Josiah V

Josiah V. Thompson

Uniontown, Pa

Family Record Book


V25 Page 1

Oak Hill Apr 18, 1931 11:20 AM

A letter dated Apr 14, 1931 in answer to my questionnaire from Mrs Lucy C.H. Finley, wife of W. Norville Finley of 903 Cathedral St, Balto, Md sends me an 11 1/2 x 8 1/2 five page perfectly written by herself, record of her husband's branch of the Finley family which I am making a table of commencing on page 2. I have this tabled before, but don't know just what book & page. She says she does not have at hand the exact date of Rev Isham Randolphs [sic] Finley's first marriage which is probably in the large family bible which with many other books is stored away, as I am not keeping house & my husband is in Chicago with our son. She thinks his 2d marriage was 1857 & says her husband was the only child of that union. She speaks of Michael Finley living from 1683 to 1747-50. I have never had exact date or place of his death. She says he first settled on Neshamining Creek Bucks Co, Pa removed to Sabur [best guess] Co NJ (this is significant, make slip) thence to Sadsbury Tp Pa make slip. I sent her the Finley line back to John Finley born 1579 & married 1630. She will want a book.

V25 Page 2 & V25 Page 3

[descendant chart]

Ebenezer Finley merchant in Baltimore, Md born in Penna & died in Balto, Md Sept 13, 1822 aged 56 yrs. He was son of Michael Finley Jr b Feby 3, 1718. Married 1 1784 Jane McKnight born 1766 ob Mch 26, 1809 aged 43 yrs, had eight children. She & he buried at Old Westminster Pres Ch g.y. Balto, Md & dates of deaths of their children David B. & Mary are on the monument. Married 2 Catharine Walker born 1776 ob May 27, 1864 aged 88 yrs, widow of Marshall [sic, is this Marshall Walker or is it a surname Walker?]. Her maiden name was Allen from Williamsburg. She is buried in the Gibson lot (her daughter Anne's) in Greenmount Cem, Balto, Md. Had three children born in Balto, Md.


Michael Finley ob

John McKnight Finley ob

Nancy Finley, ob

David Berry Finley ob

Ebenezer Lewis Finley, ob

Mary Finley, ob

Joseph Washington Finley ob

Samuel Finley, ob

Rev Isham Randolph Finley b Oct 1, 1810 ob July 27, 1882 in NC at home of his daughter Sophia Palmer engaged in business in Ky & later entered ministry of M.E. Church South & later recd degree of D.D. Married 1 Helen Mar [sic] Blue b Jany 17, 1817 ob Apr 24, 1855 had 7 children. She died at Athens, Ala. Married 2 1857 Mary Coulling b Sept 8, 1818 ob Oct 28, 1894 at the home of her sisters in Achland [sic] Va. She was daughter of James & Mary Coulling of Richmond Va. Had one child born in Richmond Va.

John Randolph Finley b 1839 ob 1840

Anna Helen Finley b 1841 ob 1877 at her home in Warren Co NC. No issue. Married John O. Drake.

Catharine Harriet Finley b 1843 in Ky ob 1879 in NC single

John Randolph Finley b Sept 12, 1845 ob 1909 in Ky married Lizzie Gregory six or more children one "Anna Lou" in 1911 was married.

Sophie George Finley b Sept 23, 1847 at LaGrange Tp ob 1908 at Hookerton NC married Jacob Palmer of NC his 2d wife. Have 3 daughters. Data below from a 1911 letter.

Helen Palmer, eldest married her cousin a fine man J. Russell Palmer later a physician who died at his home in Hookerton NC abt 1905 Had 4 children living there in 1911

Sallie Palmer married Eugene Edwards & in 1911 had 3 daughters.

Norville Palmer b 1887 as he was 24 in 1911

Sophie Palmer married Arthur Stamper & in 1911 had 1 child

James Russell Stamper

Helen Palmer b 1896 as she was 15 yrs old in 1911

Mary Palmer married Oliver Fitts of NC & in 1911 had children living.

Emma Palmer living in 1911 with her sister Helen & thinks unmarried.

Eugene Clarence Finley b 1849 at Bardstown, Ky married Jennie Evans of Mo. Last heard from in 1896 from Paducah Ky when he had a 3 yr old daughter.

Emma Berry Finley b in Ky 1853 ob 1858 in Portsmouth Va where her father was there stationed.

William Norville Finley b Dec 27, 1860 in Richmond Va. Entered Mercantile life in Balto, Md in his youth, retired by ill health in 1930. see page 4.

Anna Catharine Finley [daughter of Ebenezer] b Sept 7, 1812 ob 1886 married 1834 Patrick Gibson of Balto Md who ob 1868. They had 7 children.

Sophie F. Gibson ob, married 1864 Mifflin Coulter. Had one child.

Anna Gibson Coulter b 1865 married Albert Gambrill of Balto Md now decd. Have 3 children

Eleanor Gambrill

Virginia Gambrill

Rita Gambrill

Mary E. Gibson ob single

Geo Sanderson Gibson ob 1852

Nannie Gibson, ob single

Maria Gibson ob 1868 married Dr Samuel C. Chew. Her child died in 1867

Katharine Gibson ob single

John Finley Gibson ob 1868 aged 21 yrs

Sophie Hanson Finley b Aug 26, 1814 ob 1870 married as his 2d wife, Samuel K. George. No issue

V25 Page 4 & V25 Page 5

[descendant chart]

William Norville Finley see page 2 born Dec 27, 1860 at Richmond, Va. Living. Married Sept 2, 1886 Lucy Clare Hank of Balto, Md born Oct 21, 1860 at Balto Md daughter of John William Fletcher Hank M.D. & his wife Anna Maria Keener. Have had 7 children all born in Balto, Md. She is my good informant for this record.


Lucy Clare Finley b June 15, 1887. Positions held: Soc Service worker, Federated Charities, Balto Md 1918. Home Service Secy Amer Red Cross Balto Md 1918-20 Med Soc Sen Director Main Public Health Asscn Central Maine Sanatorium 1920-21, Director Med Soc Ser N.E. Div Amer Red Cross, Maine & Mass July 1921 to Oct 20, 1924 Med Soc Ser worker, Boston Dispensary Oct 20, 1924 to Feby 1928 Asst Admitting officer University Clinic, Univ of Chicago Feby 1928 to Nov 1929. Now Chief Admitting officer Indianapolis City Hospital since Nov 1929. She originated in this hospital the first Admitting office in any city hospital along the lines of Social Admitting.

Margaret Warnerick Finley b May 10, 1889 ob May 4, 1893

Eloise Palmer Finley b Mch 4, 1892 occupational Therapist Side St Elizabeth Hospital. [unreadable word] of the Interior Dash D.C. Oct 1919 to Nov 1920. O.T. Aide Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hospital Towson MD Nov 1920-Sept 1922 Supervisor of O.T. Gowanda Stat Hospital Collins NY Sept 1922-July 1923 Supervisor of O.T. Assn for the crippled & disabled Cleveland, O July 1923-Sept 1930. Now director of Occupational Therapy, Bangor State Hospital Bangor Maine since Sept 1930

John Randolph Finley b Oct 11, 1893 ob Oct 12, 1893

Dorothy Randolph Brice Finley B Sept 28, 1895 Secy to Dr W.G. MacCellum prof of Pathology Johns Hopkins University Balto, Md since 1920

John Norville Gibson Finley b Dec 30, 1898 in real estate dept B&O 1915-1921. Berkeley Divinity School Middletown, Conn, Lafayette College Easton, Pa A.B. Johns Hopkins Univ 1926 Asst to 1st Asst librarian at Public Library Balto Md 1926-27 Head of history Dept Handley School Winchester Va since Sept 1928

William Norville Finley Jr b May 12, 1900 2nd Lieut Air Corps U.S.A. Brooks Field Texas 1922 Officers Reserve Corps since 1923 Lafayette College Easton, Pa Columbia Univ NY City 1923-1927, Junior Exec Asst Buyer Buyer Merch Manager Lord & Taylor NY City 1927-1930. Now, since Aug 1930 retail assistant Central Territorial office, Sears Roebuck & Co Chicago, Ills

V25 Page 6

I have a letter dated Apr 6, 1928 (getting back to my old mail having cleaned up recent letters which however continue to come almost daily) from Miss S. Emma Thompson (see b 15 p 126-132) of Box 93, Cherry For, O where I called to see her mother, Mrs Mary Jane Thompson born Jany 14, 1835 on Oct 25, 1925. She says her mother was 93 last Jany & would like to know about her husband's father & mother so I am sending the inscriptions from their tombstones in Cherry Fork, O which I have in book 15 page 113 item 70 & Daniel Thompson was his brother so I am sending it if I am 3 yrs late & she will be 96 & I hope she is still living & having bore [sic] 11 children I hope she completes her 100 years.

His name was Robert Thompson born abt 1786 & he died at Cherry Fork, O June 19, 1832 in his 46th year & is buried there. Make slip to search wills for a Thompson who had sons Robert & Daniel or settlement of estate.

V25 Page 7

Oak Hill Apr 19, 1931 8:20 AM

I have a letter dated Apr 16, 1931 in answer to mine of 11th inst from S.M. Carothers of Sumter SC ackg receipt of letter from Shelby H. Jarman of Waterville, NY which I returned to him & saying he thought he had sent me another letter from him in which he listed the children of Robert Caruthers & his wife Margaret Scott & asks me to make search for it which I will now do as that is the letter & record I want.

He now sends me four pages from Jarman giving abstracts from early wills & deeds 1745-1800 in Augusta Co, Va as relates to the Caruthers name, which I will make note of today & return. He says Jarman has not sent him any further record of the descendants of Robert Caruthers? but would do & wrote him recently that he would send that record & send "certain information of which you do not seem to know" which makes him anxious, but he says Jarman is a busy man & slow.

The Augusta Co, Va records give much about Hugh Caruthers & show that William Caruthers married Margaret McCrosky & her sister had married

V25 Page 8

Samuel Huston (could it have been Genl Sam Houston of Texas?). He thinks it points to William & Hugh perhaps being brothers & shows that Hugh was there in 1754 & in Orange Co NC in 1760 & is surely the same Hugh who settled in Mecklenberg Co NC in 1760 & bought in that year the tract of land from Moses Ferguson which in 1768 he sold to his John. It also shows a Thomas Caruthers there in 1779 who he thinks is the same Thomas who settled in Scott Co Ky in 1785 & died about 1820 who seems to have had a twin brother James who died in Jessamine Co, Ky in 1835 both of whom drew pensions for service in Revolutionary War

from NC. It brings in the Looney, McClung, Taylor, Huston & other families that intermarried with the Caruthers in VA

The Augusta Co, VA transcripts which S.H. Jarman of Waterville NY sent to S.M. Carothers of Sumter SC show as follows:

He says they are found in the records of Augusta Co, Va 1745-1800 from Chronicles of the Scotch Irish Settlement in Va by Lockwood Vol III


Book No 1 William Caruthers appears as appraiser along with others.

page 164 Aug 18, 1749 Thomas Taylor's inventory

V25 Page 9

Page 14, May 21, 1752 John Gray's estate

Page 444 Aug 22, 1752 Alex McCleary's estate

Will Book No 2

Page 145 May 15, 1756 Hugh Caruthers is appraiser in estate of Robert Looney Jr

Page 276, May 6, 1758 will of John McCroskey planter mentions wife Elizabeth, son-in-law William Caruthers, son-in-law Samuel Huston son-in-law James Hope, six sons etc.

Will Book No 3

Page 205 Feby 17, 1758 Col James Patton's estate

on list of bonds, bills etc due the estate is one dated May 6, 1754 vs Hugh Caruthers.

Will book No 4

Page 383 Mch 21, 1771 James Patton's settlement of estate recorded shows payt shows cash recd fr Hugh Caruthers May 17, 1759

Page 468 Nov 21, 1771 Chas McGee Est Saml McRoberts Admr shows payt to Wm Caruthers.

Will book no 5

Page 436 Nov 19, 1776 recorded John Robinson's bill of sale to John Caruthers

Page 459 Nov 19, 1776 Archibald Alexander's bond as sheriff with John McClung, Wm Alexander, Robert Carruthers, & James Lyle

Will book no 6

Page 105 Oct 22, 1779 Rebecca Caruthers (her mark) will to daughter Esther all estate together with £1200 willed to Rebecca by her husband; mother; care of said? children given to executors, for

V25 Page 10

failure then to John Caruthers; to sisters; to brothers; to brother William; to brothers James & John exeutors father John Moffet.

Teste James Cunningham, James Young, Wm Moffet, proved Nov 16, 1779 by Young & Moffet.

This is not understandable. Make slip to see what light Chalkleys records give or get copy.

Page 475 Apr 16, 1785 Sarah Hutchinson's estate appraised by James Caruthers, Wm Black, John Brooks

Will book no 9

Page 311 Mch 6, 1803 David Jackson's will wife Margaret 4 sons & 3 daughters one of them Elizabeth Corothers executors: David Carothers, John Jackson, proved Nov 28, 1803 & exrs qualify.

Will book no 10

Page 179 May 1, 1802 Wm Caldwell's will witnessed by David Caruthers, proved Mch 28, 1808

Will book no 12

page 164 May 25, 1810 David Caruthers will to wife Elizabeth, sons James & John, oldest daughter Jean; daughters; Exrs wife Samuel Jackson (bro of his wife) & James Best Teste, Robert Scott, Wm Eugert, Peggy Jackson & Samuel Jackson (sister & brother of his wife) proved May 27, 1816. Best refuses to qualify others qualify.

V25 Page 11

Deed Book No 1

Page 505 May 18, 1748 John Matthews yeoman to William Carruthers yeoman £65, 297 A. part of Borden's 92,100 A & conveyed by Borden to John Matthews June 11, 1742 on a hill called the Timber Ridge corner to John Gray. Teste Benj Borden, Richard Wood, Alexander McCoskey [sic] ackd May 19, 1748

Deed Book no 5

Page 161 Mch 19, 1753 Borden etc to William Caruthers 340 A of 921,100 A Mathew Lyle's corner: McSpadden's line; Alex McCleery's line.

Page 502 Nov 21, 1753 Wm Coruthers to John White 187 A in Borden's tract. Tract of John Gray decd; McCreary's line, McSpeden's line, Nathan People's corner

Deed book no 6

Page 394 Aug 21, 1754 Borden's Exrs to Samuel Gray, refers to William Caruthers & Samuel Gray's old corner

Page 406 Aug 21, 1754 same to Wm Caruthers £3, 96 A part of 92,100 corner of Wm Caruthers & Samuel Gray delivered to Wm Bowyer May 1758

Deed book no 7

Page 280 Mch 13, 1756 William Caruthers & Margaret to John Macky £115, 361 A. part of Borden's 92,100 & conveyed to William by John Mathews gent June 18, 1784 cor John White in James Greenlee's line; cor Samuel Gray's new survey said Coruthers old survey, references pages 114, 117, 278 & 500 not noted, unmaterial [sic]

V25 Page 12

Deed Book no 8

Page 343 Feby 27, 1760 Hugh Carothers of Orange Co, NC to Margaret Clerk £25, 158 A on James River on Loonie's Creek; cor Robert Sloan's Teste David Lunney, delivered Benj Estill Dec 1761

Page 348 Feby 26, 1760 Hugh Carothers of Orange Co, NC to Jno Buchanan p/a to Convey to Margaret Clerk 86 A adjoining land on which she now lives & on same page same date p/a to James Lawderdale to convey to John Vaunce 300 A on a branch of Loonie's Creek adgj Wm Harbinson.

Pages 359 & 520 show conveyances of above land under sd p/as

Deed Book no 13

Page 43 June 5, 1766 Andrew Stevenson & Sarah and John Paul & Mary to Robert Carruthers £57, 200 A cor Borden's tract

Page 380 Aug 14, 1767 William Carruthers & Margret and Mathew Robertson & Elizabeth to Moses McClure £1.5, 3 1/2 A on South River a branch of North Branch of James River Moses McClure's line.

Deed Book no 14

Page 348 May 10, 1768 deed witnessed by John Carothers

Page 447 Nov 5, 1767 Robert Sloan of Rowan Co NC weaver to Andrew Woods £40, 264 A on Looney's Mill Creek next above Hugh Carothers land

V25 Page 13

Deed Book no 16

Page 372 Apr 20, 1770 John Lowry & Jane to John Carruthers £200, 200 A cor Thos Paxton; cor Mackey' cor Edmiston; Moses Trimble's line, the Barren Hills Teste Archibald Alexander, Halbert McClure Moses Whiteside, delivered John Carruthers Nov 15, 1774

Deed Book no 20

Page 107 Aug 18, 1773 Beverly to David Karethers cor James Karithers

Deed Book no 22

Page 179 Nov 17, 1777 James Carruthers to James Brent tract Carithers now lives on known by name of McCords Draft & on waters of Christian's Creek delivered Daniel Ray Sept 15, 1784

Page 449 Mch 16, 1779 James Cameron & Jean of Washington Co to Thomas Caruthers delivered

N.B. the spelling in the original manuscripts has been followed throughout the above references. S.H.J.

In a note pinned on her Nov 9, 1930 letter to S.M.C. she says she has record of the children of her ggf Andrew Carothers Esq 1778-1836 & his sister Jane born 1774 who married James Bell. I am writing her today for the letter.

5 PM I have recd today fr S.M.C. mailed 17th the record of Robert Carothers children & descendants sent him on 14th inst which I will table in morning. He only gave 3 children but Mrs Jno L. Neely of Nashville, Tenn gave the last 3. See p 18.

V25 Page 14 & V25 Page 15

[descendant chart]

Robert Carothers born Feby 14, 1749, eldest son & child of John Carothers of Cumb Co, Pa & his wife Sarah who had 8 sons & 3 daughters.. Mrs Neely thinks he died at home of his daughter Patsy Mayfield in North Carolina. Married Margaret Scott & had 11 children of whom the first seven were born & the 8th James, was born near Nashville, Tenn as were probably the last three also. He died in Tenn in 1837 as last payt of pension for service in Revolutionary War was made May 4, 1837 see p 66.


Sarah Carothers b Feby 5, 1775 ob married

Martha Carothers b Feby 1777, ob Apr 14, 1779 aged 14 mos see p 64

Margaret Carothers b Aug 25, 1779? ob

Mary Carothers b Dec 11, 178-? ob

William Carothers b Feby 10, 1785 ob, married 1 Feby 9, 1808 Sarah Carothers, thought to have been a daughter of his Uncle Archibald. Married 2d July 29, 1819 Sarah McBride. Married 3rd Sept 18, 1835 Elizabeth Curl.

Archibald Carothers born June 6, 1809 ob 1862 married Juliet M. Adams b Nov 23, 1810 & ob Jany 6, 1856 7 children reported.

William James Carothers b Oct 25, 1828 ob no issue did not live to be grown.

John F. Carothers b Jany 25, 1831 ob married, had family

Robert A. Carothers b Oct 30, 1832 ob no issue did not live to be grown

James Carothers b Aug 5, 1834 ob married had family

Sarah E. Carothers b Dec 2, 1837 ob married Feby 22, 1855 Jasper N. Smith

Eliza Smith, living married F.E. Rankin ob, She lives at Rankin, Tex box 63.

Eliza A. Carothers b Nov 5, 1839 ob married, had family

William Archibald Carothers b May 31, 1842 ob 1862 no issue, killed in war.

Robert Carothers b July 20, 1820 ob married Nov 16, 1843 Mary F. Walker.

Patsy Carothers [daughter of Robert b 1749] b Apr 15, 1787, ob Mch 1871 in Bedford Co, Tenn, married Mayfield

John Carothers b June 25, 1789 ob 1881

James Carothers b Jany 30, 1792 ob May 12, 1865 & is buried near Franklin, Williamson Co, Tenn see page 16

Robert Carothers b Dec 20, 1795 ob July 17, 1873 in Williamson Co Tenn

Andrew Carothers b Dec 5, 1797, ob

Jane Carothers b Apr 22, 1799 ob married Hodge.

V25 Page 16 & V25 Page 17

[descendant chart]

James Carothers see page 15 born Jany 30, 1792 ob May 12, 1865 & is buried near Franklin, Williamson Co, Tenn. He fought in War of 1812. Married 1st Oct 1, 1818 Penelope House Barfield b Mch 22, 1801 ob July 1, 1839 & had 10 children. Married 2nd Oct 22, 1843 Permelia Sellars Noble b Aug 13, 1810 ob June 1, 1892 & had 2 children.


Volantic Jane Carothers b Sept 17, 1819 ob May 30, 1858 married 1st Aug 25, 1836 Thos J. Cook. No issue. Married 2nd Sept 21, 1853 Edward L. Jordan.

Zelotia Carothers b Aug 30, 1821 ob Sept 7, 1821

James Lewis Carothers b Aug 23, 1822 ob Jany 26, 1860 married Feby 25, 1849 Isadora M. Carsay [best guess]

Robert Blake Carothers b July 28, 1824 ob Jany 23, 1884 married 1 Sept 9, 1846 Margaret J. Crockett, married 2 Oct 25, 1849 Priscilla R. Hodge, married 3 Nov 19, 1851 Ann J. Hold married 4, May 31, 1854 Martha Fletcher & had one son, married 5 Sept 7, 1856 Mary Caroline German & had 2 boys & 5 girls, married 6 Aug 6, 1875 Mrs Mary Porter, Richardson.

Nancy House Carothers b Aug 29, 1826 ob Apr 16, 1850 married Sept 10, 1846 Thomas Scott Crutcher & had 2 children. Laura Scott Crutcher b Mch 13, 1848 married Feby 5, 1874 Rev G.L. Williams. Have 3 girls

Mamie House Crutcher b Feby 19, 1850 married Joel Walker Jones Carter. Four children reported.

Birdie Margaret Carter b Feby 25, 1873 married Sperry H. Goodloe

Joel Carter Goodloe b Dec 1, 1903 only child

Joel Bentz Carter b Jany 9, 1876, married Feby 1922 Pearl Cobb. No issue.

Horace Jones Carter b Aug 18, 1878 married Oct 1904 Susie Gordon. He died Sept 4, 1925

Esther Armine Carter b Dec 12, 1886 married Dec 26, 1905 M. Elville Morton Wheeler

Albert Johnson Wheeler b Oct 1, 1907

Wiley Blount Carothers b Mch 6, 1830 ob Nov 28, 1875 married June 12, 1861 Isadora M. Carothers, widow of his brother James L. No issue.

Mary Margaret Carothers b Apr 25, 1832 ob Jany 21, 1879

Penelope Barfield Carothers b Mch 6, 1834 ob Feby 26, 1923 married Dec 5, 1854 Prof George W. Jarman b May 14, 1826 near Leighton, Ala ob, son of Amos Jarman & wife Mary Green. Had six children, the last one born in Jackson, Tenn & the other five in Murfreesboro, Tenn.

Mary Noble Jarman b Aug 6, 1856 ob June 21, 1890 married A.P. Bourland, no issue

Maggie Florence Jarman b Aug 27, 1859 ob Aug 4, 1882, no issue.

George Wallace Jarman Jr b Dec 28, 1861 married Oct 12, 1893 Patty Shelby Hammond, living Princess Anne Co, Md she was born July 6, 1868 in Ripley, Miss, daughter of Judge Eli Shelby Hammond & wife Frances Elizabeth Davis. Had 3 children all born in New York, City.

George Wallace Jarman b May 29, 1895 married Jany 1923 Virginia Tyson b June 6, 1897 in Birmingham, All see p 66.

Mary Patricia Jarman b Aug 10, 1924

Shelby Hammond Jarman b Aug 4, 1897 married June 25, 1924 Margaret Dunn Duval b Dec 13, 1901 see p 66. He is informant for this record sent to S.M.C.

Martha Frances Jarman b Aug 11, 1927

Martha Frances Jarman b Feby 5, 1901

Jennie Carothers Jarman [daughter of Prof George W. b 1826] b Nov 14, 1864 ob Jany 4, 1915 no issue

James Franklin Jarman b July 28, 1867 married Eugina Maxey

Walton Maxey Jarman b May 10, 1904 married Oct 10, 1928 Sarah McFarriss Anderson

Attie Vernon Jarman b Sept 1, 1906 married Sept 15, 1927 Thos Peters Kennedy. Have 1 girl & 1 boy

James Franklin Jarman b Oct 19, 1921

Willie Strat [sic] Jarman b Jany 16, 1876 ob Feby 7, 1885

Thomas Jefferson Carothers [son of James b 1792] b June 15, 1893 ob June 15, 1905 married Oct 30, 1866 Sarah Josephine McEwen

James Carothers

Elizabeth Noble Carothers b July 21, 1845 ob Mch 19, 1891 married Dec 18, 1867 George Logan Neely



John L. Neely see p 63 married Varrie? Leech. She lives at Nashville, Tenn & is S.M.C's informant for part of this record.

Elizabeth Neely

John Noble Carothers b Sept 24, 1847 ob Nov 26, 1883 married Oct 21, 1868 Lucy T. Winstead

Noble Winstead Carothers

V25 Page 18

Oak Hill Apr 20, 1931 12:44 PM

I have just finished the four preceding pages from data furnished & dates given by Shelby H. Jarman of Waterville, NY to whom I am sending a questionnaire today and by Mrs John L. Neely of Nashville, Tenn. I am writing to S.M.C. today for her address & her own record if he has not sent it to me. see page 13.

In Mr Jarman's letter of 14th inst (which I am rtg with record today to S.M.C.) he says he was in NY City Genealogical Soc, but found nothing on the Carothers family he had not already seen & found nothing on the Potts. On his next trip to NY he will try to visit the NY Public Library which has a splendid Genealogical Department. Make slip.

Last night, in reading this Apr 1931 number of S.A.R. Magazine I found among list of new members on page 502:

Benj Franklin Myers Cassiday, Springfield, Ills No 50980

Son of James Buchanan Cassiday & his wife Millie Raine Myers

Grandson of Benj F. Myers & wife Virginia Bull,

Great grandson of Benjamin Myers & wife Mary Carothers

gggson of William Carothers & Elizabeth Showers

ggggson of John Carothers, Capt in Pa Militia

Writing him today. I got trace of this branch from Mrs Mary Alice McCollough at Newville, Pa July 30, 1926 see b 17 p 267 et seq & pages 108 & 11 & 58 & also b 20 p 62 & 475 etc.

V25 Page 19

Oak Hill Apr 21, 1931 5:55 PM

I came last night to a letter dated Apr 15, 1925 in answer to mine of Apr 10, 1925 from Harry O. Secrest of the Secrest Motor Co Euclid Ave & E 8th St which had been laid aside because no book or page was given. I commenced at date of my letter & going back to but second genealogical table found record of his mother Mary Melvina Finley book 13 p 98 & reference there to her sister Sarah Finley & recorded there & on next page 20 the information he gave. He said he would get & forward later the record of the Cunninghams & Hatfields of Wooster, O. His sister, Aura Etta Secrest born Apr 17, 1869 married a Paisley, are separated & she lives in Wooster, O where she clerks in a store & is said to have records. Make slip. Am writing him today.

V25 Page 20 & V25 Page 21

[descendant chart]

Sarah Finley see b 7 p 227 daughter of Samuel Finley 1800-1880 of Ebenezer of Rev James 1725-1795 born Apr 17, 1839 ob Jany 4, 1914. Married Feby 19, 1862 near Cumberland, O Joseph Wilson McCracken born Oct 31, 1842 & on Apr 15, 1925 was still living. He was or is son of James McCracken & wife Mary Ann Mullen. Have two children.


Charles Hurd McCracken b Nov 15, 1864 ob June 14, 1924 married Oct 26, 1892 in Cumberland, Ohio Ora Green daughter of Benjamin & Jane Green. Had two children.

Carrie Blanche McCracken b Mch 3, 1894

Howard Wilmer McCracken b Mch 15, 1898 married Sept 18, 1919 in Zanesville, Ohio Doris Smith daughter of Frank & Zana Smith. Have one child.

Howard Richard McCracken b Aug 1, 1921

Carrie McCracken b Oct 1, 1869, single

V25 Page 22

A letter dated Nov 15, 1924 from Gertrude B. Moore (Mrs Wm C. Moore) of 70 Auburn Ave, Columbus, O asks about her Thompson line & says they came to Licking Co, O early in 1800 (or does she mean early in the 1800s) from Adams Co Pa. She only knew of three children, Mary Ann, John & Andrew. She don't know the name of their father, but thinks it was James as there was a James died in Licking Co, O who came from Adams Co, Pa. Make slips to search records in Adams Co, Pa & also for will of a James Thompson in Licking Co, O

Mary Ann married David Moore also of Adams Co, Pa

John Thompson married Barbara Nilson & Mary McKinney

Andrew _______

She had been told they had a brother living in Mechanicsburg, Pa Cumb Co, but never heard his name. Make slip.

She is in despair about finding her gggfather Robert McClelland who was born about 1762 supposedly either in Fayette or Westnd Co, Pa. He married Margaret Howe (or Hone) from some place in Pa. She was born abt 1765.

V25 Page 23

Another letter dated Oct 26, 1926 from Miss S. Emma Thompson, box 93, Cherry Fork, O thanks me for the birthday remembrance to her mother Mary Jane Thompson born Jany 14, 1835 & says she had a cold & cough & sends me four pages, note size record of her grandfather Robert Thompson evidently a bible record, but she does not say where she got it - just says was sent to them. I am tabling it on next pages 24-25 in connection with their own record, gotten Oct 26, 1925 see b 15 p 126-132 & add record to this table when time permits. See also b 15 p 113 item 70. Mrs Thompson [says] that his second wife was Mary Robinson from Westnd Co & this record gives her name as Clara Robertson.

The record sent gives the following additional data which I can't place:

Mary A. James was born Aug 10, 1843

Mary A. James died Dec 8, 1867

The naming of his oldest son William by Robert Senior 1786-1832 points strongly to that being his father's name. Make search at Greensburgh, Pa.

I have a letter dated Jany 26, 1928 from Wm Stranathan D.D.S. Natl Military Home, Dayton, O referred to me by his cousin A.T. Secrest Pleasant City, O. A.T.'s father James Madison Secrest being a half brother of Stranathan's mother Mary D. Secrest, their grandfather Harrison Secrest having married 1st Hulday Thompson & 2d Eliza Allison He seeks inf abt his Allison ancestors, early comers to Fayette Co, Pa. While it is not in any of our lines it is so remarkable that I am recording it on pages 26-7

V25 Page 24 & V25 Page 26

[descendant chart]



Robert Thompson born June 1, 1786 ob June 19, 1832 & is buried at Cherry Fork, O He was a wheelright [sic] & at an early day, came to Adams Co, O from Westmoreland Co, Pa (make slip) & built a mill. Married 2nd Jany 5, 1808 Clara Robertson of Westnd Co, Pa who was born June 28, 1784 ob Nov 18, 1867 aged 83 yrs 3 mos 20 days by her tombstone at Cherry Fork, O where her name is given as Mary, not Clara. This record gives births of 9 children.

William Thompson b Oct 3, 1808 lived at Cherry Fork, O married Agnes Wilson

Wilson Thompson

a daughter died of diptheria

Daniel Thompson b June 4, 1810

Sarah Thompson b July 6, 1811 ob Sept 7, 1848 married Jany 19, 1832 Jonathan Postelweight, 4 girls & 4 boys

Catherine Thompson b Mch 19, 1913 married Nov 17, 1836 John McCormick

Mary Thompson b Feby 25, 1814 married May 28, 1835 Andrew Carl

Robert F. Carl b Apr 11, 1836

Nancy Thompson b Dec 13, 1815 ob married Asel Baylers & had 6 children.

Margaret Thompson b Mch 13, 1818 ob married Sylvester Mathews. Had 4 girls & 4 boys

Elizabeth Thompson b Mch 23, 1820

Robert Thompson b Mch 20, 1823 ob Aug 11, 1885 married 1 Margaret Finley 2 children b 15 p 127, Married 2 Mary Jane Sowers 11 children b 15 p 130 who was born Jany 14, 1835 & died Mch 25, 1931

10. Deborah Thompson b Dec 16, 1872, still living, married Edwin Stanton Gregg b Sept 15, 1864 ob Jany 4, 1905 & buried at Fincastle, Brown Co, O was a machinist, son of Oliver Gregg & his wife Bertha Catherine Holmes. Had 4 children, first two born at Peebles, O, 3 at Rardin.

Hazel Hortence Gregg b Aug 2, 1894 married Nov 8, 1914 Otto R. Campbell a carpenter

Philip Campbell b Jany 29, 1916 at Leesburg, O

Olga Kathryn Gregg b Jany 3, 1899 single Lingerie buyer in Cincin, O

Helen Gregg B Aug 5, 1900 ob Aug 7, 1904

Robert Thompson Gregg b May 4, 1903 married Aug 16, 1928 Eunice Brown of West Union, O. No children. He is a hardware merchant at Winchester, O. Mother lives with him.

Daniel Thompson [brother of Robert Sr], ob married

Mrs Alex C. Kirkpatrick

V25 Page 26 & V25 Page 27

[descendant chart]

Robert Allison Senr born in Ireland, came to this country about 1718 married & settled in Va, wife unknown. Lived to be 104 yrs old & died abt 1800 to 1810. Had six children.


Andrew Allison married a Mitchell in Fayette Co, Pa & settled here.

William Allison married a Mitchell in Fayette Co, Pa killed later by the notorious Simon Girty while going down the Ohio River in a flat boat. He had settled in this county.

Hugh Allison b 1747 ob Aug 18, 1824 married Sallie Scott b 1757 ob Oct 18, 1823 Marietta, Ohio

Robert Allison b Aug 31, 1755 ob Sept 15, 1913 married 1781 Elizabeth Phillips in Va. She was from Maryland & was born Oct 22, 1762 ob Sept 5, 1841. They had 11 children, the oldest one born in Va, the next three on the Yough River in Fayette Co, Pa, the 5th & 6th were born in the old Fort, Marietta, O garrison, the 7th was born in Kinney Garrison Fort opposite Lowell, O the last four were born on the site of Upper Lowell, O. Bewteen 1782 & 1784, they moved to Fayette Co, Pa on the Youghiogehny River about 1789, they moved to Pittsburgh, Pa & in Sept 1789 went down the Ohio to Marietta, O where they lived in the Marietta garrison during the Indian Wars 1791-95. In 1795 the moved up the Muskingum River & with other families built Kinney Garrison opposite Lowell, O. After the Indians were subdued, they moved on the site of Upper Lowell, O where both parents died. This is the line from which my informant comes, see page 23 bottom.

Charles Allison b Nov 11, 1782 ob 1842

Nancy Allison b Oct 22, 1784 ob Feby 10, 1892 aged 107 yrs

William Allison b Dec 2, 1786 ob Dec 1, 1824

Polly Allison b Jany 31, 1789 ob Oct 21, 1882

Josiah Allison b Oct 22, 1791, ob

Stephen Allison b Oct 27, 1794 ob June 21, 1876

Sallie Allison b Apr 1797 ob Mch 29, 1816

Sophia Allison b Dec 22, 1799 ob 1853

Hugh Allison b May 4, 1804 ob Apr 9, 1843

Napoleon Allison b 1807 ob Apr 15, 1816

Dr Joseph Bonaparte Allison b Feby 4, 1810 ob Dec 26, 1862

Charles Allison [son of Robert Allison Sr] settled in Va. No record

Polly Allison married a Patterson, no record

V25 Page 28

Oak Hill Apr 22, 1931 7:33 AM

Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death of my doubly related distant cousin, Mrs Frances A. Vinson Huston, wife of Walter E. Huston (the paper erroneously spelled in Vincent throughout) who died at 7:40 PM Monday Apr 20, 1931 at her home in Lamberton from complications aged 65 yrs 6 mos & 13 days. She was the daughter of John T. Vinson & his wife Mahala Funk & was born Oct 7, 1864

In addition to her husband, she is survived by one daughter Clyda Huston & three sons Dorris, Dell & Paul Huston; one sister Mrs James C. McCombs & three brothers James & John Vinson of Salem O & Rev Henry Vinson of Toledo O. Make slips & get their records. Funeral this morning at 10:30 AM in Church Hill near McClellandtown with burial in the cemetery. On her mother's side she was a Thompson relative & on her husband's a Wilson relative.

My nice Catherine Thompson her at 4 PM yesterday said that when her father, brother Will M. Thompson was once at the hospital the attendant there told him he had the most perfect feet for one of his age they had ever seen, free from corns & all other ailments & he said he had never worn tight shoes.

V25 Page 29

A letter from Mrs Bella Chevalier of Gallipolis, O postmarked Sept 13, 1927 in answer to mine of Aug 16, 1927 quoting from Howe's Historical Collection Book 2 vol 1 says:

Genl James Findley (my gf Findley spelled his name with a d & then dropped it) from whom Findlay, O was named was born in Franklin Co, Pa in 1770 of an eminent family. About 1795, he removed to Ohio via of Va & Ky eventually settling in Cincinnati, O where he for a number of years filled position of receiver of public monies in the land office. In 1805 & 1806 & in 1810-11, he served a Mayor of Cincin, O. In the War of 1812, he served as Colonel of a regiment & was present at Hull's surrender at Detroit. For his meritorious conduct in the war, he was promoted to be a Brigadier General of the Ohio State Militia & served some time. He erected Fort Findlay from which the town of Findlay, O was named. Naturally reserved in manner, he was genial & the soul of kindness with great decision of character. He died in Cincinnati, O in 1835. She says three Finleys from Penna, George, John & Robert, fought in the first battle of the Revolutionary War at Pt Pleasant WVA.

I have recorded records she sent in b 15 p 392-3 & b 21 p 242-3

V25 Page 30

I have a letter postmarked Dec 21, 1925 in answer to mine of Nov 25, 1925 from Noble Thatcher of Manchester, O in which he says he is descended from Col Wm Crawford burned at the stake June 1782 as he has always been taught. He says:

"My father was James Dixon Thatcher, his mother was Sallie Crawford her father was Mason Crawford. Mason Crawford was a brother to Vance Valentine Crawford, making John Crawford & Sallie Crawford cousins. Vance Valentine's father, also Sallie Crawford's grandfather was Col Crawford as I have been taught. This information I recd first hand from my sister, Sarah C. Thatcher Piatt. Noble Thatcher"

See Book 15 p 242-52

This would indicate that Col Wm Crawford had sons Mason Crawford & Vance Valentine Crawford. When I was leaving Geo W. Crawford's on Oct 31, 1925 b 15 p 252 he spoke of his Uncles John & William in Ky & also an Uncle Vance Crawford who had lived in Lexington, Ky but the record b 15 p 243 does not show that his father had an Uncle Vance unless it may have been a middle name for [blank line]. I am wrong. I was looking at the record of his brother's not his Uncles. Mason & Vance Valentine may have been sons of Lieut John Crawford 1750-1816

V25 Page 31

On Aug 24, 1925 I was at Mrs James S. Devol's then 57 yrs old born say 1868 nee Carothers see book 14 p 54 & she gave me two letters from Thos P. Carothers Esq then decd of Newport, Ky a large sheet Schedule of James Carothers b 1738, his children or a part of them & some of his grandchildren & also an unsigned letter from Dr James Henderson Carothers of Martinez, Calif also dead whose widow aged 90 was then living, but who never answered the letter I wrote, all of which papers enclosed in an envelope from Thos P. Carothers Esq Newport, Ky postmarked then Jany 13, 1903 directed to Miss Myrtie E. Carothers, Cutler O which I think must have been Mrs Devol's maiden name & which I promised to return to her & from the genealogical table sent from the information in the letters & from the data then gathered, I will make a genealogical table which I will start on page 34 & which can largely be added to from Mrs Pilcher's book "The Campbell - Pilcher & allied Families" which is in my French bookcase in the inside hall to my room.

V25 Page 32

Among the letters gotten by Mrs Devol is one dated Sept 12, 1902 from Thos P. Carothers Atty at Law Newport, Ky to D.D. Carothers but it does not give his address in which he says he is the only one of his family that takes any interest in tracing the ancestry. On Jany 13, 1903 the said Thos P. Carothers writes a letter to Miss Myrtle E. Carothers at Cutler, O in which he says he has a great deal of information about the "Carothers Clan" & is anxious to get more. Make slip to go to Newport, Ky & see if any of his family are there & have the data he gathered. He sends data for his immediate line which I am recording on page 39 & says he will in a day or two write her at length. I wonder if that wasn't the table I recorded. Says he will take an early opportunity of calling on her brothers. I think D.D. is her brother. He says that both his father & grandfather left home rather young & his information was gathered from other but as it happened better sources - from an old Aunt who stayed on the home place in Huntingdon Co, Pa.

The other among the letters Mrs Devol loaned me is a 4 page 8 x 10 1/2 inch unsigned one, to "Dear Dan" probably D.D. dated Sept 24, 1901 from Dr James Henderson Carothers of Martinez Calif. He says "your father & I are grandsons of James Carothers who married Nancy Neely & Abigail Henderson see p 39.

V25 Page 33

He says that his mother, Jane, wife of Andrew was one of the best women that ever lived. One of his father's older brothers married a German woman, lived in Huntingdon Pa. I think this would be Samuel. Make slip to look for his will & descendants at Huntingdon Pa. It was their daughter, Sarah Henderson Carothers who married an Alexander & raised a family of ten boys & one girl, four or five of whom live in California, all that I have seen are grand men & the sister a lovely character, see other side page 24.

He has been asked if he was not Judge Robt Looney Caruthers of Tenn, he looked so much like him.

There are two families of Brocks of our family & a lawyer, Thos L. Carothers of Ukiah Calif a friend tried to trace relationship when we first met. Make slip. He said I looked so much like his father whose name was James.

He says to write to Dr Alexander, San Anselmo, Marin Co, Calif & he can give information. Make slip. He thinks he is a nephew of his father & mother

5:55 AM 23d The ground is well covered with snow which fell for 3 hours yesterday afternoon damaging if not destroying the thick peaches near & other bloom that abounds. Dr J.H.C. of Martinez Calif which is in Contra Costa Co says that Dr George Alexander lives in Alameda Co, Calif & that "Rev Dr William Alexander, an eminent divine" is Prof in the Pres college at San Anselmo, Calif. He

To page 40

V25 Page 34 & V25 Page 35

[descendant chart]

James Carothers born 1738 they say in Scotland but I think it was in the North of Ireland as my records show him to be son of James Carothers born in 1715 half brother of my gggfather John Carithers, came to America sometime prior to 1767. Married 1st in 1767 in what is now Adams Co, Pa Nancy Neely 5 children reported. Married 2d Abigail Henderson of Baltimore, Md 8 children reported. After his marriage (it don't say which one) he lived first near Mt Union, Pa for a number of years, afterwards between Shirleysburg, and Oribsonia, both in Huntingdon Co, Pa. He was an officer in Revolutionary War & was wounded see Penna Archives. Had a large family of children. He was in the Revolutionary War & after it was over settled in Huntingdon Co, Pa.


Sarah Carothers ob married Archibald Henderson a brother of her stepmother moved to Balto Md can't give names of children.

James Carothers b 1770 ob married Mary Fitzsimmons daughter of Patrick of Huntingdon Co, Pa see page 36.

John Carothers ob married, moved to Ohio & married there. Can't give children's names. Married Mary Boal

Samuel Carothers b 1775 ob married Ann Zimmerman a native of Mifflin Co, Pa

James Carothers ob married Martha Templeton

Louis Carothers ob

Sarah Henderson Carothers b Oct 30, 1806 ob, married Randall Alexander & had 10 sons & 1 daughter see p 23. He born Feby 7, 1807 married in 1830 [only gives 3 children]

Dr George Alexander of Alameda Co, Calif

Rev Dr William Alexander ob San Anselmo, Calif wrote Apr 23/31

Rev Samuel Carothers Alexander who died in Penna & to whose daughter in Pa I wrote recently see p 64

Abram Carothers ob

Maria Carothers ob married Campbell

Samuel Carothers ob removed to Ky with brother James. Married Elizabeth Hamilton

Anne Carothers ob married Gallagher

Thomas Carothers ob married Peggy Duncan

James Carothers ob

William Carothers, ob

Hannah Jane Carothers ob

Nancy Neely Carothers ob

Duncan Carothers ob

Andrew Carothers ob married Jane Fitzsimmons daughter of Patrick see page 38. Her son Dr James H. says she was one of the best women that ever lived

Frank Carothers ob married Peggy Fitzsimmons daughter of Patrick cannot give children's names

Nellie Carothers ob married Andrew Carothers a relative

Nellie Carothers ob

Rebecca Carothers ob

Jonathan Carothers ob

Ann Carothers ob

Polly Carothers ob

Nancy Jane Carothers ob

David Neely Carothers ob never married

William Carothers ob never married

Polly Carothers, married 1 Henry Hoskenbury, married 2 Henry Lowell

Jonathan Carothers ob married 1 Ruth Douglass married 2 Elizabeth Sniveley

Kate Carothers, ob

Cornelia Carothers, ob

William Carothers, ob

Hannah Carothers, ob

Sarah Carothers, ob

Amanda Carothers, ob

V25 Page 36 & V25 Page 37

[descendant chart]

James Carothers see page 34 this book born in 1770 in Huntingdon Co, Pa he says. Married Mary Fitzsimmons, ob daughter of Patrick Fitzsimmons of Huntingdon Co, Pa


Nancy Carothers ob

Patrick Fitzsimmons Carothers b July 25, 1802 in Huntingdon Co, Pa married Elizabeth Barr

Robert Barr Carothers b Dec 23, 1831 in Carlisle, Pa ob, married Elizabeth Abbot.

Thomas Patrick Carothers, atty at law b Mch 30, 1857 in Campbell Co, Ky ob. Lived at Newport, Ky where I was once in correspondence with him. He is informant to Mrs James S. Devol of Marietta O for this record.

Sarah Carothers ob

James F. Carothers ob

Eliza J. Carothers ob

Thomas Neely Carothers ob

William Randall Carothers ob

Samuel Henderson Carothers ob

V25 Page 38 & V25 Page 39

[descendant chart]

Andrew Carothers see page 34 this book ob 1870 in Crawford Co, O (Bucyrus Co seat) & he & his wife are buried at Galion said Co, O & have markers. Make slip. Married Jane Fitzsimmons ob 1874 daughter of Patrick Fitzsimmons. He moved to Crawford Co, O, were Presbyterians. Both died at the home of their daughter Jane Morrison near Galion, O.


William R. Carothers b Jany 14, 1815 ob married 1, married 2 Lizzie Weaver who may be living yet at Weston, Wood Co O where he lived. Make slip to see her & get his bible & family record see b 14 p 56

Rezin Carothers ob killed in an oil well fatality

James Carothers ob

Eliza Jane Carothers married a Richardson

Tillie Carothers married a Loomis

Emma Carothers married

Sarah Carothers, ob unmarried

Forbes Carothers ob unmarried

Franklin Carothers ob unmarried

Eliza Jane Carothers b June 5, 1817 at Ohioville, Beaver Co, Pa ob June 15, 1905 from a stroke of palsy. Married 1836 Andrew Morrison ob 1884 at Mineral City, O. She died at her home near Galion, O

Harvey Morrison may have gotten his grandfather Andrew Carothers bible.

Ed Morrison lives at Mineral, O & is a blacksmith. Make slip.

Rezin Dawson Carothers b Dec 2, 1818 ob Mch 6, 1903 married Elizabeth b 1825 ob 1904. They had nine children. Mrs Devol said he was from Beaver Co, Pa [gives one child]

Benoni Henderson Carothers oldest child b June 12, 1847 ob Sept 25, 1905 married June 17, 1874 at Chester Ills Marcella Staley b Mch 4, 1849 ob Aug 18, 1902 daughter of Jacob Staley & wife Mary Stillmaugh. He was supt of B&O RR Chillicothe, O. Had but one child born in Westley Tp, Wash Co near Cutler, O

Nellie Carothers b May 10, 1875 single. Has tea room 306 Putnam St, Marietta, O

Dr James Henderson Carothers b Sept 5, 1823 in Penna, ob May 14, 1908 in Martinez, Calif Married Oct 25, 1849 Emily F. Prince B Feby 23, 1828. Lived at Martinez, Contra Costa Co, Calif where he died. His widow, 93 yrs old in 1925 was living then at 2901 Lincoln Ave, Alameda Calif see b 14 p 55. They were married in Berkshire, Ohio where she was born Feby 23, 1828 daughter of David Prince & wife Sophronia Brown Had 3 children. Oldest one born in Berkshire, O & other two in Pacheco Calif. She died Nov 10, 1925 at 10 AM at Alameda, Calif.

Lenora Carothers b Nov 5, 1850 ob Feby 22, 1873 in Pacheco Calif married Jany 12, 1870 Barry Baldwin in Pacheco Calif.

Lida Baldwin b Nov 1871 ob July 6, 1913 aged 43 yrs married June 28, 1899 to George Clarence Thompson who has remarried & lives at 1232 St Charles St, Alameda, Calif & has been principal of the high schools there for 25 yrs. No issue.

Eliza S. Carothers b Nov 3, 1854 ob July 12, 1861

Helen Carothers b June 8, 1860 ob Dec 18, 1891 in San Leandro Calif. Married Oct 25, 1890 in Martinez, Calif to John Reid. No issue.

V25 Page 40

From page 23

is an eminent scholar & grand man & I have enjoyed him more than any person I have in this country. When he first came to Calif, he hunted me up & staid two weeks with me. I was a busy practictioner & would ride with with me on my professional rounds. He was raised by his grandfather Uncle Sam Carothers & told me more about the Carothers family than I ever knew. And it was amusing to have him watch my words, actions & manner to find what he called Carothers traits. I was driving a very fine span of horses & he asked where I got them. I said I traded for them. He clapped his thigh & said "That's Carothers" hence I inferred that trading horses was a family trait.

It is very interesting to me as a Medical man to watch the resemblance still & particularly of people & families from one generation to another & I have had some opportunity in the Carothers family.

Our ancestor James Carothers had a brother who came over to this country from Ireland with him & settled in Virginia & his descendants have settled through the south & west & are a numerous & respected family. One of them ran against Thomas H. Benton for congress in Mis-

V25 Page 41

ouri & one Robert Carothers lives in Nashville, Tenn is a judge & man of distinction & I can't do better to illustrate family resemblance than to relate showing how physical traits & constitutional peculiarities will run through families through generations.

I was passing a campground one evening as I was coming home one evening & then a man coming there he waved his hand to stop me & started to come to me. I saw his countenance brighten as he approached me that he was going to give his hand and as he did so, he said "is your name Carothers". I said, "yes sir". He, "you are Robert Carothers of Nashville, Tenn" I said "no I am Dr Carothers of this county". He looked at me surprised & said with oath "I would swore that you are Robert Carothers".

He had related earlier in the letter about a woman who had took hold of his bridle & hurriedly calling him to a woman in confinement asking him if he was not Judge Carothers of Nashville, Tenn. I think the Caruthers who ran vs Thos H. Benton of Mo was Samuel Caruthers for whom Caruthersville, Mo was named. The letter stopped as above at end

V25 Page 42

of 4th page without any signature. I don't know whether there was more of the letter that I didn't get, but will write today when I return them & ask Mrs Devol. It is a most important letter & for that reason, I copied verbatim practically all of the last two pages.

His telling of getting more information from Rev Dr Wm Alexander of San Anselmo Calif about the Carothers family than he ever knew & that said Rev Dr William had been raised by Samuel Carothers born about 1774, his grandfather & making statement, evidently gotten from this source, that their ancestor, James Carothers (see page 34 & it would not be this James born 1738 who was but 12 yrs old when they came in 1750 but his father, James born Sept 8, 1715 in Letterkenny Ireland, half brother of my gggfather, John born in Paisley, Scotland Feby 11, 1698) had a brother who settled in Virginia which coupled with the Augusta Co, Va records from S.H. Jarman of Waterville NY recently sent me by Saml M. Carothers of Sumter SC stating that Hugh Caruthers appeared in that Co in 1754 & in 1760 went to Orange Co NC confirms my deductions that Hugh was a brother of my gggfather John & could have been born 6 yrs before him or 6 or more years after him

V25 Page 43

& from what S.M.C. heretofore wrote me, I believe that this Hugh is father of John of Cumb Co Pa who made his will in 1767 & died abt 1780 having 8 sons & 3 daughters. I am writing S.M.C. about this today. Mrs Devol said she got much of the information she had from her Aunt, Mrs E. Jane Morrison of Galion, O in 1896 who was then in her 80th year.

I have a letter dated Mch 10, 1926 from Mrs Chas P. Stamm 513 2nd St Portsmouth, O asking about the estate of "Annika Jans" daughter of Welferd Webber, King of Holland (I don't know where or how she got my name) says:

I, Mrs C.R. Stamm, great granddaughter of Henry Brewer born 1802 son of Henry Brewer married Hannah Cook, Elija Brewer son of Charles Brewer born Jany 28, 1825, Eliga [sic] Brewer married "Chistian Ann Cook, his children:

Armenta, Harvy, Herman W., John, Alvan, Charles, William, George, Emma, Emmett. Emma B. married Albert Ward who died July 29, 1911 Emma Brewer married in 1891 Albert Ward, one son was born Albert F. Ward

Emma Ward (evidently the widow) married

V25 Page 44

Charles P. Stamm in May 20, 1920. The H.W. Brewer you have been writing to is my brother. I will be glad to hear from you as I'm one of the heirs. Yours Respectively,

Mrs Chas P. Stamm

I do not recall writing to him, but may have done so. I was in Portsmouth Oct 1-9, 1925 inclusive & stayed overnight at Hotel Martin, Peebles, O Oct 10 which was leased & run by "Jack" or John Webber who had married a Thomas, one of my Crawford - Thoroman relatives.

I have a letter dated Sept 14, 1926 from H. Marjorie Crawford 618 15th Ave S.E. Minneapolis, Minn mailed on the train in an envelope with card in corner of "Dr T.C. Crawford 1311 Ninth St, Portsmouth, O" which I acknowledged Sept 16, 1926 on receipt & will now answer.

She says she has been working on a Crawford Family tree which she has completed thru seven generations & learned from her Uncle, Dr O.T. Sproull that I too was interested & says if I wish it, she will send me a complete copy. She sends me an outline table of the older people which I am

V25 Page 45

tabling commencing on next page No 46. Practically none of this is our Crawfords coming from Robert Crawford who left County Tyrone, Ireland in 1840 about 100 yrs after our Crawfords came over & just those that come from the Crawford who married a Treber are in our line. She asks if this family is related to Col Wm Crawford who was burned at the stake by the Indians.

She says her mother was a Treber & she has also been trying to straighten out that line, but can't find out from what point in Penna John Treber came.

Speaking of the chart copied on the next two pages, she says "This is very incomplete, but the older parts may connect up with your branch & I have the rest complete". I am writing her tonight.

V25 Page 46 & V25 Page 47

[descendant chart]

Robert Crawford who left Co Tyrone, Ireland in 1840 & came to America. He was son of Samuel Crawford whose wife's name is not known. Married a Walker. She lists nine children.


Samuel Crawford married McClung

Robert Crawford married 1 Diggins, married 2 Brown

John Crawford married Anderson

Capt Jim Crawford married McKinney, married Foster

Margaret Crawford married Chapman

Mary Ann Crawford

Samuel Crawford married Jane Crawford daughter of John Crawford, his first cousin

Fanny Crawford married Walker

Nancy Crawford married Lindsey

John Crawford married McClung

Andrew Crawford married Phillips married Salladay

Margaret Crawford

Samuel Crawford married Christina McFeeters

George Crawford married Glidden

Mary Crawford married Crawford

Jane Crawford married Samuel Crawford son of Saml her first cousin

John Crawford married McClung

Robert Crawford married widow of his Uncle Andrew

Noble Crawford

William Crawford married Mary Ann Crawford daughter of Robert, his first cousin

Betty Crawford married Flemming

Matty Crawford married Noble

Margaret Crawford married McFeeters

Ann McFeeters married Joel Treber

Elizabeth Treber married Robert Crawford, son of Robert Crawford

Andrew Crawford, married

Robert Crawford left Ireland 1840 married Mary Kirkpatric [sic]

Margaret Crawford married Baldridge

John Crawford married McKinley

William Crawford married Lizzie Crawford

Samuel Crawford married Phillips

Edward Crawford married Thompson, married Demint

Andrew Crawford married McClung

Mary Ann Crawford married Wm Crawford son of John, her first cousin.

Robert Crawford married Elizabeth Treber, granddaughter of his Aunt Margaret

Treber Crawford

H. Marjorie Crawford ob 618 15th S.E. Minneapolis, Minn, my informant for this record


V25 Page 48

Oak Hill, Apr 25, 1931 8:04 Am

I have a letter dated Jany 31, 1928 from Miss Olga Gregg Box 342 Portsmouth, O saying she is a granddaughter of Mrs Mary Jane Thompson born Jany 14, 1835 asking for information about her grandfather's family which I am giving her I asking for her line.

See this book 25 p 24 & 25 & b 15 P 126-42.

I have a letter dated Apr 17, 1926 in answer to one from me from Mrs Louisa Thoroman then of 727 Olive St, Springfield, O but who has since moved to Cleveland, O from where I had a couple of letters which I answered a few months ago when I came to the "Cs" in Ohio working up my old mail. She says she has no old bible giving records of the family. She thinks however that both me & her brother-in-law Ole C. Thoroman see b 15 p 170 are both wrong about the parentage of Anne Crawford (Thoroman) parentage as her birth date

V25 Page 49

is 1770 which makes it highly improbable that she could be the daughter of Robert Crawford or the sister of Col Wm Crawford. She recalls her father-in-law Ole's father saying that his Uncle Crawford Thoroman (who was, I believe, living at the time about 1904-1095) was a descendant of Col Crawford & that he was named for his grandfather. I think Crawford was Samuel & Anne Crawford Thoroman's son (he was their grandson see b 15 p 170 et seq) & was the grandson of John Crawford who was given 500 A of land in Adams Co, O by his father, where he emigrated & where he died in 1819 ( he died there in 1816). She was sorry I had no dates, but thinks she can get them from her brother who is tracing their own line with great success. She gives her immediate record as follows:

Lloyd Anson Thoroman son of Wm T. Thoroman & his wife Harriet born in Adams Co, O Jany 12, 1876 died at Jeffersonville, O Aug 18, 1915 where he is buried in Fairview Cem. On Apr 17, 1904, he married Louisa Hidy born May 26, 1880 at Jeffersonville, O daughter of Alfred Hidy & his wife Ida Hoffman & had the following children:

1. Wilfred Tennyson born Sept 16, 1905

2. Elliott Lloyd born Sept 5, 1909

3. Pauline Frances born Aug 27, 1911

She refers to an error about her

V25 Page 50

own name & learned just recently from her mother that is was given as Louisa in the family record. She says her husband was a teacher & piano tuner & a fine singer from which evidently her children get their musical inclinations & ability & she is very proud of them & gives her life for their training.

Wilfred sings tenor in one of the best churches there.

Elliott plays clarionet [sic] in the high school orchestra & only last week at 16 was asked to become a member of the Springfield Civic Orchestra, a talented & high class one, most of whose members have studied abroad.

Pauline plays first violin in the high school orchestra & is a splendid pianist.

See book 15 page 170

See book 14 page 604

I have a letter postmarked Apr 19, 1928 from Mrs George King RFD 3 Box 41 Vinton, O saying she would like to have one of the histories real soon if they weren't too high. Notify her of price.

V25 Page 51

I have a letter dated Dec 7, 1925 in answer to mine of Nov 25, 1925 from Dr O. T. Sproull of West Union, O who says in answer to my inquiries that says that Hazeletts Sproull's daughter, Mrs Alice Burg lives in Greenville, Darke Co, O & either she or her daughter, Mrs Lucy Cugler [best guess] can give it correctly. Make slip to go there from Springfield O when I start out there (from where I was called home abt Dec 8, 1926) on my Ohio quest.

Says he does not know the address of any of Sallie Treber Moore's family except that they were at Tryon, Nebraska, probably Charles Holmes, Aledo, Ills can tell you where some of them are (writing him today). We will make some effort to locate some of them. There was quite a family.

He then gives a list of Hazelett Sproull's children which I am tabling on next pages using the information he gives.

V25 Page 52 & V25 Page 53

[descendant chart]

Hazelett Sproull married Mary Anne Treber


Mary P. Sproull ob married 1 Brewer ob married 2 Palmer ob had one child by 1st husband & two by second.

Laura Brewer married Ben Miller Live at Celina, O. Make slip

son Palmer living at Montezuma O make slip

son living at Montezuma, O

Treber Sproull ob married Sarah Coppers ob had 3 children

John Sproull, probably at Akron, O

Wilber Sproull, probably at Carnegie School of Technology

Nellie Sproull married James Light & live at Greenville O where he is P.M. have grown children make slip

Frank Sproull ob married Eliza Treber sister of J.W. Treber at the old Treber home. They lived in Darke Co, O then at Wheatland N.D. then in Western Montana where he died 3 or 4 yrs ago leaving a large family.

Crockett Sproull ob Never married died at Hamilton O 15 or 20 yrs ago. He was a Newspaper man & was business mgr of the NY World when John A. Cockerill was editor.

Alice Sproull married Burge, ob, living at Greenville O with her son Robert who never married

Robert Burge unmarried, lives Greenville, O

Lucy Burge, married

Grace Burge

Laura Sproull married Starr

Fannie Sproull

Elizabeth Sproull (twin) ob d.y.

Louisa Sproull (twin) ob d.y.

V25 Page 54

I have a letter dated Sept 27, 1926 from Mrs Sarah Smith Brooks box 1065 Bethany, Okla enclosing a six page note size letter to her from Esther Shoefstall wife of John Shoefstall of R7 Box 302 Tulsa, Okla (make slip to go see her & get Shoefstall record entire if I go out next month) sending her & her own family's immediate record. Her writing is about the plainest, cleanest I have ever seen. She & her husband had recently (letter is dated Sept 16, 1926) motored to Arkansas & visited there Priscilla Maud Davis, youngest child of Mrs Brook's & her husband & child but missed getting to Mary S. Reynolds to see her & her husband Dave & 3 kids see b 15 p 598 who she never had seen. The were at Hot Springs Ark & on their way home came through Jasper, Ark & visited the Diamond Cave which was wonderful. Make slip to go there. She wants Mrs Brooks & John to come see them Christmas but tell John to bring his family along. Said they were out Sunday to see Emery, a son of Mrs Brooks but Laura evidently his wife wasn't feeling well. She wrote to Ed (whoever he is) & told him about the information you wanted about the family there, so I guess you will have heard from him by this time. I will write Mrs Brooks today & ask her if she got it. Mrs Brooks says she will continue to send me all information she can get. Below is what Mrs Shoefstall sent.

V25 Page 55

John Shoefstall born Dec 17, 1899 at Hiawatha, Kansas married Dec 23, 1918 Esther R. Moore born Nov 17, 1898 at Petersburg, Va daughter of Whitmell Lafayette Moore born at White Gate Va May 9, 1866 & his wife Anne Hutchens born at Petersburg, Va Mch 17, 1873

They then had two children born at Tulsa, Okla viz:

1. Mary Shoefstall born July 29, 1920

2. John Oscar Shoefstall Jr born July 6, 1923

The above is for the Markle record see b 15 p 594 et seq & b 9 when I was at Littleton, Col Jany 10 & 11, 1930.

V25 Page 56

Oak Hill Apr 26, 1931 9:19 AM

I weighed 160 lbs stripped, this morning after a hot & cold bath, at 9 AM & 171 lbs with my clothes on.

I have letter dated Feby 14, 1928 in answer to mine of Jany 15, 1928 see b 22 p 57 from Mrs Malinda Carothers then in her 85th year to whom I wrote on a venture which is of great importance & help in connecting up our lines. She claimed to be a 3d cousin to Ervin Carothers 1824-1890 see page 58 book 22. This is important. Try to work it out.

Roughly I wd say from the table I am starting on page 58 that Archibald b 22 p 58 would be 2d cousin of James who with his brother John in 1803 clubbed James Senior to death in his field & wd make Archibald's father first cousin to James the cooper see bk 1 p 199 & Archibald's grandfather, a brother to the father of James the cooper.

I do not think I have made a table to the information about the Andrew Jackson Carothers family - husband of Malinda - & will now commence one on page 58 commencing with James the cooper. She says her father-in-law had a cousin come out from Penna, his name was John Henderson Carothers (son of Andrew the crippled lawyer) not John Anderson as I had it listed in book 24 p 605. There was a poisoning in the family in which his grandfather & grandmother both died

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& the son & daughter (Andrew & Ann) were made cripples for life. The parents had a servant who put arsenic in the butter hoping to get rid of the daughter, Ann so she could marry Ann's beau. She was hung for her crime. Ann was a cripple for life & her brother Andrew studied law for six years flat of his back & John Henderson Carothers was son of this man who studied law on fat of his back. She says he had two other sons, Mathew Louden & Thomas (Miss Elizabeth Carothers gives it James Armstrong see b 24 p 205) Thomas (it wd be James A.) went west & they never heard from him. Mathew came to Albany, Oregon & died there.

She sends a 16 inch clipping, announcing the death of Rev Dr Samuel Carothers of Cameron, Mo where he preached for 41 yrs, a fine man who I saw at Kansas City, Mo Oct 30, 1922 see book 8 p 354 which I am returning today.

V25 Page 58 & V25 Page 59

[descendant chart]

James Carothers, the cooper of West Pennsborough Tp, Cumb Co, Pa where he owned 300 A of land adjg among others James, Saml, John Senr & Armstrong Carothers, all sons I take it of Wm & Isabella. He died prior to 1801 where court records at Book 3 page 313 at Orphan's court on Apr 2, 1801 when his daughter Margaret & her husband petition saying he died intestate leaving 8 children listed as there named below & that Ester Turner had since died as had also Rebecca intestate & Isabella also intestate without issue see b 1 p 199. Married Margaret Henderson, so Manville Carothers writes May 5, 1931.


Margaret Carothers ob married James McCommon or McCalmont see b 1 p 422 make slips to trace these 3 girls by will of their husbands or deeds at Carlisle.

Elizabeth Carothers ob married James Turner

Jane Carothers ob married Richard Stuart

John Carothers ob, he & his brother James killed James Carothers Senr with clubs in his field in 1803. They then left & by reason of absence were declared legally dead abt 1806-8

8. James Carothers misplaced see p 127-8 born Aug 1788 in Cumb Co, Pa. He & his older brother, John in 1803 clubbed James Carothers Senr to death in his field. He was declared legally dead abt 1806-8 having gone to Allegheny Co, Pa & married Sarah Forsyth (make slip to see if records at Pgh Pa show date). They had 7 children see b 8 p 398 Malinda says 8 children, one of the girls not growing to maturity. Malinda, his daughter-in-law says his mother died when he was born which wd by 1786 as she says he died in 1860 & James & Margaret Murdoch raised him. His father went off to California (I think it was somewhere else as that was early to go to Calif) & was never heard of again & he never saw his father & didn't know what his father's name was. This would make him the youngest of the 8 children of James, the cooper. His own 8 children were born in Allegheny Co, Pa. He moved fr Penna to Ralls Co Mo in 1836 then to Shelby Co Mo in a short time where he died in 1865 in his 79th year. Married Sarah Forsythe Livingston, so Manville writes May 5, 1931 she born Jany 1, 1789 see pages 127-8 & change.

1. Armstrong Carothers b Apr 26, 1860 ob Mch 27, 1858 see page 268

2. Louis Ferree Carothers b Nov 14, 1816 Allegheny Co, Pa ob July 18, 1871 Shelby Co Mo married Feby 3, 1844 Arigelise [best guess] Miller born 1821 in Ky & died Jany 1, 1871 in Shelby Co Mo. Had 10 children see b 8 p 398 & b 25 p 126

James Forsythe Carothers ob married Phillips

Sarah Frances Carothers ob married Ben & Wm Parker Turner [?]

John Calvin Carothers b Feby 23, 1849 ob 1929 married Mary Elizabeth Parceta [best guess] see b 8 p 398

Wilbur Ferree Carothers b 1873 ob 1878

Manville Carothers b 1875 married See b 9 p398

Mary Margaret Carothers b Aug 21, 1901

Carol Bessie Carothers b Dec 21, 1902

Doris Isabel Carothers b May 22, 1905

Barrett Manville Carothers b Apr 10, 1908

John Reuben Carothers b May 30, 1911 ob July 2, 1920

Mabel Elizabeth Carothers b Jany 19, 1920

Ralph Elmer Carothers married Virginia Davonaugh [best guess]

Earnest Donald Carothers married Frankie _____

Mary Edith Carothers married A.A. Lampard

John Carl Carothers married Frances ______

Mary Elizabeth Carothers [daughter of Louis Ferree] ob married George Purdy

Rev Dr Samuel Carothers b Aug 25, 1853 ob Aug 21, 1923 see b 8 p 354-6 married Gertrude Kutzner

Ella Ann Carothers ob married Thos H. B. Dunnegan

Abbie Carothers married Rev Thos Mathews p 126

Emma Carothers married Berry Griffin & Archie McDonald

Ida Carothers ob Married Cummings

Mollie Carothers married T.O. Kreek

3. Mary Carothers [daughter of James b 1788] b Mch 10, 1821 ob Apr 24, 1856 married Dec 24, 1844 John Henderson Carothers see pages 56 & 57 & b 24 p 605-6

Jane Carothers, ob

Kate Carothers married W.S. Eskridge & lives at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas see b 24 p 606

4. John Calvin Carothers b Aug 12, 1823 ob Oct 31, 1900 married Dec 28, 1848 Louisa Henninger see page 270

5. James Harvey Carothers b Nov 12, 1825 ob Mch 18, 1892 married twice see page 271

6. Sarah Carothers b May 7, 1828 ob Jany 31, 1870 married Heckertg [sic] ob Jany 31, 1891 married Dec 22, 1857 Michael Heckart, two children [obviously some of this entry added later & correcting first part of entry]

James Heckart lives Oregon City

John Heckart

7. Elevita [or possibly Elizabeth, very blotted & hard to read] Ann Carothers b Dec 7, 1831 ob July 5, 1843 died single before she grew up, was aged 12 yrs

8. Andrew Jackson Carothers youngest son born Sept 6, 1834 in Allegheny Co, Pa ob June 24, 1891 married Sept 7, 1865 to Malinda Forsyth, my good informant born in Illinois July 9, 1843 daughter of Wm Forsythe [sic] & wife Ellen Brown born near Quincy, Ills & they were cousin. Had 18 children all born in Clarence Mo. See page 274

V25 Page 60

Oak Hill Apr 27, 1931 8:11 AM

I have a letter dated Mch 19, 1928 from Miss Beulah Clair Jacks of the Oregonian of Portland, Oregon a newspaper established in 1850 who says she wants to learn as much as she can of her extraction & has been referred to me by Mr L.P. Jacks, author, & editor of the Hibbert Journal. She says she admits 25 summers & is the daughter of William Cyrus Jacks & granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin Jacks, twin brother of Henry Clay Jacks & their father was Solomon Jacks.

The brothers B.F. & H.C. were in Des Moines, Iowa at the time of the Civil War. Beyond that, she does not know except that she has heard Illinois mentioned. B.F. was a veteran of the war & died about 4 yrs ago near the age of 84 or 85 yrs. Henry Clay died some 6 yrs ago near Spokane, Washington. Writing her today. She is in the editorial dept.

On Oct 10, 1927 Mrs Daisy Crump Whitehead, Genealogist 225 1/2 Forest road, Raleigh, NC answers a letter I had written Bryan Grimes who she says is decd. Make slip.

V25 Page 61

I have a letter dated Feby 8, 1926 in answer to mine from Lillie Nicol 5 Coulson Ave Athens O which says she has been waiting for a letter from Canada to know her grandmother's name, but it does not come. Says she has the bible before her, written mostly by her father but record of his death written by her mother viz:


David W. Nicol & Mattie A. Coates Sunday evening Nov 13, 1870 Athens, O


D.W. Nicol Sept 18, 1836 Bolton, England

Mattie A. Nicol (Coates) Mch 10, 1835 Athens, O

Their children:

Lillie Virginia Nicol May 2, 1873 Huntington City, Cable Co WVA

my informant for this letter

Deaths written by my mother

D.W. Nicol died Apr 25, 1877 in Brownwood, Brown Co, Texas

Mrs Mattie A. Nicol - Stedman died Wed Feby 11, 1885 Athens Co, O

Capt J.C. Stedman b Mch 25, 1824 died Friday Mch 10, 1905 Athens O


J.C. Stedman & Martha Nicol Sunday eve. June 1st 1879 Athens O

J.C. Stedman & Elizabeth Gibson Richmond Dec 14, 1887 Athens, O

Will add a little more I have written down here of my step father's family.

Julius C. Stedman & Sarah Carter

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married Nov 1, 1849 had several children die, 3 I think & three now living.

Eben Z. Stedman born Aug 3, 1850

Louis H. Stedman born Dec 14, 1856

Emma L. Stedman born Oct 20, 1858 Athens O

Emma married John Hibbard. He died & left one child, Ariel & Emma later married William Dobson of Cherokee, Iowa. They had five children & are living now at Cherokee, Iowa, but Will died a few months ago & so did Eben Stedman. Louis is living at Denver Colorado. Says if she hears from Canada will write me.

These Stedman children are not in our line.

I have a letter dated 23d inst in answer to mine of 19th inst from S.M. Carothers Sumter SC

He says Mrs Flower thinks that John who was poisoned in 1798 was son of James & wife Jean of York Co, Pa who died in 1789. They had sons John, James, Andrew, Thomas & daughter Mary. He thinks this seems plausible as he that was poisoned had sons John, James, Andrew & Thomas & no Robert & none of his children had a Robert. On the other hand, my John who died in 1753 named his

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oldest son Robert & he "legally acquired" 469 A from Robert Carothers & John Dutton in East Pennsboro Tp which he willed to his heirs.

Speaking of the William Carothers of Virginia, record of whose children he says he once sent me, he says Joseph? a son of William had a son James, a lawyer who settled in Jackson, Tenn & was the father of Stodard Carothers (I think I got something of his line in Calif in Jany 1923) born abt 1846 & down in the census report of 1850 Madison Co Tenn. He sends letter of Mrs John L. Neely all she has give him but her line is in the account I sent you & her husband was a son of John Logan Neely & Elizabeth Noble (Carothers) Neely & Elizabeth was a daughter of James Carothers & Permelia Noble (see page 17)

Mrs Neely's home address is Box 85 Franklin Tenn but her husband's is Dist Atty General & I address her at 2419 West End Ave Nashville, Tenn

Am also sending you the record as sent me by Mrs Rankin of William Carothers & his 3 wives & descendants, Archibald born 1809 & Robert born 1820 are both sons of William. She says that William & Sarah were first cousins & I can only figure her out as a daughter of Archibald Carothers & wife Christian [sic] see page 14. Among the graves at Steel Creek Ch g.y. Mecklenberg Co, NC where Robert, James John

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& their mother Sarah settled & lived around 1772-98 there is:

"Martha Carothers died Apr 14, 1779 aged 14 months". I am sure this is the Martha, daughter of Robert & Margaret Scott who is down as being born in NC see page 14.

Rebecca Jane (Garrison) Carothers second wife of my father Thomas M. Carothers died in York Co SC at 3 o'c Apr 9, 1931 & was buried at Ebenezer Church there on Apr 10, 1931. There was no children by this marriage.

Mrs Varrie [sic] Leech Neely writing Apr 21, 1930 to S.M.C. said that "Miss Mary Myers called to see me, but our lines do not touch sufficiently to be of interest".

S.M.C. also sent a two page record dated Jany 8, 1931 from Mrs F.E. Rankin Box 63 Rankin Texas. Am rtg both today. Noted on page 14.

Mrs Rankin gave the following but don't know who they are are:

Overton Goodwin & Elizabeth Hotchkiss were married June 11, 1835

Overton Goodwin was born Sept 21, 1810

Elizabeth Goodwin was born Sept 2, 1817

I have another letter today from S.M.C. dated Apr 25, 1931 acks mine of 23d inst. Says he has not heard from Miss Margaret A. Alexander of Millerstown, Pa since Dec 20. He is re-enclosing her record. He suggests that I write to Dr Newton Alexander to whom she refers or to Rev Gen H. Fickes Newport, Pa a descendant of Rodger Carothers,

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(who I have seen) could get something. She says that Samuel went to Ky with his brother, James. Now this James is the ancestor of Mrs R.C. Mann's husband of Bardstown, Ky whose two letters he says he sent me & which gave some family history of their lines. see page 34.

He says Hugh Carothers of Mecklenberg Co NC died in 1782, his will is dated July 21, 1782 & proven at Oct court 1782 at Charlotte. He inclines to think he was a brother of William of Augusta Co, Va or a near relation. He says Dr Elmer Irving Carruthers purser of the University of Va Charlottesville has a genealogy of his family whose first ancestor was James Carruthers who settled in London Co Va in 1748. Says he sent me his letter giving all the hist he knows of.

The letter of Miss Margaret A. Alexander of Millerstown, Pa daughter of Rev Samuel Carothers Alexander D.D. to S.M.C. says she & her sister Mrs Rev Geo H. Fickes are very much interested in the family history & genealogy being a D.A.R. & says she got from the State library at Harrisburg.

She says her sister's husband Rev Geo H. Fickes PhD is a grandson of Mary Carothers. Her father was Rodger Carothers. Am rtg her undated letter tonight

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Oak Hill Apr 29, 1931 6:55 AM

I have a letter dated Apr 27, 1931 in answer to mine of 20th inst from Shelby H. Jarman of Waterville NY who is delighted to give me what information he can about the descendants of his ancestor Robert Carothers & which I am recording in place on page 14 & says if I publish the history of the family to let him know as he would want to get several copies of the work.

