
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: FUNDRAISING SUPPORTSupport to MAVA’s partners for the implementation of your fundraising approachOverviewFundraising is a key component for organisational resilience and long-term sustainability. What was true before the Covid-19 crisis has been amplified. Over the past few months, you have stressed your concerns on the future fundraising context for the conservation sector. We are entering a difficult period of possible shrinkage that will last for months and maybe years.Your long-term sustainability is a key component of the work we have done together over many years. To help you navigate through uncertain times and prepare for success after the end of MAVA’s funding in 2022, we are launching a second call for proposals to support your financial resilience through the strengthening and adaptation of your fundraising. It also aims at encouraging and supporting an entrepreneurial mindset for fundraising, meaning a strategic and pro-active approach.This call is part of a wider approach to support the fundraising actions of MAVA partners. To guide organisations through the main steps of the development/strengthening of a fundraising strategy, MAVA has partnered with Acumen Academy to develop an online course, 'Non-profit Fundraising Essentials: Embrace Entrepreneurial and Strategic Approaches to Fundraise More Effectively'. This course is free and the upcoming session will start on 13 October 2020. You can register here. Please note this call is not to support the development of a fundraising strategy from scratch. Instead, it comes as a second step, for those of you who already have the basis of your fundraising plan/strategy in place, developed through the Acumen course or by other means. PurposeWith this call for proposals, MAVA will provide funding to successful applicants to:Strengthen and/or adapt your strategic fundraising approach, Implement a new or revised fundraising strategy, and Prototype and test new revenue streams.These grants represent an invitation for those of you who are eligible to think strategically and proactively about your fundraising. It is an opportunity to reflect on and structure your fundraising needs, test new approaches and/or activities, strengthen your structure and capacities and diversify your sources of funding.EligibilityThese grants are intended for all MAVA direct and sub-contracted (also called indirect) partners, meaning an organisation that receives funds directly from MAVA or via a sub-contract. In order to keep the support focused on the organisations that need it most, note that the following organisations are not eligible:Direct partners receiving Organisational Development (OD) support, as fundraising is already included in their OD plans. Big international organisations such as WWF, Birdlife International, Wetlands International, etc. This includes their national and regional offices.Beneficiaries of the Small Initiatives Programs (PPI) in West and North Africa (PPI-OSCAN), co-financed by MAVA and FFEM (French Global Environment Facility).Beneficiaries of the CEPF (Critical Ecosystem Partnerships Fund) Small Grants in the Balkans, a program co-funded by MAVA.Please note that indirect OD partners benefiting from the “Birdlife International Capacity Development Fund” are eligible and can apply.If you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to contact us to confirm your eligibility.Eligible activitiesSolutions and needs are diverse and the call for proposals is not restrictive except that out-sourcing of fundraising activities is not eligible.Below are some examples of activities that may be included - but not limited to:Test new revenue streamsTest or revise earned-income activityEstablish new partnership(s): innovative public-private partnership, new donors etc.Build capacities to fundraiseImplement organisational changes to enable execution of the fundraising strategyOrganize fundraising events Etc.Selection criteriaMAVA aims to have an inclusive process that selects organisations based on your needs and potential. We will specifically assess:your genuine desire and motivation to work on fundraising,your entrepreneurial approach, meaning demonstrating strategic and pro-active fundraising effort either by testing a new type of revenue stream, looking for new donors to approach, working to improve communication and storytelling, or adapting/recalibrating an earned-income activity,your potential results in the short and long term.Partners who will follow the Acumen Academy online course “Fundraising for-non-profit” will have a serious advantage as it will help you develop the foundations of a strategic approach and start to identify what you need to further develop your fundraising. Grant budget availableThe overall budget available for this call is 500 000 EUR. The maximum grant duration has been fixed to 15 months.We expect the typical grant size to be between EUR 30’000 and EUR 50’000. However, since we aim to fund what is really needed; in exceptional cases and if strongly justified, a budget above EUR 50’000 might be considered. The budget for each grant may include:A maximum of 12.5 % management fees of the total budget (total of activities).Contribution to staff time to implement the fundraising approach can be supported.Application for a Grant and SelectionTo apply for a “Fundraising Grant”, please complete the application form below in either English or French. If you are interested, please submit your proposals no later than 19 January 2021 to Charlène Minster proposal@.We will inform you of the status of your request by the end of February 2021.Preparation for this callWe strongly recommend applicants who have