PDF Friends of Scouting Dinner-The Ask Event

accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? debit ? expense ? permanently restricted ? accrual ? revenue ? credit ? depreciation ? net asset ? unrestricted ? indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? debit ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? special event ? liability ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? credit ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net asset ? indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? temporarily restricted ? asset ? capital campaign ? special event ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? debit ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? credit ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net asset ?indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? debit ? credit ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? liability ? special event ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? accrual ? credit ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net asset ? liability ? asset ? indirect support ? project sales ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? special event ? accounts payable ? credit ? general ledger ? direct support ? debit ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? credit ? depreciation ? debit ? unrestricted ? net asset ? indirect support ? project sales ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? debit ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? debit ? accounts payable ? debit ? general ledger ? direct support ? expense ? accrual ? asset ? permanently restricted ? revenue ? debit ? credit ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net asset ? indirect support ? project sales ? debit ? temporarily restricted ? asset ? capital campaign ? liability ? special event ? net asset ? accounts payable ? credit ? ledger ? direct support ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? credit ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? asset ? net asset ? indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? expense ? asset ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? liability ? debit ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net asset ? indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? liability ? temporarily restricted ? debit ? capital campaign ? special event ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? debit ? permanently restricted expense ? accrual ? credit ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? debit ? expense ? permanently restricted ? accrual ? revenue ? net asset ? credit ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? debit ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? expense ? special event ? liability ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? permanently restricted ? accrual ? revenue ? credit ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net asset ? indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? temporarily restricted ? asset ? capital campaign ? special event ? debit ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? permanently restricted ? expense ? revenue ? credit ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net asset ? accrual ? indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? debit ? credit ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? liability ? special event ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? accrual ? credit ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net asset ? liability ? asset ? indirect support ? project sales ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? special event ? accounts payable ? credit ? general ledger ? direct support ? debit ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? credit ? depreciation ? debit ? unrestricted ? net asset ? indirect support ? project sales ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? debit ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? debit ? accounts payable ? debit ? general ledger ? direct support ? expense ? accrual ? asset ? permanently restricted ? revenue ? debit ? credit ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net asset ? indirect support ? project sales ? debit ? temporarily restricted ? asset ? capital campaign ? liability ? special event ? net asset ? accounts payable ? credit ? ledger ? direct support ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? credit ? depreciation ?

RESEARCHING FOUNDATIONS AND unrestricted ? asset ? net asset ? indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? expense ? asset ? temporarily restricted ? capital campaign ? liability ?

debit ? accounts payable ? general ledger ? direct support ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? revenue ? depreciation ? unrestricted ? net

WRITING GRANT PROPOSALS asset ? indirect support ? asset ? project sales ? liability ? temporarily restricted ? debit ? capital campaign ? special event ? accounts payable ?

general ledger ? direct support ? debit ? permanently restricted ? expense ? accrual ? credit ? project sales ? liability ? special event ? asset ?


Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1 Objective........................................................................................................................... 1

Foundations ......................................................................................................................... 3 Types of Foundations ....................................................................................................... 3 Building a Volunteer Council Foundation Committee ........................................................ 7

Researching Foundations .................................................................................................... 9 What Is Research (Data Mining)? ..................................................................................... 9 How to Sharpen Your Foundation Research Skills...........................................................15 Marketing Language for Your Proposals ..........................................................................16 Fundamentals of Corporate Giving ..................................................................................17 How to Cultivate and Maintain Relationships With Prospective Corporations/Foundations ............................................................................19 The Foundation Center Resource for Finding Grants.......................................................20

Planning and Proposal writing .............................................................................................21 Basic Principles of Proposal Writing.................................................................................21 The Proposal ...................................................................................................................23 Submitting and Resubmitting the Proposal ......................................................................31 Checklist for Proposal Writing ..........................................................................................32 What Some Foundation Directors Say .............................................................................33 Words from the Experts ...................................................................................................36

Appendix .............................................................................................................................38 Appendix A ......................................................................................................................39 Appendix B ......................................................................................................................40

Researching Foundations and Writing Grant Proposals


Appendix C ......................................................................................................................44 Appendix D-1 ...................................................................................................................45 Appendix D-2 ...................................................................................................................46 Appendix E -1: (Sample)..................................................................................................47 Appendix E-2: (Sample)...................................................................................................48 Appendix F: (Sample) Letter of Inquiry/Cover ..................................................................49 Appendix G: (Sample) Executive Summary .....................................................................50 Appendix H: (Sample) Budget..........................................................................................52

Researching Foundations and Writing Grant Proposals



Philanthropic giving in the United States is one of America's largest industries, in 2010 totaling $290.89 billion, with a large percentage by individuals--combined as outright gifts or through bequests.

Individuals and bequests led the way with 81 percent of all charitable contributions. Gifts from foundations represent 14 percent of all charitable giving, and corporate gifts account for approximately 5 percent of this total.

As our Scouting programs grow, so does the need for funds to support council budgets and capital campaigns. However, the competition for these charitable dollars is also growing. This competition has caused local councils to look at less-traditional sources of revenue to meet their financial needs. The majority of gifts come from individuals, so the majority of your time and effort in raising funds should focus on them--"friend-raising." However, foundation support and corporate giving programs are potentially valuable funding sources that councils should explore for potential new income.

Although foundations and corporations contribute less than 18 percent of the total charitable dollars in the United States, local councils receive less than 5 percent of their revenues from these sources.


This "How-to Guide for Researching Foundations and Writing Grant Proposals" will help councils get started in the field of grant writing, and also will provide resources and ideas for councils looking to expand their current foundation efforts. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned Certified Fundraising Executive, there is something here for you.

This guide will help councils get a better understanding of the various types of foundations, how they operate, how they should be contacted, and where they are located. Next, the focus is on how to conduct research and "match" your project with the interests of a foundation. Once you have a match, plan the contents of the proposal, establish the proper proposal format, and focus on how to put your thoughts into writing.

As with most projects, the most difficult part of grant writing is getting those first few words on paper. To help you start, check out some sample prewritten generic templates and proposals that are available at the Finance Impact Department website, accessible through financeimpact.

Researching Foundations and Writing Grant Proposals


There are also many other directories, books, and Internet resources that can be extremely useful in your grant writing program. State, regional, and national foundation directories are available at your local library--or, for a minimal purchase online or from the Foundation Center at . (These resources are discussed later in this manual).

The Grantsmanship Center is also an excellent resource and has a number of sample proposals, but fees apply ().

We wish you the best of luck as you enter or move more deeply into this challenging but rewarding source for funding Scouting's future.

Researching Foundations and Writing Grant Proposals



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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