He is unable to give the exact date of his Robert's death, but thinks it was early in 1837 as the records at Washington D.C. show that the last payt for his services in the Revolutionary War was paid May 4, 1837 to his son James as attorney at Nashville, Tenn. I would think the D.A.R. there could locate his grave. His brother, George Wallace Jarman see p 17 married Virginia Tyson born in Birmingham Ala daughter of Shem Labon Tyson & wife Mary Thorington Chilton.

His own wife see page 17 was born in Nashville, Tenn daughter of Edward Bowling Duval & wife Pearl Dunn.

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I have a letter dated Apr 27, 1931 from Mrs W.E. Gunnett stopping at room 603 Hotel Powhatan, Wash D.C. while attending the National D.A.R. convention. While at the library, she looked at the History of Woodford Co, Ky & found the following marriage records:

"John Jack & Mary Mason Nov 24, 1789"

She thinks that was when the license was issued & says they were married Dec 1, 1789.

"James Farquhar & Betsey Jack Feby 15, 1790"

"Berry Searcy & Frances Jack Aug 30, 1792"

"John Harris & Polly Jack Dec 5, 1796"

I believe they were all married by the same minister Rev Samuel Shannon who married John Jack & Mary Mason. She didn't have time to search further as she was leaving yesterday for York, Pa & from there to NC, Ky & Ohio & Illinois.

I have a letter postmarked West Union O Apr 25, 1931 from Mrs Clara Jones Ryan (Mrs H.M. Ryan) R#3 West Union O enclosing 5 pages or records dated Dec 5, 1925 but not sent & she has just found it. It refers to b 15 p 223 which she doesn't understand but I am writing explaining.

I am making table of record I got Oct 30, 1925 from Mrs Augusta S. Fristoe Peebles, O see book 15 p 221 et seq & continuing with the Wilson Thoroman

V25 Page 68

record, see page 70-71

May 13, 1931 5:36 PM

A second letter from Mrs Ryan dated yesterday gives further records & full dates which I am entering in table pages 70-71. She says she gave the old family bible to her sister Susie Pearl Beckman West Union O Rd #4 see p 70.

Her Uncle Oscar Porter Storer page 70 is son of Wilson A & Jean L. Storer.

V25 Page 69 [blank]

V25 Page 70 & V25 Page 71

[descendant chart]

Samuel Thoroman see book 15 p 221 son of Samuel Thoroman & his wife Ann Crawford who was born May 26, 1797 ob Sept 16, 1869, married Rachel Flora b June 12, 1796 ob Jany 28, 1875. They had 12 children as given below was written in the bible from memory by his oldest child Joseph Thoroman so his only child, Augusta S. Fristoe told me Oct 30, 1925.


Joseph Thoroman b Oct 9, 1822 ob Dec 25, 1910 married Dec 7, 1848 Margaret Ann Thomas b Feby 25, 1827 ob Apr 25, 1893 the daughter of Wm Thomas & born in Meigs Tp & had but one child.

Augusta Summerville Thoroman b Dec 7, 1849 my good informant married Apr 22, 1864 Geo Wm Fristoe b Apr 17, 1843 in Meigs Tp son of Richard Fristoe & wife Ann Sample see b 15 p 224-6

William Thoroman b Jany 6, 1824 ob Oct 9, 1888 married Margaret Thoroman, his full first cousin

John Thoroman b May 12, 1825 ob aged 12 or 13 yrs buried on the farm in Tiffin.

Ruth Ann Thoroman b Oct 13, 1826 ob Feby 16, 1899 married Phillip & had several children. Died in Illinois

Wilson G [or S?] Thoroman b Mch 27, 1828 ob May 14, 1892 married Aug 26, 1852 Hester Black b Aug 13, 1832 ob July1 5, 1895 daughter of Zachariah Black & wife Lydia Smith. Both buried at Treber g.y. 6 children.

1. Melissa Frances Thoroman b June 26, 1853 married Oct 19, 1879 Wm Hy [Henry] Harrison Thoroman. She died June 25, 1884

Harvey Allen Thoroman b May 17, 1884 ob Sept 1, 1884

2. Rebecca Jane Thoroman b Dec 2, 1857 ob Jany 20, 1931 married May 25, 1880 Theodore Jones b Oct ob June 18, 1901, son of Alfred Jones

Susie Pearl Jones b July 13, 1881 married Aug 30, 1908 Edgar L. Beckman son of Wm & Susan Beckman.

Harold Clifton Beckman b Oct 11, 1909

Elmer Otis Jones b Jany 15, 1889 married Feby 17, 1924 Elizabeth Black daughter of Benj & Minnie Black

Esther Florence Jones b Nov 26, 1923

John William Jones b Jany 18, 1925

Clara Blanch Jones b Dec 30, 1889 married May 1, 1925 to Herbert McClelland Ryan son of Thomas Ryan & wife Sula McClelland P.O. West Union, O RF 3

Thomas Eugene Ryan b Feby 11, 1926

3. John Wesley Thoroman b Mch 31, 1861 ob Sept 24, 1865

4. Mary Adeline Thoroman b Apr 28, 1866 married Dec 18, 1884 Lewis Christopher Sheely. Live West Union, O & was born Dec 23, 1856 son of John & Rosanna Sheely

Effie Pearl Sheely b Sept 16, 1887 ob Feby 20, 1891

Rose Hester Sheely b Mch 5, 1890 married Dec 6, 1911 to Rev Lorin B. Case. No issue

5. Rachel Ella Thoroman b Oct 4, 1868 married Feby 1, 1891 Oscar P. Storer lives Talmadge O b Dec 31, see p 68.

Lyman Bruce Storer b May 5, 1894 married Aug 18, 1915 to Ada Laura Howell

Ella Louise Storer b June 23, 1916

Elsie Lee Storer b July 16, 1918

6. Floria Viola Thoroman b Mch 22, 1875 married Aug 4, 1897 Chilton Beckman. She died July 21, 1898. He son of Wm & Susan Beckman. No issue.

Crawford Thoroman [son of Samuel b 1797] b Aug 30, 1829 ob died young unmarried thinks of scarlet fever & buried on farm. Were 3 corpses in the house at the same time.

Mary Ann Thoroman b Mch 18, 1831 ob May 3, 1909

Elizabeth Ann Thoroman b Aug 30, 1832 ob

Melissa Ann Thoroman b Mch 22, 1834 ob married Wm Treber & is buried at Treber g.y.

Rachel Thoroman b Nov 28, 1835 ob married Riley Jones lived in Kansas & died there. Had 3 children.

James Thoroman (twin) b Jany 27, 1838 ob July 11, 1923 married Grooms buried at Treber g.y. had 2 children.

Clara Thoroman married twice

Lyman Thoroman married & separated Tenepa [sic]

Samuel Thoroman (twin) b Jany 27, 1838 ob

V25 Page 72

Oak Hill Apr 30, 1931 8:18 AM

Mrs Schintz of Chicago, Ills on her way home from Florida in her big Packard which she had driven 3000 miles without tire or other trouble with her sister-in-law Mrs Stone, sister of her first husband at the wheel, stopped at 5 Pm yesterday for an hour at the instance of her relatives, Mrs S.S. Janotta of Chicago, Ills who has a fine home in Florida not far from the Bok Tower & Mrs David Strouse? of Danville, Ind all three descendants of Anthony F? Thompson (son of John Thompson & Mary Finley) who went early to Ky & died there in Daviess Co, Ky. His son, James Leonard Thompson she said had ten or a dozen children & one of the daughters married a Coleman & was the mother of Mrs Schintz who has been married twice. It took them up to my room & showed them the Thompson history at Anthony Thompson's [sic] born 1662 next younger brother of my Hugh. She said she would write & send me her line & I asked her to see Mrs Janotta & get reference of Book & page I gave her & she sent her regrets that she had not answered my letter, but said she would. She was going to Wheeling for the night & expected to look up her relatives, the McCullochs.

V25 Page 73

A letter dated Apr 24, 1931 from Mrs Maude M. Kiedaisch of 423 Franklin St, Keokuk, Iowa sends me a long two page obituary of Col Joseph Moss of German Tp born in Chester Co, Pa July 19, 1749 united with the Presbyterian Church of Faggs Manor under Rev Dr Wilson married Sept 20, 1772 Ann Thompson born July 15, 1749, daughter of Jacob Thompson & wife Ann Downard & came to Fayette Co (then Westmoreland) the latter part of 1776 & joined the Dunlaps Creek Pres Ch then in charge of Rev Dr Dunlap. He distinguished himself in many military expeditions.

This obituary was given Mrs K. to copy by Miss McBurney & is worthy of a place in my history. I am filing it in upper left hand corner of left swing door of my standing desk. It is probably that James Thompson, his wife's brother came with him in 1776. Examine records at Greensburg, Pa for deeds to either. Make slip. The article does not give date of his death, but says he was in his 93nd year.

V25 Page 74

I have a letter in answer to mine, dated Apr 24, 1931 from Mrs Edwin E. Kinter now moved to 308 Leasure Ave, New Castle, Pa who says she has not answered my questionnaire because she has been very busy.

She says she knows so little about the Jacks. She says her grandfather, Samuel Jack had several brothers, but she does not know the history of any of them. As a child, she remembered Samuel Smith Jack who lived in Apollo Pa & my father was named after him & for years got their mail mixed up, so that her father always signed his name "S.S. Jack" & was so known. Then there was a John Jack lived in Ohio & died only 3 or 4 yrs ago. I wrote to his heirs, but never got a reply.

I am enclosing for yr b 24 p 388 a copy of what was in my gf's bible & also a copy as far back as I have & another paper from Wash D.C. about my father. The letter from Wash D.C. addressed to her at Aldine Park, Nyack, NY is dated Jany 8, 1929 from Dept of the Interior Bureau of Pensions "Widow Division I.C. 39250 Samuel S. Jack G 63 Pa Inf" says he was drafted from

V25 Page 75

23d Dist Pa at Allegheny July 17, 1863 to serve 3 yrs. Served in Co g 63d Pa Vol recd a gunshot wound of left hand May 12, 1864 at Spottsylvania Court House while in line of duty & was discharged on surgeon's cft of disability from the U.S. Army Hospital at Pgh Pa Jany 2, 1865 for loss of use of left hand. Signed Winfield Scott Com.

This was her father known by everyone as S.S. Jack of Apollo, Pa. See the G.D. Albert Hist of Westnd Co Pa 1882 page 522 2d column an article on the Jack Family which treats of William Jack & mentions his brother Mathew Jack being conspicuous in the burning of Hannastown in July 1782 & says they were sons of Samuel Jack who died May 3 or 5 1818 aged 82 yrs. Note the similarity of names in her family b 24 p 388

V25 Page 76

I have a letter postmarked Apr 21, 1931 from Sister Mary of the Angels of the Monastery of St Dominic, Newark, NJ who signs her own name, Ellen D. Spangler who excuses the delay in answering my letter of 11th ulto by saying the Community to which she belongs forbids the writing of any personal letters during Lent.

She recognizes my work as a most worthy one, but has no records, having disposed of those she did own. Says she gave the manuscripts to the Elliott cousins two of whom now reside in Germany & whose address she will give. They are the daughters of Genl Washington L. Elliott & says they will no doubt gladly give me the information.

She says the Elliotts emigrated to this country about the middle or toward the end of the 17th century (she means the seventeen hundreds but has the time wrong) & resided at Hagerstown, Md where my Grandfather, Jesse D. Elliott was born. He died at the Navy Yard in Phila, Pa in 1845. He is buried at Mt Moriah Cem at Phila

My great grandfather, Robert Elliott was scalped by the Indians, the Mohawk tribe if I mistake not. His body is buried in Cincinnati, O. The scalp was restored to

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my grandfather about the year 1842, by the chief of the tribe at Boston where he was Commander at the Navy Yard there & where his portrait is on exhibition.

She has no recollection of any Elliott relations by my name & ask the maiden name of my mother. My cousin's address is:

Mrs Eugene Sahulle c/o Dresdne Bank, Pragerstrasse, Dresden, Ger. Strange that she is where some of our Elliotts were merchants in the years gone by.

I have a letter dated June 11, 1930 from Mrs Ira Hastings 28 N. Ellis St, Cape Girardean, Mo saying she had not been well enough to do much work & that the grandchildren of Hiram Hastings would not send the list, but she sends what she has 3 pages typewritten, which I am tabling commencing on next page. She is much concerned about the early Hastings genealogy wants me to let her have it. Says if I have a Finley book published to let her know.

V25 Page 78

[descendant chart]

Ann Finley married Hastings & had 4 children


Elizabeth Hastings ob Jany 6, 1867 married Gilliland. Had 5 children.

John L. Gilliland married 1 Clarissa Brown & had 2 children, married 2 Amy Roberts & had 2 children.

Eva Gilliland married Geo Laster

Zora Gilliland married James Parker

Irene Parker

Roy Parker

Grace Parker

Bernice Parker

Mary Gilliland married Frank Rey

Glenna Rey

Dee Ray

Jessie Gilliland married Elmer Ray, no issue

Samuel Gilliland [son of Samuel] married Martha McCreaty

Alma Gilliland married Wm Gray

Lura Gray married Allen Golden

Vera Golden

Howard Golden

Jesse Gilliland married Nancy Carroll

Sadie Gilliland married Aubrey Harper

Cloyd Harper, married



Hartey Gilliland married Mable Rex. No issue

Herman Gilliland married Hazel Rex

Rex Gilliland

Margaret Ann Gilliland [daughter of Samuel] married Toribbl [sic] Bell

Lilly Bell married Chas Stokes

Lydia Bell married Saml Wilson

Charles Bell married Mattie Steward

Margaret Bell

Ethel Bell

Lucile Bell

Lilly Bell

Bell Bell [sic]

Lydia Gilliland married John Parmenter

Samuel Parmenter married Maggie Scott

Edward Parmenter

Lydia Hastings [daughter of Ann Finley & Mr Hastings] ob married Barnard Roe. Had 5 children.

Ezra Roe

Icern [sic] Roe

Evangeline Roe

Kate Roe

Emma Roe

Hiram Hastings b Mch 10, ob married Mary A. Berry

Maggie L. Hastings married Judson Layman

Maude Hastings married Wm C. Guiler

Lee Hastings married, lives on home farm in Noble Co, O

Frank O. Hastings lives in Okla

Charles L. Hastings lives in Okla

Giant Hastings Mt Vernon, Wash

Homer Hastings married Mary E. Paxon

Margaret Danner Hastings

Paxon Hastings

Homer Hastings

Marion Hastings

Joseph Hastings

Hezekiah Hastings b Sept 9, 1825 in Guernsey Co, O ob June 12, 1907 at Cairo, Ills. Buried at old home near Ingraham, Ills married 1848 in Ohio Ann Ball. Had 11 children see pages 80-81

V25 Page 80 & V25 Page 81

[descendant chart]

Hezekiah Hastings & Ann Ball see other side, page 79


Samuel Hastings b Mch 30, 1850 ob Sept 20, 1905 married Alice M. Barney

Infant b 1878 ob at birth

Leila May Hastings b Feby 27, 1880 married Guy Reed

Anna Maude Hastings b 1882 married Wm Hanson

Oris Barney Hastings married Marjory Wright

Oris B. Wright Jr b July 7, 1912

Mary Alice Hastings

Amy Hastings b Apr 1852 ob 1854

Noah Hastings b Nov 9, 1856 living near Ingraham, Ills married June 1887 Adaline Brewer. Had 9 children.

Iris Hastings b June 18, 1888

Ernest Hastings b Jany 7, 1890 ob Dec 13, 1895

Irl Hastings b July 25, 1892. In World War Tank service married Florence

Daughter born & died 1925

Irl Eugene Hastings b May 20, 1926

Elsie Hastings b Feby 3, 1895

May Hastings b Oct 13, 1896 married Lawrence Smith

Jarda Smith b Oct 2, 1919 ob? June 24, 1923

Ralph Hastings b Mch 15, 1898 married Ella Elston

Hyser C. Hastings b Nov 27, 1922 ob Nov 30, 1922

Robert Lee Hastings b Mch 14, 1926

Amy Hastings b Aug 14, 1900 Married Clarence Cook

Rilla Cook b Aug 26, 1924

Edward Irl Cook b Dec 29, 1925

Bertha Jane Cook b June 26, 1927

Blanche Marie Cook b May 1929

Blanche Hastings b July 21, 1903 married Stephen Grove

John Ray Grove b Feby 27, 1925

Margaret Adaline Grove b Aug 8, 1926?

Ray Hastings b Feby 22, 1905

James Wilbert Hastings [son of Hezekiah] b Jany 1, 1858 ob May 16, 1906. He is a mining engineer in Alaska. His 4 children born in New Orleans. Married Aug 1898 Bell Grace Hammer

Son died at birth

Alice Narcissa Hastings b Aug 19, 1900 married Dr John Robertson, San Francisco

Grace Hastings b Aug 1, 1902 married Lieut Walter Wolfe, U.S. Coast Artillery.

Walter Wolfe Jr b 1928

James Wilbert Hastings Jr b May 10, 1904

Alice Hastings b Apr 19, 1860 ob Sept 10, 1883

Cora Hastings b Apr 29, 1862

Jonas Ulysses Hastings b May 12, 1864 dentist in South Bend, Ind married 1888 Emma Gharst

Herman Hastings b Apr 27, 1891

Cecil Hastings b Dec 30, 1892 married Ethel Butler

Robert Dean Hastings b 1925

William Hezekiah Hastings b Aug 9, 1900, married

Alfred Hastings b Feby 7, 1867 ob Mch 23, 1875

Nancy Araminta Hastings b Mch 13, 1868 married Dec 31, 1892 Orlando Gard

Erma Gard born & died Aug 21, 1894

Zina Hastings b Mch 24, 1872 ob Aug 9, 1872

Ira Hastings b Apr 6, 1874 married May 4, 1898 Nettie V. McKeon, my informant for this record. He is owner of the Hastings Canneries at Cairo Ills & now lives across the river at Cape Girardean, Mo

Wallace E. Hastings b Aug 9, 1900 ob July 12, 1911

Irene Marie Hastings b Nov 22, 1902 married 1 in 1920 John Wood who died 1926 married 2 Dr Philip H. McNemer

Ira Vernon Hastings g Aug 13, 1909

Warren Samuel Hastings b Aug 27, 1912

V25 Page 82

Oak Hill May 1, 1931 6:50 AM

I have a letter dated July 15, 1928 from H. Marjorie Crawford (see pages 46-47) who then gave her address as No 1311 Ninth St Portsmouth, O in which she gives a long sheet listing Treber descendants. I have all I need of the Crawfords on page 46 & 47, but will list just such as I think are of our line of the Trebers in a table commencing on page 84. She has not given dates at all. I am a little uncertain as to her lines which are perpendicular instead of horizontal which make make a better genealogical table.

V25 Page 83 [blank]

V25 Page 84 & V25 Page 85

[descendant chart]

John Treber, who came from Penna to Ohio


Jacob Treber married 1 Jane Thoroman, married 2 Freeland see pages 86 & 87

Elizabeth Treber married Wood

Anna Treber married Ollie Thoroman

John Treber

Sally Treber married Fisher

Joseph Treber married Esther Thoroman

Sarah Treber married W.O. Bryan

Mary Treber married Isaac Shoemaker

John Treber married Mary Foulke

Rachel Treber married Ode Turner

Joe Treber married 1 Mary Cameron, married Sarah Kneisele 2 children by 1st wife

Branson Treber

Elmer Treber

Esther Treber

John Treber married Belle Reed

Orville Treber

Hollis Treber

Samuel (Si) Treber married Emma Bailey

Earnest Treber

Delia Treber

Pella Treber

Burr Treber

Goldie Treber

Eylar Treber

Ann Treber [daughter of Joseph & Esther Thoroman Treber] married Leonard Reed

Sarah Reed

Hollis Reed

Sam Reed

Emma Reed

Hattie Reed

Ella Reed & Minnie Reed married Whit Traber [sic]

Samuel Treber [son of Joseph & Esther Thoroman Treber) married 1 Martha Wallace, married 2 Minerva Wylie, married 3 Jemima Davidson

Oliver Treber

Charles Treber

Catherine Treber

Burch Treber

Robert Treber

V25 Page 86 & V25 Page 87

[descendant chart]

Jacob Treber see page 84 married 1 Jane Thoroman, married 2 Freeland


Jeff Treber married Annie Sproull

Mary Treber (adopted) married Nelse [sic] Thoroman

Henry Treber married 1 Ann married 2 Eunice

Blanche Treber by 2d wife

Ollie Treber married 1 Lusetta, 1 child married 2 Fleming 1 child

Stella Treber

Charlie Treber

John Treber married Barbara Jackman

Samuel Treber

Jane Treber married S.C. Black

Ollie Treber married 1 Adda Sproull 1 child, married 2 Jane Collins Fitch 3 children

Lily Treber married Joe Fristoe

Bud Treber

Anna Treber married Chas Berry

Lottie Treber married Omar Crawford

Eliza Treber married Frank Sproull

Ann Treber married Dan Adams

Leah Treber married France Sproull

Emma Treber married Jim Ellison

Jacob Treber married Florence Phillips

Will Treber

Harriet Treber married John R. Sutterfield

Whit Treber married 1 Minnie Reed 1 child, married 2 Etta Reed 2 children

Marie Treber married Guy Tucker

Reed Treber married Myrtle Young

Geraldine Treber

Gerald Treber

Josephine Treber

Lydia Treber married Dr Theo Scott

Sally Treber [daughter of Jacob subj of this chart] married Chas Moore

Betty Treber married John Holmes

Minerva Treber married Peter Thomson

William Treber married Melissa Thoroman

Louella Treber

Jennie Treber

Anna Treber

Agnes Treber, married Dr O.T. Sproull

Sallie Treber

Lizzie Treber

Jacob Treber married Margt Chapman

William Treber, married Nola Nevil

Mary Treber married Earl Gaffin

Clara Treber married Cameron Tucker

Lucy Treber married Ole Thoroman

Stella Treber married Dr T.C. Crawford "D.H.H.C."

Lyman Treber married Lulu Gaffin

Dorothy Treber

Jacob Treber [son of Jacob subj of this chart] married Burns

Florence Treber

Jennie Treber

Alice Treber

Joseph Treber married 1 Frank [sic] married 2 Lou David 3 children by 2d wife

Harry Treber

Milton Treber

Edward Treber

Lafayette Treber married

Celia Treber

Irene Treber

Herman Treber

Fred Treber

Louisa Treber

Wilson Treber married Mary Montgomery

Laura Treber married Monteith

Mary Treber

Harry Treber married Beare

William Treber

Jean Treber

Mattie Treber married Kimble

Julia Treber

Will Treber married Himes

Kenneth Treber

V25 Page 88

I have a letter dated Mch 26, 1905 at Santa Fe, Calif from Mrs M.A. Penney to her nephew M.M. Markle Oakridge, Pa who on June 11, 1930 mailed it to me from his present address RR 2 Tarentum, Pa. She speaks of the death of her brother Jake of which he had just advised her & asks if he was a Christian & what family he left. Says she didn't know she had a brother until he wrote to her. Asks where the families of her brothers John & Eli Markle are.

Am expecting to go this summer to see my sister, Sarah S. Hutchingson who was the only one I knew of until I heard from brother Jake. Says her mother was a Shafer & asks if any of her people are about there. I understand you are a grandson of my brother George Markle. I have three children 2 boys & one girl. I have moved from Martinez & am now living at Santa Fe, Calif but the P.O. is Atchison, Contra Costa Co, Calif signed Mrs M.A. Penney. Am returning him the letter today.

V25 Page 89

I have a letter in answer to my questionnaire postmarked June 11, 1930 from Mrs Margaret S. McCeney (Mrs George P. McCeney) 417 Prince George St, Laurel, Md which is midway between Balto Md & Wash D.C. & asks me to stop & see them if I am down there & wants to be advised when my book is published & does not know whether Maj France has his ready for publication yet or not.

She sends 17 pages note size records from which I copy the following all written by herself.

"Finleys in Maryland"

Ninian Beall born in Fifeshire, Scotland circa 1625 held a commission as corent [sic] in a Scotch - English army to resist Cromwell. He was made a prisoner at the battle of Dunbar. He was sent with 150 Scotch & English to Barbadoes, West Indies. About 1652, he had appeared in the Province of Maryland & settled on the Patuxent, in Calvert County. In 1683-85, 200 Scotch Presbyterians fled from Scotland under his supervision & settled on the Potomac River. They called the settlement New Scotland.

In the first party was Walter Bayne who entered 5000 A called Barbadoes on the east side of Port Tobacco Creek. In the second party, came over 1683-1685 were two brothers, James & Robert Finley who settled in

V25 Page 90

Charles Co, Md (make slip) Ref "Sidelights in Md Hist by Herter D. Richardson, Md Archives "Colonial Maryland" by G.M. Brumbaugh M.D., Land grants recorded in Annapolis, Md June 23, 1685 150 A in Charles Co, Robert Finley 1680 A called Leith in Prince George Co (make slip) surveyed Feby 22, 1681.

500 A to James Moore who sold part to Ninian Beall & 158 A to Robert Finley Liber 22 Folio 167

James Finley died Nov 10, 1699 aged 38 yrs unmarried. Will dated Charles Co, Oct 7, 1699 proven Dec 23, 1699. Inventory dated Jany 20, 1700 estate valued £113,3 8 1/2 pence executor Robert Finley, witnesses Francis Harrison, Ambrose Hall.

From Maryland Archives Vol 27 pages 24, 77, 396, 402, 450, 500, we find: Assembly Proceedings, Annapolis, Md Mch 12, 1698, hereby giving Power & authority to Robert Finley to enter & clear ships.

July 22, 1699

Hon Thos Brooks Esq presents the following message. I did yesterday move to his Majesty's Honorable Council in favor of Mr Robert Finley one who for his faithful services was recommended to me as a person of great worth & honor vol 25 p 242.

V25 Page 91

Nov 10, 1709 Robert Finley appointed Colonel Commissary of Arms for Talbot Co

Vol 17

Whereas several of the County Arms are in the house of col John Contee decd of Charles Co ordered that Col Robert Finley Com of Arms place same arms with Col Smallwood Vol 27 page 22 Apr 2, 1713.

Capt Geo Harris came & made oath before the Governor that Daniel Wills had three pounds of powder which Silvester Welch's negro brought him from his master etc.

Elizabeth Finley was the daughter of Capt George Harris & daughter-in-law of Col Robert Finley.

Old tombstones near Oxford, Talbot Co, Md

Col Robert Finley departed this life July 28, 1716 aged 54 years & 2 mos

Jane, his wife d.t.l. May 10, 1725 aged 60 yrs

Inventory of col Robert Finley's estate, King Creek Plantation dated Sept 2, 1716.

Dec 18, 1716 letters of Admr granted Charles Finley and Jane Finley

Will of Jane Finley dated Talbot Co Aug 3, 1722 proven Apr 17, 1725 executors Charles Finley, Wm Clayton, John Senat. Witnesses Elizabeth Bryson, J. Bozman, clerk of court lib 19 folio 443. She says Col Robert Finley is 8th in my line of ancestors so will copy just as I have it in my book which com with 8th generation. I think she gave me the earlier generations but she

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has not mentioned any book or page & I don't know where to turn to it & will com my table with Col Robert on page 94 & write to her.

Continuing May 2, 1931 7:27 AM

She refers to Colonial Records County & Church, Md 2 vols by G.M. Brumbaugh M.D. which I have. Her husband's full name is George Patterson McCeney & his father Edgar Patterson McCeney was born in Anne Arundel Co, Md Oct 25, 1844 & died Jany 22, 1892 descended from Marcus & Mary Annabel McCeney who emigrated from England to Kent Co, Md in 1659

Eliza Coombs Bowie born at Thorpland, Md Aug 31, 1840 died Jany 22, 1912.

A full record of the Bowies can be found in "Bowies & other kindred" by W.W. Bowie.

Have complete records of both these families with wills & land records etc.

V25 Page 93 [blank]

V25 Page 94 & V25 Page 95

[descendant chart]



Col Robert Finley born in Dundee Scotland in 1662 ob July 28, 1716 aged 54 yrs & is buried near Oxford, Talbot Co, Md. He came to America with his older brother James about 1683-5 & settled in Md see pages 89-91. He was son of James & Jean Finley. Married 1686 in Calvert Co, Md Jane Johnson born Mch 1665 ob May 10, 1725 aged 60 yrs & 2 mos & is buried near Oxford, Talbot Co, Md Will in Talbot Co, Md. She was daughter of Thomas Johnson & his wife Mary Baker who came to America in 1660. See b 26 p 571 for his early line.

Robert Finley b 1687 ob prior to 1716

Mary Finley b 1688 ob married Jacob Orchard desc of Richard Orchard, master of the Dove in 1634.

Charles Finley b 1689 ob 1744 in Prince George Co married Apr 11, 1711 Elizabeth Harris daughter of Capt Geo Harris & granddaughter of John Harris who settled in Md in 1659 to Talbot Co. She was born 1693 ob 1758. He owned 1/2 Kings Creek Plantation in Talbot Co & 200 A in Charles Co Md. Bible record below fr bible owned by Mrs C.W. Pettigrew, Pine Bluff, Ark.

Ann Finley b Oct 17, 1715, ob

Sarah Finley b Feby 27, 1717

Elizabeth Finley b May 26, 1720

Charles Finley b Jany 24, 1722 ob 1787 married 1750 Martha Hawkins Bayne. See page 98

John Finley b June 1, 1725 ob 1750 in Chestertown, Md will dated May 30, 1750

James Finley b Apr 15, 1728 in Prince George Co ob Nov 11, 1785 in Queen Anne Co removed to Queen Anne Co in 1769 & had grant of 196 A called Finleys Purchase Lib B.C. & G.S. #40 folio 67 recorded in Annapolis, Md. Married Margaret Norton daughter of Richard Norton Sr.

George Finley b Feby 1729 ob May 1803 Queen Anne Co, Md aged 54 yrs 3 mos will proven Oct 27, 1803 married 1769 Margaret Gould b 1751 ob 1810 daughter of Francis Gould gd of Benj Gould & ggd of James Gould who died Queen Anne Co Md 1736. George served in 6th Co 3d Reg Private Feby 3, 1776 corporal Apr 28, 1777, sergeant June 14, 1777 discharged Jany 20, 1780 (Md Archives Vol 18 p 645, 205 for his services recd large tracts of land 1769 - 260 A now Caroline Co lib B.C. & G.s. folio 91, 1786, 995 A Finleys Adventure Lib C #1 folio 208, 1793, 54 1/4 A Finleys Hazard Lib 1C #1 folio 318 1793, 263 3/4 A Go Between Lib 1C #1 folio 209, 1797 Finleys Adventure resurveyed by George Washington Finley lib 1 C #B folio 176 recorded Annapolis Land office census of Queen Anne Co 1790 gives him 3 sons over 16, 2 sons under 16 2 daughters & 17 slaves. They had 7 children as given below.

Robert Finley b Aug 10, 1770 ob 1800

John Finley b July 17, 1771 ob in Balto, Md prior to 1803 married Mary

Robert Finley ob married Mch 2, 1827 Susan Miller

John Finley b 1793 in Capt McGruder's Artillery War of 1812

Thomas Finley b 1794 ob in Capt Pike's Co War of 1812 married Oct 21, 1821 Catharine Mings of Balto.

William Finley [son of George b 1747] b Aug 4, 1772 ob no record

Elizabeth Finley b Oct 10, 1774 ob married Maron

Mary Finley b May 18, 1776 ob married George Chaires [best guess]

James Finley b Apr 20, 1777 ob 1815 in Balto, Md married Sept 17, 1798 Catharine Gantz b 1780 ob 1812 in Balto, daughter of Thomas Gantz of Prince George Co, Md. James was born in Queen Anne Co Md & moved to Balto Md Sept 11, 1815 O.C. Balto Saml Gantz appd Gdn of his 3 minor children Nov 12, 1827 lib 6 F 140 O.C. Thos Sadler files release for Mary Ann's pd Aug 21, 1824 see next page 96.

George Washington Finley b Jany 26, 1780 ob married, Physician Church Hill, Md

Dr Joe Lane Finley ob

Woodland P. Finley, ob

James Finley Jr [son of James Finley b 1728] b 1750 ob 1789 married 1776 Margaret Ruth (Test Pro lib 47 folio 109 Sarah Ruth, James Finley & Margaret, his wife Rachel Ruth against John Ruth admr of Wm Ruth's est) census 1790 Queen Anne Co, one son over 16 & one daughter

John Finley b 1752 ob served as fifer 6th Co 3d Res Queen Anne Co (Md Archives Vol 17 page 645)

Richard Finley b 1754 ob 2nd Lieut in Capt Wm Frisby's Co May 15, 1776 Md Archives Vol II page 246

William Finley [son of Charles b 1689] b Oct 2, 1730 ob married Madeline Barey

Mary Finley b Nov 22, 1733, ob

Richard Finley b Mch 3, 1788

Elizabeth Finley [daughter of Col Robert Finley b 1662] b 1690 ob, married Henry Price

James Finley [brother of Col Robert Finley b 1662] born 1661 ob Nov 10, 1699 aged 38 yrs See will, Charles Co, Md unmarried, came to America & to Md with his brother Robert about 1683-85 make slip to see will. He was son of James & Jean Finley

V25 Page 96 & V25 Page 97

[descendant chart]

James Finley see page 95 b Apr 20, 1777 in Queen Anne Co, Md ob 1815 in Balto, Md married Sept 17, 1798 Catherine Gantz b 1780 ob 1812. Had 3 children.


William Finley b 1799 ob

Eliza Finley b 1801 ob

Mary Ann Finley b Aug 6, 1808 ob May 1, 1882. She was born in Balto Md & died in Havre de Grase, Md married Sept 14, 1824 Capt Thomas Sadler born in Queen Anne Co, Md Mch 15, 1796 died Havre de Grase Md Jany 28, 1888 bible record of 9 children below from bible owned by John Green Havre de Grase, Md

John Sadler b Dec 1, 1826 ob Sept 27, 1874

Catherine Sadler b Jany 25, 1828 ob Sept 7, 1840

Elizabeth Jane Sadler b Aug 7, 1831 ob Sept 11, 1904 married John Roberts [Roderts?]

Thomas Sadler b July 17, 1834 ob 1919

Robert Henry Sadler b Mch 23, 1837 ob Feby 17, 1922 Married 1 Jany 25, 1870 Emma M. Stenger of Howard Co, Md who died Sept 5, 1878 leaving 4 children. Married 2d Sept 13, 1879 Mrs Margaret (Millen) Jackson of Phila, Pa & daughter of James Millen & wife Margaret Furth of Phila, Pa who was born Aug 3, 1849 & died Jany 23, 1921. Had 2 children. See six children below

Katherine Sadler b Nov 13, 1870 ob Sept 11, 1876

Mary Ann Sadler b Sept 25, 1873

Robert H. Sadler b Oct 29, 1875

Emma Maria Sadler b Mch 15, 1878

Margaret Millen Sadler born Apr 19, 1882 my good informant for this record, married June 30, 1903 George P. McCeney son of Edgar P. McCeney & wife Eliza C. Bowie of Prince George Co, Md. They live at 417 Prince George St, Laurel, Md. He was born at Thompland, Md on July 19, 1879.

George Bowie McCeney b Aug 9, 1904 in Prince George Co Md Married Apr 28, 1923 Catherine S. Turner of Annapolis, Md

Virginia Bowie McCeney b July 2, 1925

Dr Robert S. McCeney b Sept 5, 1905

Catharine P. McCeney b Mch 20, 1915 at Laurel, Md

Laura Field Sadler b Oct 2, 1883 married 1 Dec 13, 1913 Richard Cocke of Ky married 2 Mch 3, 1922 Chas Piez of Chicago. No issue.

James A. Sadler [son of Capt Thomas Sadler b 1796] b Sept 25, 1839 ob 1919 married Laura Cropper

Mary Catherine Sadler b Mch 25, 1843 ob 1914 married 1865 Jesse Hilles

Laura Emma Sadler b Mch 26, 1845 ob June 14, 1916 married Oliver Field

George William Sadler b Nov 12, 1847 ob Sept 24, 1849

V25 Page 98 & V25 Page 99

[descendant chart]

Charles Finley see page 94 born Jany 24, 1722 ob 1787 in Prince George Co, Md will dated Dec 20, 1785 lib J 1 Folio married 1750 Martha Hawkins Bayne daughter of Ebsworth Bayne & wife Catherine Fowke. Had 11 children. She has short history of Bayne family, records of the family can be found at St John's Ch Piscataway, Prince George Co Md 1701-1805.


William Finley b Mch 22, 1751 ob, married June 9, 1778 Ann Whirrite

Elizabeth Finley b May 7, 1753 ob married Dec 21, 1797 John Sutton

Charles Finley b Sept 22, 1755 ob married Dec 5, 1797 Elizabeth Love

Ann Bayne Finley b May 25, 1757 ob married May 4, 1783 Peter Boswell

Elizabeth Boswell b Mch 8, 1784 died in infancy

Martha Finley Boswell b Mch 5, 1786 ob married 1810 Walter Bartlett Sorrells & moved to Burke Co NC

Madison B. Sorrells b 1813 married Dalida Rhodes

Nancy Sorrells b June 10, 1816 ob married Jesse Turner

Mary Sorrells b 1819 ob Married Walker

Theodoric F. Sorrells b June 12, 1821 in Bedford Co, Tenn, ob, married 1853 Rebecca M. Marks

Mary M. Sorrells b June 16, 1854 married May 5, 1875 Wm L. Dewoody

Marian Louise Dewoody b July 13, 1876 married Nov 17, 1903 C.W. Pettigrew & live at Pine Bluff, Ark.

Elizabeth Boswell [daughter of Peter Boswell] b June 10, 1790 ob married Marlowe

George F. Boswell b 1791 married Hannah Colten

Mary Boswell b 1793 ob no record

John Boswell b 1794 ob no record

William Boswell b 1795 ob married Melissa Eddings

Martha Finley [daughter of Charles b 1722] b Mch 25, 1759 ob in infancy

Hugh Finley b Oct 24, 1761 ob married Aug 11, 1788 Sarah Hughes

John Finley b Jany 28, 1764 ob

Martha Finley b Mch 19, 1766 ob Married Nov 1, 178t Lancelot Wade

Thomas Finley b Feby 8, 1768 ob married Jany 29, 1791 Chloe Bayne

James Finley b Apr 14, 1770 ob married Feby 7, 1800 Henny Dyer

Mary Finley b Sept 9, 1775 ob married Dec 16, 1794 Joseph Gill

V25 Page 100

Oak Hill May 3, 1931 3:30 PM

Mrs Ponting says Congress gave a gold hilted sword to Com Jesse Duncan Elliott for services rendered & it descended to Gen W.L. Elliott & after his death, his nephew, Col Elliott Jacobs of Balto prevailed on his widow to let him take it at the appraisement & he dying in Balto, Md childless, he gave it to his brother William Vaugh [sic] Jacobs a resident of Chicago, Ills now dead, leaving a widow & a boy & girl both married out of Chicago at Glencoe probably.

Mrs P. has an old address viz "Mrs Wm V. Jacob 500 South Av Glencoe Ills"

Mrs Etta Elliott of 291 McLean Ave Yonkers NY widow of Mrs P's half brother Wm G. Elliott told her on Apr 27, 1931 that Wm V. Jacobs had placed this in a museum at Chicago, so she had heard see b 24 p 362.

Frances Robison Elliott, daughter of Com J.D. Elliott see b 24 p 363 married a Spangler from the Cumb Valley who proved to be rather worthless & had several children.

1. Frances, married Geo Schultz & lived once in Lancaster, Pa & then went to New Eng about Boston & had a daughter Blanche.

2,3,4 3 sons

V25 Page 101

5. Ellen D. who when living in York, Pa had scarlet fever which left her totally blind & she is now "Sister Mary of the Angels" a cloistered nun in the monastery of St Dominic Newark, NJ where she has been behind the bars for 47 years, large & fleshy with a most cheerful laugh, supremely happy, aged about 80 yrs the youngest of the family

At a blind school at Phila, Pa, she had a roommate who was a Catholic who prevailed on her to become a Catholic & when she became 21 she drew her money from the bank & went to Canada on Catholic arrangements made for her to teach in a blind school there where she got rather scant recognition & was sent back with just a little expense money & they kept the principal sum.

Mrs P. thinks her father & mother were married Aug 25, about 1854 or 55 see b 24 p 363

Fred Stitt who married Jessie Woodward b 24 p 363 has remarried & lives 2737 Devenshire NW Wash DC where he is a patent lawyer. Mrs P's son, Arthur Elliott Ponting's wife's mother was a daughter of chief justice Melville W. Fuller of Chicago, Ills. see b 24 p 364

V25 Page 102

Oak Hill May 4, 1931 10:20 AM

One of Mrs Ponting's early ancestors of whom she has been telling me was Rev Elihu Spencer a Presbyterian minister with Princeton connections & a church at Trenton NJ where his intensive preaching against the oppression of the British caused them to set a price on his head which so agitated his congregation that they loaded a few of his principal possessions & himself in a cart or wagon, threw the curtains of a high post bed over all & spirited him away for the time.

Lydia Spencer, a daughter of his, married William Biddle, whose going on a bond as security impoverished him & he was sent to prison for debt & for a living, during this predicament, his wife took in boarders & some of her descendants are free to state that the great ability & brains of her descendants are in great measure traceable to her.

One of her daughters, Mary Elizabeth, married George Blaney & one of her daughters, Valeria Biddle Blaney married Gen Washington L. Elliott & became the mother of my informant, Mrs Mary Biddle Ponting. Another daughter,

V25 Page 103

of Lydia Spencer Biddle married a Baird & her son, Spencer Baird was prominently connected with the Smithsonian Institute. Still another daughter, Sarah Biddle married William Penrose & his son Richard Alexander Fullerton Penrose married a Boies & their son was U.S. Senator Boies Penrose, who through Wm E. Crow later U.S. Senator offered me the nomination for Governor which I did not then want. His brother Spencer Penrose then a well confirmed bachelor took a trip abroad & in the party were two rich widows & one of them the widow of U.S. Senator McMillan of Minnesota & he were married & he is now a most influential & helpful resident of Colorado Springs, Colo

Element Billings Penrose, brother of Dr R.A.F. Penrose was for over 50 yrs judge of the Widows & Orphans Court of Phila, Pa with a wonderful record & another brother Chas Penrose was a leading doctor in Balto, Md. Another brother, William Penrose left daughters who lived for years unmarried in Carlisle, Pa

Mrs Ponting says there is a drawing in a book of her father's

V25 Page 104

with a sketch of a small square box at the base of a tall shaft where it connected with a square base of the monument in Cincinnati O which Gen W.L. Elliott's father Com Jesse D. Elliott erected to his father, Col Robert Elliott & in this box was placed the scalp of Col Robert Elliott but the glass had been broken & the scalp stolen. She said that her grandfather, Com Jesse Duncan was Stephen Decatur's second in his fatal duel with the infamous Barron & he had the narrow wooden box about 18 inches long, lined with green baize which contained two pistols, a mould & a few bullets which after his death passed from his widow to Genl Washington Lafayette Elliott, his son & from him to his daughters & Mrs Ponting tells me that she & her sisters turned them over to the loan collection museum of the Golden Gate Park at San Francisco, Calif about the year 1912 & they are now there.

6:20 PM

Mrs Ponting said that after the San Francisco earthquake in 1906 she took care of several people for abt 5 mos & among them James Horsburg (pronounced Hosboro) who told her that he had been present when Genl U.S. Grant

V25 Page 105

arrived in San Francisco, Calif from his 1879 trip around the World & that her father, Genl Washington L. Elliott had been detailed to meet him on arrival. The steamer was late in arriving & Gen Elliott had the soldiers out waiting some hours in the forenoon & finally when Gen Grant landed, he gave the order to "Fall in. Fall in line" whereupon Grant remarked: "that is Elliott, I haven't heard his voice since the Civil War" Horsboro said Grant never forgot a voice.

Mrs P. said two or three men once called to see her grandmother the widow of Com J.D. Elliott & when they had left, the solid gold medal that congress had voted Com Elliott was gone. they were crooks & had stolen it. They explained its loss to congress, but they wd not give them another one of solid gold but did give them a metal? one plated with gold.

Mrs P. said her father took her to the train one Thursday & rtg therefrom, found a notice that the premium on a $6000 NY Life Ins Policy was coming due & he went next day, Friday & paid it & rtg put the receipt in its pigeon hole & dropped dead. A telegram caught her at Odgen, Utah & turned her back. I took her to Morgantown this Pm to visit Mrs Whipple.

V25 Page 106

I have a letter dated May 2, 1931 from Edmund Hayes Bell of 305 The Wyoming, Columbia Road & California Sts, Wash D.C. stating that he had learned that a daughter of the late Washington L. Elliott had or was about to place in my hands some Elliott history data & asks for early Elliott Hist & wants particularly to know the name of Col Robert Elliott's mother - which Mrs Ponting here when his letter came & read it but didn't know - & when his father came to America. I am writing him tonight. See b 24 p 358.

He says "General William Robinson of Pittsburgh in his day a very prominent citizen of Allegheny Co & the first white child born there, son of James Robinson, told Lyman C. Draper the historian in 1850 Col Robert & Capt Matthew Elliott were both his uncles, as his mother's maiden name is said to have been Martha Boggs I would like to know how these two Elliott men could have been his Uncles. Perhaps you will now be in position to solve this puzzle?"

Unfortunately, I am not.

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Oak Hill May 5, 1931 7:20 AM

continuing from B 23 p 236 & copying from the brief memoir of the life of Rev Joseph Scroggs D.D. 1793-1873 from the 4th page thereof, after graduation in 1809 at age of 16 yrs from Jefferson College he entered upon the study of Theology under Dr John Anderson in the little rude log seminary on Service Creek & was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Chartiers in 1813 at Poland, O, preached his first sermon in a tent on the west branch of Beaver Creek. An incident in regard to this first sermon illustrates the ways of Providence. The congregation gathered & waited impatiently. An aged Mother in Israel observing a bashful stripling retiring to the woods & going in that direction, found him seated on the trunk of a fallen tree overwhelmed with the dread of the ordeal confronting him & prevailed on him to come forward & he preached with great acceptance to the people. Later in this year in Dec 1813, he preached to the congregations of Fairfield & Donegal & was called by them in Aug following 1814. His last sermon but one was from Gal 2:20

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& his last sermon two weeks & one day before his death was from the text "And this is the will of Him that sent me, that everyone which seeth the Son & believeth on him, may have everlasting life & I will raise him up at the last day". Thus not only the life of faith, but the ultimate hope of the believer - the resurrection of the body were his last themes, the last being preached at Donegal. On Sept 20, 1864, the Presbytery of Westmoreland met at Fairfield & celebrated the 50th anniversary of his settlement there, a full acct of which is found in the Evangelical Repository of that year.

Rev J.T. Cooper D.D. was called upon to give sketch of the progress & problems of the church during his ministry of 50 years & spoke of a meeting of Synod at Canonsburg, Pa in 1833 which he was privileged to attend, being a student from the south & saw Dr Scroggs for the first time when he came forward to argue on the subject of Union & the agitation of slavery being uppermost & which Dr Scroggs had studied from the Act of 1881 forward read a sixteen page printed argument he had prepared which Rev Cooper said:

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"As a polemic treatise, we have rarely if ever seen its equal. For clearness of conception, acuteness of discrimination, accuracy & keeness of satire it cannot but command the profound respect of any intelligent person who will give it a careful perusal".

From this meeting the formation of the "United Presbyterian Church" resulted.

He was six feet tall & like the Kings of Israel "higher from his shoulders & upwards" than most of the men of his time. Hon. James G. Birney when a candidate for the Presidency happened in at a meeting of the Associate Synod in Xenia, O in which a phase of the slavery question was being discussed by Dr Scroggs & he remarked afterwards that he had never felt himself in the presence of Superior intellectual force. The observable point of Dr Scroggs mental constitution was the quickness, extent & precision of his apprehension.

He had a strong sympathy for men endowed with extraordinary ability & was full of forceful anecdotes of Washington, Bonaparte, Lincoln, & other such Providential instruments.

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A noticeable feature of Dr Scroggs mind was his wit & keen relish of a joke & his humorous predilections. His life seemed always to justify the Prophets vision "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings" & Thos art beautiful, O my love as Tirzah; comely as Jerusalem" & "How beautiful are the feet with shoes, O Prince's daughter".

He had unusual conversational powers, was affable & would readily adapt himself to any company & direct the channels of conversation as he willed.

His moral character stood above reproach & he was "an Israelite indeed in whom was no guile". He commanded not respect merely, but reverence & was always active. He would walk under a pole held aloft by two companions & the turning around would leap over it.

Dr Scroggs was twice married. His first wife Mary Hanna, sister of the late Dr Hanna died of Consumption July 29, 1848. She was "a virtuous woman & a crown to her husband". She lived respected & beloved & died lamented. By her, he had ten children, six of whom still live, James, Ellen, Thomas, & Margaret

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have (we trust) gone before.

The present Mrs Scroggs is a daughter of Samuel Witherspoon of Canonsburg, Pa & was formerly married to William Hogg of Canfield, Ohio who died in 1834. Dr Scroggs & she were married in 1854. Her praise is in all the congregation.

Dr S. was a strong advocate of long pastorates & as an aid to them, he said the pastor must practice "personal humility" & "self-denial".

I am returning the memoir this afternoon by registered mail to Mrs? M.G. Caldwell New Athens, O.

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I have a letter dated Apr 30, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Georgia M.D. Roat 376 E. Mahoning St, Milton, Pa in which she thanks me for the proof gotten in Aug 1898 at Reading Pa that Esther Bushar was the daughter of Peter Markle & says her records show her to be the sister of her ancestor Christian Markle & Aunt of her grandmother. She says she has seen a beautiful miniature of her son Peter Markle Bushar. She asks if she had a daughter Esther (Hettie) who married David Krauser see b 1 p 132-3. I am informing her. See b 24 p 582.

I have a letter dated Apr 30, 1931 in answer to mine from W.G. Finley 2492 Derbyshire Road, Cleveland Heights, O representing the American Hist. Soc Inc of 80 E 11th St NY who says he cannot help me on the Finleys as it is not an old family in this county, his grandfather Finley having come from Ireland settling in eastern Ohio. He says his mother was Frances Whitney & through them, he connects back to the early Saxon Kings & the Emperor Charlemagne. He has been to see Rose & will be through here & stop.

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Mrs Ponting says that a young connection of their families viz Stephen Rose Benet aged abt 35 yrs wrote abt 2 yrs ago a book in blank verse & poetry entitled "John Brown's Body" which is a wonderful portrayal of the Civil War & for faithful & accurate description of people & incidents of different localities is wonderful. I will when I go to Pgh try to get it at Brentano's.

Mrs Ponting said her first cousin Ellen D. Spangler, sister of Mary of the Angels, a cloistered nun behind the bars for the past 47 yrs at the Monastery of St Dominic at Newark NJ & who has been totally blind since she was 5 yrs old resulting from an attack of scarlet fever has become so proficient & her touch is so delicate that it is wonderful what she can do. This monastery has five branches, two of them being those at Detroit Mich & Los Angeles, Calif & the materials for Communion which they serve every day, wine & wafers are all prepared at Newark NJ & shipped to the other places & Sister Mary of the Angels or Ellen packs & ships 40,000 of these wafers a day; they are almost as thin as paper & her touch is

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so delicate that they never stick together for her. She once had charge of the commissary dept of checking off & paying for the groceries & other things brought & was able from the touch to tell ones, fives, tens, twenties, in fact all denomination of paper money by the touch. She learned to make brooms, whisk brushers to sew, knew & crochet, cut out patterns & make wonderful patterns crocheting with figures thereof of roses etc so that her work brings in $500 to $600 to the monastery per year.

Mrs Ponting called there on this trip to see her about a week or ten days ago & when she was leaving (she is not to touch or allow anyone to touch her) she said "Oh Mary, how I wish I could take you in my arms & love you, but that is one of my sacrifices". Pallini said yesterday that his wife's father died May 23, 1906 & they got married in Dec following & sailed for America landing in New York City Dec 22, 1906 & were in Wash D.C. the next day visiting friends. They came to us through Mrs Seely's agency in NY on Nov 1908.

James R. Cray Esq said this afternoon that he came to Fayette Co in 1876 from Brady's Bend, Pa

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Oak Hill May 6, 1931 8:55 PM

I recd a letter dated 3d inst from Mrs Saml P. Yohe of Monongahela Pa & she sends me the following data that her sister sent her for me relating to a will in Washington Co, Pa

Will of William Thompson of Smith Tp, Washington Co, Pa dated May 26, 1802 proved Sept 13, 1803 wife Jean, children John, Martha, Josiah, Allen, Jinny, Mary & Sarah. Wife executrix witness John Wilkins & Jno Edgar

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Oak Hill May 7, 1931 5:55 AM

Many years ago, I got the following records of second cousin Grace Elliott Wood daughter of Joseph S. Elliott whose wife was a Forsythe, the same being copied from some bible records & as I am expecting to go down this afternoon with David S. & Josephine Richey, both second cousins accompanied by 3d cousin Mrs Mary Biddle Elliott Ponting of Berkeley, Calif to call, I will copy same & take them with me & return them to Grace.


Eli Forsythe & Jane McKee April 1798

Elizabeth Forsythe & Nathan Dixon Apr 22, 1823

William Forsythe & Jane Steele Sept 18, 1828

Rachel Forsythe & Wm R. Campbell Nov 9, 1830

Robert Forsythe & Agustia [sic] Sebauld May 28, 1840

E. Johnson Forsythe & Ruth Elliott Oct 28, 1841

Charlotte Forsythe & Edward Elliott Nov 6, 1856

Charlotte F. Elliott & David Elliott May 22, 1877


Jane Forsythe died Oct 1813

Jane, wife of Eli Forsyth [sic] died June 6, 1832 in 60th yr of her age

Archibald Forsyth June 25, 1833 in 33d yr

Eli Forsyth June 17, 1854 in his 82d yr

Eli Johnson Forsyth June 9, 1857 in 40th yr

Rachel Campbell Nov 23, 1871 in 67th yr

William Forsyth July 20, 1878 in 79th yr

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Charlotte J. Elliott Jany 14, 1880 in 66th year

Mary Forsythe June 11, 1881 aged 75 yrs

Elizabeth Dixon May 23, 1885 aged 83 yrs

Catharine Forsyth Aug 26, 1885 in 75 yrs 6 mos

[variations in Forsythe/Forsyth spelling noted]

The Elliott Family

William F. Elliott born Apr 5, 1814

James C. Elliott born Feby 26, 1816

Edward J. Elliott born May 1, 1818

Robert Elliott born Apr 28, 1820

Ruth Elliott born Sept 7, 1822

Mary Ann Elliott born Jany 15, 1825

Joseph S. Elliott born Apr 18, 1827

Alexander Elliott born Aug 30, 1829

Sarah Rebecca Elliott born Feby 18, 1832

Martha Elliott born Sept 12, 1834


James Elliott & Mary Cunningham 1813 by Rev Wiley


James Elliott Apr 26, 1842

Mary Elliott Mch 16, 1869

E. Johnson Elliott 1853

William Elliott July 21, 1878 aged 64 yrs

Mary Ann Patterson May 6, 1891 aged 66 yrs

Robert Elliott Feby 13, 1900 aged 80 yrs

Sarah Rebecca Elliott Feby 27, 1900 aged 68 yrs

James C. Elliott Jany 6, 1894 aged 78 yrs

Ruth Richey May 16, 1901 aged 79 yrs

Alexander Elliott Apr 1903

8:30 AM Are now starting to Morgantown, WVa to get Mrs Ponting

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12:20 PM

We got back from Morgantown WVa with Mrs Ponting at 11 Am. She had been visiting there since Monday with Capt Stephen C. Whipple & wife. He is 6 ft 2 in & is in the Gov. service there for 4 yrs at the University & his father was in the company of Mrs Ponting's father. Her mother, a widow, Mrs White, lives in Chico, Calif in the old home, a single sister, Miss Earll who is general librarian of the town. Mrs White was roommate at school of Mrs P. Mrs Whipple's name is Margery & her 2d & youngest daughter is Margery Whipple born Oct 7, 1925, the older daughter is 5 yrs older.

Mrs Ponting said she saw a monument to a Colonel Elliott at Gibralter, English possession.

1:30 PM Are leaving with D.S. Richey & wife for the Elliott neighborhood.

4 PM

Have just returned having passed through the old home or Robert Elliott farm abt 290 A & called a half hour or so at Harvey Elliott's, Joe's brother & old home & then went on to Grace Wood's fine home & had a half hour or more with her & went in to Brownsville & came home over the National Road showing Mrs Ponting that section & had a delightful time. Dave was born in WVA in 1848

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& said his father Andrew Finley Richey always spelled his name Ritchie & said that was the right way to spell it, but they changed it to Richey at request of his Uncle David Richey. He said his father died in 1867, two months after coming to this county aged 57 yrs when Dave himself was 19 yrs old. He said his father told him that three brothers came to this country together from Scotland or the north of Ireland, he didn't know the year ie Dave didn't & his father, John Richey settled in Pa (he went to Wooster O & died there). Another brother, Thomas Richey went south & he thought was editor of a newspaper at Richmond Va & the other brother William Richey went west.

Mrs Ponting said that her grandfather, Com Jesse Duncan Elliott had as a rule to return the entertainment given him abroad out of his own pocket as the government did not then provide a fund from which this could be done. She said the king of Portugal made him a present of a very large solid silver soup tureen, a picture of which she has & also a dozen very heavy solid silver forks with a fine design. These spoons came into the possession of her half brother Wm G. Elliott, possibly from his grandmother & when he was in such

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from the treatment of his first wife, causing him to drink excessively etc he gave them to his father as partial compensation for the money he advanced him & they now belong to her two sisters & herself & she has them in her trunk of silver in her safety deposit vault at home. She don't know what became of the tureen but suggests that her grandmother may have sold it to liquidate some of the debts of her husband Com Jesse Duncan Elliott.

She says her father used to correspond with Elliott relatives in Canada but she don't know the town, but the relatives name Elliott Anderson, his mother probably an Elliott.

A relative from Canada but don't know whether it was he came to San Francisco, Calif to see her father, Gen Elliott about the late seventies 1878 or 1879 & borrowed money from him which he never repaid.

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A letter dated yesterday May 6th from E.H. Bell, The Wyoming Wash D.C. says that when John Elliott died, he was the husband of Frances Chillison who had been a widow & he mentions her two children in his will. He also mentions his daughter Hannah who undoubtedly was his child by 2d wife. He does not mention a daughter Patience or a son Mathew in his will. He says our old papers are wrong as to Col Robt Elliott's first wife. She was not Miss Quigley, but Jean Wilson & the marriage is recorded at Mercersburg, Pa. Perhaps John Elliott's 1st wife was not Patience Hogan but Patience Quigley.

He gives the children of Col Robt Elliott as follows which is in different order than Mrs P's paper in book 24 p 360 & the last one added viz:

Robert, Patience, Wilson, William, Daniel, Harriet, John, Jesse D., St Clair, Elie Williams

This gives William & Elie Williams which I now add to above record. He don't know which are by 1st wife & which by 2d but says all the above named are found in deeds given as heirs of estate of Robt Elliott so there is no doubt about them.

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He asks if Col Wm Elliott retired of Calif is a descendant of Col Robert's son William Elliott who went to Canada in 1800. He says this Col Wm U.S.A. retired was born in Canada. He says that William Elliott who went to Canada abt 1800 lived with Capt Matthew Elliott was afterwards in the British Army & he thinks he was a Colonel when he died. Wouldn't it be strange if it was his monument Mrs Ponting saw at Gibralter?

Mrs Ponting says they are now building largely by convict labor a coast highway along the Pacific Ocean from Tijuana, Mexico to Vancouver, British Columbia which goes through the big redwood trees district which will be completed in two or three years. A trip for me to take.

Second cousin Josephine Richey said that her first cousin, Miss Anna Patterson had died last fall in Colorado. She thought at Golden or Golden City, well up in years. She was daughter of Mary Ann Elliott born Jany 15, 1825 see page 117 who married Andrew Oliphant Patterson, lawyer who had some children die young & Anna was the last of that line.

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Oak Hill May 8, 1931 4:04 PM

Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death of Miss Jennie O. Moser aged 67 yrs & 5 mos who died at 5:25 PM Wednesday May 6, 1931 at the home of her sister, Mrs Roy Hayden, Winchell Ave here. Death was due to complications from which she had been afflicted for an extended period.

In addition to Mrs Hayden, she is survived by three brothers, John H. Moser of Smithfield RD & Andrew & Samuel Moser both of Smithfield Pa burial Saturday at Woodbridgetown Church Cemetery. She was a distantly related Thompson relative.

The same paper announces the death from pain & shock from a fall breaking his hip of my good friend Rev Dr Howard Fetzer King on May 5, 1931 at the home of his son Wm I. King in Pittsburgh, Pa. He was born at Kingsville, Clarion Co, Pa May 22, 1841 & in 60 yrs as pastor, he served five congregations by regular charges. Burial at Hollidaysburg, Pa. His wife Lucretia Froine [sic] King died in 1909.

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7:11 PM

Have just returned from Connellsville, Pa where we took third cousin Mrs Mary Biddle Ponting to take the 6:33 PM Fort Pitt Ltd B&O train for Chicago, Ills on her trip home to Berkeley, Calif. She said her husband was in England, that he had become a "Soldier of fortune" & filled with wanderlust that they had been separated for years. She said he had been with Scott on his second & fatal trip in 1910 to the South Pole as a photographer & taker of stereoptican pictures & that he had written the book "The Great White Way" about that voyage.

Speaking of Stephen Vincent Benet, author of "John Brown's Body" which I got Wednesday in Pgh she said that he was born in Carlisle, Pa about 35 yrs ago & that his grandmother & Mrs P's mother were cousins - not first cousins - the relationship coming through the Mahons & Roses. He won the $25,000 Guggenheim prize on his book the "Spanish Bayonet" & they financed him by paying his living expenses for a year or two in Paris to write "John Brown's Body" some of which she read to me last night.

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The Nebraska & Midwest Genealogical Record of Oct 1930 Vol 8 no 4 just recd on page 66 refers to a work by Donald Lines Jacobus recent work "Genealogy as pastime & profession" published by Tuttle, Morehouse, & Taylor Co New Haven, Conn as the best they have ever seen. I am writing for it tonight.

Yesterday's Red & Black 3d & 4th pages announces the death of Col T.M. Finley, Jefferson College Class of 1859 at his home in Greenville, Texas on Sunday Apr 26, 1931 aged 91 yrs. He studied law under Judge E.H. Stowe, served in Civil War & rose to rank of an officer. Later, he was appointed Colonel of the Michigan State troops. He knew Lincoln personally & was assigned to search for John Wilkes Booth. He was editor of the Morning Herald Greenville, Texas. Am writing to his family tonight.

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Oak Hill May 9, 1931 7:05 AM

Manville Carothers of Kirksville, Mo in a one page record sent May 5, 1931 says that Angelina Miller the wife of Lewis Ferree Carothers 1816-1871 see page 58 this book was the daughter of Stephen & Elizabeth Miller.

His Aunt Abbie who married Rev Thos Mathews by his record seems to be living & is also a Rev. Am writing for her address & the bible record of Lewis Ferree Carothers. His mother, Mary Elizabeth Parcels was daughter of Edwin W. & Rebecca A. Parcels. Manville Carothers himself on Oct 10, 1900 married Mabel Rose Barrett born Feby 26, 1876

I have a letter dated May 6, 1931 from David Jack box 12 Peru, Neb who sends a clipping of a Masonic meeting held last Monday night for himself & two other nonogenarian Civil War veterans who are all Masons. Mr Jack became member of Brownville Neb Lodge No 4 in 1872 & is now a member of Peru, Neb Lodge NO 14 AF & AM. He took the 32nd Scottish Rite Masonry 43 yrs ago. He had served in the Civil War.

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I have a long 8 page letter with the back of my 5 page questionnaire covered dated May 3, 1931 from Miss Elizabeth Carothers of 1070 Tillamook St Portland, Oregon, in answer to my several favors of Apr 17, 17 & 26 1931 which greatly elucidates & clears up who James Carothers the great grandfather of Manville Carothers is as she says it has always been common knowledge in their families & that Manville speaking of what John Henderson Carothers told him, hinted at a young man's escapades & has since she told him by mail, stopped correspondence with her & Mrs Kate Eskridge was very much hurt when she wrote her about the knowledge of it having been kept from her by her father, John Henderson Carothers. It was this, that their ancestor, James Carothers 1788-1865 was the illegitimate child of James Carothers born 1766 oldest child of Hon John Carothers 1739-1798 Capt in the Revolutionary War who was poisoned see b 24 p 605 & see this book page 58. This too conforms with Malinda Carothers of Portland, Ore widow of Andrew J. see page 59 said that the mother of her husband's father James died when he was born & he was taken & raised by James & Margaret Murdoch & he never saw his father as he went off west. This James 1766

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did go to Beaver Co, Pa. It did not seem likely that James, the cooper could have gone off in 1788 & settlement of his estate not coming up until 1801, So I will have to change the record on page 59 & what I have said there following James, son of James the cooper, should attach to James, natural son of James, born 1766 son of John b 24 p 605. Hence it was not Manville's ancestor who at 15 seemed to me to be too young, but James, the son of James the cooper who with his brother John in 1803 fell upon James Carothers Sen in his field & clubbed him to death. James 1788-1865 evidently knew about his parentage & that is the reason about his reticence about talking about his forbears about which Manville wrote. She says too that William born 1768 brother of James born 1766 had an illegitimate son "Billy Jr". She asks me to treat this as confidential & handle it diplomatically. It is now 6:11 PM & getting dark, but I will try to keep on & make record of the information she sends me. I wrote today to J.F. Carothers of Clarence Mo asking him about the supposed Uncle & Aunts of his father pages 58 & 59 & see if his lack of knowledge about them does not confirm the above revised locating of James 1788-1865.

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& asked for the address of Catharine London Eskridge & she gives it: Mrs Kate Eskridge 121 Logan St, Leavenworth, Kansas. She thinks Mr R's name was C.L. Eskridge who died years ago & they have one son living who lives with his mother.

She says for me to write to Malinda Carothers, widow of Andrew J. Carothers so she must be living yet. I did write last month.

She cannot account for Mrs Eskridge saying her ggfather & mother being James Carothers & a wife Henderson , who said they had two children John 1739-1798 who was poisoned & Mary who married a Bell.

She says Manville is descended she feels quite sure, from James born 1788 illegitimate son of James born 1766 oldest child of John 1739-1798 who was poisoned see b 24 p 605 & 606. The mother died when he was born & a family raised him. John Henderson Carothers took Billy C. to Ralls Co Mo where he lived with his family.

William 1768 (brother of James 1766) also had a son (natural) Not by his wife Wm Thomas Carothers Senr 1799 - abt 1838 called "Billy" & it is he John Henderson Carothers, his

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first cousin took with him to Ralls Co Mo. He married Margaret Culp 1801-1891 & had children John S., Wm Thomas Jr 1834-1901, & Mary Elizabeth.

Mrs H.A. Wright, Clarence Mo is a daughter of Wm Thomas Carothers Jr 1834-1901. Make slip.

James 1766 & William 1768 moved west before 1793 to Frankfort, Beaver Co, Pa & James married Elizabeth. William married Margaret. Make slip see b 24 p 605-6. She says they think her ancestor John, Born 1739-1798 was born in Co Antrim, Ireland, but asks where his wife Mary was born. She says they lived in Dauphin Co, Pa (it surely was Cumb Co, but near Dauphin Co line) but cannot locate Mary his daughter. My records b 24 p 605 do not show a daughter Mary.

She asks for the name of the father of James 1744-1801 & his wife. That is my ggf John.

She says her Aunt, Mrs Saltmarsh 89 yrs old is too feeble to write, but she will take any message I have.

She thinks Robert 1690-1771 must have been the grandfather of her John b 1739 as he is 49 yrs younger. That

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question also agitated me. She says perhaps James the cooper comes in between them but this cannot be as I am satisfied that his sons John & James when young men killed James Sen son of William & Isabella in 1803 whereas her John b 1739 was poisoned in 1798 five years before. She gives the dates of Mathew Loudon, Carlisle, Pa as 1783-1820.

She says she will look up Finis Carothers when she goes to the court house & let me know. She says members of her family gave (in confidence) the facts of Billy Carothers being the natural son of James 1766, two brothers of her ggf Andrew 1778 & says that neither Billy was raised by the McGowans & never knew his parents, neither did James. She says Mrs Eskridge & Manville need not search further as these facts have always been known in her family. When she acquainted them of it, they dropped correspondence with her.

She says her Aunt Mary Saltmarsh 89 yrs old "thinks our family connected in some way with the Orrs of No Ireland. She says her Aunt Mary Saltmarsh lives in Portland, Ore but is unable to see. Says no Loves are related to her family. Says Chas Loudon Carothers 311 So Main St, Pendleton Oregon has the family bible. Writing him. Am tabling the Wilson data she sends on page 134.

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[descendant chart]

Mathew Louden Carothers see b 24 p 605 born Feby 22, 1816 in Carlisle, Pa & died in Oregon Jany 8, 1888 married 1838 Elizabeth Wilson b in Carlisle, Pa 1821 ob 1893 in Lebanon, Oregon, daughter of John Wilson born Oct 20, 1782 York Co, Adams Co, Pa who died in 1828 in Carlisle, Pa & his wife Mary Davis born Nov 13, 1780 in Frederick Co Md & died June 4, 1838 in Carlisle, Pa. They were married 1804 see p 134. They had 12 children, the oldest, Andrew Carothers Jr born in Carlisle, Pa & the other 11 born in Shelby Co Mo. Drove Ox teams to Oregon arriving Oct 15, 1804 with 8 children.


Andrew Carothers Jr b Apr 4, 1840 ob Oct 28, 1876 married Feby 9, 1871 in Linn Co, Ore Nancy A. Claypool b Nov 3, 1852 Linn Co Oregon ob Nov 18, 1889 at Umedilla, Oregon. She was daughter of William Strange Claypool 1821-1889 & his 1st wife Catharine Morris. Report 3 children born in Albany Oregon.

Elizabeth Carothers (twin) b Oct 25, 1871 my good informant for this record lives 1070 Tillamook St, Portland, Oregon where she is librarian at public library & is Y.P. of the Presbyterial society unmarried.

Edward Carothers (twin) b Oct 25, 1871 died at birth

Frederick Andrew Carothers see p 483 b Jany 16, 1874 married Aug 1894 Lillian Smegle Dayton, Washington. Have 10 children 1st born Aberdeen Wa, 2d in Montana, 3d in Marion Co Wa & other 7 not reported nor his residence.

George Carothers b 1895 ob 1920 Dayton Wa unmarried b Mch 6, 1895 ob Feby 21, 1920

Virginia Carothers b 1897 married twice & has a boy & a girl

Edward L. Carothers b 1898 married Ebba Nelson. He born Nov 30, 1898

Billy Carothers b 1923

George Carothers b 1925

Frederick Earl Carothers b 1900 married, 3 children B Dec 26.

William Carothers b 1902 married Edith 4 boys 2 girls. He born Aug 14, separated

Milom Carothers b 1904 single B Nov 3

Albert Carothers b 1906 ob at Kolotus Wa. single B Oct 17

Barbara Carothers b Nov 3, 1907 married Barrett, Salem, Ore

Max Carothers b 1909 single b Feby 13

John Carothers b July 23, 1912, single

Mary Carothers [daughter of Mathew Louden Carothers] b Feby 26, 1842 living in Portland, Ore married Oct 23, 1864 Reuben Saltmarsh b Mch 2, 1828 ob Nov 16, 1851 see page 440.

John Wilson Carothers b Sept 6, 1844 ob Sept 8, 1863 in Union Army unmarried

William Carothers b Nov 10, 1846 ob July 13, 1848

Catherine Carothers b Dec 27, 1848 ob married Oct 24, 1869 George Eckler she died in San Diego, Calif see page 442

Elizabeth Carothers b Oct 15, 1850 ob Dec 28, 1929 in Seattle, Wash married Mch 6, 1870 Lue Ritter. See page 444. Buried in Portland, Oregon

Caroline Carothers b Mch 23, 1853 married Sept 23, 1873 Ford Graf. She is living in Portland, Ore, see p 445.

Thomas Wm Carothers b Mch 12, 1855 ob Nov 20, 1856

Charles Edward Carothers b June 23, 1857 ob June 20, 1883 unmarried He died at Cheney, Wash.

Annie Carothers b Jany 28, 1859 ob Aug 14, 1859

Hattie Skrom Carothers b Mch 13, 1861 ob June 12, 1915 married Feby 19, 1900 Frank Sheffer. She died in Los Angeles Calif. He was born Jany 22, 1857 son of Wm Henry Shaffer [sic] & wife Martha Ann Heathcock. No issue. His full name is Franklin Grant Sheffer

Wilson Carothers b Nov 13, 1862 ob Mch 29, 1907 at Portland, Oregon married Oct 7, 1891 Artemetia Wood at Sweet Home Ore where she was born on May 13, 1871 & died June 22, 1900 at Lowell, Wash, daughter of James D. Wood & 1st wife Emeline Foster. Had 4 children first two born at Lebanon Ore, 3d at Dayton, Wash & 4th at Lowell Wash.

Ve Mary Carothers [sic] b July 2, 1893 ob July 1900

Verna Carothers b Apr 17, 1895 lives Roseburg, Ore, unmarried

Charles Louden Carothers b June 21, 1898 married Nov 2, 1924 Ardath Gale Champlin born Nov 20, 1906 daughter of Chaplin [sic]. Live at Pendelton Oreg, one child born at Portland, Oreg.

Beverly Ann Carothers b Aug 11, 1926

Artemetia Carothers b June 21, 1900 ob May 5, 1824 married May 11, 1920 at Portland Oreg to Frank Raymond Fink b Dec 20, 1894 son of Adolf Fink & wife Anna Hicketheir. No issue.

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[descendant chart]

A. Wilson whose name they do not know lived in Adams or York Co, Pa & they list three children. Make slip to examine records there for Wilson wills.


Capt David Wilson b 1752 in Adams Co, Pa ob July 22, 1846 in Adams Co, Pa married 1777 Jane Rowan

Henry Rowan Wilson b 1780

John Wilson b 1782

David Wilson Jr b 1785 ob 1802? married Martha Agnew who died


William Wilson no date

Two deaf mutes lived to manhood

Robert Wilson

William Wilson ob Lieut or Capt died aged 104 yrs, unmarried

John Wilson b Oct 20, 1782 in Adams or York Co, Pa ob 1828 in Carlisle, Pa married 1804 Mary Davis b Nov 13, 1780 in Md & died in Carlisle, Pa June 4, 1838. She reports 10 children as given below.

Harriet Wilson b 1804 married William Shrom 5 children

Caroline Wilson b 1807 ob 1878 married Samuel Elliott 7 children

Louise Wilson b 1808 ob aged 4 mos

David Wilson b 1811

Jane Mary Wilson b 1813 married John Richard Copelin 2 children

James Henry Wilson b 1815 married Charlotte Kelly 4 children

Henrietta Wilson b 18187 married Samuel Haverstick

George Brown Wilson b 1819 married Alice Belle Turner

Elizabeth Wilson b 1821 ob 1893 married 1838 M.L. Carothers see p 132

Sarah Wilson b 1823 married Lemuel Todd

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I recall that Mrs Ponting spoke of Genl S. Duncan Oliphant & his ten sons & said that her father said he was a cousin so they evidently come from the same Duncan family. She spoke of Genl S.D. once going to a hotel in NY with his ten sons & the prop thinking he was running some boarding school said they offered reduced fates in such cases & the general said he boarded all of them as they were his sons.

Will McClelland mailed me a letter dated Mch 2, 1931 from W.E. Hagans 4839 Dorchester Ave, Chicago Ills who says his wife is a granddaughter of Capt James A. McClelland & asking for information about him, his marriage & family.

He says James T. Redburn & Zalmon [sic] Ludington were his relatives & that the earlier generations of his family were residents of Preston Co WVA. He says he has a rather complete record of the Oliphant line from Fidelio Hughes Oliphant back to the original immigrant & will be glad to send a copy. I will write him for it.

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I have a letter dated May 8, 1931 in answer to one of some time ago from me from Miss Jennie G. Finley Agt of Security Fire Ins Co of Delaware, O saying delay has been occasioned in getting inscriptions from the tombstones in cemetery at Kilbourne (Eden) in Brown Tp Delawares Co O which she now sends me. My letter was on Feby 22, 1931 see b 24 p 259-60.

She says she has some data of Samuel Finley, brother of William & will get more & send me. See page 139. She does not know of any bible record of William Finley. She gives record of her gf James Finley & will get more & send me see page 138. She says she will get the records of John & Elizabeth, brother & sister of her gf James Finley if possible & send me. She cannot tell of the other brothers & sisters of her grandfather.

V25 Page 137 [blank]

V25 Page 138 & V25 Page 139

[descendant chart]



William Finley born say Mch 1788 ob July 4, 1881 aged 93 yrs & 4 mos. These are taken from their tombstones in cemetery at Kilbourne (Eden) Brown Tp, Delawares Co O 7 miles east of Delaware, O. Married Margaret Walker born say Aug 1793 ob Dec 2, 1883 aged 90 yrs & 4 mos. About 1816 or 1817, they came from Virginia (see Anjou's Finley history) pages 51 & 60) probably Rockbridge or Augusta Co to Delaware Co O bringing with them their then three children, James, John & Elizabeth.

