Ch. 2 Grammar Notes

Ch. 2 Grammar Notes Forming Questions

? When speaking you can turn a sentence into a yes/no question just by raising the pitch of your voice on the end of the sentence.

example: Does she speak Spanish? = ?Ella habla espa?ol?

? Yes/no questions can also be formed by using inversion. With inversion the verb comes first and the subject of the verb comes after.

examples: Does she speak Spanish? = ?Habla ella espa?ol?

? Questions are also sometimes formed by placing ?no? or ?verdad? at the end of a statement.

examples: You work at 8:00, don't you? = T? trabajas a los ocho, ?no? They are from Mexico, right? = Ellos son de M?xico, ?verdad?

? Question words (who, what, when, etc.) are also used to form questions in Spanish.

examples: Where is he? = ?D?nde est? ?l? Where do they work? = ?D?nde trabajan ellos? Why are you (familiar) studying? = ?Por qu? estudias? Who is talking (one person)? = ?Qui?n habla? Who is talking (more than one person)? = ?Qui?nes hablan?


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