
Evaluation |Activities |Teaching Resources |Learning Strategy |Skills |New vocabulary |Aims |Contents |Month | | |Making A carton clock |Students' Book- Workbook |Pair work


Groups |-Listening for details

-Asking for and giving personal information.

-Scanning text for key information

-Writing notes of details from written text

-Describing languages

-Taking notes from spoken texts

-Talking about and reading timetables

-Writing times

-Matching words with pictures |first name, last name,Japan, Japanese,

Turkey, Turkish, (first) language, grammar,

spelling, pen friend,

break (noun), lesson,science, timetable

|• Demonstrate a developing academic vocabulary

• Demonstrate the ability to introduce themselves and


• Help and support classmates carry out classroom tasks

• Listen to and interact with teachers and peers

• Participate actively in English learning tasks

• Produce a variety of written texts for different purposes

• Respond in interpersonal situations

• Skim and scan written texts

• Use classroom language

• Use dictionary skills |Unit One

New People |September | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals Groups |=Listening to and saying a rhyme

=Matching words with pictures

=Asking and answering about location

=Listening for sequence of actions

=Listening for instructions

=Saying instructions in sequence

=Scanning for detail |head teacher,

instructions, science lab,

sports hall, toilet,

pick up, take out,

dream, idea, lion,


|• Ask for correction, clarification or verification of information

• Combine and substitute language items

• Listen and respond to directions and commands

• Help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• Listen to and interact with teachers and peers

• Participate actively in English learning tasks

• Participate in guided conversation

• Respond in interpersonal situations, listening to and interacting with teachers and peers |Unit Two

New Classes | | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals Groups |=Listening for detail

=Scanning for detail

=Talking about a family

=Taking notes from a spoken text

=Asking and answering about work

=Reading for specific information

=Matching pictures with sentences

=Asking and answering about personal

preferences |daughter, grandfather,

grandmother, single,son, wife, businessman,

clinic, housewife,

post office, postman,

sales, assistant, tourist,company, baker, bakery

deliver, secretary, sell,use, clinic, examine,medicine, patient, X-ray

|• combine and substitute language items

• deduce meaning from existing knowledge

• draw conclusions from texts

• exchange information about their hopes/dreams

• express facts

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom


• listen to and interact with teachers and peers

• paraphrase spoken texts

|Unit Three

Family,Home and Work |October | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals Groups |=Describing a doctor's routine in detail

=Explaining preferences

=Telling a partner about your hopes/dreams

|age,centimetre, gram,height, kilogram, light

measure,metre,weigh, weight, million,tone, kilometre, far, high,length, vehicle, lake,

mountain, wide, |• deduce meaning from existing knowledge

• describe objects

• describe themselves and others in terms of age, gender, etc.

• express facts

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks |Unit Four

How Tall Are You ? |October | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals Groups |=Asking and answering about ability

=Saying a rhyme

=Listening for detail

=Asking and answering about extent and amounts

=Predicting answers to written questions

=Expressing facts about ability

=Skimming and scanning a text for information

=Answering written comprehension questions

|fit, smell, taste,

litre, until

blind, deaf, Braille

|• deduce meaning from existing knowledge

• engage in silent reading express facts

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom


• know and use rhythm/sentence stress patterns


• make predictions about upcoming information in oral


• participate actively in English learning tasks

|Unit Five

Things We Can Do ? | | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals Groups |

=Listening for correct order of information

=Understanding a spoken timetable

=Making notes of details from spoken texts

=Asking and answering about the times of

future events

=Talking about the details of a timetable

=Writing analogue times

=Scanning texts for key information

=Making notes of details from written texts

=Skimming texts for gist


advertisement, Bedouin

village, timetable,

travel, airport, comfortable,

fabulous, famous,visitor

temple, treasures, valley Science Museum

, bus station,

go back |• help and support classmates carry out classroom tasks

• listen to and interact with teachers and peers

• make notes from spoken and written texts

• paraphrase and plan spoken and written texts

• produce a variety of written texts for different purposes

• recognise that some words which sound the same can

have different spellings and meanings

|Unit Six

Time to see Egypt |November | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals Groups |=Reading for specific information

=Listening for detail

=Saying what was happening at a specific


=Listening to check information

=Listening for the order of events

=Retelling a story from pictures in writing

=Retelling a story from pictures orally |prize, send, surprised,

win, cover, hold, baby,

fall off, helicopter,

swerve, while, banana peel

|• Engage in silent reading

• Exchange information about general events

• Express ideas and opinions in simple sentences

• Generate ideas before writing

• Help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• Identify and use complex structures

• Make predictions about information in oral or written texts

|Unit Seven

Soha's Poem |November | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |=Listening and repeating new language

=Reading written texts aloud

=Asking and answering about the properties of materials

=Listening for detail

=Asking and answering about, and describing an experiment

|brick, float, glass

, metal,paper, plastic, sink, wood, add, sum,divide by,

multiply by, take away, edge, experiment,time,

shape, tank,

(verb) weight difference, |• deduce meaning and rules from context

• draw conclusions from spoken or written texts

• express facts, ideas and opinions in simple sentences

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• make reports based on spoken or written information