James Finley, eldest b Nov 7, 1812 in Virginia ob Aug 19, 1874 in Ohio, married 1 Aug 26, 1835 Martha Lindsey ob June 9, 1847 8 children. Married 2 June 13, 1848 Jane F. Gillis 1 child. All 9 children born in Delaware Co, O

Margaret Alice Finley b May 28, 1836 ob Dec 22, 1893 married Nov 23, 1855 to Martin V. Elbrea (Elsbree) no issue

Jane Isabella Finley b Apr 10, 1838 ob Aug 5, 1838

Nancy Jane Finley b July 30, 1839 ob May 22, 1920

Elizabeth Atchison Finley b Sept 19, 1840 ob Mch 13, 1865, unmarried

John Walker Finley b Feby 23, 1842 ob Aug 25, 1842

Son b Sept 21, 1843 ob Oct 10, 1843

Calvin Ewing Finley b Dec 11, 1845 ob July 23, 1867 single

Isaiah Graham Finley b Apr 30, 1847 living at Delaware, O married Nov 4, 1869 Mary Isabel Gessner born Feby 10, 1843 ob June 12, 1915 daughter of John C. Gessner & wife Prudence Kelly. Had 3 children.

Charles Finley b Oct 17, 1870 married Oct 15, 1896 Mae Collier

Mary Finley b July 20, 1897

Charlene Finley b Jany 3, 1899

James Finley b Dec 12, 1905

Carrie Isabel Finley b Sept 12, 1873 ob July 20, 1927 single

Jennie Gertrude Finley b Mch 26, 1876 single my informant for this record

Martha Finley b Aug 19, 1849 ob

John Finley [son of William b 1788] ob

Elizabeth Finley, ob

Elizabeth Finley [sister of William b 1788] born near Wheeling Va July 5, 1809 ob Mch 29, 1894 married Aug 21, 1828 to Henry Moore of Cadiz O. Make slip. Her obituary mentions the two children below.

Frank Moore lived at Perry, ills in 1894 make slip

Sophia Moore married Reynolds lived at Arcola, Ills in 1894 make slip

Samuel Finley born Sept 17, 1799 ob June 21, 1873 married 1 Sept 18, 1823 Mary Finley b Jany 11, 1805 ob June 7, 1833 had six children four dying in infancy. Married 2 Oct 31, 1833 Nancy Lindsey b Jany 3, 1801 ob Jany 5, 1837 (or 9) the ink being faded. Had two children. Married 3 Aug 20, 1839 Sophia Church b Jany 19, 1792 ob Oct 28, 1854 no issue. Married 4 186- early in the sixties Patience Hungerford-Sherwood-Anderson born Jany 13, 1799 & died Feby 15, 1879

Elizabeth Finley b Apr 19, 1838 ob

Mary Yeats Finley b June 30, 1830 ob Apr 7, 1888

James Dement Finley b Dec 17, 1834 ob Sept 1, 1900 married Rebecca Gessner

William M. Finley ob aged 12 years

Edward R. Finley ob aged abt 60 years unmarried

Jane Ewing Finley b Oct 8, 1837 ob June 13, 1892 married Daniel LaMont.

V25 Page 140

I have a letter dated May 4, 1931 in answer to mine with 19 points questionnaire from second cousin once removed Mrs William Porter Brown (see b 24 p 603) of 1726 Irwin Ave N.S. Pgh, Pa who says that on Mch 7, last she fell down cellar stairs & tore the ligaments of her left ankle loose, hurt both arms & has been on crutches & has had great suffering since. She says her niece, Freda Dorland Gordon, daughter of David R. Dorland died Apr 28, 1931 see b 24 p 603 & when at the cemetery laying her away, she got for me from the tombstones the records of cousins David Hunter & John Richey, Beckie Culbertson & Lizzie Brown which I will enter in place when I come to them. Says she didn't have time to take down records of Uncle John Richey's two wives, a daughter & she thought two sons (make slip) but says she will try & get them for me, although at present greatly handicapped by foot & arms.

She says she is sending under separate cover, information about S.T. Owens Jr which I can destroy after reading as they do not want it published.

Says her niece Eva Dorland was there from Cleveland O to attend the funeral. She didn't know the date of her parents marriage, but would write to her mother's sister & get it for us. See b 24 p 603. Says she has written all the families

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of her mother's brothers & sisters but could not get any of Reason Smurr's children (not on good terms with the girls as they were on my side in court only as spies for S.T. Owens so we just cut from them entirely). When you sell your souls for money (Sam bought them up) I'm done. I don't want to ever see one of their faces. Says her mother kept open house for all her brothers & sisters & all of Reason's family have lived at times at her house & Owens never gave them a meal, but when they took money to help along a wicked plot I have no use for such people. I got C.R. Dorland's & Mrs Pritchard's this morning & will send along with the one marked Personal for you. Says she has changed some dates she had guessed at, but says to use this last as it is correct.

She says Elizabeth Owens born July 8, 1839 was the youngest of her grandparent's children & her mother was the 4th child & she is giving them on another sheet in the order of their ages.

I found an old record my father had written of his family & also of the mother & father & family of my mother Jane Smurr Dorland.

Says she hasn't the faintest idea who could give the Culbertson or Lizzie Brown Kremple records, but thinks if David S. Richey would go through his sister Lou's papers, he could find something. I asked him on 7th & he sd he found nothing.

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She says her Uncle Wm F. Smurr left home when he was about 18 or 19 yrs old & that he was unmarried then. She thinks his brother Elias lived at davenport, Iowa. Make slip. She says Elizabeth Owens Livingston, see b 24 p 602 lives at 5817 Wayne road, East End, Pgh, Pa make slip.

Helen E. Fulton Baker b 24 p 602 does not have any children. Her husband John F. Baker was born at Athens O & is engineer of Westinghouse Etc Mfg Co. They live at 3246 Orleans St North side Pittsburgh, Pa.

Margaret Mae Reed, wife of Chas R. Dorland b 24 p 603 was born at Reed City, Mich & died in Bellevue, Pa. Their first child was born at Manatee Florida & the other three at Bellevue, Pa. Chas R. married 2 July 6, 1929 Ruby Jane Andrews daughter of Rev & Mrs John B. Andrews of Siloam Springs, Ark. John M. Dorland Jr son of David R see b 24 p 603 born Mch 26, 1897 married 1 Thelma Ballard born May 25, 1897 & had one child:

Mary E. Dorland b Jany 27, 1922 & were later divorced. Married 2 Jany 14, 1930 at Butler, Pa Lysetta M. Gamble. No issue

Eva Jane Dorland b 24 p 603 married Mch 8, 1911 Claud K. Allison born Sept 5, 1888. Live Lakewood, O children born at Pittsburgh, Pa

V25 Page 143

Sadie Jeannette Dorland see b 24 p 603 married Apr 29, 1920 Monford E. Denning Pittsburgh, Pa & have issue.

Monford E. Denning Jr b Mch 12, 1923 at Pgh, Pa

8 AM 12th

She says Elizabeth Owens called Bessie born Feby 22, 1864 see b 24 p 602 was divorced from Saml R. Wightman & in 1913 married Murray G. Livingston. See her address above & make slip to see her & get 1st dates of birth of both husbands, 2d date of 2d marriage 3d parentage of both, 4th date of her son Kenneth's marriage, his wife's name, birth & parentage & record of their 4 children for b 24 p 602 5th date of her divorce, 6th date of her sister, Mattie's marriage to Wm Roseburg & his birth, death & parentage & record.

Her Uncle Elias Smurr (she spells it Smur always) married Margaret Musgrave.

Her Uncle Reason Smurr's son Harry of Connellsville, Pa can give record of his father & five children etc make slip.

She gives record of five other children of her grandmother (3 named for herself) thanks to her father for the record he made viz in order as named see b 24 p 602:

1. John Smur born Aug 8, 1823 died Aug 22, 1824

2. Elizabeth Jane Smur born Aug 8, 1823 died Aug 19, 1823

3. Sarah Jane Smur born Jany 3, 1825 died Jany 4, 1825

5. Amanda Smur born Feby 23, 1828 died unmarried 18--

8. Elizabeth Smur born Fevby 23, 1834 died June 19, 1836

Says Elias Smur died some time after 1895 or 1896. Ask Harry & his sons address.

V25 Page 144

Speaking of Uncle John Richey, she says he had three wives & she thinks two sons & one daughter.

She says Sam T. Owens & wife see b 24 p 602 committed suicide Mch 21, 1921. Sam took a dose of stuff & went to the bank & after entering fell to the floor & they pronounced it heart disease. His wife turned on the gas & smothered to death. The whole Owens family were bad, bad, bad except my Aunt Elizabeth & daughter Clara C. Giesey.

My Aunt & I went on a visit for two weeks & after we were gone, Sam Jr & Murray Livingston put Clara C. in St Francis Hospital as hopelessly insane, which she wasn't any more than you or I.

When we returned, my Aunt & I went to hospital & they would not let us see Clara. Aunt then said she wd go to hospital to see that Clara got good attention & took a room for that purpose. Her own daughter, Bessie then had her committed as insane. I then went to Uncle Sam & he sent me to Sam Jr & he sent me to the doctors but all to no avail. I then went to court to get them out, which I did, but before I did, Uncle Sam with his lady love of some standing & Sam Jr & his nurse love (always had one

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on account of his drinking) went to Atlantic City for a good time & those two dear ones in straps at the hospital. I went to court & my lawyer brought them back in three days. The court ordered them brought in court, but Owens objected saying they couldn't come & the court named a doctor, the Owens one & Mrs Brown one. Her doctors sent her to Dr Mayer, the best nerve specialist in Pgh & when she went to engage him he told her the Owens had been to him but he told them he would not do their dirty work & put them out of the office. When he appeared in court as her lawyer & also 50 to 60 witnesses of good standing the Owens were scared silly. On their side was Sam, Sam Jr, Bess Livingston & her housekeeper & three nurses who claimed they were crazy. Aunt was strapped to the bed, her arm black to the hand & a cut on her face trying to free herself. My doctor & the court doctor said it was a "darned shame" but money bought up everything & I only had a little of my own & what my husband could let me have.

They took Aunt to court on judges order, but first doped her (as a nurse at hospital told me afterwards), rode her about the city in an old horse wagon with her husband's big car standing in front & still the court ordered them

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both taken home where they put Clara in an ironed barred room for six years with two nurses & nurses to follow Aunt wherever she went. They put the telephones in the cellar & told Aunt that Uncle Sam had lost his money & couldn't afford a phone. Sam Jr of course got terribly mad at me & had my father cut me out of his will. So I made them bring them home, but tried different times unsuccessfully to see them. Sam Jr was mad at Clara because once when their father was paralyzed, he gave p/a to Clara & a nurse who wanted to marry Sam Jr poisoned his mind & told him he was head of the house & should have had the p/a. Sam Jr when on one of his sprees he tried to choke his mother. I was there at the time. Sam threw Livingston down & after his mother died, he married Nancy McKee & took her to the home which had been left in trust for Sam Jr, Bess & Clara. Bess wouldn't stand for Sam & wife living there & she having to help keep up taxes & exps so they went to court & had title & trust Co take Clara to Friends Hospital Phila, Pa where after six weeks she was allowed to go alone downtown to have her teeth fixed.

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After Clara had gone, they disrobed the house, sold what each wanted & Sam & wife got to Atlantic City to live. He bought a cottage & it wasn't fixed up yet when he meets the old nurse who wanted to marry him & for revenge, threatens to expose him & tell everything, which scared him & he took a dose & being a doctor knew how long it would take for it to act, went to the bank, only got in the door, when he fell and holding his ill gotten money in his hand. When his wife Nance [sic] heard of it, she went to bedroom & turned on the gas. She had sent for her sister & family to come on but the cottage not being ready, they went to a hotel & had had a big jubilee & their faces showed the part "when the caskets were opened for burial in Pittsburgh"

Bess & Livingston were afraid I wd tell Clara so they brought her back & took her to their house but I kept a close watch on them. They were wanting to get her money. Clara got home & came to see me & wanted to know how much it cost me at court & I said it only cost my love for you both. I once asked the doctor if he ever examined Sam Jr as I was sure it was he who was crazy. I foretold that Sam Jr would turn Liv-

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ingston down & said that Clara would live to bury them all. She now has only Bess to lay away & she, Clara, says she is going to live as long as she can & will fool them all.

All their doctors, nurses, maids, Aunts & Friends, Uncle Sam, Aunt Elizabeth, Sam & his wife and Livingston have died (all but Livingston) inside 2 1/2 & 3 years, so his money and (Uncle Sam, had another woman for 25 yrs & she died a year ago) his badness didn't do him any good.

I went to his house one day & asked him to see his mother. He sd "you'll never see her alive". Well "be sure your sins will find you out". I told him I though he was the poorest excuse of a man & the rottenest thing that ever walked on shoe leather & that I wd give him one more chance & sd "will you let me see Clara & Aunt Elizabeth?" He said "No". Well, I said: "I'll go to court, will give you all the notoriety & no one on this hill will have anything to do with you". Well everyone out on Squirrel Hill loved Clara & Aunt Elizabeth but they all gave Uncle Sam & Sam Jr a wide berth. Wouldn't speak to them.

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She says Clara was to see her the other day & is just the nicest thing ever.

Her husband was a Catholic & she turned Catholic with him, having been a Presbyterian. She says "I went one day to see the priest to get him to let me in to see her & he said: Oh, Mrs Brown, I was there visiting one day & went in to see Mrs Giesey & she sure is crazy." I said, You mean you were sent over to the hospital & they had her doped so that if I asked you you could tell me that. She was brought up a Presbyterian &went with her husband who was the best Mick in your Micky Church & I don't believe anything you, nor these sisters of your church say as you are all paid for this dirty work. I got a little fearful he might spring a trap door on me & drop me in the cellar as none of my family knew I had gone. He had warned all his parish so you see I had uphill work. She calls St Francis Hospital rotten & I guess she is right. At the time, she was having her troubles she learned of three others who were railroaded to the same hospital. She was up a couple of times to see Lou B. Richey.

V25 Page 150

Oak Hill May 13, 1931 7:07 AM

I have a letter dated May 9, 1931 in answer to mine of 7th inst from Edmund Hayes Bell of 305 The Wyoming, Columbia Road & California Sts, Washington D.C. He says the address of Col Elliott which he got weeks ago from the war dept is Col William Elliott U.S.A. retired 148 Locust ST, San Francisco, Calif.

I wrote Mrs Ponting last night to call & see him as he does not answer Mr Bell's letters.

He says Col Robt Elliott had no sister Mary to marry Capt Robt Wilson, it was his sister Jane. He says the Elliotts were numerous in the British Army. Col Robert's son William had a commission first in the U.S. army & when our army was practically disbarred in 1800, he was mustered out. It was then he went to his Uncle Matthew in Canada & through him got into the British service. He, years afterwards visited Gen Wm Robinson at Pittsburgh, Pa & Robinson speaks of him as "Colonel Elliott". Genl Robinson was a man of large fortune & educated at Princeton College & in his day the leading citizen of Allegheny. We cannot ignore his

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statement (in 1855) to Lyman C. Draper that Col Robert & Capt Mathew Elliott were his Uncles. The question is how they were his Uncles unless his mother's maiden name was Elliott. Make slip to look up his life in the Pittsburgh libraries. See if Barbara, Patience or perhaps May Elliott may have not been his mother.

7:30 PM

At a meeting of the Trustees of Washington & Jefferson College in basement of George Washington Hotel, Washington, Pa 12 noon to 2:30 PM in which the resignation of Simon Strouse Baker inaugurated Mch 22, 1922 was tendered & accepted. Charles N. Brady second oldest on the board next to me, said he was born in Wheeling WVA in the same house in which his mother & her fifteen children were all born. She was a daughter of Judge Caldwell of Va. When the Civil War broke out, she went south to bring two of her sons north & when they asked what identification she could give, she said: "the youngest mother of twelve children in America", three being born later.

His father was Sobieski Brady of Carlisle Pa section left an orphan at 4 yrs with no knowledge of his family, was when 20 sent out to audit the book of the old Merchants Bank at Wheeling was elected cashier & so continued.

V25 Page 152 & V25 Page 153

[descendant chart]

John Elliott see b 24 p 358 born in Co Donegal, Ireland about 1712 died 1782 in Franklin Co, Pa came to America 1731. Married Patience, married 2 Frances Childerstone, a widow nee Knox by whom he had one child, Hannah.


Margaret Elliott ob married 1 Gerret Pendergrast Jr who was killed in 1777 by the Indians at Harrodsburg, Ky & left 4 children. Married 2 abt 1783 in Ky William Wilson brother of Capt Robt Wilson who married her sister Jane.

Garrett Elliott Pendergrast ob graduated in medicine at University of Penna & became a distinguished physician in Ky

Jesse Pendergrast, ob married Pasty Moore in Ky

Garrett Jesse Pendergrast ob married Virginia Barron daughter of Com James Barron who killed Stephen Decatur in a duel. Garrett J. was a Commodore in the U.S. Navy

Patience Pendergrast ob married Thomas Throbold of Ky, her brothers Garrett & Jesse were her witnesses at the wedding.

Polly Pendergrast ob have not been able to get trace of her yet.

Hannah Elliott ob married Ephraim Harris & thinks moved to Butler Co, Pa. Make slip. He was the son of Robert Harris who lived near Fort Louden, Pa

V25 Page 154x

Oak Hill May 14, 1931 9:46 PM

A letter recd this morning as I was taking the 6:35 PRR train for Youngstown, O from Miss Estelle Finley enclosed newspaper clippings & writing announcing the following:

Rev Thomas N. Carruthers Rector since June 1926 when he was ordained a priest of St Peter's Episcopal Church Columbia, Tenn & of Holy Cross Church, Mt Pleasant, Tenn resigned both charges to take effect on July 1, next in order to accept a call to the Trinity Episcopal Church, Houston, Texas, the largest in the Diocese of Texas & it was regretfully accepted & he is very highly spoken of. He was also

chaplain & teacher of English & the bible in Columbia Institute.

In Dec 1927, he married Miss Ellen Douglass Everett, daughter of Mr & Mrs Frank F. Everett & she has been a most helpful worker in the church. Am writing him tonight for his line.


Cookeville, Tenn Jany 9, 1931 Mr & Mrs Phy [sic] Gibson of this city have announced the marriage of their daughter Bonnie to Mr Hugh Caruthers. The wedding was solemnized Dec 25, 1930 at the home of Rev J.E. Dickson pastor of the Cumberland Pres Ch of this city, who officiated. After an extended southern

V25 Page 155

motor trip. Mr & Mrs Caruthers will reside in this city where he is a prominent & successful young businessman.

Another clipping with his photo, a good face with spectacles on, pictures him as one of the "big boys" in the local Boy Scouts being a Commander. Am writing him tonight for his line.

She writes:

James N. Van Deventer Jr son of Rev & Mrs James N. Van Deventer died Sept 22, 1929 Albuquerque, back to the old home, Augusta Co, Va

Apr 15, 1922 married Marion Kellogg grand niece of the late George W. Finley of Tinkling Springs, Va

V25 Page 156

Oak Hill May 15, 1931 7:11 AM

I have the incoming daily letters worked up to date & having worked up the old letters to Portland, Oregon, I will now commence on the old accumulated family which by reason of impaired vision & absence from home had piled up & I assorted them in two bunches large envelopes & small envelopes alphabetically by States & having taken up the small envelopes first, I have now come to the last bach [sic] of 49 letters of them & commence with letter dated June 18, 1925 from J. Harvey Romig 223 N 10th St, Allentown, Pa asking for the return of some old papers, referring to the genealogy of the Rothermel family which he loaned me about Nov 1, 1923. I have hunted up these papers & found them in drawer where I put Rose's letters as recd with a large genealogical table larger than the top of my desk, very much dilapidated & falling apart by continual folding & creases which was prepared as a Rothermel Family Tree by Wm J. Dietrich who I then men & which I will record now, commencing on page 162, but I will first record a 3 page record of the Romig family which H.J. Romig let me have.

V25 Page 157

As this record commences with John Christian Romig who married Maria Rothermel for his 2d wife & had 12 children by her & gives a fair record of the descendants of one of her children, I will table this also commencing on page 160. It is headed "Translation of Romig Family Records"

Frederick Romig, father of John Christian Romig died Aug 27, 1800 & is buried at Lehigh Church

John Christian Romig wrote that Brother Anthony Wagner came to Joseph on Dec 22, 1779 & from there moved into my little room, three days before me on Nov 26, 1781. He kept school & preached with blessings. He had been sick for over a year & died Dec 27, 1786 at "three quarters of eight o'clock". He was born in October 1709. He wrote "Mariette Luseta died Jany 25, 1834 & was buried the 27th aged 1 yr 3 mos & 13 days". I can't place her from these dates.

Dietrich in his Rothermel tree page 170 would make Peter F. Rothermel the artist a son of Christian's son Peter, but he is wrong & I do not enter it there.

He says the artist & his son Peter F. Rothermel Esq former Dist Atty of Phila are descendants of Christian but in this he is wrong.

His chart is very helpful but omits some children in several lines.

V25 Page 158 [blank]

V25 Page 159 [blank]

V25 Page 160 & V25 Page 161

[descendant chart]

John Christian Romig see pages 156-7 was born Sept 5, 1738 ob Nov 8, 1803 & was buried the following Thursday when Rev Multer preached from Job 19:25. He was son of Frederick Romig who was son of Adam Romig. He built a new house in 1780-81 which he moved in Nov 29, 1781 & lesson was from Isaiah 19:25 [sic]. Married 1 Dec 13, 1763 Benigna Wetzel b Oct 25, 1743 ob Apr 15, 1766 by whom he had 2 children. Married 2 Feby 23, 1768 Maria Rothermel b Nov 2, 1747 ob Aug 18, 1817 at Amby by whom he had 12 children. She was buried on 20th when Rev Daniel Seller preached fr 1st Corinthians 15:51-5. She was daughter of Lorenz Rothermel. He lived in Windsor Tp, Berks Co, Pa. He was a son of John Rothermel who died at sea & his wife Sybilla Zimmerman


John Romig b Apr 21, 1765 ob Apr 25, 1765

Adam Romig b Apr 7, 1766 ob

Elizabeth Romig b Nov 18, 1768 ob sponsors Andrew Eisenhard & wife

Frederick Romig b Feby 28, 1770 ob sponsors his grandparents Frederick

& Catharine Romig

Abraham Romig b Apr 1, 1772 at 9:30 AM ob

Isaac Romig b June 11, 1774 at 3 PM

Jacob Romig b May 3, 1776 at 11 AM ob

John Romig b Feby 22, 1779 ob. On May 31, 1833 he wrote that he was born in Macungie Tp then Northampton Co Pa & baptized. He also wrote above date of his parent;s forbears. Married Nov 22, 1810 Maria Larasah b Jany 21, 1792 ob. Had 8 children.

Amos Romig b Aug 14, 1811 ob Oct 22, 1811

Mariete Romig b June 4, 1813 11 PM ob

Lucinda Romig b Jany 29, 1816 7:30 PM

Aaron Romig b Sept 2, 1818 ob

Augustus Romig b Apr 29, 1821 3 AM ob married Lydia Bear

John Harvey Romig born June 17, 1862 lives 223 N 10th ST Allentown, Pa, he who so kindly loaned me this record abt Nov 1, 1923 & I am sending all back by reg. mail this May 16, 1931. Married Nov 11, 1882 at Fogelsville, Pa Ida Butz born Mch 13, 1862 daughter of Manasses Butz & wife Eliza Weimer. Both born Lower Macungie Lehigh Co, Pa * children all born in Allentown, Pa

Eliza Lydia Romig b Oct 4, 1883 married Mch H. Stanley Zieganfuss

Wm Henry Romig b Oct 9, 1885 married Margaret Hayd

Harry Elwood Romig b Mch 29, 1888 ob Mch 18, 1890

Edgar Franklin Romig b Mch 22, 1890 married June Ella W. Dutcher

Stanley Butz Romig b Jany 13, 1893 ob Dec 15, 1899

Harold John Romig b Jany 9, 1897 married Aug 17, Ruth K. Samuels

Edith Butz Romig b Mch 13, 1901 ob Aug 16, 1904

Iva Butz Romig b Apr 21, 1903

Susanna Romig [daughter of John b 1779] b Feby 4, 1828 ob Apr 14, 1858 married 1849 George Nietz

John Frederick Romig (twin) b May 13, 1833 ob

Anna Maria Romig (twin) b May 13, 1833 ob

Leonhard Romig [son of John Christian b 1738] b Apr 12, 1782 at 11:55 PM ob

Magdalena Romig b Apr 28, 1784 at 7:30 AM in sign of the lion Bap by Rev Anthony Wagner

Maria Catherine Romig b Dec 22, 1786 2 Am ob Dec 28, 1786

Anna Maria Romig b Apr 11, 1788 at 8 AM bap 16th by Bro Roth ob

Philip Romig b July 6, 1792 abt 3 AM ob

Benjamin Romig b Aug 29, 1795 at 4:30 AM bap Sept 5 by bro Miller ob

V25 Page 162 & V25 Page 163

[descendant chart]

Johannes Rothermel born at Wachbach 1688 near the Rhine, died at sea 1730 progenitor of the Rothermel family of Berks Co, Pa. This table prepared by Wm J. Dietrich, Reading, Pa. Married Sybilla Zimmerman. She died about 1803 aged about 107, see her will & my early records.


Anna Maria Rothermel b 1712 ob married 1729 Peter Fetherolf b 1699 in Wachbach ob Aug 15, 1784 in Macungie. They had settled at Macungie Northampton (now Lehigh) Co, Pa. They reared a large family. Their descendants are numerous in Lehigh & surrounding counties. Many doctors & ministers are in the family.

Lawrence of Lorenz Rothermel ob settled in Windsor Tp 1783 married 1746 Miss Kuhns of Alburtis, Lehigh Co, Pa

Leonard Rothermel, ob married

Catharine Rothermel ob married John Fritz

Daniel Rothermel ob

Jacob Rothermel ob

John Rothermel ob

Sallie Rothermel ob

Joseph Rothermel ob

Emeline Rothermel, ob

Frank Rothermel, ob

James Rothermel, ob drowned

Priscilla Rothermel ob

Jackson Rothermel ob married

Diana Rothermel, ob

Joseph Rothermel

Hattie Rothermel, ob

Jackson Rothermel Jr ob

Edna Rothermel, ob

Sallie Rothermel, ob

Joseph Rothermel ob [son of Joseph & bro of Jackson]

Peter Rothermel [son of John & bro of Sallie & Joseph] ob

Leonard Rothermel, ob

David Rothermel, ob

Elizabeth Rothermel [daughter of Leonard of Lawrence or Lorenz] ob married Henry Long

Lawrence Rothermel ob

Maria Rothermel ob married Joseph Tyson

Peter Rothermel ob

Hannah Rothermel ob

Maria Rothermel [daughter of Lawrence or Lorenz Rothermel] b Nov 2, 1747 ob Aug 18, 1817 married Feby 23, 1768 John C. Romig his 2d wife see p 160

Paul Rothermel [son of Johannes b 1688] ob settled in Maiden Creek Tp Naturalized Sept 1744 married 1747 Catherine Maurer of Berks Co, see page 164

Peter Rothermel ob naturalized 1743 owned 150 A good land in Maxatawny Creek section of Berks Co, Pa married, see my records for births of his children. See page 166.

John Rothermel my great great grandfather b Jany 21, 1722 ob 1785 naturalized Sept 11, 1763 married Mary Siegfried ob 1809. She was the first white child born in Maxatawny Tp, Berks Co, Pa see page 168

Christian Rothermel ob naturalized Sept 1744 was settled in Maiden Creek Tp in 1742 see page 170.

V25 Page 164

[descendant chart]

Paul Rothermel see page 162 married Catharine Maurer


Peter Rothermel ob

Leonard Rothermel ob married Barnett

David Rothermel ob married

Eli Rothermel ob

Caroline Rothermel ob

Lydia Rothermel ob married Lewis Rothermel

Hannah Rothermel ob

Levi Rothermel ob

Daniel Rothermel ob

Samuel Rothermel ob

Solomon Rothermel ob

Mary Rothermel ob

Katie Rothermel ob

Elizabeth Rothermel ob

David Rothermel ob

Adam Rothermel ob

Alice Rothermel

Hattie Rothermel

Laura Rothermel

Harris Rothermel

Henry Rothermel [son of David & bro of Adam] ob married Isabella Haper [or Hafer]

Angelina Rothermel ob married James Hester Leonard Rothermel [son of Leonard of Paul] ob

John B. Rothermel ob married

Harrison Rothermel ob

Louisa Rothermel ob

Sallie Rothermel ob

Enoch Rothermel ob

John Rothermel ob

Jeremiah Rothermel ob

Albert Rothermel ob

Nicholas Rothermel

Paul Rothermel [son of Paul] ob probably 14 children with 12 listed

Peter Rothermel ob

Samuel Rothermel ob

Solomon Rothermel ob

David Rothermel ob

Paul Rothermel ob

Moses Rothermel ob

Priscilla Rothermel ob

Maria Rothermel ob

Hannah Rothermel ob

Elizabeth Rothermel

Diana Rothermel ob

Caroline Rothermel ob

John Rothermel [son of Paul & Catharine Maurer] ob

Jacob Rothermel ob

Barbara Rothermel ob

V25 Page 165 [blank]

V25 Page 166 & V25 Page 167

[descendant chart]

Peter Rothermel see page 163 May 15/31 from the dates below, I fear Dietrich has left out one generation. Another Peter May 16, 1931 see b 21 p 158 for absolute proof that he left out one generation viz this Peter's children. The children given below as his children are the children of his son Peter born Aug 16, 1746

[children of son Peter]

Daniel Rothermel ob

Peter Rothermel b Sept 1, 1775 ob Feby 1, 1856 married Magdaline Jage b Jany 13, 1777

Maria Rothermel b May 28, 1796, ob

Catharine Rothermel b Oct 30, 1797

Daniel Rothermel b July 7, 1799 ob married Esther Koller

Sarah Rothermel ob married Yoder

Hannah Rothermel ob married David Schmeck

Anna Rothermel ob married Jacob Durskel

John Rothermel b 1835, Oct 5, ob 1908 married Susanna Peters

Ira P. Rothermel ob married A. Lizzie Grim Atty

John G. Rothermel

Daniel G. Rothermel

Catharine G. Rothermel

Sallie Rothermel [daughter of John b 1835] ob single

Dr John P. Rothermel ob married Sallie Bechtel

Julia E. Rothermel

Leonard K. Rothermel

Esther Rothermel [daughter of John b 1835] married Jacob H. Rothermel

Sue Rothermel married Rev M.L. Herbein

Florence Rothermel teacher Camden NJ

Harry P. Rothermel Prin High school Phila married Mabel Pryor

Esther Rothermel [daughter of Daniel b 1799] ob married Lewis Wagenhurst

Peter Rothermel ob single

Eliza Rothermel ob married Jacob Adams

Daniel K. Rothermel ob Reading Pa 155 S. 11th ST

Susanna Rothermel [daughter of Peter b 1775] b Jany 10, 1801 ob

Peter Rothermel (blind) b Nov 7, 1802 ob

James Rothermel

Jeremiah Rothermel

Frank Rothermel

Sarah Rothermel b Mch 27, 1805 ob

Anna Rothermel b Feby 15, 1808 ob married Jacob Mangel

Jacob Rothermel b Jany 14, 1811 ob

Daniel Rothermel married Deborah DeTurk

Clayton Rothermel

Elmer Rothermel

Ella Rothermel

Deborah Rothermel

Horace Rothermel

Daniel Rothermel

Samuel Rothermel [son of Jacob b 1811]

Amos Rothermel b 1844 married Susanna Schaeffer

Wilson S. Rothermel Atty

Ruth Elizabeth Rothermel

George Rothermel dentist

Clara Rothermel

Esther Rothermel

James Rothermel [son of Jacob b 1811]

John Rothermel [son of Peter b 1775] b Apr 8, 1812 ob

William Rothermel

Peter Rothermel

Israel Rothermel ob atty

John H. Rothermel ob congressman

Moses Rothermel

Dr Wilson H. Rothermel

Hettie Rothermel married Lewis Schaeffer

Annie Rothermel

Joseph Rothermel

Kate Rothermel

Mary Rothermel

Alice Rothermel

Lydia Rothermel

Hannah Rothermel [daughter of Jacob b 1811] b June 17, 1814 ob

Elizabeth Rothermel b Dec 2, 1816

Abraham Rothermel b Feby 11, 1822 ob Apr 9, 1904 married Feby 7, 1848 Magdalena daughter of Abraham & Catharine Heckman

Catharine Rothermel married Abraham B. Greisemer

Daniel Rothermel

Sarah A. Rothermel married Amos D. Updegrove

Emeline Rothermel married William Moyer

Harriet Rothermel married Geo A. Brunner of Lebanon, Pa

Rebecca Rothermel ob single

William Rothermel married Grace Ludwig descendants in 5th generation of Johannes & Sybilla

Abraham H. Rothermel Atty ex Dist Atty of Berks Co, Pa

Adam Rothermel

V25 Page 168

[descendant chart]

John Rothermel see p 163 b Jany 21, 1722 ob 1785 May 15, 1931 he also had a son Joseph & 5 daughters, see my various records.


Abraham Rothermel ob married

Jacob Rothermel ob married 1, married 1 a Price

Jacob Rothermel b 1798 ob 1886 married Sarah Merkel 1795-1857 daughter of John George Merkel He b May 11, 1798 ob Aug 20, 1886

Maria Rothermel b Sept 10, 1823 ob married Saml Schick

Dr Jonas Rothermel b Apr 20, 1826 married Hannah Reddinger

Jacob Rothermel b 1828 ob 1835 b Sept 9, ob Apr 21

Samuel Rothermel b 1831 ob 1890 b Feby 26 ob [blotted] 23

Susan Rothermel b Jany 4, 1862 ob [blotted] 4, 1863

Jacob H. Rothermel b July 30, 1863 married Esther Rothermel daughter of John K.

Aaron Rothermel b 1833 ob 1890 b June 3, ob June 21

Anna Rothermel b 1836 ob 1837 ob Apr 9, ob Jany 14

Sarah Rothermel b Sept 13, 1838

John Rothermel b June 26, 1841

David P. Rothermel [son of Jacob of Jacob] b 1803 ob 1885 married Barbara Wieand 1801-1881 He b Dec 31, ob Dec 3

Eliza Rothermel

John Rothermel

David Rothermel

Lewis W. Rothermel b July 24, 1837 married Lydia R. Rothermel b Mch 17, 1844

Prof Amos C. Rothermel b Jany 6, 1864 prin Kutztown S.N.S. married Ida L. Spatz

Silas Rothermel atty

Samuel Rothermel

Lydia Rothermel

Emily Rothermel

Dr Lewis Rothermel

Irene Rothermel

Amelia Rothermel [daughter of David P. b 1803]

Simon Rothermel [son of Jacob of Jacob] ob Dec 16, 1891

Daniel Rothermel [son of John b 1722] ob

John Rothermel ob married

V25 Page 169 [blank]

V25 Page 170

[descendant chart]

Christian Rothermel see page 163 May 15, 1931 he omits Martin see p 157 & my various records


Margaret Rothermel

Sybilla Rothermel

Magdalena Rothermel

Amanda Rothermel

Peter Rothermel

John Rothermel

V25 Page 171 [blank]

V25 Page 172

Oak Hill May 16, 1931 5:44 AM

I have a letter dated May 14, 1931 in answer to mine of 11th inst from Wilbur E. Hagans 4839 Dorchester Ave Chicago, Ills. Also have a letter from him dated 11th inst.

He asks for data about Capt James A. McClelland of the War of 1812, who married Juliet G. Oliphant sister of F.H. Oliphant, whose granddaughter is the wife of W.E. Hagans who is gathering in the records for his 14 year old grandson. He says his grandfather was in the iron business in Preston Co WVA as were the Oliphants in this Co. Capt McClelland had one son & six daughters all born in this Co he thinks & about 1840, he moved from here to Clayton Co, Iowa, bought a farm there in 1844, sold it in 1849 & there they lost trace of him. Thinks he was born abt 1790. Two daughters were married in Iowa one in 1841 & another in 1847. He says Wm McClelland was born in 1734. He sends some data on the Oliphant line which I am tabling on page 172. [I think he means page 174]

V25 Page 173 [blank]

V25 Page 172

[descendant chart]

John Oliphant died July 1797 in Springhill Tp Fayette Co, Pa & may be buried at Woodbridgetown, Pa probably the John Oliphant who was in Lebanon Tp now Co Pa & it is possible that he was the immigrant. Sylvan Forge was then in Springhill Tp. Married Mary


William Oliphant b 1721 ob Apr 10, 1790 at Phila, Pa teacher in School which became University of Penna. Married 1 Married 2

Andrew Oliphant ob Sept 19, 179- possibly 1793 married 1755 Annie Hughes, Northampton Co, Pa, Plumsteads Bucks Co Pa; Escrildon, Chester Co, Pa "Summerhill" Fayette Co, Pa; I think I have seen his tombstone at Woodbridgetown, Pa cemetery.

Col John Oliphant b Sept 9, 1759 in Northampton Co Pa ob Feby 28, 1835 buried at Woodbridgetown, Pa served in Hand Rifles in Revolution Colonial in 1826 in Military training camps. Married June 19, 1794 Sarah Maginnis who was then 15 born say 1779

Juliet G. Oliphant ob married Capt James A. McClelland of the War of 1812. He had 1 son & 6 daughters born likely in Fayette Co, Pa & abt 1840 moved to Clayton Co, Iowa bought land 1844 & sold it in 1849 & no further trace. Two of his daughters married in Iowa in 1841 & 1847 & a granddaughter of his married Wilbur E. Hagans of Chicago, Ills, my informant for this record & have a grandson 14 yrs old.

Orlando Oliphant ob

Fidelio Hughes Oliphant Captain, b Jany 4, 1800 ob Nov 10, 1879 at Surry Brae buried in Oak Grove Cem, Uniontown, Pa. He was born at Old Fairfield furnace. Married Nov 1821 Jane Creigh Duncan see Ellis Hist of Fayette Co, Pa pages 582-7

John Oliphant ob married

Genl Samuel Duncan Oliphant ob married Mary C. Campbell, only child of John Campbell son of Benj Campbell. She owned the Round Corner & about 1880 our First Natl Bank of Uniontown, Pa bought it from her ten sons for I believe $18,000. Genl Oliphant served in the Civil War & later was clerk of the U.S. Circuit Court at Trenton NJ for abt 25 yrs or more. See Ellis Hist of Fayette Co, Pa p 194-7

other children among them Mrs Paull & Sallie Meixsell see page 452.

Ethelbert Oliphant [son of Col John b 1759] ob

V25 Page 175

On my last night in Carlisle, Pa July 27, 1926, I went to see Mrs Mary W. Shearer see b 17 p 230-1 thinking her husband might come in our Markle connection, but she said he did not.

I now come to a letter with very remarkably good plain clean writing with 14 pages of Rippey - Finley - Thompson records from Mrs Jennie R. Shearer Hotel Argonne, Carlisle, Pa which I am tabling commencing on page 178. The letter is dated Mch 30, 1927 & says she is sending what she then has time to copy & stops short & says she will copy & send the balance later. I have looked through my old "Pa" large envelopes & do not find any other letter from her. Yesterday morning when hunting in this, my standing desk for the Rothermel records gotten abt Nov 1, 1923 from J.H. Romig, Allentown, Pa (which I registered back to him today) I found a Rippey record of several typewritten pages, which I got from Geo H. Stewart Senr which has not been recorded. She speaks of copying the record for her children before forwarding it to me. Also shall send exact copies of births, marriages & deaths as recorded in old bible.

P.S. I recd word yesterday that my mother's youngest sister who is 83 yrs old & the last of the immediate family has had a stroke at Delaware, Ohio. My sister, Mrs Heistand has gone on.

V25 Page 176

She says her Aunt Elizabeth Ann Rippey born Dec 12, 1813 ob June 20, 1831 see p 178 was very beautiful & when she died people came from miles around to see her corpse.

While living drovers who were numerous in those days told each other about the beautiful girl who lived there & they made a habit of asking for a drink of water from their well, so as to see the beautiful girl. My father told me of this many times. He called her his sister, Betsy Ann. An article about this appeared recently in a Shippensburg paper but they got the name of her sister instead of hers. Her Aunt Mary Jane's husband, Hon John McCurdy came with his parents to America when 7 yrs old & told her when a child of seeing three great white whales on his voyage. He was twice elected to the Legislature as a Whig from a strong Democratic Co. He was in the school dept during Gov Curtin's administration & was supt of Public Printing under Gov Geary.

My informant's sister, Bessie A. see page 179 was born in Shippensburg, Pa & married Enos Worthington Hastings in Delaware, O Mch 28, 1872. He died in Shippensburg, Pa Jany 29, 1902 aged 56 yrs. He was for 27 yrs supt of the public schools of Delphos, O. She taught school in Delaware O & after marriage assisted him as teacher & principal. She was made the first worthy matron of the Eastern Star when they organized Chapter No 26 at Delphos, O & after serving 2 yrs declined a re-election. Her different positions in the Grand Chapter have been: Grand Esther, Grand Conductress, Associate Grand Matron & Grand Matron.

V25 Page 177

Their only child, Mary Millicent Hastings was born at Chesterville, O & died in Shippensburg, Pa see p 179.

Bessie's second husband, Rev Lucius Smith a Baptist minister has since died.

Her father was just christened Thompson Rippey as was her brother but the former added John before & the latter Joe. Her brother Otho Boswell Tippey Rippey was named for their minister.

V25 Page 178 & V25 Page 179

[descendant chart]

Hugh Rippey was one of 12 men who in June 1730 came to where Shippensburg, Pa now stands. He died in 1749. Name of wife not now known.


John Rippey ob married

Margery Rippey ob no record

Hugh Rippey ob married Miss McNair went to Allegheny Co

Agnes Rippey ob no record

Mary Rippey ob May 19, 1733 unmarried

Samuel Rippey ob 1793 married 1 Jane Graybill Allen married 2 Rachel.

William Rippey ob 1819 married 1 Margaret Finley who died 7 children, married 2 Betty McCracken.

William Rippey ob 1821 married Lucy Piper six children

Allen Rippey ob married Catherine Duncan

Washington Rippey ob married Nancy Wolf

Lucy Ann Rippey ob married J. Wolfley & soon left him

Julia Rippey ob married J. Anmiel

Isabel Rippey ob single

Mary Rippey ob unmarried

John Rippey [son of William ob 1819] ob

Isabel Rippey ob married James Finley see p 397

Margaret Rippey ob married Carr

Ruth Rippey ob married Joseph Duncan

Catherine Rippey ob married John Raum

Jane Rippey ob married Alexander Stewart

Samuel Rippey [son of Samuel ob 1793] ob married Mary Armstrong, sister of Gen Armstrong of colonial & Indian war fame.

John Rippey ob married Mary Piper

Samuel Rippey ob single

Elizabeth Ann Rippey ob married Wm Fletcher

Lucinda Rippey ob married Wm Piper

Margaret Rippey ob married W. Danecker

Sarah Rippey ob before her father

Armstrong Rippey [son of Samuel & Mary Armstrong Rippey] ob married Harriet Thomas Jacobs

Samuel Rippey, ob

Harriet Isabel Rippey ob

Isabel Rippey ob married Wm Bailey

Mary Rippey ob married Geo Hamill

Margaret Rippey ob

Elijah Rippey [son of Samuel ob 1793] ob 1794 married Elizabeth Thompson. Left 3 children. She died July 13, 1826 in her 70th yr. Don't know the name of her mother.

Samuel Rippey ob Apr 8, 1829 married Jane Falkner. She died Mch 4, 1857 aged 66 yrs. He died Apr 8, 1829 aged 43 yrs. Dates & ages from old family bible. They are grandparents of my informant

Elijah Rippey b Sept 1, 1811 ob Oct 1830 drowned at Pgh

Elizabeth Ann Rippey B Dec 12, 1813 ob June 20, 1831 see p 176

Mary Jane Rippey b July 8, 1816 ob Nov 20, 1883 married Hon. John McCurdy b June 24, 1811 in Co Antrim, Ireland

Deliah [sic] McCurdy

King McCurdy

Horace McCurdy

Laura McCurdy

All 4 died unmarried

Samuel Rippey ob June 19, 1855

Isabel Rippey b Nov 7, 1818 ob Jany 11, 1858

(John) Thompson Rippey b Dec 23, 1820 ob Feby 28, 1899 he was Shff of Cumb Co, Pa during the Civil War See next page 179 [which I include here for clarity] He & his wife both buried in Spring Hill Cem Shippensburg, Pa. Father of my informant. He was Sheriff of Cumberland Co, Pa during the Civil War was captured by the confederate troops at Chambersburg, Pa, gave the name of Frazier & had an exciting time in making his escape & ran 32 miles to his home. He had given Green village as his residence & the officer gave him a pass, but Picketts being beyond, they would not let him pass, but took him back to the officer from whom by watching his time made a break & escaped when word was rec that the Confederates were going to shell Carlisle, Pa & wd not allow wagons to pass, he carried his invalid grown daughter who never walked two miles on his back to get her to safety. Married Nov 24, 1844 Mary Jane Donavin born Dec 29, 1825 by Rev Penfield Doll & had nine children. She died on Jany 2, 1906.

Ada Rippey b Aug 29, 1846 ob 1906 never walked but had a remarkable memory

Myra Rippey b Mch 16, 1849 married Watson R. Sadler farmer of Adams Co, Pa He died Nov 1904

Isaac Lewis Sadler b Sept 10, 1880 married Laura Myers of Adams Co, Pa live with their family on the old homestead farm called Rose Valley place which has been in Sadler family for 150 years.

Rippey Thompson Sadler b June 8, 1882 married Madge Thompson of Ky & live in Brooklyn, NY. He is an Atty with office in NY City.

Mary Ada Sadler b Feby 26, 1884 married Maj Wm Ross Scott & hare stationed at Fort Benning, Ga 3 children. He is in U.S. Army

Isabel Scott

Mary Heistand Scott

Wm Ross Scott Jr

Isabel Trimble Sadler b Dec 27, 1886 graduate of Wilson College Missionary in Ky Mts married John Smith a co-worker there. 3 or 4 children.

Madge Elizabeth Smith

Jane Trimble Smith

Gilbert Hastings Sadler b Jany 7, 1887 attended Dickinson College & lives in California, unmarried

Richard Watson Sadler b Nov 27, 1890 graduated at Harvard College & is now a Bond salesman in New York City.

Bessie H. Rippey [daughter of John Thompson Rippey] see p 176 b Mch 5, 18-- married Mch 28, 1872 Enos W. Hastings Married 2 Rev Lucius Smith

Mary Millicent b Mch 22, 1873 ob June 2, 1889

(Joe) Thompson Rippey b Feby 19, 1853

Otho Boswell Tippey Rippey

Mary Jane Rippey ob Apr 13, 1930 married Col H. or S. Heastand Both buried in Arlington Cem, Wash D.C.

Nora Rippey

Sarah Belle Rippey

Jennie Rippey, my good informant

Thompson Rippey [son of Elijah Rippey ob 1794] ob


Isabel Rippey ob unmarried

Isabel Rippey [daughter of Hugh who died in 1749] ob no record.

V25 Page 180 [blank]

V25 Page 181 [blank]

V25 Page 182 [blank]

V25 Page 183

Oak Hill May 17, 1931 9:44 AM

I have a letter in answer to one from me, dated Sept 20, 1926 from Miss Elizabeth H. Hayes 242 N. Main St Chambersburg, Pa saying she had recently visited Big Springs Cem but failed to find the graves of Hugh & Elizabeth Smith & asked if I could locate them.

She said she had heard from her cousin Miss Mary H. Colwell (Carlisle, Pa) who had some data furnished by my grand aunt, who was a granddaughter of Elizabeth Mc Smith, Hugh Smith & Elizabeth McCormick were married Feby 26, 1784.

The other dates are similar to yours. My grandmother was very young when her grandparents died & only an infant when her mother died so I never heard her speak of her childhood association with her mother's people. When she was a woman up in years, her Uncle James Smith born 1796 visited in her home & I remember him. He had just returned from a sojourn in Switzerland. He graduated from Dickinson College in 1816 & was a Pres. minister. The missing link seems to be in the lack of data regarding Hugh Smith's enlistment. She had given me some letters which from what she says, I had evidently had copied.

V25 Page 184

A letter dated Apr 16, 1928 from Rev Geo H. Fickes now one of the board of bible & Religious Education of Lafayette College, Easton, Pa refers to my visit to him 3 or 4 yrs before at the Presbyterian board rooms in Chicago & says he is anxious to know how I am progressing with the Carothers history & wants a copy of the book when it comes out.

A letter dated Sept 21, 1925 in answer to mine of Sept 18th from Mrs Edward E. Donohoe 406 N. Main St, Greensburgh, Pa says she sent me all she had of David Rittenhouse Porter, but says I may get what I want from Hon Wm W. Porter commonwealth Bldg, Phila, Pa who is a son of Hon Wm A. Porter who wrote the hist of Genl Andrew Porter who was a son of David R. Porter, Gov of Penna in 1839. Make slip

She wants help in tracing Elizabeth McDowell & says "I am a descendant of Andrew Porter & his 1st wife Elizabeth McDowell. Mrs Taylor of Phila who is gathering the hist of the McDowell family for the Genealogic Soc of Phila has been unable to trace her. In the first Pres Ch Phila, I found in 1896 that my gggfather Judge Robert Porter married Sarah Williams in 1816. She was buried in the Lutheran Cem at Reading, Pa. Their son Robert Porter married Eleanor Kearny a relative of Gen Philip Kearny also a

V25 Page 185

relative of Mrs George Biddle of DeLaney Place, Phila, Pa her father being Dr John Kearny Rogers a prominent surgeon of New York City.

My Uncle Jack ie John Philip Rogers was shot while commanding his men in the Battle at Fair Oaks in 1862.

A genealogist in NJ is tracing the Kearny line for me. They were granted land there in 1680. Michael Kearny's 1st wife was Elizabeth Britain, the 2d a Miss Morris, daughter of Gov Morris. Miss Arda St Clair Rorison comes under this line"

She thanks me for the Parker hist & says it is interesting to know who my ancestor Andrew Porter married.

I have a letter dated Sept 24, 1926 in answer to mine of Sept 17th from H.E. Hoke, Hanover, Pa saying he would write each of his boys for dates of their marriage & births of their children & would send it to me. I have never recd it. Am writing him for it today. This is for b 17 p 576.

V25 Page 186

I find two old letters dated July 28, 1898 & Aug 4, 1898 from John Markle Genl Supt of G.B. Markle & Co of Jeddo Pa miners & shippers of Jeddo & Highland, Lehigh Coals. He says he has been trying to get the information I asked for in my letter of July 16, 1898 but will not be able to get it in time but as I contemplate going to Berks Co, Pa he directs me to call on John N. Rhodes R.E. Agt N. 5th ST, Reading, Pa who can give me much inf who has the old family bible with hist of the family going back some time. See b 1 Aug 12 to 19th when I was at Reading Pa. Says he is still working on the data "in the direction in which you wish & also I wish & when I get it completed will be very glad to acquaint you with it". I answered him July 30, 1898.

In his of Aug 4, 1898

He says the following data he has got so far regarding the Markle family. My father's name was George Bushar Markle born in Milton, Pa in 1828 died in Hazleton, Pa in 1888 & buried in the Mausoleum at Milton, Pa. His father's name was John Markle who died

in Milton, Pa. I think in 1862 & is also buried at Milton. the brothers & sisters of John Markle are: Jacob, Gideon, Samuel, William, Peter, Katie, Polly & Bettie. My great grandfather: John Markle's father's name was Christian Markle, Esther Markle was a sister of Christian Markle & I don't know who she married, but

V25 Page 187

her daughter married a Mr Rhoades & this Mrs Rhoads [sic] was the mother of Mr John Rhoades of Reading, Pa as I understand it. I know nothing about the other brothers & sisters of Christian Markle; Christian Markle's father's name was Casper Markle; (this is where he is wrong. His father was Peter & I wd say that he gave this information to Anjou causing the error in the Markle hist he prepared for John Markle) (But he saying over his own signature that Esther was a sister of this Christian proves his mistake) this may be of some service to you in making your investigation.

Jno Markle.

V25 Page 188

I have a letter dated Feby 16, 1927 in answer to mine of the month before from J.W. Sharp Pres & Treas of the Newville Knitting Co, Newville, Pa in which he says I evidently didn't receive the letter he sent me giving the information I asked for. He then says: I find record b 17 p 378 & table b 20 p 88 & 89 & note what he says there.

I have a letter dated Sept 8, 1924 in answer to mine from Louise Henry (daughter of Joseph Henry) 1118 Victoria Ave, New Kensington, Pa in which she says delay was occasioned by her having to write the second time to her Aunt Mrs R.M. McKelvy, Gibsonia, Pa who is a sister of Jesse Fulton's wife to get addresses. These are Jesse Fulton's children:

1. Mrs Gusty Breese

2. Mrs Elizabeth Derickson

3. Milo Fulton

All live at Bedofrd, Taylor Co, Iowa

I am writing Mrs Breese again tonight but make slip as she may not answer. My Aunt thought you had better write to Mrs Gusty Breese as she might be the best one to write to & tell her you got her address from her Aunt, Mrs R.M. McKelvy, Gibsonia, Pa. My father said he thought some of

V25 Page 189

his sister's children, the Mahans were living out in the country, but I likely saw them. I did in Aug 2, 1924 see b 12 p 304

I made the following notation on the back of her letter:

Sept 9, 1924 See b 12 p 277 the three children above are the children of Jesse Fulton (son of Samuel of James & Agnes) & his wife Margaret Hoey (sister of Mrs R.M. McKelvy of Gibsonia, Pa)

Samuel's children were as follows:

1. Jim married & moved to Pgh, Pa & had 3 girls

2. Allison went west

3. Jesse, above

4. Peggy Ann married James Harvey a farmer in Clinton Tp, Butler Co, Pa

5. Lee Ann married Geo Hayes. Both dead. no issue

6. Jane never married see page 308 b 12 item 20

7. Mary never married see b 12 p 308 item 20

8. Sarah died when a young lady

9. Nancy married Wm Alexander Mahan see b 12 p 306-7 I got this see b 12 p 303 also p 277 & page 313 item 46.

No slips made or entries in my record book. Waiting answer from Mrs Breese which never came to make up table for Samuel Fulton. Make slips now.

V25 Page 190

Oak Hill May 18, 1931 8 AM

A letter dated Apr 6, 1928 being a deferred answer to mine from Prof W. Shaffer Jack 1926 Diamond St Phila, Pa Prof of Romanic Languages & Literature in University of Pennsylvania there said he had waited to have access to some old records in storage, mostly Holmes records, he thought, but he saw no immediate chance. Follow this up with the hope of getting some Jack records.

I am entering what is desirable for the table at b 21 p 512 & he gives in addition on his Holmes & Sturgeon lines that Robt Holmes 1767-1830 was the son of Robert Holmes & his wife Grace Vance & his wife Annie Charlotte Sturgeon was born June 1, 1772 married July 8, 1792 & died Jany 2, 1860 daughter of George Sturgeon who died July 17 (or 19) 1776 & his wife Margaret Sophia Mills who died in 1780.

The first record (oral) he has of the Sturgeons is William Sturgeon born 1648 & his brother-in-law Sir Archibald Alchison or Acheson going from Scotland to Ireland somewhere after 1690. Robert & Grace Vance Holmes lived near Armagh, Ireland.

Grandparents of my father lived near Braddock Pa. Make slip to see if he came from Andrew Jack. His mother never remarried & was then living with him.

V25 Page 191

I have a letter dated Feby 29, 1928 in answer to mine from Mrs Sherman C. Henry 905 E. Mahoning St, Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co, Pa enclosing all the data she has gathered. She is still hunting for the names of the wives (or wife) of Joseph Thompson see b 22 p 64 & sends a one page note size letter from E.H. Adams (a woman I think) of 1757 Euclid St, NW Wash D.C. (make slip) saying she had two Joseph Thompsons on her Penna list & both have data. Will furnish names of wives with authority for $5. I think this Joseph Thompson is the brother of my great grandfather William Thompson see b 22 p 64 & commencing on next page, I am tabling the data she sends. She says my gggfather Thomas Thompson at 55 was not too old for service in Revolutionary War as a D.A.R. told her that her ancestor was in the militia in Revolutionary War at 70. I think he served. She says there is a Moses Thompson & son Moses in the D.A.R. lineage book. She asks if I am writing a history of the family for publication & asks if I will sell or give her one. Where there is no record of marriage of the children of Joseph A. Thompson, the bible does not give it or my informant don't know. Her two oldest sisters did not send her their records, so she could not give dates. See b 5 p 134-8

V25 Page 192 & V25 Page 193

[descendant chart]

Joseph Thompson pioneer died & was buried in Westmoreland Co, Pa. I think he was the brother of my ggf William Thompson see b 22 p 64 & Anjou's hist. Make slip to search for grave. June 7, 1931 Beatrice Bell, Mt Vernon, Washington writing Oct 14, 1926 for her mother Margaret Bell born Nov 27, 1849 see table says he was killed by a tree falling on him.


Joseph A. Thompson born 1792 ob June 11, 1863 served in War of 1812, enlisting in Butler Co, Pa as a private in Capt John McCollough's Co, Penna militia. He was buried in Pleasant Valley Cemetery near Butler, Pa. Copy of Pension may be had by sending wives names to Bureau of Pensions Wash D.C> Rev & 1812 War Section. Married 1 Sept 5, 1815 Ann Smith 1795-1824 daughter of Elisha Smith & wife Rebecca Bowen 4 children. She died May 27, 1824 in Slippery Rock Tp, Butler Co, Pa. Married 2 Nov 28, 1826 Mary Patten in Slippery Rock Tp, Butler Co, Pa 12 children. She was born say in 1800 as she was granted pension on her application dated June 7, 1870 when aged 72 yrs & living in Cherry Tp, Butler Co, Pa. The record of births below are from his old bible sent to my informant by his grandson George Thompson of Kersters Butler Co, Pa who lives on or near the old homestead farm. [the next sentence is in a feminine hand] 2d wife died March 1890 in Boyer's Pa.

James Thompson b Oct 31, 1816 ob, issue see b 27 p 212

John Thompson b Mch 10, 1818 ob Aug 29, 1863 killed in battle at Bull Run, Va married 1852 Sarah Hendershot Grinder b 1829 ob Feby 2, 1901 & buried at Baptist Cem Reynoldsville, Pa. He was buried at Bull Run Va. 6 children. [only lists three]

Margaret Thompson married 1 Miller married 2 Hoffman

Caroline Emily Thompson b Mch 1856 ob May 8, 1901 married Dec 1876 Samuel Griffen Montgomery b Feby 9, 1853 ob Aug 25, 1888 son of Gilmore Montgomery & wife Catherine W. Robinson

Ruth Elizabeth Montgomery b Jany 30, 1878 married Allen George Hons

Geo Montgomery Hons b Oct 2, 1900 married Maria Thunsen [best guess]

Henry Alexander Hons b Oct 5, 1925

Sarah Eleanor Montgomery b Nov 13, 1880 married Geo A. Snyder on June 27, 1906

Paul Arthur Snyder b June 13, 1910 Graduated 1931 fr Brown University

Katherine Emily Montgomery b Dec 1881 married Apr 28, 1906 John Bunyan Harter b 1854 ob July 30, 1925 son of Solomon & Mary Harter

Jack B. Harter b July 16, 1907

Abner M. Harter b Nov 6, 1910

Joseph S. Harter b Apr 12, 1915

Wm S. Harter b Apr 6, 1919

Harriet Elmina Montgomery b Feby 17, 1884 at Brookville, Pa my informant for this record. Married Sept 23, 1908 Sherman Cyrus Henry b May 20, 1876 at Perrysville, now Hamilton Ind Co, Pa son of Jno A. Henry & wife Elizabeth Wortman. First 2 children born Reynoldsville, Pa 3d at North East Pa & last 2 at Punxsutawny Pa

Zay Erma Henry b Sept 23, 1910 Grad fr Punxsutawny High school June 8, 1927

Velma Louise Henry b June 21, 1912 ob 1912

Sherman Cyrus Henry Jr b Apr 24, 1914

Boyd Montgomery Henry b Mch 27, 1916

John Wortman Henry b July 2, 1920

John Thompson Montgomery b Mch 5, 1885 in Brookville, Pa Entd Girard College aged abt 9 finished Sept 1900 whereabouts not know. A great traveler.

Thomas Montgomery ob 1888 an infant

Jennie Thompson [daughter of John b 1818] married George Coleman an Evangelical minister & had a large family see p 291.

Elizabeth Thompson [daughter of Joseph A. b 1792] b Dec 17, 1819 ob Feby 15, 1821

Jean Thompson b Dec 8, 1821 ob issue

Robert Patten Thompson b Oct 21, 1827 ob issue See b 27 p 212

Ann Smith Thompson b June 22, 1829 ob married Billingsly b 27 p 213

Joseph Thompson III b Feby 21, 1831 ob no issue see b 27 p 210

William Patten Thompson b Jany 2, 1833 ob issue see b 27 p 211

Rebecca Patten Thompson b Dec 1834 ob Nov 25, 1925 married William Dobson. She died at Butler Pa aged 91 yrs & gave the information recorded in b 16 p 507-9. 2 children.

Samuel Thompson b Mch 20, 1837 ob no issue

Sarah Ann Thompson b Mch 14, 1839 ob married Kelley b 27 p 213

Martha Jean Thompson b Feb 20, 1843 married James McElroy issue b 27 p 213

Oliver Thompson b June 23, 1845 issue lives 232 E. Clay St, Butler, Pa member of council

Mary Thompson b 1846 ob 1925 married Rhodes no issue b 27 p 214

15. Fletis Taylor Thompson b June 17, 1847 served in Spanish-American War. Has issue. He is in the Dayton Military home, Dayton

16. Margaret Thompson b Nov 27, 1849 married 1870 Joseph Bell at Meadville, Pa. Lives 909 Second St Mt Vernon Wash 5 children see b 27 p 206

Ada Bell married Slothier

Daisy Bell married Foster

William Bell

Raymond Bell

Beatrice Bell my informant for her mother's record

[all references to book 27 were written in a feminine hand]

V25 Page 194

Go to Mrs William Allison's 78 McClellandtown Road & get her own & her father's record for book 1 p 392. Make slip I returned her Waltz book.

Harry B. Gans of Uniontown, Pa replying to my request wrote me Feby 17, 1928 as follows: (I think they are all children of the same George Custer by two wives, see his will at recorders office) & the records of the Custer family show the sons & daughters of George Custer to be as follows:

Children of Geo Custer & Susannah (Long) Custer:

1. John Custer

2. George Custer

3. Sarah Custer married to Houck

4. David Custer

5. Jacob Custer

6. Hannah Custer

Children of Geo Custer & Catherine (Leatherman) Custer

1. Daniel Custer

2. Susannah Custer

3. Catherine Custer married to Moser

4. Magdalena Custer married to William Gans

5. Joseph Custer

6. Jonathan Custer

7. Mary Custer married to Moser

8. Elizabeth Custer married to Biglow

9. Lydia Custer

Yours truly H.B. Gans

V25 Page 195

In an effort to get track of some of the Peairs see b 5 p 373, two of whom Isaac & James married daughters of Samuel McClean, brother of Col Alex McClean & Elizabeth Peairs married William McClean I had John L. Robinson get some data for me & on Apr 3? 1925 he mailed me the following in re McClean family of North Union Tp:

John McClean who died June 5, 1831 leaving a widow Mary & eleven children:

1. James

2. Clarissa married John Holstead

3. Ellen or Helen married Solomon Knott

4. Samuel

5. Sarah married James Rogers

6. Mary Ann married Strubbs

7. Jackson or John

8. William

9. Margaret married Wm Woodward

10. Henry

11. Robert

Samuel McClean died Mch 8, 1885 leaving a widow Sarah A. & two children:

1. Sarah married Benj F. Elliott

2. Mary A. married George McCray

Sarah & Mary didn't get along. They had a fight about the distribution of their father's estate. Mary bought Sarah out & lived & died on the home farm. She survived her husband, left all her property to Pres Ch except the income on $500 which she bequeathed to her "cousin Elizabeth Ann Clark" I believe Miss Clark lives on Morgantown St, Uniontown, Pa

V25 Page 196

The executor of Mrs McCray's will was H.H. Amos who lives abt 1 1/2 miles out of town just off the C'ville road P.O. Uniontown RFD 1 either he or Miss Clark should have any family records that Mrs McCray had. Sources Fayette Co Records H.R. O.C. No 8 Mch term 1832, No 18 Oct term 1854, And Rep Docket (Est of Saml McClean) will book 20 p 97" Make slip to see Miss Clark or Amos. He didn't go back far enough.

I have a letter dated Nov 17, 1926 in answer to mine from Mrs J. Christine Weaver Waynesboro, Pa see b 17 p 577 giving record of her father's family which I am tabling commencing on page 198-9. She wrote very plain five large pages & gave the most perfect record I have received never missing a trick except date of her mother's death & two other dates to which she called attention.

V25 Page 197 [blank]

V25 Page 198 & V25 Page 199

[descendant chart]

Rev George McMurran Hoke born Oct 20, 1853 ob Feby 10, 1911 at Hallem, York Co, Pa & is buried in Wrightsville, Pa Cem See b 17 p 574-5. He was a Methodist minister. Married Feby 23, 1882 Virginia Budding b May 19, 1854 ob daughter of Linus E. & Eliza Budding


William Budding Hoke b Dec 14, 1882 at Hbg Pa a civil engineer married June 21, 1910 at Tomkins Cove, NY Margaret Irving Odell b Mch 23, 1888 at Tomkins Cove NY daughter of Rutledge Irving Odell & wife Anna Stirling Tomkins & a niece of Gov Odell of NY. Have 4 children 1st two born at Cornwall on the Hudson NY & last two at Tomkins Cove, NY which is their P.O. address.

Wm Budding Hoke Jr b Feby 23, 1912

John Irving Hoke b Jany 10, 1914

Robert Allen Hoke b Dec 3, 1919

Sharon Odell Hoke b Apr 16, 1925

Jennie Christine Hoke b June 1, 1884 at Huntingdon, Pa married Oct 8, 1919 at York, Pa Samuel McDonald Weaver b July 30, 1888 at Marion, Pa son of Samuel C. Weaver & wife Frances Sabina Graham. Address Sunnyside, Waynesboro, Pa where he is a mail carrier. She my good informant for this record. No issue.

George McMurran Hoke Jr b Nov 30, 1885 at Huntingdon, Pa ob

Norman McMurran Hoke b Nov 24, 1887 at Orbisonia, Pa occupation draftsman now salesman married June 18, 1913 at Shamokin, Pa Larue E. Heckman b Mch 26, 1886 at Pottsville, Pa daughter of Wm Heckman & wife Anna Louise Yost. Live at 715 N. Shamokin St, Shamokin, Pa

Robert William Hoke b Feby 24, 1917 at Alliance, O

Norman McM Hoke Jr b Mch 14, 1924 at Shamokin, Pa

Robert Warren Hoke b Dec 26, 1889 at Orbisonia, Pa married Oct 2, 1918 at New York City, Helen Conley daughter of Patrick Joseph Conley & wife Mary Ellen Lahey. Have two children born at Ridgefield Park NJ where he is an accountant at 46 S. Fifth St

Robert Warren Hoke Jr b Feby 26, 1920

Beatrice Leona Hoke b Aug 20, 1923

Helen Alma Hoke b May 10, 1892 at Duncannon, Pa married June 6, 1917 at York, Pa Walter Benjamin Strickler b June 24, 1892 at Hellam, Pa son of Edward M. Strickler & wife Clara Virginia Stover. He is an electrical & telephone engineer address 20 Madison Ave, East Orange NJ where their two children were born.

Virginia Budding Strickler b Dec 19, 1920

Betty Jane Strickler b Mch 7, 1925

Mary Eleanor Hoke b Apr 22, 1894 at Orbisonia, Pa Married Oct 17, 1921 at State college, Pa Roy Osborne Blanchard b Jany 1, 1893 at Conneaut, Ohio son of Albert Blanchard & wife Martha Elizabeth Darling. He is a landscape gardener & lives 820 W 31st ST Erie Pa Have two children born at Erie, Pa

Marian Elizabeth Blanchard b Aug 4, 1922

Dorothy Ruth Blanchard b Oct 6, 1924

V25 Page 200

Oak Hill May 19, 1931 7:40 AM

A letter dated Mch 5, 1920 in answer to mine of Jany 27, 1920 from C.H. Caruthers, Yeadon, Delaware Co, Pa says he was delayed answering by reason of a change of ownership in the monthly publication of "The Millers Review" with which, in connection with other duties, he was connected, for the past 15 yrs along with work among our boys of Sabbath School of the First Pres Ch of Landowne, Pa.

My father was W.F. Caruthers (I was to see him & got his record abt 55 yrs ago) Supt of the Westmoreland Coal Co at Irwin, Pa from 1853 to 1872; from 1853 to 1855 the Irwin plant was owned by Coleman Hailman & Co & known at the Coal Grove coal Co while the original Westmoreland Coal Co was at Larimer, Pa. The two were consolidated in 1855 under the name of the Westmoreland Coal Cos, father continuing as supt. He was the son of William Caruthers who died in the eastern part of this state in the latter part of the fifties. I think aged 98. What meager information he gives about the family, I will table on page 202. He says his father knew Mr Caruthers of Sewickly but they were never able to satisfactorily establish the connection between their families.

Last summer a lady from Oregon

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of our name was east attending her son, a returned soldier, ill in the Pennsylvania Hospital & called to see us. Her husband is Samuel Caruthers spelled same as ours, & his father came from Eastern Ohio. Her P.O. address is Springfield, Oregon. During an evening with my cousin, Eugene Caruthers, son of Fillmore, recently I mentioned this, & his mother (wife of Fillmore Decd) says she recalled some member or members of the family who had drifted into Ohio but knew nothing definite. I am writing her today.

V25 Page 202 & V25 Page 203

[descendant chart]

William Caruthers of a family located in Lancaster & Chester Cos died there in the late fifties aged 98 years. During the childhood of his son W.F. he removed to Zanesville, but only remained a short time & returned to the east. Hunt up the records I got from his son W.F. Caruthers at Irwin Pa about 55 yrs ago.


W.F. Caruthers b Nov 5, 1814 at Doe Run Chester Co, Pa ob Apr 29, 1897 at Irwin, Pa. He was supt of the Westmoreland Coal Co from 1853 to 1872 married 1, married 2. His 2d wife was living at Irwin, Pa in 1920 at date of this letter

C.H. Caruthers (by 1st wife) b Sept 29, 1847 living in 1920 at Yeadon, Pa my informant for this data. He says he left Irwin Pa in 1887 & have since resided at Blairsville, Huntingdon, Mt Pleasant & Pittsburgh, Pa. From the latter city we came east in 1897 & have since resided at the Newell Institute, which I attended until near my 20th birthday. I knew Rev W.S. Bowman of your town from boyhood. He was always a clean lived, pure minded, splendid boy. I was also before coming east, well acquainted with many of the PRR men on the south West branch & among 11 he named were my friends Sol Wordsworth? Wm H. Beckwith & John Kennedy. Says he has an article in hands of Pres Banner abt rambles along ten creeks of Delaware Co with a clean pure minded 14 1/2 yr old boy to be published in the summer. Married

A son name not given who is a draughtsman in Southwark Machinery Co has long insisted that we collate our data. Make slip to see him.

Carroll E. Caruthers b Aug 1882 atty at law with office in Greensburgh, Pa. He would have the family records of his father. Make slip

John Caruthers b 1886 lived Irwin, Pa

Wayne Caruthers b 1896 lived Irwin, Pa

Lytle Caruthers [son of William] ob married. Lived near Sondersburg, Lancaster Co, Pa. His children who survive are scattered.

John Caruthers ob

Jason Caruthers lives Lancaster, Pa

Margaret Caruthers married a Moore who has died & she lives on Madison St, Princeton, NJ

Sarah Caruthers ob

Hannah Caruthers ob

James Caruthers ob

Frank Caruthers don't know whether living or not

Jason Caruthers ob 1899 married spent his days in Lancaster Co, Pa living near Christiana, Pa

Fillmore Caruthers ob 1909 married, wife living in 1920

Eugene Caruthers living at Secane, Pa Bel. Co

Lola? Caruthers married, lives Parkersburg, Pa

Herman Caruthers married living near Christiana, Pa

Chester? Caruthers lives at Parkersburg, Pa

Leo Caruthers lives at Lancaster, Pa

Harriet Caruthers married Witmer living at Christiana, Pa

Anna Caruthers living at Christiana, Pa

V25 Page 204

I have a letter dated Jany 26, 1927 in answer to my Dec letter from Mrs L.K. Hunter, Gray Court, S.C. which is couched in the kindest terms, but unfortunately does not give book or page. She gives me too, more early Hunter dates, in which I am not so much interested, which she got from the tombstones in the cemetery, saying she did not have any records. She says her husband:

William Mills Hunter was son of Dr Melmoth Milton Hunter who married Harriett Isabella Kilgore whose father was Samuel Hunter born Sept 25, 1790 ob Aug 24, 1847. He married Mary Mills b May 3, 1797 ob Apr 24, 1863.

His father was John Hunter who died Dec 25, 1818 aged 52 yrs. His wife Margaret died June 15, 1828 aged 70 yrs. Dr Melmoth Milton Hunter had two bros. Dr Samuel Marvin Hunter who lived in Greenville S.C. & died in Atlanta, Ga Apr 19, 1883 & left 5 sons & Dr John Peronneau Hunter see b 16 p 353 who lived near Ora, west of Laurens S.C. who died in Sept 1891 left 5 sons & 2 daughters. F.A. Lewis who married my daughter Linda May Hunter was born Feby 14, 1880. His father was Fielding Lewis of Seneca S.C. & his mother was Mattie Erwin of Brevard N.C. He & my daughter live in Hamlet, N.C. Can read & have written this without glasses for which the Lord praised

V25 Page 205

Says she sees Mrs Harkness of NY has died & left $2,500,000 to the Presbyterian Church & its missions & hopes their church south will share in it. S.M. Kilgore of Woodruff S.C. met with some of our Kilgore kin in Charlotte N.C. a man from Ohio who worked in a store there who had heard of the 18 sons & one daughter from one of which he descended.

May 20, 1931 see b 16 p 347.

A letter dated Jany 19, 1928 from Mrs Lillian M. Cain (or Gain) genealogist, St Mathews SC speaks of an interesting record of the Caruthers family in Vol II of Vickers First Families which was written by a friend of hers & says they always knew there was a Rev soldier in the line & asks for proof. Also asks me abt ggf "James Caruthers 1744-1802" & whether he had a cousin James Caruthers who died in 1836 & says this last James came from Pa to N.C. & then to S.C. in 1803.

V25 Page 206

Oak Hill May 20, 1931 7:07 AM

I have a letter dated Feby 14, 1928 in answer to mine from Mrs M.D. Kilgore of Simpsonville S.C. who says she has been having trouble with her eyes & also that she has recd an extended genealogy from her cousin in Columbia S.C. viz Mrs King but she doesn't know whether I would want but I am writing her today for it. She says grandfather Josiah Kilgore's brother, James Kilgore of Newberry S.C. married a Miss Summers of Newberry S.C. Mrs King of Columbia S.C. starts off by saying there were 19 children in gggfather's family. Benjamin Kilgore son of James Kilgore who married Elizabeth Jack. My vacations were spent with my grandmother; all the family history I know, she told me, while sitting around the fireside at night when her thoughts would wander back to her young days & the kindred she knew. She told me the same things many times over. It was a pleasure to her & a pleasure to me, to see her enjoy talking of old times. None of his first wife's children live around. No record was kept of them. This leads back to the Revolutionary times. Gggfather was a Colonel in the Revolutionary War on record in Columbia, S.C. She says her gggfather, Benjamin Kilgore's wife, McCreary was scalped by the Indians. Had a little son James.

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my ggfather. She fell & struck her head on a rock this fall, caused her death. The Greer family, their nearest neighbors, took the babe to raise. I've heard my grandmother tell about how they slept in the same cradle, nursed by the same mother, grew up & married James Kilgore to Keziah Greer. They are buried in g.y. close here, of this union their children are my grandfather, Josiah (et al see b 16 p 344-5)

My great grandfather & mother

My grandfather & mother

My father & mother

my husband's father & mother

all buried at the graveyard close by.

Her father & mother were married at the Sullivan ancestral home at Tumbling Shoals, by Rev John W. McFall.

She says her grandfather, Josiah Kilgore & her grandmother, Harriet Mariah Benson were married in Columbia S.C. & that she was only 16 when married, but my records b 16 p 344 show she was then 22. They moved up the country among his people. She knew only his mother, his brothers & his sisters. She winds up with "If there is anything I can do to assist you, let me know". There are many more blanks to be filled & records to be given & I am sending her a questionnaire for them.

V25 Page 208

On June 16, 1925, I wrote Mr & Mrs Edward Reel, Spartanburg, S.C. for their own record for the Finley - Thompson history, but in some way failed to name book & page I asked:

1. date of your marriage & he says Nov 17, 1903

2. Mr Reel's birth & parentage & he answers: Nov 1, 1879 at Columbus, Ohio, father Charles O. Reel, mother, Louisa E. Giesein.

3. Is your daughter Dorothy married & he says she is not married. He wants to know how they come in this family history & I am writing tonight to give his wife's name & line in an effort to locate her. I remember his name, but can't find where I have it recorded. He wrote on June 24, 1925.

