2016-2017 - Questar III BOCES


Special Education Reference Manual: ()

(Also an Icon is available on - BOCES Staff)

Staff Handbook () Tip: when you open a web page using the links provided, you can save the page

to your desktop for quick access.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: There have been many changes in the Special Education Department this summer including several staff changes at the main office, supervisory changes, and the new Academy at Rensselaer Educational Center! See the attached list of Programs and Supervisors, along with the chart below, for contact information

Robin Sobol Kimberly Rockenstyre Sally Lauletta Deb McDermott Nataly Dee Stephanie Donnelly Betsy Haigh

Special Education ? Main Office Contacts


Director of Special Education



Assistant Director of Special




Guidance Counselor/ Transition


Coordinator, Schooltool contact


Timeline, Reference Manual, Forms,


Procedures, General questions


IEP Direct, Student enrollment,


Scripts and referrals


Staff schedules, Textbooks, Testing

Stephanie.donnelly@ Library, Testing, Field trips


Conference requests/ myLearningPlan


NEW THIS YEAR: and Master Teacher ? Teachers should have received an email regarding these new programs. Contact Deb McDermott, if you did not receive them.


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The following needs to be started and or completed the first week of school.

1st day with students ? Wednesday, September 7. Daily student attendance will need to be taken and entered on School Tool. If you have log-in difficulties, please contact Jeff Baker at jeff.baker@.

Send home Student/Parent Packets (Emergency Contact forms, etc.) with students for parents or guardians to complete and return. Packets will be supplied to you from your Principal.

Read all of your students' IEP's which can be found on IEP Direct () and verify each student's related services. Please contact Nataly Dee at 479-6950 if you cannot access a student's IEP.

Share IEP information with your teaching assistants, aides, and related service providers.

Upon completion of the IEP reviews, copy/print the front page of the IEP and coordinate the signing of this page with teaching assistants, aides, PE teachers, nurses and related service providers acknowledging that they have read the student's IEP. Please use the reverse side of the IEP page for staff to print their name, sign and date. This information must be legible.

Once the page has been confirmed as complete with all appropriate signatures, send the original to your Principal no later than Friday, September 16, 2016.

This process will need to be repeated for any new student entering during the school year. If a new staff member joins your classroom, all student IEPS will need to be reviewed by that person. The first page of each IEP will need to be printed for that staff member to sign and then forwarded to your principal as was done for staff members who are currently in the classroom.

NOTE: This process will also need to be repeated if there are any changes made to a student's IEP during the school year.

Review relevant documents in DOCUMENT REPOSITORY (FBA's, BIP's, etc.) To access, log-in to IEP, go to my students 2016-2017, click on a student's file and select the Document Repository tab. Various levels of access have been assigned so not all documents are accessible to every staff member. Please refer to the online Special Education Reference Manual for more detail.

Review your course rosters and student schedules on SchoolTool ().

To review your course load, log-on to SchoolTool. Your homepage will list all the courses that you will be teaching. Your Homeroom will also be listed.


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To review an individual student record, click on any one of the course rosters. All your student names will be listed. Click on the blue arrow in front of the student's name. Click on the "Schedule" tab.

For high school students, a copy of the student's unofficial transcript can be found in SchoolTool. If you have any questions about courses and earned high school credit, please call Sally Lauletta, School Counselor, at 479-6802 or e-mail at slauletta@

Work with related service providers to schedule student services. Therapy scripts are available on Document Repository.

Review all emergency and drill procedures and read the classroom safety information located in the reference manual.

Review Board Policies, available on the Questar III website () ? particularly policies on timeout, use of restraints, the full policy on the Student Code of Conduct, etc.

Review the summary of the Student Code of Conduct with your students. The Summary will be included in the parent/student packets being sent home ().

If you are housed in a district-based classroom, please review district policies where the classroom is housed.

Review Questar's calendar

Review the Special Education reference manual (). The reference manual can also be accessed at ? Selecting the BOCES staff tab and ICONS for the manual, e-mail, AESOP etc. will provide you with a quick access to these areas. The links can also be saved to your desktop. Please share this information with your teaching assistants.

On-line information is available to all staff. Note: Forms are continually updated and you need to use the on-line forms to be sure you have the most current form.

Schedules (TYPED) are due from all teachers and related services by Monday, September 12. Please send your completed schedule VIA E-MAIL to Stephanie Donnelly at Stephanie.donnelly@ The form will be sent to you via e-mail and it is available in the reference manual.

STAFF ATTENDANCE: Note your arrival/dismissal times for your students at your site. All staff need to report fifteen minutes prior to the arrival time indicated as per your contract.


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Staff Attendance Reporting All staff should have received an e-mail directly from AESOP (formerly Subfinder) with your new reporting information (ID and password). If you do not have this information, call Jennifer Smallwood at 479-6988.

( delines.pdf). It is the responsibility of each staff member to enter their absence on AESOP (previously subfinder) prior to 6:30 a.m. Classroom staff (TA's and related service providers) also need to advise their teachers via phone or e-mail that they will be absent.

If (should not be a routine occurrence) you should miss the 6:30 a.m. reporting deadline, you are required to report your absence to your attendance officer, usually the Administrative Assistant for your site/supervisor, who will enter your absence on AESOP. In addition, you will need to notify your classroom teacher; and, you may also be required to notify your principal depending on the procedures of your assigned site.

