Biology Review

Name: __________________________


Scientific Theory & Scientific Theory vs. Law (SC.912.N.3.1/ SC.912.N.3.4)

1. Define the following:

a. Independent Variable:

b. Dependent Variable:

c. Control:

d. Controlled experiment:

e. Hypothesis:

2. You have measured the rate at which a fish breaths at various temperatures by counting the rate at which its gills open. The data table is shown below.

|Breathing Rate (breaths/minute)|Temperature (°C) |

|19 |5 |

|25 |10 |

|30 |20 |

|34 |30 |

|38 |35 |

a. What is the independent variable? Explain why.

b. The dependent variable? Explain why.

c. What happens to breathing rate with increase in temperature?

d. What might be an example of a control in this experiment?

e. What do you think would happen if you raised the temperature even more? Why would it be a bad idea to do this?

3. A test was conducted to determine the highest possible soda geyser when placing Mentos into the soda. The following data was collected:

| |Soda A |Soda B |Soda C |Soda D |

|Type of Diet soda |Diet Coke |Diet Coke |Diet Coke |Diet Coke |

|Amount of soda in the container |2 |2 |2 |2 |

|(L) | | | | |

|Temperature of surroundings |24 |24 |24 |24 |

|(oC) | | | | |

|Temperature of beverage |23.9 |23.9 |23.9 |23.9 |

|(oC) | | | | |

|Amount of Mentos given (g) |0 |3 |6 |9 |

|Day the Mentos were dropped |7/8/2007 |7/8/2007 |7/8/2007 |7/8/2007 |

|Estimated height of the soda |0 |250 |300 |300 |

|geyser (cm). | | | | |

a. What is the problem in the above experiment?

b. What is the independent variable?

c. What is the dependent variable?

d. Identify at least 3 control variables in this experiment.

e. Using the information above, would you need to drop 12 Mentos into the diet soda? Explain why or why not.

The Practice of Science (SC.912.N.1.1)

4. List 8 characteristics of living things:









5. What is homeostasis?

Domains & Kingdoms (SC.912.L.15.6)

6. List the 7 levels of classification from Broad to Specific.

7. What is binomial nomenclature and provide an example?

8. Circle each of the following as prokaryotic or eukaryotic AND as autotrophic or heterotrophic AND as unicellular or multicellular.

a. Bacteria pro / eu auto / hetero uni / multi

b. Protists pro / eu auto / hetero uni / multi

c. Plants pro / eu auto / hetero uni / multi

d. Animal pro / eu auto / hetero uni / multi

9. Using the dichotomous key below, Identify each organism:


Using the Cladogram to the Right answer questions 11 & 12

10. Which would be the most primitive organism?

11. Circle 2 organisms that would have the most similar DNA.

12. Are viruses considered living or nonliving? Explain.

13. Compare and Contrast Viruses and bacteria in regard to their structure.

Macromolecules (SC.912.L.18.1)

14. Fill in chart below:

|Organic Molecule: |Contains which of the |Building Blocks: |Function |Examples |

| |following: | | | |

| |C, H, O, N, P | | | |

|Carbohydrates | | | | |

|Lipids | | | | |

|Proteins | | | | |

|Nucleic Acids | | | | |

Enzymes (SC.912.L.18.11)

15. What is the function of an enzyme?

16. How do temperature and pH affect enzymes?

Properties of Water (SC.912.L.18.12)

17. Why is water important to living things?

18. Explain what “Water is Polar” means.

19. Define Surface Tension:

20. Acids have a pH range of

21. Bases have a pH range of

22. Neutral solutions have a pH of

Cell Theory (SC.912.L.14.1)

23. Explain the components of the cell theory.

Cell Structure/Function (SC.912.L.14.2)

24. Define the following:

a. Lipid bilayer –

b. Protein Channels –

25. List the function of the following organelles:

|Organelle |Function |

|Nucleus | |

|Ribosomes | |

|Cell membrane | |

|Cell wall | |

|Mitochondria | |

|Vacuoles | |

|Lysosome | |

|Golgi apparatus | |

|Chloroplast | |

|Endoplasmic reticulum | |

26. Define semi-permeable membrane:

27. In osmosis, water moves from an area of ____ to an area of _____ concentration.

28. In diffusion, molecules move from an area of ____ to an area of _____ concentration.

29. Explain what has happened in the diagram to the left.

a. Why did the large dark molecules NOT move to the left?

b. If the dark molecule is starch, where is the starch concentration greatest (left or right)?

c. If the white molecule is water, where is the water concentration greatest at first?

d. If the dark molecules could move, in what direction would they move? Why?