V25 Page 209

Oak Hill May 22, 1931 5:55 AM

I have a letter dated Mch 19, 1928 from 2d cousin Katherine L. Markle of York S.C. sending a skeleton record of her father's family without exact dates which I am recording on next page & writing her for fuller record, which I fear she won't send as it looks as though she fights shy of giving her own age. She is proud of the good worthy lines of her family & asks about her Washington County coal.

V25 Page 210 & V25 Page 211

[descendant chart]

Shepard Brown Markle son of Genl Joseph Markle & his first wife Elizabeth Painter was born 1805 & died. Married 1829 Hannah Lobingier daughter of Judge John Lobingier & his wife Sophia Moyer & granddaughter of Christopher Lobingier, one of the framers of the early constitution of Pennsylvania. She reports 8 children.


Elizabeth Painter Markle ob died in early womanhood

Benjamin Franklin Markle ob died in early youth

John Markle ob 1896 aged almost 60 yrs unmarried a noble good man.

Joseph C. Markle ob 1862 killed in battle of Antietam, unmarried

Henry Harrison Markle, ob 1919 married Alvira Fuller Smith ob daughter of Micajah Smith & his wife Maria Markle

Sarah Brown Markle ob 1879 married Joseph F. Carey ob. He was of English descent. Issue

David P. Markle ob died in early manhood

Katharine Lobingier Markle my informant for this record living at York S.C.

V25 Page 212

I have a letter dated Feby 4, 1927 from James Douglass Anderson box 81 Madison Tenn giving me some information he promised last April about the Andersons.

He says a letter in his possession written to his mother in 1901 by Charles E. Kemper of the Treasury Dept, Washington D.C. one of the connection says that our branch of the family went from Penna to Augusta Co Va shortly after the settlement of the courts which was in 1732. There is a deed to John Anderson dated 1738.

Waddell's Annals of Augusta Co, Va says that John & George Anderson came to the valley direct from Ireland via of Phila & proved their importation in Orange Co, Va court May 22, 1740 (190 yrs ago today)

He says his maternal ancestor, Wm McFerrin enlisted in the Revolutionary War from Augusta Co Va & was born in 1755 in York, Pa. Says he has at home the name of a book on the Anderson family but has never seen a copy.

Says if he can be of any help to write him.

I find an earlier letter from him of May 3, 1926 & the envelope shows him to be a lawyer

V25 Page 213

at 706 Harry Nichol Bldg, Nashville Tenn in which he says he has no moral or legal right to use the article on Judge Caruthers which he reproduced (with additional date) from an article by Hon Andrew B. Martin, the author who should have full credit. He says Dr Martin was a life long resident of Lebanon & a professor in the law school nearly all his life & a friend of Judge Caruthers. Says in Caldwell's "Ben & Bar of Tenn" is a fine article of Abraham Caruthers, author of a law dist who for many years was the leading teacher in the school.

I have a letter dated Feby 21, 1928 answering mine from Mrs Ella Louise Parks 3608 Spence St, Dallas Texas answering my questions which I am entering in place b 21 p 248-9. She gives address of Mrs Will Burk 833 Clark St Paducah, Ky eldest daughter of her sister, Mary Elizabeth who she says can give her mother's record. She thinks Harriet K. Chrietzberg of Columbia S.C. is dead & don't know address of her son Chris or who the daughters, Hattie & Rose married see b 16 pages 353 & 370 & b 20 p 581. I am writing today to Mrs Burk & Mrs Chrietzberg

V25 Page 214

Samuel Morris Thompson, a fine looking & very handsome man 5 ft 10 1/2 in weighing 210 lbs has just gone at 2:30 PM after an hour's call to ask about the Thompson History. He says he was born in Center Tp, Greene Co, Pa June 16, 1893 the son of Harry Thompson aged abt 64? who is a son of Samuel Thompson of Center Tp whose coal I bought in the Borlean block & who he said died in 1926 aged 87 yrs. He said he took down & will send me what his grandfather told him about his father & grandfather who he said came from Virginia but he didn't remember just where. He said he learned aviation for the World War, but not in time to get abroad. His wife who died I think he said in 1924 was a daughter of Judge Allen P. Dickey & a double first cousin of the wife of Genl Edward Martin whose maiden name was Scott.

V25 Page 215

I have a letter dated Feby 2, 1926 in answer to mine of Jany 23, 1926 from A.P. Finley of Pioneer Abstract Co Sherman Texas whose address was given me by Estelle Finley & to whom he had given all the data he had & can give no more, but he does not give Book & page. I asked for issues of heirs of William Finley formerly of Lee Co, VA but later of Blount Co, Tenn.

Since this correspondence it has occurred to me that there was a partition proceeding in Chancery court of Bradley Co at Cleveland, Tenn in estate of my grandfather, William Finley which would give name of his heirs. This was about 1857 to 1860 which would be styled Finley vs Finley (or Johnson, Long, Hays or Smith if names of the daughters should come first) & which should be easily located from the court indices.

He believes the family bible would be found in custody of some of the heirs of Joseph W. Finley all of whom I knew & they can be found & I will trace it if you wish. Am writing him today to do so. Ray [sic may mean says] Roy V. Finley has been too busy with official duties to get an audience but he will see him soon. Says to command him as he wants to know more of the Finley history.

V25 Page 216

Oak Hill Saturday May 23, 1931 7:54 AM

It is 54 yrs today since Uncle James T. Redburn died at the "Holler" in Uniontown Pa aged 55 years & 4 days. He was born in Masontown, Pa May 19, 1822 the son of James T. Redburn the Elder 1772-1857 & his first wife Rebecca Harrison daughter of Robert Harrison.

Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death of cousin Martha Jane Hoover aged 81 yrs 5 mos & 21 days (born say Nov 30, 1849) widow of Jesse N. Hoover at their home in German Tp near Masontown, Pa Thursday May 21, 1931 at 2 PM

She is survived by one daughter, Josephine - Mrs Frank Martin Funeral today at 3 PM burial at Church Hill Cemetery near McCellandtown, Pa.

V25 Page 217

I have a letter dated Feby 7, 1928 in answer to one from me from Miss Georgia C. Price route 2 box 145 Blackstone, Va of 8 pages note size enclosing 6 pages 8 x 10 in of Revolutionary records as a reward of merit & "thank you" for my kind invitation to make me a visit & see the ancestral hills of her Brown ancestors visible from where I am writing, which however, she fears she cannot avail herself of.

Some of the data she sends is about Col Wm Crawford & his son Lieut John Crawford. She says Judge Veech states that Lieut John Crawford went to Adams Co, O (where I found his grave on Oct 31, 1925) which she says is verified by others in the family traditions although Mrs Dietz says Ky. (this version arising probably from Shipping to Maysville Or Kenton's Sta Ky from where they crossed the river) as there was one of his sons named John & he was in Ky at the time. Miss Price thinks she may have lost a generation. Mr Pohlman had names similar "handed down" to him.

The "Brown Hill" I spoke of in my letter she thinks most likely a part of the tract 9 miles square granted by the British Crown to Lieut Adam Brown ("Old Adam") for his service in the French & Indian Wars. See Hadden Hist V 2 p 381

V25 Page 218

She says he was far from being a bachelor as he married Elizabeth Mouse & they had

1. Efa (Eva)

2. Adam married & died in or near York, Clark Co, Ills

3. Jacob

4. Christopher (Stuffed) (we called Stophel) both [3 & 4] in Ohio. One was on Jacob's Creek on the Darby River. Don't know if it was Big or Little Darby.

5. Wendall moved to the Glades where I can't say. Western Pa seems to have several Glades. So has Va or now WVA

6. Elizabeth. She died in June 1867 before I was born & was 96 or over & said to have been a remarkable woman in many ways.

If old Adam was a Tory as reported, he was not "caught at it" and they once hid for 3 days in the grain, rye or wheat, when they were expecting the Tories to burn all before them. She missed getting Hadden's Hist & also Rupps W.Pa but wants very much to read Smiths "Old Redstone"

So far she never has learned names of the wives of Manus (she writes it Manns) or John Wendall Brown. Thomas Brown, son of Wendell states in his application for a pension or to join the Rev. army he was born in 1737 in Md. I think he was

V25 Page 219

born in Germany.

Mrs Knapp of Pittsburgh, Pa & Miss Lulu O. Brown tell me there is a tradition in Penna, which never reached Va where Adam Brown son of Maunus [sic] moved that we are part Indian. None of Elizabeth (Brown) Tennant descendants look Indian. She had very coarse red hair. Should we be part, Maunus Brown's wife & not Wendell's wife must have been a "breed". John Wendell Braun came over in 1738 & said to be in Penna in 1750 to 1752 as some give, he couldn't have bought him a squaw & had sons old enough to have gone with him at that time, however friendly the Indians were to him. He was very poor or said to be for years after he landed in Phila. At one time, he lived in Va. After he & his daughter were captured by the Indians in 1756 when scalps were selling for $15 to $150, he must have been exchanged as he was sent from Canada to England. He appealed to the House of Burgesses to be reimbursed for his loss at the Battle of Great Meadows, stating he was destitute & had "lost his all". His eldest daughter was still in Canada. I have no other trace of her for sure.

And through the kindness of friends

V25 Page 220

was again keeping house on the South Branch (I take it she refers to John Wendell Brown) which may be South Branch of the Potomac or South branch of the Shenandoah. He never recd any pay (I think her deduction that it was Maunus who married an Indian wife is right as his son Abraham had three sons who I knew well viz Benjamin, Isaac & Capt Abraham 1817-1897 & they all were strongly Indian in their appearance especially the two older ones).

You may know the Prices also, Michael & Jerry Price on the west side (ie in Greene Co, Pa) were great Uncles of mine. I never met either. If we were in Uniontown visiting the Browns who keep asking me, I am sure we wd look you up, my brother to see the Guernseys & I to talk genealogy. I will now make record of the Revolutionary records she so kindly sent:

Revolutionary Forces of Virginia.

Their services & records as shown by Bounties filed at the Virginia land office, compiled by Louis A. Burgess genealogist Times-Dispatch.

V25 Page 221

Col William & Lieut John Crawford Exec Dept Dec 18, 1838. The heirs of William Crawford are allowed land bounty for his service as a Colonel in the Continental Line for one year 10 mos & 3 days in addition to six years heretofore allowed. David Campbell Gov.

George Crawford of Adams Co, O claimed to be the son & Heir of John Crawford who was a son & heir of Col Wm Crawford both Rev. officers. Thomas Hamer attested to the correctness of the above claim & further stated: "I think George Crawford is reputed in the neighborhood where he resides to be such heir" May 15, 1838.

Joseph Darlington, Clerk declared he had made search of the Adams Co, O records & found no record of John Crawford's will also that from the records of the July Term of the court 1819 George Crawford filed a bill in Chancery against the heirs of the said John Crawford decd to establish his will. the bill was lost before it had bee admitted to record. At the Apr Term 1825 it was dismissed & a decree rendered vs the said George Crawford for the cost of the suit signed Apr 17, 1838 Joseph Darlinton [sic] West Union, Adams Co, O

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Louis Co, Kan (should be Lewis Co Ky G.C.P.) a petition of the heirs of John Crawford son of colonel, made the following statements:

John Crawford died 18-- leaving, I. George, II. William, III. Richard Mason, IV. Mary, & V. Sally Crawford.

George & William are still living

III. Richard died in the year 1822 & left the following children:

1. Seranna (Crawford) Aills?

2. Ellen (Crawford) Tolle &

3. Elizabeth M. Crawford

V. Sally Crawford married William Rowland. She died leaving:

1. James Rowland

2. Mary (Rowland) Brown

3. Ann C. Rowland

IV. Mary Crawford married Thomas Cummins. She died leaving:

1. John Cummins

2. Sarah (Cummins) Elby

The above mentioned heirs appointed William Todd of Ken [Kentucky] their Atty, Lewis Co, Ken

The following made ackmt of P/A before King D. McLean J of P

Sarah Elby, Mary Brown, Ellen Towels, Elizabeth D. Crawford & Henry Towels.

At the same court Sept 9, 1837

V25 Page 223

George Crawford son & heir of Lieut John Crawford who was son of Col Wm Crawford appointed Wm Todd his atty. Ackd before King McLean Sept 16, 1837.

It is recorded book 3 page 142 Va L. off that Col William M. Crawford, who were children of Richard Crawford, son of John decd, Mary, James & Etha Ann Rowland the heirs of Sarah (Sally) Rowland V. daughter of John Crawford, William & George Crawford (two of the 5 children of John Crawford & that John Crawford was sole heir of Col Wm Crawford (a base untruth). (This should always read sole heir of Col Wm Crawford's land as he had at least 4 daughters, three receiving bequests in his will S.C. Price)

Warrant 8649 for 2037 A was issued to them Dec 15, 1838 Adams Co, Ohio William Crawford son of John Crawford heir at law of Col Wm Crawford appointed Wm H. Todd of Frankfort his atty Sept 8, 1837 signed & ackd before Danl Boyle J.P.

Owen Co Ken court Oct 1857 ordered certified that it was satisfactorily proven by affidavit of William Crawford, John Dyal & James Williams that William

V25 Page 224

Crawford a Colonel in VA Continental Line died in the service of the U.S. during the Revolutionary War leaving his son & only heir at law John Crawford & that John Crawford died some time in the year 1815. (it was 1816) in Adams Co, O leaving William George, Richard, Sarah (Crawford) Rowland, & Mary (Crawford) Cummings his children & only heirs at law that Richard died in Lewis Co Ky leaving Richard Mason, Ellen (Crawford) Towels, Serena & Elizabeth Crawford, his children & only heirs at law. That Sarah Rowland died in Adams Co, O leaving Mary, James & Eltha Rowland, that Mary Cummings died in Caruthy, Ken (make slips for all of those places & Owen Co, Ky) leaving John & [1]*____, J.N. Bacon Clk of Owen Co Ky Oct 12, 1837.

Richard M., William, Elizabeth, & Syrena Crawford by her guardian, James Crawford, Henry Towels & his wife

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James Rowland, Effie Ann Rowland, Thomas L. Brown & Mary his wife, John Cummings, Jesse Eli, & Sarah his wife, and William Davis & Mary his wife. Effa McCormick & John McCormick (by their guardian Josiah Davis).

Abraham Knicely & Mary his wife appointed George Crawford of Adams Co, O their Atty signed by the Feby 3, 1836 in the presence of Asa Williamson, Hamilton Co, O before John Summers J.P.

Abraham Knicely & Mary his wife ackd above P/A Mch 24, 1837 Wm N. Harrison clerk by Daniel Gans dep clk. The other heirs made ackmt in Adams Co, O attest Asa Williamson J.P. Joseph Darlington clk O.C. Vance Assoc Judge, James Smith Recorder. Note the spelling of the name Serene I find elsewhere Terence & the name Tolle is undoubtedly Towles [sic]. The above is copied as printed in Times-Dispatch G.C.P. I should make a table of above 10:30 PM have made table on next two pages. Am leaving 6:30 AM in the morning for Kansas City Mo & Tulsa Okla.

V25 Page 226 & V25 Page 227

[descendant chart]

Col William Crawford burned at the stake by the Indians. He also had 4 daughters.


Lieut John Crawford born 1750 died 1816 & buried on his farm in Adams Co, O see my records Oct 31, 1925. He had but five children as given below. Married.

George Crawford ob married see my records of Oct 31, 1925 at Manchester, O

William Crawford ob married see Oct 31, 1925 the Crawfords Geo W. Spoke of in Ky are no doubt his children & grandchildren.

Richard Mason Crawford died in Lewis Co, Ky ob 1822 married

Serena Crawford ob married Aills?

Ellen Crawford ob married Henry Towles

Elizabeth M. Crawford ob

Richard M? Crawford

Mary Crawford [daughter of Lieut John] ob married Thomas Cummings or Cummins. She died in Owen Co, Ky

John Cummings, ob

Sarah Cummings ob married Jesse Elby or Eli

Sarah Crawford called Sally died in Adams Co, O ob married William Rowland.

James Rowland ob

Mary Rowland ob married Thomas L. Brown

Effie Ann or Ann C. Rowland ob married

V25 Page 228

New Hotel Tulsa, Tulsa, Okla May 27, 1931 6:40 PM or 5:40 PM their time here Room 540

Harry David Emmert has kindly come to my room. He was born in Topeka, Kan Oct 25, 1890 the son of Elmer Stover Emmert born May 18, 1868, he thinks in Humbolat, Kan son of David Emmert & his wife, he thinks either a Stover or Stover descendant. Both the Emmerts & Stovers Penna Dutch from Eastern Penna & his wife Ida Quinch daughter of Emma Lou or Priscilla Quinch who had but five children:

1. Harry Quinch who was drowned as a boy aged abt 16 or 17 & for him my informant was named.

3. Carrie Quinch still living at Topeka, Kan she married John Tanpert who died 4 to 6 yrs at Topeka Kan. No issue

4. Charles Quinch living in Topeka where he is a plumbing engineer for the Rock Island RR or a heating engineer. He married Gay____. Both living but without issue

5. Kittie Quinch died 7 or 8 yrs

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ago at Las Vegas, N Mex & is buried in Topeka Kan.

2. Ida May Quinch married Elmer S. Emmert see above & both living here. They have moved from 1524 S. Utica St & now are at 2425 S. Troost St. Mr Emmert is general agt of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co & his two sons are engaged in business with him. They are both now in Arkansas on a trip. They had but two children:

1. Harry David Emmert born Oct 25, 1890 & 1234 E. 30th St here & office in Tulsa Loan Bldg, married Apr 28, 1914 at Muscogee, Okla by Rev J.K. Thompson Pres to Margaret Louise Hull born Apr 1, 1891 at Fort Worth, Texas daughter of Edmund Ernest Hull & his wife Margaret Reily. Have one child born in Muscogee:

I. Harry David Emmert Jr born Mch 9, 1915. He is now a student in the New Mexico Military Institute at Roswell NM

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2. Donald Redburn Emmert born Nov 29, 1901 & lives here at the Antlers Apmts No 316 S. Frisco, married June 1926 to Grace Sanderson born in Morris Okla daughter of Dr Sanderson & wife both of whom have been dead since she was a little girl. No issue

Mrs Emma Lou Quinch died at Topeka, Kan Dec 26 or 27 1928 & is buried in Topeka, Kansas.

Mrs H.D. Emmert came in & gave her own record & part of the other record & they left just now at 7:40 PM my time. He is 5 ft 10 in & is a very handsome man. He says his father is at Little Rock Ark on business & his mother & her sister are at Hot Springs Ark for the week.

Donald Redburn his brother, who I got when I telephoned had a dinner engagement & sent his brother.

I will go down now & get my dinner as Mr & Mrs John Shoefstall are coming at 8 PM their time to take me to his brother William's here in the city where his brother Albert now is & phoned me here & will wait our coming.

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At residence of Oscar Heinrich William Shoefstall 2516 East 11th St, Tulsa, Okla May 27, 1931 9:25 PM

Mr & Mrs John O. Shoefstall came to the hotel at 8 o'c & drove me out here. William has a family record written by his father, John Frank Shoefstall which gives the record of births of his own parents & his brothers & sisters which I am tabling commencing on page 236. Mrs Esther R. (Shoefstall) says her father's (see 55) mother was a Taylor of the Zachary Taylor President Va family

Leaving 11:10 PM their time

1:20 AM my time at Room 540 New Hotel Tulsa

Esther R. Shoefstall who with her husband John O. just brought me back to the hotel, says she wants a book, says

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she teaches auditorum [sic] in the public schools of Tulsa & gets six dollars a day & gets paid for twelve months in the year her pay for May, June, July & August being paid to her in a lump sum & she is counting on going to the University of Chicago on that to get her master's degree. They are all very nice people & treated me royally. I got the record of the children of Rosann & Edward Shoefstall six children, not seven which I have been wanting ever since I heard of them at Littleton, Col on Jany 10 & 11 1923 see book 9. William took data of several things I want for the table & is going to write for them & will then send them to me.

June 11, 1931 Mrs E.S. Emmert who was at 1524 S. Utica they tell me had moved see b 24 p 368

V25 Page 233 [blank]

V25 Page 234 [blank]

V25 Page 235 [blank]

V25 Page 236 & V25 Page 237

[descendant chart]

Rosanna Markle was born Sept 26, 1830 the daughter of Moses Markle & she died Feby 15, 1911 at Fort Madison Iowa. Think she was buried at Tipton, Iowa which was the old home of the family & when her son Joseph said last summer that she was buried. The record says she was born in Westnd Co, Pa, this was written in the record later by William here. Married 1854 to Edward Shoefstall born July 11, 1832 & died Nov 22, 1879 probably at Tipton, Iowa. Had six children all probably in Tipton Iowa, See b 15 p 59 & b 25 p 55 my record said 3 daughters, they only give two.


Albert Schoefstall [sic] b Jany 26, 1856. He went railroading in the eighties & have lost trace of him since then.

John Frank Shoefstall b Aug 4, 1857 ob Feby 2, 1924 at Tulsa, Okla & is buried here in Oak Lawn Cem. Married Christine Anna Johanning b Feby 16, 1870 in Audubon Co, Iowa. Had 10 children first two born in Omaha, Neb, next 4 in Hiawatha, Kan next one in Horton, Kan & last 3 at Tulsa, Okla.

1. Edward August Shoefstall b Dec 28, 1888 living Buckburnett, Texas. Married 1914 Hattie Downing & have 5 children.

2. Nannie Shoefstall b Oct 27, 1890 ob Nov 9, 1903 at Tulsa, Okla & buried here.

3. Henry John Shoefstall b Dec 21, 1892 ob Sept 10, 1909 at Tulsa & buried here.

4. Oscar Heinrich William Shoefstall b Oct 3, 1895 my present informant, married Nov 18, 1915 at Tulsa, Okla by Rev William Smith, Church of God to Beulah Mae Casebolt b Nov 1891, daughter of Edward Walter Casebolt & wife Eliza Alice Baker. Have four children born, 2d born in Cleveland, Okla & other three in Tulsa, Okla. He is a machinist.

William Shoefstall Jr B Dec 24, 1916

Edward Franklin Shoefstall b Feby 6, 1920

Beulah Alice Shoefstall b Aug 27, 1922

Anna Mae Shoefstall b Feby 1, 1928

5. Dewey Shoefstall B Apr 15, 1898 ob Feby 12, 1902 at Hiawatha Kan. 6. John Oscar Shoefstall b Dec 17, 1899 married Dec 23, 1918 Esther Ruth Moore see p 55

7. Arthur Shoefstall b Apr 7, 1903 married Cleo Ballard & divorced. No issue. carpenter lives in Tulsa Okla

8. Albert Shoefstall b Feby 28, 1904 married Marie Davis. No issue, Plasterer. Lives Tulsa, Okla.

9. Raymond Shoefstall b Mch 25, 1907 unmarried plumber lives at Tulsa, Okla.

10. Baby Girl b & died Aug 20, 1909

Joseph Shoefstall [son of Edward Shoefstall b 1832] ob Apr 7, 1859 married 1, married 2 lives at Elwood Neb, 2 children

Mary Shoefstall b Feby 22, 1861 married Henry Supton both living at Fort Madison, Iowa. Have abt 5 children.

Katie Shoefstall b Sept 20, 1863 married & lives in Nebraska.

Edward Shoefstall b Apr 27, 1865 ob 1921 at Long Beach, Calif. Married. She is still living in Long Beach Calif, had but two children, girls. [only one listed]

Mabel Shoefstall married a Curtis & he died & she lives in Long Beach, Calif.

V25 Page 238

At residence of Mrs Georgia Ann Redburn, Tryon, Lincoln Co, Oklahoma May 28, 1931 4:42 PM or 3:42 PM their time

I arrived here shortly after 2 o'c being brought up by Harley Thompson born Oct 15, 1918 who Sylvester Barclay born Apr 26, 1861 in Mo got for me at the post office as a guide, he being the man who took the mail from the train to P.O. & who invited me to ride uptown from the station coming to Mrs Redburn's neat white frame cottage. I found her a medium sized woman, not at all frail, cleaning house & with her is her son James Redburn 5 ft 11 in & well proportioned, a carpenter & contractor who is about to repaper her house & two of his daughters.

Mrs Redburn was delighted when I asked her if she had ever heard of Masontown, Pa where her late husband was born. We have talked for over an hour about the Redburn family & I will now take down what they can tell me. She says that Harry Quinch who was drowned when returned [sic] from delivering some berries he & another man had taken into Leavenworth, Kan to

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market. They were crossing Big Stranger Creek & the water was high & tilted the wagon & he was washed out, the man cut the horses loose & saved himself, but Harry was found the next day with his arm caught under the root of a tree & he was buried in a cemetery probably 5 or 6 miles west of Leavenworth, Kan & will probably have a tombstone. She thinks he was not over 15 or 16 yrs old.

She thinks her husband's mother Jemima Redburn was brought back there for burial. She had been visiting her son Martin in Leavenworth Kan & went to visit her son Henry S. Redburn in Iowa & took sick there & died there at Oskaloosa, Iowa.

See page 244. His discharge cft mentions his being in the following battles: Dry Wood, Mo Sept 1803 Black River Ark July 8, 1863? Topes Plantation May 25, 1863, Helena Ark July 4, 1863, Pine Bluff Ark Oct 25, 1863, Little Rock Ark Sept 10, 1863, Branchville, Ark? June 19, 1864, Marks Mills Ark, Apr 25, 1864, Mt Ela, Ark? Mch 30, 1864, Taylor Creek Ark, May 6, 186-.

He was taken prisoner at Pine Bluffs & escaped with another man tunneled out & found a darkey on a mule & putting him off rode to the Sabine River & saved his life by being an expert swimmer having discarded his clothes & came through this Indian Territory. He never saw his companion afterwards & he may have been drowned.

Martin was 5 ft 11 inches tall & had

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In a typewritten obituary of Martin Van Buren Redburn, says he was born at Masontown, Fayette Co, Pa Mch 19, 1830 & died at his residence (two blocks north of here) in Tryon, Okla Jany 16, 1916. At Age of ten, his parents removed with him from Masontown, Pa to Guernsey Co, O arriving there the morning Ben Harrison was elected president. When a young, man, he traded 18 A of land in Penna for 160 A in Ohio (I wonder if this could have been his father). His health failing, he went to an Uncle in Wheeling WVA & spent 3 1/2 yrs at the Carpenters bench & 1 1/2 yrs as foreman. He then went to Jonah, Kansas afterwards removing to Okla. He served 4 yrs in the Civil War having re-enlisted 3 yrs under Col Clayton & 3 mos under Col Montgomery. He also served 3 yrs in the secret service of the U.S. Just following the close of the war.

Mrs James Redburn says there is a John Redburn living in Stillwater, Okla, whose middle name she thinks is Van Buren who is in his sixties & is farmer. His father died when he was young (or it might have been his grandfather) & his mother remarried & he went of course with her & learned but

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little of the Redburns. He had an Uncle who was a Methodist preacher in Iowa. This John Redburn at Stillwater Okla has a brother Henry Redburn living in Cherryvale, Kan. Henry is a farmer & has a family & Mrs James Redburn knew his daughter, Lulu Redburn who married an Allison & lives in or near Cherryvale, Kan. John had sons Jesse, Eddie & thinks also Charles. Look up what I learned of the near

relative of Rev John Redburn of Moulton, Iowa as I believe he is of that line. Mrs Georgia Redburn said Martin & Joe Redburn were building a printing office in Nebraska about Omaha & their father who had had the pneumonia wanted to see how they were progressing, walked out to see the building & as he was going back, Martin & Joe at work up on the building saw him stagger & fall & ran to him & carried him in the house & he died right off.

Georgia says that Martin & Joe his brother had a mill at Lecompton, Kan which blew up & scalded Martin. It was mortgaged & Joe would not pay a cent on his half & Martin had to pay it all which he did & that caused an estrangement between

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Them & they never spoke afterwards, but a year or two before Martin died, he said he would like to hear from Joe. The mill blew up before either had married.

Georgia says Martin never tired of talking of the beauty & lovely character & sweet disposition of his half sister Mary Redburn.

Georgia also speaks of the children of Jemima by her first husband Campbell viz: Thomas Campbell, Robert James Campbell, Mary Campbell.

Thomas Campbell lived at Leavenworth Kan & his wife was Sarah & had 10 children & she had his bible. All of the children died when a year or two old, except Charles, who was in Custer's massacre & was shot twice, once in the shoulder & stuck a handkerchief in the hole & rode 25 miles. The second time, he was shot in the mouth carrying away part of his tongue & one of the Quinch girls nursed him & he was retired on a hundred dollars a month. He is now at Jefferson Barracks, St Louis,Mo aged probably near 80.

Robert James Campbell married Ruth & had two little girls & Ruth died & he married again.

His father Robert was the son of Jemima, married Rachel & had children, John, Ezra & Robt James.

Mary, daughter of Jemima she thinks never married

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When Martin was in the U.S. Secret service he was stationed at Lecompton Kan & Fort Scott & he & his mother & two sisters Lou & Lydia lived at High Prairie, Kan & then with them in Leavenworth, Kan & when he was married, he went to Topeka, Ks moved to Medina, Ks & thence to Valley Falls Ks thence to Leavenworth Kan thence to Platte City, Mo & thence moved here about the time of the opening rush to Okla in 1891. Martin moved about because he had contracts to build houses at these different places.

Leaving 10:30 PM my time.

V25 Page 244 & V25 Page 246

[descendant chart]

Martin Van Buren Redburn son of James Thomas Redburn & his second wife Jemima Campbell nee Tarney was born at Masontown, Pa Mch 19, 1830. He died Jany 16, 1916 aged 85 years 9 mos & 26 days here at Tryon, Okla & is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery here & has a marker. He was apprenticed to an Uncle. She don't know who, when he was 8 yrs old to learn the carpenter trade which he followed along with contracting all his life. His father raised tobacco in Guernsey Co, O & he would go down the river South to sell it & wd come back without much money & she thought he was a drinking man. Martin would stay with his mother on these trips & once when as a boy leaving home, his mother told him to say his prayers every night before he went to bed & Mrs R. testifies he always did until he died. He enlisted in the Civil War July 12, 1861 a corporal of Capt Henry Moore's in the Co F of the Fifth Kansas Cavalry for 3 yrs or during the war & was discharged from the service of the U.S. Aug 11, 1864 at Fort Leavenworth, Kan by reason of term of service with honorable distinguished service. When a child, he united with the Cumberland Pres Church but later in 1904 joined the Christian Church here in Tryon, Okla. Married Sept 25, 1869 at Medina, Jefferson Co, Kan by Rev Weaver Pres to Georgia A. Gordon, born June 25, 1850 in Buchanan Co Mo daughter of Dr Presley Edward Gordon & his wife Rebecca T. Brooks. Have had six children the first two born at Medina, Jeff Co, Kan, the next one at Valley Falls, Kan & the last three in Leavenworth, Kan.


Arthur Redburn b Nov 6, 1870 married Mch 1, 1896 at Tryon Okla by Rev Elijah Bradfield Quaker to Rosa E. Parker b June 11, 1878 at Emporia Kansas daughter of Freeman Parker & wife. Both living at Yale, Payne Co, Okla where he is an electrician. Have 5 children, youngest one born in Perkins, Okla, other 4 born in Tryon, Okla. See page 246

James Redburn b Feby 28, 1872 married Mch 9, 1902 at Tryon, Okla by Rev Isaac Frazier, Quaker to Elizabeth Isabella Doty b Jany 3, 1883 at Cherryvale, Kan daughter of Columbus Doty & wife Lorinda Jobe widow nee Hudiburg. Both living here where he is a carpenter & contractor & they along with his mother are my informants. He is a Republican. She is a member of Christian Union Church. Have two children born here.

Lawrence Ivan Redburn b Mch 10, 1905 educated at Tryon High School married Sept 27, 1929 at Oklahoma City to Lena E. Underwood b Feby 9, 1911, daughter of Alfred Underwood & wife Vada Cottam. Both living in Tryon, Okla but now in Borger, Tex, laborer. No issue.

Beulah Bernadine Redburn b Aug 21, 1914 in Tryon high school single.

Araminta Redburn b Jany 17, 1875 ob Jany 1881 aged 6 yrs & 1 day

Manford Redburn b Sept 21, 1876. He was a guard at the World's Fair at St Louis Mo in 1904 & when in that service joined the Navy there & was sent to Mare Island, San Francisco, made first cruise on Battle ship Taborua [sic] & was on it at Honolulu when last heard from in 1906 or thereabouts.

Dulcie Redburn b May 2, 1878 married July 5, 1927 at Perry Okla to Miles Thayer born abt 1870. Both living at Thayer, Kansas where they live on a 40 A farm. He was a blacksmith by trade. No issue.

Annie Redburn b Nov 14, 1870 ob Aug 14, 1880

V25 Page 246 & V25 Page 247

[descendant chart]

Arthur Redburn b Nov 6, 1870 see page 244 married Mch 1, 1896 to Rose E. Parker


Delpha Mae Redburn b Dec 21, 1896 married 1 Aug 2, 1915 at Stillwater, Okla by Rev [unreadable] to Oscar Arnold Brooks divorced Feby 1930 had 2 boys born in Stillwater, Okla. Married 2 Aug 9, 1930 at Guthrie, Okla to Louis M. Herald born in Ky. Both living here in Tryon, Okla where he mgr of a cotton gin. No issue. He was a widower with one child.

Cloyd Brooks b Mch 13, 1917

Arthur Allen Brooks b Mch 10, 1924

Robert Presley Redburn b Dec 12, 1899 married June 5, 1918 at Fort Pere, S.D. to Laura Ackerman? Both living at Faith, S.D. where he is ranching, an electrician by trade. Have one child born at Lake Norden, S.D.

Robert Arthur Redburn b Sept? 1924?

James Allen Redburn b Aug 10, 1902 married Feby? 1927? at Detroit Mich to Katherine. Both living at Detroit Mich where he is a policeman. No issue.

Vera Irene Redburn b July 1, 1905 teaching in Arlington S.D. single

Bernice Idabert Redburn b May 23, 1915 in high school at Yale, Okla

V25 Page 248

At residence of Mrs Georgia A. Redburn, Tryon, Okla May 29, 1931 Friday 8:30 AM

James took me in his Ford car last night to his home about three blocks from here & I had a very fine bed & slept soundly until about 5 AM & had a good breakfast & he brought me back here this morning & is now at work in the front room papering & I am writing on the dining room table. His wife told me that her mother was 87 on Mch 12th last, born then Mch 12, 1844 near Indianapolis, Ind & on Mch 15th last (a Sunday,) she had a birthday celebration for her mother with 53 at tables. She showed me photos of her father-in-law Martin V. Redburn taken when 85 yrs old a short time before his death. They said he was an invalid from bladder trouble the last ten or fifteen years of his life & had to use a catheter to draw his water during that time & latterly James had to do it for him. James said he was opposed to taking a pension & for years would not apply, but in 1891 he was building a fine frame

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residence for Hon Robert P. C. Wilson member of Congress on a tract of land he owned adjoining Platte City, MO opposite Leavenworth, Kan which is about half way between St Joe & Kansas City, Mo about 25 miles northwest of the latter city and Mr Wilson prevailed on him to apply for a pension which he did & got him $8 per month which later he had increased to $12 then to $20 & then to $30 & since his death, his widow, Aunt Georgia A. Redburn has had it increased to $40 per month which is sent to her on the 4th of each month & she says she lives on that & saves some out of it. She says the back pay Martin got enabled them to buy an 80 A farm out in the country from here which they still own & get $200 per year rent for & he also bought a home in town here with 12 lots which after his death Aunt Georgia sold it as she told me this morning for $100 a lot & bought this home.

L.M. Herald husband of her granddaughter Delpha Mae bought the 12 lot home here from the party she sold to & now live there. James says Okla was opened & the rush was on Sept 22, 1891 &

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he & his brother Arthur started that day from Platte City, Mo in a spring wagon & arrived here two weeks later & selected the land which they acquired & still own. His father & after completing the home for Congressman Wilson followed here with his wife etc later in the year.

Aunt Georgia has just told me that she was the oldest of ten children of her father, Dr Presley E. Gordon, now blind, living at St Joe, Mo has the old family bible of their grandfather Judge Thomas Gordon of Lexington, Mo who was a Judge there & who she said was a judge in Ky she thought about Louisville before he went to Missouri. Aunt Georgia said that her father had three brothers in the Confederate army, one of them captured & died in prison & her mother who was a first cousin of her husband, also had three brothers in the Confederate army. Aunt Georgia said she had the flu about 4 yrs ago & it has left her with an annoying cough which some nights continues for hours & winter before last, she was sick for over 3 mos at James & they thought she was not going to pull through, but I kept up the

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fight & didn't give up & won't, but they may have to pick me up on the street someday, but I'll keep going as long as I can.

James's wife says their son Lawrence is over six feet tall & weighs about 190 lbs, once weighed 222. James said this morning that he now weighed 204 lbs

Aunt Georgia said just now that her son Arthur who wired this house for her & once had a big wiring contract at Arlington S.D. & during the World War he ran the electric plant there, getting $225 a month. He separated from his wife for 3 yrs during which time he came here & lived with her & was very kind & attentive to her wants as is James also. Arthur & his wife remarried & now live together. She says he is a great talker, has a wonderful memory & would have enjoyed meeting me. They also bemoaned that I had not gotten here while Uncle Martin was living. They will want a book.

Finished 11:55 AM

Leaving on 2:21 PM train

V25 Page 252

Oak Hill Sunday May 31, 1931 2:30 PM

First cousin, James Redburn took me to the RR Sta last Friday afternoon in his Ford & I left about 2:30 PM on the M.K. & TFF for Tulsa Okla (from Tryon, Okla) 86 miles distant, changed cars at Osage Okla & arrived at Tulsa Okla at 5:30 PM went to the New Tulsa Hotel, got my dinner wrote up my cash acct book & left at 7 PM on the Trisco RR for St Louis, Mo 424 miles distant occupying lower 11 on car 10 & was due to arrive 7:30 AM but about 30 miles west of St Louis, Mo our train hit a big rock splitting it in two with a tremendous crash which put our engine out of commission & getting two engines delayed our arrival in St Louis until 9:45 AM & our 9 o'c train had gone half an hour before so we left on the 12:10 PM PRR train for Pittsburgh, Pa 612 miles distant which we reached at 6:40 AM this morning I riding in the coach all the way as I did not have $4.00 to spare at Indianapolis Ind at 7 PM last night to take a sleeper. Got my breakfast at Union Sta Pgh (having missed getting my dinner at Indianapolis as they took the diner off there & I got two sandwiches)

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& left Pgh at 8:45 AM on the Lehigh express, changed cars at Greensburgh, Pa riding from there with Mrs Frank, daughter of James & Lucinda Hankins arriving at Uniontown, Pa at 11:07 AM & phoning for Pallini reached here 70 miles at 11:30 AM, have gone through my mail & find 22 letters to answer & have had a stool, the first one since my diarrhoea activities of last Monday the 25th inst. I traveled on this trip 2563 miles as per figures on the margin, box to St Louis 102 to Tulsa, 86 to Tryon, Okla & 86 back, 424 to St Louis, 612 to Pittsburgh, Pa 69 to Uniontown & 1 to Oak Hill. [margin figures read:]












We went in Thos S. Christ's Marmon Car to Kansas City, Mo & the remainder of my journey by RR. When leaving Aunt Georgia A. Redburn's

in Tryon, Okla, she said her husband, Martin Van Buren Redburn 1830-1916, my dear Mary's Uncle was one whole week from Sunday to Sunday (just as my trip to see her was from last Sunday until this Sunday) in dying during which he could not speak but indicated he understood by pressing your hand. The wearing out of the lining of his bladder she said brought about his death.

V25 Page 254

She said his mother Jemima Tarney Campbell Redburn was a very large heavy woman with a big frame & that her brain was large too as she was a good conversationalist & always well informed on politics & could hold her own on political questions with the best of them.

Asking what caused her death which occurred up in Iowa away from them, she said she would often complain of pain in her head & she supposed that some ailment of that nature caused her death.

Aunt Georgia spoke of once going to Stillwater Okla to hear Robert James Campbell (son of Jemima's son Robert Campbell by her first husband) a very prominent university educator, lecture & she went up on the stage to speak to him & told him she was his Aunt Georgia Redburn whereupon he threw his arms around her & kissed her when on the stage in front of the large audience that had gathered to hear him lecture.

Reuben M. Fry, a native of Arkansas came to the car at the P.O. this forenoon & I told him I was just getting back from Okla & he sd he had a brother & sister living in Okla City & asked me to call at his office.

V25 Page 255

This morning's Sun-Telegraph of Pgh, Pa announced the death on yesterday, Saturday, May 30, 1931 at 7:15 AM of Sarah R. Hurst (nee Cope) widow of Braden Hurst of Connellsville, Pa aged 91 years. Services at the home of her son F.C. Hurst 411 Noble St near Claybourne E.E. Monday at 2 PM Friends invited. Internment at Alverton Cemetery Alverton, Pa. Make slip.

In yesterday's St Louis Mo Globe Democrat page 8 reviews of Recent books is mentioned Biography of half brother of Napoleon III fictionalized or "Imperial Brothers: Life of Duc de Morny" by Maristane Champman, Viking Press NY in which it speaks of Duc De Morny as the natural son of Hortense Holland by a French nobleman who himself was the natural son of Talleyrand & says the Duc was the power behind the second empire & could himself have been emperor had he been so inclined. The author's story telling reaches its pinnacle in the last half of the book. See Brentano & get it.

V25 Page 256

Oak Hill June 1, 1931 11:11 AM

I have a letter dated May 22, 1931 from Abner M. Jack of the Jack Supply Co, Scooba, Miss P.O. Box 16 advising me that his father, Capt Guy Jack had died on May 12, 1931. He was ill & away from his office a very short time. They thought at first that he had angina pectoris, but it proved to be acute Brights disease. He was in bed three weeks & was in a coma for ten days before his death. They removed him to Memorial Hospital electric Mills & the condition of his kidneys was bad & uremia developed & carried him off. The family were all with him when he died except Howard who was not able to get there.

He asks me to surely visit them if in the south.

V25 Page 257

I have a letter dated may 29, 1931 from K.E. Gluck writing for Donald J. Lynn, Youngstown, O to whom I had written enclosing copy of a letter dated May 25, 1931 from Charles R. Roberts 520 N. Sixth St, Allentown, Pa to whom he had forwarded my letter giving my references as b 1 p 104 & b 24 p 169

He says I visited him some years ago. He says if I desire more information on the Rothermel family, he may be able to help me. I am writing him today.

Mr Lynn's letter of May 14, 1931 asks me to make further search of my records which I have done reading over book 1 pages 96 to 111 but do not find that she made any statement about the older Burgetts & only gives the record of Boston Burgett's children by his second wife Rosina Markle. Mr Donald J. Lynn says his great grandmother, Sophronia ("Fronia") Burgett married John Lynn Apr 22, 1823 & that her brother, John Burgett married Susan Strock Feby 11, 1829. The marriage license signed Burghart. There was another sister, Sarah who married Samuel Dorworth Apr 29, 1827. The return of marriage spells her name Borckhart. An old coverlet dated 1837 spells it Burhard.

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I believe there was a sister who married a Harkelrode but I do not know her first name. All of these children appear to have been living in Ellsworth Tp, Mahoning Co, Ohio when married, but he has no idea of the name of their father or mother.

He speaks of Elizabeth (it was Alizabeth) marrying Zachariah Lynn who went to Millersburg, Holmes Co, O but says it was not of his family. Read over my records b 1 p 96-111 again & make slips.

He says the death record of "Fronica" Lynn says she was born in Bedford Co, Pa & her tombstone shows she was born in 1795 & died Mch 9, 1871. John Burget [sic] was born in 1806 or 1807 & died Oct 28, 1853.

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Oak Hill June 2, 1931 7:33 AM

A letter dated May 24, 1931 from Mrs Ida Preedy, Garden City, Kan announces that her dear good mother, Mrs Sarah Smith Hutchingson passed away at her daughter Mamie Keeton's Burlingame Kansas on May 5, 1931 aged 87 yrs 9 mos & 5 days mourned by her six daughters & was buried beside her husband at Wakarusa, Kansas.

Mrs Preedy says she is working out for a living & a few clothes, still a widow without a home. She wishes she had the money to buy a home o her own.

A letter dated May 25, 1931 from cousin Miss Edna H. Markle of 615 N. 5th ST Steubenville, O sends two clippings pinned to the letter announcing deaths as below & also sends a more extended article from the Herald-Star of Steubenville, O of June 17, 1926 entitled "Seventy years after" from the pen of Joseph B. Doyle referring to a trip to his native Uniontown haunts in which he refers to me in a commendatory way all of which I am filing with my clippings.

V25 Page 260

Nancy Tappan Lyons. Miss Nancy Tappan Lyons who taught school at Empire & Toronto, O for many years died at her home on Main St, Toronto, O Mch 9, 1931 at 7 Am. She was born in Island Creek Tp, June 29, 1859 & was the daughter of James Lyons & his wife Hannah R. Markle She was a sister of the late A.M. Lyons & was the last of a family of ten. She was preceded in death 4 mos ago by her sister, Miss Mary Lyons. She was very highly esteemed & was a member of the Methodist Protestant Church of Toronto, O

McCune - on Tuesday May 5, 1931 at 3:30 AM, Frank McCune at 1619 Shady Ave Funeral services at the home of Ferguson-Wood Co Forbest St at McKee Place Oakland on Wednesday May 6, 1931 at 10:30 AM. Internment private later. I must write today for the remaining bible leaves & the old German papers. Make slip to follow this up. See Feby 3, 1931 record.

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A letter dated May 25, 1931 from A.T. Secrest Pleasant City, O speaks of having been in Lancaster Co, Pa 2 yrs ago hunting Secrest records & of calling here in my absence & wants to see me this summer when he goes back there & I am inviting him to stop.

He says he has his Joseph Thompson line complete & typed & his Abraham Thompson ready to type & an imperfect William Thompson record. He asks if Col Wm Crawford was not a son-in-law of his Hugh McCreery but he was not.

A letter dated May 28, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Georgia M.D. Roat 376 E. Mahoning St Milton, Pa says it was her intention to send me the Krauser dates as soon as she could get them, but she has been ill, but encloses their line from John Christian Markle down.

John Christian Markle b 1678 in Alsace, France during the persecutions of the Huguenots about 1685 fled to Holland where he married Jemima Wurtz or Wurtzen, a sister of the Admiral of that name. Came to America in 1703 or 1723 &

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settled in Moselem Springs, Pa. Had nine children.

Peter, his eldest son married Catharine Grim Apr 13, 1750

Esther, their 10th child married Charles Bushar of Reading Pa

Their daughter married David Krauser &c &c

The rest of the record I will get later.

She thanks me for the records I sent her which settles the question & proves her Christian to be the son of Peter but she says John Markle of No 2 Rector St New York still insists that he was the son of Casper (I wrote him more than a year ago that he was wrong) but she knows he is wrong because Esther Markel Bushar (see my book 1 Aug 12-19, 1898) was an Aunt of her grandmother Catherine Markle Follmer. She knew from her grandmother telling her that her father Christian was not the son of Casper, but she had forgotten the name of his father until I sent her the proofs that it was Peter. She says there are other errors in John Markle's records.

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She does not know whether Mr Kramer is still interested in the Markle record work or not, but says perhaps since Alvan Markle's death, he has given the work up. I had not heard of his death & am writing for particulars.

She speaks of A.R. Markle of Terre Haute, Ind claiming to be a professional genealogist but of whom she knows nothing who claims that records of birth he has gotten from Moselem Springs Church gives the birth of Sophia D., a daughter of Peter Markle as in 1758, but she is satisfied her Christian born that year is Peter's son. Says found other mistakes, but this must be one too.

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I have two letters dated May 19 & 22, 1931 from Charles W. Wilson of 4327 E. 42d ST Portland, Oregon, grandson of Malinda Carothers to whom I had written. He says she is too old to write & he Hs answering my questionnaire for her.

he says she has no knowledge of the James Carothers who was clubbed to death in 1803.

She says the family bible of her father-in-law James Carothers the father of Andrew Jackson Carothers see page 59 this book was burned in a prairie fire about 1836 when the family was moving from Hannibal to Shelbyville, Mo & she has no written record. He says that his grandmother Malinda Carothers 88 yrs old has no knowledge of any brother or sister of her father-in-law James Carothers 1788-1865 (See pages 127-8 & 59) although she does remember that a Margaret married James McGowan & she has a picture of this lady. Her father-in-law James Carothers who was born in August 1788 was reared by a Mrs Murdock whom we believe was related to the family on the mother's side. He married Sarah Forsythe who was born Jany 1, 1789. All the other grandchildren of Malinda are single. See pages 274-5

V25 Page 265 [blank]

V25 Page 266 [blank]

V25 Page 267 [blank]

V25 Page 268 & V25 Page 269

[descendant chart]

Armstrong Carothers see page 58 son of James Carothers 1788-1865 natural son of James born 1766 son of John 1739-1798 who was poisoned, b Apr 26, 1815 ob Mch 27, 1858 in Shelby Co, MO Married 1 _____ who died when her first child was born & it died also. Armstrong is buried in or at Beson [best guess] Chapel, Shelby Co, Mo. Married 2 Elizabeth Christian. Had 7 children. After he died, she married a Wooster & have no further record of her.


Charles Carothers of Gresham, Oregon

James Carothers ob Boise, Idaho

John William Carothers b 1843 married, his children went to Iowa & stuck to their mother's people. Never came west.

Sarah Ann Carothers married Blackburn

Thomas Blackburn

William Blackburn

May Blackburn married Yonce, live Oregon City.

Margaret Jane Carothers married a man named John Key & had two children but they never came west. Lived Andrian Co Mo. [four children listed]

George Key

Frank Key

John Key, ob

Margaret Key

Susan Mary Carothers married James Smith knows of 2 children see b 27 p 310.

Daughter married Ara Phillips live Oregon City, Oregon

Maude Smith married Morrison live Portland, Oregon

Henry Carothers married, his children possibly in Idaho but we know nothing of them. He married & had 4 children.

Ollie Carothers

William Carothers

Charles Carothers

Frank Carothers

Amanda Carothers ob Oct 18, 1854 aged 1 yr 7 mos 24 days b Jany 25, 1850.

V25 Page 270 & V25 Page 271

[descendant chart]



James Albert Carothers see p 273 b Sept 8, 1879 ob Feby 7, 1917 son of James Harvey Carothers 1825-1892, married Dec 24, 1902 Ruth Barr b Dec 26, 1880 daughter of James F. & Elizabeth Barr & had seven children born near Clarence, Mo. Ruth died Oct 30, 1918. The other 4 boys are single & live near Clarence, Mo. He was not in World War.

James Albert Carothers Jr B Nov 30, 1903 married Jany 6, 1925 Maud Grimshaw & have 2 children. They live Kansas City, Mo & his sister Alice Marie lives with them.

LaVerne C. Carothers b Jany 10, 1926

James D. Carothers

Carl Warren Carothers b July 16, 1905 married July 16, 1931 at Macon, Ind [best guess] to Myrtle Margaret Ellis b Aug 26, 1909 daughter of John Meredith Ellis & wife Martha Bemis Roberts

Willard Lester Carothers b Dec 2, 1906 married Oct 1, 1927 Enola Copenhour b June 1910 daughter of Wm Edwd Copenhour & Juanita Lopez [best guess] have one son.

Harold Lester Carothers b May 20, 1930

Harvey Le[unreadable] Carothers b Aug 6, 1908

Alice Marie Carothers B Dec 5, 1910

Paul Leroy Carothers b Jany 7, 1912

Lynn M. Carothers b May 8, 1914

Elvira Ann Carothers see p 273 b Oct 26, 185[unreadable] ob [unreadable word] July 1898 married 1873 Chatman Speight ob. Lived near Clarence Mo until 1893 when they moved to Miller Co Mo where she died. Had 4 boys & 2 girls

James William Speight b Jany 27, 1874 supposed to be dead, enlisted in World War, widow somewhere in Calif.

Egal Vivian Speight [best guess] b June 26, 1887 living at Belvedere Ills Add to slip. married Miss Sybil Avery, daughter of Wallace Avery & wife Ruth Blanchard

Doris Ruth Speight b Sept 4, 1907 at home

John Shelby Speight b June 26, 1887 living at Belvidere Ills Add to slip married Miss Symons daughter of Thorndyke Symonds & Mary Wardell.

John Ellsworth Speight b Nov 24, 1909

Helen Mae Speight b Apr 14, 1911 married Miller

Harry Scott Speight b Aug 30, 1890 living at Chicago, Ills make slip, married Miss Clarey

Mary Margaritta Speight b 1876 ob Mch 8, 1931 married Edward H. Rutter

Mabel B. Rutter b Nov 11, 1895 married Sassie & living Kansas City, Mo

Emmett Harvey Rutter b Jany 21, 1900

Joseph Walter Rutter b Oct 30, 1902

Glen Willis Rutter b Oct 22, 1910

Dora Catharine Speight b May 15, 1884 married Walter E. Proctor (B July 21, 1883 & living in Calif)

Oden Proctor b July 20, 1903

Ralph Homer Proctor b July 20, 1903

V25 Page 272 & V25 Page 273

[descendant chart]



John Calvin Carothers see page 58 b Aug 12, 1823 ob Oct 31, 1900 married Dec 28, 1848 Louisa Henninger.

Ella Carothers married Kocher live Canby, Ore

Annie Carothers married Knight live Canby Ore

John Carothers lives Ellensburg, Wash

Andrew Carothers lives Ellensburg, Wash

James Harvey Carothers see page 58 b Nov 12, 1825 ob Mch 18, 1892 married 2 Sept 23, 1875 Mrs Millie Taylor born Dec 17, 1842 ob Nov 24, 1917 daughter or John Melson [sic] & wife Molly Grady. Married 1 Dec 25, 1851 Rebecca Hardin ob July 27, 1879 daughter of John Wesley Harding & wife Rebecca Hayden of Bourbon Co, Ks. By 1st wife had two children. He went overland to Calif gold fields in 1850 rtd by Panama, NY City & the old Pgh north & was a member of Meth Epis Ch. By 2d wife had three children. See b 26 p 444.

1. Elvira Ann Carothers b Oct 26, 1852 see p 271

2. child died in infancy

3. Jno Frank Carothers b July 9, 1876 lives at Clarence Mo born near Clarence Mo my informant for much of this record. Received common School education a farmer & member of Meth Epis Ch since childhood. Married Nov 21, 1900 Miss Fannie K. Barr b June 1, 1876 daughter of J.W. & Mary J. Barr. She died Feby 23, 1918. Had three children. Married 2 Oct 25, 1921 Miss Lelia Kimery daughter of Jas W. Kimery of Neoga, Ills. She was born June 26, 1894

2nd Child stillborn Jany 25, 1905

Franklin LaVerne Carothers b Oct 5, 1911 ob Sept 2, 1916

Victor Lyle Carothers b Sept 10, 1914 grad. fr Clarence Mo high school on May 15, 1931

4. James Albert Carothers b Sept 8, 1879 ob Feby 7, 1917 & buried at Clarence Mo. His war record Sergeant Co G 39th Mo vol Inf. He was a farmer & member of Meth Epis Ch from childhood born near Clarence Mo & educated in Common schools see page 270.

V25 Page 274 & V25 Page 275

[descendant chart]

Andrew Jackson Carothers see page 59 youngest child of James Carothers 1788-1865, married Sept 7, 1865 Malinda Forsythe, his cousin who was born near Quincy Ills July 9, 1843 & is still living at Portland, Oregon.


Mary Forsythe Carothers b Aug 8, 1866 ob Nov 3, 1866

Lucy Roseman Carothers b Jany 28, 1868 ob Oct 9, 1873

Gertie Malinda Carothers b Aug 5, 1869 married Oct 19, 1892 Charles DeForest Wilson born near Bulteville [sic] Oregon in 1856 son of Oscar F. Wilson & wife Phoebe Batcheller. They had 3 children born at Aurora, Oregon.

Oscar Andrew Wilson b Oct 6, 1893 married Oct 6, 1926 Jessie M. Lindsay daughter of Andrew & Bertha Lindsay.

Warren [best guess] Andrew Wilson b Aug 8, 1927

Charles Wilbur Wilson b Mch 4, 1900 married Dec 28, 1925 Emily E. Woodman daughter of George Woodman & wife Emily Beck. He my informant for his grandmother.

Elmer Leslie Wilson b May 15, 1903 ob Feby 24, 1918

James William Carothers b Nov 25, 1870 never married

Clarence Willard Carothers b Oct 8, 1872 married Nov 6, 1895 Della J. Hagen & had 5 children born at Aurora, Oregon.

Clarence W. Carothers b July 9, 1879 ob July 1, 1919

Glen Clifford Carothers b Dec 23, 1873 married Sept 22, 1909 Amelia Fredricka Smidt & had six children all born at Aurora, Oregon.

Lyle Edward Carothers b Dec 11, 1911 ob Dec 28, 1928

Vesta Elizabeth Carothers b Jany 29, 1913

Selma Malinda Carothers b Aug 25, 19153

Hazel Mary Carothers b Apr 26, 1918

Cleo Lorraine Carothers b Dec 4, 1921

Another child died soon after birth

Louis Calvin Carothers b Aug 19, 1876 married Cecil Post no issue

Ella Daisy Carothers b Sept 15, 1879 married Feby 26, 1908 to Tally Rand Avery & have 2 children.

Glenola E. Avery b Oct 1, 1911

Daisy Pearle Avery b Aug 17, 1913

V25 Page 276

Oak Hill June 4, 1931 8:33 AM

M.M. Markle RR 2 Tarentum Pa on June 1, 1931 mailed me a letter dated May 24, 1931 from Mrs Ida Preedy of Garden City, Kan eldest child announcing the death of her mother Sarah Smith Hutchingson on May 5, 1931 (she wrote me the same day) without a struggle & saying that she had sat up in her chair the day before. She said her husband had been killed in an auto accident Aug 19, 1826 which was just six months after I visited them in Haskell Co, Kan.

He also sent a clipping of her death with her picture & of Margaret Ann Adams. I am keeping the clippings & returning him her letter.

The clipping of Mrs James Hutchingson says she witnessed Quantrell's raid on Lawrence Kan in which three of her brothers & a step-brother were killed & says she was born at Redbank, Pa July 31, 1843. She moved with her parents to Vernon Co, Mo where she lived until her marriage to James Hutchingson when aged 17 yrs. They moved to Lawrence, Kan & after the

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raid there moved to Shawnee Co, Kan for past 20 years, she has lived with her six daughters who survive her viz:

1. Mrs Ida Preedy Garden City, Kan

2. Mrs Sophia Taylor, Colorado Springs, Col 1112 E. Main St.

3. Mrs Sarah S. Brooks Bethany, Okla

4. Mrs Nannie Keeton, Burlingame Kansas where she died.

5. Mrs Mary Moffet, Berryton, Kan

6. Mrs Nettie J. Drew 1675 Liberty St, Santa Clara, Calif.

Mrs Margaret Ann Adams widow of the late Miles Adams died May 1, 1931 aged 78 years the cause of her death being heart trouble. She was a daughter of Abraham Markel & his wife Mary Ann Anthony & was born Mch 6, 1853. Funeral services were held at Distant, Armstrong Co, Pa Sunday May 3, 1931 conducted by Rev G.E. Sample. Internment under direction of S.F. Reitz in the Narrows Cemetery. She was the mother of 13 children:

1. Mrs Maude Ealey of Ford City, Pa

2. Mrs Carrie Shearer of Ford City, Pa

3. Mrs E.T. Brown of California

4. Monroll Adams of Distant, Pa

5. Mrs G.D. Diffenbach of Sullivan Co, Pa

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6. Boyd Adams Manch Tunnel

7. Inas Flick, Oil City, Pa

8. Wilbur Adams survive

9-13 Five children preceded her in death.

There are also living 24 grandchildren & 18 great grandchildren. Make slips.

The "Bell Telephone Bulletin" recd today with my bill gives photo of Dr Herbert J. Tily prominent Phila business & civic leader who has been elected to the board of directors of the Bell Telephone Co of Penna who succeeds the late Alvan T. Markle.

A letter dated May 28, 1931 in answer to mine, from Mrs Ella Louise Parker of 5807 Goliad Ave, Dallas Texas gives information which I have recorded in Book 21 page 248 & she says she has never gotten any trace of her Uncle Asher Stone's family but thinks if I would put an ad in the Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, Ga it might bring results.

V25 Page 279

I have a letter dated May 31, 1931 from cousin Mrs William Porter Brown 1726 Irwin Ave N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa giving the dates she copied from the tombstones at Uncle John Richey's grave in the Allegheny cemetery, Pgh, Pa & I am transferring his name from b 24 p 602 to the next page & recording them there & am writing Mary R. Keenan Gbg, Pa for the exact dates from the bible of her ggfather Uncle John Richey.

Mrs Brown says she always understood that Smurr was spelled with two rs but says her father only used one r in his record. She says Harry Smurr at Connellsville, Pa could tell. He is not in telephone book but his father Reason always used two rs. Mrs B. says her ankle is better, but her right arm still pains her greatly. Am writing her to use Omega Oil.

V25 Page 280

[descendant chart]

John Richey see b 24 p 602 born Mch 7, 1797 ob 1878 married 1 Eleanor Neel in 1819 born Mch 29, 1796 ob May 10, 1839. Married 2 Charlotte Elliott born 1795 ob 1868 daughter of Capt. Wm Elliott & his wife Ruth Crawford. Married 3 Ruth E. Forsythe (nee Elliott) b Sept 7, 1822 ob May 16, 1901 daughter of James Elliott & his wife Mary Cunningham.


William Richey b Jany 22, 1821 ob 1840 in 20th year

John Richey Jr b July 26, 1823 ob 1844 in 21st year

Mary Jane Richey b Mch 16, 1827 ob Jany 29, 1911 married Dec 16, 1856 James F. Woods

Eleanor Charlotte Woods b July 23, 1858 ob Sept 16, 1917 married June 15, 1888 John Barclay Keenan

Mary Richey Keenan b Mch 17, 1889

Hetty Barclay Keenan b July 5, 1892 my informant for this record from her ggf John Richey's bible live 132 West Otterman St, Greensburgh, Pa

Eleanor Woods Keenan b May 25, 1894 ob July 18, 1895

Mary Elizabeth Woods b Jany 28, 1862

Margaret Richey Woods b Jany 27, 1868

Samuel Richey b June 12, 1832 ob 1848 in 16th year

Eleanor Neel Richey ob Mch 6, 1844 in her 1st year.

V25 Page 281 [blank]

V25 Page 282

Oak Hill June 5, 1931 8:30 AM

It is 72 years this morning since the big frost which I well remember with the corn in the field just above the house at "Springdale" laying flat on the ground as if mowed down.

Edgar Everett Strickler over six feet in height born in Uniontown, Pa Oct 22, 1902 son of Everett Edward Strickler & his wife Mary Jane Dawson came out this morning to sign the option I am taking on the Wheeling Creek Coal in which his father had a 1/72 interest & upon asking him, I learned that he married Miss Ruth Hoover, daughter of cousin John T. Hoover on June 16, 1922 & have but one child:

Edgar Everett Strickler Jr born Oct 19, 1924 in Uniontown, Pa. They now live on Craig St, here but he expects soon to go back to Los Angeles, Calif where he has lived before.

V25 Page 283

I have a letter dated May 30, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Samuel M. Caruthers, route 2, Springfield, Oregon. She says the names I mention, Eliza, Samuel, James & John are all family names with them. My husband's name was Samuel & his father's name was Samuel. He had a sister named Eliza & two brothers named James & John. He knows his father was of Scotch descent, but otherwise has no record except of the birth & death of his own brothers & sisters. His Uncle Phienis Caruthers & his mother whose name he bore, came to Oregon & took up land on a site which later became a valuable property in Portland, Oregon, Caruthers St, in Portland was named for him. He left no descendants. My husband lost his father & mother when a boy & came to Oregon in 1875 with his half sister Eliz-

V25 Page 284

abeth Caruthers Donaldson. His sister, Louisa Caruthers Hardcastle lives in Wagner Okla. If you will write to her at this address or to George Donaldson at Rupert Idaho or to his nephew James Byrd at Step Rock, Arkansas you may be able to get more information. In White Co, Arkansas, Samuel Caruthers lived & died leaving a large family, a daughter living at Step Rock Ark now & many more descendants.

We are much interested in your history & asks if printed & wants to know the price & says they want to get one. Am writing to her for the dates she refers to & also to the three persons whose address she has given. The place is Steprock, White Co Ark with 28 inhabitants. See pages 412-415 this book.

V25 Page 285

I have letter dated may 30, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Jennie Rippey Shearer of Carlisle (from where her son forwarded my letter) who left home on Mother's Day & is temporarily until probably the last of August at 577 Woodland Ave West Ferndale, Mich & being away from her records is not able to answer my questions.

She says I had asked her for anything she might know about the Thompson family & in looking over some very old books since she met me, she came across a very old one yellow with age & bound in Calif. It was the "Travels of Charles Thompson". She thinks it came into her possession through the death of her Aunt, Mrs McCurdy (my father's sister) & had come to them as a possession of their grandmother Elizabeth Thompson see page 178-9. Probably you know who Charles Thompson was. I do not, but surmise he was a near relative of Elizabeth Thompson. I should like to know where you come in.

V25 Page 286

She thinks I might be interested in the will of her husband Elijah Rippey's father Samuel Rippey the copy of which came to her through the death of her sister Mary R. Heistand, wife of Col H.O. Heistand decd. She died Apr 13, 1930 of double pneumonia & was buried beside her husband in Arlington Cem, Washington D.C.

The will of Saml Rippey who died in 1793 see page 178 bequeathed his wife Rachel, two negro slaves, Rachel & Doll & among other things, silver shoebuckles, steel clasp, gold sleeve buttons etc. In recent correspondence with one of my sisters she sent me clippings from Public Opinion, a Chambersburg, Pa paper which was headed "Old Mother Cumberland" "The Valley 100 yrs ago" Then beneath in smaller print a "Paper read before the Kittochtinny Historical society Geo O. Seilhamer Esq (my old friend) at the Residence of Hon W. Rush Gillam Jany 25, 1900". The day of month & year

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are cut off & she can't get it's date, but it was:

Public Opinion Friday Jany--- evidently the last of Jany 1900. It shows evidence it was preserved by her mother who had marked it in two places where my ancestors were mentioned for instance:

"John Rippey whose son William was a Capt in Col William Irvine's battalion in the second Canada Expedition 1776-7. Capt Rippey's Co one of the most typical of the Scotch Irish Cos from the Cumberland Valley in the Revolution was almost wholly a Shippensburg & Middle Spring organization"

As I understand the article there were only about 800 residents in the county in those days.

In two places, my mother has marked about her mother's questions:

It mentions a Co commanded by a Capt James McConnell with John McConnell as a Lieut adding Lieut Matthew McConnell of James Chambers'

V25 Page 288

Co in 1775 was of this family". I think this Matthew McConnell was my grandmother's grandfather. Her father was William McConnell but she called one of her boys Matthew".

She was quite interested to know that my gggfather was first shff of Cumb Co & asks if it was on the Thompson side or my maternal side. I am writing telling her it was Lieut John Potter.

As to the name of Elizabeth Thompson's father, she cannot say without consulting her birth record, neither can I give you the dates of my father & mother's deaths until I get to me records as my memory is treacherous. They are both buried in the cemetery at Shippensburg, Pa. Refer to b 25 p 175 et seq.

V25 Page 289

Oak Hill June 6, 1931 8:15 AM

I have a letter dated June 3, 1931 in answer to mine from Miss Georgia C. Price whose changed address is route 3 box 173 Blackstone Va.

She asks if I have seen Louis Burgess set of Revolutionary Soldier's Land Bounty Warrants a set of which she was fortunate enough to get. He had in some additional data on Col Hugh Stephenson & Col William Crawford & his son John. She thinks when my eyes will permit, I should go to Washington D.C. to search in the library of congress. Make slips to do so & to get Burgess Book. Says you can buy an Index of their library & make note of the books I wish to read & always keep in mind there is a change in writing & printing too & often a misprint which accounts for many errors. Many of our modern his-

V25 Page 290

torians gather family data & print a book without proving up on any data at all.

She speaks of one B.F. Wilssen [best guess] printing glaring errors in a Statler book he put out. She says her grandmother Tennant was a library of information & best yet she can prove up on it. She was a granddaughter of old Adam Brown & used to visit Uniontown, Pa with her mother who lived to be almost 100 years old, about 96 & they rode horseback too. Thanks me for my invitation to make us a visit & says she would come if she could.

Asks if I ever heard of Mrs Reitz (I thought it was Dietz) of Wheatland Wyo & says she hasn't heard from her for years. I did not get an answer.

V25 Page 291

A letter dated May 25, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Sherman C. Henry 905 E. Mahoning St, Punsutawney, Pa answers much of my questionnaire for page 192 which see & says that her Aunt Jennie Thompson married Rev George Coleman an Evangelical minister & raised a large family & removed to Oregon, when she was a small child so their children's marriages are unknown to her, but she says two daughters are living in New York State & one son was in the World War.

Her own parents see page 192 are both buried in the old g.y. at Brookville, Pa. Her sister Ruth Elizabeth Montgomery born in Brookville, Pa Jany 30, 1878 on Sept 19, 1898 married Allen George Hons. Their son George Montgomery Hons born Oct 2, 1900 on Sept 19, 1924 married Maria Imphsen & had:

Henry Allen Hons born Oct 5, 1925

George Imphsen Hons b Feby 3, 1930 see p 192

She gives births & deaths of the parents of her father, Samuel G.

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Montgomery & of their twelve children all born at Langville, Meigs Co, O with dates of their births, marriages & deaths which I don't need & don't copy.

Gilmore Montgomery was son (by second of three wives) of John Montgomery who emigrated from Scotland. Since reading further & finding that Gilmore's wife was an Elliott descendant I am transcribing their record.

Gilmore Montgomery born in Belmont Co, Dec 2, 1812 married in Langville, Meigs Co, O Nov 14 1837 to Catherine W. Robinson born Mch 6, 1820 in Westnd Co, Pa. He died Nov 15, 1882. Their children:

1. John Irvin b Apr 9, 1837 ob Jany 16, 1883

2. William b Feby 11, 1841 ob Feby 19, 1843

3. Rebecca Elizabeth b Apr 30, 1843 ob married John Pendleton. Both dead.

4. Gilmore Spears b Jany 31, 1845 ob July 15, 1864 was wounded in battle of Chickamauga & died in hospital at Nashville, Tenn & buried in National Cem there.

5. Mary Ann b Jany 23, 1847 ob married Luke Hall. Both dead

6. Thomas b May 7, 1849

7. Jane Florence b Apr 9, 1851 married Thomas Smith of Butler, Pa 4 children viz:

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Thomas, Giles, Harry & Lillian all in the west.

8. Samuel Griffen b Feby 2, 1853 ob Aug 25, 1888

9. Margaret b Apr 12, 1855

10. Martin b Oct 25, 1857

11. James b may 3, 1859 ob Feby 17, 1860

12. Catharine Ellen b Aug 5, 1861 ob Oct 10, 1861

the first nine born at Langville, Meigs Co, O & the last three on the farm at Worthville, Pa.

Gilmore's wife Catherine W. Robinson was daughter of John Robinson & his wife Rebecca Walton. He was son of Irvin Robinson & his wife Catharine Elliott. She was a daughter of John Elliot [sic] & his wife Mary Woods. The Robinsons emigrated from Scotland to Ireland. She says will find the Robinson lineage in Indiana Co history by J.T. Stewart Published by J.H. Beers & Co page 13 Also in history of Indiana Co P{a 1745 to 1880 published by J.A. Caldwell. Make slips. If I don't have access to these histories & want to see them, she says to come up & she will borrow them for me. She says if I want the Gruder - Hendershot record will have to come up & take her scouting. She says Albert Montgomery at Fairchance [bottom cut off] the [unreadable] bible.

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Oak Hill June 7, 1931 5:22 Am

I have a letter dated Oct 14, 1926 from Miss Beatrice Bell of Mount Vernon, State of Washington, youngest child of Margaret Thompson Bell to whom I had written who was 16th & youngest child of Joseph Thompson see pages 192-3 this book & bk 16 p 507-9. She names her mother's brothers & sisters as given on pages 192-3 except Elizabeth who died young & gives the names of those who the girls married which I am inserting in the table on pages 192-3. She says the bible is in possession of G.W. Thompson, West Sunbury, Butler Co, Pa who is probably the same as Geo W. Thompson Keisters Butler Co, Pa from whom I think Mrs Sherman C. Henry of Punxsutawney Pa got the dates for table at pages 192-3. I have made entry there of some of the information she gives & of her mother's children.

She is interested to know if I am a relative & if I have anything about her mother's grandfather Joseph Thompson, wishes I would pass it on. Am writing her today giving our Thompson line back to & including Hugh Thompson.

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Oak Hill June 9, 1931 12:12 PM

I have a letter dated Feby 3, 1928 in answer to mine of Oct 11, 1927 from Miss Vida Louise Thompson Apt 39 Jenkins Spokane Wash see b 20 p 456. She says her mother, Mary E. Wood was born in Newton, Ills Jany 9, 1875 where also her brother Wm Edgar was born but her sister, Alice M. & herself were born in Lewistown, Montana. She cannot give any further data about her brothers decd wife Nola Werhan. She says she is much interested in my research & will probably want a copy of the book.

An undated letter postmarked I believe Feby 14, 1928 from Mrs Martha A. Plummer R 5 Box 184 E -So Tacoma Wash. She is an Archibald Carothers descendant which I have tabled somewhere but she doesn't send book & page so I can't turn to it. Am writing her for it.

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She says she recd my letter yesterday & she was glad I wrote her. She says it was her brother's wife who wrote me & all she had she got from papers & letters she sent them. She sent them to her brother & he gave them to his son to typewrite & send her some copies, but instead, he put them in his safe not her brother's & lost them. He was very sorry about it, but passed away suddenly, she thought Mch 13th last say Mch 13, 1927 & a few weeks after, they found them & the son was going to have them printed & send to her, but they never sent her any. Mr Hagerty, a second cousin of mine & a very fine man I put in three weeks getting the Carothers history from letters & what my father & mother told me & thought a lot of it.

Says Mary is her brother's wife & says if I will send her what she sent, she will send me a correct statement. She never met any of her father's people until after he died then she met Mr Hagerty see b 22 p 58.

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A letter dated Feby 6, 1928 in answer to mine of Feby 2, 1928 from judge J.C. McWhorter Buckhannon WVA gives address of L.V. McWhorter author of Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia as Yakima, Wash, but says the entire edition is nearly exhausted & is in the hands of James & Law Co, Clarksburgh, WVA & I should apply immediately. Am writing today it it is 3 yrs late.

I have a letter dated Feby 12, 1926 from Hon Ira L. Smith Atty at Law, Fairmont, WVA referring to the notice he had seen in Jany previous of the death of Minnie L. Redburn & to his grandmother Emily Eliza Smith who he knew from her talk was related to Robert Harrison but he didn't know how. He says she had told him that Robert Harrison & Presidents Wm H. & his grandson Benjamin Harrison were of the same family. He says he has been reliably informed that John & Robert Harrison, brothers as he understands migrated

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from Virginia about 1760-1765 to German Tp, Fayette Co, Pa & settled on Browns Run at Lardin Sta & settled on some 700 A of land there. He says that a few years ago when cleaning up the old g.y. on this Robert Harrison farm, near the house, two old head sandstone markers were found with names of both John & Robert Harrison when & where born with dates of death thereon were found. He says there were many other graves but not other gravestones. Must see Bare, present owner as Rebecca Redburn had a tombstone. Make slip to go & see. He says his grandmother took much pride in her later years in telling that she was related to the two presidents Harrison. He says the Harrisons came from England.

See book 1 p 376

See book 4 p 178

See book 16 p 268-70

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Oak Hill June 10, 1931 9:05 PM

W. Ewing Rankin son of Hugh Rankin living on his father's farm baching it in Franklin Tp the old R.M. Modisett fam has just left, having come in to sign an option on the Wheeling Creek Coal, upon inquiry he said the old deeds showed that Modisett got it from the Austins. His wife was the daughter of John M. Austin & his wife Priscilla Stevens & I think that it was the home of Elisha Peairs & his wife Elizabeth Jack, three of whose children married Stevens. He also said that the J. Wm Gaddis farm adjoining him (formerly the home of his father Robert Gaddis) had an old Stevens g.y. on it formerly the farm of Dr Benjamin Stevens who I think Miss Clara Stevens once told me was buried there.

Was in George Weil's office today & he says John J. Baskob has been blessed by the Pope & cabled back in high glee to have everything ready for him when he returned the last of August. George said they were closing one of their deals today.

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I told him of the muriatic acid spilling on me on the B&O train in the station at Pgh, Pa at 5 PM June 3, 1931 & he said the best first aid treatment would have been to go to the dining car & put some cream on it to neutralize it. He picked up a steel blade & said if it was put in a glass of muriatic acid, it could be gone by tomorrow. He further said if by any chance one should swallow any muriatic acid to immediately drink as much cream or rich milk as you could get down so it would vomit you & after it did to keep on drinking it until it would vomit you again & again. He studied chemistry & filled prescriptions for 2 or 3 years. He said a person getting tar varnish or paint or chewing gum on them usually used gasoline benzine or something of the kind to take it off, taking often a week to be entirely rid of it, but he said if you would take a tablespoonsful of butter it would take everything off right away without the injury to the skin that the other things above occasioned.

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Oak Hill June 11, 1931 8:17 AM

An undated letter postmarked Nov 10, 1925 from Mrs Rebecca Garlow 351 Spruce St, Morgantown, WVA wife of Aaron J. Garlow asks if I can furnish her with the dates of birth, marriage & death of her great grandfather Lieut John Carothers killed at Germantown, Pa & his wife Catherine McColly (I think it should be McCaully) Carothers unfortunately I cannot. Am writing her today asking name of her grandfather etc.