2016-2017 Attendance Officers


Attendance Officer

Catskill Academy/Goff MS/ICC

Gwen Thorpe

George Washington/CHS

Beverly Grochan

Rensselaer Academy/RCSD/PE

Katlyn Kish


Sackett Center/Red Mill/Maple Hill Melissa Mandell

The Academy at REC/Sarah's Sisters Rachel Fay


Gwen Thorpe

TVI, DHH, Music

Nataly Dee

Social Workers

If academy-based ? call that site's

attendance officer

If district-based ?Rachel Fay


If academy-based ? call that site's

attendance officer

If district-based ?Rachel Fay

Telephone # 518-719-1440 518-283-2752 518-396-3520

518-479-3520 518-273-4264 518-719-1440 518-479-6950



Reminder: AESOP only searches for a sub for a teaching assistant position, not for a teacher. If an absence for a teaching assistant who is elevated is not entered by the teaching assistant when the teacher is absent, no sub will be contacted by AESOP (further details on AESOP entries will be sent).

Attendance Procedures ? ().

Additional general information and procedures will be sent in a few days.

If you have any questions, or you cannot access information referenced in this outline, please email Robin Sobol (rsobol@) or her assistant, Deb McDermott (dmcdermott@), or call us at 479-6849.


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Thursday Tuesday

9/1 Organization?wide Orientation/Staff Development Day to be held in Albany, Empire State Plaza. Details sent from Questar III Executive Office.

9/6 Classroom set-up day. Teachers and teaching assistants report to their classroom sites. Academy Faculty Meetings will be held at each Academy site.

Information for meetings of related services was provided in the placemen letters.

Wednesday 9/7 Students Arrive ? 1st Quarter begins

Wednesday 9/7 All related services including PE to begin


9/8 Teacher meetings for Catskill, George Washington, RA, and the Academy at REC following dismissal. Teacher/PBIS meeting for Sackett following dismissal.



Schedules due from all teachers and Related Providers. Send via e-mail to Stephanie Donnelly. (Stephanie.donnelly@)



Provider Student Summaries due from Related Service Providers. Forms are fillable and need to be typewritten. When complete, please send to Nataly Dee. (nataly.dee@)

Thursday Friday

Monday Monday

9/15 9/16

9/19 9/26

PBIS meeting for GW following dismissal. IEP Front page signed by teachers, TA's, nurses, PE Teachers and related service providers ? due to Principals. Faculty/PBIS meetings for RA and The Academy at REC following dismissal. NYSAA (AIM) Strand Meeting ? 3:00 p.m., Central Office Board Room. Note: NYSAA Training schedule and Data Collection period will be provided at meeting.

Schedule Pending

Schedule Related services meetings (OT/PT, Speech, TVI, DHH, pending Music)

Dates being finalized

Baseline Assessments dates to be sent


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Document Repository

Document Repository is an online document management solution designed exclusively for Special Education. It allows your district to store, manage and access documents electronically. It is fast, easy to use and cost effective. Document Repository allows you to:

? Store electronic documents in IEP Direct at the individual student level ? Access documents electronically by authorized individuals ? Organize documents by category/type ? Search for documents by multiple criteria ? Securely manage documents electronically ? Restrict editing of the content of documents after they have been stored ? Save time and storage space ? Reduce paper and redundancy of effort

There are several categories of documents that can be stored on Document Repository. The services you provide will determine the categories to which you have access. Some categories are view only while in others additions and edits can be made. Note: once a document has been uploaded it cannot be altered. If changes need to be made to a document it must be deleted from the system and reloaded. Contact your supervisor if you are not able to access documents you think are relevant to your work.

The following people will have access to these categories and will be able access these




Types of Documents


Behavioral, Educational, IEP

BIPS, FBA, Progress Notes

OT/PT, Speech Therapy

Behavioral, OT, PT, Prescriptions, Speech/Language

Prescription for Related Service, Referral for Psychological Counselling Services, Progress Reports

Social Workers/ Psychologists

Behavioral, Prescriptions, Other Professional Reports, Psychological

BIPS, FBA, Psychiatric Consults

Viewing a Document

1. Click the student's name on the My Students screen or the or for the student.

2. Click

, located on the sub-navigation bar to the right of the

Reports/Assessments Tab.

3. To sort the documents, click the Sort By drop down menu and select one of the following choices:

Category Document Date Document Title Relevancy Uploaded On


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4. Click on the document title.

5. Click Open when prompted.

6. The document will now display for viewing on the screen. When finished reviewing/reading the document, close the document and return to the Document Repository screen.

Searching for a Document

1. Click the student's name on the My Students screen or the or for the student.

2. Click

, located on the sub-navigation bar to the right of the

Reports/Assessments Tab.

3. In the search text box on the top left side of the Document Repository screen, type in a keyword or phrase.

4. Next, select a category to search from the drop down menu and then click


a. The default value is set to All. This will search through all visible categories for the keyword or phrase entered in the Search field.

b. When all documents meeting the category selected appear, click the Relevance drop down to further sort the documents by Document Date, Document Title, or Uploaded On.

i. Click Clear Sort to return to the original display of searched document.

To perform an Advanced Search:

1. Click

, located next to

, to display the Advance Search screen.

2. Users can enter criteria in any of the field that display.

a. Enter any additional fields to search as desired.

b. Click


3. The documents stored that meet the criteria selected will display.


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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