print DBO.FormatDec (123456,2) Print DBO.FormatDEC (1234567,2) Print DBO.FormatDEC (1234567,0) Print DBO.FormatDEC (1234567,1) Print dbo.FormatDec ( 1234567,2) Print DBO.FormatDec (1234567,3) Print DBO.FormatDec (12345678,2) Print DBO.FormatDec (123456789,2) Print DBO.FormatDEC

(1234567890,2) Print dbo.formatdec (2147483647,2) by : Daniel Calbimonte ?? ?? | ?? ?? upgrade: 2021/11/01 ?? ?? | ?? ?? ?? ?? Comments | ?? ?? related: Other> System functions problem sometimes we have numbers in a different format due to cultural differences. For example, in France we use a decimal point and in the United States we use dots. Here

are some examples: the result of the code Select the floor (5634.6334) as number 5634 Select as number 5635 SELECT FLOOR(-5634.6334) as number -5635 SELECT CEILING(-5634.6334) as number -5634 SQL Number Format using FORMAT function The SQL FORMAT option has many different options for formatting a number. Code Result

SELECT CONVERT( int, 5634.6334) as number 5634 SELECT CONVERT( numeric, 5634.6334) as number 5635 SELECT CONVERT( numeric(10,1), 5634.6334) as number 5634.6 SELECT CONVERT( numeric(10,2), 5634.6334) as number 5634.63 SELECT (CONVERT( nvarchar(20), 5634.6334))+'??????'?? ? as number 5634.6334?????? SELECT

REPLACE((CONVERT(nvarchar(20), 5634.6334)),'.',',')?? ? as number 5634,6334 SELECT CONVERT( nvarchar(20), 50) + '%' as number 50% SQL Format Number using ROUND function The SQL ROUND function may be useful if you want to round the number of decimal places. Also, just to mention, while not a pure T-SQL solution, this can also be

accomplished via SQLCLR. (If you are using SQL Server 2012 or newer, please see @wBob's answer for a cleaner approach. And, there is a pre-done function that does this in the SQL# library (that I wrote) named String_TryParseToDecimal. The approach outlined in my answer below is only required if you are using SQL Server 2008 R2 or older.)

You don't need (or want) the thousands' separator when converting to NUMERIC, regardless if it is comma, period, or space, so just get rid of them first. I was hoping to find something more elegant than two REPLACE calls, but so far no such luck. The FORMAT function, but the input type must be a numeric or date/time/datetime value (that and it

was introduced in SQL Server 2012, so not applicable to SQL Server 2008 R2 or older). View all my tips Article Last Updated: 2021-11-01 And nothing else seemed to work. Then convert the comma into a period / decimal and you are done: SELECT CONVERT(NUMERIC(10, 2), REPLACE( REPLACE('7.000,45', '.', ''), ',', '.' ) ) AS [Converted]; Returns:

7000.45 For the sake of completeness, I should mention that I also SET LANGUAGE Greek; I¡¯m looking for various formats for CONVERT, but nothing applies here. Solution We provide practical examples of different scenarios using different solutions to format numbers in SQL Server using various SQL functions. Here are some common examples:

Result Code SELECT ROUND (5634.6334,2) as number 5634.6300 SELECT ROUND (5634.6334,3) as number 5634.6330 SELECT ROUND (5634.6334,-1) as number 5630.0000 SELECT ROUND (5634.6334,-2) as number 5600.0000 FLOOR Functions And CEILING The FLOOR function returns the largest integer less than or equal to the number while

the CEILING function returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to the number. It has a different syntax and in some scenarios, it has additional options. SQL Format Options In this tutorial we will explain how to use the following SQL Server T-SQL functions with the following examples: Use CAST ??? SELECT CAST (5634.6334 as int) as

number Use CONVERT ??? SELECT CONVERT (int, 5634.6334) as number Use ROUND ??? SELECT ROUND (563 4.6334.2) as a number Using the SELECT FLOOR PLAN (5634.6334) as a number Using the SELECT CHILING PLAN (5634.6334) as a number Using FORMAT ??? SELECT FORMAT (5634.6334, ???N', ???en-us') AS ???Number' SQL Format Number

using the CAST function Let¡¯s say we have the following number: 5634.6343 We can use the SQL CAST function to change the number format as follows:? ? Result Code SELECT CAST (5634.6334 as int) as number 5634 SELECT CAST (5634.6334 as numeric) as number 5635 SELECT CAST (5634.6334 as number) as number 5635 as numeric (10,1))

as number 5634.6 SELECT CAST (5634.6334 as numeric (10,2)) as number 5634.63 SQL Format Number using CONVERT The SQL CONVERT function can do the same things as CAST. CAST.

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