I have a letter postmarked Apr 21, 1926 from Mayme C. Rice 465 Lake Drive Milwaukee, Wis saying her brother Charlie has the family bible with record but she does not give his name or address nor can I now place her. She asks what relation I was to her mother. I answered her on Apr 28, 1926

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A letter dated June 8, 1931 in answer to mine from Donald J. Lynn Esq, Youngstown, O says he fears he cannot definitely tie in his ancestor "Fronica" & her brother John Burgett unless they are of George Burgett's line as he says he has run down Philip's line & they do not come from him. He says the Washington, Pa History gives the names of the children of Sebastian Burgett by his first wife as George Philip & Agnes.

A letter dated June 9th, 1931 in answer to mine from my old Hagues School House friend Joe Yarnell gives his address as 42 LaBelle St, W. Grand Rapids, Mich & indicates that he is 75 yrs old. Make slip of his address.

On June 7, 1931 Scott A. Miller 5935 A Etzel Ave St Louis Mo answers the questionnaire I sent to his father Dr Thos C. Miller now decd & I am tabling the data he gave on next page.

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[descendant chart]

Dr Thomas Craig Miller see b 20 p 88 b Apr 17, 1848 ob Jany 6, 19-- married 1 Sue Barr who died Feby 17, 1851 had one child. Married 2 Adaline Oliver who died Jany 18, 1930. No issue.


Scott A. Miller b Oct 8, 1878 lives 5935 A Etzel Ave St Louis, MO my informant for this record. Married Aug 24, 1903 Ada Cordes & has one child.

Stanley Miller b Sept 15, 1904 married Feby 17, 1931 Miss Marie Lent.

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2:26 PM

Walter S. Finley of Derbyshire Road Cleveland, O, a large man physically aged probably 40 yrs, automobiling through to Washington D.C. representing the American Historical Society whose NY Office is now at 80 eighth Ave near Greenwich Village section has just left after an hour's call during which he gave me a print of the Thompson coat of arms.

Asking him who was his Finley immigrant ancestor, I learned that he was not a Finley at all. He said his great grandfather was Patrick Fennelly from Ireland, he didn't know where, & came to this country & settled with some of his Patrick Riley relatives at Wellsville, O with "Old Man Wells". Hence there is no further need to consider him in our Finley line.

He had a very fine book of the Walworth family with him prepared for two Misses Walworth of Cleveland whose line he traces back to William the Conqueror born 1027 illegitimate son of Robert (son of Richard) both Dukes of Normandy by a daughter of a tanner.

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A letter dated Mch 25, 1931 in answer to mine of Mch 13, from Mrs Pleasant Rice Centerview, Mo encloses part of a letter I had written her Feby 9, 1925 (which date may enable me to trace her) in which I say that her grandmother Brownlee was Margaret Finley, daughter of James Finley & in which I ask for the full name & address of her Aunt Tillie, widow of her Uncle Finley Brownlee who I thought lived at Lane, Kansas. I also ask for date of her grandfather, William Brownlee's death & whether he was killed in Mo by a neighbor with whom he had trouble & say if so, I can give you your Brownlee line back to Scotland. No book & page given.

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8 PM

Mr C.B. Bailey an Inspector for the Hartford Steam Boiler Ins Co of Hartford Conn a native of Brink Haven, Holmes Co O & who in 1912 married Miss Anna Johnson of Lock Haven, Pa & lives at 409? Morgantown St has just left after a half hour's call in which he read me a letter dated yesterday from J.P. Morrison Hartford, Conn Supt of Inspectors of Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co who asks for my address & says he is a descendant of Joseph Peairs (of Elisha & Elizabeth) & his wife Susannah Allen.

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Oak Hill June 12, 1931 9:15 AM

A letter dated May 20, 1931 in answer to mine of Apr 20, from Benj F. Cassidy Atty at law Suite 616 Springfield Ills cannot answer many of the questions I asked him but refers me to his Aunt Mrs D.B. Evans (Estelle Evans) Moundsville, WVA only living child of his grandfather Rev Benj F. Myers see b 20 pages 475 & 470. He says his mother Millie Raine Myers married on Aug 25, 1888 James Buchanan Cassiday both of whom were educators & taught private schools in the south at Birmingham, Ala, Trussville, Ala, Entaw, Ala, Greensboro, Ala, Demopolis, Ala, Frankfort, Ky, Farmington, Mo, Elizabethtown, Ky Richmond Ky & Springfield, Ills.

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I have just come to letter dated may 16, 1931 answering one I wrote Apr 26, 1931 to her brother, Neely A. Carothers Talachie, Idaho, which gives my reference b 22 p 58 see page 295-6 where three days ago, I answered her Feby 1928 letter which she refers to in this letter as unanswered. She is not well enough to write & her cousin (on her mother's side) Winnifred Turner a fine scribe answers for her & wants to know what she sent before & what Mary, widow of her brother John sent me. She having it sent it to her. She says she has some additional information about the family & will send it to me & also about Neely's family. Says she is anxious to know about the family & wants a book. Also that she is the only one in the west who knows about the family. Writing her again today see b 22 p 58.

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An undated letter postmarked May 18? 1931 in answer to mine from Miss Estelle Finley says she has recd a letter from M.B.M. Finley address not given, who is a descendant of Charles Finley of North Carolina a Revolutionary Soldier, a record of whose marriage he is trying to find. He sends her a great big record of Finleys & she thinks he is also a Caruthers descendant. He would like to have information on both Finleys & Caruthers. Says she is writing him & he may be glad to send his record to me. Am writing her for his address.

She also encloses a clipping about a 10 mos old boy in Macon Co, Tenn which is 80 miles N.E. of Nashville up next to Ky who has sixteen living ancestors, the oldest being Jimmie Caruthers 94 years old to whom I will write tonight. The clipping is dated Lafayette, Tenn Feby 21, (1931 I presume) & says:

Macon Co boasts of a child that has more living ancestors than any other in Tenn having sixteen. It is 10 mos old Elbert Olen Jent, residing with his parents 3 miles north of this place. His parents are Mr & Mrs

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Delmar Jent & his father is son of Mr & Mrs Enoch Jent & here that line ends, but his mother, Clarice is daughter of Mr & Mrs Burton Hire of this place. They are 40 & 36 yrs of age respectively. Mr Hire's father is Key Hire of this County. His mother was Mrs Puss Cook is 85 yrs old & resides near Holland, Ky. Mrs Burton Hire is a daughter of Mr & Mrs Pate Caruthers of Haysville, this Co. They are 60 & 56 respectively. Mrs Pate Caruthers is Arley, daughter of Mr & Mrs Jim Law of Hayesville. They are 84 & 80 & have been married 61 yrs. Pate Caruthers is the son of Jimmie & Paradine Caruthers of the Wolf Hill section. Mr Caruthers is 94 & his wife is 80 & have been married 61 yrs. The old folks are getting feeble. Am writing Jimmy Caruthers tonight.

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Oak Hill June 13, 1931 7:33 AM

Last month Virginia Maloney went at my request to the Carnegie Library & got for me the information that General William Robinson in his day first citizen of Allegheny Pa was born Dec 17, 1785 son of James & Martha (Boggs) Robinson. His father James Robinson was born in Ireland Aug 7, 1740 & came to America when a young man. He built a log cabin on the North bank of Allegheny River on what is now Federal St, Allegheny Pa & had for his neighbors a tribe of Indians who were friendly. He was drowned in the Allegheny River on Aug 16, 1814. Genl Wm Robinson married Mary Parker, daughter of Alexander Parker of Carlisle, Pa & had ten children. He died Feby 25, 1868 & his wife in June, 1868. He was the first white child born north of the river in what is Allegheny City when Pittsburgh was a village. He was educated in Penna Schools & Princeton College & read law in Penna with Judge Addison. Served two terms in Legislature & was first Mayor of Allegheny elected July 1845 & was one of originators of first St Clair bridge built in 1810 during Tyler's adm. sent to England to negotiate loan for U.S.

Taken May 19, 1931 from Reeds History of Penna.

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I have a letter dated May 12, 1931 in answer to mine from Miss Madge C. Finley 2714 Jones St, Greenville, Texas, in which she expresses great interest in my work & will be glad to give what little information she can. She is the daughter of Col Theodore McCracken Finley, born in Niles, Mich Mch 9, 1840 graduated at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa 1859 & died at his home 2714 Jones St, Greenville, Texas at 11:30 PM

Sunday, Apr 26, 1931 as shown by the Apr 28, 1931 issue of the Greenville Morning Herald Texas of which he was an editor which she sent me which contains his picture & about five columns about him. She says: "My grandfather was Dr John Knox Finley of Sewickley Valley & grandmother was Margaret Nevin - a great many Nevins still live there. My great grandfather was Genl Samuel Finley, an officer in the Revolutionary army & through him I am a D.A.R.

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He was born in Penna at the close of the war being a personal friend of Washington, was appointed collector for the north west & made his home at Chillicothe O where my grandfather was born.

She says an older brother (he was younger) Maj John Finley was the first white man to visit Ky (she is getting him confounded with John Finley, son of his grandfather Michael Finley's brother Archibald Finley).

She thinks her father was the senior alumnus of Jefferson College & would like to have a copy of the Red & Black ctg notice of his death & I am sending her my half of the issue of May 7, 1931 3 & 4th pages. She has a book with the picture of every member of the class of 1859 with their autographs also the professors. I have no one to leave it to & wonder it it will be of interest to the college. (I am writing today asking L.A. Foust Registrar Clk it will. I am having today a letter from him dated 12th

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in response to my inquiry on 8th giving the senior Alumni of classes back of 1860 who they think are still living as mail addressed to the places here given does not come back. J for Jefferson W for Washington

J1851 Andrew Donsa Hepburn D.D. Oxford, Ohio

J1855 R.G. Ralston M.D. Cowansburg, Pa

J1856 John F. Craig, New Bethlehem, Pa

W1856 R.P. Lewis Esq 322 Midland Trust Bldg, St Paul, Minn

W1859 Rev W.W. Anderson 719 Park Ave Wilmette, Ills

J1859 Rev Stephen Phelps D.D. 220 Fifth Ave, Council Bluff, Iowa continuing Miss Finley's setter she says she is the only one of the family left since her father's death & is leaving tomorrow for Mercedes, Texas in the valley to remain until fall & possibly all winter. A letter directed there will reach me if I can be of any further service.

Paper had one sister, Martha Mary & one brother, Samuel Mitchell (I knew him when he lived at Fairchance, Pa & was with F.H. Oliphant) both dead. The enclosed

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letter was written by the sister & you may keep it. This letter is four pages written on letterhead of the Equitable Mortgage Co, Dallas Texas on which appears name of S.M. Finley, Manager & is dated Mch 17, 1887 written in red ink & headed

Finley Genealogy

This story was told to us & then written out for me by our cousin I.B. Finley D.D. L.L.D. PhD. He visited Scotland & learned all these facts, & said what he described. The motto "cor nobogle cor emmesbogle" in Latin. The spelling is old "A noble heart is an immeasurable heart". The lion is the emblem of Mighty & Royalty. In history our family name was the surname of Maccabee or McBeth although Shakespeare represents him as a usurper, he, McBeth, was the best King Scotland ever had, before or since until the days of Robert Bruce. His laws were the most benign & liberal of any who occupied that throne. He was not

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a stranger to the blood royal but the real heir to the throne, whose rights had been usurped & to maintain which & possess himself of such, he had the real usurper's removed & himself placed on the throne of his ancestors. His subsequent defeat & death were calamitous to his family name. His clan name ceased & for a time the Farquhar son took its place. The ancient plaid of the Finley has been commonly known as that of the latter, one of the most eminent historians of Greece was George Finley L.L.D. whose atlas & writings are among the most learned & instructive which modern Europeans produced. He wrote also a history of the Finley house. I met his nephew in Rome in March 1880 who promised to send me the volume. It has not yet arrived. In Cathedral in Glasgow, the second window is decorated by the

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Finleys of Castle Howard of Argyleshire. I should here state that a few years ago, the old Scottish in the west of Scotland, undertook & actually did restore the old Cathedral & each contributing a window or some other position.

It is now among one of the handsomest structures of Great Britain. Scotland has a number of prominent families of our name. Two of which trace their descent from the earliest times, but all of which belong to the common ancestry of clan.

The Finley's of Castle Howard & Islay are the nephews of the great historian of the family (the above indicates that his history of the family was published. Make slip to see if it isn't in the Round House at Edinburgh or in the British Museum) and are worthy of the highest consideration for their branch which passed over at the early plantation of Ulster as well as had previously followed the fortunes of

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Robert & Edward Bruce - are of the same family & have had among them since their earliest history men of high distinction both in camp & pulpit. The American branch has, I am rejoiced to say by now means diminished the grandeur of the ancient name. One of the best historians to consult about the McBeths is the history of the early church of Scotland by Dr Larkin (make slip to get) the laws of McBeth are not given in that history, but are in the ancient lore & anons of Scotland as serial & ecclesiastical lore in those days were inseparable. The name originally was Finleigh, sometimes spelled Finlaye otherwise McFinleigh, after again Finlay, Finlay, Finlay [sic] & Finley. The latter is merely modern English anglicized of the same (Pallini is reading & very poorly)

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The first Communion of the Church of Scotland was held in Finlaystown, house then occupied by the Earl of Kencairn & the family drinking cups were used on the occasion & those cups are preserved as memorials of the occasion in the Parish Church. The earldom of Kencairn is now in abeyance, the last martyr who was exhibited & died for Christ, Crown & Covenant at Edinburgh just a few werks? before the Expulsion of James II from his throne; was John Finley whose courage on the occasion bespoke the motto of his race enfin Tane from a Scrap book of Cousin Moore Finley, now in possession of his widow cousin Lida Finley by Maggie Finley Barnard, San Antonio, Texas.

Dear, I thought you would be interested in all of this

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we have been [sic] Jennie will draw the coat of arms for me that Lida brought to Leighton Finley for it. Just come two days ago drawn with a pencil. She wants it written. I think we can be satisfied with our ancestry.

Jen & Bert have just come home from Annorsetture? social at Mrs Witmer's congregational church, the Witmers represent me of the South Bend firm of Studebakers. They are Studebakers cousins. Janes says the Oliver Co from South Bend have a Mr Myer, a real present [sic] man just married. Jane assisted at the social of her friend, Sophie Kelley at the church. Give my best to Maggie & Madge. All send love. Mr Avery & Miss Montague of the firm in Kansas City which started this morning for a trip down in Texas I suppose they are at San Antonio. You sister Martha M. Finley

This wasn't Genealogy, but a historical sketch.

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Oak Hill June 14, 1931 1:54 PM

I have a letter postmarked May 18? 1931 in answer to mine from J.F. Carothers of Clarence, Mo who sends me record of James Carothers 1788-1865 & his wife & children which he says is mostly taken from the old family bible which he has & which agrees with the dates in my table pages 58 & 59 & in addition gives date of death of Sarah Forsythe Livingston as July 14, 1874.

He also gives the name of the 6th child as Sarah Malinda Carothers see p 59. He further says that John Henderson Carothers who married my Aunt Mary F. Carothers left this little sketch of the early history of our family. The following are his words: "My great grandfather's name was James Carothers, his wife's maiden name was Margaret Henderson. They had two children John & Mary. Mary married a man by the name of Bell and John, my grandfather married Mary Armstrong & lived near the Conodoquinnet Creek eleven miles N.E. of Carlisle, Pa. Their children were: James, William, John, Thomas, Jane, Ann & Andrew.

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About year of 1798, my grandfather John Carothers & his wife were poisoned by a girl named Clark which caused their death. My Uncle John was sheriff at this time. My father, Andrew, who had just reached manhood & was a cabinet maker by trade was also poisoned which made him a cripple for life; he then took up the study of law with David Watts of Carlisle, Pa practicing there until 1836 when he died. My Uncles James & William moved to western Penna before the Whisky Rebellion in 1793 & settled in Beaver Co, Pa. My Uncles John & Thomas lived in Cumberland Co, Pa. My father was Andrew (This absolutely disproves Anjou's statement that John who was poisoned was the son of Robert 1690-1771 so must locate his son John to whom he willed his land) Make slip. John F. says "I will give here a partial account of the record I have which confirms the above story". He further says:

Listed among the first settlers were John Carothers a member of the Assembly 1782-84, Wm Douglass & John & James Armstrong. He then goes on to tell the Sarah Clark living in the family of John Douglass being enamored of the son of Douglass who

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was courting Ann Carothers & hiring as a servant girl in the Carothers family & using arsenic to poison them. He says Isabella Alexander 2nd wife of Andrew Carothers Esq was daughter of Hon Wm Alexander. I have b 24 p 605 that she is daughter of Col John Alexander which I inferred from tombstone record & may be wrong.

J.F. Carothers, my informant, is a son of James Harvey Carothers. He says his grandfather James Carothers 1788-1805 married Mrs Mary Forsythe Livingston about the time of the Black Hawk War & lived in Allegheny Co, Pa near Pittsburgh, & in 1836 came to Mo & settled in Ralls Co & in 1837 went to Shelby Co, Township 57 W Range 11 N & is buried in the little family burying ground on the Old Homestead. His wife Sarah was a daughter of James & Susan Forsythe & had six brothers & five sisters viz: William, Benjamin, George, James, Joseph, Louis & Mary married a Baird, Rebecca married a McGowan, Ann married a Russel, Margaret married a Murdoc & Jane married a Henderson. The Forsythes were living in Penna at the time of the Revolution but were inclined to favor King George. Sarah Forsythe first married

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a Livingston by whom she had 4 sons & he dying, she married James Carothers. He says to write to Manville Carothers for Lewis F's line which I have & he will try to get descendants of his other Uncles & Ant for me. He said his Uncle John H. Carothers lived in Ralls Co, Mo & then moved to Shelby Co, Mo where he died. Wm T. Carothers, born in Cumberland Co, Pa in 1799 has a granddaughter living in Clarence MO & her father when but a small child came to Mo with John H. Carothers. Am writing him to have her send me a complete record of her grandfather's descendants.

John F. Carothers gives his address as RR #4 Clarence, MO

Deeds & Wills:

I have but one deed (copy) & it is from James & Alice Carothers dated Dec 24, 1806 record book R vol 1 page 408 to William & John Carothers of East Pennsborough Tp, Cumberland Co, Pa (see will no 1). This will is from James & Alice Carothers of Hanover Tp, Beaver Co, Pa

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to William & John & others of East Penns Tp Cumb Co, Pa. Here is where we are lost, but I am strongly minded that this James is son of John who was poisoned as our family traditions say he married a girl by the name of Carothers (no relation) of his own neighborhood, Beaver Co, Pa several years before this - am strongly inclined to think (although I have no record of it for this is the missing record) that this James & Alice (as the will above) Carothers were the parents of James Carothers (my grandfather 1788) who married Mrs Sarah F. Livingston & lived in Allegheny Co, Pa near Pgh & came to Mo in 1836. Wills (copy of my record) John Carothers will proved Mch 17, 1783 East Pennsboro Tp wife Ayles (Alice) sons mentioned James, Wm & John, daughters Alice, Jane & Mary, Provisions for a posthumous child. Will proved Aug 8, 1783 of another John Carothers, sons mentioned Robert & James. Special provisions: also sons

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John, Andrew, Samuel, Ezekiel & Archibald. Daughters, Margaret & Isabel provision for a posthumous child. This is his will NO 2

Will No 3.

John Carothers letters of Admr Apr 5, 1798 Admr Thos Carothers & Isaac Atkinson no account given. This I think is the John Carothers that was poisoned.

Will No 4

James Carothers letters of Admr Dec 17, 1804

Admrs James & William Carothers No acct given. This, I think is the James Carothers mentioned in the John Carothers will proved Mch 17, 1783 & also the James Carethers, deceased mentioned in the deed from James & Alice Carothers to William & John Carothers.

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Oak Hill June 18, 1931 10:06 AM

The Morning Herald of Monday, June 15, 1931 announced the death of my distantly removed cousin, Mrs Margery Moore Core at the home of a daughter near New Salem, Pa Saturday evening June 13, 1931 at 6:55 PM in her 90th year. She was born Sept 4, 1841 & was the widow of John Core (I think it was Geo Core). She was the last member of the family of John A. Moore & his wife Jane Moss & her entire life was spent as a resident of German Tp.

She is survived by her daughter, Mrs Edgar Gadd & the following grandchildren, Mrs Edgar Harn, Harold Gadd & Edgar Gadd of Warren, Ohio, Mrs Ralph Sterling of Granttown, WVA, Mrs Walter Gilleland, of Uniontown, Pa, Mrs Frank Johnson & Donald Gadd of New Salem, Pa & 8 great grandchildren.

Funeral services by Rev H.W. Kilgore of the Pres Ch of New Salem Pa of which she was a member & burial in the Church cemetery there

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I have a letter dated June 10, 1931 from Mrs Velma Ogle Davis, wife of Harry E. Davis of 3807 N. Prospect Ave, Milwaukee, Wis who was referred to me by Miss Mary J. Peairs whom she got in touch with through her brother, Dr Ralph Peairs of Normal Ills (make slip) & she in turn had been referred to me by Miss Edith Smith of Denver, Col. She wants cft that her ancestor Joseph Peairs was a son of Elisha Peairs & Elizabeth Jack which I am sending her. She gives her line as follows & says she will send me data about her branch if I wish & I am writing her for it.

1. Elisha Peairs b Jany 11, 1726 died May 16, 1816 & his son:

2. Joseph Peairs b Apr 2, 1760 & died 1807 who married Susanna Allen & their daughter:

3. Susanna Peairs & her husband John Wycoff & their daughter

4. Cathrine Wycoff & her husband Jacob Elrick & their daughter

5. Kate Elrick & her husband Joseph D. Cole & their daughter

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6. is herself Velma Ogle who married Harry E. Davis.

I have a letter dated June 10, 1931 in answer to mine from Charles R. Roberts Historical writer & genealogist 520 N. Sixth St, Allentown, Pa who says he charges for research work.

He says that his records show that my ancestor John Rothermel was born Jany 24, 1722 & died Nov 24, 1784 some say 1785. He married Elizabeth Siegfried. His children were Abraham, Jacob, Daniel & John & says he is not quite satisfied that these are all the children he had.

Asks if I have the dates of birth & death of Paul, Lorenz, Peter & Christian Rothermel. Am writing him. Make slip to go see him. He thinks he once heard of a private cemetery of the Rothermels in Hereford Tp, Berks Co, Pa. Make slip to hunt it up.

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A letter dated June 10, 1931 from E.W. Black 933 North Loup, Nebraska is in answer to one I wrote on Aug 3, 1923 to his relative Miss Jennie O. Moser who died here in Uniontown, Pa at home of her sister, Mrs Emma Hayden on May 6, 1931 & which he has run across & finds unanswered. The neglect in answering was that his care was then given to his wife helplessly & hopelessly ill of a progressive & incurable disease of which after five yrs, she died Nov 18, 1928. He says he is the youngest member of his father's family. He says that one of his father's brothers settled in Iowa & that his Uncle Alexander Black of Uniontown, Pa used to go out there to look after property. He thinks he was James Black, but is not sure & speaks of a cousin Emma Black who used to visit them whose home was in Cincinnati, O.

He knew well the James Madison Brown family to whom I referred. He & his children fell heir to the estate of one "Uncle Jesse

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Brown" a bachelor who lived & died near New Salem, Pa. James M. had children Jesse, Jacob, Elizabeth, Mary, Lydia, Phoebe & Ellen. Schoolmates of mine.

Yesterday afternoon, Mr J.E. Dermitt of the Dermitt Printing Co Mfrs Bldg 530 Duquesne Way stopped me on Sixth St near the Bessemer Bldg. I told him I would soon want 7 more books & he said if I wd come in in July with my order they would make me a reduced price. Make slip of address 6th floor.

A letter dated June 9, 1931 in answer to mine from Prof W. Shaffer Jack of University of Penna 1926 Diamond St, Phila, Pa says the records he spoke of several years ago as being in storage are still there with no immediate prospect of having access to them.

He says his grandfather William Jack was the eldest son of Robert Jack & his wife Ellen

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Stewart see b21 p 512. This Robert Jack was the son of Thomas Jack. I do not know the name of the latter's wife before marriage. I have this moment run across a stray note among the genealogical papers I have at hand which read.

"Robert Jack from Londonderry born & raised on the strand. This is presumably my great great grandfather. There was also a Thomas Jack who married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Holmes 1767-1830 & his wife Charlotte Sturgeon 1772-1860. Robert Holmes was married July 1792. My grandfather had a brother David Jack. There seems to have been some relationship to a certain Michael Jack a Revolutionary soldier, but I do not follow it exactly. Did I ever refer you to Mr S.K. Eshleman Jr 71 N. Emily St, Crafton, Pa who in 1915 wrote me seeking light on the Jack family

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I have a letter dated June 11, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Sherman C. Henry 905 E. Mahoning St Punxsutawney, Pa correcting errors in records previously sent in which she says that tracing the brothers & sister of John Thompson will take us too far afield but if I want to go to Clarion & Butler Cos she will go.

She says her husband a cousin of Ex Gov Fisher was a successful grocer, but got to dealing in stocks & lost his business, his business block & probably their home too. For page 192 this book. She says Perry Thompson (was it Oliver Perry) joined the gold rush to the Klondyke came back & returned. He died somewhere in 1927.

John Thompson was a mute so they tell me. He left home in the Civil War times & did not return. That is all I know.

Julia Thompson married Thomas Robinson a cousin of our grandmother Kate Robinson Montgomery see p 192. The incident about the falling tree was told me by great Aunt

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Rebecca Dobson who died Nov 22, 1925 from whom I understood it was her grandfather, the pioneer & Revolutionary soldier my great great grandfather & she said he was in the War. John Elliott, wife Mary Woods settled in Ligonier Valley in 1779. They came from Enniskellen Ireland but I understand Mary Woods was English as they were members of the Church of England, Episcopalian & she had several brothers who were ministers in that faith in the U.S. In 1929 I wrote to Frances Elliott Robinson of Robinson Pa where they still live & who said they did not have any records of the Elliotts & had lost all trace of the, but he had a fund of information of the Robinsons.

Mrs Jesse R. Wakefield 6011 Rodman St, Pittsburgh, Pa might tell you more of the Elliotts (make slip) as she is keenly interested in lineage & her brother is writing a book. She also can tell you if Genl Wm Robinson of Allegheny Pa is of our line. Writing her today.

She says her grandmother

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Thompson's bible was stolen from their house where they left it in a room they preserved when they rented it. She sends clippings abt a sister & a niece of John Thompson.

The one is death of Mary E. Rhodes aged 82 no date given, hit crossing the street crossing by an auto & dying of her injuries, survived by two sisters, Mrs Rebecca Dobson of Butler, Pa & Mrs J.J. Bell of Bellingham (Wash) & two brothers Oliver Thompson of Butler, Pa & Taylor Thompson of Dayton, O & three nieces, Mrs Jerry Foster & Miss Beatrice Bell of Mount Vernon (Wash) & Mrs Ada Clothier of this city, which I think is somewhere in the state of Washington.

The other clipping dated 1927 gives picture of Miss Beatrice Bell & notice of her marriage at Mount Vernon, Wash to Lawrence A. Brokenshire, son of Rev & Mrs W.H. Brokenshire of Kingston, Ontario, who was educated at Harvard, attendants Mr & Mrs Jerry Foster, the latter her sister. Mrs Ada Bell Clothier was also her sister. Their wedding trip was to Vancouver B.C. & Honolulu.

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Oak Hill June 19, 1931 6:33 AM

Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death at Wooster, O, where she is being buried today of Mrs Eliza Jane Leighty Woodward, mother of Guy Woodward, controller of Washington Co, Pa at her home 203 Grant St Wooster O (make slip) where she has resided since 1902. She was born Jany 30, 1855 in Dunbar Tp, Fayette Co, Pa, the daughter of Stephen & Eliza Leighty. On Jany 11, 1872, she married D.D. Woodward also of Dunbar Tp & moved to Brier Hill & from there to Wooster, O in 1902.

At the age of 15, she joined the Cumberland Pres Ch at Liberty & on moving to Wooster, O affiliated with the Reformed Church of Wayne Co, O

Besides her husband, she is survived by the following children all of whom are prominent in their respective towns & cities.

1 to 4. Guy, S.L., Davis & Eastman all of Charleroi, Pa

5. Mrs A.M. Higinbotham of Doylestown, Pa

6 - 8 Mrs H.S. Grobble, Mrs D.H. Coleman & F.W. Woodward, all of Wooster, O also by 24 grandchildren & six great grandchildren.

V25 Page 337

I have a letter dated June 10, 1931 in answer to mine from Hugh H. Caruthers, owner of the Cookeville Mfg Co, Antique Furniture of Cookeville, Tenn who has but little information about his ancestors, but is much interested & wishes a book if we can connect up his line & asks the price. He says his grandfather told him when he was a small boy that their ancestors came from Ireland landing in Maryland & migrated to North Carolina & Tennessee.

He makes a sidewhang [sic] genealogical table which is not clear, but as near as I can figure out, he thinks his ancestor was Joe Caruthers who had a son Joseph William Caruthers a blacksmith who died 1889 & had children:

John Henry Caruthers 1836-1923

Ben, Steve, Joe, Emma, Maggie, Buck, Layfatte [sic] 8 children, John Henry 1836-1923 had Joe & Josiah, twins, Sarah Jane, Jim, Henry, Mary Addival, Julia, Steve Benton b 1872 & living

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Maggie, John, Alex & Emma Cowell 12 children, Then Steve Benton b 1872 had: Claude M., Hugh H. my informant, Violet D. & Clifford S. I am writing him & sending him a questionnaire.

A letter postmarked yesterday from Clara V. Woods see b 17 p 427 confirms 1874 as year of birth given by her brother instead of 1870 as given by herself.

Her daughter Helen Margaret married Paul Lincoln Edinger & has three sons all born in Carlisle Pa:

1. Robert Woods Edinger b June 21, 1925

2. Paul Richard Edinger b Jany 14, 1928

3. James Thomas Edinger b Dec 14, 1929

Her daughter Elizabeth Maclay Woods was married June 11, 1927 to Charles E. Bennett Jr born in Harrisburg, Pa Sept 12, 1904 son of Charles E. Bennett & wife Emma Wolford.

They have one child:

1. Helen Louise Bennett born July 17, 1928

V25 Page 339

I have a much appreciated letter from Mrs Rebecca E. Linn widow of Prof Alonzo Linn who says to address her as Mrs Alonzo Linn 236 Chess St Monongahela, Pa second cousin of my father, written entirely by herself & dated June 7, 1931 by reason of her age (born 1835 or 1837) & its kindly expressions I am copying entire:

"June 7, 1931

My dear Mr Thompson:

My family have suddenly developed an interest in their Jack ancestors & I can give them no data beyond my great grandfather, John Jack & the tradition that his father was Patrick Jack. In you investigations, have you learned anything further: where the family came from or anything definite about them. My sons would be very much interested & grateful to you for any information you could give us.

We have watched for & read all the details of your care & been very sympathetic with you & hope that all your troubles may be soon ended now that property

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seems to be dawning. I have been so proud of your financial success hitherto & hope their [sic] will be a recurrence of the same. I sincerely trust that your sight has been entirely restored and that your health is good as in former happy times. With kindest regards,

Your affectionate kinswoman,

Rebecca E. Linn

Address Mrs Alonzo Linn

236 Chess St.

Monongahela, Pa"

V25 Page 341

Oak Hill June 20, 1931 7:30 AM

In a letter postmarked June 15, 1931 from Miss Jennie G. Finley 244 N. Union St, Delaware O, she gives the name of her cousin in Calif as Mrs Emma E. Clark whose last address was 1273 Dominion Ave, Altadena, Calif.

The table of her family is at Page 138, this book. She does not have any word of her grandmother Martha Lindsey Finley except date of her death & that she is buried in their city cemetery at Delaware O but does not have a marker. Her husband James Finley is buried in a cemetery in Liberty Tp, Delaware Co, O

She cannot now give record of his second wife Jane F. Gillis. Her cousin, Emma E. Clark is a daughter of her Aunt Martha Finley born Aug 19, 1849 see page 138 & I am writing her this morning.

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I have a letter dated June 13, 1931 by direction of Mrs Ponting from Mrs E. Violetta Elliott, widow of Wm G. Elliott of 291 McLean Ave, Yonkers, NY which gives her own & children's record which I am transferring from B 24 p 364 to next page. She gives a date of birth of Washington L. Elliott which differs from what Mrs Ponting gave me.

She says her daughters want a copy of the Elliott book & says her husband's own sister Jessie Woodward had one but she don't know who completed it. If there is not such a book, she wants me to let them know when mine is completed so they can get one.

She asks if I have the names of the other children of Com Jesse Duncan Elliott & if not suggests that she may get some of them for me. Two grandsons of his lived in Brooklyn, NY. Their widows still live there. Their names were Elliott H. Spangler & Jacob R. Spangler, sons of Frances R. Elliott who married a Spangler of York, Pa. I am writing her to get their records.

Says any time I am in NY they will be glad to see or hear from me.

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[descendant chart]

Genl Washington Lafayette Elliott see b 24 p 364 born in Carlisle, Pa Mch 31, 1825, married 1 Oct 20, 1846 at Newport Barracks, Harriet Eloise Jones, daughter of Michael Jones of Cincinnati, O. Married 2 185- Valeria Biddle Blaney


Jessie Vaughn Elliott, married

William Graham Elliott b Apr 25, 1852 at Fort Merrill, Texas ob June 28, 1924 at Yonkers, NY & is buried in Mt Hope Cem Hastings NY. Married 1 Florence Myrick, married 2 Jany 29, 1895 in Yonkers NY Mrs Elizabeth Violetta Preston (nee Cox) a widow with one son who was born in Lincoln, England, Dec 23, 1874 daughter of Thomas Cox & wife Mary Ann Smith who is my good informant for this record. Had two children born at Yonkers NY

Alice Vaughn Elliott b May 25, 1896 married Oct 20, 1917 to Stephen Joseph Kodak b Aug 3, 1891 in Vienna Austria. Have two children born in Yonkers, NY

Preston Frank Kodak b Mch 3, 1919

Alice Elizabeth Kodak b July 8, 1923

Harriet Violetta Elliott b Feby 23, 1905 married Nov 10, 1925 in NY City Ernest Ralph Vegh b Jany 1, 1902 in Debs? Hungary ob Feby 16, 1928 in Detroit, Mich. Have one child born in Detroit, Mich.

Mary Eloise Vegh b Aug 30, 1926

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I have a letter dated June 16, 1931 from Kenneth Gilmore of 1201 Polk St, Topeka, Kansas (make slip) asking about the Greason which he says I wrote about to his mother some years ago. Am writing asking if he descends from Mary Carothers who married J.D. Greason at Carlisle, Pa.

A letter dated Mary 20, 1931 in answer to my Apr letter from A.R. Markle Box 506 Terre Haute, Ind gives date of Sophia Dorothea, daughter of Peter Markle as Jany 27, 1758 see b 24 p 592 where I had it July but have changed in as he now reports her baptism as occurring Feby 19, 1758. He says the records about great grandfather Casper Markle's youngest sister are confusing unless you know the family. For instance:

In the marriage papers, she is called Magdalena, in her father's will, Anna Lena & on her tombstone, Anna Helena & from it we get her dates of birth & death.

He says these are the only dates decipherable of the first generation following Christian 1678-1766 but he copied many of the next two generations which he is giving me.

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John (this is given as Johannes but I have Anglicized all names)

Feby 13, 1790-June 24, 1843

Susanna, his wife Aug 23, 1783 - Aug 14, 1862

John Peter Aug 23, 1777 - Dec 26, 1857

Catharine, his wife Sept 23, 1780 - Jany 4, 1858

David, their son, Dec 2, 1801 - Sept 22, 1875

Casper Sept 15, 1751 - July 9, 1821

Blandina, his wife (Hottenstein) Nov 8, 1753 - Sept 8, 1826

Jacob, son of above pair Dec 21, 1779 - Dec 29, 1850

Catherine, his wife Apr 3, 1781 - Jany 24, 1870

Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob & Catherine above & wife of Elias Moyer Feby 7, 1802 - July 9, 1845

Hannah, wife of Ephraim Hill Feby 3, 1807 - Oct 28, 1874

Benjamin, son of Casper June 6, 1794 - June 6, 1859

Hannah, wife of Benjamin June 23, 1792 - Jany 28, 1859

William, their son Mch 22, 1823 - May 4, 1856

Peter Apr 20, 1808 - Oct 19, 1865

Gideon Jany 25, 1804 - June 12, 1875

Maggie, wife of Oscar D. Adam died Mch 2, 1890 aged 24 yrs 3 mos 9 days

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John, ob Sept 20, 1914 aged 75 yrs 4 days

Sallie, his wife ob Feby 28, 1890 aged 50 yrs 6 mos 25 days

I find I have also the marriage Dec 18, 1750 of George, son of Christian Markle to Christina, daughter of Jacob Ohl [best guess] Here are a few random births taken from the record:

John George, son of George & Margaret Jany 22, 1762

Magdalena, daughter of Casper & Elizabeth Apr 21, 1764

David son of George & Margaret Dec 23, 1764

Abraham son of George & Maria Magdalena Jany 7, 1766

Maria Christina, daughter of George & Catharine Apr 17, 1766

Esther M. daughter of George & Margaret Mch 29, 1766

Esther, daughter of Casper & Elizabeth Sept 13, 1766

Daniel son of George & Maria Magdalena Nov 12, 1767

Elizabeth, daughter of George & Margaret Nov 21, 1767

Anna Elizabeth daughter of George & Christina June 4, 1768

Magdalena daughter of John George & Maria Magd. Dec 9, 1769

Jacob son of George & Christina June 12, 1770

Daniel son of Casper & Cathn Elizabeth Aug 14, 1771

John George son of George & Maria Magdalena Nov 9, 1771

Anna (Hannah) daughter of Casper & Blantina June 7, 1776

Daniel son of George & Christina Mch 16, 1776

George son of Casper & Blandina June 25, 1777

Jacob son of Casper & Blandina Dec 21, 1779

John son of George & Maria Magd. Feby 13, 1780

Solomon son of Casper & Blandina May 13, 1782

Jacob son of Christian & wife Aug 9, 1782

Wilhelm son of Christian & Maria Nov 6, 1783

Elizabeth daughter of Christian & Catherine Jany 22, 1782

Jonathan son of Christian & Catherine Jany 9, 1784

John son of Christian & Maria Oct 25, 1783

Benjamin son of Christian & Catharine Feby 20, 1786

Maria daughter of Christian & Catharine May 8, 1788

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Abraham, son of Casper & Elizabeth Feby 20, 1769

Elizabeth Kraemer daughter of Frederick & Anna Maria Sept 25, 1751

John Casper son of John George & Anna Christina Sept 15, 1751

Magdalena Biehl daughter of Peter & Helena Aug 15, 1752

Maria Catherine daughter of George & Maria Christina Oct 5, 1753

John George son of John George & Christina Jany 12, 1756

Anna Rosina, daughter of Casper & Catharine (Grimm) Feby 7, 1756

Ann Maria daughter of George & Christina (Hill) Aug 11, 1757

Catherine Elizabeth daughter of Casper & Elizabeth Aug 20, 1757

Maria Magdalena daughter of George & Maria Christina Nov 24, 1759

Peter, son of Christian & Maria Bapt Palm Sunday 1759

Christian son of George & Christina, this should be Maria Christina Nov 26, 1761. Am sending these thinking some of them may be helpful although many of them familiar to you. Wants to have from me what I learned of locations in Canada where his Abraham went.

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Oak Hill June 21, 1931 2:27 PM

I have a letter dated Nov 6, 1926 from Margaret A. Gist of 191 Kings Mountain St, York S.C. who at request of her nephew David Edward Finley Esq of Wash D.C. sends me the following record but as no book or page is mentioned I will have to locate it later.

Mary Elizabeth Finley married July 19, 1916 Walter Bedford Moore Jr. Their children are:

1. Annie Lee Adiches [sic] Moore b May 14, 1917

2. Walter Bedford Moore 3d b Jany 23, 1919

3. Bessie Finley Moore b Aug 11, 1920

4. Sara Gist Moore b Feby 26, 1922

Frances Finley married Nov 10, 1916 Joseph Dexter Brown. Their children are:

1. Mary Elizabeth Brown b Jany 21, 1918

2. Edward Finley Brown b Oct 4, 1919

3. Dexter Brown Jr b Nov 26, 1922

4. Lillian Amanda Brown b Oct 30, 1923

5. Clarence Gist Brown b Feby 4, 1926

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A letter postmarked Nov 8, 1925 from Mrs C.E. Service for Mrs E.F. Carothers answering my letter to Mrs Emily Prince Carothers then 93 yrs old, widow of Dr James Henderson Carothers see b 14 p 55 & page 36 this book says they do not have any old Carothers bible & thinks it was destroyed or stolen. Say that Harvey Morrison's address is 3929 High St, Oakland Calif. Am writing to him now. The letter gives the data I asked for which I have recorded on page 39 of this book & the letter dated Nov 6, 1925 says Mrs Emily F. Carothers nee Prince has been failing since Mch last & may pass on any time. She encloses a type written sketch of the death of Mrs Eliza Jane Morrison see page 38 but it is too dim to read tonight. By reason of her poor health, she is not able to give the information she otherwise have gladly done.

Important events which occurred in the United States during the life of James H. Carothers M.D.

Invention of percussion lock 1825

India Rubber shose first worn 1826

False collars first worn 1826

first railroad 1826

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John Adams died July 4, 1826

Thomas Jefferson died July 4, 1826

Commenced eating tomatoes 1828

James Monroe died June 28, 1836

Invention of the revolver 1835

Letter envelopes introduced 1838

Daguerreotypes first taken 1840

First message by electric telegraph 1844

Letter postage by weight 1845

United States War with Mexico 1845

Sewing machines invented 1847

Letter stamps first used 1852

Celebrates the laying of the Ocean Cable 1858

War of the Rebellion 1861

Friction matches introduced 1863

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Apr 15, 1865

Assassination of James A. Garfield July 2, 1881

Dr James H. Carothers has lived during nineteen Presidential elections & fifteen Presidents of the U.S. & in the lifetime of all of the Presidents of the U.S. except George Washington.

Dr J.H. Carothers with the compliments of the compiler

Geo F. Worth

Dec 30, 1893

June 21, 1931, He lived over 14 yrs longer or until May 14, 1908 JVT

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Eliza Jane Carothers born June 5, 1817 at Ohioville, Beaver Co, Pa where she spent the years of her childhood with the exception of two years spent at East Palestine, O. In 1832, she emigrated with her parents to Crawford Co, O. Her grandfather was a Revolutionary soldier & her father was in the War of 1812

Her parents were of the sturdy Scotch Irish Presbyterian extraction & for 50 yrs her father maintained a wide spread & enviable prestige as an early school teacher of those days. From 1875 to 1879 they lived in Kansas & then moved to Mineral City, O. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church & later Reformed Church. She was a typical pioneer strong of body & mind.

She was survived by three sons:

S.A. Morrison of Topeka, Kansas

J.H. Morrison of Protection, Kansas

& R.R. Morrison of Mineral City, Ohio

Also six grandchildren & three great grandchildren. Buried Sunday June 18, 1905.

It was her 97th birthday instead of her 93d as Mrs Devol thought that her Aunt, Mrs Emily F. (Prince) Carothers had celebrated.

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Oak Hill June 22, 1931 7 AM

I have a letter dated Jany 24, 1928 from Mrs Geo H. Pinney, Los Angeles, Calif, but this time giving no street address, asking if I had heard from Finley Taylor 510 Howard Ave, Balto, Md (which I had) & from Hattie Smith, C.E. Smith 421 W. Payne St, Monroe Wis (which I have & am holding to find book & page) & says if so, try Mrs Cora Brooke, Martin Sta, Md (I think I wrote her once but make slip). None of the family get any answers from the letters to her.

I come again to letter dated June 29th 1926 in answer to mine of sometime before from Mrs Eva B. Wylie 3616 3d Ave, Los Angeles Calif who writes very cordially but I do not find that she answered mine of May 26, 1927 asking for Book & page, so I will table now the information she sends on page 354 although unable to say to what family she belongs, but will probably run across it later. She says her brother, Edward Russell Bartlett was living in Ohio when he died & the Guthries lived at Athens, O.

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Says she knows nothing about Rachel as she was not in their immediate family, but she thinks Rush Bartlett, East Winfield, Herkimer Co NY a cousin of her father could help me. She says there are two genealogies of the Bartlett family extant back in Mass.

See pages 464-465.

V25 Page 354 & V25 Page 355

[descendant chart]

Edward Curran Bartlett died Sept 1905, married Mary Jane Moore b Oct 8, 1848 in York, England, daughter of Wm W. Moore & wife Thomasina Foggelt who at the writing was living with her daughter, Eva, my informant. They had six children. The second one born in Topeka, Kan the 6th in Omaha, Neb & the other four in Chillicothe, O.


Eva Bartlett b Mch 16, 1871 my informant married July 2, 1910 James N.G. Wylie b June 12, 1855 at Duanesburg, NY ob at Los Angeles, Calif Feby 5, 1926 was son of James Gifford Wylie & wife Eleanor Fadder [sic may be Faddex, or Fadden either] She lives 3616 3rd Ave, Los Angeles Calif evidently no issue.

William Evert Bartlett b Jany 2, 1873 married Sept 12, 1912 Ellen Houlder b Sept 12, 1870 in Tasmania. Live Wilden, Idaho. Am writing. She born at Hagley, Tasmania, daughter of John Houlder & wife Sarah Jane Crawford. No issue.

Mary T. Bartlett b Feby 23, 1875 ob July 23, 1875 in infancy

Grace E. Bartlett b June 20, 1876 married Jany 28, 1897 George S. Murphy. Live 3601 Hughes Ave, Culver City, Calif. Have two children see b 26 p 276 top.

John Bartlett Murphy b June 16, 1898 at Macedonia, Iowa married July 1926 at Honolulu, Hawaii to Edith Adele Linderman born there Oct 1906 daughter of Mr & Mrs F.I. Linderman. He is 1st Lieut Field Artillery U.S. Army

Mary Louise Murphy b Dec 29th 1900 at Chicago, Ills, married Aug 8, 1921 in Los Angeles Wyett Olds Headley b June 23, 1888 in Abilene, Tex. He is a merchant in Ventura, Calif. 2 children.

Robert Olds Headley b June 20, 1925

Wyett Eugene Headley b Nov 23, 1929

Edward Russell Bartlett b Apr 15, 1880 ob, married 1 Hattie Guthrie & had one son. Married 2 Mary J. Farquar see pages 464-5

Harry Guthrie married & living in Ohio

Robert Guthrie married & living in Omaha, Neb

Thomas M. Bartlett b May 10, 1889 lives RFD 3 Caldwell, Idaho, married & has 2 children. Writing.

V25 Page 356

A letter dated Oct 22, 1925 in answer to mine from Mrs Cora Shirey 1314 Locust ST, Compton, Calif says her husband was born Apr 26, 1876. The family bible write [sic]

H. Boyd RD #2 Wooster, O who may be able to inform me concerning the family bible. Am writing him today. Make slip.

I have a letter dated Feby 3, 1926 in answer to mine from Mrs Ida Lodwick Brown 818 Kimpan Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif. I knew Mary Driesbach who was a sister of Elizabeth Coates of Portsmouth, O

Now as to questions:

Finley Rodgers died abt 2u8 yrs ago, was a grandson of Jane Lodwick McCake & is buried in Spring Grove Cem, Cincinnati where they lived always (made slip for this Feby 5, 1926)

Julia Finley Darling was Julia Kinney daughter of Martha Scott Lodwick who married Eli Kinney of Portsmouth, O & lived in Cincinnati, O. Julia Darling lives in NY City with her daughter Martha Darling Johnston (Mrs George Johnston)

V25 Page 357

No 146 East 38th St.

2d The name of cemetery was Spring Grove Cincin, O & most of the Lodwicks are buried there. Make slip.

3d I think I own the only portrait of Col Lodwick but at present it is packed away in my daughter's home in Duluth, Minn.

4th Exact dates of my father's birth & marriage are in the Lodwick bible that my mother gave to Lydia Wood of Portsmouth, O who had two sons John & Will & I don't know whether they are still living.

5th My father, J.H. Lodwick died in the early eighties. His wife, my mother's full name was Eliza Ann Stevens, who lived in Wheeling WVA, ran away when 16 yrs & was married at Morgantown, WVA

James G. Blaine lived not far from there who she knew well as a boy. Eliza Stevens Lodwick born Jany 18, 1823 & died in Duluth Minn Apr 18, 1905. J.N. Lodwick & wife had 4 children of whom two died in infancy

6. Ida M. Lodwick Brown married Thos Petchell Brown Oct 24, 1864 in Portsmouth, O. He was born in Harrisburg, Pa Sept 1837 & died in Duluth, Minn May 15, 1903. His father William Scantelberry Brown & mother Charlotte Pechtell [sic] were married in London, Eng & sailed for America

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on their honeymoon & decided to settle in Hbg, Pa coming later to Portsmouth, O.

Children of Thos P. Brown & Ida M.:

1. Charlotte passed away in infancy

2. Sarah born in Portsmouth, O Mch 18, 1867 died in Duluth Minn in Jany 1912

3. Arthur Lannier? born in Portsmouth, O Feby 1872 married A.C. Jamison, Duluth Minn Dec 6, 1896 & have 3 children:

1. Lenora Patterson of Spokane, Wash who has 4 children

2. Chauncey Brown Jamison who married Katharine Hayes in 1924 & has one baby

3. Frances Jamison, unmarried

4. Nellie Stevens Brown b July 1874 unmarried

5. Thomas Paul Brown born Portsmouth, O in 1876 married Adeline Oliver of Spokane, Wash. Has 2 children, Oliver & Barbara & lives in Portland, Oregon.

6. William Scantelberry Brown born in Portsmouth, O in 1878 lives in Portland, Oregon single

7. Lillian Gordon Brown born in Portsmouth, O in 1881 married R.C. Jamison of Duluth, Minn in 1910. Have one son Kenneth Brown Jamison. Home Duluth Minn.

V25 Page 359

8. Morris Stevesn Brown born in Portsmouth, O in aug 1884 is unmarried & living in Bend, Oregon.

6th. My brother Blashford Lodwick never married, was born in Cloverport, Ky in 1840. He went to Colorado after going through the Civil War with his own Co returned to Ohio. Went to Boston & sailed for England in 1880 & it is supposed the ship went down for he was never heard from since. See b 14 p 350 see b 25 p 425

This bunch of 22 small envelopes were evidently laid aside because they named no book or page. Here is another dated Mch 21, 1927 from Mrs C.H. Lunbeck Ventura, Calif. She was Marjory Helen Hemphill born July 3, 1878 at Shoptown near Shippensburg, Pa married at Beatrice, Neb Feby 18, 1904 to Clarence Hubert Lunbeck born at Beatrice Neb Sept 10, 1880 son of Luther Stewart Lunbeck & wife Hattie Annie Pettigrew. Have two children born at Beatrice, Neb.

1. Lawrence Hemphill Lunbeck b Aug 22, 1906

2. Robert Stewart Lunbeck b July 28, 1918

V25 Page 360

I have a letter dated Feby 2, 1926 in answer to mine of Jany 19, 1926 from Mrs Frances E. Lee of Wilmington, Calif who says Mrs Ida L. Brown could better answer these questions as she always lived with them. She does not think her grandfather had any middle name or initial his name being: Capt Kennedy Lodwick. His wife was Caroline Louisa Wood. I do not know date of their marriage. She died May 11, 1852 aged 45 years.

They had but one child which was my mother viz:

Matilda Jane Lodwick b May 3, 1828 in Ohio ob Apr 1900 in Ashtabula, O aged 72 married Crityer but don't know date. Had four children:

1. Lt Charles Preston Crityer eldest b 1845 at Norfolk ob 1911 in Spokane, Washington aged 65 years.

2. Caroline Amelia b Sept 26, 1848 in Naples Ills & died in Peru, Ind in 1914 married Henry E. Dresser. They had one child Kennedy Dresser who is now living in Peru, Ind make slip.

3. Frances Emma my informant b Sept 7, 1850 in Naples, Ills

V25 Page 361

married Charles Kenner Lee. Have two daughters both living one at Bluffs, Ills & the eldest at Long Beach, Calif.

4. _______ her youngest brother (name not given) was born at Naples, Ills Sept 1, 1862. He is now living at Cleveland, O & have 8 children living, do not know who they married.

While I am writing for his name & address make Ohio slip to look up Crityer there.

Capt Kennedy Lodwick died at Naples, Ills Feby 25, 1876 aged 72 years.

Do not know the dates of William's son Lodwick's birth, marriage or death.

See b 14 p 350

see page 424 this book.

V25 Page 362

Oak Hill June 23, 1931 7:22 AM

A letter dated June 20, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Catherine Londen Eskridge 120 Logan St, Leavenworth, Kansas says her mother Mary Forsythe Carothers died Apr 24, 1856 & was buried in Rensalaer Co near Hannibal, MO see b 24 p 605.

Yesterday's Morning Herald announces the death on Sunday 3:45 PM June 21, 1931 of Mrs Emma E. Hough Strawn, wife of Martin E. Strawn. She was daughter of Joseph W.R. & Nannie Hough & was born Aug 24, 1860 at Fitz Henry Westnd Co, Pa & on June 27, 1884 she was married at Pittsburgh, Pa to Martin E. Strawn & since which time she has lived in Darwin, Pa except for a short time at Star Junction where he is a banker & coal magnate, member of Cochran Memorial Meth Epis Ch.

Survived by her husband & children

1. Joseph H. of Dawson

2. William M. of Morgantown [unreadable abbreviation looks like WR]

3. Allen E. of Allenport, Pa

V25 Page 363

4. Mrs Nanna Mae Crossland of Donora

5. Clarence M. of Cincinnati, O also nine grandchildren & two sisters: Mrs M.K. Kelly of Fitz Henry, Mrs Ida Kelly of West Newton. Make slip.

See if her mother was not Nancy Bell daughter of Andrew Finley 1750-1829 who married a Hough for her second husband & if so get all of these records.

V25 Page 364

I have a letter dated Jany 28, 1926 in answer to mine of Nov 30, 1925 from Julia R. Edgmore 418 Washington St, Quincy, Ills

I am an inmate of the Home for the aged here having come Oct 4th last as I have outlived all the members of my family. She had served there as a nurse for six years & hence selected it. She does not have her father's bible. Someone else got it. Her Aunt Rachel Caruthers married Thomas Anderson of Carlinville, Ills & had two daughters, one son Samuel who died many years ago. Louisa married William Cundall & lived to have two little girls, then died & after two years the older sister Mary Anderson married Wm Cundall & lived to see those little girls, young ladies & died in 1870 at Carlinville, Ills

Her Aunt Matilda Caruthers married Joshua Wilcox & had 3 children:

Mary, Lucy & Samuel

Mary never married, died in Aug 1866. Samuel died in Mch 1859. The Wilcox children were all born in Island Grove, Ills near Springfield. Lucy Wilcox married Stephen Rhea & had one son. Lucy died in July 1917. They lived near New Berlin, Sangamon Co, only a few miles.

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from Springfield, both born in Waverly, Ills.

Malinda Caruthers, her mother married Alexander Edgmon on Oct 31, 1847 (she says 1857 but I am changing it) & had 7 children born in Waverly, Ills.

1. William Newton b Apr 20, 1849 & died Sept 20, 1879

2. Julia Rebecca Anna, myself b Sept 29, 1851 in Waverly, Ills

3. Martin Simpson b Nov 13, 1852 died Apr 10, 1853 in Waverly, Ills

4. Laura Narcissus b Mch 3, 1855 died Nov 24, 1919 when 3 yrs old had spinal meningitis & lost both her hearing & speech, but recd a fine education in Institute of Gov for deaf mutes at Jacksonville, Ills. Laura was born in Decatur, Ills.

6. George Edward b Mch 1, 1860 died July 10, 1914 not married

7. Mary Louisa b May 31, 1865 & died Mch 30, 1872

5. Walter Allen Edgmon b July 10, 1858 & died Apr 5, 1921 married July 24, 1889 Clara Lambert of Brookfield, Mo & had 5 children.

1. Wm Alexander Edgmon b 1894 married & lives in Brookfield, Mo

2. Walter Evans Edgmon b 1898 single

3. Julia Emma Edgmon b 1895

4. Grace Edgmon b 1891

All at home at Brookfield, Mo with their mother.

[note birth dates & numerical order do not match. Children #2 & #3 should be reversed.]

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5. Mary Edgmon is wife of Aubrey Springer of Tulsa, Okla.

Narcissa Caruthers her Aunt married John Chilton & had 5 children.

1. Edward & 2. Frederick, twins both died in infancy in 1859

3. Mary Emma who died Apr 6, 1922 aged 70 yrs, never married

4. Ida May died Aug 1881 aged 26 yrs not married. Lived in Berry Pike Co, Ills

5. Charles Chilton of Quincy, Ills died Aug 1910 aged 47 yrs married Etta Kendall of El Dora Ills & had 3 children:

1. Charles Chilton died in infancy in 1890

2. Vida Daphne aged 34 wife of James Edwardson of Hannibal, Mo No issue.

3. Mayne Carothers Chilton who was eventually killed in auto wreck Mch 4, 1924 aged 31 yrs. It was his widow, Mrs Lucile Chilton to whom you addressed your first letter in 1240 [sic] Vermont, Ills

My grandfather's sister who located in Oregon in the early 40s was named Sarah. I think she had been married,

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but her husband died soon after marriage. They had one son born his name Phineas. She married in Oregon & I don't know whether any of her folks ever knew her married name.

Her son grew to manhood, but never knew any more until we heard he died.

My paternal grandfather's name was William Edgmon & his wife was Mary Lumen, daughter of Thomas Lumen born near Cork, Ireland.

I have a very dim remembrance of my grandmother Caruthers but it remains to this day as a sweet faced old lady with a white cap on her head. My mother was born in Arkansas but they came to Ills when she was 5 yrs old & she was too young to remember much about it.

My grandmother Edgmon's maiden name was Rebecca Simpson. They came from near Nashville, Tenn. Her father, Elexander Edgmon owned a large tract of land in Jacksonville, Ill & laid out a large addition to the city when I was a small girl. He was Alderman for 6 yrs. He was a contractor & a civic benefactor. He died in Hannibal, Mo & was buried in Jacksonville, Ill, our old home.

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She signs:

Julia R.A. Edgmon

Old Folks Home

Quincey, Illinois

She advocated the starting a school for young ladies & was a charter member. My father was a member of the Westminister Presbyterian Church & gave liberally to it. My mother was a Methodist but after marriage went to Pres. She says her mother loved to talk to her about her father's people & the Caruthers which she loved to hear of it, but what she has given is from memory.

Am writing to her today.

This great Aunt she speaks of is evidently the mother of "Finis" Caruthers who laid out the Caruthers addition to Portland, Oregon.

V25 Page 369

I have a letter dated Jany 20, 1928 in answer to mine from Miss Fay Denny, Sorento, Ills see my book 21 page 108 who surprised at the remarkable coincidence of where I have her Finley's tabled, says a relative, Miles Finley who was in the navy during the war, was in Wash D.C. looking up descendants & found it in Encyclopedia No 21 page 108. She says if I ever come to Sorento or Donnellson, Ills, I could get information by asking questions they don't think of. Make slips for both places. She says she will help all she can & says I have told her much to straighten out the tangles in her line.

Says most of the Finleys are buried in the Mt Pleasant Cem & Bear Creek Cem Donnellson, Ills. Says if she can be any further help to let her know. Make slip to take her with me to above cemeteries. She says she hasn't been to the cemeteries by reason of rains & floods & bad roads, but hopes to go later.

She says the letters she referred to belong to Miss Lizzie Finley of Donnellson, Ills, make slip,

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who is in poor health & she prizes them very highly & is hesitant about letting them out of her hands except to be read in her own home. Does not know date of death or where buried of her ancestor Andrew Finley nor can she find anyone that has such records. They suppose he was in the Revolutionary War but do not have any records to show it.

She doesn't know any more about Andrew's son John born 1755 see b 15 p 108 but says the Paisleys might give some data, but the ones she knows do not have any records.

Does not know anything of the three daughters b 21 p 108 nor of Samuel, than heretofore given, nor of William

Says her ggf Michael is buried in the old cemetery referred to.

She thinks he was a farmer or cabinet maker & that he was the youngest child. Says all the dates heretofore given me were taken from an old family bible at one time although I haven't seen all the bibles. Had no other dates except what I have given. Cannot find dates of birth or death or parentage of Sinai Taylor. Expecting soon to get parentage

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of Eleanor Paisley.

Said the oldest son of Michael viz Andrew was born in NC & thinks too that the next two Elizabeth & William were born in NC & the other ten as far as I can find out were born in Tennessee. The old Finley Homestead was 2 1/2 to 3 miles north of Sorento, Ill & in early settling days was known as Pleasant Prairie.

June 25, 1931 7 AM

Says to write Will Dressor, Reno, Ills, writing this morning see b 21 p 110

Eleanor Finley born June 29, 1810 see b 21 p 111 in Robinson Co, Tenn died in Newton, Kansas & buried in Newton Cemetery. She married Robert Wilson Denny (brother of Samuel who married her sister Catherine) who was born Pleasant Prairie on Shoal Creek Tp it is now called, of Bond Co, Ills & is buried at Reno, Ills. The dates she gives for her Dennys are taken fr Robt W. Denny's bible. Thomas Carson Donnell who married Jane Finley was brother of Nancy Jane Donnell who married her brother Michael Finley.

She thinks Isaac Knight who married Nancy Finley b 21 p 114 was a brother of John Knight b 21 p 109 who married her sister Margaret but she don't have Isaac's dates or any trace of his descendants. Don't know who has bible of her grand Uncle Andrew Finley b Apr 8, 1790 see b 21 p 108.

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[descendant chart]

Imbert Denny see b 21 p, b Jany 11, 1835 ob Mch 19, 1910 married 1 Aug 8, 1863 Emily Bowen b May 14, 1842 ob Sept 20, 1867. Had 3 children Married 2 Feby 28, 1871 Malinda J. Armstrong b June 21, 1849 & had 8 children.


Child died at birth

Child died at birth

Nellie Denny b Oct 24, 1866 married Mary 5, 1890 Charles Fellows

Otis Fellows b June 6, ob

Imbert Fellows

Arthur Fellows

Rowena Fellows

Charlotte Fellows

Emily Denny b Jany 1, 1872

Narcissa Denny b Jany 3, 1874

Hattie Denny b Apr 26, 1875

James Imbert Denny b Nov 6, 1877

Pearl Denny b May 5, 1879

Herschel Denny b Apr 9, 1883

Hilda Denny b Mch 14, 1885

Fay Denny b Oct 22, 1886, my good informant living at Sorento, Ills

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I have two letters dated Aug 10, 1924 & Sept 14, 1924 from Miss Mildred Grace Dilworth of Vermont, Ills which I held hoping to get answer from Mrs Harper of Lewistown, Ills who had her grandfather Dilworth's bible, but she never answered. I found Miss Dilworth when out at Vermont, Ill in Apr 1924 & got copy of record of the bible of her great grandparents Robert & Mary Carithers with all dates which I have in my record at that time. I will now table the data she sent me just as she gives it commencing on page 376. Says she can tell me something of the children of Noble, William, Robert & Martha Carithers & says Joseph Zoll of Vermont, Ills can tell me about Ruth's family.

She says she has the Dilworth tree from 1681 when her Quaker ancestors left England for America. She don't know to what part of Missouri Mary Carithers Colville's descendants went.

She says she never say her great grandmother Carithers bible but once & after grandmother Dilworth's death it was given to the Zoll family. So far as she knows, she is not related to the Pittsburgh, Pa Dilworths. Says they trace in a direct line from James Dilworth, A Quaker minister who in 1681 came from England to America.

V25 Page 375 [blank]

V25 Page 376 [missing]

V25 Page 377 [missing]

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[descendant chart]

Robert Carithers the younger, see page 376 married Miss Humphries of Lewistown, Ills.


David Carithers moved to Oregon many years ago, lawyer

John Carithers killed in Civil War 84th Ills

Dr William Carithers ob married, a physician, died in San Antonio, Texas. Left 6 children.

Eli Carithers ob unmarried

Mary Carithers married Ewing of Ipana, Ills & had 2 children

Ida Carithers ob, died young

Martha Carithers married Dr Don Waggoner of Lewistown, Ills. She keeps her home there & can tell about her branch. Am writing her today.

Louise Carithers married John Morrison of Ipana, Ills & have a son & a daughter.

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Oak Hill June 26, 1939 6 AM

I have a letter postmarked Feby 8, 1927 from Mrs M.A. Hawkes 1412 Main St, Elwood, Ind as follows:

James S. Jack born Muskingum Co, Ohio died Tipton, Ind 1854 50 old [sic]

Harriet Rebecca Winter born Muskingum Co, Ohio died Tipton Ind 1874 64 old.

Children of James S. Jack & Rebecca Jack:

1. John Jack married Sadie Foutch 8 children

2. James Jack married Maru [sic] Rhoades 5 children

3. Washington Jack married Isabell Decker 7 children

4. Benjamin Jack married Sarah Hanshew 3 children

5. Reese Jack married Polly A. Henshew 2 children

o Clark 810 So A. St Elwood, Indiana

Yours Resp. Mrs? W.A. Hawkes

Am writing this morning, but make slip if she doesn't answer. This is a big job with 51 grandchildren.

V25 Page 380

A letter dated Feby 28, 1927 in answer to mine from Mrs Lloyd Reich 348 RR H Indianapolis, Ind does not give a book or page but I am recording what she sends.

A. Lloyd Reich was born June 18, 1888 at West Salem, Edwards Co, Ills son of Edwin Allen Reich & wife Emma Elmira Martin

B. My children are:

1. Austin Edwin Reich born May 16, 1916 at Merwin, Sullivan Co, Ind died at birth

2. Wendell Lloyd Reich born Jany 20, 1918 at Olney, Richland Co, Ills

3. Orban Hutson Reich born Aug 30, 1920 at Merom, Sullivan Co, Ind

4. Donald Paul Reich born June 12, 1923 at Merom Sullivan Co, Ind

5. Donna Jean Reich born Sept 11, 1926 at Newrington, Hartford Co, Conn

Her husband is in the sales organization of the Audubon Realty Co 10 Johnson Ave Indianapolis, Ind.

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I have two letters one dated Jany 29, 1928 in answer to mine of Dec 14, 1927 & the other dated July 17, 1930 in answer to mine asking for book & page from Mrs Fred Roberts 305 E. Ohio St. Monticello, Ind saying she had lost or destroyed my letter giving book & page, so I will record here what she sends & connect up later.

She says in regard to my brother Benjamin F. Dill's family record, I have gotten the following for you:

No 1st Nellie B. Talbutt wife of B.F. Dill was born Mch 1, 1879 daughter of Benjamin Whitcolm Talbutt & wife Sarah J. Farquhar

No 2. Benjamin Markle Dill married Apr 10, 1923 Reva E. Freeman who was born Apr 1900

Since Leo Dill married Nov 3, 1926 Rose E. Freeman who was born July 24, 1902 both daughters of Ora Thomas Freeman & wife Alice Mahala Arbuckle.

Since Gwendolin Dill married Nov 28, 1927 Samuel V. Willcoxin born Apr 29, 1909 son of J.W. Willcoxin & wife Cassandra Deckman.

She wants to know about her father's older sister, Liza Pross. She thinks she has a twin but the twin must have died (he or she) as she never heard her father speak of it.

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P.S. William Dill is not married

Robert L. who you mention in your letter is not one of us. She says from tax lists, census & archives of Pa she was accepted by the D.A.R. record & has organized a chapter.

Solomon Dill's parents were Israel Dill & Barbara Pflautz. Israel Dill was in the Revolutionary War from Wash Co & spelled his name Dille.

I have another letter also without book & page dated Sept 9, 1926 in answer to mine of Apr 3, which had been filed away & forgotten from Mrs Matilda Seifert on letterhead of M.O. Seifert Plumbing Co 4512 Magom [best guess] Ave East Chicago, Ind saying her mother was born in Putnam Co, Indiana Aug 29, 1852 daughter of Lloyd Harris & wife Nancy Burnett.

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I have two letters dated Mch 18, & May 4, 1925 also without book & page from Mary E. Dillman, Shoals, Ind in answer to letters from me.

She says her father Isaac Carothers & his brothers William & James see b 5 p 485 were left orphans very young & hence didn't know much about their ancestors. James saw his older half brother Morris in Ills when he died. I have the records of my father's bible. He too was half brother of Morris. It just gives his father & mother's name viz Mary Cummings wife of William Carothers. I wrote to my sister-in-law some time ago to know about the history & her daughter. My sister-in-law is Belle S. Carothers, Gary Ind 417 Delaware St. They have some history & a family tree. Her daughter lives in Dallas Texas, but I can't give her address.

I saw Sophia Carothers Dill but I don't know her street & have been waiting to hear from her mother Belle S. Carothers. My father Isaac Carothers was in the Mexican War. Was a Capt in 50th Infantry Reg of the War of Rebellion, served 3 yrs. His brother, James, lived in Brown Co, Ind raised a large family, some of them lived in that county but I don't know much about them. Uncle William who lived

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Lawrence Co, Ind. He had three boys:

one lived in Calif

one in Kansas

one in this State.

I can give you a list of the living children. I am the oldest living. Am waiting to hear from Belle S. Carothers who has gotten much of the history together.

She gave me much of it but it was misplaced or lost.

Mary S. Carothers Dillman b June 30, 1850

Frances Carothers Smith born Sept 10, 1858

George William Carothers born Sept 27, 1860

Ann Carothers Marly born June 30, 1863

Isaac Thornton Carothers born Mch 3, 1866

Oliver Morton Carothers born Aug 8, 1868. He lives in St Louis, Mo & is mgr of the Carothers Casket Co.

George is in Indianapolis, Ind. He travels for a chain Co. We had a brother John, but he is dead, but he has a family living here in Shoals, Ind. We don't know where Isaac Thornton Carothers is, whether he lives or not, have not heard from him for 3 or 4 yrs. My sister-in-law says everyone who spells Carothers is of our family. She says her sister-in-law Belle S. Carothers has moved & I should write her.

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Her new address is 1705 Broadway, Gary, Ind

She says she is for me & will do all she can to help me & signs her name "Mary Carothers Dillman". Am writing her today & also to Belle S. Carothers See page 422.

I have a letter postmarked June 29, 1926 in answer to mine from Mrs Mary Sutphen [sic] 1407 3rd St Fort Madison, Iowa who says she is 65 yrs old & has raised seven children & one grandchild & will send me the births & deaths of her father & her mother & says her mother has one sister living in California & she will try to get something from her & gather in the records of her children & send them to me, but so far she has not done so. Am writing her today. Says she wd like to see a copy of the history.

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I have a letter dated Nov 16, 1927 in answer to mine from Flora Russell Dwiggins dated Orestes, Ind saying she would write all she knows about her father's family. She says my grandmother Sarah McLucas was born in Ireland (in this I feel sure she is mistaken see bk 20 p 178) don't know when or where & died in Bentonville, Fayette Co, Ind in the year 1834 (I have exact date Aug 29, 1835). I will write of the deaths of my father`s sisters & brothers. As this is the first time I have had their names, I will table them commencing on page 388.

She says she has no records & what she gives me is from what she has heard. Says I might get in touch with the McGrews or Hoels at Centreville, Ohio if any of them are living.

Am writing her today.

V25 Page 387 [blank]

V25 Page 388 & V25 Page 389

[descendant chart]

Sarah McLucas see b 20 p 175 daughter of John McLucas & his wife Martha Thompson died Aug 29, 1835 in Bentonville, Ind. Married _____Russell.


Robert Russell ob died in the Civil War

William Russell ob thinks he died in Ohio

Harshmann Russell ob died in the 80s

Nancy Russell ob 1903 in Centerville, O

Allen? Russell ob abt 1894 in Princeton, Mo Looks like "Alin"

Minerva Russell ob married Haskett. She died in Kansas

A son, her father b 1820 (maybe) in Bentonville, Ind ob Nov 12, 1893

Flora Russell married Dwiggins, lives at Orestes, Ind, my informant for this record.

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Oak Hill June 27, 1931 7:44 AM

I have a letter dated or rather postmarked Feby 1, 1928 in answer to mine from Mrs C.E. Smith 421 W. Payne St Monroe Wis who gives the following address: Mrs Pearl Long, Stickney, S.Dak daughter of her brother John William Roberts see b 22 p 88. Am writing her this morning.


Mrs Nellie Welsh 921 Inca St, Denver, Colorado, sister Naomi Ogrene Groman's daughter who may help give theirs. Am writing her today.

I have a letter dated June 18, 1931 in answer to mine from William Henry Rubush of No 611 Moran St, Gainesville, Texas who sends much of his own family which I don't want & says he has sent my letter to his wife at Odessa, Texas where she is now with her daughter to send me births & record of their children. He gives their names & who they married which I am recording here but gives no dates so I will wait to hear from his wife before tabling. See b 21 p 585 & b 26 p 46.

V25 Page 391

Earl Wilson Rubush married Bertie Duke. Has 2 boys

Lloyd Fletcher Rubush married Pearl Hord has 2 boys & 2 girls & his eldest girl has 2 girls.

Cora Alice married 1 Edward Branch, present husband Robert Lea, has 1 baby girl.

Joseph William married Inez Thomas has 1 baby girl

Lloyd has one little boy buried a few years ago.

His son Earl is in the lumber business at Overton, Tex

Lloyd is a decorator at Ft Worth, Texas.

Alice in the drug business at Odessa Texas.

Wm H. himself is a building contractor as was his father before him. His father was born in Rockingham Co, Va Dec 4, 1827 & died in Springfield, Mo Nov 25, 1913

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I have a letter dated June 23, 1931 in answer to mine from Kenneth Gilmore 1201 Polk St, Topeka, Kan who recently wrote me, see infra [sic] who says he finds a William Greason & Robert Greason in Cumb Co, Pa in 1790 & that Wm had 3 sons & 2 daughters & Robt had 4 sons & 4 daughters. His mother is or was Ida Brandon (now Gilmore) & her mother was Jane Amelia Greason, daughter of Samuel Greason who was son of James D. Greason 1776-1855 & his wife Mary Carothers see b 5 p 252 see b 17 p 223 see b 20 p [not given]

V25 Page 393

Oak Hill June 28, 1931 8 AM

Miss Estelle Finley of Columbia, Tenn sends an envelope from E.C. Finlay 2314 Cochran Ave, South Los Angeles, Calif on which she writes that he asks for a Finley history. Am writing her this morning. On it, she also writes that she thinks B.M. Finley of Amory, Monroe Co, Miss is related to Miss Myers of Nashville, Tenn. Am writing him.

A letter dated June 22, 1931 in answer to mine from Prof W. Shaffer Jack of the Univ. of Pa 1926 Diamond St, Phila, Pa says my letter stating that his ggfather Robert Jack came from the same part of Ireland as did mine, leads him to ask for their dates etc which I am sending him. He sends a list of 15 Jacks from the Phila Tel Directory from which Inste [sic]

Matthew T.A. Jack 211 E. Evergreen to whom I am writing on a venture.

V25 Page 394

I have a letter dated Apr 22, 1931 in answer to one from me from W.H. Thompson 174 W. Warren St, Cadiz, O in which he sends copy of an old letter he recently found written to his brother the late Thaddeus A.L. Thompson Esq of Steubenville, O. The letter is:

"Granger Dallas Co, Iowa Feby 9, 1900.

Mr Thompson, respected cousin,

I just met an old gentleman that was on adjoining farms with our great grandfather John Thompson. His name is Neal McElwee, he is a son of Daniel McElwee of Balyghey & their property adjoined the Thompson estate. Now for the names of property belonging to the Thompson estate, Rosnekiln, Bellanah and Tammeny, thecady, [sic] Bellakna, Rigorie the bady bridge where the John Thompson the Blacksmith lived.

This Neal McElwee is the husband of Sophia McElwee legbee [sic] Neal McElwee say to write to the Priest of Lannet Parish of Rosankil [sic]. When McElwee left Ireland, Lord Norman occupied the property. (Make slip)

I don't know whether you can understand so much Irish.

E.M. Coffeen"

I have spelled it as written. I never heard brother speak of this letter. He died in 1908. [looks like 1989]

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He says I have the commission of his grandfather Hugh Thompson as an officer in the War of 1812 & also two old letters one from William Thompson, the other from Alexander Thompson to their brother Hugh, my grandfather about the year 1839 or 1840 all of which he would feel relieved if I would return. I did not know I had them nor where they are, but will keep a look out for them & if found, will return them to him.

I have a letter dated June 20, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Jennie R. Shearer, now temporarily located at 577 Woodland Ave West, Ferndale, Mich in which she sends me copy of the will of her great great grandfather Samuel Rippey, which mentions several Finleys but she don't have its date. My mother used always to say that I expressed more interest in my ancestry than of the other children. She had her son-in-law make several copies & one for me to keep. Miss Ferguson of Hbg, Pa research worker told me years ago of running across an old Rippey will at Carlisle Pa who had two wives, the record naming one as Rachel provision

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for care of whose grave at Middle Spring after his decease he made. She gave me book & page which I marked on my "Family Tree" but unfortunately when we made a hurried move from my old home to the hotel, my "Family Tree" was lost.

Miss Ferguson also said there were notables mentioned all through the Rippey connection.