not done so already to complete the free Acumen Academy 8-week online course 'Nonprofit Fundraising Essentials: Embrace Entrepreneurial and Strategic Approaches to Fundraise More Effectively' starting on 13 October 2020 - you can register here. MAVA has supported the development of this online course to guide organisations through the main steps of the development/strengthening of a fundraising strategy. We see it as a natural first step, which may be sufficient for many organisations.We would also like to offer MAVA direct and indirect partners the opportunity to receive a feedback (in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish) from Stone-Soup Consulting specialised in strategic consultancy, namely in Organisational Development and Fundraising. Only organisations that have submitted a final assignment at the end of the Acumen course will be able to sign up for a feedback, as the assignment will serve as the basis of the discussion. To benefit from a feedback, please get in touch with claudia.pedra@stone- at Stone Soup (including your final assignment in the email) by 31 December 2020, indicating that you are a MAVA partner. Questions?If you have questions or need further information, please contact Charlène Minster proposal@.APPLICATION FOR FUNDRAISING GRANTName of organisationYour mission statementMAVA Programme you are part of (if a MAVA partner) or name of direct partner (if a MAVA indirect partner) Budget requested % of budget requested dedicated to staff timeCo-funding for your fundraising (if any)Amount & sourceSummarize in 2 lines what you will do with this grantDuration of the supportMax 15 monthsContact details of lead person for this grantName & position:Email:Telephone:Please include with your application any supporting documents that you may have (business plan, fundraising plan or strategy even in draft format after having followed the Acumen Academy online course).SUMMARYPlease summarize how you will use this fundraising grant (max 20 lines or 300 words)SECTION 1: PREVIOUS FUNDRAISING FOR YOUR ORGANISATIONYour sources of funding in 2019In the table below, after adding the global annual budget of your organisation (operating + projects) in 2019, indicate the repartition/share (%) for each source of non-profit funding contributing to this budget. Annual global budget of the organisation in 2019 (operating + all projects)XXXX EURBi-lateral and multilateral organizations (Like UE, World Bank, country Embassy, CEPF, GIZ, LuxDev, FFEM etc.)%Small donors and digital campaigns%Foundations%Local and national governments / authorities%Corporations / Partnership Public-Private%Wealthy individuals%Earned income (including events)%Pro-bono/In-kind%Successful fundraising activities in 2019For 2019, please share up to two successful fundraising actions and one unsuccessful fundraising action and explain why in your view you were successful or unsuccessful. If possible, choose examples from different sources of non-profit funding.Successful fundraising action #1 (max 10 lines / 150 words) and whySuccessful fundraising action #2 (max 10 lines / 150 words) and whyUnsuccessful fundraising action #3 (max 10 lines / 150 words) and whySECTION 2: FUNDRAISING IN THE COMING MONTHS/YEAR(S)Your organisation in 5 years (Organisational Strategic plan)We would like to understand where you hope to be in 5 years (number of employees, overall annual budget). What does that mean in terms of development of your organisation and funding to be raised? Do you envisage strategic changes for your organisation (merger, strategic partnerships, shift of niche and strategic goals…)? Your fundraising structure now and in the coming months/year(s)How is fundraising currently organised within your organisation (human resources, communication & social media, monitoring & evaluation, financial management etc.)? Please share Roles & Responsibility on fundraising. Do you plan to make any changes in the coming months/year(s)?If this grant contributes to staff time, please explain how you will sustain it once this grant ends.Sources of non-profit funding you will pursue/test/improve with this grantFor EACH source of funding you would like to pursue/test/improve with the support of this grant describe:Which funders and/or revenue stream: name + two lines descriptionIn your view, why are they a good fit? What capacities do you need to pursue/test this funding source?Fundraising estimate from this stream (how much you target to get)Source of funding/Revenue Stream #1: name + two lines description+Why are they a good fit?+What do you need to pursue/test this funding source?+ Fundraising estimate from this streamSource of funding/Revenue Stream #2: name + two lines description+Why are they a good fit?+ What do you need to pursue/test this funding source?+ Fundraising estimate from this streamActivities to be implemented to reach your fundraising goals with the support of this grantPLEASE COMPLETE THE EXCEL DOCUMENT ‘FINANCIAL BUDGET & REPORTING’ and send it with your application form. Don’t forget to fill in the cells mentioning your organisation’s name and your budget currency (EUR or CHF). The Excel file is sufficient, an additional narrative is not needed in this document. Note that the file will serve as the basis of your reporting if your application is selected. In the Excel document, please define the fundraising goals you would like to reach with the support of this MAVA grant and describe all the activities needed to reach them. Please also present activity outputs, cost (staff time if applicable and expenses) with co-funding (if applicable) and who will be leading the activity. ................

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