AP Psychology - Unit 9 Assignment


Big Question: Which theory of personality best describes who we are?

Personality Objectives:

• After you have read the chapters and taken notes, you should be able to do the following:

• Describe Freud’s view of personality structure

• Outline and describe Freud’s psychosexual stages of personality development

• Explain how defense mechanisms operate

• Discuss the major ideas of the neo-Freudians and today’s psychodynamic issues

• Explain how projective tests are used to assess personality and describe research findings regarding their validity and reliability

• Discuss trait theories of personality

• Identify the Big Five personality factors

• Discuss the basic ideas of Maslow and Rogers

• Evaluate the humanistic perspective

• Describe the social-cognitive perspective and define reciprocal determinism

Personality Overview

Personality refers to each individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. The Personality chapter examines four perspectives on personality. Psychoanalytic theory emphasizes the unconscious and irrational aspects of personality. The social-cognitive perspective emphasizes the effects of our interactions with the environment. Humanistic theory draws attention to the concept of self and to human potential for healthy growth. Trait theory led to advances in techniques for evaluating and describing personality. The text first describes and then evaluates the contributions and shortcomings of each perspective. In addition, within each section is a brief description of some of the techniques used by the perspective in analyzing personality.

Unit 9 Reading Assignment(s)

Find your textbook listed below and read the pages listed; there may be a pop quiz that follows the reading. You are responsible for it!

• Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior, (Passer): Chapter 9 (442-483)

• Exploring Psychology, (Myers): Module 33-34 (477-508)

• Due Date: These assignments will be due the day of your Unit 9 Test.

Unit 9 Vocabulary Terms & Flip Book

Psychology is a term heavy course; you are responsible for the terms below. You will have a vocabulary quiz every other unit. For the quiz I will pull terms from the Unit vocabulary lists.

Unit 9 Flip Book: Each term should be on its own card. Each card will have the term thoroughly and clearly defined on the back. Each card will be taped into a manila folder, numbered, and turned in the day of the unit test.


2. Personality

1. Psychoanalytic Theory

2. Humanistic Approach

3. Free Association

4. Psychoanalysis

5. Unconscious

6. Id

7. Ego

8. Superego

9. Oedipus Complex

10. Fixation

11. Defense Mechanisms

12. Repression

13. Regression

14. Reaction Formation

15. Projection

16. Rationalization

17. Displacement

18. Sublimation

19. Denial

20. Collective Unconsciousness

21. Projective Test

22. Thematic Apperception Test

23. Rorschach Inkblot test

24. False Consensus Effect

25. Self-Actualization

26. Unconditional Positive


27. Self-Concept

28. Trait -

29. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

30. Personality Inventory

31. Minnesota Multiphasic

Personality Inventory

32. Empirically Derived Test

33. Social-Cognitive Perspective

34. Reciprocal Determinism

35. Big 5

36. External Locus of Control

37. Internal Locus of Control

Part II - AP Questions

Directions: Thoroughly answer the following questions. All answers must be handwritten in complete sentences and in your own words.

1. Jaleel is walking along the beach when he notices something sticking out of the sand. As he investigates, he is delighted to discover that it’s a buried treasure! He opens up the chest to find one million dollars in gold. There’s also a note that reads, “Dear Christopher: Enclosed is my life savings. I hope it is enough to help treat your disease. Love, Grandpa”. How would Jaleel’s id, ego, and superego respond in this situation?

2. What is the correct order of Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development? Do you think this theory is valid? Explain your answer.

3. Brad was dating Jennifer for over a decade. One day, a beautiful girl named Angelina shows up and Brad begins dating her instead. Jennifer is devastated. Pick three (3) defense mechanisms of your choice to demonstrate how Jennifer might cope with the situation.

4. Do you have an internal locus of control or an external locus of control? What makes you believe this?

5. Of the four main personality theories (psychoanalytic, humanistic, social-cognitive, trait), which do you think best describes personality and why?

Part III – Student Choice

Choice A: Personal Connection/Impact

Type a brief description concerning an experience, memory, story, event, etc. that connects to key concepts associated with the unit. Relevant vocabulary must be properly utilized throughout and responses must connect in a coherent and logical manner.

The purpose of this assignment is to build personal connections with course content to your own lives. By doing so, content becomes more meaningful and retention becomes easier.

Responses must at least one full page, typed, double-spaced, with 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Reasonable margins and paragraph spacing must be used.


Choice B: Concept Map

Create a Unit Concept Map using the following categories:

• Psychoanalytic Theory

• Humanism Theory

• Trait Theory

• Social-Cognitive Theory

• Big 5


-Must be hand drawn on one 8.5” x 11” sheet of paper

-ALL essential vocabulary for each concept must be appropriately located/placed


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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