She also sends me a clipping cut from her home paper announcing the death of George H. Stewart of Shippensburg, Pa a Finley cousin, who I saw in Aug 1926. She says her mother was his first teacher & also taught his brother Hon. John Stewart, the Judge. She taught a select school.

The will recites that:

Samuel Rippey of Tp of Shippensburg, Co of Cumb, Pa being old & infirm of body (see page 178 where he died in 1793) yeoman.

Directs his lands & negro boy George be sold. To wife Rachel Rippey £100 bond to be paid by Robt Peebles & £10 yearly during widowhood & also his negro woman Rachel during same term & her increase & afterwards to anyone or all of my four children (see page 178 where I only show three). To my son Elijah Rippey lot 109 on King St Shippensburg, Pa & £100. To my grandson Samuel Allen Rippey £100.

V25 Page 397

I give to my grandson Samuel Rippey son of Elijah Rippey £10. I give to my granddaughters viz: Isabel Rippey daughter of my son Wm Rippey, Isabel Rippey daughter of my son Samuel Rippey, Isabel Findley daughter of James Finley [sic] the sum of £10 each.

I give to Jane Laughlin & to Jane Cooper daughters of my friend, Rev Robert Cooper £5 each (two Janes!!)

I give to my other grandchildren to wit: Margaret, Ruth, William, John & Jane children of my son William & to John, Elizabeth & Margaret children of my son Samuel & also to Samuel, John, James, & Mary children of James Finley (see page 178) £ each [no amount given] & to my said grandson Samuel Finley, I also give my silver shoe buckles, stock clasp & gold sleeve buttons. All legacies to be paid in gold or silver at same rate such pass at in the state. All sums bequeathed to minors & who shall be under the age hereinafter mentioned at the time of my decease.

Here it stops short (not finished)


Col Geo H. Stewart dies Suddenly at Shippensburg, Pa

Wealthy county "Farm King" succumbs to heart trouble aged 93 years Shippensburg, Pa June 6, 1931. Col George Hamill Stewart, millionaire farm owner & brother of the late Hon John Stewart formerly Chief Justice

V25 Page 398

of the Penna Supreme Court died at his home here late last night say June 5, 1931.

He was one of the few survivors who heard Lincoln's famous Gettysburg address. He had been ill only three weeks & his death was unexpected as he had been up & about as late as Wednesday when he dined at home of Mr & Mrs Geo McLaren, Shippensburg, Pa

At one time, he owned 100 farms extending east as far as the Susquehanna River & was widely respected. Funeral Monday June 8 conducted by Rev Wm H. Galbraith, pastor of the Shippensburg Pres Ch of which he had been a member for many years. Burial in family plot in Springhill Cem here. He was born in Shippensburg, Pa Dec 29, 1837 was educated in the Public Schools & Milnwood Academy, Huntingdon Co, Pa.

In 1857 before he was 20, he engaged in the mercantile business in Shippensburg which he continued with success until 1868 during which time he engaged in buying & selling real estate & for a time was a tanner of leather. In 1869 he engaged in the forwarding & grain business. He was the head of the Valley Natl Bank of Chambersburgh, Pa (where he met me) which position he occupied since its organization in 1890. He was Pres of the board of Trustees of Wilson College, Director of the Cumberland Valley RR & Vice Pres of First NBK, Shippensburg, Pa & of the Farmers Trust Co of Carlisle, Pa.

V25 Page 399

Oak Hill June 29, 1931 7:11 AM

I had spoken in April to Ethel Boughner asking if she knew whether our Robert Harrison of Fayette Co, Pa had served in the Revolutionary War & she didn't, but said she would look it up. On Saturday, she phoned that two Robert Harrisons had had such service, one from Maryland whose pay $80 indicated he was a private & one from N.E. Mass?. I told her the one from Md might be our man as he was thought to have come from Va. She said she would have search made at Annapolis, Md where such records were kept & see if any application for pension or other personal statement was made by him.

V25 Page 400

I have after repeated efforts the return from Mrs M. Markle now of Tarentum, Pa the return letters he wrote me 5 yrs ago & later got from me when here before I had recorded them to which he said he would add much information he had just gotten after his return to his immediate relatives in Clay? Co WVA. The first letter is dated Jany 14, 1926 in answer to one I had written him to Oak Ridge, Pa & had been forwarded to New Bethlehem, Pa & in which he refers to my book 12 p 572 & the other is dated the next day, Jany 15, 1926 saying in looking through papers last night, he had found more than he thought he had. In the first letter, he thought I was just a little too late to get the data for the history, but refers to a trip his good wife & he made to the west in 1909 when they saw Mrs Mary Penny at Napa, Calif & Mrs Sarah Smith Hutchingson at Wakarusa, Kansas, both daughters of his great grandfather Moses Markle & sisters of his grandfather George Markle.

He thought Moses had 13 children, 9 boys & 4 girls & said his youngest daughter Sarah Smith Hutchingson had his old bible & said he had left this country with an ox team & driven out to Missouri about the time the Civil War commenced.

V25 Page 401

His buildings were burned by the rebels & he went to Kansas & three of his sons & a step brother or two named Halterman were killed in the Lawrence raid before they got their arms by Quantrell's gang.

Moses Markle must have married Mrs Halterman in Mo. His wife here was Elizabeth Shaffer. He never heard of Sarah Markle & Solomon Dill, but had heard of Rosanna Markle Shoefstall who he thought lived in Mich. He thinks Sarah S. Hutchingson is dead. He says had I written him prior to last Aug, he could have gotten it from his father, Jacob Markle who died last Aug 8, 1925.

Said a few years ago, he met O.P. Markle in Butler, Pa & he could have passed as a twin brother of his father as they looked so much alike but he went to Calif to marry a woman. Says he will look up a pocket mem & get me some more addresses soon.

Writing the next morning the 15th, he has found more data: address:

Mrs Ida Preedy, Sublette, Kansas

Mrs Nanny Keeton (Mrs James RR 20 Burlingame, Ks)

Mrs Mary Moffet RR 6 Berryton, Kans

Mrs Sally Brooks (Mrs T.S.) RR 3 Bethany OK

Mrs Thos Taylor Colorado City, Colo

In a talk with Jr Z. Roberts of Butler Pa who sells for

V25 Page 402

H.J. Heinz & who has a farm in Iowa, that he knows some Markles & gave me the following addresses.

John Markle & Alva Markle both of Alexander, Mo will write today. He learned this in 1922. He was in Calif last week of Sept 1909 & in Kan middle of Oct 1909 when he met Mr & Mrs Hutchingson & three of their six daughters at Wakarusa, Kan 12 miles from Topeka.

In another letter dated Jany 28, 1926 he says since going to Pittsburgh yesterday with Ed Markle to see you, I went down & had a talk with Mrs Miles Adams (nee Markle) of this town, New Bethlehem, Pa & following is what she tells me.

A. one Jonathan Markle of Columbia Co, Pa came to this part of the country & located at Mouth of Mahoning Creek about 1 mile north of Kittanning but soon died there & must be buried at or near Mahoning. Make slip. No record.

B. Abraham Markle born 1812 married to Mary Ann Anthony came west here with his father Jonathan but in or about 1878 he moved

V25 Page 403

to West Virginia near to Clay C.H. Clay Co" died Oct 9 = 94" (does he mean 1894)

He gives the children of Jonathan & his son Abraham as given by the latter's daughter Mrs Miles Adams & confirmed by her brother Geo Markle of Franklin Pa aged about 80 & also a list of George's children as given by himself which I am tabling commencing on page 408. I recall that when I was in Berks Co, Pa in Aug 1898 I had a Jonathan Markle in one of my tables which look up & in the fall of 1923 I went to Honesdale? Pa to see the widow of Conrad Markle who may have been the "coon" Markle referred to. Look these up.

In making search for above, I find in book 1 page 168 the Inquistion I made note of in 1821 of estate of Casper Markle, son of Uncle George as I recall which recites two sons, Solomon & George as dead. Giving their children & those of George as Gideon & Sarah & in this I am sure this is the Gideon who went to Medina Co, O & whose birth cft as son of George, I found on the wall at Home of his granddaughter Eliza Jane Holmes, daughter of his daughter Belinda at her home in Aurora, Ills

V25 Page 404

in April 1929 see book 22 pages 302 & 314 where J.W. Ziegenfuss write [best guess] Oct 1, 1844 speaks of sister Sarah see b 1 p 168 (George Markle's widow evidently married a Ziegenfuss) & was with her husband still living in 1844 & this J.W.Z. was her son. Her name was Catherine. This positively locates Gideon who was born Aug 4, 1805. In book 1 p 154, I find a Peter Markle I tabled in Aug 1898 who from naming a son Gideon I take to be the younger son of Christian the son of Uncle Peter. See record of his birth gotten at Georgia Roat's in Milton, Pa about Nov 6, 1923. The Jonathan was son of this Peter & would be too young & his record is different.

The Markle at Honesdale, Pa was Cornelius, not Conrad see b 10 p 214

He says to remember that Eli Markle brother of his grandfather went to Clay Co, WVA & a lot of his children (brothers & sisters of Furney M. Markle of Kittanning Pa) live there.

Asks if I know of the Markles at Evans City, Butler Co, Pa. I do not. Make slip. Says looks as if I wd have a trip to WVA as well as Kansas if I want to get Abraham Markle's bible, but he asked Mrs Adams have her sister Hannah send a

V25 Page 405

a record of the births etc.

He has penciled on letter to get:

Names of J.C. & M's Uncles & aunts

Also all brothers & sisters of his grandfather Jonathan Markle & dates of birth & death & where buried.

Also get names of the first cousin of his father, Abraham & of his grandfather Jonathan.

Another letter from M.M.M. dated Feby 18, 1926 says he has a letter from George Markle of Franklin, Pa who sends in the record of his family which I am entering in table & in which he says he was born July 21, 1847 at Brush Run, Clarion Co, Pa. He reports 13 children & 11 grandchildren.

Says he has a letter from his father's younger sister which is not in good shape but says he will send it but never has. Thinks Geo & Sam Markle are at Elkhurst (WVA?)

To get to Mrs Daniel Webster Markle's, cross ferry at D____don & big yellow house on left.

Mrs Hannah Markle Davis says Eli son of Moses was a cousin of her father Abraham the miller, but she is not sure whether it was a full first cousin. Aside from the 4 sons of Jonathan reported on other side he had 3 or 4 or perhaps more daughters viz: to page 409

V25 Page 406 & V25 Page 407

[descendant chart]

Jonathan Markle came from Columbia Co, Pa & located at the mouth of Mahoning Creek North of Kittanning Pa & soon after died & is buried there at Mahoning. They think his eldest son, Abraham came west with him but I don't know when but presume it was after his marriage as other brothers didn't come. Report 4 sons.


Abraham Markle b 1812 eldest married Mary Ann Anthony & came west with his father. Was a miller by trade. Abt 1878 moved to near Clay C.H. Clay Co, WVA where he died Oct 9, 1894? Had 11 boys & 4 girls.

Frank Markle ob died of fever in Civil War

James Markle ob died of wounds in Civil War

Jonathan Markle ob in infancy

Mary Jane Markle ob aged 21 yrs

George Markle b July 21, 1847, lives at Franklin Pa at Prospect Park. Married Annie Margaret Mack born Aug 12, 1858 at Putneyville, Armstrong Co, Pa. Have 13 children. He died 1930

William B. Markle b July 23, 1875 lives in Calif

Lavina D. Markle b May 30, 1877 ob Nov 16, 1887

Edith M. Markle b Mch 13, 1879 ob Dec 8, 1887

Sarah A. Markle b Oct 26, 1881 at home at Franklin, Pa

Jacob R. Markle b Apr 16, 1883 ob Sept 3, 1884

Emma A. Markle b Mch 2, 1885 ob Nov 28, 1887

Chrisa M. Markle b May 12, 1887 ob Oct 23, 1888

James Harry Markle b Aug 2, 1889, living at New Bethlehem, Pa

Nellie M. Markle b July 21, 1891 married David Henry, Dayton, Pa

Elmer Henry

Violet Henry

Bessie Henry

James Henry

David Henry

Sarah Henry

Ira E. Markle b July 15, 1893 married Jac. Shreckengootz, Echo, Pa




Cora A. Markle b Dec 24, 1896 married Sheldon Coates, Freedom, Pa

Olive Jane Coates

Virginia Coates

Lottie M. Markle b Nov 3, 1898 Washington, D.C.

Elsie C. Markle b June 14, 1901 at home at Franklin, Pa

Wm Oliver Markle [son of Abraham b 1812] ob aged 9 yrs drowned at McKelveys Mill in Red Bank Creek near to New Bethlehem, Pa

David Mack Markle ob aged 22 yrs buried at Shumakers Cem. No marker.

Margaret Ann Markle b Mch 6, 1853 married 1871 Miles Adams ob widow live New Bethlehem Pa informant to M.M.M. for this record She died May 1, 1931

Catherine Markle ob in infancy

John C. Breckenridge Markle lives near Clay C.H. WVA. He got his father's farm.

Daniel Webster Markle ob abt 10 yrs ago lived in WVA married Feby 26, 1880 Margaret Grose see page 410

Jacob Toner Markle lives in WVA, Paxton Co

Abraham Lincoln Markle ob in Illinois

Moses Markle [son of Jonathan Markle] next oldest stayed east of the mountains, Berwick Pa

Coon Markle was in Conrad ob stayed east of the Mountains & lived & died near Berwick, Pa. Look up my 1923 records & see what I learned of the Markles at Berwick, Pa

Eli Markle ob went to Clayton Co, Iowa abt 1855 make slip.

Phoebe Markle

Hannah Markle

See p 409 for record of some daughters

V25 Page 408

[descendant chart]

Hannah Marie Markle see p 406 born Mch 8, 18-- at Brush Run Clarion Co, Pa daughter of Abraham Markle whose family bible she has. Lives in Clay Co WVA married Oct 15, 1882 at Procious [sic] WVA James Davis,



Elsie G. Davis b Aug 31, 1883 married Worth Brumfield, Greenwood WVA

Enoch A. Davis b Sept 13, 1885 Swandale, WVA I think his mother lives with him.

Evia Rosella Davis b Dec 24, 1886 ob Aug 2, 1887 born at Procious [Precious? Procions?] WVA

William J. Davis b Feby 12, 1888 stillborn at Procious, WVA

Eugenia Jennetta Davis b Feby 11, 1890 married Jacob Bond, Massies Mills VA

Margaret Elzina Davis b July 30, 1891 ob July 25, 1892 buried at Triplet Cem with the Markles near Dundon WVA.

V25 Page 409

From page 405

Hannah Markle married Coon Adams & lived in WVA. One married John Lynn & lived east of the mountains.

one married Turby & lived East of Mts.

Not sure but thinks there were more daughters.

Mrs Davis does not know of any of her grandfather Jonathan Markle's brothers & sisters & never saw Jonathan & don't know his wife's maiden name, but the maiden name of the mother of her own mother Mary Ann Anthony was Barbara Hollobough.

Abe's wife Mary Ann Anthony Markle is buried in Shumaker's Cem near Putneyville, Pa as is also David Mack, Wm Oliver, Catherine & Mary, her children.

John C.B. Markle says:

Phoebe was name of Jonathan's oldest girl & one of them married Richard Turby.

Moses, a son of coon & grandson of Jonathan was a cripple & run a furniture store in Berwick, Pa.

In M.M's letter of Dec 12, 1926 seeking his ancestral line, he gives these names & dates:

Marquis C.J. Markle b 1901 son of M.M. Markle

Milo M. Markle b 1878 son of Jacob F. Markle

Jacob Franklin Markle b 1849? son of George Markle

George Markle b abt 1826 son of Moses Markle

Moses Markle b abt 1803 son of Christian Markle

On back of this letter was the D.W. Markle record his pencil run through but am reproducing it on next page.

V25 Page 410 & V25 Page 411

[descendant chart]

Daniel Webster Markle see page 407 ob married Feby 26, 1880 Margaret Grose who is still living in Clay Co, WVA. Mrs D.W. Markle tells me (ie M.M.M.) she is quite sure & positive that Eli Markle was the full cousin of Abe Markle, son of Jonathan, therefore, my great grandfather Moses & Jonathan were brothers. I feel sure she is wrong, but they were near relatives. 8 PM. I think I have solved it & fully - no I guess not, but investigate the children of Daniel older brother of Moses see b 9 p 210 Also hunt for children of Daniel, youngest son of Uncle George.


Cora Markle b Jany 2, 1881 married Ballard Carter Clay WVA

William Claudius Markle b Oct 5, 1882 Clay WVA

Henry MacKendry Markle b Aug 2, 1884 Clay WVA

Laura Olive Markle b July 3, 1886 married Benj Hopkins

Albert Sherman Markle b Mch 21, 1888 ob Jany 2, 1921 served in the World War

Calvin Webster Markle b Feby 6, 1889 ob Apr 1889

Orrie Ellen Markle b Mch 2, 1890 ob May 20, 1893

Tomer Alexander Markle b July 30, 1893 served in the World War, living

Willard Preston Markle b July 17, 1896 ob Sept 22, 1922 served in the World War

Roland Dayton Markle b Aug 13, 1898 ob Aug 15, 1900

Dorothy Ethel Markle b Sept 11, 1902 single at home with her mother at Clay WVA.

V25 Page 412

Oak Hill June 30, 1931 6 AM

I have a letter dated June 22, 1931 in answer to mine of June 5, from Mrs Samuel M. Caruthers, route 2 Springfield, Oregon, giving record from her father-in-law's bible which I am tabling on pages 414-15 see pages 283-4 this book.

She persistently refers to Phenis Caruthers of Portland, Oregon as "Uncle" so I am putting him in the table as a brother of her father-in-law. I think Julia R.A. Edgmon also spoke of him as a relative see pages 364-68 & book 15 pages 338-9. She says her grandfather's sister Sarah - the mother of "Finis" or Phineas went to Oregon in the forties. She says: Uncle Pheinis Caruthers & his mother, whose last name was also Caruthers came to Oregon from Arkansas. I believe he was a bachelor & left valuable property where Portland Ore now is located. Caruthers St in Portland is named for him."

"No, I do not know of any other Caruthers in Oregon at all do not related to us" [sic]

"Know whether the M.C. was a relative or not". This refers to Hon Samuel Caruthers M.C. fr Mo for whom Caruthersville, Mo is named abt whom I asked.

V25 Page 413 [blank]

V25 Page 414 & V25 Page 415

[descendant chart]

James Caruthers lived near Glasgow, Scotland & along year 1798 emigrated to Tenn where he died.


James Caruthers born near Glasgow, Scotland & when abt 6 yrs old came with parents to Tenn. ob Nov 28, 1849 aged 57 yrs in Illinois. He went to Arkansas where his daughter Malinda was born & then moved to Ills see bk 15 p 338.

Sarah Caruthers ob. She went overland to Oregon in the "forties" married _______ Caruthers & died in Portland, Ore.

Phineas, Pheinis or "Finis" Caruthers ob laid out "Caruthers" addition to Portland, Oregon & Caruthers St there is named for him. A bachelor. Became very wealthy. He went from Arkansas to Oregon.

Green Caruthers lived in Arkansas

Samuel Caruthers born in Tennessee Mch 1, 1811 ob Mch 8, 1865 shot & killed by a Jayhawk in White Co, Ark & buried there. Married 1 Feby 4, 1840 Miss Sarah Wills ob May 1, 1852, six children. Married 2 May 23, 1852 Mrs Sarah Hardcastle (nee Howell), widow of _____Hardcastle by whom she had six children. His children all born in White Co, Arkansas near Clay & Rayburn, Ark.

James H. Caruthers b Nov 9, 1840 ob

Catherine Caruthers b Feby 4, 1842 ob Mch 3, 1853

Louisa Caruthers b Dec 20, 1843 married to Hardcastle. Lives Wagner Okla writing Sept 1, 1931

Greene Caruthers b Aug 7, 1846 ob

Nancy Jane Caruthers b Feby 26, 1849 ob Apr 1, 1849

Elizabeth Caruthers b May 19, 1850 ob married Donaldson Sept 1/31 writing her son Chanler [sic] B. Donaldson, Rupert, Idaho

Sina Zero Caruthers b May 27, 1855 married Hartsell & lives at Step Rock Ark, writing.

Samuel Marion Caruthers b Dec 16, 1857 married June 30, 1893 at Camp Creek, Oregon to Harriet Morris Peabody my informant daughter of Morris Peabody & wife Luella Whiting born Mch 16, 1878 in Nevada Co, Calif. Have 5 children all born near Eugene Ore. He went to Oregon in 1875

Vernon Eclipse Caruthers b Mch 10, 1895 ob Oct 1895

Albert Marion Caruthers b May 26, 1897 married Jany 29, 1921 to Mary Delores Boone daughter Walter & Anna Boone. Have two children

Betty Jean Caruthers b July 1, 1927

Samuel Walter Caruthers b June 19, 1931

Allen Curtis Caruthers b July 27, 1899

Martha Erdine Caruthers b Mch 15, 1901 married June 10, 1928 at Springfield, Ore Lea William Tennis son of Arthur & Rose Tennis

Teddy Sylvester Caruthers b Aug 22, 1902

John Allen Caruthers b Mch 26, 1860 or 1861 ob Apr 13, 1918 a son Clayton Caruthers lives at Mt Vernon Ark writing see b 26 p 472.

V25 Page 416

I have a letter dated June 27, 1931 from A.L. Caseley supt of the Old Peoples Home 418 Washington St Quincy, Ills answering mine of last week to Miss Julia Rebecca Ann Edgmon, saying it came too late as she had died there June 29, 1927 see b 15 p 338. I was answering her letter of Jany 1926 see pages 364-8 this book

I have a letter dated June 26, 1931 ackg my Jack record letter from Mrs Rebecca E. Linn now sojourning for the summer at Mountain Lake Park, Md which is very beneficial to her & her youngest son Dr C.F. Linn who has had 2 1/2 yrs in the hospital. She says her Aunt Eleanor Jack Niccolls always called her Uncle T.S. Jack "Uncle Stinson" saying he was named for his mother. She don't know whether it be a contraction from Stevenson or not.

She refers again to having been out to the old stone house home of her great grandfather, John Jack & which he had occupied not so long before & seeing

V25 Page 417

"an old trunk full of legal looking papers & scattered on the floor. How valuable they might be now. Why didn't families keep some sort of a record of their line earlier".

A letter dated June 29, 1931 in answer to a recent letter from me from H. Boyd RFD No 2 Wooster, O written in the hand of a man well up in years on one full note size page very plain & good, says he does not know who has the old family records. Richard Boyd was my father's youngest brother & probably one of his heirs can tell you about this. Edgar Boyd lives near Connellsville abt 3 miles out on the road known as the Narrows Hill (I was to see him in fall of 1924 & think I got all he could give). Says old History of Fayette Co didn't amount to much & gave notice only to rich men who paid $100 & got their picture in it. didn't give the Boyd what was promised but made it very falsef [fasef? really hard to read, best guess] one item being that Boyds Mill Race was dug for 50 cts a rod "anyway, it was a good big mill race" -- "Well why bother with Family histories all history in this world will soon come to an end. Time is passing rapidly, let the past rest in peace - prepare for the future". Make slip to see him & get record of his father's family & his own.

V25 Page 418

I have a letter dated June 24, 1931 in answer to mine of June 9 from Mrs Stella G. Howell (see bottom next page) to whom I wrote at Moark, Ark but she writes from Borger, Texas the greatest oil field of the world where she went 3 yrs ago. She says her former husband Ellsworth Lee Wilson was born Feby 22, 1857 at Sumner, Lawrence Co, Ills see b 21 p 585.

She divorced him at Corning Ark Celog? Co, or Clog Co on Mch 22, 1900. She was born near Mt Carmel, Ills on a farm. My late husband's name was John William Howell born in Belmont Co, O Apr 4, 1840 & died at Siloam Ark on Jany 27, 1925 & buried at Hot Springs Ark Greenwood Cem by the G.R.K. & the Masons etc etc. I was married to Judge John Wm Howell at Hot Springs, Ark on Apr 27, 1905 & we had born a daughter Stella Rix Howell born Dec 7, 1906 & passed out on Aug 8, 1908 & buried same place Hot Springs. The dates of my Wilson children:

1. Ruby Estella Wilson b Feby 3, 1885 ob Apr 5, 1901

2. Lizzie Alpha Wilson b Dec 20, 1886

3. Etta Lenora Wilson b Dec 15, 1888

4. Roy Lafayette Wilson b Dec 22, 1890

All my Wilson children were born on a farm 1 1/2 miles south of Moark Ark & Ruby died there & buried there at Moark Cem by side of my mother & sister:


Etta Lenora married Aug 5, 1906 to

V25 Page 419

Clarence Joshua Spencer at Hot Springs Ark Meth Ch & still lives at 298 Oak St, Hot Springs, Ark business is wholesale & retail Tobacco.

Lizzie Alpha Wilson married James Pacific Wilson [surname is not Wilson, is Nielson, see later on descendant chart] Aug 15, 1917 at Joplin Mo. His business is Radio mgr service dept southern Calif Music Co at 806-808 East Broadway Los Angeles, Calif. Their address is 3447 Madera Ave, East Hollywood Calif.

Roy Lafayette Wilson was married Dec 25, 1920 at Siloam Springs, Ark Benton Co to Lola Estella Darrett of Seattle, Wash. Her birth is Nov 22, 1892 & have one child:

Patricia May b June 3, 1923

They have divorced in Spring of 1927 don't know exact date. She & child live at Seattle, Wash & Roy lives here at Borger, Texas with me. Children are:


1. Olin Robert Spencer b Sept 22, 1907

2. Roy Howell Frank Spencer b July 26, 1910 & died Mch 4, 1920

3. Frances Estella Spencer b Apr 7, 1916

4. Betty Jeanne Spencer b Sept 14, 1920

All born at Hot Springs Ark.

Roy lives here employed by Borger Laundry. Lee is at present here but his address is with my daughter Lenora. Would like to see your history. My address is Mrs Estella G. Howell No 315 Harvey St. P.O. Box 94, Borger, Texas. Asks me to visit them & her daughter at Hot Springs, Ark. Much interested in the family history & will help all she can.

V25 Page 420

[descendant chart]

Ellsworth Lee Wilson see b 21 p 585 born Feby 22, 1857 at Sumner, Lawrence Co, Ills. He is now living with his daughter Etta Lenora Spencer in Hot Springs, Ark. Married Aug 22, 1882 at Doniphen, Mo Estella Gould born Feby 17, 1865 near Mt Carmel, Ills on a farm, daughter of Alphonse Gould & wife Elizabeth Ann Ruark. She divorced him Mch 22, 1900 at Corning Ark & on Apr 27, 1905 at Hot Springs, Ark she married Judge John William Howell born in Belmont Co, Ohio Apr 4, 1840 & died at Siloam Spgs, Ark Jany 27, 1925. She is now living at Borger, Texas at 315 Harvey St, P.O. Box 94 where she went 3 yrs ago from Moark, Ark & her son Roy L. Wilson is living with her. She had 4 children to Wilson born on a farm 1 1/2 miles south of Moark, Ark.


Ruby Estella Wilson b Feby 3, 1885 ob Apr 5, 1901

Lizza Alpha Wilson b Dec 20, 1886 married Aug 15, 1912 at Joplin Mo to James Pacific Nielsen, son of Nels Nielsen (Danish) & wife Katie Hansen (Irish). He is a radio mgr for Southern Calif at Los Angeles, Calif & live at 3447 Madera Ave, East Hollywood Calif. No issue

Etta Lenora Wilson b Dec 15, 188 married Aug 5, 1906 at Hot Springs, Ark Clarence Joshua Spencer b Oct 25, 1882 at Hot Springs, Ark live at 218 Oak St, Hot Springs, Ark. He is a wholesale & retail tobacconist. Have 4 children born in Hot Springs, Ark, son of Frank Spencer & wife Frances McMillen

Olin Robert Spencer b Sept 22, 1907

Roy Howell Frank Spencer b July 26, 1910 ob Mch 4, 1920

Frances Estella Spencer b Apr 7, 1916

Betty Jeanne Spencer b Sept 14, 1920

Roy Lafayette Wilson b Dec 22, 1890 married Dec 25, 1920 at Siloam Springs, Ark to Lola Estella Darrett b Nov 22, 1892 daughter of Thos Dossett [sic] & Martha Owens divorced in Spring of 1927. She lives at Seattle Wash & has the child & he lives at Borger, Texas with his mother

Patricia May Wilson b June 3, 1923

V25 Page 421 [blank]

V25 Page 422

Oak Hill July 2, 1931 7:22 AM

I have a letter dated June 29, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Mary Carothers Dillman giving a new address for Belle S. Carothers as 5701 Warland Drive, Oakland, Calif so I am today sending there the letter just recd back from 1701 Broadway, Gary, Ind.

She says Mr Dillman passed away nearly 4 yrs ago. Says she will be 81 yrs old tomorrow born then June 30, 1850. My eyes are lie your have a cataract. See page 384 June 26, 1931

I have a letter dated June 23, 1931 in answer to one I sent to Vancouver, Wash from C. Ross Lodwick now of 736 Sierra Bonita Ave, Hollywood, Calif answering my questionnaire for b 14 p 350. He asks if I am compiling a history of the Lodwick family. Says if I want information about the children of Mr & Mrs Thos P. Brown & of the children of Oliver Lodwick who was a son of Eggleston Lodwick, he says he can furnish it. Am writing him.

V25 Page 423

I have tabling the recent information gotten about the Lodwicks see this book pages 356-9 & 360 transferring from book 14 p 350 for lack of room there to page 424 next page.

He asks have you forgotten my Uncle Eggelston Lodwick & my Uncle Lysle Lodwick & their children.

Eggelston Lodwick has some grandchildren still living in Chicago. I think I had never heard of Eggelston. Am writing. He says Eggelston had a son Oliver Lodwick & he says can give record of his children & also of Mr & Mrs Thos P. Brown, both decd.

V25 Page 424 & V25 Page 425

V25 Page 426 & V25 Page 427

[descendant chart]

Hannah Finley see b 14 p 350 daughter of Maj Joseph L. Finley b May 15, 1783 ob July 28, 1827 married June 1802 to Col John Lodwick 1767-1861 being his second wife by whom he is reported to have had 8 children, but Nellie Stevens Brown writing July 2, 1931 says her grandfather John N. Lodwick was on of 14 children.


Michael Lodwick ob was by 1st wife, eliminate

Joseph Lodwick ob married Jane Thompson. Descendants all gone. He died in a hospital in Cincin, O. Lived in Portsmouth, O

Kennedy Lodwick "Capt" see p 360 b 1804? ob Feby 25, 1876 aged 72 yrs at Naples, Ills Married Caroline Louisa Wood b say 1807 ob May 11, 1852 aged 45 yrs. Had but one child.

Matilda Jane Lodwick b May 3, 1828 in Ohio ob Apr 1, 1900 aged 72 yrs in Ashtabula, O. Married Crityer. Had 4 children, oldest one born at Norfolk (VA) & other 3 at Naples, Ills

Charles Preston Crityer b 1845 ob 1911 aged 65 yrs at Spokane, Wash

Caroline Amelia Crityer b Sept 26, 1848 ob 1914 in Peru, Ind married Henry E. Dresser. Had one child.

Kennedy Dresser lives at Peru, Ind

Francis Emma Crityer b Sept 7, 1850, my informant living at Wilmington, Calif married Charles Kenner Lee. Have 2 daughters, eldest living at Long Beach, Calif & other at Bluffs, Ills She died May 1930

Son b Sept 1, 1862 married, live at Cleveland, O & have 8 children living.

Lyle Lodwick ob, banker

Helen Lodwick ob 1929 in Cin, O married see b 26 p 60

a daughter ob married

James Lodwick lived in Portsmouth, O

Henry Lodwick of Portsmouth & Cincinnati

Jeremiah Lodwick

John Newton Lodwick born Oct 24, 1812 ob Mch 24, 1888 in the early eighties married Apr 14, 1840 at Morgantown, WVA to Eliza Ann Stevens of Wheeling WVA a friend of James G. Blaine. She ran away from home when 16 & was married. She was born Jany 18, 1823 & ob Apr 18, 1905 at Duluth, Minn. She was daughter of Elisha Stevens & his wife Sarah Morris who died Apr 9, 1872 in Black Hawk, Colo. I believe she is one of our Peairs Stevens. They had 4 children of whom two died in infancy. His dates are in the Lodwick bible which his wife gave to Lydia Wood of Portsmouth, O who died leaving two sons John & Will. Have not yet learned whether they are still living. Hunt this bible if possible. This this is his father's bible see page 457 John N. died in Portsmouth, O & was born in Manchester, O.

2. Ida Morgana Lodwick was born in Troy, Indiana Nov 21, 18i44 ob Feby 6, 1926 in Long Beach, Calif married Oct 24, 1867 at Portsmouth, Ohio Thomas Pechtell Brown born in Harrisburg, Pa Sept 14, 1837 & died at Duluth, Minn May 15, 1903, son of Wm Scantelberry Brown & wife Charlotte Pechtell. They had 8 children born in Portsmouth, O.

Charlotte Anne Brown b Aug 7, 1868 ob July 15, 1873 in infancy

Lera Lodwick b Mch 18, 1870 ob Jany 1902 at Duluth Minn

Fannie Patchell [sic] Lodwick b Feby 25, 1872 married Dec 6, 1893 Arthur Chauncy Jamison Duluth, Minn & have 3 children. See b 26 p 64

Lenora Hardin Jamison married Patterson. Lives at Spokane, Wash & has 4 children.

Chauncey Brown Jamison married 1924 Katharine Hayes & have 1 child

Frances Adeline Jamison

Nellie Stevens Lodwick b July 1, 1874 unmarried

Thomas Paul Lodwick b Sept 21, 1876 married May 24, 1906 Florence Adeline Oliver of Spokane, Wash. Live Portland, Ore. Have 2 children.

Oliver Paul Lodwick aged 23

Barbara Adeline Lodwick 22 yrs old

Wm Scantelberry Lodwick b May 15, 1879 lives at Portland, Oregon married & separated

Lillian Gordon Lodwick b Aug 13, 1881 married Oct 24, 1910 Roscoe Claire Jamison of Duluth, Minn & live there. Have one son. He is 49 born at Waseau, Minn

Kenneth Brown Jamison b July 15, 1911

Morris Stevens Lodwick b July 17, 1884 lives at Bend Oregon, single.

1. David Blashford Lodwick [son of John Newton Lodwick] b Feby 16, 1841 in Cloverpoint, Ky ob 1880. Went through Civil War with his own Co then went to Colorado & came back to Ohio, went to Boston, Mass & sailed for England & never heard of thereafter. Think ship went down, unmarried

3. Adolphus Stevens Lodwick b June 1845 at Wheeling Va ob Nov 25, 1847 at Cloverpoint, Ky

4. Cornelia Smith Lodwick b May 21, 1853 at Portsmouth, O ob May 24, 1854 at Portsmouth, O.

Jane E. Lodwick [daughter of Col John Lodwick & Hannah Finley] ob married Jacob McCabe. Had 2 children & a grandson Finley Rodgers who died abt 1898 & is buried at Cincin, O see page 356.

William McCabe

Emma McCabe, ob married James Rodgers & had one son.

Finley J. Rodgers ob

Martha Scott Lodwick b 1817 ob 1889 married 1834 to Elia Kinney who was born 1814 & died 1884 see b 14 p 350

Nancy Finley Lodwick b 1819 ob married Joseph Scott Peebles. Had one son.

William Peebles ob. No issue

Preston Lodwick b 1812 in Adams Co, Ohio ob 1888 in Cincinnati, O married Sarah Caroline Halsey b 1826 & died. Had but one child.

Cady Ross Lodwick b Nov 19, 1865 in Portsmouth, O married Sept 1891 in Cincin, O Laura Foster Zins b Feby 1867 in Cin, O daughter of Jacob Zins & Cath [sic] Foster. Have two children born in Cincinnati, O. He was living at Vancouver, Wash, but is now at 736 Sierra Bonita Ave, Hollywood, Calif.

Preston Lykens Lodwick b Dec 25, 1894 married Larelle Hazel Miller. No issue

David Foster Lodwick b Feby 4, 1896 lives with his father & is single & is a clerk.

Williamson Lodwick ob married in St Louis, Mo

V25 Page 428

Oak Hill July 4, 1931 noon

A letter I wrote June 12th to Jimmy Caruthers see page 310 is answered by his son L.E. Caruthers of Hartsville, Tenn who drove out to see his father who gave him my letter to answer. He proves to be only 83 instead of 94 as published in the newspaper. He can't give names of his grandfather or further back. He says John Caruthers was his father died 1858 aged 35 don't know where he was born.

He names brothers, Benjamin, William Presley, John Wesley & himself James M. & sisters Agnes, Minerva, Nancy & Cynthia all dead but Cynthia & himself. Benjamin went to Mo but don't know where. Says they have kin at Caruthersville, Mo, a lawyer, but don't know his name. He, James M. Caruthers now living in the Wolf Hill section of Macon Co Tenn was born Apr 27, 1848 & married Dec 28, 1868 born & married a Lafayette Tenn.

Said his father had a sister Sarah the only one he knew. Say the Caruthers all left Macon Co, Tenn after Civil War & he is the only one left here. Son signs L.E. Caruthers

V25 Page 429

I have a letter postmarked June 26, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Ella Mason No 53 Enturia St, West Seattle Wash in which she says her daughter has her family bible & says her children:

Jesse J. has 2 children

Maggie has 4 children

Jeannette has 5 children

Paul has 1 child John as none

Elisha has none

Esther has 1 child

She died 2 yrs ago in Arizona & left a little girl two weeks old which I am caring for

V25 Page 430

I have a letter dated June 30, 1931 in answer to mine from Kenneth Gilmore of Topeka, Kan who is with the Shidalerl Investment Co. He says that Mary (or Polly) Carothers was married to James D. Greason on Nov 10, 1803. Also that James D. had a sister Jena Greason who married Samuel Waugh July 15, 1791 & a brother William Greason married Agnes Nimmons Nov 16, 1792

He reports himself:

Kenneth Gilmore married Aug 30, 1928 Dorothy Gertrude Kittell & have 1 child John Brandon Gilmore born Feby 22, 1931 see b 5 p 252 see b 17 p 222-8

July 10, 1931. His letter of 7th answering mine says his wife

Dorothy Gertrude Kittell was born May 20, 1906 at Orion, Michigan daughter of Eugene Clyde Kittell & his wife Martha Levina Catton.

He also reports that his younger sister Doris Gilmore married Jany 21, 1931 at Topeka, Kan William Edwin Warburton born Jany 15, 1906 at Swea City, Iowa son of Samuel Warburton & his wife Margaret Noble.

V25 Page 431

I have a letter dated June 29, 1931 in answer to mine from Matthew Thomas Alexander Jack of 211 E. Evergreen Ave, Phila, Pa aged almost 28 yrs who says he left Ireland 22 years ago. He is the youngest of a family of six, 3 boys & 3 girls viz:

Andrew, James & Matthew T.A., Elizabeth, Matilda & Mary Ann. Their father's name was William Jack & he had two brothers & one sister viz|: Robert, Andrew & Margaret. Margaret married Matthew Boyd (whence one of my names & the others from my mother's side). His Uncles, Andrew & Robert were both in the U.S. Andrew got married here but about the time of the Civil War, he went back to Co Tyrone, Ireland & bought a farm & both died there leaving no descendants.

Uncle Robert was supposed to go from here to Australia with some surveyors or prospectors & from that time we have lost all trace of him. My mother's name was Mary Ann Graham. Grandfather's James & grandmother's Elizabeth McPhilamy. My great grandfather's name was Andrew Jack & that is as far back as I know. I firmly believe they were all born & raised, lived & died in the same house, at least on the same farm which is

V25 Page 432

still in our name, my two brothers, Andrew & James now living there. That is in a place called Drumlegagh, Co Tyrone, Ireland. It is almost 22 years since I left there. This little history will take you back almost 200 years. Our faith has always been Presbyterian, descended from Scotland & very possibly from France during the reign of Mary Queen of Scots. I sent him the names & birth dates of the seven sons of my ancestor Patrick 1678 as given by Anjou & it looks as if Robert born 1706 (brother of my James 1705) who lived at Ardstraw & made his will in 1787 might be the father of their Andrew. Have written. See page 461.

V25 Page 433

Oak Hill July 5, 1931 8:33 AM

I have a ten page 8 3/4 x 11 in letter dated June 20, 1931 in answer to mine for May 9, 1931 from Miss Elizabeth Carothers 1970 Tillamook St, Portland, Oregon saying a bad cut on her first right hand finger prevented her writing but it was now O.K. She says she has talked with Mrs Malinda Carothers & her memory is good & can be relied on. Her address now is c/o Mrs Gerlie M. Wilson 4327 S. 42d St, Portland, Oregon.

She says in a chart sent her by John Franklin Carothers of Clarence, Mo he gave the name of James Carothers' wife as Alice. She may have been the daughter of the Murdochs. We do not know. My Aunt says it was a wealthy family. Hon. John Carothers 1739-1798 kept up a correspondence with his Irish relatives. She persists that he lived in Dauphin Co, Pa. Thinks Mrs Eskridge can tell abt the Bells.

V25 Page 434

Says Dr James Bell reared Kate Eskridge. He was first cousin of her father.

She don't know name of Billy Carothers mother. His descendant, Mrs Mary F. Wright, Clarence, Mo would gladly give his line. She says Malinda Carothers told her the family bible had been burned up before they came west.

She says she is a returned Presbyterian missionary having spent six years in the Laos of North Siam from 1904 to 1910 & remained home because of a nervous breakdown, says all their family are Presbyterians. Says she regrets she had not been interested in research [faded] earlier as she has been in Europe twice, once on her tour around the world returning from Siam & once before going to Asia when she spent some time in Scotland & England. She finds Finice Caruthers died in Sept 1860 leaving no will & heirs unknown. Bond in $6000, other papers there which she will examine later & report.

Matthew Louden Carothers & wife with their 8 children drove ox teams to Oregon arriving Oct 15, 1864 with 6 oxen, 2 cows 2 mules & 75 cts in cash & took up a donation claim on

V25 Page 435

Hamilton Creek, Linn Co. His son Andrew J. father of Elizabeth drove an ox team. Mrs C. put Christmas gifts in bottom of James Armstrong Carothers carpet bag to surprise him. The Indians got the carpet bag. See page 132-3. The full name of Elizabeth's mother (wife of Andrew Carothers was Nancy Adeliza Claypool see page 132.

Her nephew William Carothers lives in Eugene, Ore separated from his wife Edith. Has six children. Names Virginia, Billy, Anna & Marie. Her niece Barbara married Ward Barrett & have separated. She lives at Kolotus, Wash. She says she has located the grave of Finice (Finis) Caruthers & will copy it & other things of interest about him & send to me. She says her folks always sd their Carothers went from Scotland to the North of Ireland before coming to America which is correct.

July 8, 1931 7 AM

Mr John A. Shirley Asst Chief Inspector of Locomotive Interstate Commerce Commission 615? I.C.C. Bldg Washington D.C. where he has been for 14 yrs being prior to that located at San Antonio, Texas, called here

V25 Page 436

between 2 & 4 Pm Sunday with his wife who on the back of his card gives her address as Apt 111 3010 Wisconsin Ave, Washington D.C. who is interested in the Power family being a great great granddaughter of Michael Power whose grave she had found that day in a neglected church graveyard 1 1/2 miles back of Monongahela City, Pa where a Mr Van Voorhis 96 yrs old told them he was a giant in the church, but the old church is gone & the g.y. is grown up & down trees across it but she found Michael Power's slab gravestone broken saying he had died in 1805 but his age given was indecipherable & no birth date given.

She had been to the Chartiers Church 7 miles beyond Washington Pa just this side of Canonsburg, Pa at the "Hill Church" as I call it where in the parsonage where Woodrow Wilson's father lived when he preached there she saw Mrs Lyons who I too

V25 Page 437

had once visited who has the bible of Col John Power 1757-1805 which she got. She told them from someone not related & hold for her son by a former marriage James Power Huston. Mrs Shirley descends from James Power, son of Michael, who I think she said went to Texas abt 1836 accompanied by some Finleys whose descendants are still there several of whom she went to school with & she says she will get their addresses & send to me.

She thinks Michael Power was a brother of Col John Power 1757-1805 see my b 10 p 406 [best guess on number] where I have the same dates copied by me from his bible same as she got. She did not know that Rev James Power 1745-1830 of Mt Pleasant was a brother of Col John but I assured them he was. They said History reported him as coming out here from Chester Co, Pa & I told them to go to West Chester, Pa & see if will could be found of Patrick Power, his father.

V25 Page 438 & V25 Page 439

[descendant chart]

Frederick Andrew Carothers see page 132 born Jany 16, 1874 at Albany, Oregon, married Aug 1894 Lillian Swegle of Dayton, Wash born there abt 1876 daughter of George Swegle & wife Virginia. Have 10 children 1st one born in Aberdeen, Wash 2d in Vermilion, Montana & other 8 in Marion Co, Oregon.


George Carothers b Mch 6, 1895 ob Feby 21, 1920 at Aberdeen WA, unmarried

Virginia Elizabeth Carothers b Mch 11, 1897 married 1 Stephen Zoderick divorced 2 children. Married 2 Chester A. Grow of Cedro Wooley, Wash.


George Andrew Zoderick

Edward L. Carothers b Nov 30, 1898 married in Missoula, Mont Ebba Nelson b Jany 17, 1895. Have 2 children born in Portland, Oregon.

William Carothers b Aug 14, 1923

George Carothers b Nov 8, 1925

Frederick Earl Carothers b Dec 26, 1900 married lives in Seattle, Wa

William Carothers b Aug 14, 1902 married Edith

Melvin Carothers b Nov 3, 1904

Albert (Jack) Carothers b Oct 17, 1906 ob

Barbara Carothers b Nov 31, 1907 married Weid Barrett

Maximilan Carothers b Feby 13, 1909 6 ft 1 1/2 in tall is in the navy

John Carothers b July 23, 1912 married 1931 lives at Eugene, Oregon.

V25 Page 440 & V25 Page 441

[descendant chart]

Mary Carothers see page 132 born Feby 26, 1842 still living at Portland, Oregon, married Oct 23, 1864 Reuben Saltmarsh b Mch 2, 1828 in Vermilion Co, Ind son of Elijah Saltmarsh & wife Rachel Carmen & died Nov 16, 1881 at Albany, Oregon. Have 8 children, first born at Sterlingville, Oregon 4 at Forest Grove Oregon & the 3d born at Berlin, Oregon & other 4 at Albany Oregon.


Ellen Mary Saltmarsh b Mch 12, 1866 married May 16, 1884 at Albany, Oregon John Joseph McDonald b Dec 27, 1859 at Lebanon, Oregon son of Jno Nelson McDonald & wife Margaret Hamilton Blodgett 4 children 1st & 2d & 3d born at Albany, Oregon 3d [sic] at Phila, Pa

1. Eugene McDonald b Nov 25, 1887 ob Aug 25, 1888

2. Mary Idell McDonald b Mch 20, 1890 married May 14, 1910 at Albany Oregon Marcus Gordon Dunn b Jany 5, 1889 at Fulmore [best guess] Minn son of George Harvey Dunn & wife Nora Daniels. Have 5 children first two born at Mill City, Oregon 3d at Yequnns [best guess very smudged] Oregon & last two at Higene [best guess] Oregon

Robert Rorden Dunn b Jany 9, 1911

Harold McDonald Dunn b Sept 17, 1914

John Waterbon [sic] Dunn b Sept 25, 1916

Marcus Gordon Dunn Jr b Mch 14, 1922 George Frederick Dunn b Mch 21, 1931

3. Margaret McDonald b Apr 12, 1892 unmarried

4. Nelson McDonald b Mch 10, 1894 married Nov 15, 1919 at Albany Oregon Robert Lansing Stewart b Jany 11, 1895 at Albany Oregon son of Claybourne Stewart & wife Cora Irvine. [This child is named Nelson & is obviously a female]

Margaret Stewart b Mch 24, 1921 at Albany, Oregon

George Saltmarsh [son of Reuben] b June 30, 1868 ob Feby 26, 1890 at Albany, Oregon married at Albany, Oregon Jany 11, 1890 to Lola Riley. No issue.

John Carmen Saltmarsh b Jany 3, 1870 ob Jany 7, 1889 at Albany, Oregon

Elizabeth Corinne Saltmarsh b Aug 25, 1872 married 1 Nov 2, 1892 Elmer Ellsworth Swan ob 1900. Had one child Married 2 Sept 4, 1907 Chas A. Littler b Jany 27, 1865 in Forest Grove Oregon. He was born in Vernon Co, Wis son of Dorsey Littler & wife Mary Shoemaker.

Florence Elizabeth Swan b Aug 4, 1894 at Albany, Oregon ob Jany 1, 1919 at Forest Grove, Oregon unmarried

Harold Carothers Saltmarsh b June 13, 1874 married Aug 29, 1909 in Portland, Oregon Anna Sullivan. No issue. He died Dec 4, 1914 in Portland, Oregon.

Ida Caroline Saltmarsh b Mch 23, 1877 married Aug 28, 1907 Rudolph Gantenbein b Jany 20, 1877 at Sandy Oregon. Have 2 children born at Portland, Oregon, son of Rudolph Sr & Anne Barbara Lenhr [sic]

Marianna Gantenbein b Aug 22, 1908 married July 27, 1929 at Portland Oregon Albert Lawrence Sammons b Mch 8, 1908 at Dawson, Yukon Territory, Canada, son of Elmo Cecil Sammons & wife Emily Nelson

Maryanna Sammons b Aug 22, 1908

Harriett Louise Sammons b July 18, 1912

Henry Roen Wilson Saltmarsh b Aug 27, 1879 married Mch 14, 1922 at San F. Calif Hazel Marie Werner b Mch, 8, 1894 at San Francisco, Calif. No issue

Daughter b Oct 23, 1881 ob Oct 30, 1881

V25 Page 442 & V25 Page 443

[descendant chart]

Catherine Carothers see p 132 Born Dec 27, 1848 ob in San Diego, Calif. Married Oct 24, 1869 George Eckler born May 16, 1837 at Danville, Ill ob July 13, 1901 son of Jacob Eckler & his first wife Cassandra of Ky. report 4 children 1st born in Lebanon Oregon 2d at Willow Creek Oregon & 3d & 4th at Dayton, Wash.


1. Hattie Elizabeth Eckler b Aug 14, 1870 married 1895 Angus June Tolmie, Dayton Wash.

Roderick Tolmie married 1901?

2. S. Estella Belle Eckler b Apr 9, 1872 married 1900 Charles Patullo son of Adam Patullo & Elizabeth of Forbarshire Scotland.

Stuart Patullo Spokane, Wash.

3. George Carothers Eckler b Aug 17, 1876 lives Dayton, Wash, unmarried

4. Amy Clair Eckler b June 1, 1878 married 1 Herbert Traver married 2 Steinmier


Constance b Oct 9, 1902 married June 28, 1930 at Los Angeles Calif Harold Scofield White. Now at Hollywood, Calif

[no indication which husband was father of the above two children]

V25 Page 444 & V25 Page 445

[descendant chart]



Elizabeth Carothers see p 132 B Oct 15, 1850 ob Dec 28, 1929 in Seattle, Wash. married Mch 6, 1870 Louis Ritter b Jany 29, 1849 ob Apr 18, 1894 at Waterloo, Oregon. He was born South Bend Ind son of Solomon Ritter of Germany & his wife Elizabeth Hardman, a native of Holland

Louie Bell Ritter b Aug 9, 1871 married Aug 30 1918 Portland, Oregon Martin Luther Miller b Aug 25, 1875 at Kalama, Wash. No issue.

Nettie May Ritter b June 5, 1873 married Aug 1893 at Lebanon, Oregon, David Cressly Gentry born at Knoxville, Tenn Aug 9, 1861. First two children born in Albany Oregon & 3d in Lebanon, Oregon.

Carlton Cready Gentry b Oct 1, 1894 married Aneta Keton, Montesano, Wash. No issue.

Louis Darrel Gentry b June 13, 1900 married Edna, Salt Lake City, No issue

Elizabeth Louise Gentry b Dec 14, 1906 married Frank Ray, Seattle Wash born 1900 in New York City

Edwin Carothers Ritter b Mch 29, 1877 married Jany 31, 1898 at Lebanon, Oregon Elpha Parrish born Dec 5, 1880, daughter of Alex Parrish & Sarah Hiltardman [sic]

Loretta Ritter b Jany 1, 1901 married Dec 2910 Fred McEnany

Freddy McEnany b July 22, 1921

Sherman Ritter b Feby 14, 1905 Portland Oregon ob 1918 Portland Oregon

Carlton Ernest Ritter b Dec 11, 1881 married 1906 Amanda Johnson b 1879 of May 16, _____ at Salem, Oregon

Caroline Carothers see p 133 b Mch 23, 1853 still living in Portland, Oregon married Sept 23, 1873 at Albany Oregon Frederick Graf b Feby 3, 1831 ob Feby 1, 1907 at Portland Oregon son of Chas Jacob Graf of Rocking Lanfen, Bavaria & wife Katherine Amick. Had 4 children born at Albany Oregon.

Hattie Carothers Graf b Sept 10, 1874 married May 10, 1893 in Linn Co, Oregon William Archie Trites born May 3, 1863 Linn Co, Oregon son of Samuel Edwin Trites & wife Cynthia Wishart

Raymond Graf Trites b Oct 27, 1895 Linn Co, Oregon married Frances Margaret Anderson b near Roseburg, Oregon daughter of George Anderson & wife Eva Poe, a descendant she says of Edgar Allen Poe. b Oct 9, 1899

Raymond George Trites b Feby 1923

Beverly Margaret Trites b Aug 7, 1920 at Cornelius, Oregon

Mary Elizabeth Graf b May 24, 1876 married Oct 2, 1895 at Albany, Oregon to Julius Schmidt born in Switzerland Apr 8, 1868 son of Mortiz Bernard Schmidt & Eliza Elizabeth Brugger. Live Hillsboro, Oregon. No issue.

Kate Adelaide Graf b Sept 3, 1879 married Feby 12, 1908 Emil Henry Bottemiller b Apr 6, 1880 at Bertha, Minn & died May 23, 1926 at Portland Oregon son of Kasper Henry Bottemiller & wife Mary Murlmon. Had 4 children born at Portland, Oregon.

Doris Carolyn Bottemiller b Dec 27, 1908

Amy Catherine Bottemiller b Mch 2, 1912

Audrey Harriet Bottemiller born & died Apr 18, 1914

Hubert Emil Bottemiller b Nov 8, 1921

Frederick Carothers Graf b Oct 18, 1881 married Dec 1, 1910 Clara Myrtle Plowman born Feby 10, 1885 daughter of Chas Noah Plowman & wife Margaret Busby. Have 2 sons born in Portland, Oregon.

Carlon Frederick Graf b Oct 18, 1911

Donald Wilson Graf b Jany 24, 1914.

V25 Page 446

Oak Hill Pa July 8, 1931 8 AM

I have a letter dated July 2, 1931 in answer to mine from Miss Madge C. Finley of Greenville, Texas, written from Mercedes, Tex where she is sojourning for the summer or until Sept or Oct. She wrote to her cousin, May Finley Lardner of Duluth Minn daughter of Thomas J. Finley son of Saml Berkeley Finley son of Genl Samuel Finley 1752-1829 son of John 1713-1757 who has sent me the "Finley Genealogy" record from which as she gives it, I am making a table commencing on page 450, what she sends embraces the two page sketch printed from Col J.B. Finley D.D. L.L.D. a little of which I am reproducing here because I could not clearly make out the former written sketch viz: immoboyle or "A noble heart is an immovable heart" one of the best historians to consult about Macbeth is the the history of Scotland by Dr Lachein of Edinburgh, Make slip. The first communion of the Church of Scotland was held at the Finlays town house & the family drinking cups were used on the occasion. These cups are still preserved

V25 Page 447

as memorials of the occasion in the parish church.

The earldom of Kincairn is now in abeyance. The last martyr who was executed & died for Christ's Crown & Covenant at Edinburgh just a few years before the expulsion of James I from the throne was John Finley whose courage on the occasion bespoke the motto of his race "Enfans" - "Hope". She also encloses a letter from Knox Finley, son of my Uncle S. Mitchell Finley who married Sally Oliphant of Uniontown. Says she will be glad to send her father's college book to W&J when she returns to Greenville, Tex.

This Finley record heads their branch with:

John Finley, 1st wife Martha Berkeley, 2d wife, Mary Barrow. This is the first time I ever heard of his having a second wife. Make slip to examine records at Carlisle, Pa for settlement of his estate in 1757.

I am supplementing the data she gives with some dates & inf fr Anjou's Finley History pages 46 & 47. Martha Finley Thomas, daughter of Saml Berkeley Finley see page 451 writing

V25 Page 448

to her niece Ruhamah Finley Lardner says that the wife of her Uncle John Knox Finley, viz Margaret Nevin was a sister of Williamson Nevin & further says: "Uncle John's mother & Aunt Margaret's mother were cousins". She says Williamson Nevin was the father of Martha Finley Nevin who is the mother of Francis Sayer, who married one of Pres Woodrow Wilson's daughters. Miss Jennie, I think. She also says: Samuel, son of Sidney Breese was a Col of a Regiment of NJ militia. He married Nov 4, 1766 Rebecca Finley daughter of Rev Saml Finley, Pres of Princeton Univ.

They had one daughter Elizabeth Ann who married Rev Jedediah Morse in 1789 & she was the mother of Samuel Finley Breese Morse inventor of telegraphy & of his two brothers, one founder of the NY Observer. Rev Samuel Finley of Princeton was my grandfather's Samuel Finley 1852-1829 Uncle & he educated my grandfather John Finley, the first of our clan to come to America was 12 when he landed. She is wrong. Must reverse these figures. He was 21 & came with his parents, brothers & sisters, Uncles & his family. She has clan war cry of the Farquahrson Carn na Guimbrie = The Cairn of Remembrance in Strathdel

V25 Page 449

Badge of the Farquharson Clan Ros-geine - The Little Sunflower Las nam fanesith - Foxglove. These were also the badges of the Fergusons & the McFarquharson clans.

The tartan of the Farquharson clan she makes a drawing & says Dark Green border crossed with black, black encba [sic]} dark blue inside boxtree. This is said to be the oldest badge. McPherson, McIntosh, McDuff, MacBeth, MacBean, Shaw, McQueen & many others as belonging to clan Chattan.

John Knox Finley see page 452 sends his record to Madge on letterhead of H.A. Barnard Inc Sixth & Harvey Sts, Oklahoma City, Okla, handling DeSoto, Plymouth & Fargo, autos

See page 315 this book

V25 Page 450 & V25 Page 451 & V25 Page 452

[descendant chart]

Genl Samuel Finley was a son of John Finley 1713-1757 & was born they say in Westd Co, Pa but I am sure it was in Cumb Co, Pa Apr 15, 1752 ob Apr 2, 1829 at Phila, Pa. He served in the Revolutionary War & thereafter Genl Washington sent him to Chillicothe, O in charge of the Gov office for collection of the money for the sale of government lands. He later served in the War of 1812 as a General I think. Married May 5, 1789 at Newville, Pa Mary daughter of James Brown see page 523.


Martha Finley b Mch 16, 1792 married Rev Wm L. McCalla of Phila Pa. Make slip. They brought up Alice Finley "youngest child" of her brother James B. They say this Martha was oldest child. Lived at Columbus, O see b 26 p 287.

James Brown Finley b June 7, 1794 ob May 14, 1851 in South Bend, Ind married 1 Maria Theresa Brown married 2 Mary Moore. They report 9 children. I think my records elsewhere show 16 children of those here listed they report 6 by 1st wife & 3 by 2d wife see b 26 pages 291-5 Samuel Finley

Ellen Finley married Sheffield

Mary Finley married Hudson

Martha Finley b 1828 married to literature, author of the "Elsie" books

Elizabeth Finley married Leonard

Amy Finley youngest thinks never married

Theresa Finley single

Charles Finley married Elizabeth Brown

Helen Finley

Charles Finley Jr

Clement Alexander Finley b May 11, 1797 at Newville, Pa ob Sept 8, 1879 at Phila, Pa surgeon General of U.S.A. in 1861 brigadier General of U.S.A. in 1876 married Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Moore of Phila, Pa. She reports 8 children given below.

Mary Finley married Dan Flagler chief of ordnance U.S. army see b 26 p 257.

Matilda Finley married McKee

Lydia Finley

Samuel Moore Finley

Clement Finley

Alexander Finley

Robert Finley

Walter Finley

Samuel Berkeley Finley b Feby 10, 1800 ob Aug 10, 1877 at Rome, NY married 1 Ruhamah McLaughlin at Columbus, O daughter of Alexander McLaughlin a prof in the Univ of Dublin, Ireland & his wife Jeanne Colquhoun (pro Carhoun) a scotch woman. Ruhamah was born 1st week Nov 1, 1809 & died Apr 26, 1839 following childbirth & is buried at Buckhorn Furnace near Ironton, O along with five of her children aged 29 yrs 5 mos 26 days. Married 2. Elizabeth Dennis who died in childbirth about 1 yr after marriage & with her child is buried at Buckhorn Furnace & has a marker. Married 3 Julia Jerome who died at Rome, NY. No issue by her. See b 26 p 287 & 290. 3d marriage abt 1859 or 1860.

William McCalla Finley b Aug 2, 1832 ob July 4, 1835

Samuel Alexander Finley b Sept 24, 1829 ob Aug 1836

James Brown Finley

Thos Jackson Finley b Apr 7, 1835 ob Apr 20, 1910 at St Louis, Mo married July 2, 1862 at Niles Mich Lucy Culver Griffin daughter of Samuel Hicks Griffin & wife Maria Culver who was born June 6, 1841 at Edwardsburg, Mich & died May 25, 1922 at Duluth, Minn.

Maria Bell Finley b Apr 22, 1864 at Niles, Mich ob July 8, 1892 at Niles, Mich one child born there. Married Feby 3, 1885 Frank Landon son of Rufus & Mary Langdon [sic]

Worth Finley Landon b Nov 4, 1885 bachelor

Ruhamah Finley b Aug 10, 1865 married Dec 20, 1887 Wm Phillips Lardner son of Henry & Lena Lardner. Had one child born in Duluth Minn. She sent this record to Madge C. Finley.

Reynold Phillips Lardner b Apr 24, 1893 ob June 7, 1894

Martha Finley married Drew Thomas she died Jany 20, 1925 b 26 p 290

Clement Alexander Finley (twin) b Apr 25, 1839 ob stone gone

John Wills Finley (twin) b Apr 25, 1839 ob July 31, 1839

Dr John Knox Finley b Jany 13, 1806 I think at Chillicothe, O. He died Feby 3, 1885 married Margaret Nevin who died Feby 22, 1862 see next page [which says:] he was aged 79 at death

Nevin Finley ob died young

Samuel Mitchell Finley b Mch 17, 1835 ob June 22, 1903 married Sallie Oliphant daughter of Fidelio Hughes Oliphant & wife Jane Creigh. Sallie was b July 20, 1838 ob Jany 7, 1918. They report six children but give no dates or where they were born.

Margaret Finley b 1860? ob married Charles Barnard of Moline, Ills. Both dead in Portland, Oregon. She thinks one son lives in Okla City see b 26 p 290

Fidelio Hughes Finley living aged abt 69 married & separated.

John Knox Finley aged 67 living at Okla City, OK informant for this record sent to Madge. Married Georgia _____ See b 26 p 260. He lives 1821 Blackwelder ST, Oklahoma City, Okla.

Jennie Oliphant Finley b Aug 18, 1866 ob married Bert Cronkhite. She died abt 40 yrs ago in Dallas, Texas.

Bessie Finley b Aug 2, 1872 ob Oct 17, 1879 aged 7 yrs buried at Niles, Mich

Blanche Mitchell Finley ob married Frederick McElhone both dead. She at Boulder & buried at Hinsdale, Ills

Frederick McElhone married lives Hinsdale, Ills writing.

Theodore McCracken Finley [son of John Knox Finley b 1806] b Mch 9, 1840 in Niles Mich ob Apr 26, 1931 at Greensville, Texas. Married Sept 6, 1865 Margaret Clarissa Ferson b June 5, 1841 in Niles, Mich & died July 24, 1928 daughter of Wm Gray Ferson & wife Margaret Orr. Have but one child born in Niles Mich see b 25 p 312-20 & in earlier page in this book

Margaret Caroline Finley b June 22, 1866 & known as "Madge", my informant for this record lives at 2714 Jones St, Greenville, Texas but sojourns for the summer at Mercedes, Tex, unmarried.

Martha Mary Finley b Apr 18, 1842 ob May 11, 1902 unmarried

V25 Page 453 [blank]

V25 Page 454

Oak Hill July 9, 1931 6:36 AM

I have a letter dated June 29th 1931 in answer to mine of June 22, 1931 to her mother, Mrs Chas K. Lee of Wilmington, Calif, from her daughter, Mrs Minnie L. Reigart 1051, Long Beach, Calif saying her mother passed away last May a year ago. See page 424 & her father does not have any recollection of what my letter of 5 yrs ago was, but if I will write & let her know she will help me all she can. Am writing this morning.

I have a letter written July 3k 1931 from Hotel Driscoll of Washington D.C. from Marian Dean Miller of Blvd Apts 24, Cheyenne Wyoming who says the Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy & Robert Spence's book entitled "John Markle, Representative American" have been her greatest assets in gathering data concerning the ancestry of Thomas Markle & says

V25 Page 455

I am chiefly responsible for the former available material concerning the Thompson & Markle lineage.

She asks if I have any information about George Markle of Luzerne Co, Pa (make slip to look there for his will) & his sons Thomas, Jesse, Benjamin & Bowman. See b 9 p 210-11. There were Minerva & Margaret among the sisters.

Thomas Markle, my maternal grandfather was born in 1825 & married Louisa Pratt born in 1831. She was reared by her maternal grandparents named Taylor.

Bishop Thomas Bowman was a cousin of mother's paternal grandmother & my mother was Alverna Markle only daughter of Thomas Markle. She asks if I know who George Bushar Markle's brothers were. My great grandfather Markle was named George but I am confident there was no connection with George Bushar Markle as there has been no rich ancestry heralded about in my family. She asks if I have access to any records which lists

V25 Page 456

Thomas Markle as a descendant of the Christian Markle born in 1758 & settled in Moselem Berks Co, Pa

She is much mixed but I am writing her today, setting her straight & asking a full record of the descendants of Thomas. The Christian Markle who settled at Moselem Springs was born in 1768 & died 1766. His son Peter had a son Christian born 1758 was the grandfather of George Bushar Markle. Peter's brother George Markle had a son Christian born 1761 who was the grandfather of Thomas

She thanks me for the compilation of the material at her disposal in the Congressional Library at Washington D.C. Says she made a pilgrimage here from Cheyenne Wyoming to seek out records of the Markle family.

V25 Page 457

I have a letter dated July 2, 1931 in answer to a recent one from me to her mother Mrs Ida M. Lodwick Brown from Miss Nellie Stevens Brown of 818 Kimpan Blvd, Los Angeles, Calif which states that her mother died Feby 6, 1926 just three days after date of her letter of Feby 3, 1926 to me which I just reached June 22d last & noted on paged 356-9.

By giving the parentage of her grandmother Stevens confirms my thought that she was of our Peairs line & Miss Brown knew of the Peairs relationship as will be seen later. She answers largely she says by what she gathers from her grandmother Lodwick's bible & I am inserting the dates she gives at page 425.

She gives the name of her grandmother as Eliza Ann Galatin Stevens born in Morgantown (she says Pa but it should be Va) & married at Washington, Pa born she now gives June 26, 1824 which from her marrying at 16 is probably correct as against Jany 18, 1823 as given before & noted on page 425. Eliza A. Stevens Lodwick had four children but only raised two. Says her grandfather John Newton Lodwick son of John & Hannah Finley Lodwick was one of 14 children all river men on the Ohio & Mississippi & he was born in Manchester, O.

V25 Page 458

She says Sarah Stevens, the mother of her grandmother was the daughter of Leah Morris, some connection of Robert Morris, financier of the Revolution & she says signer of the Declaration of Independence & she thinks a sister. She speaks of Absalom Morris but it isn't clear to me whether he is Leah's husband or not but says she knows she saved a Red Coat & married him.

She says Charlie Stevens (this is the father of Dora Miller Scott) was a brother of her grandmother & owned the Louisville Hotel, Louisville, Ky & died there suddenly of a heat stroke. Have heard my grandmother speak of him also of Uncle Will Stevens of Black Hawk, Colorado in the Gold Mountains. I think he died a bachelor. The Peairs are connected with the Stevens, but I have not the record. Have heard they came from Scotland & it was Pearce & President Pearce (Pierce) was a cousin. The Stevens lived in Wheeling Va & left there during the Gold rush in 1849 for Calif but landed in Colorado,

Since my mother's & grandmother's passing have not kept up with the records of the family but know I could go into the D.A.R. with many bars to my belt, both on the Lodwick, Finley, Morris, Stevens, let

V25 Page 459

the Peairs line.

She says her grandmother was daughter of Elisha & Sarah Stevens see b 24 p 601 where I have Elisha Stevens, son of Dr Benjamin Stevens & his wife Sophia Peairs, daughter of Elisha Peairs & Elizabeth Jack & also see b 8 p 46 where on Sept 21, 1922 Mrs Sarah Axton then 82 wrongfully included Eliza among the children of her grandmother Nancy (see b 24 p 601) Eliza is daughter of Elisha Stevens, son of Dr Benj Stevens & Sophia Peairs) see for Elisha Peairs in his will names as his daughter Nancy's children the other 5 named by Mrs Axton, & her mother by 2d husband was born in 1814 & Eliza was not born until 1823 or 1824.

I recall that Elisha Peairs left his farm to his youngest child Rachel & she afterwards married 1st Vachel Stevens & 2d Joshua Gibbons & Albert Gaddis said R.M. Modisette got the present Hugh Rankin farm from Jno M. Austin & I am now sure that his wife who was Priscilla Stevens got this farm from her mother Rachel Stevens - Gibbons. Make slip to get old title deeds from W. Ewing Rankin & wills & deeds fr Rachel at C.H. & go after Austin & Modisette bibles & lines

V25 Page 460

Oak Hill July 10, 1931 7:30 AM

A very dark greatly beclouded morning & raining lightly. I have a letter dated July 6, 1931 from A.F. Blessing Box 448 Indiana who is a close friend of Edgar Hadden of Wilkinsburg, Pa who visits him & sings my praises. He says he has recd word from Mary J. Peairs of Pittsburgh, Pa that I am interested in the History of the Peairs family. Am writing him for her address & must write her. He writes me seeking information about the ancestors of his wife's side. He says the family connection comes through the marriage of Margaret Peairs to Hugh Wilson. He has made no progress on the Wilson line after several years effort, but says Margaret is the daughter of Joseph Peairs who married Janet McLaughlin & who we believe to be a brother of Elisha Peairs, your line, both being children of John Peairs & Moriah Delamater. He says he is having trouble with the Delamater line & sends a page about it the Waldronss [sic] & Resolve Waldron which is back of Elisha & does not interest me.

V25 Page 461

Says his wife is descended through the Van Voorhis family of Monongahela Pa & mentions also the Hair family. He was in the World War from which he suffers hot nerves. He refers to Annals of Harlem, page 554. Am not interested in the Waldron & Delamater births & marriages he gives. See my b 5 p 372-3 for three brothers of Elisha viz Josephus, Andrew & Isaac. Writing him this morning. See page 492.

I have another letter dated July 6, 1931 in answer to mine of last week from Matthew T.A. Jack of 211 E. Evergreen Ave Chestnut Hill Phila, Pa see page 431-2.

He says my letter caused him a thrill that one a stranger should come across his life & know more about him than he knows himself (he means of course his forbears). he thinks we are of the same strain & says the place he mentioned, Drumlegagh is a town land (thinks I wd say a township) in the parish of Ardstraw near Newtown Stewart not Limavady.

V25 Page 462

Says the little town or village of Ardstraw is about 5 miles from my old home & I remember once when I was a very small boy out driving with my mother passing a little graveyard near Ardstraw & she told me that my grandfather, James Jack was buried there. Now this little cemetery must have been very old as the railroad has been cut through it & it is a very faint picture in my mind. He says if I have a map of Ireland to look for Newtown-Stewart & Strabane & will find Ardstraw about half way between.

He remembers an old family bible but as he recalls it there were only the names of his father's immediate family in it but will make inquiry about it. Am also going to find out what I can from a friend who lives near me, but so far, I can't give dates. If he can't get anything from his brothers, he thinks he can from Rev Richard Laird, Pastor of Ardstraw Pres Church who was pastor of Drumlegagh Ch when I left the other side. Thinks similarity of names points to same family. Will write again. Am writing to him to get copy of will of Robert Jack 1787

V25 Page 463

I have a letter dated July 4th 1931 thanking me for my recent letter from cousin Mrs Eliza Jane Holmes of 426 New York St Aurora, Ills who feels guilty (but unnecessarily so) at having hurried me off in Apr 1929 to go to an appointment she had.

She hopes the operation on my eye has been successful.

She says her mother, Belinda Markle (daughter of Gideon by his first wife, son of George of Casper of Uncle George) lost her mother when she was only nine years old & her father before she was 20, so she knew so little about the family & came west in 1845, away from all relatives at a time when travel was not so easy as now. In 1856, she went back to Penna, hoping to get a share in her father's property but I think was disappointed or recd very little. I was then 9 yrs old & remember the trip as one of great importance to me. She wrote to the second hand book dealers I referred her to but they offered so little she didn't sell any. She has some very rare books & has made a study of them & has every issue of "Book Lovers" Magazines published by W.E. Price. She is now 84 & writes a plain strong good hand.

V25 Page 464

I have a letter dated July 7, 1931 in answer to my questionnaire of June 22, 1931 from Mrs Mary J. Bartlett 6933 Florence Blvd Omaha, Neb who I have listed on page 354 as 2d wife of Edward Russell Bartlett. I recall that Mrs Eva Wylie in her letter about her family did not mention Edward, but spoke of Russell & gave some of his record & I thinking that was Edward's middle name inserted Russell there but that is a mistake as the dates show, so I am making a new table on next page for Russell & writing her to know just who he is & also asking about who her mother was.

V25 Page 465

[descendant chart]

Russell Bartlett see p 354 & 464 b May 22, 1858 at Chillicothe, O ob June 8, 1893 at Athens O & buried at Chillicothe, O in M.R. Bartlett lot. He was a bookkeeper. Married 1 Hattie Guthrie, daughter of Judge Guthrie. Had one son. Married 2 Dec 20, 1883 Mary Jane Farquar b Apr 30, 1863 at Bloomington, Ills daughter of Benjamin McFall Farquar buried at Monmouth, Ills & his wife Mary Jane Finley. Am writing for her line. Had one son.


Harry Guthrie Bartlett b Feby 4, 1880

Robert Samuel Bartlett b May 9, 1889 at Monmouth, Ills married June 16, 1914 at Monmouth, Ills to Florence Eleanor Hood b 1893 at Monmouth, Ills daughter of Algernon Vincent Hood & wife Clara Redore Brashear. Have two children.

Harry Russell Bartlett b 1918 (aged 12) at Norfolk, Neb

Robert Samuel Bartlett Jr b 1922 at Omaha Neb aged 8.

V25 Page 466

A letter mailed yesterday July 9, 1931 from M.M. Markle RR No 2 Tarentum Pa sends rough diagram showing her descent from Moses Markle being his granddaughter & a daughter of his son Jacob Markle born May 9, 1835 see b 12 p 573 & a part of the first page of the Valley Daily News of Tarentum Pa of Tuesday July 7, 1931 with the big headlines "Woman stricken During Serenade" announces that Mrs Alfred Hall (nee Mary Markle) aged 64 (born say 1867) while attending a serenade there last evening & standing beside her husband at Oak Ridge, Armstrong Co, Pa was stricken by a pain in the head & died in a few minutes. She had been working her her garden during the day & in the hot sun to which they attribute her death. She had formerly lived at Tarentum, Pa. survived by her husband & 4 children:

1. Mrs O.S. Tench of Tarentum, Pa

2. Mrs Vaughn Adams of Natrona, Pa

3. Harry Hall of Natrona, Pa

4. Alfred Hall Jr at Home at Oak Ridge. Four brothers & three sisters also survive.

Funeral services at the home probably Thursday afternoon. Burial in Zion Cem at Oak Ridge, Pa. Ed Markle who I met once at Wm Penn Hotel with M.M. is her brother.

V25 Page 467

Oak Hill July 12, 1931 7 Am

I have a letter dated June 23, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs V. Elliott 291 McLean Ave, Yonkers NY saying she would write to her husband's niece Florence (his sister's eldest daughter) & ask her to send me what information she can. Will also write to his daughter Francis & ask for date of her mother's marriage to Will & other needed information, also to the Spangler widows of Elliott & Jacob Spangler sons of Frances Robinson & get what information I can of them. One of the Spangler boys (Washington Spangler) was married twice & had thirteen children "this will fill a book alone" see page 43 [number has a smeared figure in front of it, may be 143, 243, or 343] Continuing July 7th after interruption from the home of her brother at Walkill NY box 50 13 miles west of Newburgh, NY where she has gone on a visit. She gives me the name of a grandson of Mary Duncan Elliott who married Thos Jacobs see b 24 p 362

V25 Page 468

Jesse Elliott Jacobs Perkiomen Farm, Shelbyville, Mich who she says she knows will be able to send me information, so I am writing to him. She is sending my questionnaire to others who she thinks can help.

Says she was mistaken about an "Elliott" book, it was a "Jones" book she was thinking of.