30. Draw arrows to show which way water will move in each of the following situations:

a. Salt inside the cell = 65% and outside the cell 40%.

b. Sugar inside the cell 27% and outside 80%.

31. Complete the table.

| |Passive Transport |Active Transport |

|Requires energy? | | |

|Low to high or High to low? | | |

|Examples | | |

Comparing Cells (SC.912.L.14.3)

32. Label as many parts of the cells as you can.

[pic] [pic]

33. Which is a plant cell – left or right?

34. List the hierarchy of cell organization from largest to smallest below:

Organelle → Cell →

35. Compare and contrast eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells.

36. Compare and contrast plant cells and animal cells.

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration (SC.912.L.18.7/ SC.912.L.18.8/ SC.912.L.18.9)

37. What is the purpose of photosynthesis?

38. What is the formula for photosynthesis?

39. What are the reactants and products?



40. What is the purpose of cellular respiration?

41. Write the formula for cellular respiration:

42. What is the difference between aerobic & anaerobic respiration?

43. What are the reactants and what are the products of cellular respiration?



44. Cellular Respiration occurs in Plants, Animals or Both?

45. Explain how Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis are related.

46. Photosynthesis occurs in Plants, Animals or Both?

47. What factors affect the rate of photosynthesis?

The Cell Cycle & Mitosis (SC.912.L.16.14/ SC.912.L.16.16/ SC.912.L.16.17/ SC.912.L.16.8)

48. During which phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

49. What is a cell doing during the GI and G2 periods?

50. What happens during cytokinesis?

51. Number the following stages of mitosis (cell division) in order (1-5) and label the phase


_________ __________ _________ _________ _________

52. Complete the following table comparing mitosis and meiosis.

| |Mitosis |Meiosis |

|Type of Reproduction (asexual or sexual) | | |

|Chromosome number of parent cell | | |

|(1N=haploid or 2N=diploid) | | |

|Chromosome number of daughter cells | | |

|(1N=haploid or 2N=diploid) | | |

|Number of Cell Divisions | | |

|Number of Daughter Cells | | |

|When does DNA replication take place? | | |

Transcription/ Translation (SC.912.L.16.5)

53. To the right is a strand of DNA. Give the complementary nucleotide sequence needed to make this a double helix.

54. What are the black pentagons? What are the PO4’s?

55. What kind of bonds hold the two strands of DNA together?

56. Describe the process of transcription and where it happens.

57. If the strand of DNA to the left undergoes transcription, what will the sequence of the mRNA be?

58. What is a codon?

59. Describe the process of translation and where it happens.

60. What kind of bond holds the amino acids together in the protein that is formed?

61. What is the purpose of protein synthesis…what does DNA ultimately code for?

62. Complete the following table comparing DNA and RNA.

| |DNA |RNA |

|Sugars | | |

|Bases | | |

|Number of Strands | | |

|Where in the Cell | | |

|Function | | |

DNA Replication & Mutations (SC.912.L.16.3/ SC.912.L.16.4)

63. Describe the process of DNA replication.

64. What is the end result of DNA replication?

65. What is a mutation?

66. Define point mutation.

67. Discuss the 2 types of Frameshift mutations (Insertions and Deletions).

Mendel’s Laws/Genetics (SC.912.L.16.1)

68. Explain Mendel’s Law of Segregation & Law of Independent Assortment

Patterns of Inheritance (SC.912.L.16.2)

69. Define and provide an example:

a. dominant –

b. recessive –

c. homozygous –

d. heterozygous –

e. genotype –

f. phenotype –

g. incomplete dominance-

h. co-dominance-

70. Sample Monohybrid Cross Question:

| | |

| | |

a. In a genetics laboratory, two heterozygous tall plants are crossed. If tall is dominant over short, what are the expected phenotypic results?

% Tall

% short

71. Sample incomplete dominance question: When Red and white flowers are crossed, pink flowers are produced. What is expected when two pink flowers cross?

| | |

| | |

Key: RR = red WW = white RW = pink


% red

% pink

% white

72. Sample Blood Type (Multiple Allele/ Co-dominant) Question: Mr. Jones has blood type A and Mrs. Jones has blood type AB. What is the probability that they will have a child with blood type A if both of Mr. Jones’s parents were AB?

| | |

| | |

Mr. Jones: IAIA

Mrs. Jones: IAIB

% chance of a child with Type A blood

a. Is it possible for a male with A blood type to have a child with a female B blood type who is O? Explain.