• participate actively in English learning tasks

• understand and respond to simple questions in English |Unit Eight

Fun with Science and maths | | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups

|Listening for detail

Describing and doing mathematical tasks

Forming and saying sentences from

written prompts to re-tell a story

Listening for a sequence

Reciting a rhyme |environment, look after,

nature, puzzle, try,dolphin, fine (noun),pay, capital letter,

ordinal numbers

|• deduce meaning from context

• demonstrate awareness of social responsibility

• engage in silent reading

• exchange information about general events

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom


|Unit Nine

A Clean Place to Live |December

| | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork -

Individuals - Groups |=Listening for specific information

=Following a text while it is read out

=Asking and answering about spoken and written texts

=Skimming and scanning a text to find language patterns

=Asking and answering about what is in a picture |carrots, courgettes,

dessert, mind,

onions, salad, juice,cooking oil, garlic,(verb), jar, pan, salt,spoon, coffee , line, space, size |• assess success while completing a learning task

• deduce meaning and rules from context

• draw conclusions from spoken and written texts

• engage in silent reading

• express likes, dislikes and personal preferences

• give and respond to directions and commands

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom


• participate actively in English learning tasks |Unit Ten

What's for Lunch ? | | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups

|=Reading to match sentences with pictures

=Listening for gist and for specific detail

=Asking and answering about why people are unable to do things

=Reading a text to detect language patterns

=Describing what is shown in pictures |problem, salty, enough,

full, advice, empty

(verb), queue, syllable

|• discuss topics of current interest

• engage in silent reading

• express points of view

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• identify and use spoken or written words and phrases

• identify the syllable as a meaningful unit of a word in English

|Unit Eleven

She 's too busy |December

| | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |Reciting a rhyme

Reading and scanning texts for specific detail

Asking and answering about a text

Reading for global understanding

|butcher's, chemist's,

greengrocer's, grocer's, corner

headache, medicine,

bank |• deduce meaning from existing knowledge

• discuss topics of current interest

• give and respond to directions and commands

|Unit Twelve

Shops and Shopping | | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |Reading and scanning texts for specific


Asking and answering about a text

Asking for and giving suggestions

Reading for gist and main ideas

Matching titles to short reading texts

Listening for specific information |CD, enjoy, sport,

suggestion, enjoyable,

funny, helpful,

interesting, joke,

useful, footprint, hunt,

across, finally, stress

|• analyse a variety of reading texts

• deduce meaning and rules from context

• deduce meaning from existing knowledge

• engage in silent reading

• express likes, dislikes and personal preferences

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• identify the syllable as a meaningful unit of a word in English

|Unit Thirteen

What Should I buy ? |February | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |=Reading and scanning texts for specific detail

=Making and saying sentences by

transforming prompts

=Reading and matching texts with key

points and pictures

=Reading for global understanding

=Reading for specific information

=Asking about and saying how to get from place to place |brontosaurus, cheetah,

compare, enormous,

whale, world, common,

dinosaur, fed/feed,

frightening, iguanodon,

massive, probably,

pterodactyl, sharp, tail,

tyrannosaurus, unusual

|• analyse and critique a variety of reading texts

• draw conclusions form spoken and written texts

• engage in silent reading

• express ideas and opinions in simple sentences

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• listen to and interact with teachers and peers

• make reports based on written and spoken information

• participate actively in English learning tasks

• recombine and substitute language items

• respond in interpersonal situations

• respond orally and in writing to content presented |Unit Fourteen

Comparing Things |February

| | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups | |boot, engine, magic, bring ,ancient, birth, become, date of death, die, look ,important, king, |• Begin to develop vocabulary notebooks

• deduce meaning and rules from context

• deduce meaning from existing knowledge

• identify and use complex structures |Unit Fifteen

| | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |=Recognising, forming and saying positive and negative statements to

practise new structures

=Reading for the main ideas and for

specific detail

|cleaned, done,finished,put away, swept, taken,

tidied,washed, bought,had, learned, made,moved, started, used

|• assess success after completing a learning task

• demonstrate a developing academic vocabulary

• demonstrate a knowledge of grammatical structures

• engage in silent reading

• give and respond to instructions

|Unit Sixteen

Changes |March | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |=Reading for detail

=Recognising and understanding positive

and negative statements in the present perfect

=Reading for the main ideas and for specific detail

=Writing sentences using the present perfect

=Asking and answering about cities,nationalities and languages

=Reading and following instructions |Arabian, West, Jordan,visited (past participle)

consonant, double,

regular past participles:

changed, happened,

multiplied, travelled,


|• assess success after completing a learning task

• engage in silent reading

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• identify the purpose of learning tasks

• make reports based on spoken and written info.