I have a letter dated July 8, 1931 in answer to mine from Second cousin Kate L. Markle of York S.C. who fears she too has a cataract coming is suffering from neuritis & a 7% mtge on her home & to lift same is more concerned in the sale of her coal lands than in family history but says she thinks her brother Joseph C. Markle named for his grandfather added C to have a distinguishing initial. She speaks of her father & brothers as upright honorable men but not much in the public eye & of my father as of sterling worth & of my mother's gentle kindly ways & says she always thinks of them with affection.

V25 Page 469

A letter dated July 10, 1931 in answer to mine from Mrs Jessie Robinson Wakefield of 537 Midland Ave, Wilkinsburg, Pa. She says: "Her great grandfather Irwin Robinson of Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Ireland married Katherine Elliot & they came to this country when my grandfather George Robinson was 2 yrs old. I do not know anything about the Elliotts. My grandfather had a brother Elliot Robinson & we hold the name very sacred. My brother, Will H. Robinson of Lemon St. Riverside Calif is writing a history of the Robinson family & is well informed. I never heard of a Genl William Robinson but had a great Uncle named William & that was my father's name.

Elliot Robinson's grandchildren live at Bolivar, Pa. Francis Robinson is oldest grandson but he does not keep posted on family matters. Sends inquiries to me. The Robinsons of Bolivar Pa own the Brick Works there. My great grandfather Irwin as an English subject fought under Cornwallis but later became a Loyal American subject". She is sending my letter to her brother Will so I too am writing him.

V25 Page 470

I have a four page note sized letter dated July 8, 1931 in answer to mine of about two or more months ago from My father's 4th cousin Mrs Abner [best guess] Alexander of route 1 box 51 Huntersville NC written in ink & entirely in her own hand & very plain & strong for one 82 years old born in 1849 & very plain so I can read every word of it.

She said she had the letter written 4 mos ago when she found her "Barry" line which she had written years ago was not to be found. She was taken sick about that time & was ill for several weeks. She is up now but still weak & nervous. She mailed it same time with her Wilson & Hampton lines under separate cover & I will table them. Her grandson, Jo Graham Davidson typed them. Says if there is anything more she can do for me to let her know. She has the right spirit which is a comfort. Referring to a cross at William Hampton's name, she says that after all the children but three had left the home nest, her grandparents decided to buy the Catawba Springs Hotel resort in Lincoln Co which was then a great health resort. There were 11 distinct springs of which one in particular had great healing powers for all bronchial & dropsical troubles.

V25 Page 471

He had a gun [gum?] put in it & it is as sound as ever pouring forth its healing waters. Part of the Hotel is still standing on top of a high hill but all of the cottages are gone. They still have the interesting old Hotel Register with the names of prominent men from many states.

"Peter Marshal Ney boarded there & taught a neighborhood school all the prominent families sent their sons to him, my mother's only brothers, Thomas A. Wilson was one of his students. Marshall Ney was so fond of him, said he reminded him of his beloved Napoleon".

Grandpa & Uncle William & grandma too are, they are all buried at "Old Unity Church not far from the springs. Grandpa & Uncle William died

at Catawba Springs. After they died, Grandma went back to her old home in Jonesville. Mr Brevard Nixon of Charlotte NC owns the property now.

I have a very indistinct recollection of hearing the old folks speak of Margaret Wilson (of Scotland of whom I wrote her who preferred to let them drown her rather than renounce her Maker) tragic but glorious death. I was a child & can't remember much about it. Can't say whether she was one of our Wilsons, but think she must have been from their talking about.

V25 Page 472

She says I may keep the little book & pamphlet she is praying that my sight & health be restored & that we may meet someday.

Note what she says about Ney which confirms what I heard many years ago that he was not shot but escaped to one of the Colinas & lived there many years & she reports a special fondness for one of my cousins - her Uncle. Both Encyclopedias I have the American down in the Library & "Encyclopedia Britannica" in my bookcase here report (she says Peter) Michel [sic] Newy [sic] (Ney) born Jany 10, 1769 at Saar Louis (Moselle) (location where our Markles came from) & shot Dec 7, 1815. I am writing asking her more about him & whether his name appears written by himself on the old register.

July 13/31 8 AM

Tabling the Wilson & Hampton records Mrs Alexander sent commencing on page 474.

Major Thomas Alexander was a son of Benj & Margaret Alexander, came from Germantown, Pa & settled near the old Magaw Church near Charlotte, NC. He (Maj Thomas) married Margaret Jane Morrison daughter of Neil Morrison one of the

V25 Page 473

signers of the Declaration of Independence. They had nine children:

Rev Thomas, Annabella, Margaret, Amelia died the day Margaret was born, Edwin Morrison & Albert both died when 19 yrs old candidates for the ministry. She don't name the other two.

I gave the Barry record to Virginia Maloney Saturday to be copied & will leave two pages for it.

July 14, 1931 8 AM

I got the Barry record back last night from Virginia & am tabling same on pages 480-1 & returning today the original & an extra copy to Mrs Alexander.

V25 Page 474 & V25 Page 475

[descendant chart]

Margaret Jack daughter of Patrick Jack 1700-178- & his wife Lillis McAdoo & a sister of Capt James Jack who carried the Mecklenberg Declaration of Independence to Phila,Pa in his boot sole, married Samuel Wilson 1708-1776 being this third wife. See Dr Chas L. Hunter's Sketches of Western North Carolina. Had 5 children.


Lillie Wilson married James Cannon

Sarah Wilson married Ben McConnell

Robert Wilson 1770-1829 married Margaret Alexander 1793-1876 daughter of Major Thos Alexander & wife Jane Morrison see p 472.

Margaret Jack Wilson

Dovie Amelia Wilson

Annabella Wilson

Cynthia Rocinda Wilson b 1824 ob 1895 married 1844 Joseph Wade Hampton b 1813 ob 1855 son of Thomas Hampton & his wife Elizabeth Carmichael. She was his second wife. He was editor of Mecklenburg Jeffersonian in Charlotte NC in 1841. He was editor of the Texas Gazette at Austin Texas for several years, it being the state paper when Texas declared her independence Gov Sam Houston was speaker of the day & Joseph Wade Hampton read the declaration. He died in Austin, Texas in 1855 & his widow & her children returned to her old home in Mecklenburg Co NC

Mary Independence Hampton b May 20, 1845 ob 1891 married Capt A.C. Halyburton.

Laura Wilson Hampton b 1846 ob 1874 married D.H. White

Margaret Elizabeth Hampton b 1849 my good informant for this record. Married 1873 William Abner Alexander see page 476

Charles Fisher Hampton

Thomas Robert Hampton

S. Angelina Wilson b 1826 ob 1873 aged 47 years

Thomas Alexander Wilson. He went to school to Marshall Ney in Lincoln Co NC near Catawba Springs so his niece Mrs Abner Alexander writes & says Marshall Ney was very fond of him & said he reminded him of his beloved Napoleon

William Wilson [son of Samuel Wilson] married Rocinda Winslow

Charity Wilson died young

V25 Page 476 & V25 Page 477

[descendant chart]

Margaret Elizabeth Hampton see page 474 born 1849 & now living route 1 box 51 Huntersville, NC married 1874 William Abner Alexander b 1847 who died 1913. Had 8 children, 4 died in infancy.


Grayon Halyburton Alexander b Jany 1876 ob July 1876

Leigh Monterth [Monteith?] Alexander b July 1876? ob 1897 she says when 18.

Annie May Alexander b 1881 married 1905 Jo Graham Davidson

John Springs Davidson b 1906

Elizabeth Hampton Davidson b 1912

Jo Graham Davidson Jr b Nov 21, 1914

May Alexander Davidson b May 5

Wade Hampton Alexander only living son

Elizabeth Carmichael Alexander

Violet Cornelia Alexander

V25 Page 478 & V25 Page 479

[descendant chart]

Thomas Hampton 1728-1796 was son of John Hampton & his wife Margaret Wade. Married Jany 1, 1749 Mrs Congers Patterson


Henry Hampton b 1750 ob 1832 married 1773 Sarah Beavers

Thomas Hampton b 1774 ob 1850 married 1800 Elizabeth Carmichael. Their children are not given in proper order.

William A. Hampton b 1831 ob 1853 buried in Unity Churchyard.

John Carmichael Hampton married Ann Dozier of Tenn

Henry Grady Hampton married Charlotte Loby. He was Shff of Surrey Co for 18 yrs

Mary Ellen Hampton married Hezekiah Johnson

Rose Hampton married Absalom Roby

Joseph Wade Hampton b 1813 ob 1855 married 1 1836 Sarah Steuwalt married 2 1844 Cynthia R. Wilson had 2 children by 1st wife had 5 children by 2d wife

Mary Annette Hampton married Richard S. Harris of Concord, NC

Ann Elizabeth Hampton died young

May Independence Hampton married Capt A.C. Halyburton of Asheville NC

Laura Wilson Hampton married D. Henry White of Concord NC

Margaret Elizabeth Hampton b 1849 married 1873 Wm Abner Alexander see pages 476-7

Charles Fisher Hampton ob six weeks before his intended marriage

Thomas Robert Hampton never married

Thomas Franklin Hampton [son of Thomas b 1774] married Eliza Oliver of Ga

Hynum [sic] Gardner Hampton married Lizzie

Sarah Ann Hampton married Valentine Stirewalt

Elizabeth Caroline Hampton married Chas Alexander of Charlotte NC

Martha Jane Hampton married Dr Wm Atkinson of Tenn.

William Hampton [son of Henry b 1750] married Nancy Bryan

Henry Hampton Jr moved to Georgia

Dr John B. Hampton married Eleanor Holcomb

Abigail Hampton married Matthew Wenthel

Susannah Hampton married Whitehead

Hannah Hampton married Jesse Allen

Margaret Hampton married Richard Allen Jr

Theodosia Hampton married Noble Ladd

James Hampton [son of Thomas b 1728]

Preston Hampton ob July 10, 1832

John Hampton

Margaret Hampton married Colquit

Nancy Hampton married Young

V25 Page 480 & V25 Page 481

[descendant chart]

Richard Barry Sr had 8 children


Andrew Barry married 1. Clarissa Sample married 2 Ruth Byers

William Barry

Elmira Barry

Richard Barry Jr married Margaret McDowell

Eleanor Barry married Bath Irwin

Jane Barry married Wm A. Sample

Ann Barry married David Barry

Violet Barry married Wm Monteith

William Lee Monteith never married

Richard Monteith never married

Mary Monteith died young

Jane S. Monteith b 1809 ob 1895 married Andrew A. Alexander who was born in 1913 & died 1877. Had 3 sons, 2 daughters.

Violet J. Alexander single died young

Cornelia Alexander single, died young

Wm Abner Alexander b 1847 ob 1913 married 1874 Margaret E. Hampton born in 1849 & had 8 children my good informant for this record see pages 476-7

Nellie Barry [daughter of Richard Sr] married Barney Torrence. No issue.

Jane Barry never married

Dovey Barry married Wm Grier

William Grier went to Miss. Know nothing further

Mary Ann Grier married Wm Gillespie. No issue

Ann Barry never married

Hugh Barry never married.

V25 Page 482

1 PM

I am now caught up again with the daily incoming family letters & taking up for record again the old accumulated mail large envelopes of which I have four bunches assorted alphabetically by states, the first bunch beginning at "Bessamer Ala" & running to "New York City" a big bunch ctg 41 letters but some of them are big fat full ones as they are 4 in high closely pressed down & 11 inches long. The bunches are perhaps put up at two different times & by dates as instance [best guess] one of the other bunches commences with Hoyt, Kansas

V25 Page 483

I have a letter dated Nov 5, 1927 from Guilford Dudly Cummings who sends me the line of Kittie Bruce Finley at the request of his mother, Mrs M.A. Cummings of 820 N. 4th Ave, Knoxville, Tenn. The typewriting is faint & Mrs Pallini is reading while I table what he sends on next page. The first child of George Finley given on page 484 as Abadiah should be Obediah G.

A two page record without letter in an envelope post marked Nov 16, 1927 at Los Angeles Calif with name of Mrs Mary B. Pennebaker 5000 Echo St Los Angeles, Calif gives:

"George Finley Pennebaker line"

showing same descent as Mrs Cummings & that George Finley with whom she commenced her line is son of John Finley & wife Mary Thankful Caldwell of Augusta Co, VA. I am tabling this line com. at page 490. I think this record was sent by Mary Irene, widow of George Franklin Pennebaker see page 490

V25 Page 484 & V25 Page 485

[descendant chart]

George Finley ob 1809 or 1810 married 1786 at Stanford, Lincoln Co, Ky to Mary Gaines who was born 1765 & died at Lebanon Tenn where she is buried. Had 7 children. They had grown children when she died.


Abadiah G. Finley [should be Obadiah, see page 483]

George Finley Jr

Sarah Finley b Jany 12, 1799 married Saml Pennebaker see p 490

Anne Finley married Robt H. Green

Kittie Bruce Finley b May 24, 1803 ob Jany 14, 1882 married 1 July 19, 1821 William Bruster who was born Oct 20, 1793 & died Oct 13, 1853 married 2 Robert H. Green husband of her decd sister Anne Finley.

Sarah Anne Bruster b May 20, 1822 ob Sept 2, 1901 at the home of her daughter Mrs M.A. Cummings Knoxville, Tenn. Married 1 1837 at Sparta Tenn to Joseph James Cummings who was born Jany 12, 1818 & died Feby 6, 1876 & had 10 children.

William Bruster Cummings b Sept 28, 1838 married Laura King of McMinnville, Tenn. He died Jany 29, 1886. She died several yrs before. No issue.

Kittie Lou Cummings b July 31, 1840 ob Dec 3, 1915 married Oct 2, 1866 Thomas B. Biles. Had 2 daughters

Margaret Biles married Passmore. Both living at McMinnville, Tenn

Laura Biles married Frank Pearsons. He died several yrs ago. She lives at Sparta, Tenn

Edna Pearson [sic] married Whitson. Both living at Nashville, Tenn

Frank Pearson Jr married & living at Cowan, Tenn

Mary Elizabeth Cummings b Sept 11, 1842 ob Nov 10, 1918 married 1 Feby 1, 1859 to Peter Turney & had 6 children married 2 1879 to Albert McLellan & had 2 children see page 486

Virginia Frances Cummings b Mch 16, 1844 ob 1875 in Calif. Married May 2, 1861 to Lucien Gaines 4 children.

Sanford Edward Gaines b May 10, 1863 married Maud Baker. He is a prom. doctor at Sparta, Tenn.

Edwinna Gaines married Langford

Maud Helen Gaines married Wilson

An infant son died in Calif

Willie Gaines died in Calif aged 14 yrs

Annie Gaines married John Crowder & have 4 children living in Sparta, Tenn

Frank Crowder

Gaines Crowder

Sydney Crowder

Wilma Crowder

Altamira Cummings b Apr 19, 1846 ob Apr 3, 1848

John Finley Cummings b Jany 10, 1848 ob Apr 5, 1862

Emily Cummings b Jany 2, 1850 ob Sept 6, 1925 married Jany 2, 1872 to W.G. Sims who died several years before her. Had 5 children.

Charles G. Sims printer at Columbia, Tenn

Ina Sims ob in Phoenix Ariz married Thompson

Lena Sims married Lewis. Is a widow in Sparta, Tenn

Hattie Sims married Clark live near Sparta, Tenn

Laura Sims married Lee & live in Mineral Springs, Ark

Anna Cummings b Dec 9, 1852 ob Aug 12, 1881 married Nov 21, 1878 to W.R. Jackson. No issue

Charles Bowen Cummings b Dec 12, 1855 ob Aug 1883 unmarried

See page 488 top

Mary (or Polly) Finley [daughter of George Finley] married Wm Pennebaker

Lucinda Finley married Joseph Denny moved to Indiana with their family & from there to California. They had a large family. In 1846 last record, they were living near Bloomington Ind.

V25 Page 486

[descendant chart]

Mary Elizabeth Cummings see page 484. All of her sons are living. [Married Peter Turney]


Raywood Turney b 1860 now living in South Pittsburgh, Pa

Sallie Bruce Turney b Mch 15, 1861 ob Sept 20, 1915 married Mch 20, 1881 T.A. Pope. He too is dead. Had 5 children.

Joseph James Turney b 1863

Samuel P. Turney b 1865

Add F. Turney b 1867

Frank Turney b 1869

Laura McLellan married McGuffey

Allie May McLellan married Brown

V25 Page 488

[descendant chart]

Sallie May Cummings see pages 484-5 daughter of Sarah Anne Bruster & Joseph James Cummings. Had not room on p 485 end of their line. b May 30, 1861 & is the mother of the man who sent this record. Married Oct 27, 1881 to Malachi Austin Cummings ob July 25, 1915 at Knoxville, Tenn where he was a prom. lawyer. Had 4 children. She lives at 820 N. 4th Ave Knoxville, Tenn


William Joseph Cummings b Oct 14, 1883 was a Capt in the World War married Aug 18, 1921 Lula May Garrett & have two sons.

William Joseph Cummings Jr b Jany 1, 1924

Thomas Austin Cummings b Jany 15, 1926

Guilford Dudley Cummings b July 6, 1885 a civil & mining engineer at Bessemer Ala where he is city engineer. He sent this record at his mother's request. Married Apr 30, 1910 Gertrude Weatherly Blackburn. Have 2 sons.

Guilford Dudley Cummings Jr b Jany 23, 1911

William Blackburn Cummings b Sept 26, 1913

Eula Cummings b Aug 16, 1889 ob Jany 1890 aged 5 mos

Lulu Delle Cummings b Dec 4, 1891 married Dec 26, 1919 to Thomas J. Poe. They live in Knoxville, Tenn where he is in the R.E. business.

V25 Page 489 [blank]

V25 Page 490 & V25 Page 491

[descendant chart]

John Finley of Augusta Co, Va married Mary Thankful Caldwell


George Finley ob 1809 or 1810 see page 484 married 1786 this record says at Stanford, Ky Mary Gaines who was b 1765 & died 1830 at Lebanon Tenn & buried there.

Sarah Finley see p 484 b Jany 12, 1799 ob married 1 Samuel Pennebaker, Danville Ky who was born May 20, 1796 ob Oct 25, 1835 at Lebanon, Tenn. Had 8 children. Married 2 John Wiseman a Baptist minister. No issue to this marriage.

Wyan Pennebaker

Mary or Polly Pennebaker

Casandra Pennebaker

William Pennebaker

George Finley Pennebaker b Nov 22, 1828 in Wilson Co, Tenn He died Oct 31, 1864 at Lebanon, Tenn married Dec 27, 1852 in Warren Co, Tenn to Minerva R. Faulkner b June 26, 1830 in Warren Co, Tenn & died July 21, 1862 at New Albany, Miss. Had children:

Edwin Finley Pennebaker b Dec 5, 1853 ob Dec 31, 1872 in New York City, unmarried

Samuel Faulkner Pennebaker b Apr 15, 1856 in Panola Co, Tex ob Aug 10, 1887 married Sept 2, 1879 at McMinnville Tenn Mollie Stone & had 2 sons.

Edwin R. Pennebaker living

Samuel F. Pennebaker Jr ob in infancy

George Franklin Pennebaker b Nov 18, 1859 at Pontiac, New Albany Co Miss married June 14, 1894 at Gainesville, Tex Mary Irene Bone. He died May 29, 1922. Had issue:

Mary Lucille Pennebaker b June 7, 1897 in Los Angeles married July 10, 1923 Birdsall S. Webster

Mary Francis Webster b Apr 11, 1927 at Los Angeles Calif

George Finley Pennebaker b Jany 4, 1906 at Pecos Texas was then a senior in Stanford Univ, Calif.

John Norris Pennebaker [son of George Finley Pennebaker] b Dec 1, 1861 at New Albany, Pontoo Co Miss & died there Aug 8, 1862.

Samuel P. Pennebaker [son of Samuel Pennebaker & Sarah Finley]

Edwin Ruthven Pennebaker

Sarah Ann Pennebaker

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Oak Hill July 14, 1931 10 AM

I have a letter dated July 11, 1931 in answer to mine from A.F. Blessing Box 448 Indiana Pa see pages 460-1 who gives me the address of Mary J. Peairs 335 S. Graham St, Pittsburgh, Pa & says she has given him much valuable information. I am writing her this morning.

I have an 8 page large sheet letter dated July 13, 1924 in answer to mine from John Presley Thompson 820 E. 4 ST Santa Ana, Calif enclosing what he had ready & saying Williard [sic] White has not yet gotten his records typewritten but will forward soon. Also a later letter dated Aug 14, 1924 saying he would soon have the rest ready to send both of which I acknowledged on Aug 21, 1924 see b 8 p 425 & b 12 p 184.

his father Rev Robt Graham Thompson married 2d Miss Martha Thompson Scott then making her home with her sister

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Mrs Anderson in DeKalb O. She then was our mother, through the war period, he having been serving since 1863 as a chaplain in Civil War & was discharged at Camp Chase Columbus, O in 1866.

She died a few years ago at Santa Ana, Calif. She was the brother [sic] of our brother Robert Scott Thompson now living on Washington Ave. He, Rev Robt Graham Thompson after the war went to Kingsville, Mo & bought a farm location greatly ravaged by war. During his residence here, his daughter, Sarah Margaret Thompson was married to Mr Henry Arnott Skiles a member of a family who moved in the neighborhood from Mt Pleasant, Iowa. Afterwards joined a wagon train with some more of our family to Pueblo, Colorado & on to Trinidad, then north to Evans Colo & Zooland. From there moved by RR to Oakland Calif where he worked & learned the carpenter trade under the supervision of her Uncle Henry Brown & after 2 or 3 yrs there they moved to Santa Ana Calif where they have lived since & raised 7 children all married & living in this state: Julia Frances Thompson married Wm A. Skiles oldest brother of Henry A.

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He moved also by wagon train through Kansas old Santa Fe route to Pueblo Col south to Trinidad, north to Honeland [Zooland crossed out] or was St Louis then & remained at Loveland. He was one of the Elders that (the letter here stopped short)

When I was at ST Thomas, Ontario, Canada in May 9, 1929 I took from the spring & summer telephone directory there the following names & addresses.

St Thomas

Carruthers, Frank W. r 35 Wilson Tel 2069-J

Carruthers, George r 32 Chestnut Tel 1839-W

Finley, T.A. r 9 Balaclava Tel 2687-W

Jack, Joseph r 131 Erie Tel 448

Jack, W. wife Myrtle r 131 Erie Tel 2254-W


Carrothers, Byron, Farm Wilton Grove, Tel 1131

Carrothers, Clare, Farm Wilton Grove Tel 312

Carrothers, David, Farm Wilton Grove Tel 1311

Carrothers, Erie, Farm Wilton Grove Tel 13

Carrothers, Harry Farm Wilton Grove Tel 113

Carrothers, Lane Farm Wilton Grove Tel 715-r-47

Carrothers, Roy Farm Wilton Grove Tel 7615-r-47

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Carrothers, W.B. farm Belmont Tel 6514

Carrothers, Willsie farm Glanworth tel 116


Carrothers, Eldon Metcalf 6217-F


Carruthers, Wm J r Caradoc-Ekfrid Tel Co Tel 621-r-24


Carruthers, John r Springfield S 661


Carruthers, Robert Farm Rr 8 Parkhill Tel 604-r-15


Markle, James farm Caradoc-Ekfrid Tel Co Tel 157-r-24 London

Carrothers there are 14 listed

Carruthers there are 5 listed

the exchange numbers of their telephones all being Metcalf U Fairmont

Finlays there are 2

Jack there are 2

Alec Jack is Metcalf 4216-W. I went to London where Mrs Markle foster mother of James came in & met me & I stayed overnight there with Eldon Carrothers. See my records of that date May 29, 1929

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I have a letter dated Nov 23, 192[3 or 8 or 0] in answer to mine from Mrs E.J. Shoemaker 741 S. Hudson Ave Pasadena, Calif & also under separate cover large envelope same date enclosing copies of the wills of her gggf James Jack & his brother John of Chester Co, Pa & a large 17x28 inches chart or table or part of the descendants of her ggfather Adam Jack see b 13 page 160.

She says she met in Pasadena Calif a young man, James Jack who came from Indiana who was going to write back home & see what information he could get her. Also met recently a Scotchman who says he knew many Jacks about Glasgow, Scotland & they were lively boys.

Says she has heard her father say his family were originally French Huguenots & were driven out of France at the time of the massacre of St Bartholomew, but they came here from Ireland from the neighborhood of Belfast, Ireland in the early seventeen hundreds (she say 1700) & landed at Baltimore, Md & were known as Scotch-Irish. She says it was her gggfather James Jack who came from Ireland in the early 1700s. He

He eventually settled on a farm in Caln Tp

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Chester Co, Pa abt a mile south of old Brandywine Church. He died there & he & his wife are buried in the church graveyard. In the early days the graves were not marked so their [sic] is no indication above ground of the Jacks underneath. The records of the church give him as a subscriber to the salary of the minister 1746-1758.

Elizabeth Jack appears in 1794 as a subscriber to build a wall around the g.y.. This is no doubt the widow of John, the brother of James.

Adam Jack, her ggf appears among the list of pew holders 1792-1796. She says she is working on the Jack branch & hopes soon to get all the dates.

Says she is indebted to Mr Frank S. Bicking for copies of the old wills & the Tims branch of the family, the table she sends being largely Tims & Bicking. Adam Jack's wife was a widow nee Tims. Regrets he did not give dates, but sends his last letter & says she knows he would reciprocate in giving information. Her name is Elizabeth J. Shoemaker. The letter she encloses from Frank S. Bicking is dated Nov 6, 1925 & is on letterhead of S. Austin Bicking paper Mfg Co East Downington, Pa & shows him as Secy & Treas. Jos A. Bicking Pres & Edwin Bicking V.Pt.

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Oak Hill July 15, 1931 7 AM

Recurring - Anjou's Family Histories, I recall two noted errors where he got the generations wrong, one in taking gggfather Edward Crawford's brother William for his, William's son Col Wm Crawford who was burned at the stake. Another was in taking James Jack, son of Jacob Jack as my ancestor instead of his nephew James (son of Patrick 1769?) who was my ggggfather.

Last night in summing up the information sent me by Mrs Elizabeth Jack Shoemaker of Pasadena, Calif on Nov 23, 1925 see the two pages preceding & b13 page 160 & 159, I find by reference to his, Anjou's Jack Hist vol XXI pages 1994-5 that he has taken my sd ggggf James's born 1705 brother John born 1710 who he reports as coming in 1737 to Chester Co, Pa & buying 150 A of land (make slip to examine for settlement of his estate & to whom & when title to this land passed) for his John's own son John who died in 1784 & whose will he attaches as that of his father. The son John left as residuary legatees John & James Jack, minors under 18 yrs, sons of his nephew James who was son of his brother James &

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the will James made 1787 proves from our own knowledge that he was not our James, the brother of the elder John. Then as corroborating the above judgement of mine which I am satisfied is correct, we find the aforesaid grand nephews John & James (or one of them) taking out marriage license in Woodford Co, Ky where John Jack 1766-1822 brother of my ggmother Mary Jack Thompson a second cousin of James Jr the father of John & James as a witness to the license & as having himself taken out license there in 1789? to marry Mary Mason. These are Mrs W.E. Gunnett's ancestors. This enables me to connect up the hosts of Jack & Jack descendants I found in 1926 in Warren Co, O & across in Indiana with our own line & I feel sure the records I found of Jacks in Woodford Co, Ky will come in closely on this line.

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Yesterday's Morning Herald first page reports the death at his home on Murray Ave (from cancer of the stomach after a long illness) of second cousin by marriage once removed on Monday evening at 7:20 PM of John T. Hoover aged 59 years. He was born in German Tp, Fayette Co, Pa Dec 3, 1871 the eldest of the 8 children of the last ex Shff James H. Hoover & his surviving widow Louisa Messmore Hoover. He was a prominent builder & contractor & a noted big game hunter having hunted in Africa, Alaska, British Columbia, Canada & Wyoming & was a member of the First Pres Ch & funeral services will be at 2 PM this afternoon by Rev Wm B. Hindman burial at Church Hill just beyond McClellandtown, Pa. He is survived by his mother, widow, six children, four grandchildren, three brothers & four sisters. His widow Harriet Blaney Hoover who he married in 1898 & the following children survive:

1. Mrs Kenneth H. Hoover of Chicago Ills

2. Mrs E.E. Strickler of Uniontown, Pa

3 & 4. James H., W.B.

5 & 6. Mary Louise & Harriet B. at home

Brothers, Chas V., George P. & Robert J. of Uniontown, Pa

Sisters, Mrs Alice Blaney of Masontown, Mrs Henry Newcomer of Faribanks, Mrs John Whetzel of Brownsville, Pa & Catharine of Uniontown, Pa.

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A letter dated July 10, 1931 mailed at Lewiston, Idaho in answer to mine from Weldon Wilson of Silcott, Wash says some of his children live in Canada & some in Indiana & as soon as he can get the dates from them, he will send them to me.

On Mch 30, 1929 I wrote from Toronto, Ont to the War Dept Wash D.C. asking for the service of Martin Redburn in the Civil War & on Apr 4, 1929 they send a printed blank with 12 questions to be answered, mainly just what I asked them to give me. Joseph McKee of Stuart, Iowa got the information desired from his U.S. senator Brookhart & on May 29, last I was at Tryon, Okla at home of his widow Georgia Ann Redburn. See book 24.

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I have a letter dated May 3, 1926 from H.W. Jenks 28 18th St, S.E. Washington D.C. asking about Peter Miller shown in 1790 as living in Union Tp & noted in Lewis Pub Co History & enclosing three sheets of family records from one of which I copy:

Peter & Tacy Miller in Fayette Co in 1790 had son:

Joseph Miller born about 1786 married about 1807 to Mary Weaver & had:

1. Eliza born Apr 1, 1808 married Clark

2. Thomas born June 14, 1809 married Hannah Ramage

3. Jonathan

4. James married Martha Ghrist

5. David

6. Peter

7. Eleanor married Anthony Thompson

8. Agnes

Also see sketch of Joseph O. Miller These may be his forbears.

Two letters dated Jany 20, 1926 in answer to mine from Winfield Scott Commissioner of Pension - refer to Rev & War 1812 claims gives records of war service & pension applications from Thomas Jack & his son Andrew Jack & their widows.

He advises that from the papers in the Revolutionary War pension claim W 4705 it appears that

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Thomas Jack while residing in Westmoreland Co, Pa enlisted March 1, 1776 & served as a Sergeant in Captains William Butler & Thomas Butler's companies, Colonels Arthur St Clair's & Thomas Craig's Penna Regiments & was in the battles of Short Hills, Brandywine, Germantown & Monmouth & was discharged in January 1781.

He was allowed pension on his application dated Apr 13, 1818 while a resident of Adams Co, O aged 69 yrs. He died in said Co Aug 9, 1831 (I have it Aug 11, 1931 see p 125 p 511) Soldier married June 7, 1787 in Westnd Co, Pa Jane Kincaid or Kinkade. She was allowed pension on her application executed Sept 8, 1840 while a resident of Tiffin Tp, Adams Co, Aged 73 yrs. She died in Adams Co, O Jany 15, 1844.

Their three oldest children, Mary born in 1790 died Dec 1818, Andrew born Apr 4, 1792 and James whose date of birth is not on file.

Other children referred to in 1820: Nancy aged 19 yrs, Betsy aged 17 yrs, Margaret aged 15 yrs & an orphan granddaughter Jane McCoy aged 9 yrs born say 1811. The following children were alive at their mother's death: Andrew, James, Margaret & Jane Bayles or Bayley, signed Winfield Scott, commissioner

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The other letter in same envelope advises that in the War of 1812 pension claim widows cft 15314 it appears that Andrew Jack (son of Thomas on previous page) enlisted in West Union, Adams Co, O & served as a private in Capt Luther Shephard's Co of Ohio Militia from May 7, 1813 to June 16, 1813 & Capt Robt Kerr's Co from July 28, 1813 to Sept 7, 1813.

He was allowed pension on his application executed Mch 25, 1871 while a resident of Tiffin Tp, Adams Co, O aged 78 yr. He died there May 14, 1871

Soldier married June 13, 1816 in Tiffin Tp Adams Co, O Deborah McGarrah (McGerry). She was allowed pension on her application executed Apr 10, 1878 while a resident of Tiffin Tp Ohio aged 85 years. There is no data on file as to children see b 15 p 510-1

I attended the funeral today of John T. Hoover going to the residence at 2 PM & following to the grave at Church Hill where I met many friends & relatives & where his father James H. Hoover is also buried. He died in Sept 1921 when I was on a research trip west being I believe in Illinois at the time.

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I have a 7 page 8 3/4 x 11 in letter dated July 23, 1927 from Katherine Painter Blyholder written from the Portland Hotel Washington D.C. (I wonder if it was she who a few months ago boarded the train at Irwin, Pa & sat with me into Pgh) saying that sometime ago, Claire Painter of Gbg Pa (daughter of Morris L. Painter) wrote her requesting that she get some information their [sic] & my family tree. She says Claire has been kept in the dark about her ancestry (ie that her father, Morris l. was a natural con of Col Israel Painter) because her grandfather, Col Israel Painter ("my great Uncle") was a father to several children born out of wedlock. He never married, but when one reads of his achievements, they are likely to excuse that omission on his part. She says she has copied countless pages on the family tree & it is most wonderful. It not only gives one privilege of joining the D.A.R. but to special bars for Colonial service. She says she has scratched a crude record of what she thinks is my line of ancestry. If it fits says she can give all kinds of military references in Archives also even name of vessels which brought them over.

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Says if I am interested & she has the last three generations correct (Thompsons) I can give it to you in better form & more detailed - in other words exact copies signed

Kathryn Painter Blyholder

P.S. Catherine Lobingier was my great great grandmother & a daughter of Eliz Mueller.

First page she gives if fr Jno M. Gresham's 1859 Hist of Fay Co which I pass.

2d page refers to "Penna Genealogies" by Dr W.H. Egle pub 1896 page 495-504 & gives some misinformation in saying that Grandmother Leah Markle was daughter (she was sister of her husband) of Mary Lobingier born Sept 25, 1792 died 1880 married Casper (it was Gasper) Markle, brother of Genl Joseph Markle.

Mary Lobingier Markle was daughter of John Lobingier born April 5, 1767 in Dauphin Co, Pa, died Feby 26, 1859 in Mt Pleasant Tp, Westnd Co, Pa. He was legislator, Judge in iron business, oil business. He married Sophia Meyers (Moyer or Myers) born July 26, 1770 died May 18, 1838 (investigate & see if she doesn't come in our Markle line through the Walsh or Kramers). His 2d wife was Elizabeth Cross. Mary Markle was of 1st wife. (This is record I have been trying to get).

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John Lobingier was son of Christopher Lobingier born 1744 in Lancaster, now Dauphin Co, Pa. A whole book could be written on his Revolutionary fame. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Convention and his wife Elizabeth Muller (Miller) born 1748 in Hamburg, Germany died Sept 5, 1815 in Stoystown, Pa.

Elizabeth Muller was daughter of John George Muller born 1715 in Canton Zurich, Switzerland emigrated in 1752 & settled in Province of Pa. He had been an officer in Swiss Army Capt in French & Indian Wars in Col James Burd's provincial regiment. He married Barbara Gloniger.

John G. Muller's father was born in Switzerland. His name was Rudolph Muller.

She went astray on Leah Markle being daughter of Gasper instead of Casper & gives me erroneously a Lobingier and Muller line, so there is nothing to write her abt unless to see if she could run back the line of Sophia Myer first wife of Judge John Lobingier, but I don't know where to address her.

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Miscellaneous data picked up in the Newberry Library Chicago Ills about the Fulton family

John Fulton of Little Britain Lancaster Co, Pa died prior to 1778 leaving Samuel & John & Alexander his sons W.H. Egle - Notes & Queries 4th Series.

Was he brother of Robert Fulton, father of Steamship inventor, who also lived in Little Britain Tp.

A genealogy of the Fulton Family has been compiled by Hugh R. Fulton, Lancaster Pa pub in 1905. There does not seem to be a close connection between this branch & ours. At least I could not figure it out. (Neither could I & I have the book)

Data from another book by Egle:

Samuel Fulton (ob 1760) Lancaster Co, Pa


John ob 1765 James Samuel


Alexander John 2 girls

Lancaster Co, Pa deaths taken fr records William Fulton died 1741

Thomas Fulton died 1747

Thomas Fulton died 1748

Robert Fulton died 1774

William Fulton died 1818

Hugh Fulton died 1820

Thomas Fulton died 1830

Thomas Fulton died 1851

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Tombstone Inscriptions Middle Spring Church, Cumberland Co, Pa

Wm Fulton 1738-1803; John Fulton 1800-1830

Elizabeth Fulton 1739-1828; Wm Fulton Jr 1771-1837

Margaret Fulton 1769-1816; James Fulton 1757-1820

From Egles 3d Series.

John Fulton died 1753 leaving:

Andrew, John, Elizabeth & Margaret, His brother Samuel Exr.

Robert Fulton of New Zealand supplies the following:

William F. Fulton 1600-1667 Kilkenny, Ire. had three sons Rev Robert died 1720 Alexander who went to Jamaica & William living in 1742. William's three sons came to America:

1. Alexander

2. Robert, father of Inventor

3. and another unnamed (This has been James who married Agnes Thompson daughter of Dr Samuel Thompson of Westd Co, Pa)

This is the first time I have ever seen an inkling of the inventor's line back of his father.

Origin of Fulton:

Kither title of man who kept King John supplied with game, or slang name of a dirty English Town. The Fultons came from Scotland, Ayrshire, thence to Ireland.

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Data obtained by Frank T. Fulton at Bloomington, Ills in 1922. There are four half cousins to Frank & Louisa around Bloomington & Heyworth, Ills viz Albert Fulton, James Fulton, Belle Welch & Mattie Brown. These all have families.

I. Albert Fulton, Heyworth Ills Frank & Lou's half cousin own brother to Eliza Black, half brother to Belle Welch Mattie Brown & James Fulton.

Wife Mattie. Children & grandchildren:

1. Mary Collier (husband W.E. Collier, Heyworth, Ills RFD)

a. Chas Marker (son by Mary's 1st husband)

2. Ruth Thomas (Floyd Thomas, husband, Heyworth, Ills RFD)

a. Harold E.

b. Vernon

3. Ruby Morin (Harry O. Morin, husband Waynesville, Ills)

a. Marguerite

b. Paul

c. Joseph

4. Elmer Fulton 2d wife Mary, Heyworth Ills RFD

a. Lawson son by first wife

b. a daughter by 2nd wife.

II. James Fulton, half cousin to Frank & Lou, half brother to Albert Fulton & Eliza Black, own brother to Belle Welch & Mattie Brown, Heyworth, Ills RFD.

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Wife Nettie

1. Iris

2. Louise

III. Belle Welch, half cousin to Frank & Lou, half sister to Albert Fulton & Eliza Black own sister to James Fulton & Mattie Brown 1403 Olive St, Bloomington, Ills

Husband A.J. Welch

1. Archie Welch Downs, Ills RFD, wife Clyta

a. a son

2. Lois, teacher in Bloomington, Ills

3. Doris, recently married

4. Mattie (married) Herst Bloomington, Ills. Have three children.


b. c.

IV. Mattie Brown own sister to Belle Welch Heyworth, Ills Husband Joseph Brown.

1. Frorine, teacher

2. Fred

3. Porter

V. Eliza Black own sister to Albert Fulton etc Freeport, Ohio have not traced her family.

Albert Fulton & Eliza Black brother & sister

James Fulton } brother & sisters & children of second wife

Belle Welch } of Frank's half uncle, James Fulton

Mattie Brown }

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Albert Fulton 66 yrs old remembers grandfather William Fulton & his son Samuel T. He remembers grandfather Wm Fulton speaking of Robert Fulton the inventor as his cousin. Says gf William had seen Robert the inventor.

An old lady, Mrs Shafer 88 yrs old but clear minded residing in Bloomington, Ills lived in grandfather William Fulton's family for years & remembers his speaking of Robert the inventor as his cousin. Grandfather Samuel Fulton is buried at Passwater Cemetery between Bloomington & Heyworth, Ills.

McLean Co Hist Soc Court House, Bloomington, Ills

William Fulton

Born Westmoreland? Co, Pa Dec 24, 1792 Private, Capt John Longhry's Co of Riflemen 30th Reg 2nd Brigade 15th Division Pennsylvania Militia 1812-1813. Settled near Bloomington, Ills 1851, died Bloomington, Ills Feby 12, 1871 buried in lot 36 Sec 8 Evergreen Cem Bloomington, Ills. See Biographical Album of McLean Co, Ills 1887 page 1094 & Penna Archives 6th Series vol VII page 780. Information also from Albert Fulton grandson Heyworth, Ills 1912.

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1st wife Leah (Thompson) Fulton

son Thompson Fulton

2d wife Mary (Moore) Fulton


William Fulton Jr

James Fulton

Sarah (Fulton) Boyd

Robert Fulton

See record in Central Illinois Hist Soc in 90 Milo Cutter Bloomington Ills. A record of the heads of families in Penna Westnd Co shows James Fulton 2, Jean Fulton North Huntingdon Tp, Robert Fulton South Huntingdon Tp.

These were just three pages & not enclosed in any envelope & I don't know from whom they came, but probably from Mr Fulton who I met in Chicago, Ills. The New Zealand Robert Fulton reporting that the inventor's gf & ggf were both William shows how the name William persists in the descendants of James & his own son.

Make slips for Heyworth, Ills Freeport, O & detail the information here gleaned so that when I go I can get dates for a table. Look up table made from data given by Belle Welch.

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Oak Hill July 15, 1931 7:17 Am

I have a letter dated Sept 13, 1927 in answer to mine of Sept 8, 1927 from Mrs Ira Hastings then of Cairo, Ills saying that one of her husband's sister [sic] was not sure whether the name of their ancestress was Ann Finley. She says in the old ledger of his father, she finds the name of: Robert Finley, Gardner P.O. Grundy Co, who was evidently a relative (see page 78) of his mother. His name was Samuel Hastings & she thinks he & his wife are buried in the vicinity of Sarahsville, O. She says her husband Ira Hastings mother's father Jonas Ball lived where the village of Sarahsville O now stands. The part of Guernsey Co where they lived is now Noble Co O. She is preparing the Hist. for her children & wants a book & wants her line connected up to be included in my book for which she is willing to pay. Wants to get someone near Sarahsville, O to search for graves of Samuel Hastings & other relatives & send her the inscriptions. Make slip. I referred her to b 21 p 349. Make slip to see of trace of Robt Finley can be found in Grundy Co, Ills, Morris Co seat. She hears [best guess] of Miss Rena B. Findley, Akron Univ, Akron, (O?) who has a Findley genealogy.

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I have a letter dated Feby 22, 1928 from Gladys R. McPherson (Mrs Wm Wallace McPherson) genealogist & researcher 6726 Honore St, Chicago, Ills Ogden Park Sta who writes for Mrs Zoe Green Spence see book 15 p 431 & asks abt her Markle line & asks if Alma Storey Duncan see b 15 p 430 is her paternal grandmother.

I find another letter, large envelope mailed Mch 1, 1928 from Mrs Wm Wallace McPherson above enclosing 3 pages of typewritten material about Maj Abraham Markle fine & laudatory taken largely from "History of Vigo Co, Indiana Bradsby 1891 page 157, 164-5, 173" in which she says Maj Markle brought his second wife with him when he came to Vigo Co & names 7 sons but omits Nelson & says John Dickson & family & Isaac Lambert & family these two being brothers-in-law & settled on Otter Creek & they built the first water mill in the county on Honey Creek.

On Mch 5, 1816 Congress granted land bounties as extra pay to Canadian volunteers & he immediately went to Fort Harrison & located the land.

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He was a large, courtly man commanding attention as a conspicuous person in any assemblage & was active, aggressive, impulsive & always a leader, never a follower.

He was a member of the Provincial Assembly & advocated freeing themselves from England & they confiscated all of his property because he enlisted in the American side in War of 1812 & was made a Major. His sons, William & Abraham A. served with him. The lands he took up were now where the Union Sta & he owned the site of Fort Harrison. He never feared a foe & would go miles to fight one, & twice as far to help a friend. He loved a fine horse & nothing but a beautiful woman could divide his affection for a horse. He attended all horse races, fairs & agricultural trots. His temperament was fiery & chivalric but he had a warm generous heart. He was social & jovial & a graceful host. His oldest daughter married Nathaniel Huntington, noted as the first lawyer who opened an office in Terre Haute, Ind. Malcolm McFadden was here in 1817. His daughter Mary A. born in 1818 was first white female child born in Terre Haute.

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She married Napoleon B. Markle, youngest son of Maj Markle & died in this city, Dec 18, 1880 & was buried from the residence of Mrs Lester Tillotson corner of Second & Swan Sts.

On Jany 25, 1819 Abraham A. Markle married Jura Jones, see book 15 p 431. Her father Ezra Jones built the Otter Creek Mill for Major Markle.

I find an envelope preserved for the address given to me in 1924 when I called to see him by E.C. Zoll M.D., Elmwood Ills. It was he who gave me the Jefferson Co, O references to the Zolls where I found the next year the tombstone of Elizabeth? the wife of Jacob Zoll who was a Markle before her marriage.

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I find four letters, two large & two small envelopes, postmarked Aug 29, 1927, Feby 25, 1928, Mch 2, & Mch 14, 1928 from my good friend Mrs Mary D. Brown 402 Delevan St, Lincoln, Ills, the first in answer to mine of Aug 18, 1927 & says she is ashamed at not having sent the dates of the Harris family.

Have written to Mattie again for the dates in the family of her mother (Hannah Smith Finley McKinley), Charles Finley of Williamsburg, Ky promised to send me the inscriptions from the stones of his great grandparents. Am sending you letter I had fr him in Jany & have written him twice since for the inscriptions. His is a 3 page letter dated Jany 6, 1927 in an elaborate Republican State Central Committee in which he is listed as a member from Williamsburg, Ky from 11th & last district.

He speaks of remembering cousin Kate Owsley's visiting his father & talking about the family when he was 18 or 19 which would be more than 40 yrs ago & how tall & self possessed she was. He also speaks of my having been to see them. Says he spent the years 1900-1909 in Indiana.

My great grandfather James Finley & his wife are buried at Tyes Ferry about 20 miles

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from here but I have never seen the spot nor their tombstones. Sometime ago, my brother & I had monuments erected in place of the old tombstones with the same inscription, but I do not remember what the inscriptions are as I was busy & turned it over to my brother for attention.

I gathered from my father as a boy that James Finley came to Kentucky from Virginia probably Greenbrier Co now a part of WVA. Make slip. If I ever heard who he married, I do not recall it.

Neither do I remember how many children James Finley had tho I remember my father telling me he had an Uncle Travis Finley who lived in Missouri & who he visited as a young man, also an Uncle named James Finley in California who owned & operated a vineyard & on at least one occasion sent a cask of his wine to my grandfather Robert Finley see b 13 p 326.

I spent some time in 1906-7 in Colorado Springs, Colo & met an old man named William Finley there who said he was born in Lincoln Co, Ky had moved from there to Mo & from there to Colorado, Crab Orchard of which you speak is in Lincoln Co, but the Wm Finley whom I met could not of course have been a son of

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James Finley - probably a son of William Finley who was son of James Finley.

I know from my father that my grandfather Robert Finley had relatives in Central Ky whom he visited but do not know whether it was his brother Wm Finley or the Owsleys. Your suggestion that James Finley might have married Keziah Martin reminds me to this - There are two families in this county - the Catliffs & the Finleys (my grandfather Robert Finley married Annie Catliff) which produce men & women of unusual size, six feet, two, three, four, five & even six inches in height. I have heard my father explain this fact by saying that Obediah & Salathiel Martin, brothers & officers in the Revolutionary War were giants more than seven feet tall & that a marriage between either a Catliff or a Finley and a woman of the Martin kinship was responsible for it.

I learned from my father that his Uncle Travis Finley never married which is in accordance with your information concerning him

Says his brother is away but when he returns he will get the inscription on the monument & send to you.

She has written on this that she remembers her grandmother telling her of her Uncle Travis Finley visiting them & went to church he was so tall he sat with his

V25 Page 521

legs over the back of the seat in front of him & her writing this to him elicited the above from Charles.

See b 13 p 226.

I did not suggest that James Finley might have married Keziah Martin. "My grandmother said he did marry her."

He thinks he can get something from an old fellow living in the Co who has made a study of the genealogy of our families & will send it to her. Asks if she knows anything of Miss Jennie B. Tilton of Carlisle, Ky. He says she is a relative of ours with whom my sister (now dead) was thrown some years ago & who sent her copy of a letter she had from Martha Finley author of the "Elsie books". Getting back to her letter, she thinks the Alexander Finley who married "Susan Whitiker" must have been my great grandfather Robert Finley's brother (I think so too.) Miss Allen has promised to try to find out where the wife of James Finley is buried. I think Alexander Finely must have lived in Basking Ridge NJ as that is where Robert lived & all these baptisms (in the record she sends) were in the Church there. She asks if I know where Wm L. & Irene Finley who take pictures shown in the Mentor Magazine belong, says she will send dates as she gets them & hopes the addresses she gave me yielded good results.

V25 Page 522

She mentions finding in the Wilderness Road to Ky a book pub by Wm Allen Pusey of Chicago on page 9: "In 1752 & 1767 John Finley traded in Ky on the Ohio River" Then in 1769 a hunting party headed by Boone with five others, including John Finley left the Yadkin May 1, 1769. It was later joined by Squire Boone (father of Daniel) who alternated with Boone in Ky until the spring of 1771. Then on Page 19, Boone's attention had first been called to the road to Ky through Powell Valley & Cumberland Gap by John Finley who he met in Braddock's Campaign & who was Boone's companion in his trip to Ky in 1769-1771

She says in this Wilderness Road the Wm Brown referred to was the grandfather of her husband. His route extends from Harrison Va to Harrodsburg Ky & was first taken in 1780 & the last time in 1782.

I am going to copy what my friend Tillie Finley McKee sent me. I think I have already sent it to you. She then goes on to give the 7 sons of Michael landing in Phila in Sept 28, 1734 as her line, which I think is wrong if I have her properly placed & gives 4 pages much of it o.k. & much of it wrong. I will make a few notations I should have viz:

V25 Page 523

Says Rev Samuel 1715-66 was ordained a minister in 1743 & died in Phila, Pa July 16, 1766. Twice married & had 6 sons & 2 daughters by 1st wife & no issue by 2d & Samuel Breese who married his daughter Rebecca is reported as of Shrewsbury, NJ. Says John 1713-57 had six sons & 3 daughters? says one of the children of his son James went to live with his Uncle Genl Samuel Finley & was accidentally drowned.

In listing the children of Genl Saml Finley 1752-1829, she gives two more than I got from Madge C. Finley of Greenville, Texas, see pages 450-1 & gives the other five with the dates I have. Note that two Johns are given & the one here given may have died before the other was born. The two are:

John Finley born Mch 30, 1799

Maria Finley born June 11, 1802

Rev James Finley 1725-95 ordained in 1752. His son Ebenezer was Elder in Church for 60 years.

His sons Joseph, Michael & William all elders in his own church at Rehoboth.

V25 Page 524

July 7th 6:44 AM

continuing with the records recd from Mrs Mary D. Brown.

I was wondering last night whether Clement Finley 1735-1775 might not have been the one who was bitten by & died of the rattlesnake bite instead of his brother James who I don't think did & whether it might have been his son James or his son John's son James who was taken by the Uncle Gen Saml Finley to raise, as those children were put out & I recall that cousin Kate Smith when 90 yrs old told me that James was a bad reckless boy - it might have been he who was drowned. Her grandfather Peter Rothermel bought the old Finley home & Kate's mother Julila [sic] Rothermel, with the wonderful Rothermel memory was raised there & told Kate much. Miss Nettie Allen from our book of Families also lists the children of widow Finley, relict of Rev Dr Finley as follows: Helen, James, Robert, Miss Annie, Josiah, John, 2 girls; to which

V25 Page 525

Mrs Brown adds: "This is as in the book Miss Allen copied it from, but my grandmother's name is left out. She was the oldest daughter, Mary Ogden Finley". The two girls not named were Susan B. & Hannah S. the youngest children see b 13 p 189.

Record of Baptisms of the Finley Families taken from the church records, Rev Robert Finley, pastor by Miss Nettie Allen.

Mary Ogden daughter of Robert bap June 1799

Helen daughter of Robert bap May 17, 1801

James Caldwell son of Robert bap Nov 28, 1802

Robert Smith son of Robert bap July 1804

Josiah son of Robert bap Feby 2, 1806

Annie daughter of Robert bap Mch 23, 1807

John Edwards Caldwell son of Robert bap Aug 13, 1809

Susan, daughter of Robert bap Aug 1811

Hannah daughter of Robert bap Jany 1, 181[cut off]

I have listed these here because there was not room to note them in b 13 p 158-9.

There were also noted the baptisms of the 12 oldest children of Robert's brother Alexander Finley, all of whom I have inserted in the table page 530-1, but the baptism of his 13th & youngest child, Helen is not listed indicating that he may have moved away from Basking Ridge NJ before she was born which is corroborated below that by [sic] Mrs Brown to[cut off] no record of his or wife's death is found. Make slip to see where he went. James Finley, member of Church session in 1808.

V25 Page 526

Alexander Finley member of church session 1809-1818

He evidently succeeded his father James Finley who died Oct 5, 1808 as elder in 1809 & moved away in 1818. The church records should show where he was dismissed to. Am writing Mrs Brown to have this looked up.

Mrs Brown says: "I don't see any notice of the death of Alexander Finley or of Susan, his wife".

The following dates etc also sent me by Miss Nettie Allen of Basking Ridge, NJ

Finley Marriages

1. Hannah Finley daughter of Widow Finley of Lamington (Somerset Co NJ) to Stephen Beech of Pluckemin (Somerset Co NJ) on Nov 1826. Make slip & see if any Beechs are there now.

2. Mary Finley married Chas Lewis Lane of Perry, Iowa. Make slip.

3. Deborah Finley married John Deman July 1, 1821 (by Galpin)

4. Polly Finley married Hugh Rafferty Dec 16, 1807 (by DeGroot)

5. Italia Finley married Peter Combes June 16, 1830 (by Blanvell)

6. Eliz. Finley married Sam Crock July 1, 1826 (by Fisher)

7. Priscilla J. Finley married Peter Lane of Wyoming Ills Make slip

8. J. Polhemus Finley married Dorothy Wychoff, daughter of James

Two of Alex's daughters I entered in table & one of Robert's I had.

V25 Page 527

James Finley Davison born Dec 24, 1825 son of John R. Davison & Mary Finley baptized Mch 26, 1826 at First Reformed Ch of Raritan (Somerville) NJ

Inscriptions in the Lamington NJ burying ground.

Eustatia Finley Combs wife of Peter died Feby 13, 1832 aged 28 yrs 10 mos & 22 days (born then Mch 22, 1803 this is No 5 above named at Italia)

Deborn Finley Deman wife of John died May 13, 1840 in 39th yr (born then 1901 or 1902 [sic, think he means 1801 or 1802] This is No 3 above

Martha Finley Demans wife of Wm died May 5, 1854 in her 86th year born then say 1768 or 1769.

Eliz. Finley, wife of John died May 23, 1846 in 82d yr born then 1764 or 5

Looks as if John & Eliz Finley were parents of many of the above.

A Rev Samuel Finley, an Irishman was Pres of Princeton College. He was scholarly & could teach Latin, Greek & Hebrew as well as English. He died 1766.

In a History of Somerset Co NJ, it said James Finley had 3 sons, Robert, Alexander & James (which is as I have it)

Says she has written for all the dates she can get of Hannah Smith Finley McKinley's children, grandchildren, & great grandchildren.

V25 Page 528

She says her cousin Harvey Bryan Ousley got her a copy of the Ousley book but there are no more to be had, but she will loan me hers if I wish. No. She hopes I have found the name of the father of her James Finley, who came over from Glasgow at Dr Witherspoon's request, died Oct 5, 1808. I think I have got this information for her in the files of B.M. Finley of Amory, Miss which I gave to Virginia Maloney on the 11th inst. When I get them back.

She speaks of some Finley descendants she knew of & gives me the name of Mrs Harry Krug? 75 West 55th St, New York City who she thinks has an Uncle Finley Hall & a brother named Finley. I will write to her tonight.

July 18/31 7:15 AM

continuing Mrs Mary D. Brown's letters. In her 3d letter mailed Mch 2, 1928 she encloses Mrs Brandt's record which whose father Thomas Finley is shown in b 21 p 516 I have him shown as son of Philip & grandson of Andrew & she shows him as son of Andrew Finley who she says married Nancy Shea. Was Nancy wife of Andrew or Philip. I think she has omitted a generation. On B 21 p 516 Have added the 5 brothers & sisters of her father which she now gives.

V25 Page 529

V25 Page 530 & V25 Page 531

[descendant chart]

Alexander Finley see b 13 p 188 ob, He was son of James Finley gunmaker for the Revolutionary Army. Married Aug 4, 1798 by his brother, Rev Robert Finley of Basking Ridge, NJ to Susan Whitaker. Their children as listed in our "Book of Families" compiled by Dr Brownlee 1818 & sent by Miss Nettie Allen to Mrs Mary D. Brown of Lincoln, Ills are listed below & the dates of baptism & marriage as here indicated are also taken from a record of said & other Finley baptisms & marriages sent by Miss Allen & sent to me Aug 29, 1927 by Mrs Brown see b 26 p 32.


1. Annie Finley b 1799 bap Sept 1799

2. Hetty Finley b 1800 bap July 28, 1800

3. Maria Finley b 1802 bap May 30, 1802 married Feby 1, 1819 John Lanning by Hardenbergh

4. Robert Finley b 1803 bap May 16, 1803

5. Eliza Finley b 1804 bap Dec 30, 1804 married May 16, 1825 David McKenney by Brownlee

6. Sophia Finley b 1806 bap Apr 20, 1806

7. Jane Ferguson Finley b 1807 bap July 25, 1807 bap as Jane Ferguson Finley

8. Susan Finley b 1809 bap May 1, 1809

9. Alexander Finley b 1810 bap Nov 4, 1818

10. an infant b 1812 ob bap June 28 1812 name was Stephen Harvey Finley

11. Cornelia Finley b 1814 bap May 6, 1814

12. Sarah Finley b 1816 bap Nov 17, 1816

13. Helen Finley

V25 Page 532

I have a letter dated Apr 2, 1928 from Mrs Lois Welch Morrow of 215 Columbia Terrace, Peoria, Ills enclosing a D.A.R. sheet partly filled out & refers to book 7 p 122 but there a reference is given to book 20 but no page so I do not find where I have record of her mother Belle Fulton Welch so I put down here certain information given:

Her husband is Thayer Kinsley Morrow. Her father, Alfred Jacoby Welch was born July 5, 1855 & her mother Belle Fulton was born July 2, 1860. They were married Nov 19, 1879. Her father, James Fulton, Sept 10, 1826 died Sept 6, 1892 & his wife Mary E. Bishop born June 21, 1836 died July 16, 1912. They were married Sept 9, 1858.

He was son of William Fulton who was born Dec 24, 1792 & died Feby 18, 1871 & his wife Mary Moore born Oct 23, 1803 & died Nov 28, 1882. William Fulton was son of James Fulton born Mch 19, 1763 & died 1828 & his wife Agnes Thompson born Jany 8, 1762 who were married Mch 8, 1782 Agnes Thompson was daughter of Samuel Thompson born 1746 & died 1808 & his wife Mary. Samuel was the son of Thomas Thompson (I think from later information this is wrong.) & his wife Martha Finley. She born Jany 2, 1722. She then recites following service:

V25 Page 533

1777 Samuel Thompson was a private in Capt Samuel Patton's Co 6 Bat. Cumb Co, militia in service Oct 1777

1780 He appears as a private in Capt James Fisher's Co Cumb Co militia

1781-1782 A private in Capt Patrick Jack's Co 6th, 4th Battalion Cumb Co militia commanded by Lt Col Samuel Culbertson

References Vol 6 p 292, 296 313, 373 624 Penn Archives 5th series

V25 Page 534

Say 12:30 PM

Charles Sumner Shields with his wife, son & daughter have just come in having driven in his auto this morning from Ebensburg, Cambria Co, Pa where he is with the Monroe coal mining Co of Revloc Pa two miles from Ebensburg operating the Miller vein 4 ft thick & have for past year been running 5 days a week & sell much of their product to the NY Central RR & to the Koppers Co who consign it to the Rainey Wood Co at Swedeland, Pa near Phila, Pa. He tells me he was born in Ebensburg, Pa Feby 17, 1892 & was married Apr 8, 1915 at Belsano, Pa. Rev P.O. Wagner, Meth Prot to Mabel Claire Empfield born June 6, 1896 at Belsano, Pa daughter of George Grant Empfield & his wife Maria Elizabeth Rager & have had two children both living & both born in Ebensburg, Pa:

1. William George Shields b Mch 14, 1921

2. Elizabeth Ann Shields b Oct 14, 1923

They live at No 207 E. Highland Ave, Ebensburgh, Pa

His father, William C. (initial only) Shields & his wife Margaret Agnes Gibson & he thinks his father's mother was the Jack descendant but my records will show.

V25 Page 535

I have a two page letter enclosing 8 pages of records dated Jany 13, 1928 from Grace G. Gallaher Wenona, Ills in which she refers to b 20 p 457. The reference I want however is book 7 p 147 for the record her cousin Daisy has sent her is of Margaret Thompson b May 8, 1819 at Newville, Pa & her husband Robert C. Blean & I am transferring it to this book page 538.

Rudolph Joseph Haberman see b 20 p 520 is a farmer & stock raiser. His father August Haberman was born Oct 21, 1854 at Tatantz Austria & his wife Anna Liarsner [best guess, Liansner?] was born in 1860 at Merish, Tribout, Germany. They were married at Great Bend, Kansas in 1879.

Marian Florence Seaman wife of Max G. Thompson was born May 27, 1894 at Red Lodge Mont. Below are the children of Elizabeth Mildred Thompson & her husband Rudolph Joseph Haberman carried from b 20 p 520 where there was not enough room:

1. Howard Louis Haberman born Feby 17, 1919 in Chapman Hospital, Asotin Wash & died Nov 14, 1927 in St Joseph's Hospital Lewiston, Idaho, buried in Normal Hill Cem, Idaho.

2. Frederick Lee Haberman born Mch 14, 1924 in St Joseph's Hospital, Lewiston, Idaho

V25 Page 536

I have a letter dated July 30, 1926 from Mrs Mary T. Strouse (Mrs David Strouse) of 151 East Broadway, Danville, Ind saying her activities have been interfered with by a protracted case of "flu" & saying she had found about a grant to Anthony Thompson of 1500 Acres of land in Nelson Co, Ky surveyed Nov 10, 1785 & she knows the old homestead of the the Thompsons is at Calhoun Ky. The house burned not so very long ago but the gravestones should be found & I contemplate going to Ky to see what I can find. She sends a typewritten page of the Thompson records she has at hand.

She also mailed Aug 4, 1926 the small Thompson pamphlet hist by Chas H. Thompson which Mrs Janotta of Chicago Ills sent me & from which I think I made a table but no book or page is given but fear the data she now sends me is not tabled I am now so recording it commencing on page 542, which may be wasted effort but it is the best I can do. She says this record is from the family bible of John Handly Thompson.

She writes a note almost a year later June 9, 1927 from Rockford, Colorado where they stopped on their return from Calif where they have been spending their winters to visit their son & his family. She still writes of going to Ky that summer to find the old g.y. etc.

V25 Page 537

I am topping the table with some data I made Aug 26, 1926 from Anjou's hist connecting them up with our line. Her husband David Strouse is Past Grand Commander of the G.A.R.

In her later letter of Dec 2, 1927 which I have just come to, she refers me to Mrs Emma C. Parsons 1201 Marshall Ave, Mattoon, Ills, Make slip to go see her. She is a descendant of Anthony Finley Thompson. Miss Carolyn Thompson, granddaughter of John Handley Thompson lives in Indianapolis. She has a bible from which I have obtained much of this information at 211 E. 15th ST. Mrs Parsons above is a granddaughter of James Leonard Thompson. Mrs Stella Skiff Janotta, Wheaton, Ills (now Chicago) is a granddaughter of Martha - (evidently Martha born Mch 6, 1784 p 542).

Nathaniel Albertson Thompson son of Chas Handley Thompson, United Artists Film Corporation New York. Another address given me was Mt Vernon NY Make slip. Carol McComas the actress is a descendant of Anthony. Her great grandmother was Elizabeth, his daughter. She might have family records. Says her ggf Anthony is on the Pension roll as a soldier of the Revolution. Write Dept.

V25 Page 538 & V25 Page 539

[descendant chart]

Margaret Thompson see b7 p 147 born May 8, 1819 at Newville, Pa ob June 21, 1903 in Newton Tp, Whiteside Co, Ills & buried in Newton, Ills Cemetery, daughter of Alexander Thompson, married July 3, 1845 to Robert Clark Blean b July 17, 1820 ob May 28, 1906 in Newton Tp, son of John Blean & wife Elizabeth Kilgore. He is buried in Newton, Cem. They had 7 children born in Whiteside Co, Ills


Sarah Blean b Mch 25, 1846

infant son b Sept 28, 1847 ob Oct 9, 1847 in Whiteside Co, Ills

Elizabeth Blean b Dec 5, 1848 ob Nov 20, 1905 in Whiteside Co, Ills

Margaret Blean b Feby 9, 1851 married Feby 9, 1888 Alexander D. Wood b Dec 8, 1849 at Cleo, Mass son of Maron B. Wood & wife Mary Paul

Lida Mary Wood b July 24, 1889 married Feby 9, 1915 in Albany, Ills Henry Rastide Jr of Union Grove Tp b Dec 17, 1884 in Newton Tp ob Apr 1, 1923 in Clinton, Iowa, buried in Morrison Ills son of Henry Rastide Sr & wife Nettie Smith.

Glenn Wood Rastide b July 29, 1920 in Union Grove Tp, Whiteside Co, Ills

John Craig Blean b Sept 1, 1852 married Jany 13, 1876 at Joetta, Ills to Mary Belle Weakley b May 6, 1855 at Centreville, Pa daughter of Joseph Arthur Weakley & wife Leah Jane Hamilton. She died Nov 12, 1925 & is buried in Newton Tp Cem. They had 7 children all born in Newton Tp, Whiteside Co, Ills

Mabel Weakley Blean b May 8, 1877 married Jany 16, 1902 in Newton Tp Van Fleet Boze b May 30, 1872 at Sterling, Ills son of Robt Lee Boze & wife Catharine Rapalie Brinkerhoff. Have 6 children 1st two born in Newton Tp others at Rock Falls, Ills

Catherine Mary Boze b Apr 18, 1903 married Sept 26, 1924 Geo Barnard Iken b Nov 23, 1889 in Oldenburg, Germany son of Folbert Iken & wife Elen Meyer. Have a child born in Sterling Ills.

Elsie Catherine Iken b Nov 26, 1926

Ruth Blean Boze b Dec 31, 1904

Marjorie Belle Boze b May 23, 1906

Sarah Elizabeth Boze b Aug 26, 1911

William Robert Boze b July 30, 1916

Lynn Joseph Boze b Feby 1, 1919

Robert Arthur Blean b Oct 27, 1875 married Dec 24, 1903 in Clinton, Iowa Lottie Lucile Beach b Apr 4, 1880 in Garden Plain Tp ob July 7, 1920 in Albany Ill & buried there daughter of David Beach & wife Sophia Grant. No issue.

William Craig Blean b Sept 14, 1880 see p 540 next page

Lynn Hamilton Blean b Sept 3, 1882 see page 540

Leah Margaret Blean b July 25, 1884 see p 541

Sarah Belle Blean b July 31, 1887 unmarried

John Irvine Blean b May 7, 1892 married June 1, 1918 in Clinton Iowa to Vena Steffensen, b Feby 23, 1895 at Kneesenedass [best guess also not sure where this goes, it's inserted & may be a part of her last name. Makes no sense.] Clinton, Iowa daughter of John Steffenson & wife Sophia Anderson. No issue

Rachel Mary Blean [daughter of Robert Clark Blean] b Nov 29, 1858 ob Oct 11, 1859 in Whiteside Co, Ills

Infant daughter b Mch 8, 1860 ob Mch 25, 1860 in Whiteside Co, Ills

V25 Page 540 & V25 Page 541

[descendant chart]



William Craig Blean see page 539 b Sept 14, 1880 married Aug 26, 1902 in Morrison Ills Norma Lee Austin b June 27, 1875 in Lyndon, Ills daughter of Silas Austin & wife Fannie Brown. Have 3 children born in Chicago, Ills.

Norma Helen Blean b July 22, 1904 married Dec 31, 1926 Wm H. Bishop b Sept 10, 1903 at LaSalle, Ills son of Wm H. Bishop Sr & wife Mary Johnson.

Edna Craig Blean b Mch 17, 1906 ob Mch 17, 1906

Keith Craig Blean b June 26, 1908

Lynn Hamilton Blean see page 539 b Sept 3, 1882 married 1 July 6, 1905 Pearle Eva Hill b Jany 5, 1888 at Albany, Ills ob Aug 27, 1905 at Rock Island, Ills daughter of George Hill & wife Sarah Ann White, buried in Albany, Ills. Had one child born in Rock Island Ills. Married 2 Nov 28, 1907 at Portland, Oregon Etta Louella Debenham b June 5, 1884 at Alba Mich daughter of Richard Debenham & wife Etta Day. Have five children first two born in Portland Ore, next one at Newton Ills & last two in Clinton, Iowa.

Lynn LaVerne Blean b Aug 20, 1905

Lois Leah Blean b Dec 1, 1910

Jane Etta Day Blean b May 12, 1913

Lida Margaret Blean b Nov 28, 1917

Richard Debenham Blean (twin) b Feby 22, 1923

Dorothy Anne Blean (twin) b Feby 22, 1923 ob Mch 21, 1923

Leah Margaret Blean see p 539 b July 25, 1884 married Feby 20, 1907 to Thomas George Finnicum b Mch 3, 1879 at Newton, Ills son of Thomas Finnicum & wife Olive E. Echelbarger. Have 4 children born at Newton, Ills.

Margaret Olive Finnicum b May 27, 1908

Loren Kenneth Finnicum b Dec 13, 1909

Robert Charles Finnicum b Jany 19, 1914

John Craig Finnicum b Mch 23, 1916

V25 Page 542 & V25 Page 543

[descendant chart]

Anthony Thompson born May 3, 1662 brother of my gggggfather Hugh. He came to Corchester Co Md prior to 1694 & made his will there Jany 2, 1702 probated June 4, 1707 which gave the 4 sons named below see Anjou's hist pages 50-51. Married Nov 14, 1684 Jane Patterson daughter of John Patterson see page 49 Anjou.


Henry Thompson b Sept 9, 1685 ob 1738 married, had issue in Phila Co, Pa Admr to widow Mary Oct 14 (D48) [best guess] Make slip.

Anthony Thompson b June 14, 1686 ob 1762 in Cumb Co, Pa & admr granted May 4, 1762 est £485.5.0 (Acct 2) see by b 1 p 199 where in O.C. Book 1 p 108 at Carlisle, Pa on Feby 21, 1764 Jane Thompson evidently his widow came into court & asked for guardians over the 5 minor children of Anthony, late of Cumb Co, Pa listed below Oct apptd Robt McCoy & Thos Poe. Make slip for these 4 first children.

William Thompson

Robert Thompson

Agnes Thompson

Anthony Thompson

John Thompson ob married Mary Finley daughter of John Finley 1713-57 after his early death, she married James? Leonard see Chas A. Hanna's Harrison Co O Hist & Hist collections of Ohio Valley.

Anthony Finley Thompson b Mch 18, 1759 near Shippensburg, Pa which seems early for a minor's son ob in Daviess Co, Ky May 21, 1834 married Mch 6, 1781 Rachel Handley b June 1, 1764 near Winchester Va ob Sept 1, 1836. Her record begins with him & reports his first 4 children born in Westnd Co Pa the 8 & 9th as born in Daviess Co Ky & the others not reported. Were married in Westnd Co, Pa by Rev James Power.

John Handley Thompson b Jany 28, 1782 ob Mch 26, 1870 in Indianapolis, Ind married 1 1813 Margaret McLoney married 2 1834 Mrs Ruth Strange

Martha Thompson b Mch 6, 1783 ob see p 537 grandmother of Mrs Jannotta married Capt Shelton a British officer

Samuel H. Thompson b Mch 16, 1786 ob married Feby 1, 1816 in Madison Co, Mo to Nancy Cravens Make slip.

Sally Thompson b Sept 11, 1788 ob 1859 in Owensboro, Ky married May 23, 1816 Bannister Wall

Finley Wall ob married, had 2 children

Sallie Wall

Letitia Wall

William B. Wall ob He was a Major in 15th infantry in Union Army in Civil War

Rachel Wall ob married Dr Stirman. several children.

Dr Wilber F. Stirman practicing in Owensburg, Ky in 1926. Make slip.

James Leonard Thompson b Mch 26, 1791 ob Sept 15, 1861 in Thorntown, Indiana married 1815 Rachel Jones Duncan of Nelson Co, Ky daughter of Samuel Duncan & granddaughter of Charles Duncan Had 11 children see page 544.

Betsy Thompson b July 12, 1793 ob, married 1 Dec 8, 1819 Joseph Hymes her cousin & had 2 sons & 2 daughters. Married 2 Mr Barnes lived at Decatur, Ills Genl Jesse Moore's family in Decatur, Ills were descendants. Make slip. A grandson of Harry Moore lives in East St Louis, Mo. He might give his grandmother's record or tell me who could

George Thompson b Oct 6, 1797 ob Mch 18, 1803

Julia Thompson b Dec 29, 1800 ob married Gardiner Fitts & lived in McLean or Nelson Co, Ky had 2 sons & 2 daughters. She sd she wd send record

Napoleon Fitts

Finley Fitts

Julia Fitts

Sally Fitts

Rachel Thompson b Aug 7, 1803 ob

Anthony Finley Thompson Jr ob May 19, 1833 unmarried.

Richard Thompson [son of Anthony b 1662] b Nov 22, 1687 no issue

Thomas Thompson b May 3, 1689 no issue.

V25 Page 544 & V25 Page 545

[descendant chart]

James Leonard Thompson see page 542 married Rachel Jones Duncan


Sally Ann Axley Thompson ob in infancy

John David Thompson ob in infancy

Samuel Duncan Thompson ob married Lucetta Wilson of Marion, Iowa Had a large family

Rachel Handley Thompson b near Owensboro, Ky ob married 1 Dr Simpson Renterford Crummey of Iowa married 2 Isaac Coleman of Attica, Ind

Anthony Finley Thompson ob married Julia Smith of New Haven, Conn. No issue.

Allen Hamilton Thompson b at Lawrenceburg, Ind ob never married

James Robert Thompson b at Brookfield, Ind ob married Calista Ann Aylsworth of Oswego, NY

Charles H. Thompson b Bloomington, Ind ob in infancy

Bannister Wall Thompson b Russellville, Ind ob married Mary Bryant of Phila, Pa

Martha Ann Thompson b Dec 3, 1838 in Crawfordsville, Ind ob mother of my informant married Aug 31, 1854 by Rev W.P. Cummings to Capt George C. Harvey of Rockville, Ind

Maria Gertrude Thompson b at Greencastle, Ind ob married James Marquess of Hoopeston, Ills. Make slip.

V25 Page 546

Oak Hill July 20, 1931 7:42 AM

I have a letter dated Feby 3, 1926 in answer to mine from Miss Mary Yandes Robinson 1801 North Pennsylvania ST, W. Indianapolis, Indiana enclosing the Wilson - Yandes record abt 8 pages which I am tabling commencing on page 548. She enclosed a clipping from News Standard by Jim Ross published about the time I suppose of Simon Yandes death. She also later sent me on Apr 1918 letter from Joseph C. Spriggs, Wash, Pa which I had enclosed in this letter as well as a letter of Feby 3, 1926 from Chas V. Wheeler of Wash D.C. with 4 pages of the Wheeler record which I am also embodying in the table. He says in his letter that Miss Mary Y. Robinson is about to publish her collections. I must write her & see if she has.

Joseph C. Spriggs of Wash, Pa speaks of his sister Annie W. Spriggs as teacher of Latin in the Wash Female Sem & also speaks of his mother's brother Rev Geo P. Wilson as being then pastor of the Redstone Pres Church near Fayette City, Pa. She has no gravestone records from Leckys g.y.

V25 Page 547 [blank]

V25 Page 548 & V25 Page 549

[descendant chart]

Alexander Wilson born in Ireland as I remember in 1727 emigrated to Bart Tp Lancaster Co, Pa came early to German Tp, now Fayette Co, Pa & died there 1815 buried in Leckys g.y. Married 1 say in 1747 Mary Devit. At least Miss Mary Yandes Robinson says he must have married Mary Devit? in the year 1747. Married 2 Deborah McWilliams ob 1825 as I recall & buried in Leckys G.y. This record only has to do with descendants of his son James Wilson, so I am not listing his other children.

[his son]

James Wilson ob, see his tombstone record in Leckys g.y which I have. Married 1 Mary Rabb ob daughter of Capt Andrew Rabb or Robb. See Penna Archives 6th Series vol 2 pages 279, 285, 311. He built & run the old stone mill in German Tp, Fayette Co, Pa was a J.P. there & was poisoned by one of his slaves & died in Virginia in 1805. Above is for his service in the Revolutionary War. Married 2 Elizabeth Lowry.