73. Complete the dihybrid crosses and answer the corresponding questions with the following information:

• Dominant allele for tall plants = D

• Recessive allele for dwarf plants = d

• Dominant allele for purple flowers = W

• Recessive allele for white flowers = w

Cross a parent 1 (DdWW) with parent 2 (ddww).

a. What is the probability of producing tall plants with purple flowers?

b. What are the possible genotypes for producing dwarf plants with purple flowers?

74. Why are males more likely to express a sex liked trait?

75. Sample Sex-linked trait Question: Color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait. A mother with normal color vision and a color blind father have a color blind daughter. Explain how this can occur?

76. Answer the following based on the pedigree and information below

In a pedigree, a circle indicates females and a square indicates males and where colored in = affected (bb) and open= unaffected (BB or Bb)

I 1 2

II 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

III 1 2 3 4 5

a. What is the genotype of individual I-1?

b. What is the genotype of II-4?

c. If someone with the genotype similar to II-7 had children with someone with the same genotype as III-3, what are the chances that their childen will be affected?

_______% chance of being affected

Evidence for Evolution/ Natural Selection/ Origin of Life (SC.912.L.15.1/ SC.912.L.16.13/ SC.912.L.16.8)

77. Define natural selection.

78. Define the terms Direct & Indirect Evidence for evolution. Provide examples.

79. Contrast the terms analogous & homologous structures.

80. How does gene mutation lead to variation?

81. What is the difference between the words adapt and acclimate?

82. Define the terms: cladistics, phylogeny, hominid, reproductive isolation and speciation.

Plants (SC.912.L.14.7)

83. Explain the differences between vascular and non-vascular plants. Provide examples

84. What are the 3 major organs of a vascular plant and describe their functions.

85. Define the term pollination & briefly define cross & self-pollination.

86. What is the function of the cell plate and stomata in the plant cell?

87. Define xylem and phloem and explain their functions.


88. Explain the difference between biotic and abiotic factors.

89. Define these types of relationships (symbiosis).

a. mutualism –

b. commensalism –

c. parasitism –

d. predator/prey –

e. competition –

90. What is carrying capacity?

91. How does photosynthesis relate to energy getting into ecosystems?

92. What role do decomposers play in the environment?

93. What is a trophic level?

94. Using the Food Web to the Right, answer the following questions

a. What is the ultimate source of energy for this food web?

b. What are the producers in this food web?

c. What are the primary consumers (herbivores) in this food web?

d. What are the secondary consumers in this food web?

e. What are the Apex level consumers in this food web?

95. Create a trophic level pyramid from the food chain: leaves → insects → birds → red fox → bear

96. Where is the most energy in this pyramid? Where is the least energy?

97. What happens to energy as it moves through the food chain/web?

Human Anatomy & Physiology

98. Answer the following questions based on the brain diagrams

a. Which number points to the cerebrum?

b. Which number points to the cerebellum?

c. The frontal lobe of the cerebrum is located at number ________________.

d. The temporal lobe of the cerebrum is located at number_______________.

99. Follow a drop of blood through the heart starting with the Vena Cava (1)

a. ___ Pulmonary Artery

b. ___Left Ventricle

c. ___Right Ventricle

d. ___Vena Cava

e. ___Aorta

f. ___Left Atrium

g. ___Lungs

h. ___Right Atrium

i. ___Pulmonary Vein

100. Answer the following questions with true or false. If false, note the correct answer.

a. _____ A person with blood type AB is a universal receiver.

b. _____ After egg and sperm meet, the “baby” is referred to as a zygote.

c. _____ During the third trimester the fetus’ heart begins to beat.

d. _____ Arteries pump blood to the heart.

e. _____ A vaccine is administered prior to infection.

f. _____Antibiotics can be used to treat viral infections.

g. _____The CNS includes the brain and spinal cord.

101. Name the hormones and gametes produced by the testes and ovaries.

102. How long does a trimester in pregnancy last?

103. Define the term pathogen, antigen, and antibody.

104. When would one be given a vaccine? When would one be given antibiotic?


Organism B:

Organism A:




Dichotomous Key:

1. a. The animal has eight legs …Arachnida

b. The animal has six legs … go to 2

2. a. The animal has spots … Coleoptera

b. The animal has stripes … Lepisiota

Organism C:


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