• skim and scan written texts

• understand the meaning of a short dialogue

• use sentence patterns to convey meaning

• use visual clues to predict meaning |Unit Seventeen

We've been very busy

|March | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |Reading for detail

Recognising and understanding positive

and negative statements in the present


Reciting a rhyme

Deducing meaning of new words from


|already, iron, yet:

bought, ironed, phoned,


Jordan, visited (past participle)

just, soon

past participles: eaten,

forgotten, left

|• engage in silent reading

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• identify the purpose of learning tasks

• identify the syllable as a meaningful unit in an English word

• make reports based on spoken and written information

• participate actively in English learning tasks

• respond in interpersonal situations

|Unit Eighteen

Have you done your h.w yet ? | | | |Using Internet to make a research about Dugongs |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups | |keyboard, mouse website, dugong,


form, fins, tusks,control, kangaroo,

command,modem, |• describe objects

• engage in silent reading

• fill in forms and applications

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• identify the purpose of learning tasks

• label classroom objects |Unit Nineteen

Under the Sea | | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |=Reading for detail

=Listening to learn correct pronunciation

=Asking and answering questions about

a text

=Listening for specific detail

=Asking and answering about people's holidays

=Writing the correct words to complete sentences

=Completing tables |friendly, since,

fins, flippers,

overseas, fire,

against, canal,

headlines, main,news,

news report, points , report, reporter, team,robbery, steal ,thief , zero, arrest, rob,European

|• generate ideas before writing

• make reports based on spoken and written information

• participate in guided conversations

• respond orally and in writing to information given

• revise and edit written texts |Unit Twenty

How long have you been here ?

|April | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |Reading for detail

Listening to learn correct pronunciation and stress patterns

Reciting a rhyme

Asking and answering questions orally about written text

Reading for gist, for specific details and the main ideas

Reading to sequence parts of a process

Transforming active sentences into passive sentences

Asking and answering about inventions |cotton, empty, fill,become, cover, diesel,

form (v), oil, kerosene,

Kuwait,petrol, rock, sand,drill, hole,massive, pipe, port,pump, refinery, surface,

invent, builder, design(n), designer, user invention,


|• express facts

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• participate actively in English learning tasks

• recognise grammatical structures

• recombine and substitute language items

• search, predict and confirm while reading

• selectively listen to and read texts of varying lengths

and difficulty

• skim and scan written texts

• take notes from spoken and written texts |Unit Twenty One

Things we can use

| | | |Making a Poster about the importance of water |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |Reading for detail

Reading and reciting a poem

Listening for correct pronunciation and stress patterns

Asking and answering questions orally about written texts

Reading for gist, detail, global understanding Reading an experiment |blow, plan (v), boil,check, discover, freeze, jug,

freezer, kettle, tap, tower,

bottle top, nail,

aqueduct, lift buffalo,religious

waterwheel, get better,join |• assess success after completing a learning task

• engage in silent reading

• express personal reactions and feelings about literary texts

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom


• make predictions about information in spoken or

written texts

• recognise grammatical structures

• recombine and substitute language items

• respond orally and in writing to information give

|Unit Twenty Two

Water and more water | | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |=Reading for gist and detail

=Reading and correcting incorrect sentences

=Listening to learn correct pronunciation and stress

=Reading sentences and choosing adverbs

=Completing sentences to summarise parts of a story

=Listening to assess a completed task

=Saying what will happen next

=Reading sentences and matching them with the pictures

=Writing what you have deduced about a situation

|carefully,happily, locked ,loudly, quickly, sadly,


flash, nervously,

professor, time

machine, true,

university, wrong,get away, frightened,

thirsty, unhappy,

importantly, tidily

|• draw conclusions about context, events, characters and setting

• engage in silent reading

• exchange information about current or past events and aspirations in one's personal life and in those of

family, friends and community

• express agreement and disagreement

• make predictions about information in spoken or written texts

• observe and model how others speak and behave in specific social situations

|Unit Twenty Three

The Time Machine P. I |April | | | |Students' Book- Workbook |Pairwork

Individuals - Groups |Reading for gist

Transforming and writing conditional


Self-assessing: reviewing predictions

made earlier in the unit

Forming and writing conditional

sentences with unless

Listening for detail: whether statements

are true or false

Listening to assess a completed task

Telling a story orally

Reading and answering comprehension


|hide, unless, work

(= function), worried,

capture, either,kill, root, mind ,



re-check, re-do,re-read, unhealthy,

unhelpful, unhurt,

unusual, untidy

|• assess success after completing a learning task

• express likes, dislikes and personal preferences

• help and support classmates to carry out classroom tasks

• identify and use complex structures

• interview classmates and others

• know and use word-formation processes and the change of meaning or word class

• observe and model how others speak and behave in specific social situations

• paraphrase and outline spoken and written texts

• produce a variety of written texts for different purposes

• recombine and substitute language items |Unit Twenty Four

The Time Machine P. II |May | |




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