Anna Wilson b July 18, 1795 in Fay Co, Pa eldest child ob Feby 24, 1851 in Indianapolis, Ind see was a Presbyterian, married Feby 16, 1815 in Fay Co, Pa Daniel Yandes b Jany 28, 1793 Fay Co, Pa ob June 1878 in Indianapolis, Ind, son of Simon Yandes & his wife Ann Catherine Rider. He came early to Fay Co, along with Christopher & Lawrence Rider. Simon was private in Capt Jacob Klotz Co, Battalion of Flying Camp, Lancaster, Pa in Revolutionary War, see vol seven Penna Archives fifth series p 1061 Daniel Yandes served as a Major in War of 1812 but was in no battles. He was a Lutheran. Had 11 children first two born in Fay Co, Pa 3d in Connersville, Ind & other 8 in Indianapolis, Ind.

Simon Yandes b Jany 5, 1816 ob Oct 5, 1903 at Indianapolis, Presbyterian, lawyer, financier & noted philanthropist. Never married moved in 1818 with his parents fr Fay Co, Pa to Indiana accompanied by his grandmother Ann Catharine Rider Yandes

James Wilson Yandes b Dec 19, 1817 ob Oct 30, 1885 at St Paul, Minn, having been a pioneer there. Presbyterian. Married Apr 29, 1851 Fanny B. Button ob Mch 28, 1884 in St Paul. He made his fortune in St Paul. Had 5 children see page 550.

Alexander Yandes b July 3, 1820 ob Sept 1821 in Indianapolis, Ind

Mary Yandes b Feby 27, 1823 ob Sept 5, 1854 at Indianapolis, Ind married Sept 8, 1842 Rev John Wheeler Methodist. Had 5 children. see p 552

Catherine Yandes Presbyterian b Sept 3, 1825 ob Sept 11, 1912 in Cincin, O married 1 June 1, 1848 Andrew Carnahan Pres, lawyer ob Feby 20, 1850 & had one child. Married 2 Sept 11, 1856 Rev Elijah T. Fletcher Meth ob 1877. No issue

Andrew McDowell Carnahan b Mch 30, 1850 at Indianapolis ob Aug 6, 1923 in Cincinnati, O married Kate Davis who died in Dec 1912. No issue.

Anna Maria Yandes b Mch 10, 1828 ob Aug 30, 1929 at Indianapolis

Daniel Yandes b Apr 11, 1830 ob June 30, 1846 at Indianapolis

Elizabeth Wilson Yandes b Feby 6, 1833 ob May 22, 1904 at Indianapolis married July 1859 Joseph Richardson Robinson ob Feby 1896 in Indianapolis. Had 3 daughters. He was a banker. He was a son of Dr Daniel Robinson of Union Springs NY. He was a Quaker & she a Pres. Their three daughters all born in Indianapolis, Ind & live there at 1801 North Pennsylvania St and are all unmarried.

Anna Belle Robinson

Mary Yandes Robinson my good informant for this record

Josephine Robinson

William Wilkins Yandes b Apr 26, 1836 ob Aug 12, 1837

George Bush Yandes (twin) b June 7, 1838 ob Feby 25, 1913 in St Petersburg, Fla, banker & Financier. Never married

Margaret Yandes (twin) b June 7, 1838 ob Sept 21, 1840

2. Alexander Wilson [son of James Wilson] b Nov 14, 1796 ob Oct 15, 1875 see page 555.

3. Andrew Wilson (3d child) b June 10, 1798 in Fay Co ob Apr 7, 1878 married Apr 25, 1833 to Hannah Harris see page 554

4. Elizabeth Jane Wilson only daughter of James Wilson & his 2d wife Elizabeth Lowry see page 555.

V25 Page 550

[descendant chart]

James Wilson Yandes see page 548 lived at St Paul, Minn. married Fanny B. Button, five children 1st one born in Indianapolis, 2d in Pittsfield, Mass 3d & others at St Paul, Minn.


Anna Wilson Yandes b Jany 25, 1855 married Dec 14, 1887 Ross Clarke Indianapolis b July 5, 1853 ob Aug 7, 1907 son of Pressley Clarke & Elizabeth Moore. Have one child. She is living a widow at Marlborough Apts, St Paul, Minn Writing today. He was a lawyer, graduate of Wittenberg College Born near Zanesville.

James Yandes Clarke b May 2, 1889 in St Paul, Minn married Oct 7, 1914 Anita Theodora Butzin b Sept 18, 1893 in St Paul, Minn daughter of Frederick William Butzin & wife Frederika Wilhelmina Carolina Arzt. He is a traveling salesman, living in his mother's home at White Bear Lake near St Paul, Minn

James Yandes Clarke III b May 24, 1917 in St Paul Minn is in high school

Theodore Frederick Clarke b Jany 24, 1924 in Minneapolis, Minn Fair Public School 3 grade

Cyrus Button Yandes b July 1, 1858 ob Nov 2, 1885 at St Paul, Minn. Never married

Mary Minnesota Yandes b may 9, 1861 ob 1915 in Santa Barbara Calif a widow married Jany 21, 1892 John Quigley Wheeler her first cousin b Jany _____ ob 1898

Mary Anna Wheeler living No 9 E Pedregosa St Santa Barbara, Calif single

Catherine Elizabeth Wheeler living No 9 East Pedregosa St, Santa Barbara Calif, single

James Yandes b Dec 28, 1864 ob Dec 29, 1864

Daniel Yandes b July 17, 1867 ob July 16, 1870

V25 Page 551 [blank]

V25 Page 552 & V25 Page 553

[descendant chart]

Mary Wilson Yandes see page 548 b Feby 27, 1823 ob Sept 5, 1854 married Sept 8, 1842 Rev John Wheeler Methodist, born Apr 7, 1815 at Portsmouth, Eng ob June 13, 1881 at Mt Pleasant Iowa. Came in 1819 with his parents to Bellefontaine, O, 1835-7 student at Norwalk Seminary 1837-9 student at Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa 1839-40 student Indiana - Albany Univ (Now DePauw) Greencastle, Ind & in 1830 grad. A.B. member of first class & became principal of Franklin Institute, Indianapolis, Ind. In 1842 Prof Greek & Latin in his Alma Mater 1843 took his A.M. degree. In 1848 made D.D. by his Alma Mater 1854 resigned from Univ & took business position in Indianapolis with his father-in-law 1855 moved to Berea, O, principal of Baldwin Inst which in 1856 became a Univ & he its first Pres 1857 he married his second wife Clasa [sic] S. Hulet 1870-1875 Pres Iowa-Wesleyan Univ Mt Pleasant Iowa 1875 Pastor 1st M.E. Church Keokuk, Iowa, 1876 Presiding Elder Keokuk Dist 1877-81 Pres Elder Mt Pleasant Dist. Had 5 children all born in Greencastle, Ind.


1. Charles Yandes Wheeler b June 23, 1843 ob Sept 5, 1899 Steel manufacturer married Aug 12, 1864 Sarah Jane Van Cise at Berea, Ohio 2 mos after granduation with a B.S. Degree from Baldwin Univ where they had been fellow students but he did not graduate because of serving three enlistments in the Civil War. She was born in Monroeville, O Feby 24, 1845 & died Aug 18, 1924 the eldest child of Charles Van Cise & his wife Jane Pollock. Had six children the first four born in Berea, O, the next in Burlington Iowa & last one in Allegheny, Pa. All except the first one in 1926 were living in Washington D.C.

Child ob in infancy

Charles Van Cise Wheeler my informant for this Wheeler record B July 30, 1866 married June 14, 1899 Nellie Rose B Dec 18, 1873 daughter of James McMurray Rose & wife Sophia Ross. Have 3 children & live at 1609 16th St NW. He is a retired steel manufacturer. Two oldest children born in Allegheny Pa & youngest one in Wash D.C.

Elinor Davenport Wheeler b Mch 29, 1900 married Oct 24, 1925 Marshall Orme Exniciens a bond salesman & they live at 2233 Bancroft Place Wash D.C.

Charles Yandes Wheeler b Mch 24, 1903 Bank clerk single

John Ross Yandes b Mch 22, 1909 at school in 1926

Mary Yandes Wheeler b July 25, 1868 lives 2308 Tracy Place Wash D.C. single

Harry Marshall Wheeler b Apr 13, 1870 stock salesman married Mary Corey (Widow of Wm Dunn) live 2308 Tracy Place. No issue

George Yandes Wheeler b Apr 7, 1876 married Elizabeth Kennedy divorced. He runs a chicken farm at RFD 1 Rosslyn Va. Have 2 children.

Elizabeth Polk Wheeler b Nov 17, 1905 married Aug 31, 1923 Wm North Sturtevant. Live 4323 Cathedral Ave Wash D.C. where he is a R.E. office clerk.

Wm North Sturtevant Jr b Jany 13, 1925

George Yandes Wheeler b Feby 3, 1917 lives 2308 Tracy Place, Wash. D.C.

Marjorie Agnes Wheeler b Mch 10, 1884 married Apr 15, 1914 Thos Clark Brown of Buffalo NY ob Dec 2, 1920 She & her daughter live at 2308 Tracy Place Wash D.C.

Mary Winnifred Brown b Jany 28, 1905

2. Anna Wilson Wheeler [daughter of Rev John Wheeler] b Nov 22, 1846 ob [unreadable month ends in t] 5, 1854 died young

3. Daniel Yandes Wheeler b Feby 10, 1849 ob Oct 31, 1907 wholesale drug salesman married 1873 Flora Reynolds b Sept 5, 1853 ob Nov 27, 1893. She born & died at Indianapolis

Mary Wheeler b 26 p 52, b Nov 113, 1874 at Minneapolis, Minn 4 children married June 24, 1896 Orville Frank Shattuck b Nov 17, 18-- son of Joseph C. Shattuck & wife Harriet Knight, Lynn Creek, Mo & Pres & Mgr of Dry Kiln Door carrier Co. Married at Indianapolis

Mary Hursey [sic] Shattuck b May 28, 1897 married June 24, 1918 Harold E. Mann son of Ezra Mann & wife Ada Bolton. Have 3 children 1st one born at Wash. D.C. & last two at Sandwich, Ills. He is a lawyer at DeKalb, Ills. She was born at Cripple Creek Col

Harold E. Mann Jr b Dec 31, 1919

James Orville Mann b Aug 12, 1923

Robert Wheeler Mann b Sept 11, 1925

Flora Josephine Shattuck b Oct 25, 1900 lives in Indianapolis, single. married June 19, 1925 to Lt J.A. Howard Harper & she died Feby 26, 1926 at Seattle Wash. She was born at Denver Colo.

Daniel Wheeler Shattuck b June 9, 1911 lives in Indianapolis single, born in Greeley, Col married Dec 20, 1930 at Greenfield, Ind Judith Grace Blakeman

Margaret Yandes Wheeler b Dec 17, 1885 at Sedalia, Mo married Feby 3, 1910 at Indianapolis, Ind Frederick Francke. Their only child died an infant. Live in Indianapolis c/o Mrs J.K. Hussey, Woodruff Place. Mrs Hussey died in 1929. Their address now is 2410 Coffee Pot Drive, St Petersburg, Fla

4. Mary Agnes Wheeler b Feby 22, 1851 ob Aug 9, 1864 died young

5. John Quigley Wheeler b Jany, ob 1898 Ormond Fla Steel salesman married Jany 27, 1892 Mary Minnesota Yandes b May 9, 1861 ob 1915 see page 550.

V25 Page 554 & V25 Page 555

[descendant chart]



3. Andrew Wilson see page 549 third child of James Wilson & wife Mary Rabb b June 10, 1798 in Fayette Co, ob Apr 7, 1878 in Indiana was a farmer removed in 1818 with his sister Anna & her husband Daniel Yandes to Indiana & in 1821 located at Indianapolis, Ind then called "The New Purchase". He was a Presbyterian. Married Apr 25, 1833 Hannah Harris in Indiana. She was born Nov 4, 1812 daughter of Obediah & Sarah Harris. Had 4 children.

James Wilson b Jany 26, 1834 ob Sept 21, 1855 of malarial fever, unmarried

Sarah Wilson b Apr 8, 1837 ob Nov 1855 of malarial fever shortly before the day set for her marriage & was buried in her wedding dress.

Adaline Wilson b Feby 13, 1840 ob May 6, 1848

Anna Eliza Wilson b Dec 6, 1842 ob Oct 19, 1898 married Dec 5, 1866 James H. Porter her full cousin b Nov 6, 1837 ob May 7, 1919 son of Edward Tiffin Porter & Elizabeth Jane Wilson his wife. He was a merchant in Indianapolis, Ind & died there & was born there & his children all born on a farm on its outskirts.

Andrew Wilson Porter b Feby 9, 1868 married abt 1896 Virginia Glick. He is still living at Zionsville, Ind RR 30 abt 20 miles north of Indianapolis & is a farmer. No issue.

Elizabeth Porter b May 11, 1872 ob Aug 7, 1873

Hannah Mary Porter b July 19, 1874 ob Dec 16, 1920 married 1 June 10, 1897 Amasa J. Mullan no issue, married 2 Dec 18, 1907 B. Guy Hanks b July 5, 1873 at Aurora, Ills now at 1214 N. New Jersey St & lives Indianapolis, writing

Helen Hanks born May 27, 1909 married June 25, 1927 Robert Grover & live Dayton, O. No issue

Anna Helen Porter b May 11, 1877 married May 11, 1898 Adolph Sidensticher b July 30, 1875 at Indianapolis. Have 3 children born in Indianapolis where he is a lawyer & both live.

1. James Porter Sidensticher b Aug 9, 1899 married June 29, 1929 Sarah Peden

James P. Sidensticher Jr b July 25, 1930

2. Adolph Sidensticher Jr b Sept 24, 1902 married June 28, 1930 Sadie Selzer live York, Pa no issue

3. Mary Margaret Sidensticher b July 4, 1905 married Feby 14, 1925 see b 26 p 259.

Daisy Porter b Nov 13, 1879 married Sept 18, 1901 George A. Coates b July 3, 1879 now live in NY City.

Wilson Porter Coates b Feby 16, 1907 at Indianapolis, single.

Alexander Wilson [brother of Andrew] see page 549, b Nov 14, 1790 in Fayette Co, Pa second child of James Wilson & his wife Mary Rabb ob Oct 15, 1875 in Fremont, Iowa. He moved to Indiana & lived there until 1855 when he moved to Fremont, Iowa where he was elected Probate Judge by both parties. An article pub by the Western Christian Advocate & signed by W.H. Goode & found by Miss Robinson in her mother's scrap book spoke of him as one "who filled different offices of trust civil & church". He was dearly beloved by all the family & Miss R. remembers his visit to their home. He had what was called the Wilson blue eyes - very lovely blue eyes. Make slip to go to Fremont, Iowa.

Elizabeth Jane Wilson see page 549 only daughter of James Wilson & his 2d wife Elizabeth Lowry ob married 1 Aug 1833 in Fay Co, Pa to Edward Tiffin Porter ob who was named for Gov Tiffin of Ohio & whose [sic] had married Mary Porter. He went from Ohio to Indianapolis, Ind & was a merchant there. Had 3 children. Married 2 Eleazer Robinson of Uniontown, Pa being his 2d wife & had 2 children.

George Porter ob married Parshall

Elizabeth Porter married Geo A. Hogg

Edward Tiffen Porter ob married Julia Hueghane [best guess] issue

George Porter married, no issue

Edward Porter ob lived in Fay Co

James H. Porter ob married see page 554

Mary E. Robinson ob married Dr Alonzo P. Bowie 2 children

William L. Robinson ob married Annie Oliphant

V25 Page 556

Oak Hill July 22, 1931 1:54 PM

I have a letter dated Apr 19, 1928 in answer to mine of Oct 18, 1927 from Mrs Addie J.S. Butler of New Harmony, Ind see b 21 p 469 in which she reports a recent trip she had to Brookfield, Mo & says her Uncle Rev Jonathan Palmer Finley was graduated from the Theological Seminary Princeton, NJ in 1851 & on Aug 19, 1851 married his first wife Rachel Ann Colmery at Hayesville, O & his second wife who he married Aug 18, 1872 was Miss Margaret A. Johnson of Denver, Col.

In 1866, he went to Brookfield, Mo & organized the First Pres Ch there & became its first pastor continuing for 20 yrs when he resigned. In 1880 he founded the Brookfield Academy which under his management developed into the Brookfield College. He died at Brookfield Mo & is buried there & in 1899 a book on his life of which she has a copy was published by A.W. Myers.

She says the good people of Brookfield Mo treated her royally & told her they never before or since have had such a wonderful man as Dr J.P. Finley & his life size picture hangs in the S.S. room & in Brookfield college. She reports the following abt the deaths etc of her brother Jonathan P's children see b 21 p 469.

V25 Page 557

Wickcliff Finley Stewart married Ruth Aull in Evansville, Ind on Nov 22, 1912 & died Nov 19, 1917. No issue.

Herman H. Stewart died Mch 17, 1908 at Evansville, Ind

Beulah Stewart died Mch 2, 1903

Leslie J. Stewart died Sept 24, 1918 at Evansville, Ind

Irene Stewart died Mch 6, 1919

Frank Charles Stewart died Jany 10, 1922

The Morning Herald of Monday July 20, 1931 announced the finding of the body of Warren E. Crow in a pool of blood fatally shot by his own revolver in a dying condition about 1:30 AM July 19, 1931 & he died before they reached the hospital with the body. The paper reported the accidental discharge of his revolver, but it was currently reported a suicide. He was found in the office of the Warren Lumber Co N. Mt Vernon Ave where he was night watchman. He was son of the late U.S. Senator Wm E. Crow & Adah Curry Crow & was born in Uniontown, Pa Sept 1911 & is survived by his mother & two brothers Wm J. Crow Asst Dist Atty & Evans C. Crow of Chalk Hill, Pa. Funeral yesterday.

V25 Page 558 & V25 Page 559

[descendant chart]



Martha Grace Stewart see b 21 p 469 b Feby 25, 1883 married Dec 25, 1907 Harry Schoffstoll had 1 child.

Louise Eugene [sic] Schoffstoll b July 26, 1921

Raymond Earl Stewart see b 21 p 469 b Apr 1, 1806 married 1 Feby 1, 1910 to Zola Reich. Had 4 children born 1st two in Richland Co, Ills in Hampton, Iowa & 4th at Otwall Ark. Married Oct 4, 1926 to Mrs Elnora Harkness of Iowa. Had 1 child born in Richland Co, Ills

Rachel Frances Stewart b Dec 22, 1911

Robert Edwin Stewart b Jany 14, 1914

Martha Ellen Stewart b Feby 6, 1917

Hester Lucille Stewart b Jany 17, 1919

Betty Lee Stewart b Oct 5, 1927

Zelma Frances Stewart b Jany 23, 1888 b 21 p 469 married Feby 11, 1914 to William P. Smith. No issue.

Clifton McCoy Stewart b Apt 22, 1891 married Mch 2, 1915 to Jessie Belle Bullard have 2 children born Richland Co, Ills. He died at Olney, Ills Mch 26, 1919 struck by a train.

Mary Catherine Stewart b Mch 3, 1916 Virgil Clifton Stewart b Oct 28, 1917

Eugene Finley Stewart b Oct 24, 1894 see b 21 p 469 married Feby 16, 1916 to Bessie Almeda Bullard. Have 4 children born in Richland Co, Ills

Sarah Elizabeth Stewart b Jany 17, 1917

Grace Margaret Stewart b Aug 10, 1918

Warren Eugene Stewart b June 13, 1920

Florence Nadine Stewart b July 26, 1925

V25 Page 560

Oak Hill July 23, 1931 6:44 AM

A four page printed folder postmarked Terre Haute, Ind Mch 31, 1926 by A.R. Markle gave a brief life sketch of Major Abraham Markle & the picture of the old 1816 mill on Otter Creek.

It stated that he was born in Ulster Co, NY Oct 26, 1770 of Dutch ancestry & after a business career about Syracuse, NY went to Canada where he was appointed a member of the Provincial Assembly where he so persistently advocated annexation to the U.S. that the Crown seized him but through Masonic friends assisting him, he escaped across the border & enlisted in the U.S. army in the War of 1812 & the Crown confiscated his 1500 A of land there valued at $27,000. In 1816 he got a grant through Congress for land warrants in Indiana & they built flat boats & went down the Allegheny & Ohio Rivers & up the Wabash River & located their land at the present site of Terre Haute, Ind which he became an early founder of & organizer in 1818 of Vigo, O & his business activities as an industrial leader were many & varied.

V25 Page 561

He became heavily involved in debt $6000 to one man for those times & while at work on his farm pulling fence posts he burst a blood vessel in his brain & died suddenly on Mch 26, 1826 in his house a small one still standing at the entrance to the woods called Forest Park. He had not made a will & through mismanagement & foreclosure his estate was dissipated. I have filed it, a blue envelope in upper corner left hand door of this desk.

Yesterday's Morning Herald announced the death of Mrs Anna Llewellyn on Monday, July 20, 1931 at Newton, Kan at their residence, wife of James Llewellyn, both former residents of Masontown, Pa to where here [sic] remains are being brought for burial in Masontown, Cem. Funeral 2 PM tomorrow from home of her niece Mrs Ray Martin. She is survived by her husband & two brothers James Walter Smith of Masontown, & Jesse O. Smith of Charleroi, Pa.

V25 Page 562

I have a letter dated Sept 19, 1925 in answer to mine of Sept 14, 1925 from Finley A. McNutt Esq of the law firm of McNutt, Wallace, Harris & Randel Dist solicitors for the Pennsylvania System (RR) of Terre Haute, Ind who I visited later abt Dec 28, 1925 who sends me 11 pages of records, largely Evans & Finley & Finley (Rev John Evans Finley) genealogies.

He doubts very much whether I will find any descendants of Rev John Evans Finley in Adams or Brown Cos O. He is quite sure that none of the descendants of John Finley or James Finley, sons of Rev John E. live in either Co but says that Arabella Kirkpatrick lives in Ripley, O. John Evans Kirkpatrick was named for his great grandfather John Evans who was an immigrant from Wales. It may be that there are in Brown Co, O some of the numerous descendants of Elizabeth Budd Finley Baird (& her husband John Baird) who was fifth child of Rev John Evans Finley & his wife Elizabeth Ruston. There are 3 living children of Nancy Gibson Finley Kirkpatrick viz:

V25 Page 563

1. Martin Luther Kirkpatrick a well to do & prominent man in Cincinnati, O. Make slip.

2. Dr Henry Kirkpatrick who in addition to his profession is in the coal business in WVa. My last information was that he lived in Deegan (WVA) & that Deegan for whom the town was named is his partner.

3. Annie Elizabeth Kirkpatrick Smith is alive & lives in Syracuse, Nebraska. Make slip.

Edward Kirkpatrick son of John Evans Kirkpatrick lives in Cincinnati, O & is, I think a tobacco dealer, a prominent man & married in a prominent family there. Make slip.

The children of George Lewis Kirkpatrick decd live at Mt Sterling, Ky Make slip.

You will note that the Kirkpatricks are descendants of James Finley oldest child of Rev John Evans Finley who was a lawyer at Georgetown, O. Judge of the court of Common Pleas & a very prominent man in his 50th year, leaving one living child Nancy Gibson Finley who married Samuel Kirkpatrick.

V25 Page 564

He proposed meeting me in Brown & Adams Co, O if suitable dates could be arranged. He said Rev John Evans Finley was buried in the Pres Churchyard at Red Oak, Ohio but there is no tombstone at his grave. There is one however at the grave of his widow who lived until 1845, 27 years after his death. There are numerous descendants of Rev John Evans Finley buried in this churchyard. He commences with the Evans Family & while it is not in our line, the family was once of such prominence in our Co, Fayette, I will take for my records what he gives which is of the first two generations in America & will commence on page 566. He gives so many book references to the three early Finley ministers that I will embody them in place in the genealogical tables.

Speaking of the seven sons landing 1734 he names Robert & Manasseh & omits Andrew & George:

James Finley was a Private under Capt Jas? Culbertson 1776

Penna Mag Hist & Biog 1900= p 224 James Finley served in Capt John Clark's Co of Col Walter Stewart's Penna Reg.

V25 Page 565

Was justice of the Peace & court of Common Pleas of Westmoreland Co, Pa Lineage Book D.A.R. Indiana 1894 - 1900 p 119

"Dr John McMillan & the Finleys established more than a dozen colleges in the west & south".

the Scotch Irish by C.A. Hann 1900 Vol 1 p 139-40

Clement Finley son of John 1713-1757 b Mch 1735 ob Aug 11, 1775 in South Huntingdon Tp, Westnd Co, Pa

V25 Page 566 & V25 Page 567

[descendant chart]

John Evans emigrant from Wales to Penna born abt 1680 died May or June 1738 signed his will on file at West Chester, Pa as "John Evin" married about 1709 Jean or Jane Moore who died 1752. He was called in documents "John Evans of the Toon Hill, New Castle, Co Delunder [best guess] which designation he bought in 1725, 250 A of the original quarters of the Welsh Tract & held it at his death. He bought 300 A on the Big Elk Cr, Cecil Co, Md (part of New Manster) on which his oldest son Robert settled. He removed to West Nottingham Tp in which he secured from the Proprietors of Maryland a long lease of 400 A. He was negotiating when he died for 400 A of land in Lancaster Co, Pa which was consummated a year or two after his death by his son James. They had six children.


Robert Evans b Feby 17, 1710 or 11 or Nov 1775 married 1731 Margaret, daughter of John Kirkpatrick of West Nottingham who was born 1712 & died 1781. He was a tanner. Had 8 children.

Hannah Evans b 1732 ob Apr 1 or 4, 1818 married 1752 Rev James Finley b Feby 1725 ob Jany 6, 1795 had issue

Mary Evans b 1737 ob Apr 18, 1814 married June 22, 1764 Zebulon Hollingsworth b 1735 ob Mch 24, 1912. Had issue

Isabella Evans b 1741 ob Aug 9, 1791 married 1772 Wm Montgomery b Aug 3, 1730 ob 1816 being his 2nd wife. Had issue

Margaret Evans b 1744 ob Sept 13, 1777 married Feby 14, 1775 to James Black b 1731 or 32 ob Oct 30, 1794 as his 2nd wife. Had issue

Jane Evans b 1749 ob Sept 22, 1835 married Feby 14, 1778 Col Henry Hollingsworth bro of Zebulon b Nov 7, 1737 of Sept 29, 1803 as his 2nd wife. Had issue

Eleanor Evans b abt 1752 ob before 1804 married 1 1773 Walter Alexander b Apr 10, 1751 ob 1778 married 2 David Wallace S.P. married 3 Benj Sylvester s.p.

Robert Evans b Jany 4, 1756 ob Sept 1777 by an accident. Unmarried

John Evans b May 6, 1760 ob Mch 3, 1823 married Feby 20, 1752 Mary Alexander b Aug 6, 1761 ob Sept 1, 1820 sister of Walter who married Eleanor Isabella Evans b abt 1715 was living in 1798 married 1 David Nevin & had issue. Married 2 Hugh Reynolds issue if any not known.

James Evans b abt 1717 or 18 ob July or Aug 1788 married Eleanor Kirkpatrick sister of Robert's wife. Had issue

John Evans b abt 1719 or 20 ob Jany 26, 1798 married Sarah Denny had issue. Many descendants in the Meade [best guess] line.

Margaret Evans b abt 1722 was living in 1798 married 1 Robert Nevin, nephew of David Nivin [sic] who married Isabella. Married 2 James McMechen & had issue by both husbands.

Mary Evans b 1725? died before 1751 unmarried.

V25 Page 568 & V25 Page 569

[descendant chart]

Michael Finley married Ann O'Neill & landed in Phila, Pa Sept 28, 1734. First settled on Neshaming Creek Bucks Co, Pa afterwards in New Jersey & later in Sadsbury Tp, Chester Co, Pa where he lived from 1737 to 1747 or later. Were distinguished for their piety. Old Log College by Alexander p 205 also missionary Mag Vol 1 p 336.


John Finley 1713-1757 see Ohio Valley Gen by C.A. Hanna page 34

Rev Samuel Finley D.D. 1715-1766 July 17, Pres of Princeton College 1761-66 ggf of S.F.B. Morse of Conn Several of his sons were officers in the Revolutionary War, Ohio Valley Gen by C.A. Hanna p 35. For Biography see "Log College" by A. Alexander, also "Log College" by Murphy. He was for 17 yrs pastor of West Nottingham Pres Ch & established an Academy there which is still going. He recd the degree of D.D. in 1763 from the Univ of Glasgow.

Andrew Finley b 1717 (twin)

William Finley b 1717 (twin) ob 1800 for descendants see Ohio Valley Genealogies

Michael Finley b 1718

Martha Finley b 1722 married Thomas Thompson

Rev James Finley b Feby 1725 ob Jany 6, 1795 ordained 1752 & installed pastor of East Nottingham now Rock Pres Ch Cecil Co, Md abt 1782 he sought dissolution from this church wanting to go to Western Penna which was so seriously opposed by the Congregation as to be defeated in New Castle Presbytery but he carried his point in the Synod & removed to Fayette Co, Pa ministering to the Rehoboth & Round Hill Churches until his death or from 1783-1795 & had been Pastor of former ch from 1752-1783. Married 1752 Hannah Evans 1732-1818 see p 566. For Biography of Rev James Finley see "Old Redstone" p 279-289 by Joseph Smith pub Phila 1854 see also Index of Pres Minister compiled by W.J. Beecher Pub Pres Board Phila for reference in Minutes & records to Rev Samuel, Rev James & rev John E. Finley. He was one of the first preachers west of the Allegheny mountains Egle etc XII p 29. He visited Redstone & Dunlaps Creek in 1767 & on that visit probably preached the first sermon to what later became the Dunlaps Creek Congregations. On a return visit in 1771, he organized the churches of Round Hill in Allegheny Co, Pa & Rehoboth in Westmoreland Co, Pa. He became Pastor of these two congregations in 1782 when he settled permanently at Rehoboth in Rostraver Tp Westnd Co, Pa Scotch Irish Supra Vol II p 79-80

George Finley b 1727

V25 Page 570 & V25 Page 571

[descendant chart]

Rev James Finley see page 569 married Hannah Finley had nine children all presumably born in Cecil Co, Md.


John Evans Finley b July 26, 1753 ob Jany 7, 1818 graduated from Princeton College in 1776 pastor of Fagg's Manor Church, Chester Co, Pa 1751-1793 when he removed to Bracken Mason Co, Ky & thence to Red Oak, Ohio. Married Elizabeth Ruston b 1759 ob Apr 7, 1845 daughter of Job Ruston of Londonderry Tp, Chester Co, Pa a prominent man of the county. Licensure reported 1779 Scotch Irish Vol II p 128 At Fagg's Manor was associated with Samuel Blair as pastor fr 1777 until his removal to Ky 1795. Hist Pres Ch by Gillett Vol II p 3 so far as I am aware Rev John Evans Finley was the first Pres minister to visit the Illinois Country. He was from Chester Co, Pa. Going down the Ohio in a keel boat & ascending the Mississippi, he landed at Kaskaskia in 1797. Rev Thomas Lippincott tells us his design was to labor in the Spanish colonies on the Miss mainly perhaps with a view to the Indians. He preached Catechized & baptized several of the Red Men. Though he had sold his boat & contracted for a dwelling, he & his companions were induced to leave. This because they found they would have to enroll for military service because of a threatened invasion from the States. They were loyal Americans & would not consent to this. They returned & settled in Mason Co, Ky. His name appears subsequently as a member of the Transylvania & they Washington Presbytery. The latter had been set off from Transylvania & included the N.E. portion of Ky & extended across the river into Ohio. Rev Stewart remembers him as a frequent visitor at his father's house" Hist of Pres Ch in Illinois by Norton vol 1 p 11-12. Before the formation of the Synod of 1802 the Presbytery numbered on its lists among others, Samuel Finley, John Evans Finley & _____ Finley from South Carolina" Hist of Presbyterianism by Gillett V I p 419. He was one of 7 ministers in Washington Presbytery same vol 1 p 156 a brass tablet in Faggs Manor Ch gives date of his death erroneously as 1809. A.W. Evans reports that Job Ruston was born June 16, 1714 & died Jany 26, 1785 see page 572.

Margaret Finley b Sept 6, 1756 ob May 10, 1836 married Col John Powers see b 10 p 42

Samuel Robert Finley b Dec 19, 1758 ob Oct 25, 1839 never married.

Ebenezer Finley b Dec 30, 1760 ob Jany 1, 1849 married 4 times Elder at Dunlaps Cr Pres Ch 60 yrs

Hannah Finley b June 20, 1764 ob married

Joseph Finley b Dec 13, 1766 ob June 3, 1860 elder at Rehoboth Pres Ch, married

James Finley b Jany 14, 1769 ob Nov 17, 1772 buried in Cecil Co, Md

William Finley b June 10, 1772 ob Aug 20, 1857 elder at Rehoboth Pres Ch married

Michael Finley b Mch 24, 1774 ob July 29, 1850 married 1, married 2.

V25 Page 572 & V25 Page 573

[descendant chart]

Rev John Evans Finley see p 570 b July 26, 1753 ob Jany 7, 1818 married Elizabeth Ruston b 1759 ob Apr 7, 1845. They had 7 children, the information is reported by Finley A. McNutt, Terre Haute, Ind my correspondent. Have been given by Rev J.E.F's granddaughter Mrs Nancy G. Kirkpatrick of Syracuse, Neb & by Rev J.H. Cooper of Red Oak, O


James Finley b May 1, 1783 ob Oct 1, 1832 of hydrophobia. He was judge of common pleas court at Georgetown, O. Married Sept 24, 1821 Maria McFadden born July 10, 1800 ob Dec 26, 1836. Had 6 children.

John James Finley b July 18, 1822 ob July 4, 1825

Elizabeth Finley b Nov 26, 1823 ob Sept 10, 1824

Nancy Gibson Finley b Aug 12, 1825 ob 1901 married Nov 5, 1846 to Samuel Kirkpatrick b Oct 4, 1823 ob Dec 9, 1861 Had 8 children.

John Evans Kirkpatrick b Oct 6, 1847 married Sept 23, 1875 Arabella Coburn born Jany 20, 1857. Have issue:

Edward C. Kirkpatrick b Feby 12, 1880, married

Edward Payson Kirkpatrick b Jany 11, 1849 married Oct 1, 1890 Susan Fernan b 1857 no issue

Charles Torrey Kirkpatrick b Sept 21, 1850 ob Oct 1, 1872

Martin Luther Kirkpatrick b Oct 19, 1852 married Dec 18, 1878 Agnes G. McCauge born May 1858 lived Cincin, O have 2 children.

Henry Lovejoy Kirkpatrick b Feby 9, 1855 married June 7, 1883 Lilly B. Davey b Mch 9, 1856

Chester D. Kirkpatrick b Apr 10, 1884

George Lewis Kirkpatrick b Jany 22, 1857 married Sep 22, 1881 Angelia [sic] Statton b 1856

Charles W. Kirkpatrick b Sept 30, 1882

Corinne Kirkpatrick b Feby 27, 1884

Annie Elizabeth Kirkpatrick b Dec 30, 1858 married Dec 17, 1885 Dr Izatus [sic] L. Smith b Dec 29, 1854.

Mary G. Smith b Mch 29, 1837

Sylvia L. Smith b Aug 10, 1890

Frank Blair Kirkpatrick b Mch 6, 1861 ob Feby 12, 1880

Joseph William Kirkpatrick b July 14, 1828 ob Aug 24, 1829

Samuel Ebenezer Kirkpatrick b Sept 28, 1830 ob Oct 8, 1833

Marin James Kirkpatrick b Apr 21, 1833 ob Nov 21, 1834

Mary Finley [daughter of Rev John Evans Finley] b June 3, 1785 ob June 24, 1881 unmarried

Job Ruston Finley b Apr 1787 ob Oct 14, 1866 unmarried

Hannah Finley b May 1789 ob Mch 23, 1859 unmarried

Elizabeth Budd Finley b 1792 ob married 1822 John Baird had 5 children

Elizabeth Baird ob married George Gordons have 8 children living in Calif for 30 yrs.

Nancy Baird ob married Bryant, 5 children

George Baird ob married, 12 children

Hannah Baird ob married, one child

William Baird ob in infancy

John Finley b Apr 21, 1794 ob Dec 13, 1868 married Nov 1826 Catherine McNutt b Nov 11, 1800 ob Feby 25, 1863. Had 5 children

1. Mary L. Finley b Aug 8, 1827 ob married Thomas Kirker 3 children

John F. Kirker b Feby 3, 1853

James G. Kirker b June 9, 1857 ob Nov 12, 1879

Cyrus E. Kirker b June 20, 1860 ob July 15, 1884. 2. Elizabeth Sarah Finley b Oct 15, 1833 ob June 20, 1861 married Cyrus F. McNutt ob.

John Gilbert McNutt b July 10, 1859 married July 2, 1891 Mary Brook Korbly b Sept 16, 1869 daughter of Chas A. Korbly & wife Mary A. Bright

John Gilbert NcNutt Jr b June 7, 1893

Finley Alexander McNutt b Nov 25, 1860 ob, married June 1, 1891 to Irma Thomas. He my good informant for this record.

Elizabeth McNutt b Apr 9, 1894, married 3. Sarah Finley born & died on May 7, 1835

4. Hannah Finley b Sept 5, 1836 ob Mch 8, 1837

5. Louisa Finley b Mch 2, 1842 ob married Thomas Robinson 2 children.

Charles Robinson b Jany 10, 1868

Elizabeth Robinson b Apr 25, 1869

Margaret Finley [daughter of Rev John Evans Finley] ob in infancy

V25 Page 574

Oak Hill July 24, 1931 6:44 AM

I notice last night in this month's D.A.R. Mag page 41 among the brief Biographies of newly elected officers one of Mark F. Finley D.D.S. as Vice Pres General of Mid Atlantic Dist who was born at Ypsilanti, Mich July 9, 1856 & recd his education in the district school then & after practicing his profession there & in Detroit, he removed to Washington D.C. where he has held many positions of trust in the Dental Association & in civil life & has been a prominent mason & a 32d degree one. Am writing him this morning. If he does not get or answer my letter, make slip. He is a S.A.R. through Solomon Phelps of Hebron, Conn.

V25 Page 575

I have three letters dated Aug 16, Nov 1, & Dec 27, 1925 from Maud A. McDonough (Mrs E.J.) Creston, Iowa in which she sends an 8 page legal cap size record of the descendants of Alexander Adair Wilson type written supplemented by two page additional which she has written. I will table these records commencing on page 578. She says it is records I had sent her & which I got in Iowa at Mr Hurst's in 1919 or 1921 & which she says she has added. She says Mrs Robert Baughman & Mrs G.Y. Payne have helped her a great deal in preparing this. Says she will send me other data as she learns them, which she has done in her last two letters. She speaks of the comprehensive work I have undertaken & says she & other Wilson relatives will want to get books when published. Says she is eligible to D.A.R. on her Laughlin & Wilson lines & asks of any of her Boyd or Work ancestry were Rev soldiers.

She says Mrs Albert Brown does not have Brown family bible. From Mr Harry Boyd's record

V25 Page 576

I learned the story of my gggfather John Jack's death, killed by the Indians Apr 13, 1757 & his father taken prisoner at the same time & says "you doubtless have the story already". I think I have. His father was Jeremiah Jack. See b 5 p 358.

Aunt Ella Armstrong has this clipping from a Uniontown paper "Boyd; at 5 o'c on Christmas morning of pneumonia, Robert Boyd in the 64th year of his age, funeral services will be held at his late residence S.E. corner Sixth & Breckenridge Sts at 2:30 PM this Friday Dec 26th. Burial private".

Her Aunt Ella also has clipping: George T. Work born in Fayette Co, Pa Dec 2, 1832 died May 21, 1884 Aurora, Neb". but who it is she doesn't know, but thinks probably a cousin of her grandmother. Says my mother has a book: "Medical Adviser" Published by her Uncle Dr J. Boyd of Phila, Pa in 1850 I believe. She says she would like to visit the scenes she as a child had heard talked of so much. Am writing asking her to make me a visit.

The A.A. Wilson children, ten of them, are listed in b 5 p 354-5 & also the children on p 354 but their full names & dates so I am commencing with her on page 578.

V25 Page 577

7 PM 24th

Mrs McDonough put a cross to names she thought would send there [sic] individual records so I have finished 3 pages before dark & have written to following 9 persons:

Alva Pollock Agency, Iowa

Walter Pollock, Donds, Iowa

Frank Sullivan Fairfield, Iowa

Allen Pearson, Libertyville, Iowa

Emery Pearson, Libertyville, Iowa

Charles Pearson, Libertyville, Iowa

Rayburn Pearson, Libertyville, Iowa

Emery Carter, Libertyville, Iowa

Miss Mary Carter, Burlington, Iowa

6:42 Am July 25/31

Her letter of Dec 29th, 1925 says that her four high school youngsters keep her closely at home but she dearly wishes to visit the early homes of her ancestors in Ohio, Penna & Maryland.

9 Am July 26, 1931

I have come to Hugh Wilson's record & while I got it, I am sure when at at Mrs Hurst's on Sept 19? 1921 the ink I had there was so faint that with my poor vision, I can't see that I tabled it & am now doing it on page 588.

V25 Page 578 & V25 Page 579 & V25 Page 580

[descendant chart]

Mary Wilson see b 5 p 354 daughter of Alex A. Wilson born Dec 5, 1806 ob 1875 married Daniel Carter b Sept 5, 1805 ob Apr 1891 had 5 children.


Elizabeth Jane Carter born Aug 29, 1842 ob Sept 11, 1908 buried at Fells Cemetery, married George Pollock ob Feby 23, 1911 buried at Fells Cemetery. He was employed by Lamson Implement Co, Fairfield Iowa. Had five children.

Edward Pollock married Ollie Dustin, Liveryman, Hendrick Iowa. No issue

Alva Pollock married 1 Verda Winney ob died when Ray was born 2 children, married 2 Clara Elder, no issue. Live Agency, Iowa where he is a farmer

Earnest Pollock

Ray Pollock

Both with Edgerly Wholesale Drug Store Ottumwa, Iowa.

Margaret Pollock unmarried with Ray in Calif

Walter Pollock married Ella Guire & have 2 children. Live at Donds, Iowa

George Pollock

Cora Pollock

Cora Pollock ob 1922 buried at Fells Cem married Frank Sullivan, salesman for London Machinery Co, Fairfield Iowa 2 children.

Margaret Sullivan married Rogers

Leonard Sullivan

Parlee Carter b Feby 8, 1844 ob Dec 12, 1911 buried Fell Cemetery married Silas Pearson, a farmer, Libertyville, Iowa 5 children.

William Pearson ob Aug 1924 married Lily Sovil 2 children, home in Colorado

Bertha Pearson married Roy Bonnett live at Albuquerque, NM

Freda Pearson

Allen Pearson married Margaret Beale, farmer Libertyville

Harry Pearson married Lucille Ransom live Libertyville

Vera Pearson

Melva Pearson

William Pearson

Enid Pearson

Ruth Pearson

Emery Pearson married Mary McClain daughter of Dennis McClain live Libertyville, Iowa where he is a farmer. Have 4 children.

Wealthy Pearson, married

Frances Pearson, married

Lucile Pearson

Leland Pearson

Charles Pearson married Pearl McClain farmer at Libertyville 8 children.

Glen Pearson

Rodney Pearson

Grace Pearson

Nellie Pearson

Beulah Pearson

Gladys Pearson

Florence Pearson

Kathryn Pearson

Rayburn Pearson married Irene Oliver live Libertyville where he is a farmer. 3 children

Silas Pearson

Esther Pearson

Isabel Pearson

William Alexander Carter [son of Daniel Carter] b Jany 1, 1846 ob Feby 20, 1923 buried Fell Cemetery married Oct 13, 1870 see next page 580 [which says:] Married Mary Ann Carson ob July 16, 1912 3 children

Emery Carter married Hermo [sic] Moore daughter of G. Taylor Moore. He is a farmer at Libertyville, Iowa. Have 2 children.

Irene Carter

Mildred Carter

Clara Carter

Harley Carter married 1921 in business at Fairfield, Iowa

Daniel Walker Carter b Feby 2, 1848 ob June 1904 buried Fell Cemetery married Apr 23, 1868 see page 580 to Margaret Jane Pollock at Libertyville, Iowa [page 580 reads:] Margaret Jane Pollock b Aug 23, 1846 ob Feby 27, 1927. He was a farmer at Libertyville 2 children died at Corydon, Iowa. She died at Fairfield, Iowa

Charles Cortez Carter b Aug 9, 1859 prof of Natural Science in Parsons College Fairfield Iowa married Sept 9, 1922 Merle Wright

Rolla Wilson Carter b Aug 7, 1879 ob July 30, 1911 buried Fells Cemetery, unmarried

Ora Clyde Carter b June 1, 1883 married July 16, 1905 Susan Orndoff b July 7, 188[unreadable] daughter of Joseph & wife Frances Sharp. He is a CRI & P tel op at Ramah, Colorado. 2 children. [3 listed]

Ruth Elda Carter b Mch 21, 1906 at Siebert, Colo

Helen Frances Carter b Nov 14, 1908 at Matheson, Colo

Evelyn Carter b Sept 14, 1916 at Colorado Springs Colo

Mary Elizabeth Carter b Oct 19, 1885 bookkeeper at Burlington, Iowa unmarried. She wants a book & asks for price.

Frances Joan Carter b Nov 12, 1925 Freda Paulina Carter b Nov 8, 1902 [best guess on year] married Oct Harry Root Shanley have 1 child. Live in Memphis Tenn, then Miami, Fla. His mother was Ella Root

Helen Carter b Nov 9, 1913 at St Louis, Mo

Thomas Wilson Carter b Mch 25, 1850 ob Jany 1925 see page 580 [which reads:] married Ella Fell who was b Dec 25, ob Apr 21, 1901 daughter of William Fell. He lived in Libertyville, Iowa. Had 4 children. Her name Ella Jane Fall b Dec 25, 1857 in Bureau Co, Ills married Nov 26, 1876

V25 Page 581 [blank]

V25 Page 582 & V25 Page 583

[descendant chart]

Caroline Wilson see b 5 p 354-7 born Mch 4, 1809 ob married in Fayette Co, Pa Robert Brown


William Brown ob married Mary Leeper. He was a lumber merchant at Pella, Iowa 5 children

Emmet Brown ob was RR Man killed on road

Jessie Brown married Col Lucien Street & live in the Phillipines.

Arabella Street

Roy Brown married lives in Texas no issue

Bernie Brown married lives in Iowa 2 children

Alva Brown RR man Chicago

Charles Brown RR man Pasadena, Calif

Kate Brown (twin) ob married Milford Hammel no issue

Edward Brown (twin) RR Man

Margaret Brown [daughter of Robert Brown & Caroline Wilson] ob married 1 Albert Bissell married 2 John Mason 3 children. Child Bissell ob in infancy

Laura Mason married Rev D.M. Stiles a Baptist no issue

Clara Mason teacher in Omaha lives Long Beach Calif

Mary Mason married Geo F. Houlsworth

Ruth Houlsworth married Harry Lanning, Long Beach, Calif

Mary Brown ob 1898 married Thomas Robb, farmer & teacher ob lived in Colorado at Monte Vista

Belle Robb ob died & buried near Brownville, Iowa

Edward Robb ob died & buried near Brownville, Iowa

Thomas G. Robb lived at Monte Vista Colo

R.E. Robb lives Monte Vista, Colo

Raymond Robb mgr J.C. Penny Store at Tonopah, Nev. slip

Ethel Robb married John Hedges a Denver Colo drummer

Caroline Brown ob never married

Robert Leroy Brown ob Aug 11, 1894 married Feby 8, 1867 married Ellen Owen live in Colorado, buried at Aspen Colo widow lives Davenport, Iowa see page 584.

James Seelie Brown ob June 17, 1889 married Apr 30, 1874 Ida Hutchinson Burlington, Iowa b Feby 2, 1858 & ob July 3, 1886 at Burlington, Iowa & buried there. He died at Emporia, Kan & buried at Batavia, Iowa 3 children born at Burlington Ills

Nellie C. Brown b July 10, 1875 ob Nov 28, 1879

Frank Leslie Brown b Jany 12, 1880 married Dec 27, 1909 at Del Norte, Colo Mary A. Dantice. He is a ranch man in San Luis Valley, Monte Vista, Colo. Has 2 daughters born at Monte Vista

Clara Mae Brown b Dec 30, 1910

Leslie Gayle Brown b Feby 21, 1919

Harry Mason Brown b Apr 12, 1883 married Dec 29, 1910 at Monte Vista Colo Ruth A. Johnson no issue. He is a plasterer & cement contractor address 220 Jesse St, San Fernando Calif.

Belle Brown ob married Mike Baughman ob lived in Kan.

Sarah Margaret Baughman married see p 586

Robert P. Baughman married Sarah A. Harper lumber merchant 310 N 6th St, Ponca City, Okla

Henry Michael Baughman ob

Mary Isabel Baughman ob

Noble Earl [best guess] Baughman ob

Robert Harper Baughman married Apr 5, 1925 to Dora Plummer Ponca City, Okla auditor of Baughman & Sons Lumber Co

Harry Cecil Baughman

Karl Anson Baughman

Mary Caroline Baughman [daughter of Belle Brown & Mike Baughman]

Eliza Brown married Jany 18, 1866 Alex Loeper farmer lives Cherokee Kan see p 592.

Clara Brown married Perry Harrison who died 1920 the widow lives in Iowa. no issue

Albert Brown married Ella Hughes farmer County Line, Iowa see page 585

Belle Brown married Harley Heuett 238 Ransom ST Ottawa Iowa

Van Cecil Heuett

Hazel Maurice Heuett

Mervin William Heuett

Opal Heuett

Merne Kathleen Heuett

Laura Brown

Robert L. Brown

Loeda Brown

David Michael Brown

Clara Brown

Alva J. Brown

Jane Brown ob in infancy

V25 Page 584 & V25 Page 585

[descendant chart]

Robert Leroy Brown see page 582


Stella Brown b Dec 11, 1877 ob July 21, 1891

George Edison Brown b July 19, 1879 ob Oct 13, 1912 married at Lin Cup Colo Margaret Carey. Have 1 son.

George L. Brown b 1906 lives at Marble Colo with his mother now Mrs Frank Miller

Charles Alexander Brown b Oct 27, 1880 married Apr 22, 1917 no issue. Brown-Zecker Motor Co Box 65 Aspen, Colo

Albert Leroy Brown b Mch 13, 1883 married Sept 6, 1917 Myrtle A. Cassaboom at Aspen Colo carpenter & miner. He died at Globe Ariz June 5, 1925

Bruce Leroy Brown b July 17, 1918 live at 4614 Othello St Seattle Wash with his mother.

William Robert Brown b Feby 13, 1886 ob Dec 11, 1911 Brakeman unmarried

Fred Owen Brown (twin) b Dec 18, 1892 married Sept 10, 1919 Elmira Mae Benedict live box 135 Davenport, Iowa Commercial Art & lettering no issue

Frank Sherman Brown (twin) b Dec 19, 1892 married Sept 8, 1917 to Marjorie Irene Carter at Davenport, Iowa photographer Davenport

Frances Irene Brown b Aug 16, 1918

[descendant chart]

Albert Brown see page 583 married Ella Hughes


Belle Brown see p 583

Laura Brown married Fred A. Stever 144 S. Leitman St Los Angeles, Calif

Ronald Eugene Stever

Harold Albert Stever married Bernie, Los Angeles, Calif

Waneta Eloise Stever

Kenneth Stever

Frederick Robert Stever

Raymond Stever

Robert L. Brown married Elsa Bauer live 724 W. 14th Pueblo, Colo no issue

Loeda Brown ob 1916 married Bert Snider Los Angeles Calif no issue

David Michael Brown married Savena Ernestine Wilson Berkeley Calif no issue

Clara Brown married Art Hayden farmer, Eldon, Iowa RFD

Frances Maurine Brown b Sept 5, 1915

Rex Brown b Aug 2, 1917

Alva J. Brown married, Eldon, Iowa

V25 Page 586

[descendant chart]

Sarah Margaret Baughman see p 583 married Luper McFarland ob. She lives on a farm 20 miles from Ponca City, Okla


Edna McFarland married Will Youmans Salt Fork, Okla

Muriel Youmans

Maybelle Youmans

Roy Anthony Youmans

Walter McFarland married lives in Wichita, Kan

Robert McFarland married lives in Okla

Gladys McFarland married Ellis Carson lives Tonkawa, Okla

Wayne Carson

Ivan Carson


Florence McFarland married Will Carson live in Lone Wolf, Okla

Ivan Carson

Bethel McFarland married Hatch no issue

Raymond McFarland at home with his mother

Earl McFarland at home with his mother

Two children died in infancy

V25 Page 587

[descendant chart]

Alexander Crawford Laughlin b 5 p 364 born Feby 12, 1844 ob married 1 Jany 30, 1868 Sarah Edna Pearson ob May 26, 1887 six children married 2 Mch 1, 1891 Isabella Sheppard ob five children. He lived at Stasburg, Mo


Ada Elvina Laughlin b Jany 24, 1869 married Mch 4, 1891 James W. Barkley

Cora Laughlin

Otto B. Laughlin

Edna Laughlin

Marion C. Laughlin

Mary E. Laughlin

Laura M. Laughlin

Mary Elizabeth Laughlin b May 15, 1871 married Sept 8, 1889 Wm F. Shaw

Mary Etta Shaw

Indianola Shaw

Velma Shaw

Rhondall Shaw

Ila Shaw

Alexander Pearson Laughlin b Sept 12, 1875 married Feby 24, 1900 Agnes Mary Clemmons

Irvin Alexander Laughlin

Anna Lorene Laughlin

Wilma L. Laughlin

John David Laughlin b Jany 2, 1878 married 1 Feby 10, 1901 Flora Belle Darringer who died Oct 2, 1908 3 children. Married 2 Nov 4, 1910 Eva Weatherman 2 children

Wm Crawford Laughlin

Leila S. Laughlin

Mildred Ethel Laughlin

Clarence D. Laughlin

John C. Laughlin

Eli Wilson Laughlin b July 12, 1880 ob May 25, 1881

Albert William Laughlin b Jany 11, 1884 ob in Camp in south during World War married Apr 29, 1911 Jessie Kilgore

Virgil Harold Laughlin

Harvey Woodson Laughlin b Dec 20, 1891

Virgil Frank Laughlin b Nov 20, 1893

Russell Crawford Laughlin b July 10, 1895 ob of wound recd in battle in France married just before sailing May Cel [sic] no issue

Gatha Isabelle Laughlin b June 18, 1897

Marion Earl Laughlin b Oct 29, 1898 married Carrie Eames

V25 Page 588 & V25 Page 589

[descendant chart]

Hugh Wilson see b 5 page 354 born July 15, 1815 ob Jany 22, 1894 married Dec 19, 1839 Eliza Boyd b Sept 1, 1814 ob Jany 1905


Rebeka Wilson b Mch 22, 1841 ob Nov 20, 1850

Margaret Wilson b June 1, 1843 in Penna while parents were there on a visit. Married Frank Hurst & she has penciled that either he or she died Apr 18, 1824 & is buried in Fell Cem. No issue.

Robert Alexander Wilson b Sept 1, 1845 married Apr 28, 1869 Mary Arabelle Stokes daughter of Joe Nelson Stokes & Mary Wilmer Walker.

Jessie Moselle Wilson b Jany 11, 1871 married Geo G. Bowers.

Raymond Paul Bowers married Sept 4, 1923 Mary Foster

Orville Stokes Wilson b Nov 27, 1872 married Mae Beale

William Dempsey Wilson b Apr 1, 1848 married 1 Rinda Pollock ob had 2 children. Married 2 Mary Caroline Laughlin see my b 5 p 354 et seq.

Infant son, Harry Wilson b June 1, 1870 prematurely ob Aug 18, 1870

James Allen Wilson b May 24, 1871 married Lucy Jane Campbell b Sept 20, 1870 daughter of John Parker Campbell. He is a Methodist minister. Six children.

Otto Ione Wilson b Feby 10, 1894 married Vera Jones. He is a minister

Robert Otto Wilson b 1921 buried Long Beach Calif

Harry Jo Wilson b Jany 11, 1890 ob June 27, 1897

Lester A. Wilson b Oct 11, 1898 married Alice

Marinda Naomi Arabella Wilson b Oct 6, 1901 married William Johnson & live McCracken, Kan

James Everett Johnson

Wm Boyd Johnson

Theresa Mazelle Wilson b Feby 23, 1905

John William Wilson b Jany 30, 1910

Caroline Wilson [daughter of Hugh b 1815] b Apr 9, 1850 married Apr 12, 1871 John Walker Stokes ob May 1886. He was a farmer.

Maud Arabella Stokes b July 23, 1879 married July 29, 1908 Edward James McDonough wire chief Creston Iowa son of John Joseph McDonough & wife Mary Ellen McCue. Have 4 children she my good informant for this record.

John Walker McDonough b June 19, 1909

Mary Ellen McDonough b Sept 18, 1910

Margaret Caroline McDonough b Nov 6, 1911

Robert Edward McDonough Jr b Mch 4, 1913

Elvira Jane Wilson b May 5, 1853 married Feby 26, 1880 Wm Edgar Armstrong farmer & Dunkard mine [sic] Libertyville 4 children

Ralph Armstrong b June 22, 1881 married Amanda Stull He is a farmer have 3 children.

Everett Armstrong

James Armstrong

William Edgar Armstrong b 1914 ob in infancy buried in Fell Cemetery.

Stella Armstrong ob unmarried

Pearl Armstrong b 1886 married Bessie Eyestone daughter of Theodore Eyestone. Have one child

Laura Belle Armstrong called "Daisy" married Zane Eyestone, Libertyville, Iowa have had six children.

Richard Eyestone

Raymond Eyestone

Glenn Eyestone

Helen Eyestone

child ob lived but a few weeks, buried at Fell Cem.

Dorothy Eyestone

V25 Page 590

[descendant chart]

Elizabeth Jane Wilson see p 5 p 365 born Nov 11, 1817 ob married Alexander Winsell a farmer.


Sarah Margaret Winsell b Apr 26, 1849 ob married Nov 19, 1867 to George W. Kirkpatrick of Kirkville, Iowa had 5 children.

Jessie Kirkpatrick b Dec 17, 1869 married June 10, 1891 to John E. Hatfield live at Oskaloosa, Iowa, Now at 1230 37th ST Des Moines, Iowa. Have 4 children.

John Paul Hatfield b Mch 5, 1892 married Mch Elizabeth Norwoods

Dorothy Jane Hatfield b Mch 18, 1917

Margaret Ruth Hatfield b Jany 3, 1894 married Harold E. Woodford

Jean Louise Woodford b Jany 9, 1921

Mary Cecelia Hatfield b Mch 5, 1903

Lawrence George Hatfield b Aug 2, 1911

Frank Kirkpatrick ob in infancy

Lloyd Winsell Kirkpatrick ob in infancy

Grace Paul Kirkpatrick ob in infancy

Earnest Mars Kirkpatrick b Dec 23, 1879 married Oct 28, 1903 Asah Slemmons live near Kirkville.

Frances Margaret Kirkpatrick b Oct 13, 1907

John A.A. Winsell ob aged 9 yrs

Anna Belle Winsell b Aug 26, 1858 ob married Jany 18, 1882 Austin W. Brown had 7 children.

Fred Winsell Brown b Dec 14, 1882 married June 29, 1904 Mary Slemmons live Mitaleh [unreadable, may be Iowa]

Adah Leona Brown b June 25, 1905

Gladys Elizabeth Brown B Sept 28, 1907

Grace LaRue Brown b Nov 23, 1909

Mary Freda Brown b Aug 2, 1913

Gladys Myrle Brown b Jany 29, 1885 married Aug 23, 1905 to M. Slemmons Welch. He is dead & she is wife married 2 Fred Beck of Fremont, Iowa.

Grace Brown b Aug 2, 1887 married Dec 27, 1912 Orvsel F. Funk ob 1919 She died in 1919 & he nest day of influenza

Ernest W. Brown b Nov 24, 1889 ob Nov 2, 1913

Mary Helen Brown b May 5, 1892 married Taylor Baker RFD 5 Ottawa Iowa

Frances Baker

Maxine Baker

Ellen Belle Baker

Ethel May Brown b May 13, 1895 married Chauney [sic] Collins Fremont, Iowa

Richard Collins

Scott Collins

George William Brown b May 24, 1898 married Mary Kuecht Ottawa, Iowa

George William Brown Jr

V25 Page 591

[descendant chart]

Sarah Ann Wilson see b 5 page 355 & 365 born Mch 3, 1820 ob married John H. Parsons had 5 children.


Alexander Parsons married Fannie Walker daughter of Peter Walker & wife Christiana Schuyler. He died Sept 1924 at Keosantha [best guess] Iowa report six children.

Alice Alvaretta Parsons unmarried

Mary Moselle Parsons unmarried

Carrie Ardella Parsons married Victor Strait

Merle Cecil Strait

Merne Orvil [sic] Strait

Keith Parsons Strait

Donald Glen Strait

Clare LaRue Strait

Warren Alexander Strait

Wm Gerald Parsons Strait married Bonnie Kuntz. No issue

Nellie Davis Parsons married Harman Davis

Lucetta Elizabeth Davis

Raymond Alexander Davis

Carl Leroy Davis

Lawrence Loraine Davis

Alvaretta Irene Davis

William Gerald Parsons

George Everett Parsons, unmarried

Charles Edgar Parsons, unmarried

Floyd Parsons

Raymond Parsons ob in infancy

Margaret Parsons [daughter of John H. Parsons] ob d.y.

Alice Belle Parsons b June 4, 1858? ob Jany 8, 1917 married Oct 22, 1899 Dr Alva Archer Bedford, Iowa ob Jany 24, 1923

Blanche Archer b 1880 ob 1883

Marie Archer b Oct 18, 1888 (twin)

Mabel Archer b Oct 18, 1888 (twin) married Nov 16, 1908 to Geo R. Evans of Bedford, Iowa

Lela Archer b Sept 21, 1884 married July 21, 1909 to John C. Quigley one child

Alice Genevieve Quigley b July 7, 1912 live 1801 A. St, Lincoln Neb

Elizabeth Archer ob d.y.

Amanda Archer ob unmarried

Elizabeth Parsons ob d.y.

Amanda Parsons ob buried in Fell Cem unmarried.

V25 Page 592

[descendant chart]

Eliza Brown see page 583 ob Sept 19, 1916 married Jany 18, 1866 Alexander R. Leeper ob Apr 10, 1923 had 6 children.


Laura Leeper married George Wm Payne merchant, Cherokee, Kan.

Willa Payne b June 16, 1885 married June 16, 1906 Blaine C. Cole Ch clk Frp [unreadable] Big Springs Texas. She died Mch 2, 1920

Dorothy Cole b Apr 11, 1907 ob July 21, 1907

Belden Payne Cole b July 6, 1910

Charles Leeper Payne b Feby 4, 1889 married Dec 26, 1910 Maude Graham Asst Supt Frisco RR Ft Scott, Kan

Charles L. Payne Jr b Aug 14, 1915

Martha Lou Payne b Sept 15, 1922

Nadine Payne b July 19, 1892 married July 12, 1915 Dr Gray Castleberry San Benito, Texas

Merida William Castleberry b Oct 27, 1916

Virginia Castleberry b Aug 24, 1918

George Wm Payne Jr b Aug 7, 1899 married Sept 17, 1922 Hazel Anderson Asst mgr Mid Continent Tank Car Co at Coffeyville, Kan

Lawrence Brown Payne b Sept 29, 1913

Annie Leeper married 1 1891 Chas A. Wiles. He died 1895 2 children married 2 1915 C.R. Humphrey of Pgh, Kan

Alfred L. Wiles b Sept 8, 1891 married Lorine Burk. He is chief

Clk & time keeper of K.C. Southern at Pgh, Kan.

Wilma Wiles

Alfred Wiles

Rex Lee Wiles

Gloria Wiles

Mary Anna Wiles

Charles A. Wiles married Clara Gederldig [sic] He is supt Elec Dept M.K & T Ry [unreadable word] Parsons, Kan

Raymond Wiles

Dorothy Wiles

Robert Brown Leeper he is U.S. gov Veterinary surgeon at Denver Col

Jessie Leeper married Robt C. Strain chief Clk supt of Texas Pacific Big Spring Tex

Clarise Strain married Lee Hanson of Carlsbad, N.Mex

Robt David Strain b July 11, 1899 ob Nov 30, 1917

Thomas R. Leeper married Clara E. Rex stationery engineer Cherokee Kan

Helen Leeper b Dec 19, 1909

Harold Leeper b ob in infancy

Gertrude B. Leeper married Joe Lambert Street car conductor Pgh, Kansas 2 children.

Margaret Lambert b Aug 10, 1909

Jack Lambert b Mch 2, 1918

V25 Page 593

9 PM July 26, 1931

Edmund Hayes Bell of Wash D.C. here yesterday from 11 Am to 12:30 PM speaking of Isabella Lowrie ancestress of his wife Sara Bowman Bell & I guess of himself too said she was the youngest of the five children of Major James Lawry, Laurie, Lourie, Lowrie or Lowry as variously spelled - the Earls of Belmore are of the same family who was an officer in the British Army & died leaving his estate impoverished. His wife was daughter of Rev Arthur Blair a Presbyterian minister & after her husband's death, she went to Enniskillen to live. The oldest son William disappeared by reason of some political activities & the other two boys went to the West Indies & the two girls Martha & Isabella were brought by a Major Nelson? to Balto, Md intending to reship to the West Indies to join their brothers but learned they had both died of the yellow fever whereupon Martha died of a broken heart & Isabella then in 1784 but 17 yrs old was left alone. Col Robert Elliott then living in Hagerstown, Md heard of her plight went & got her & took her to his home. Here his partner in the Indian trade post, Jacob Bowman of Brownsville, met Isabella Lowrie & married. her.

He said that in the speech Com. Jesse Duncan Elliott in his speech at Hagerstown, Md in 1843 said that his Elliotts came from Castle Finn, Co Donegal, Ireland. He said that Elliott was second for Barron in his duel with Decatur. He said

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that here was no official title of Commodore conferred by the U.S. Gov until 1861 & such title to Stephen Decatur, Jesse Duncan Elliott & others was by courtesy only. He said Elliott was laid of the service once for 4 yrs but was reinstated & was commandant of the U.S. Navy yards in Phila, when he died& is buried at some Naval burying grounds there.

Speaking of Genl Grant's recognizing Genl W.L. Elliott's voice in 1879 at San Francisco on his return from his trip around the world, he said they knew each other at West Point where he said Grant graduated in 1842 & that Elliott was there from 1841 to 1844 but for some reason did not graduate.

He said the "Biographical Directory of Congress" fostered by Senator Moses, on which he did some work has been recently published & is an large volume like a dictionary & that each Congressman was awarded 8 or 10 copies. I wrote to Kendall last night for one. He had been to Pgh trying to trace John Elliott, son of Col Robert & found a will of a John Elliott of Elizabeth Tp made about 1831 or 1833 with codicil probated 1843 in which he named sons Robert, James, Thomas & William? who he thought might be the man.

He said Genl Wm Robinson in 1850 certainly told Lyman Draper that Col Robert Elliott & Matthew Elliott were his Uncles. He also said that Genl Wm Elliott, son of Col Robert, had been in U.S. army until it was disbanded in 1800 & he then went to his Uncle Matthew Elliott

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at Sandwich, Canada across from Detroit & he got him a commission in the British army & when Capt Hart of the U.S. army a brother-in-law of Henry Clay was murdered in the River Raisin Massacre Genl Wm Elliott was charged with it, but on a visit to Gen Wm Robinson, he denied it & went from there to Wash D.C. to see Clay & tell him he had not been guilty of it but was a friend of Capt Hart & had gone to school with him at Hagerstown, Md.

Mr Bell who helped prepare the "James Patterson of Conestoga Manor" book said he was descended from his oldest son William Patterson by his first wife who was a Galbraith & he said William's second wife was: Esther Harris Finley, daughter of John Finley who met Daniel Boone here in the Braddock Campaign in 1755 & who in 1769 went to the Yadkin in NC & took Boone & others, through the Cumberland Gap into KY & that many of her descendants are scheduled in the book. He says one he could not recall the name, living he thought in Iowa is also a descendant of Daniel Boone. Make slip to look up this book & see if can get trace of her & see what she can give about his later life & children & where their descendants are.

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Oak Hill July 27, 1931 7:42 AM

The Morning Herald of last Friday July 24, 1931 announced the death of Senator Harry J. Bell of Dawson, Pa. Mother Mrs Mollie M. Bell aged 84 yrs 4 mos & 10 days (born then Mch 13, 1847) at 3:45 Pm July 23, 1931 at the home of her only other surviving child Mrs Grace D. King 731 Sharswood Ave Sheridan Pittsburgh, Pa

She was the daughter of Joseph S. & Eliza Thomas Lower & was born in Adams Co, Pa Mch 13, 1847.

In 1867, she married William Bell in Cumberland Co, Pa & they made their home in Adams Co, Pa where he died in 1876 where she remained a resident until 25 yrs ago when she took up her residence with Mrs King in Pittsburgh, Pa

Body was brought here to J. Harry Johnston & Sons Mortuary Chapel to be removed on Saturday to McKnightstown, Pa near Gettysburg for funeral services in Trinity Reform Church. Burial will be in a cem at Arendtsville, Pa. I have written this morning to Senator Dr Harry J. Bell Dawson Pa to know whether he descends from Jane Carothers born 1774 who married James Bell see b 24 p 606.

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In this July issue of the N.E. Hist & Gen Register pages 332 & 333 Memoirs of deceased members is one of:

Robert Jackson Kilpatrick of Beatrice, Neb elected a life member Mch 2, 1926 who was born near Carthage, Jasper Co, Mo Sept 11, 1856 the son of Samuel & Rachel (Thompson) Kilpatrick & died at Los Angeles Calif Jany 24, 1931

His father, the son of John & Sarah (Wallace) Kilpatrick of Maryland was born at McConnellsville, O Dec 5, 1818 married at Joliet Ills May 20, 1844 Rachel Thompson born near Senecaville, Guernsey Co, Ohio Feby 5, 1826 & died May 23, 1908, daughter of David & Ruth (Jackson) Thompson and died at Beatrice, Neb Feby 20, 1875. He was a member of Christ Church, Prot Epis Church of Beatrice Neb. He married at Beatrice Neb Dec 28, 1881 Marian Douglas Jones who was born at Chelsea, Mass Feby 11, 1859 & died at Beatrice Neb Oct 11, 1928 daughter of Edward Lewis & Adelaide Howard (Field) Jones. Two daughters, Mrs Irvin C. Hancock (Adelaide Davenport Kilpatrick) of Chicago Ills & Mrs Charles Lindsley Sherwood ( Katherine Rachel Kilpatrick) of Beatrice Neb survive him. There is also a good sketch of his active business career which of course is in the Kilpatrick book they sent me.

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I have a letter dated Aug 22, 1924 in answer to mine of July 28 1924 from Chas M. Finley of 1601 ST Harlan, Iowa who was not at home when I called there at his home in Mch 1924 in which though willing, he regrets his inability to give the help he would like to because of the facts given below. He says he was born at Mt Vernon, Clarion Co, Pa (can't find such a place in Rand McNallys Nov 20, 1854) & his parents left for the west with him when he was six months old & he has never been back. Said his grandparents lived & both of his parents were born at Milledgeville, Mercer Co, Pa near to Mercer. The home of my branch of the family was Phila, Pa (look up the records I got there in 1923 Nov & in July 1926 make slip & search) & my grandfather Finley came to western Pa when it was a wilderness. One of his sisters remained in Phila for life, married name was Tamer Hartley (I believe I have her name). Am ignorant of given names of ancestors. My father was youngest of 13 children & never was in touch with others of the family, only two brothers, Francis Finley who was 13 yrs older than him who was raised in Phila, Pa & the other Edward Finley 2 yrs older than him who was raised in western Penna. My father was William Finley born in 1830 & passed at River Falls Wis at age of 83 yrs in 1912 or 1913. Of our immediate family of six children:

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1. Winifred Finley (Mrs Harry Middleton) passed at Phila, P

2. Drury A. a brother passed at Puyallup Wash July 28, 1924

3. Guy H. lives near Lethbridge, Alberta

4. Wm D. Finley lives at River Falls, Wis

5. Mrs R.L. Pomeroy youngest sister at Ingraham, Wis

There is or was an old family bible extant which I never saw as it was given to family by Mrs Tamar Hartley of Phila after I left the family roof in 1873. This record book would be of interest as it was a record for away back of the family, was so old used old forms of spelling, also had the former family name of "Fennell" in records instead of Finley.

The story is that our ancestor who originally came to the New World came from near boundary between England & Scotland & was compelled for political reasons to leave quickly took western side some mix up with the Duke of Argyle troubles (might have been for stealing sheep otherwise) & was a seafaring man in his younger days. As I said before I am woefully ignorant of our family hist but have always had a curiosity about our family history & would like a book if the price is within my reach. Never have been in touch with anyone who could inform me. Must be some of our family descendants in Oil City, Pa Make slip.

Had an Uncle John Finley who lived near Milledgeville, Mercer Co, Pa not many years since. He must have passed years since as he was older than my father. Make slip.

Says they are scattered from Alaska to Mexico & from Maine to Calif. He thinks the bible he wrote about is in possession of his youngest sister Mrs R. Pomeroy, Ingraham Wis who is probably

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much more conversant with family history than I am as she has personally met an aged Aunt Tamar Hartley of Phila who was a Quakeress & ac p [sic] of the noted Lucretia Mott. Says he has been a loso [sic] engineer all his life. Mainly employed by the Rock Island Ry Co for 48 yrs Oct 16 next (say since Oct 16, 1876) retired from active service because of failing health.

Says he has a cousin Charles Finley, well educated, living in San Francisco Calif son of his Uncle Francis. Ed Finley a younger brother of Charles lives at Menominee Wis. I wrote on Aug 22, 1924 to both him & Mrs Pomeroy. If I don't find answers in my old mail write her again or make slip to go see her & see if that old bible can be found.

D.M. Finley of Santa Ana, Calif son of Chas M. sent me a blueprint of this branch, filed in upper left hand corner of swing door in this desk.

I have a letter dated Dec 20, 1925 in answer to mine of Dec 4, 1925 from F.S. Finley Attorney at Law Mt Pleasant, Iowa giving a record of names one generation further back than I got Aug 30, 1925 see b 14 p 142 from his cousin Robert Henderson Finley of Muskingum Co, O & although mostly void of dates, I am tabling them on next page & writing him as he speaks of getting further records & sending me.

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[descendant chart]

James Finley lived in Little Britain Tp, Lancaster Co, Pa. He served as a private in the Revolutionary War entering the war June 22, 1781 as a substitute for John Briggs & was in the sixth Battalion, Lancaster Co militia. Married Jean Briggs, daughter of John Briggs & wife Mary Brown sister of Hugh & daughter of James Brown whose will is dated May 18, 1768. There were married in Pa where their 8 children were born & went to Ohio 180[cut off] She was born Feby 7, 1767 & ob

1806. He ob 1802.


Mary Finley ob married Houck

Margaret Finley ob married Eli Sherman

Jane Finley ob married Joel Hawley report 7 children.

John Hawley ob says will get

James Hawley ob

Ada Hawley

Robert Hawley

John Hawley

David Hawley ob will get

Stephen Hawley ob unmarried

Mary Hawley ob single

Joseph Hawley ob unmarried

Henry Hawley b Feby 6, 1826 ob May 1903 married will get record

Robert Hawley ob in childhood

Robert Finley b 1790 ob 1844 married Catherine Baker b 1790 ob 1877 see b 14 p 142

John Finley ob unmarried

Nancy Finley ob married Amos Schilling

Esther Finley ob married Theophilas Catan

Sarah Finley ob no record.

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I have a letter dated Oct 27, 1927 from Mrs Malinda R. Harper of Redfield Iowa in which she encloses 3 letters from Chicago, Ills South Bend, Ind & Kansas City, Mo with her own & seven page note size McLucas record written by herself. She had inserted in a South Bend newspaper that she was hunting members of the McLucas family. She says to write: Dan Smith at Letts, Iowa for the Martha Smith record & ask about his father Melvin Smith who had two sets of children. She says he don't answer her nor do the Poseys at Noonsocket, S.Dak. Make slip.

The Chicago letter is from Fred E. McLucas shown on the letterhead as one of the attorneys of Medical Protective Co of Ft Wayne, Ind who says to write to his father Wm M. McLucas Tipton, Ind who is son of Brooks McLucas. Says he has searched the Chicago Tel Dir & finds only one McLucas viz: Miss May McLucas 819 Bradley Place, Chicago, Ills. He says V.R. McLucas is judge of the Superior court, Los Angeles, Calif & his father says he is of his family.

He says too there are some, two in telephone Dir at Detroit, Mich & Kansas City, MO. The Kansas City Mo letter is from the National Identification Bureau 222 Mfrs Exchange offering their service & speaks of their wide ramifications.

The James McLucas, father of the lady writing from Laketon, Ind came to [sic] recently from Ireland to be of our line.

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[descendant chart]

Almeda Ritter see b 21 page 225 born May 30, 1848 ob 1892 married June 1867 James Oppenheimer ob born & died at Shenandoah, Iowa


Anna Belle Oppenheimer lives in Shenandoah, Iowa write her for family dates

Grace Oppenheimer

Elizabeth Oppenheimer

Verda Oppenheimer

Wilford Oppenheimer

Helen Oppenheimer

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*1 (Where it is printed "leaving John and _____ there should be the names of all of Mary (Crawford) Cummings children as above, given before J.N. Beacon Clerk etc G.C.P.)


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